Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, July 19, 1916, Page SEVEN, Image 7

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PHONE 937 For wood saw. . tt
YfrA UnilOA rtlsit.rn
FOR SALE Or trade for bicycle,
range stove. rortn liberty t.
(Continued From Page One.)
Mose. lifer, and Two Others
Let Out of Prison, and
Two From Jail .
Governor Wlthvcoitibe today ijstieil a
couditiqnnl pardon to Mose Lifer, who
has been serving a sentence in the peni
tentiary for burglary. I.ifer was re
ceived nt the penitentiary in Novem
ber, 101.1,'. from Jackson county, and
the parole board recommended his re
lease at this time because of extenuat
ing circumstances connected with his
case and because he has served nearly
three years of his sentence.
Conditional pardons were also issued
to two Inmates of the Multnomah coun
ty jail. -
Jack Mulcare, convicted of simple
larceny and sentenced to serve nine
months in the Multnomah county jail,
was conditionally - pardoned lipon
recommendation of Judge Robert G.
Morrow, before whom Mulrare was
tried and also Deputy District Attor
ney Samuel H. Tierce.' 'who prosecuted
the case.
'Frank Webber and Claude Smith, who
were convicted with Mulcare for the
same offense, nnd sentenced to serve
one to 10 years ia the penitentiary,
were paroled from the bench upon re
ceiving sentence,, upon their showing
that they had work waiting for them
outside the state", and Judge Morrow
and Deputy District Attorney .Pierce re
commended Mulcare 's release at this
time, as it wns understood when sen
tonce was pronounced that leniency
would be shown him.
A conditional pardon was issued to
Bert Donnelly, who has been serving a
one year seutence in the Multnomah
county jail for simple assault. Donnel
ly was sentenced in the Multnomah'
county jail in January, 1SUO, and his
release at this time wns recommended
by Judge J. P. Knvanaugh. before whom
Donnelly was tried, nn.l lv Deputv Dis
trict Attorney John A." Collier," who
prosecuted the case.
GOLD MKDAL ITnnrlem Oil Cap
wiles will brinr new life nnd quickly
relieve that stopped-up congested feel
ing. They will thoroughly cleanse and
wash out the kidneys and bladder and
gently carry off the ill effects of ex
cesses of all kinds. The healing, sooth
ing oil soaks right into the walls and
lining of the kidneys and expels the
poisons in your system. Keep your kid
neys in good shape hv dailv use of
GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil Capsules
and you will have good health. Go to
your druggist at once and secure a
package pt this time honored, world
wide remedy. Jrisjnot a .'patent
medicine..' li"paSseif upon by fh
P. government chemists and declared
pure before coming into this countrv.
OOLD MKDAL is the pure, original
Haarlem Oil, imported direct from the
ancient laboratories it Holland where
it is the National Household Rented v
of the sturdy Dutch. . Look for the!
name GOLD MKDAL on every box.
Accept no substitute. Your druggist
will gladly refund your money if not
as represented.
Anderson Given Verdict
for $1,666 Against Dr. Byrd
The jury in the suit of S. P. Ander
con against Dr. W. H. P.yrd. which has
been on trial in Dept. 'of the circuit
cou.-t for the past tour days, returned
a verdict awarding damnges in the sum
of ilitiii!t! to the plaintiff late yester
day afternoon.
This ense. which has attracted gen
eral attention because of the promi
nence of the parties concerned, was
the result of dumages resulting to the
plaintiff, so the complaint alleges, on
the afternoon of August 11, 1st Li, when
the defendnnt ran into the plaintiff
with an nutomohile in the doorway of
the plaintiff's garage on High street.
The plaintiff, so the statement sets
forth, was sitting in a chair near "the
door of the garage when the defend
ant's automobile crashed into a post
nt tte side of the donrwav and struck
the nlnintiff. '
The amount awarded wns the actual
damage resulting to the plaintiff's per
eon. He sought 1.,000 as general
Art Smith Coming
Home from Japan
Snn Francisco, July 13. Art Smith,
the. American aviator, who recently
sustained serious injuries when he fell
during an exhibition flight in Japan,
will pail from Japan tomorrow on the
liner of Empress of Kussin. according
to Tokio newspapers which reached
here today.
