THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM. OREGON, FRIDAY, JULY 21, 1916. NINE AN INSURANCE AGAINST SUDDEN DEATH For Sufferers From Backache. Rheumatism and Kidney Trouble Before an Insurance company will , take i risk on your lit'e the examin ing, phvaieian will test the urine an'l report whether you are a good risk. When your kidneys get sluggish and clog, you suffer from backache, sick headache, ilipy spells, or the twinges and pains of lumbago, rheumatism and gout. The urine is often cloudy, full of sediment; channels often get sore and sleep is disturbed two or three times a night. This is the time you should consult some physician of wide experience such .is Dr. Pierce of the Invadids' Hotel and Surgical Institute. Buffalo, X. V. Send 10c for lurge trial package of "Anuric." Write your symptoms and send a sample of urine for test. Experience has taught Pr. Pierce that "Anuric" is a most powerful agent in dissolving uric acid, Bank of England Raises Rate . New York, July The most sig nificant event of the week was the rise of the Bank of Kngland rate from i to 6 per cent. This is the first ad vance since August, 1 1 14, and was ev idently intended as a protective meas ure against the possibility of higher interest rates and adverse sterling ex ehnnge in New York. Next in im portance came the announcement of a new $100,000,000 Frencti loan on a S'j. per cent basis. Reserves of the New York banks de clined from over $200,000,000 since last autumn to about $.'15,000,000 Inst week; the lowest total siuce the new bank ing system was inaugurated. This week the banks gained considerably through receipts' from the interest, the federal reserve aperations and sub treasury payments. In view of the many prospective demands upou Amer ies'i banking resources the mouev mar ket is in an interesting situation. The usual croji demands will soon assert themselves, but will be easily cared tor ami are of minor importance compar ed with other imminent demands. War has made New York the lending open money market of the world. It is the only market where mil nationalities eau freely come. Hence the belliger ents, and especially the allies, have done a considerable proportion of their financing here. The pluciug of huge munition orders in this country has also contributed enormously to the fi nancial prestige of Xew York. At this center the fiscal arrangements of the ullies were usually made and carried out; from this port the buik of Ameri can exports were shipped, and in this market the credits, loans and bond is sues connected with the war were nec essarily made. Hither came the im niene quantities of gold und securinies Pent to help 'peymeuts for munitions, and here further big transactions of the same sort will be consummated "af 'least as lung as the war continues. The expected French loan has already been announced. Another British loan possibly in the form or short term notes, is almost inevitable; while lius ttiit, China, Canada nil .1 Argentine are all knocking at our bank doors for fi nancial aid which will very likely be rendered. Big demands are evidently pressing upon our banking resources, which are fortunately pmple. Yet the difficulties nre sufficient to call tor nkillful handling on pact of our finun eiers; for our banking institutions hae frequently all the loans outstanding upon foreign owned Americau collateral that they desire. In the last few weeks about $100,000, 00(1 in Americau securities and $150, 1100,000 gold have -lief n imported in payment for munitions and to assist in keeping down interest rates, which if materially higher would operate ad versely upon sterling exchange and render British operations still more costlv. At this juncture come in the operations of the I'nited Sta'tes treas ury which is .just now enjoying unusu ally large revenues; its receipts in June being over $100,000,000 or $10, 000,0011 in excess of lust year. During the same month receipts exceeded dis bursements by 10:1,000,000 a very sat istactory condition from some points of view. Hut passage in the house of the