ETGHT THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OKftooN, FRIDAY, JULY 21. 1916, 1L rl O IT IS TIME FOR US TO CLEAR OUR Stocks We want to do it quickly and will offer you extra in ducements to buy now - Al 6f C Must Once ? It's a 50-50 Proposition You are saving money and we will clear our stock We bought these goods at 20 to 30 ess than we would have to pay at this time You get the advantage of our speculation We must have the room for the Fall Goods now on the way. Give these Values and Prices a Good Look Shoes Here are some of the greatest values in Shoes ever offered in Salem: Tan rubber sole, Rice & Hutchins make, values $4.50, Oxfords or Shoes, $3.15. "CROSSET" SHOES Tan button, sold everywhere for $5, during this sale, $3.65. Special line of extra fine light tan "Just Wright" $5.00 Shoes, about 12 pair, now $3.15 IF YOU KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT HART, SCHAFFNER & MARX CLOTHING you know that they are exceptional values at regular prices; any extra money you. save on them make a doubly attractive "buy" $30 Suits in blue, mix, gray and tan shades $23.85 $25 Suits in nearly every shade and style, $19.85 $20 Suits guaranteed all wool, best styles $15.85 Bishop All Wool Suits $15.00 values that were the best we have ever shown, now $11.85 12 SUITS of the Hart, Schaffner & Marx and Hirsch Wick wire make, $20 to $30 values, in sizes 34, 35 and 36; I Your choice $10.00 JUST WRIGHT "SOMERSET" LAST-In button and lace, "JUST WRIGHT" Rubber Sole Oxfords, black and tan, the an(j mahogany, a very attractive English style, reg- best Shoes in the market at $5.00, to clear at $3.95. ular $5.00; this is a real value at .$3.95 THERE IS A SUIT FOR EYERY ONE IN THIS SALE. WITTY '55" MODELS-PINCH BACK, BOX BACK, MEDIUM ENGLISH, ALL SHADES AND MIXTURES. SALEM WOOLEN MILLS STORE Men's Straw Hats At One-Half the Regular Price $5.00 Panamas now $2.50 $3.00 Sailors now $1.50 $2.00 Sailors now . $1.00 It will be worth getting a new one to last this season out. Children's Straw Hats, 50c to $1.50 values, your choice 25c Trunks GENUINE FIBER and 3-ply Trunks, Steamer and regular sizes, to close out at once $30.00 Trunk..... $19.85 $17.00 Trunk..... $12.65 $12.50 Trunk $ 935 $10.00 Trunk $ 7.45 COME IN AND GET YOUR BOY A SUIT WHILE YOU CAN SAVE 20 PER CENT DISCOUNT -.1 i 1 8 f 51 i li nt - Hi