For the past three weeks a commit
tee of prominent Japanese men, head
ed by Count Oli'uma, premier of the
empire, has been raising a purse to be
presented to the flyer before his de
parture. After his injury on June 1.6. Sv.ith's
broken leg failed to knit proiorly. and
then he , developed pneumonia. It is
(declared that Smith cannot attempt
an aeroplane flight for six months.
Skin Muddy?
'Dull eyes, blotches and other akin
. blemishes result from a disordered di
gestion. Purify the blood, tone the
stomach, gently stimulate the liver and
regulate the bowels and bile with
Iml Sb ttAmr Medic
im ifc. WorU.
sc )c )ft )Jt sjc sfc Jc sfc sjc sfc s(s ijc s(c sfs jjc
Miss Florenca Fox, who represents the
United States bureau of education in
the supervision of primary work and
who is held to be one of the most suc
cessful primary instructors in the coun
try, is to come to Oregon for insti
tute work -this fall, according to an an
nouncement from the office of State
Superintendent Churchill. Miss Fox's
traveling expenses will be paid by the
several counties, but her salary is paid
by the bureau.
The central committee of a political
party cannot fill a vacancy on the bal
lot' occurring through the failure of a
candidate to accept a nomination. The
central committee can only fill a va
cancy occurring by reason of the death
of a candidnte or his removal from the
stato. So states Attorney General
Numbers for the proposed constitu
tional amendments and measures as
they will appear on the ballot in No
vember have been assigned by Secretary
of State Olcott. The list is begun with
the single item veto amendment. -which
is Nos. :00 and :t01. The ship tax
amendment is Nos. 302 and 303. The
mulatto nnd negro suffrage amendment
is Nos. ."04 and .103. ' Other numbers:
Full rental value land tax and home
maker's loan fund, 30d and 307; Pen
dleton normal school, 308 nnd 309; anti
compulsory vaccination bill, 310 and
311; bill repealing and abolishing Sun
day closing law, 312 and 313; beer
manufacturing bill, 314 and 315; for
bidding importation of liquor, 316 and
317; rural credits amendment, 318 and
319; state-wide tax limitation amend
ment, 320 and 321.
A statement of apportionment of
funds for the year 1910 has been com
piled in the office of the secretnry of
state. From it we take the following
figures pertaining to Marion county:
Amount of taxable property as last
equalized by the board of state tax
commissioners December 10, 1915, $41,
149,305; .sum resulting by levying a tax
of one-tweutieth of a mill upon the tax
able property as last equalized. $2,057.
47; additional amount apportioned to
each county by reason of the law pro
viding that any one county shall not
receive more than $12,500, divided
equally among the counties of the stnte,
$133.70; amount apportioned to the re
spective counties of the state for the
year 1910 iu support of any fair, land
products show or livestock exhibitions
for premiums upon exhibits of livestock,
agricultural and horticultural products,
etc., $2,191.17. The excess of one
twentieth of a mill on the taxable prop
erty in Multnomah county amounts to
$4,079.33, which has been divided equal
ly among the counties of the state.
Governor Withycombe is at Oregon
City today where he delivers an ad
dress nt the Gladstone Chautauqua. He
will return tonight.
That the school directors of Clntsop
county are in favor of long terms of
school and good salaries for teachers is
indicated in the annual report of Coun
ty Superintendent Byland which has
just been filed with State Superinten
dent Churchill. Mr. Byland 's report
shows that only two districts in Clatsop
county had as little as six or seven
months of school last year, while 75
per cent of the remaining'districts had
terms of nine months each. The children
attended school very regularly, the per
cent of attendance being 90.9. The
average salaries paid male teachers was
$104.5.' per month while female teach
ers were paid $70.13 per month.
R. B. Ooodin, secretary of the board
of control, is spending the duv in Port
land. The state land board held yesterday
its first meeting since its return from
eastern Oregon. No business of gen
eral interest wns transacted.