new bill intended to Increase pub lic revenue about $200,000,000 to meet preparedness plans makes it appear that excessive taxation and excessive revenue are paving tho way for a new era of national extravagance. Still an other new question affecting the mon ey market has been introduced by nc tion of the treasury in depositing its funds with the federal reserve banks, instead of with national banks which were obliged to furnish collateral for diieli deposits. T'ae government has recently transferred large sums from the national banks to the fedcrul re serve banks and this has had consider able to d" with the shrinkage ill re wrves at this center. tlur foreign trade has surpassed the most optimistic expectations, the total for the fiscal year ending .lime being Mysterious Pains and Aches Slake Life Hard to Bear For Man7 Salem Women. . Too many women mistake their pains and aches for troubles peculiar to the tei. More often disordered kidneys are causing the aching back, dizzy spells, headaches and irregular urination. Kidney weakness becomes dangerous if neglected. I'se a time-tried kidney remedy Donne' Kidney Pills. Hosts of people testify to their merit. Read a Hnlem ca-se: Mrs. I.. M. Drager. POP- f. Thirteenth Bt., Salem, says: "I can conscientious ly say that-Doau's Kidney Pills are a very reliable medicine for kidney dis orders. I have taken them on several occasions, when I have had a dull, tired feeling across my kidneys and when they haven't been acting regularly and they have never failed to give me quirk relief. It is only once in a great while now that I have to resort to a kidney , medicine." Price 50c, at all dealers. Don 't simp ly ask for a kidney remedy get Doan's Kidney Pills the same that Mr. Drager had. Foster-Milburu Co.. and is endowed with other properties, for it preserves the kidneys in a I healthy condition by thoroughly cleans ! ing them, being so many times more .active than lithia, "Amine" clears the blood and filters out those depos its of lime-salts which cause so much 'pain, and prevents dropsical. conditions such as swollen hands or feet and the bag-like appearance under the eyes. "Anuric"' is a regular insurance and , life-saver for all big meat eaters and 'those who deposit lime-salts in their , .joints. Ask the druggist for "Anuric" put up by Dr. Pierce, in 50-cent pack ages, or send $1.00 to Dr. Tierce for . full treatment bv mail. Dr. Pierced Plensnnt Pellets for the liver and bowels have been favorably known for nearly 50 vears. to Six Per Cent $(1,000,000,000. This is much the larg est total on record, a ad must be chief ly attributed to the war. Kxports a mounting to $4..145,000,000 and imports $2,180,000,000, leaving an excess in ex ports of $2,105,000,000. The principal articles of exports were steel products, 018 millions, nearly treble last year; explosives, 47,1 millions, a tenfold gain cotton, :"0 millions; breadstuff's, 814 millious; inents 270 miliolns; brass, 120 millions; nutos, 12a millious; chemic als, 12:i millions, and horses, 73 mil lions. In imports the principal amounts were fibers, 131 millions; copper, 52 millions; wood manufacturers, 51 mil lions; tin, 4S millions, and cotton man ufacturers, 42 millions. These are mar vellous results, and decided reactions may follow the arrival of peace. Of course the impaired buying power of Europe will act adversely upon arti cles of export; but it must be remem bered that the bulk of our exports are made up of necessities such as food products, cotton, petroleum, etc. The demand for many of these products in cluding our steel manufactures, will actually incrense when reconstruction begins in Europe; and the first and probably only things which the bellig erents will refuse to buy anywhere will be luxuries, which constitute a very small portion of our exports. Before Kiirope buys from us with any free dom she must be prepared to send us merchandise instead of securities, or gold which we do not need, and which ive are simply taking because of the inducements they offer. Very little real change can be de tected in the