Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, July 21, 1916, Page THREE, Image 3

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    . r
T7 T?
of the Chicago
Aroused the intire Willamette Valley to the
most active buying campaign in a generation
surpassing all annuals of Salem's history
pertaining to a GREAT BANKRUPT SALE.
With it's terrific force of bargain giving
this sale will sweep the goods off our shelves
and counters within the shortest time Imagin
HastM&lr is; stJlsb:; fell 3b H !I 11
Some Big Specials
Lot of Women's Genuine 0. N. T. Tine Pearl But- 5c Women's Fine
and Children's Thread, SEVEN tons, while they Handkerchiefs,
Rain Coats, values gpoOT a ,op last, only, dozen ,
to $5.00, now bi-ools ror now only
93c 25c 3c 2c
10c Women's Fine $1.00 Men's B. V. 10c Canvas Gloves 15c Women's Fine
Handkerchiefs D. and Porosknit . .. . .
, , N now Black Hose, now
now only Union Suits
4c 79c 5c 9c
This hightiest of Bankrupt Sales presents a direct ap
peal to the economical instincts of those who are
thrifty people to whom the saving of one-third to
one-half, and in many instances to more than half on
staple dry goods, silks, dress goods, men's, women's
and children's furnishings, millinery, shoes, ready-to-wear
goods, etc., is equivalent to just so much money
earned. This is a sale without a counterpart a bar
gain event that will surpass anything ever attempted
in the department store business in the Willamette
Some Big Specials
15c Canvas Gloves 15c Men's Dress Men's Balbriggan Men's Suits, val-
now Sox- in black nd Bumraer u,lder- ue. to $15.00, now
tan, now wear, per garment
8V3C 7c 19c $5.95
Genuine Paris and Women's White 10c Women's 10c an vas
Boston Garters, Lawn and Linen Sleeveless Vests Glove wh lie
now Dresses, values to now they last
$6.00, now
14c 5c 98c 5c
Men's Balbriggan Un- Men's 15c Dress Sox 50c Brassieres, . while 75c Skirts, while they 75c Gowns, in crepe and S1.00 Combinations 65c Chemise, while they (15c fine Corset Covers, 35c Corset Covers, while 75c Corsets, while they
derwear in black and tan they last last Nainsook go at last only they last, only last, only
19c 7c 39c 39c 42c 59c 39c 39c 19c 43c
Perfume, reg, 50c Porosknit Union Suits CW Cream, reg. 25c Beautifier .Cream, reg Side Combs, reg. 10c Buttonhole Twist, reg- Paris and Boston Oar- B. V. D. Union Suits 25c Cashmere and Lisle Oennine President Sus-
$1.25 ular 6c ters Box - ponders
39t 79c 19c 25c 6c 4c 14c 79c 19c 17c
D. At C. Crochet Barretter, reg 10c Lot of Women's Fine 8.- goo.l quality Outing 15c Toile de Nord Dress 12'2c A. F. C. Dress 10c A. F. C. Apron 8c finest gra.lc Ameri- 15c Children's Hose, 15o Women's Good
Thread Trimmed Hats, Flannel now Gingham now only Ginghams now only Ginghams now nnly can Prints now only Quality block Hose now
14c 8c 88c 5c 11c 9c 6'2c 6c 9c 9c
Gale fe Co. Selling Out the Bankrupt Stock of The Chicago Store
here' about two hours later, after a
mari'h in heavy marching onlor with
j blanket roll, haversack anil full raalcrn.
I We are now with the entire regiment
with the exception of two companies
which replaced our battalion on the
"l'nlm City in about Tour miles from
ISnn Ysidro and about 12 miles from
1 M.- n. L UJl an Diego and on the road that lends
s Are near oeaco, woereito tu juana. ah automobiles
to the Mexican border, so 1 am told, are
Mopped ami searched for hiilden am
munition. We are camped on a little
plateau near the river that went on such
a rampage lent winter. From my tent
I can see the lights of Sun Dieuo, twink-
: ling and throbbing.
The following extracts from a letter "It is very much more pleanunt here
written by Corporal Perry Heigelman ; than at San Ysidro. We are about a
to his parents living at R40 Mill street , quarter of a mile from the nouth arm of
gives an inside view of the life of a ; San Diego bay anil three miles from
soldier. It is written from 1'slin City, Imperial Beach, a summer renort. It
t'al., and dated Julv W. has been quite cool here and cloudy.