Advertised Julv It, 1910.
Arak. Mr. Paul
Ashby, Mr. L. 3.
Klcnuh, Mrs. Mary
Hutcher, Mrs. Jack
Cahill, Mr. and Mrs. K. (2)
Cisehner, Mr. Ferdinand
Crane, Mrs. liuth
Currv, Miss Edith
Curry, Miss Elizabeth
Crou, Miss Frances '
Digerness, M.
Elliott, Mr. J. F!.
Ferris, M'.r. Frank 11.
Fields, Mr. Austin
Frouln, Mr. and Mrs. V. K.
Guerne, Mr. Geo.
Ilalhert, Mrs. John it.
Ilasell, Miss Agnes
Jackson, Mrs. Jenuio
Jones, Miss Gladys
Knplinger, Mr. ltert
Keith. Mrs. V. A.
Kim-aid. Mr. M. IS.
Knapp. Mr, Will
1 .inn hrotiit. Miss Duisey
Me Dole, Mr. Joss E.
McDonald. Mrs. David
McLaughlin, Mr. M. J.
Meier. Mr. Lewis
Meier, Mr. Lewis
Morback, Miss Gladys
Morilz. Miss Marie
Olson, Mr. Louie
Omstad, O. Melvin
Patterson. Mr. L'has. S.
Pearson, Dorris
Peterson, Mr. h. B. .
Roberts, Mr. enre J. M. or H. M.
Smith, Mr. Cnarle -
Smith. Mr. M. F. -
Stallmnn, Mrs. M.
Stowe, Miss Stella M.
Theisies. .niss-Gussio -
Thompson, Mrs. Nellie .
Tver, Miss Vivian - '
X'yer. Mr. Nao """
Warren. Mr. Mid Mrs. John D.
W'rrd, Mr. Walter
August Huckestein, P. M.
Marshfield, Or., July 19. Seventy
five more recruits must be obtained
before the coast artillery company
just organized at Coos Bay can be mus
tered into service. It ha 54 members
today. Fred K. Cettius. civil engin
eer, was elected captain. The adju
tant general hurt been infored that
the unit will soon be ready for business.
commands both and co-ordinates their
Through their All-Russian . Zemstvo,
Union, their All-Russian Municipality
Union, their Central Committee,- fheir
War Industry Committees, their co-operative
societies and kindred organiza
tions, Russian plain people and Russian
gentry are working hand in hand, col
laborating with the government and
army for the good of the country at
large and for victory.
Never before have the people shown
such an eagerness to do public service
and never before have they displayed
such an aptitude 'for it.
No one here makes any secret of, these
things. I have talked to many people
high-and low and the. facts 'which I
have attempted to set down in this se
ries of articles are recoguized as show
ing the new trend in Russia.
'War hardens, but war educates,"
snid Wagner. And it "lifts the minds
of the ninsses to higher visions.
"One can see it working out here in
Russia, even with the naked eye. The
people have demanded to be put to work
for the public good. Jobs have been
given them, they have set to work and
alreadv they love it."
fr 1 3jc sfe sc sfc sjc
sc fc sfc )(t . sfc j)c s(s sfc 4c jjs 5t sc s(c
The following prices for fruits
and vegetables are those asked by
the wholesaler of the retailer, and
not what is paid to the producer.'
All other prices 'are those paid the
producer. Corrections are made
The advance of 20 cents a barrel on
flour will bring the price of certain
brands five cents a sack higher, with
$1.70 as the highest retailing price.
Pork is stronger with a price of 8 1-2
cents for tops. The egg. market as
well as poultry is holding the same.
Buyers claim they can get all the eggs
wanted at 20 cents. For poultry, li
cents appears to be the average" quo
tation. . .. ..
Wheat 80c
Oats 40c
Rolled barley $35.00
Corn $39.00
Cracked corn $40.00
Bran $27.00
Shorts, per ton $30.00
Alfalfa, California, ton
Butterfat 26c
Creamery butter, per pound ..29c
Country butter 20c22e
Eitfi and Ponltrr.