financiul situation, for better or for worse. The war drift ts peaceward. the increased intensity of hostilities hastening the end. Mexican affairs have settled down into a state of quietude, which may be permanent; if t'ue conciliatory spirit on both sides proves sincere and stable. The domes tic political campaign has not yet started, and the real drive will not be gin until both candidates have for mally announced their acceptances and policies. ('. cueni 1 business is fairly active but summe'r quiet is spreading. Some improvement is reported iu the crop situation as a result of the warm spell. The corn crop was estimated by the government report at 2.8(10,000,000 bushels before the recent rise in tem perature, or only 180,000,0110 below last year; ami the wheat crop at 759,000, Olio or 252,0(10.000 bushels less t'nan last year. But 73.000,000 bushels o" wheat are left in farmers ' hands from inst year, and it must not be over looked that last year's crop of wheat was phenomenal and corn exceeded the record. Bank clearings ami railroad earnings prove by their large gains the sustained increase of business activity. Such figures are of course affected by high prices; though Me upward tend ency in many commodities has been stopped, and not a few articles have declined with indications of further weakness coming. There is o confi dent spirit among business men iu gen eral, based upon a sound development of the country's resources, and no longer upon the war which seems to have spent its extreme influence.' upbn American business nffnirs. In future the war will be a factor chiefly in the approach of peace, which ia some cases will naturally require .radical ndjust meut of output and prices to the new basis. This process lias already begun, transactions on the stock exchange were moderate iu proportions. Liqui dation iu the industrials continued, es pecially in munition, copper and anto shares which have hud an exaggerated rise nml subsequent fall. Itailroad shares held their own well, justifying the advice to discriminate in then favor. For the time being the stock market must be considered influenced by the monetary outlook, and the pros pect of large foreign loan issues which absorb considerable of the current in vestment enpacitv. On the other hand it should be borne in mind that the issue of those collateral' loans will withdraw large amounts of high grade investments that otherwise would be pressing on the market. This prevents liouidntion that ordinarily would ac company new wnr loans. The market for foreign securities on this side is making a remarkably satisfactory growth, and promises to be a perma nent departure; besides' being positive proof of our expanding interest in for eign affairs. TIEXRY CLEWS, Murdock Would Have Whole Coast Fortified Portland. Or., July 20. Congress should be- "goaded" into 'fortifying the Pacific coast from Canada to Mex ico, according to the belief of Victor Murdock. progressive leader who is in Portland today. Addressing the Ad flub. Murdock declared he was still a progressive and intended to continue as such, but that almost every standpatter lie met ire tended also to be progressive. He pre dicted a great awakening of Orient 'il trade after the war when, he said Japan and China would be the ne ft E Salem Can Ship Carload of Juice Every Day for Year to Come The loganberry juice now being put up by the two concerns in Salem will, when manufactured aad shipped, amount to one carload for every day of next year, including Sundays. If the loganberry juice now beiiijt pressed in Salem is successfully sold, and there is every reason to believe that it will be, it will bring into Salem $1,000,000 in new money. - A conservative estimri-t as to the value of this year's crop of loganber ries to the growers in the vallev pluces the figure at 6180,000. Of this sum $i0, 000 will be paid to pickers. The loganberry begins to show symp toms of fulfilling the destiny mapped nut for it by several ardent enthusiasts of Salem a number of years ago. Just at present it is the biggest thing in sight, and an