Editorial Page of "The Capital Journal" FRIDAY KVKXIXC. Tulv 21. 1H16. CHARLES H FTSHEB, Editor and Manager. PUBLISHED EVEBT EVENING EXCEPT SUNDAY, SALEM, OBEGOX, BY Capital Journal Ptg. Co., Inc. L. B, BABXES, CHAS. IT. FISHER, DORA C. AXDRESENr, President Vice-President See. and Treaa. SUBSCEIPTIOX RATES Datlr br carrier, per Tear 3.00 Per month Daily by mail, per year , 3.00 I'er month ..43c 3."c FULL LEASED WIRE TELEGRAPH REPORT EASTERN REPRESENTATIVES New York, Ward-Lewis-Williams Special Agency, Tribune Building Chicago, W. H. Htockwel 1, People Gaa Building. The Capital Journal carrier boyg are instructed to put the papcri on the porta. If the carrier does not do this, mimes yon, or leglecta gettitng the paper to you on time, kindly phone the circulation manager, an thin ia the only aray we eaa determine whether or not the carriera are following instructions. Paon Main 81 before 7:30 o'clock and a puper will be aent you by special mess anger if the carrier has misled you. WHY THE SOUTHERN PACIFIC SHOULD BUILD The Capital Journal believes that the Southern Pa cific should build Salem a new passenger station with-, out further unnecessary delay. We do not take this position because we want to make war on the Southern Pacific company or any other cor-1 poration without a just cause. This paper is not a cor poration hater to the extent that it would do any of them a wanton injustice, or seek to arouse public feeling! against them in a general way. Wnat tne railroad com pany does that is meritorious we are quick to commend and feel that the company is entitled to a square deal in all matters that concern the public and in the veiy nature of its business most of its operations affect the public in some way. The money invested in railroads should re turn a dividend because as common carriers they play a very important part in the development of the community and the nation at large in this day and age. Furthermore we have a high personal regard for the men who are at the Head of the Southern Pacific in this state and believe they are working conscientiously to give the public an honest return for the revenues they derive from freight charges and passenger fares. There will be those who will say that this was not always so but it must be admitted that railroad managements have of late years tried with a good degree of success to get into closer touch with the people. In Oregon this is especially true we are pleased to say. These statements are made in order that this depot question may be discussed fully and frankly. Salem is the capital of the state. Its people have ex pended large sums in street paving and other public im provements. They' have burdened themselves heavily in this respect because of the pride they wished the people of a great and growing state to feel in the city which is their seat of government. Its business blocks and public buildings, its beautiful homes and well-kept grounds re flect this ambition. It is today one of the most beautiful capital cities in the United States. The Southern Pacific station and grounds are not in keeping with the rest of the city, and they are necessarily very conspicious and create the first impression upon new arrivals the only impression upon the stranger or tourist passing through. Travelers naturally look about them as they pass through capital cities, because they are known of all people, even the school children are familiar with their names and locations. The capital city of Oregon im presses the traveler naturally because of his view from the train and station as unkept, run down and altogether unimportant and this impression is manifestly unfair to the progressive, enterprising people of Salem. And the people Salem have been very patient and con siderate in this matter, allowing matters to drift while the business depression hampered railroad corporations because of decreasing revenues. That period happily is passing and our people who have seen substantial im provements made in smaller and less important towns, commercially and politically, are chafing under a delay that no longer seems justified by business reasons. The railroad oflicials answer this demand with the state ment that they have not yet been able to decide upon a suitable location for their permanent station. They have extensive plans for the electrification of branch lines and developments which call for a station nearer the center of the city. They are working on these plans have been for years but they are not yet fully matured. If these statements are true and we do not intend to dispute them in the absence of evidence to the contrary the company we believe is making a mistake. Salem's new station should be on the main line, where the com pany has ample grounds, and every through train should pass through it, in justice to the city. It is doubtful if the people would ever consent to the granting of a franchise that would allow the heavy traffic of the Southern Pacific to pass over any of its principal business streets and un der no other arrangement could a station be built in the center of the city, unless it were used merely for local traffic, with the through trains still using their present tracks and station. It would seem a wiser thing to do for the company to make its permanent improvements on the present site, and later when the electrification plans are all worked out and it is felt that a fight must be made with competitors for local passenger traffic to locate such a station in or near the business district. This could be done at a small additional outlay. These suggestions are made because the people of Salem do not want to wait another decade-for big rail road plans to work out before they are given a railroad station of which they are not ashamed and for which they do not