Eggs, case count, cash 2020 l-2c
tggs, traae zic
Hens, nound 13rS 13 l-2c
Roosters, old, per pound 8c
Broilers, under 2 pounds 16c
Pork, Veal and Mutton.
Veal, dressed
9(310 l-2c
Pork, dressed ......
Pork, on foot
Spring lambs, 1916
Ewes .
.. 10(a10 l-2c
7 1-2(T(8 l-2c
7(a7 l-2c
.... 5?i6 l-2c
4(3 5c
33 l-2c
44 l-2e
Tomatoes, California $1.00
Cabbage 40c
Cucumbers 45(a90e
String garlic 15
Potatoes, cwt
Potatoes, now
22 1-rc
Qreen onions .,
Green peppers
Green peas 3(94c
Carrots, sack, new $1.73
Carrots, dozen 40c
Onions, California $3.50
Beans, green and waxed 8c
Onions, Walla Walla, crate $1.85
Oranges, Valencies
Lemons, per box ..
Bananas, pound
California grape fruit . . .
Florida grape fruit
, 75c$1.00
.. $4.00
CnerrieS. vi
Calif onii.1 plums ..
Retail Prices.
Eggs, per dozen, fresh ranch. 25c
Sugar, cane "... ..$8.75
Sugar, beet $8.55
Creamery butter . 35c
Flour, hard wheat $1.40(j; $1.70
Fiour, valley $1.15(fi $1.23
Portland, Julv 19.
Wheat eluii 9'."jc
Kluestem $1.03
Fortyfold 93c
Hed Russian 91c
Oats No. 1 white feed $20..0
Barley, feed $27.50
Hogs, best live $9
Prime steers $s
Fancy cow- $5.75- - -
Calves $7.30
' Spring lambs $3.2."
Butter city creamery 29c.
County butter 27c
Eggs selected local ex. 2ti(3 27e
Hens 14fa14.jc
Broilers 10(Sisc . . .
Geese lli(a l ie
Weekly Market Report
of Union Stock Yards
North Portland. Ore.. July 19. Yes
terday's market opened with one of
the heaviest offerings of cattle ever re
ceived at these yards. A total of 2,300
head were received. There was a good
demand for prime heavy steers. First
sales on this class looked steady to 10c
lower. Choice light steers found as
gooil markets as did the heavies. Choice
light steers soltl up to $.00. Other
'' : vto l'
Daily Round Trip Fare
Trains Daily
Leaving Saleni at .
5:00 A. M.
9:22 A. M. .
1:27 PvM
3:02 P. M.
5:00 P.M.
8:04 P. M. .
' Ask Local Agent for Tickets and
any other information..
General Passenger Agent,
Portland, Oregon.
Marshfield .and North Bend,
August 24, 25 and 26.
Low Round Trip Fares
grades of steers, were from 20 to 40c
off. Choice light cows lost another
quarter yesterday. Best slrtling at $6.00.
Common to fair cows 50c loner. Heif
ers sold at $6.35 for a choice load.
Hog prices were advanced another 20
to 25c yesterday, Tops went at $9.05
with the bulk of sales at $9.00. There
were no extra choice hogs here yester
day or tops would have undoubtedly
been higher.- Two thousand fifty head
received. There was a good demand and
offerings were not large enough to sup
ply the demand. "
. Sheep.
Sheep prices were unchanged as has
been the case for some time. Choice
lambs sold at $8.25., Yearlings and
wethers at 6c. Thcrq; is a good demand
for choice ewes. Best light ewes selling
$5.00 to $5.50. ' '
Representative Sales.
40 steers 1370 $8.25
83 steers 1100 $8.00
32 steers 1054 $7.85
26 steers 1106 $7.8Q
93 hogs 191 $9.05
768 hogs 190 $9.00
. 8 yearlings ,. 99 $(i.00
5 cows 1226 $6.75
35 cows 1170 $6.00
17 heifers 870 $6.35
2 bulls ,.1010 $4.50
132 lambs 74 $8.25
8 lambs 75 $3.20
207 wethers 84 $6.00
Harry E. Brown of Route 3, Salem,
Oregon, has just received a United
States patent for one of the latest and
most improved gopher traps yet to be
put on the market. The improved trap
is made from experience gained from
trapping with different kinds of traps
anil finding them all lacking in dif
ferent ways of being complete for the
purpose for which the- are sold. From
such an experience he made the trap
that he believes will overcome the dif
ficulties and will also meet the needs
of the people anil be a winner. Mr.