ordinarily reasonable per son cannot driff around town for long before he becomes convinced that the proposition is actually a big one. Ia fact it is not unfair in the least to presume that the first of the agents which are to lift Salem and the WJ lamette valley out of the business dumps from which they have been suf: fering during the past year or two has arrived. Money in Old Sugar BowL Every night this region sees a logan berry sunset and every morning a logan berry sunrise, and a good many people are inclined to consider such gloamings and dawnings as the most beautiful of spectacles. The man who drifts out through the country, which at this time is covered with loganberry fields black with pick ers, and passes the time of day with the rancher or the rancher's wife, has a sur prise in store for himself, more particu larly if he has been over the same ter ritory at other times duriug the past few years. There are smiles now where before were loug glum faces. It is marvelous, the change that a bit of change in the pocket or in the old sugar bowl, makes in the average individual. Incidental ly it may be said that too much change is depressing, but this fact has little bearing on the case as it exists at pres ent. Later it may have. Orders Can't Be Filled. For the first time in ninny months there is a steady, profitable market for loganberries, and the several institu tions where juice is being squeezed from the luscious fruit are the busiest places in town. Both plants the Pheasant Fruit Juice company on High street and the Northwestern Fruit Products company on South Commercial street arc run ning night and day, and this is also the case with the plant nt Woodburn, opernted by the first named company. At the Pheasant plant 102 men nre on the roll, and 20 at the Woodburn plun This concern turns out "Phez," the drink which was given so much public ity nt the republican national conven tion in June, and is now being featured at the national prohibition conventioli. A enrload of "Prez" was shipped yes terday to New York, and a car is being loaded today for Fargo. North Dakota. At the Northwestern Fruit company' office nobody has time to give on figures except in approximate terms, but the amount of berries daily being turned into "I.oju" is n mutter o, tons. More orders nre reported thnn can be filled miming day and night for 00 duvs. Orator On the surface things are of ten right, but it is when we explore the depths of things that we see the decep tions of our fellow creatures. One of the" Crowd Uuv'nor, you've been buying a barrel of apples, haven't you? : THE MARKETS I The following prices for fruits aad vegetables are those asked by the wholesaler of the retailer, tnd not what is paid to the producer. All other prices are those paid the producer. Corrections are made daily. After holding at one price for two months, eggs have advanced this morn; ing and are now quoted ut 21 cents rash and 22 1-2 cents iu trade. Now that the summer season is with us, lemons are advancing, so much so that when the present supply of the commission houses is exhausted, a radical advance will be made ou the next car lots arriving. Old potatoes are out of the market. mams. Wheat .. 80c ... 40c $35.00 Oats Rolled barley Corn Cracked corn Bran Shorts, per ton Alfalfa, California, ton ... $39.00 , : . . $40.00 ... $27.00 $30.00 ....$20.00 Batter. Butterfat Creamery batter, per pound .... 26c 29c country butter . . 20c22e Eggs and Poultry. Egg, case count, cash 21c Eggs, trade : 22 l-JS Hens, pound .'. 1313 l-2c Boosters, old, per pound 8e Broiler,!, nnder 2 pounds 16c Fork, Veal and Mutton. Veal, dressed 9(7? 10 1 -2c Pork, dressed 10(a 10 l-2c Pork, on foot 7 1-2(J;8 l-2c Spring lambs, 1916 ICal l-2c Steers 5(5 6 l-2e Cows 7 4(5 5c Bulls 3(5.3 12c Ewes 4(a4 l-2c Wethers 6c Vegetables. - - Tomatoes, California $1.00 Cabbage ........... i 40c Cucumbers . . . . ; . . -40(g 75c String garlie ' ' 15c Potatoes, new 1 1-2(S1 2-4c Beets 40c Radishes 40 Green onions ..' 