"Well. I am at Palm City. We left l'enple say they are having the enldest
ftan Tsidro Thursday noon and arrived I weather in years but it is a very pleas-
Bathing Is Good Weather
ant and decidedly livable place with
just ennugn vegetation to keep the eye
satisfied. We are in a lemon growing
country and can see ripe lemons and
blossoms on the same trees. The land is
pretty good ami sells for $250 an acre,
but it has to be irrigated to make it
"I was talking to Mnjur Ahrnms last
evening and he said we would probably
go into permanent camp at Imperinl
Bench, a beautiful spot a quarter of a
mile from the beach and juxt smith of
the famous Cornnndn Beach.
"The Third battalion marched to the
Iwnch Friday and took a bath in the
l'acific. The bathing was great ami ev
eryone enjoyed it. The water was fine,
the beach kiuhIv and shallow and the air
cool. It will be a treat to be camped
here five or six months, as it is ex
pected we will be.
"Do nut worrv about mv clothes. I
have several pairs of soi ks, two suits tit
government underwear and a nliirt to
be issued and a new pair of shoes. We
were issued extra blankets and now
have cots so we are pretty well fixed
for a lengthy stay.
Our battalion has had a medical in
spection and Company M was given a
100 per cent clean bill of health. Kv
ery care is taken by the officers und
non-commissioned officers to guard the
health of the men.
"In an address by Mujor Gilbert,
chaplain of the regiment, he scored
those who have been preaching pre
paredheps and then when the call cume,
did not reHpond. He snid he had been
amnzed during the past few weeks to
find so few who are rescinding after
all the preparedness parades and the
disclosures of our national weakness in
"The officers keep us busy at drill,
at sen! and at details so that we have
scarcely time to write. No one can
write for the newspapers without the
permission of the secretary of war."
i The Journal Does Job Printing.
Wounded Policeman
and Killed Himself
Kaiitn Cruz, Oil., July 21 After hav-j
inir iiliiit mill striiiiii,1v ununited Pnlii.A. '
man Jtnliert J. Robertson, net his ow n
: house afire anil engaged in a revolver
battle with police and firemen, l.ouisl
Miller, aged SS, a shoe maker, todnyl
.'committed suicide before the officers (
! could capture him. Ho is bejieved to j
i have been demented.
1 Without warning Miller emerged from j
his cabin today carrying a shot gun and I
fired twice at Robertson and his sun,!
(Klin were working in their vegetable'
1 garden next dnor. One charge struck I
Kiibertson and seriously wounded him.
Miller then dnidici! hack into his cab
in and seized a rifle after setting fire
to the house. He stood in the doorway
an.l opened fire on the firemen and
i policemen as they approached but w ith
lout effect. The police returned tho
fire and advanced and Miller then sent
a bullet into his own heud. He fell
dead in the doorway of his blazing
Firemen drnggeilthe corpse from the
house. Two shot guns, a rifln and seV
eml revolvers were found in tho ruins
of Miller's cabin.
Miller and UobertHon quarreled recently.
Sir Samuel Sinuns saw sweet Sarah
Samson swimming. Suddenly nhc
seemed sinking. Sir Samuel stood stuti'
ned. Striding seaward, spurning shing
le, Sir Samuel swiftly swam Siiruh
wanls. Sir Samuel skillfully supported
swooning Surah. .Sniinniing shore
wards, Sir Snniuel successfully succored
Surah. Seeming somenhnt slinky, Sir
Samuel sampled sumo spirits speciul
Snruh saw Sir Samuel's sacrificing
spirit, Sir Samuel saw Sarah's sweet
I ness. Sir Samuel soon sought Saruh.
Striding slov.ly, Sarah sighed softly.
.Sir Samuel seemed speechless,
j "Say something, Sir Samuel," snid
! Sarah.
"Sny Snm,' Surnh," snid Sir Snm
juel. ,
1 Snruh, smiling slivly, softly sniil,
I "Surah Sully," stummereil Sir Sum
I tiel. "Sweet Sarah sweetheart."
Sarah solemnly surrendered.
(Tinner's remark: "I'leuce et.ip
thic; wo are' ehort of eccec") Tit
Hits. '
How Amatenr Mechanics Work.
"What do you do when anything g.ics
wrong with your earf "
"1 tinker with the carburetor. "
"Does that remedy the difficulty t"
"It never has, but I alwavs tinker
with it anyhow in the hope that possi
bly that mnv be the causa oi the trou
ble". Kx.