Brown has not as yet deeided as to
whether he will sell his patent out
right or manufacture them here in Sa
lem. We wish him success as we do
all Oregon inventions and inventors.
La Salle, 111., July 18. Settlement
of the cement workers' strike seemed
near this afternoon when committees
from the employers an 1 employes went
into secret conference her. The em
ployers' action, it is said, practically
means that the end of the strike is in
sight, as the company had practically
agreed to all the demands, except as
to rights to organize.
Rate per word New Today:
Bach insertion, per word , .lt
On week (6 ioserkions), per word....5c
One month (26 insertions) per word 17c
The Capital Journal will not be re
ipondble for more than one lisertion
for errors in Classified Advertisements
Read your advertisement ths first day
it appears and notify us immediately
if it contains in error.
' Minimum charge, I5e.
HARRY Window washer. Phona 768
RUBBER Stamps made 163 S. Com'l
SALEM Chimnev sweep. Phone 19.
EOR SALE Dump box for sale $20.
Phone 263. julv2l
491 N. Cottage.
FOR RENT SIGNS For sale at Cap
ital Journal office. tf
FOR SALE Or trade for wood, gaso
line engine. Phone 451. tl
FOK SALE Fredh ow about 4 gat.
per day. 771 N. Com 1 St. july-0
FOR SALF. Large young team. Mrs.
E, Thomas, Marion, Oiegon. augl7
WANTED One hundred cords second
growta fir. Price Shoe Co. julyi.'i
$3, worth, more. Ir. May, Hubbard
Ding. . july3l
FOR SALE Two large geldings, com
ing three years old. C. Cory, "Mac-
leay. july20
reasonable. Four rooms. Phone Carey
F. Martin. julyl9
FOR RENT Close in 5 room house
and garage to responsible parties.
148 Union St. . julyl9
FURNISHED Rooms and housekeep
ing apartments, rates reasonable,
close in, 160 Court, f tf
FOR SALE Two very fine Scotch
collies, male and female, one year
old. 2396 Church St tf
For rent' to ; responsible parties.
Phone Carey F. Martin. , july
AD8 under this heading 1c a word.
Read for profit; use for results.
FOR .SALE 115 hop sacks, wire and
furnace, one good hop baler $35, all
at a bargain. Phone 14F3. july21
LARGE DWELLING Nine rooms on
paved street, desirable location, reas
, onable rent. Phone Carey F. Martin.
. julyl9
FOR SALE Modern .4 room house,
furnished complete, if taken before
the 20th onlv $1000. Phone 798-W.
WANTED Girl or woman to cook,
must be experienced. Call in person
afternoons. Mrs. Max O. Buren, 745
Court St. julySO
FOR SALE 5, 10, 15 store, a bargain
at $1075. would accept Ford on pay
ment. Ill health. .ira A. Fidler,
Dallas, Or. tf
FOB SALE 3Yt half truck Studabak
er wagon. Will trade for heavier
wagon, cordwood or stuinpage. 2786
Lee. Phone 1322-J. tf
GIRL Or woman wanted for general
housework in country; must be ex
perienced. Phone 22F25. Address box
12, Sublimity, Or. tf
SPLIT Lambert " cherries good for
canning, delivered 2c lb. Phone or
ders to 288 Thursday between eleven
and two o'clock. july!9
CHEAP HOUSES 1 have several
(.'heap houses taken on foreclosure,
will rent reasonable for the winter.