40t Green peppers 10c Carrots, dozen 40c Onions, California $3.50 Beans, green and waxed , tic Onions, Walla Walla, crate $1.85 Fruits. Watermelons .... :.. $2.00 Peaches ".-......J... 50(S75c Oranges, Valencies .... $4.00 Lemons, per box. . $5.50(5)6.00 Cantaloupes $3.00(53.50 Bananas, ponnd. 5c California grape, fruit ...... ... ... . $2.50 Florida grape fruit $.00 Pineapples 8c Honey $3.50 California plums $1.50 Apricots $1.75 Retail Prices. Eggs, per dozen, fresh ranch ....... 25c Sugar, eane $8.75 Sugar, beet $8.55 Creamery butter 35c Flour, hard wheat $ Flour, valley $1.25 PORTLAND MARKET , Portland, Ore., Julv 21. Wheat: Club, 92c. Bluestem, $1.02. Fortyfold, 93c. Red Russian, 91c.-; Onts: No. 1 white feed, $26.50. Barley: Feed, $28.00. Hogs: Best live. $0.00(T( 9.05. Prime steers, $8.00, Faucy cows, $6.50. Calves, $7.50. Spring lambs, $8.25. Butter: City creamery, 20c. Country butter, 27c. Eggs: Selected local ex.. 27c. Hens, 14 l-2c. Broilers, 16(5 18c. , Geese, 10(5 lie. Copper, 28" l-2c, Battle Half Hour with Nine-Foot Shark San Francisco, July 20. A terrific half hour battle in San Francisco bay with a nine foot shark, in which the big fish was killed and its carcass broiigh ashore, was reported today by Bertram Upton and two companions. The fish was encountered late yes terday off Angel Island, while the men were fishing for rock cod. Upton's line received a strong pull, and a moment later tlia shark came to the surface. The men attack it with knives and oars and the shark resisted fiercely, almost upsetting the boat several times. Filially the giant fish was dragged ashore and killed with bowlders. It weighed 300 pounds, Upton estimntes. STROUD WILL NOT HANG Washington, July 20. Robert Stroud will not be hanged tomorrow at Fort Leavenworth, Kan. The justice depart ment toilay announced that Stroud, sen tenced to death for the murder of a prison guard, has perfected his appeal for a re-trial and that a stay of execu tion is 'automatically granted. ' J NEW TODAY I - CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING SATES Bate per word New Today: Each insertion, per word It One week (6 insertions), per word. ...5c One month (26 insertions) per word 17c The Capital Journal will, not be re iponsible for more than one insertion for errors in Classified Advertisements. Read your advertisement the first day It appears and notify us immediately if it contains an error. Minimum charge, 15c. PHONE -937 For wood saw. tf HARRY Window, washer. Phone 768. Aug3 RUBBER Stamps' made 165 S. Com'l tf DRKKSM,AKiX(i And pluin sewing uy the diiy. runne o.i. ,iulv22 CYCLE CAR FOR SALE At a bar gain is taken ut once. Phone 1022, ' july22 FOR RENT Close in house and mir age, furniture for sale. 14s Union St. jul.v22 LOST In South Salem, small sack containing silver and keys. Return to this office, Reward. july22 FOR SALE Or 'trade -for house and lots in town, 15 acre farm close in, all in cultivation. Phone Hi02.-R. jl22 FOR HALE First class young Jersey cow anil heifer calf 3 weeks old, ab solutely gentle. Phone 425 evenings. iulv24 FOR, SALE Fresh .cow and team di' horses, weight about l.MMi, also want elderly man to do garden work, reus enable wages. I'honc. 84F2. july2: MOTORCYCLE - FOR SALE Hurley. Ilavidson twin, two speed, model 1914, tandem seat, presto light. In gooil condition. Phone 979. july2l FOR SALE Or trade, one thorough bred Jersey bull, registered, 2 yr. old; also some shouts tor sale or will trade for wood or hav. phone 87F24. july22 DO YOU Want to go to Seattle? We have a. live man that wants to exchange property in .Seattle for a small acreage close in or surburban home with several lots for a beauti ful home and a small income busi ness propertrrlose to Ballard sta tion in the heart of Seattle, this is a splendid chance for a merchant mechanic or retired capitalist, flur ry up. we are going to do this quick. Xooms 14 Kreymait huildiiiK over Stockton's store, Ujo. li. Jacobs. july2l SALEM Chimnev sweep. Phone 19. july21 FOR SALE-T-Dump box for sale $20. Phone -263. ' july21 WANTED Men to unload wood. Phone 520. july22 FRONT APARTMENTS Ground floor 491 N. Cottage. FOR RENT