have to apologize. Further than this they want a main-line station from which all the people passing tnrougn may gain a right impression of the real Salem the beautiful capital city, of homes, and schools and churches, of attractive parks and public buildings, of business blocks in keeping with the spirit of progress. Why shouldn't the Southern Pacific company do its part, and join hands with the people in the building up Salem, a live city which contributes more to its revenues than any other community between Portland and Sacramento? By doing it the company will retain the good will and friendship of our people; by a policy of lnuifrerence and delay they will lose it. THE LOGANBERRY EXPERIMENT BETTER FEOIHAN M Chicago Packers Say They Get Same Amount of Meat As At Home This is Loju weather with a vengeance. The big ber ries are ripening faster than the pickers can handle them and at the Loju factory long strings of teams wait to un load the big boxes of Oregon s famous berries. Late into the night and as soon as it is light, the elevator is running a stream 01 berries into the vats and still they come. It is no strange sight to Salemites to see twenty or more teams waiting to unload and get back to the big patches alter more of the crimson juiced berries that are bearing the vines to the ground with drink, in the mak ing, such as Bacchus never even dreamed of. They give emphasis to what the Capital Journal called attention to the other day, the necessity of experimenting all the time to discover the products that will bring the biggest re turns and the fruits or field crops that are best adapted to the valley and conditions. A few years ago the logan berry was not heard of, and up to last year when the manufacture of Loju was begun, was not considered as of any especial value. This has changed and it is taking its place as one of the most profitable crops of the valley. If the taste of the public does not change there will be un limited market for not only the Loju but the berry dried or otherwise prepared. It was an experiment that proved successful. LADD & BUSH, Bankers Established 1SG3 CAPITAL $300,000.00 Transact a General Banking: Business Safety Deposit Boxes SAVINGS DEPARTMENT The Capital Journal is printing once a week a "Home Industry Page," containing the advertisements of a con siderable number of Salem firms which produce goods for public consumption. The chief value of this, page to the advertiser lies in the belief that it will, or at least it should, awaken Salem people to a realization of the fact that they have many manufacturing enterprises already located here more than most of them realize. With this information before them it is the duty of every resident of this city and the trade area surrounding it to give these local concerns and the goods they produce at least a square deal when they are making purchases. They ought to go further than that and give them the prefer ence whenever possible, because in this way alone can these enterprises succeed, since most of them must begin in a small way, relying upon local patronange largely at the start. We need industries with their payrolls that our people may be employed at remunerative wages and it seems to us that the best way to secure these payrolls is to take the best possible care of the industries we already have and assist them in every possible way to grow into larger concerns. That is why we hope Salem people will read the home industry page and come to feel an interest in the concerns which are making Salem-made goods for the markets. The Commercial Club reports Wednesday night showed the free camp grounds at the state fair grounds were well patronized by tourists, who, it was estimated, had spent $1,000 in the city. It was also shown that the club is in good financial condition. This being the case would it not be the proper thing to see that Mr. Sutton was paid for his work in cleaning up, arranging and caring for the camp ground? It is claimed the publicity department made an agreement with him for doing this work, and that from some cause he has not been paid. In blushing diffidence and innate modesty William Sulzer is far from being at the head of the class. Yester day, addressing the prohibition convention, at St. Paul, he said among other things : "The more you know about me the better you'll like me." This might be classed as introspection turned inside out. He also remarked that under some circumstances he might get more votes than Hughes or Wilson. This indicates the most cheerful political optimism. When You Go to the country, the camp, the mountains or resort for the summer, notify The Capital Journal and your paper will be sent there as lon as you want to stay. Just call for. the Circu lation Department, Phone 81. ; valley, California, His Woe. Arthur sat on the front door steps crying softly. '"What is the matter, little boyl" asked a kind hearted woman who was passing. "Ma has gone and drowned all the kittens." he sobbed. "Whet a pity! I'm awfully sorry." "An' s-she promised boohoo!