Phone Carey F. Martin. julyl9
FOR SALE By owner one of the pret
tiest bungalows in Salem, just com
pleted, modern, price below cost,
terms. 1255 N. Cottage St. tf
FOR SALE Or trade by owner, 3 U'
acres, 6 room house, nice home close
in. will trade for horses, cattle or
anything. 320 Hubbard bldg. juIy'.'O
LOST A pair of rim glasses one side
had been glued on, lost between junk
shop on Center St. and Fairground
road. Return to Mrs. J. S. McDonald.
FOR RENT Furnished or unfurnish
ed sleeping rooms. Office rooms and
housekeeping rooms, reasonable rates
W. H. Morris, Rec. Hubbard Bldg.
Room 304. tl
MUST SELL At once, 15 acre fruit
farm six miles south, $2500; fine
prune crop thrown in. If you want
a bargain address 642 N. Liberty St.
or call 579R. july20
337 Court St. From $2 to $6 paid for
2d hand mens suits. We buy, trade
and sell jewelry, musical instruments
tools and guns. augll
and American fence screen doors and
window screens, paints, oils and var
nishes. Stoves for sale and repaired.
250 Court street. auglS
STRAYED One red yearling Jersey
heifer and one two 5'ear old vellow
Jersey heifer, both dehorned. Phone
3HH4. .1. V. Mimeh, Kt. 3. Owner
may have stock by paying costs. j!21
OPPORTUNITY A Chance for n
young man to take and run a fully
equipped shoe shining stand estab
lished right in the heart of the busi
ness district! No capital ' required.
Sec F. D. Bligh, Bligh Hotel.
FOR SALE 156 acres of good valley
land, county road, close to station:
good buildings, 80 acres in crop all
good; 14 head cattle including 10
cows, bogs, poultry, with all equip
ment. Price $100 per acre, terms
reasonable. Square Deal Realty Co.,
202 U. H. Bank bldg.
HELP -WANTEDCivil service exam
inations in Salem seon; government
clerkships, post office, mail .earner,
railway mail, internal revenue. We
prepare you and guarantee passing
grade. Complete course $7.00 un
der former civil service examiner.
U. S. School of Civil Service, Kenois
Bldg., Washington, D. C. july'JI
HOUSES FOK MALE $2850, 5-r, bun
galow, enameled finish, hardwood
floors, furnace, shades and fixtures.
Brand new. Located in Rose City
Park. 1 blk. to car, terms' $.VI0 down.
HOUSKS FOR SALE $3730,l rviugton
district, new 2 story, 4 bedrooms and
sleeping mrch, 1-2 cash.
LOUSES FUR- SALE $io0, west. side
bargain, hot water heat, I Or. and
hall, very modern, well adapted for
high class boarding house. ('. L. Wil
son, Cor. 45th and Kandy Blvd.
Phones Tabor 68C2I21, Portland
Oregon. julyl9
DR. O. A. OLSON, Dentist Adminis
ters nitrous ozid and oxygen gas.
Room 214. Masonic Temple. Phone
440. Bsleni, Oregon.
Classified Business
Telephone Directory
A Quick, handy reference for busy people
Balem Eleetrl Co., Msaonis Temple, 137 North High ............ ICaia MM
7. M. Barr, 164 South Commercial street , , Mala ltl
Salem Track A Dray Co, corner State ana front streets Hsla Tl
Dry Zensal
Moist Zensal
No. 18 Oregon Express , .... 6:90a. m.
No. 24 Kugrae Limited 8 :02 p. m.
No. M Willamette Limited... 0:22a.m.
No. 12 Sbasta Limited ...... 11 :55 . m.
No. 18 Portland Passenger ... 1 :27 p. m.
No. 20 Portland Pawenger. . . 0 :00 p. m.
No. 14 Portland Express 8:04 p.m.
No. 222Portlund taut Freight 10:30 p.. m.
No. 22tJ Local way Freight. .. .10 :33 a. m.
No. IS California Express. ... S :S2 a. m.
No. 17 Roneburg Passenger . .11:20 a.m.
N. 23 Eugene Limited ) :01a.m.
No. 19 Cottage OroTe Pnss. .,416 p.m.
Makes connection with hi). 74 Qser
No. 11 Rhaata Limited B :4.1p. m.