SIGNS For sale at Cap ital Journal office. tf FOR SALE Or trade for wood, gaso line engine. Phone 451. tf TOR SALE Large young team. Mrs. i nomas, .uarion, uregon. augi WANTED One hundred cords second growth fir. Price Shoe Co. july25 SIX CHIROPRACTIC Adjustments $5, worth more. Dr. May, Hubbard bldg. ' julySl FURNISHED Rooms and housekeep ing apartments, rates reasonable, close in, 160 Court. tf FOR SALE Two very fine Scotch collies, male and female, one year old. 2396 Church St tf FOR SALE 2 acres in fruit, 10 room modern house. Must sell because of sickness. Phone 1344. july21 FOB BENT ADS under this heading lc a word. Bead for profit; use for results. FOR SALE 115 hop sacks, wire and furnace, one good hop baler $35, all at a bargain. Phone 14F3. july21 FOB SALE 3V4 half truck Studabak er wagon. Will trade' for heavier wagon, cordwood or Btumpage. 2786 Lee. Phone 1322-J. tf FOB SALE By owner one of the pret tiest bungalows in Salem, just com pleted, modern, price below cost, terms. 1255 N. Cottage St. tf FARM FOR SALE By owner; cheap, 162'i) acres oa Lake Labish, 4 V-i miles north of Salem. Will sell all or iu tracts. Phone 634-J. tf FOR SALE Team, wagon and harness 8 acres in crop, leased till November 1st. Will take some trade. Address 19S6 Chemeketa St., Salem. july21 FOR SALE Two good young Jersey cows, milking good now, will freshen this fall, sell cheap or trade for fat cows. First St. east 2nd house, north Asylum. julj-21 FOR BENT Furnished or unfurnish ed sleeping rooms. Office rooms and housekeeping rooms, reasonable rates W. H. Morris, Rec. Hubbard Bldg. Room 304. U CAPITAL EXCHANGE Phone 493. 337 Court St. From $2 to .$6 paid for 2d hand mens suits. We buy, trade and sell jewelry, musical instruments tools and guns. . augll STRAYED One red yearling Jersey heifer and one two year old vellow Jersey heifer, both dehorned. Phone 36F14. J. P. Minieh, Rt. 3. Owner may have stock by paying costs. jl21 HELP. WANTED Civil service exam inations in Sulem soon; government clerkships, post office, mail carrier, railway mail, internal revenue. We prepnre you and guarantee passing grade. Complete course $i.00 un der former civil service examiner. V. 8. School of Civil Service, Kenois Bldg., Washington, D. C. julySl LODGE DIBECTOBT a. O. D. W. Protection r.ndgs. No. 2, Meets ererjr Monday evening at 8 In the UeCornack hull, corner Court and Liberty streets, II. O. Donaldson, 11. W. ; 8. A, McKadden, recorder ; A. L. Brown, onancler. SAI.EM LODGE No. 4, A. F. & A. M Stated coiuaiiinlcntlous first Friday In (at-ti month ut 7 ::n p. m. In the Masonic Temple, (.'lias. McL'arter, W. M. ; S. Z, Culver, secretary. IALEM HUMANE SOCIETY D. D. Keeler, president; Mrs. l.on Tlllaon, secretary. All cases of cruelty or neglect of dumb ani mals should he reported to the secretary for Investigation. CENTRAL I.OIKiE, No. 18, K. of P. Mc Oornack building. Tuesday evening of each week at 7 :30. J. O. Heltzel, C. C. : W. B. Gllion, K. of It. and 8. EL N. OP A. "Oregon Grape Camp," No. 1860, meets every Tburmluy evening Id McCornack building. Court and Liberty streets ; elevator. ' Mrs. Kylvla Bcbiupp, - 1791 Market, oracle; Mrs. Melissa 1'er sons', recorder, 12VH North Commercial. Phone 1430-M. UODERN WOODMEN OF AMERICA Ore- fta Cedar Camp, No, B'-MH, meet every buraday evening at 8 o'clock la Mc Cornsck hall, corner Court and Liberty treeta. Elevator twrvlce. Geo. Itelnobl, V. C. ; J. A. Wright, clerk. CHADWICK CIIAl'TER, No. 87, O. E. H. Regular meeting svery first and third . .Tuesday it 8 p. m. In the Masonic Tem ple. Minnie Moeller, W. 11. ; Ida M. Babcock, secretary. WOODMEN OP THE WORLD Meet every Friday nlnlit at 8 o'clock In McCornack block, O. W. His-ous, C. C.j L. S. Goer clerk, 007 Court street. I'bae S93. OB MOLAf COMMANDERS. No. 6, EC. T. Regular concltivo fourth Friday In each , month at 8 o'clock p m., In Mnsonlc Ten pie. Hojourning Hlr Knights are courte ously Invited to meet with .(is , Lot L. . Ptarcs, IS. C, i'rauk Turner, recorder. UNITED ARTISANS Capital Assembly, No.