-"that I c'u'd do It.'1 President Wilson has opened to set tlement HS.676 acres of land in aliua Chicago, July 20. Chicago packers today furnished new proof that Uncle Sam's soldier boys are not ouly the best fed soldiers in the world on the firing line, but also at home. When the Uni ted States trooper marches away to do militury duty he gets just as much meat to eat as he does at home but no more. This was the answer packers gave to day when asked if any more meat was being consumed and if the price was any Higher now thau before the militia mobilization. "Why should meat prices be any Higher; the American soldier gets just us much meat at home as he does in the army. The demand is no greater just bccitusc the government is buying meat in large quantities. The American sol dier or civilian demands his meat and gets it." one Chicago packer said. "This isn't true of the European soldier. Most of them do not have meat at home. It is an army luxury and con sequently when European powers mo bilized millions of men and began feed ing them meat the price went up. Our soldiers, the best fed in the world, is getting his usual amount of meat but no more than that." Wholesale beef prices have actually decreased in the past month. In the third week of June the wholesale price of beef, the American soldiers' princi pal diet, sold at $12.7ti a hundredweight, as compared with $12.45 now, a decrease of 31 cents a hundred pounds. Troop concentration has had nothing to do with this price charge, packers Travel Center for Outing Trips Over the Mountains TO Newport 85 is the week-end fare to the beautiful Newport Reaches; it's cool and comfortable at the bench. Vou don't have to exert yourself swimming, just camp and rest near the sound of the ocean breakers. Week-end fares return limit is Monday. Write or ask for booklet on ' 'Newport' ' Ask local agent for information. John M. Scott, General Passenger Agent, Portland, Oregon SOUTHERN PACIFIC Coos Bay Railroad Celebration: Marshfield and North Bend, August "1th, 2"th and 2tith. Low round trip fares. Epworth League Will Close Sunday Evening The Epworth Leagi:e institute will close its session of one week Sunday evening. Dr. Morgan preaching at the evening services. Saiuida.v evening, the evening lecture will be given by Dr. .1. W. McDoiikuI, who will tell of his experiences at the DHli general conference at Saratoga. The program tor Saturday and Sun day is as follows: Saturday 6::0 to 7: Id a. m. Morning watch, Dr. Morgan. 7:.'J0 to 8 a. m. Breakfast. Laus anne hull. tt:lo to S.ii't a. m. Bible study, Dr. l-ane. ' j !l:U." to H:."iO n. m. Evangelism.. Dr. Morgan. Stewardship, Rev. Melville T. Wire. Junior league methods, Miss Robinson. 10 to 10:4il a. m. Epworth League methods. Miss Kobinson. Junior Lea gue demonstration. 10:50 to 11:30 a. m. Social service. Miss Chapped. Recreation and culture Rev. ,T. ('. Spencer. 11:40 to 12:20 a. m. Citizenship, Dr. Hammond. Home missions. Miss Chamiell, Foreign missions, to be sup plied. ,12:30 p. . Dinner. Lausanne hall. 1 to 2:30 p. m. (Juiet hour. 2:4") to .r:30 p. m. Finals in base ball, nine innings. 6 p. m. Supper. Lausanne hall. 7 to S p. ni. social gathering. 8:1.") p. in. Lecture. Uleanings from the lillti general conference, bv Dr. J. W. McDougal. Sunday 7 to 8 a. in. Morning watch. Dr. Morgan. S:l."i to S:45 a. m. Breakfast. Laus nnue hall. H:30 to 10:30 a. in. Lovo feast, Dr. Ford, Salem district i.-perintendeut. 10:4.") a. m. Sermon. The Call of the Individual," Dr. Morgan. 3 m. Life work service. Pres. Talbot, Kimball College. 7 to 8 p. m. League service. Clar ence Whitcomb, president Portland district leacne. 8 p. ni. I'entncostnl service, D. Mor gan. ' REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS RipplingRhumos - HARVEST TIME Arise and work, spellbinding neighbor! The farmers call for men to labor. A thousand miles of wheat is stand ing, the strength of harvesters demanding. The farmers shriek lor husky fellows, who re sound in wind and limb and bellows, to toil behind J dreamer, sleeper! Alas, you will not lift a nngeri Arouna tne village pump you linger; to honest toil you are not partial; you'd rather roast the statesman Marshall, or prove that Woodrow Wilson's record in politics is gravely checkered, or show that Hughes is misbehaving by his antipathy to shaving, than go forth where the harvest rages, and gather in a prince's wages. The wheat is spoiling, say the grangers; exposed to multiply ing dangers, because there are not men to reap it, and in the shocks and windrows heap it. It surely seems a crime and pity that every village, town and city, must have its string of idle talkers when fields of wheat are needing shockers. Go forth and drill among the stubble, and ease the farmer's mind of trouble ! Lvdin M. Orahnin et al to Nellie A. Ilergstrand Joseph Matte el. ")7 " 2 W. Lizzie Doty and husbnnd et nl to F. C. Zimmerman, Hiram A. Johnson el. 55 9 8 W. .1. F. Cannon and wife to Chester C. and Alice Cannon, E v. of W Felix L. Ravmond el. No. 3 8 2 W. Enos l'resnnll to J. F. Cannon lots T h o in II 19 hlk. 30. lots 1. 2. 3. blk 13. Highland ave. add Sulem. Fargo Orchards to. to nullum i, 1..L. H' I . fi 1,11.- Z Viirirn Or- chard Tracts, lot 4, blk. G, First addi tion Fargo townsite. Fred J. Miller aud wife to B. A. and Kane ltami. lot 24. Miller acres. A young woman went into a grocery store and asked the assistant if he had some good cheese. "Yes. indeed,"-he repli-d. "I have some lovely cheese." "It is not correct to call cheese love ly." she said. ' "How it thatf" he inquired. "Beeau.se 'lovely' should be used to qualify only something that is alive." " Well,"'retorted the grocer. "I'll stick to lovely." Bishop Fraueis was talking in In diauapolis about the increasing dese cration of the Sabbath. "There is a lesson for us." he said. "in the anecdote about the little boy who asked: "Pa. what does the good book mean wheu it talks about a Sabbath day's journey T" "I'm afraid," the father answered, "that it means twice around the golf links, my son," The Nation's Favorite Butter Nut There Is No Better Always Watch1. This Ad Changes Often HU I Strictly correct weight, square deal and highest pricee for all kinds al junic, metal, rnooer, unlet and furs. I pay 2e per pound for old rxft. Big stock of all sizet second hand iaeubatora. All kinds eotragatet Iron for both roofs and buildings. Roofing paper and aecoad aaad linoleum. H. Steinback Junk Co. Tie House of Half a Million Bargains. 108 North Commercial It Flam IN Capital Journal Want Ads Pay