No. 27 Willamette Limited... 6:14 p.m.
No. 13 San Frnndaco iOzpress 1Q. :3D p. m.
No. 221 Ban Francisco Fast
Freight 12 :01 a. m.
No. 25 Local war Freight. . .11 :40 a. m.
EUudm-Obsb Lins.
No. T3 Arrlres at Balem 9:15 a.m.
lo. 711 Lea res Balem 9:50 a. m.
No. 75 Ar. Salem (mixed) 2:00 p.m.
No. 74 Leave Salem 4 :20 p. m.
No connection south t Gear.
Bu.aM. Falls Citvand Wasrss.
No. 1H1 l.T. Salem, motor .....7:00a.m.
No. UK) I.r Salem, motor 9 :45 a. m.
No. 105 Lt. Salem tor Monmouth
and Alrlle 11:10 a. m.
No. 167 I.r. Salem, motar .... 4:00p.m.
No. 160 Lt. Salem, motor :15 p. m.
No. 2.10 Wajr Fr't rr. Salem. . . . 6 :00 a. m.
No. 162 Ar. Salem 8:40a.m.
No. 14 Ar. Salem .'....11:10 a. m.
No. 1M Ar. Salem 8 :15 p. m.
No. 108 Ar. Salem 8 :0O p. m.
No. 170 Ar. Salem 7:46 p.m.
No. 240 Way Fr't ar. Balem... 1:35p.m.
r- fit TpanankPtstlnn f ' fWTl tl ai,
Leare Portland for Oregon City, Butterllla
Newborg, Miasion tai. i-nmi, nimuirai
Balem (dally except Sunday) . .6:45 a. as.
ra. avnrtlanil fnr tfuunndenc.
Albany-Corrallls, (Tuea., Thurs., Sat.)
.. ... o w
Corvallls . . . .
..6a. m. Mon., Wed., Frl
...T a. m. Moo., Wed., m
. . S a., m Moo., Wed., Frt
. 10 a. m. Moo., WeaL, Frl
, 8 a. m. Tuea., Thurs., Bat
Salcjn ... . . . .
pronrietor. Garbage and refuse of all
kinds remoed on monthly contracts
at reasonable rates. Yard and. ese
pools cleaned. Office pnnnt Main
8247. Resign" .. 2272-
1R8. B. n. WHITE and R. W. WALr
TON Osteopathia physicians nl
nerve specialists. Graduates of Amer
ican school of Osteopathy, Kirksvilla
Mo. Post graduate and specialized it
nerve disesses it Los Angeles college.
Treat acute and chronic diseases.
Consultation free. Lady attendant.
Office OO5-500 U. 8. National Bank
Building, l'hone 659. Residence 340
North Cnv'tal street. Phone 469.
from all points east, on all household
- Roods, pianos, etc. Consolidated car
lod service. CapMal City Tranafer
Company, agents for Pacific Coast
Forwarding company, 161 Bonth Com
merc'al street. Phone Main 933.
Morley's Pt. braced atyle.
iJepot American Fence.
Door and Window Hcrcens.
Paints, Oil and Varnish.
8love repaired and sold.
R B. Fleming, 2o0 Court.
FOR SAL OR TRADE 50 acres all
in cultivation. 22 acres young
prunes, bal. in crop, small house, 2
barns, 4 horses, 5 cows, 3 heifers,
4 hogs, 2 wagons, harness, other im
plements; well located, near Salem,
Evervthing complete for 87000.00.
Might consido some city property
In exchange. Square Deal Realty Co.,
202 T, S. Bank bldg. .
ON aood xUal Estate Becorlty. j
Orar Ladd Bash BanH. Balm. Oragon
MONEY TO LOAN I have made ar-i
rangementa for loaning eastern
money, will make very low rat of
interest on highly Improvsd farms j
Homer H. Smith, room 5 McCornack 1
Bldg, Salem. Ore. TvM ofl. i
All the home news whiie you are
away. Phone 81. j
The fact that Zensal is made
to reach the two distinct
.types of Eczema should ap
peal to all skin sufferers.