- 84. meets every Wednesday at 8 p. m. In Mome hall. C. O. Matlock, M. A. ; C. Z. Randall, secretary, Halem Bank of Commerce. HODSON COrNlHL, No. 1, B. A 8. M 8tsted asaembly flrat Monday In each month. Masonic Temple. N. P. Ilaarana sen, Thrice Illustrious Master; Olenn C. Mies, recorder. IALEM COUNCIL NO. 2622 Knights anil Ladles of Security Meets every 2nd and 4tn Wednesday each month at Hurst Hall. Visiting members are luvlted to attend. B. IT. Walton, financier, 480 8. 14tn St. PACIFIC LODGE No. fiO, A. F. A. M. 'Btated communications third Friday la each month at 7 30 p. m. In the Masonic Temple. Hal V. Bolam, W. M. ; Rrneat H. rhoste. secretary. DENTISTS. DB. O. A. OLSON, Dentist Adminis ters nitroui ozid and oxygen gas. Boom 214. Masontc Temple. Phone THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL Classified Business -Telephone Directory A Quick, handy reference for busy people EVERYTHING Salem Elestris Co., MaaonU Temple, 127 North High .i. Halm lHt PLUMBING, STEAM TITTING AND TINNING 7. U. Barr, 164 South Commercial street Hala 1M TBANSrEB AND DBATAGB Salem. Truck & Dray Co, corner Stat aao Croat street lfala 74 Dry Zensal Moist Zensal TRAVELERS' GUIDE SOUTHERN PACIFIC. NORTH SOUND No. 16 Oregon Express ..... 6:00a. nv No. '.'4 Eugene Limited . . .. .3 :02 p. m. No. 28 Willamette Limited... 9:22a.m. No. -12 Hbanta Limited , . . . , .11 :65 a. m. No. ' 18 Portland Paiwenger ... 1 :2T p. m. No. 20 Portland Passenger. . . 5 :00 p. m. No. 14 Portland Biprexa 8:04 p.m. No. 222 Portland fast Freight 10 :80 p. m. No. 220 Local war Freight. .. .10 :35 a. m. SOUTH BOUND No. IS California Express.... 8:32a.m. No. 17 Roseburg Passenger ..11:20a.m. Ne. 2.1 Eugene Limited 10:01a.m. No. 19 Cottage Grove Pass. . ,4:16p. ai. Makes connection with No. 74 Gear branch. No. M Shasta Limited 0:43 p.m. No. 27 Willamette Limited. .. 6:1(1 p.m. No. 13 Ran Francisco Express 10 :3'0 p. m. No. 221 San Francisco Fast FreJitht 12:01a.m. No. 223 Local way Freight. . .11 :40 a. m. Saijdu Geeb Liss. No. 73 Arrives at Halem 9:15 a.m. Io. 76 Leaves Salem 0 :B0 a. m. No. 73 Ar. Halem (mixed) 8 :O0 p. m. No. 74 Leave Halem 4:20 p.m. No connection south t Geer. Salsm, Falls Citt and Wbstbbm, No. 161 Lv. Salem, motor 7:00 No. 1U3 I.v Salem, motor 9 :45 a. m. a. m. No. 1U5 Lv. Sulem (or Monmouth and Alrlle 11 :10 No. 167 Lv. Salem, motsr .... 4 :00 No. 160 Lv. Salem, motor 8:18 No. 2.TO Way Fr't lv. Salem.... 5:00 No. 1112 Ar. Salem 8:40 No. 164 Ar. Salem 11:10' No. 1416 Ar. Balem 8:15 No. 168 Ar. Salem :00 No. 170 Ar. Salem T :48 No. 240 Way Fr't ar. Salem... 1:35 p. m. p. m. WILLAMETTE RIVER BOTJTB Oregon Cltv Transportation Company Leave Portland for Oregon City, nutteyllla Newherg. Mission (St. Paul), Wheatland, Salem (daily except Sunday) . .8 :45 a. av Leave Portland for Independence. Albany CorvallH, (Tues., Thurs., Sat ) . Q :4D a. at Returning T.eava Corvallls 8 a. m. Mon., Wed., rv. Albany .7 a. m. Mon., ea., r ri Independence 9 a., m Mon., Wed., Fri ,. i in - m Mnn . Wild.. Fn. Salem 8 a. m. Tues., Thurs., Sat 8CAVANOEE SALEM SCAVENGER Charles Soos. proprietor. Garbage and refuse of all kinds removed on monthly contracts at reasonable rates. Yard and cess pools cleaned. Office phom. Main 8247. Resiflpn'e v .. 2272. OSTEOPATH 1KS. B. n. WHITE and R. W. WAL TON Osteopathic physicians 'nil nerve specialists. Graduates of Amer ican school of Osteopathy, Kirksville Mo. Post graduate aad specialized i: nerve disenes it Los Antfelej collie. Treat acute and chronic diseases. Consultation free. Lady attendant. Office O05-500 U. S. National Bank Building. Phone 651). Residence 340 North ( u,iital street. Phone 460. MISCELLANEOUS REDUCED FREIGHT BATES To and from all points east, on all household goods, piaaos, etc. Consolidated car loid service. Capital City Transfer Company, agents for Pacific Coast Forwarding company, 181 South Com mercial street. Phone Main 933. FOB SALE HOP BASKETS Horley's Pt. braced style. Depot AmeriiMin Fence. Door anil Window Screens. Paints, Oil and Varnish. Stoves repaired and sold. R. B. Fleming, 230 Court. FOR SALE L'6 acres of good valley laud, rountx