Tetter, salt rheum and dry
eczema should be treated
with Dry Zensal. For weep
ing skin use Moist Zensal.
50c a jar at
Salem . Train No. Ac Portias
85 a. m 2 Owl :6 a. as.
15 a. m fl 9:25 a. m.
:45 a. m 10 Limited . . . .11 :85 a. a.
Situ 12 11 :35 p. m,
50 p. m 14 4 :00 p. m.
DO p. m 18 Limited ... B :50 p. m.
.'10 p. m 20 7 :40 p. a.
S3 p. m. 22 10:00 p. a,
Portland. '
.311 a. m. .Sulem 8 :35 Eugene 10 :55 a. oa,
.10 a. m. ... 5 Limited .... 10:11 a. m. I
45 a. m 7 12:55 p. ol
05 p. m 9 , 4 :15 p. m.
40 p. m. . . . 18 Limited .... 6 :40 p. oa.
05 p. m. 17 Local .... 8:10p.m,:
20 p. m 1 11:20 p.m.
45 p. a. 21 Owl 1 M p. ah
Carrallls Ar. Salaea'
10 p. m V.. 20 ........5:30p.m.
Eugene. Ar. Baieai 1
35 a. m 10 Limited .... 9 :45a. a,
63 p. m 10 Limited,... 4:00p.m..
23 p. a. 22 T :65 p. a,
OS p. m 2 Owl 4 :S5 a. a. j
Ralem Ar. nfsax
35 a. m 21 Owl 6 :50 a. a.
15 a. m. .... S Limited ....11:25 p. a,
Salem Ar. Albans. '
;55 p. m. T l:60p-a.;
Stops at Corral IK
'Salem. - . .. ,- Ar. Albany,1
10 p. m 9 5 :10 p. a.
Ar. Albans
81 19 7 :35 o. m.
Sales , ' . Ar. Rugeaa .
45 p. m 13 8 :50 p. a. .
Lr. Corral lis
Ar. Sal eta I
8:25 a. m. ...
12:12 p. m. .,
2:41 p. m. ..
4 : 10 p. m.
6:18 p. a. ..
.10 9 :45 a. a,
. 14 1 :45 p. a.
. 16 4:00 p. a.
.20 6 :'Kp.m.
22 7 AO p. a.
BOOTH books ,
Lr. Salem Ar. Corralllt
10 :15 a. m 5 11:88 a. r. :
4 :15 p. m 0 5:30 p. a. '
12 :55 p. m 7 1:20 p. a. .
6 :40 p. m. 13 S :00 p. a. I
DS. O. L. SCOTT Graduate Jt Chiro- :
fractie's Fountain' Held, Davenport,
owa. If you have tried everything
and got no relief, try Chiropraa
tie spinal adjustments and get well. '
Office 406-7-8 U. 8. National Bank ,
Building. Phona Main 87. Residence
Main 828-R.
Therapeutics practiced by Dr. W. T.
Tompuins, S. T. Most powerful. nat
nril and successful treatment knowa
to science for the relief and cure of
headache, Btomach, liver and kidney
trouble; rheumatism, constipation,
infantile paralysis and all femala
complaints, heart, lung aad throevl
troubles; all diseases of the eye; can
eer, goitre, epilepsia, asthma, nerv
ousness or any chronic disease. Sug
gestive therapeutics properly applied
to a diseased body is positive, sura
and permanent in its results. Boon
9 to 12 a. m, 1 to 5 p. m., phona
991. -Office rooms 1, 8 and 3 Biyae
Bldy 341 State St., Salem, Oregon.
WEBB ft CLOCGH CO C. B. Webb..
A. M., Clou mortlcims and funeral
directors. . Latest modern met Jods
known to the profession employed
499 Court St. Main 120, Main 9888.
director and undertakers, 253 North
High street. Dar and night phona
corner Commercial and Trad street.
For water service apply at offio.
Bills payable monthly In advance.
Care of
Chinese Medicine and
Tea Company
Has medicine which will
cure any known disease.
153 South High Street,
Salem, Ore. Phone 283