road, close to stations good building, 0 acres in crop all good; 14 head cattle including 10 cows, hogs, poultry, with all equip ment. Price 100 per acre, terms reasonable. Square Deal Realty Co., 202 I'. S. Hank bldg. MONEY TO LOAN ON Good Real Estate Bee amy. THOS. K. TOED Over Ltdd a; Bush Bank, Salem. Oregon MONEY TO LOAN I have made ar-, rangements for loaning eastern money, will make very low rate of interest on highly improved' iarmt. Homer 11. Smith, room 5 McCornack Bldg, Salem, Ore. '""ne 90. All the home news while you are awav. Phone 81. ELECTRICAL The fact that Zensal is made to reach the two distinct types of Eczema should ap peal to all skin sufferers. Tetter, salt rheum and dry eczema should be treated with Dry Zensal. For weep ing skin' use Moist Zensal. 50c aiar at CENTRAL PHARMACY vtttTvtv C- I OREGON ELECTRIC EAILWAT CO. ROBTH BOUND Train No. .... 3 Owl ... Lv. Balem - 4 :35 a. m. . 7:15 a. m. . 9 :45 a. m. , 11 :20 a. m. . 1 :50 p. m. 4 :00 p. m. , 5 :.'iO p. m. 7 :GS p. m. Ar. Portland . . 8 :55 a. as. .. 9 :23 a. a. ..11 :35 a. a. .10 Limited .... 12 .... 11 :35 p. m. .... 14 4 :00 a I . 18 Limited ... 0 :50 p. ta. 20 7:40 p.m. .... 22 10:00p.m. south bound Portland to Balbk , . Lv. Portland. 6 :30 a. m. Sulem 8 :35 Eugene 10 :55 a. SB. 8 :HO a. C Limited 10 :11a. i 10:45 a. m. 7 . IS Limited . .... 17 Local . 19 .... ....21 Owl ... NOBTH BOOXD t 20 .... .. .12 :55 p. m. ... 4:15 p.n. ... 8:40 p. as. ... 8:10 p. as, ...11 :20 p.m. .. 1:65 p. aw Ar. Bslsa ....5 :30 p. m. Ar. Baleai ... 9:45 a. a. 2 :05 p. m. . 4 :40 p. m. . , 6:05 p. m. . 0 :2D p. m. . 11 :43 p. m. . Lv. Cervallls 4 :10 p. m. . Lv. Eugene. 7 :35 a. m. . . 1 :S5 p. in. . 5 :25 p. m. . , 12 :05 p. oi. . , Lv. Salem 1 :.'." a. m. . 10:15 a. m. ., Lv. Salem 12 :55 p. m. . Lv. Salem. 4 :15 p. in. , . . 10 Limited ,..10 Limited... 4 :00 p. m. T :B5 p. st, 4 :35 a. m. 22 .... . . . . 2 Owl . . BOUTH BOUND Ar. BngeM . 6 :50 a. m. ,13:25 p.m. Ar. Alomar , . 21 Owl D Limited 1 :50 p. m. Stops at Corvaill Ar. -Aloaai 5 :10 p. bl Ar. Albany ID 7 :33 u. m. Ar. Bugeas . . 8 rSO p. aw a Lv. Raleai 0:45 p. m. 13 C0RVALLI3 CONNECTION wnBTn antTNtv Lv. Corvallls 8 :25 a. m. . 12:12 p. m. 2:41 p. m. 4 :lo p. m. 8 :18 p. m. Lv. Balem 10:15 a. m. 4 :ir p. m. 12 :55 p. m. . 8 :40 p. m. . Ar. Baleai 10 :43 a. at, 14 1:45 p.m. 16 .... 20 .... 22 BOOTH BOUND . . . 4 :00 p. m. ,,. 5 :30 p. m. ,.. 7 'M p. Bt Ar. Corvaill ...11 :33 s. sr. , . . 5 :.18 p. m. ... 3:20p.m. . . . 8 :00 p. at. . 7 13 OHnt0raACT10-BT0LOOI8T DR. 0. L. SCOTT Graduate of Chiro- fractic's Fountain Held, Davenport, owa. If you have tried everything and got no relief, try Chiroprac tic spinal adjustments and get weU. Office 406-V-8 U. S. National Bank Building. Phone Main 87. Residence Main 828-R. THtEAPaTJTICS WELT31ER SYSTBM Of suggestive Therapeutic practiced by Dr. W. T. Tompuins, 8. T. Most powerful, nat uril and successful treatment knovm to seionce for the relief and care of headache, stomach, liver and kidney trouble; rhoumatism, constipation, infantile paralysis aad all female complaints, heart, lung and throat troubles; all diseases of the eye; can cer, goitre, epilepsia, asthma, nerv ousness or any chronic disease. Sug gestive therapeutics properly applied to a diseased body is positive, sure and permanent in its result. Hoar 9 to 12 a. m, 1 to 5 p. m., p'aon 091. Office rooms 1, 2 nd 3 Bvyaa Bldg 341 State St., Salem, Oregon. TJNDEBTA&ERS WEBB & CLOUQH CO C. B. Webb. A. M., ClouJb morticians nd funeral directors. Latest modern mstjod known to the profession employed 499 Court St. Mala 120, Maia 9888. BIODON-RICHARDhON CO. Funeral directors and undertakers, 252 North High street. Dar aad night phone 183. ' WATER COMPANY BALEM WATER COMPANY Office corner Commercial and Trade street. For water service apply at .office. Bills payable monthly In dvtny. LM.HUH! Care of YICKSOTONG Chinese Medicine and Tea Company Has medicine which will cure any known disease. 153 South High Street, Salem, Ore. Phone 283 Trops., Buffalo, X. T. world. 440. saleni, Oregoa. Journal Want Ads Get Results.