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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (July 19, 1916)
Editorial Page of "The Capital journal'' WEDNESDAY EVENING, July 19, 1916. CHARLES H FISHER, Editor and Manager. PUBLISHED EVERY EVEXIXO EXCEPT SUNDAY, SALEM, OREGON, BY Capital Journal Ptg. Co., Inc. STANDS BY GUNS AND NAME JL. a BARNES, CHAS. H. FISHER, President Vice-President DORA C. ANDRESEN, Sec. and Treas. SUBSCRIPTION RATES Dally by carrier, per year $-i.00 Per month ,45c Dally by mail, per year . 3.00 Per month 35c FULL LEASED WIRE TELEGRAPH REPORT EASTERN REPRESENTATIVES New York, Ward-Lewis-Williame Special Agency, Tribune Building Chicago, W. H. Stockwel 1, People's Oas Building. The Capital Journal carrier boys are instructed to put the papers on the porta. If the carrier does not do this, misses you, or i.eglccta gettitng the paper to you on time, kindly phone tho circulation manager, as this is the only way we can determine whe'thor or not the carriers are following instructions. Phon Main 81 before 7:30 o'clock and a puper will be sent you by special messenger if the carrier has missed you. PACIFIC MAIL IS SORRY The Pacific Mail Steamship company that went out of The Prohibition party will continue to do business un der the old name, its leader yesterday at St. Paul refusing all suggestions about changing its title to the Reform party, or any other. Mr. Chafin, who was the candidate of the party for the presidency a year ago, urged, and is still urging the nomination of ex-Governor Sulzer. of "k. T T T 1 l it 1 mwm ' xe-w i orK, ior mat place. The delegates, however, seem to be lined up behind J. Frank Hanly, ex-governor of In diana, though Foss, ex-governor of Massachusetts, is a re mote possibility. Just what anyone wants with the nom ination is one of the political mysteries, for there is no chance of the party winning now, or ever. However, it serves to keep the ex-governors in the limelight and out of mischief, for running for office on the prohibition ticket is and has always been a harmless sort of diversion. As a party it does not appeal to the average voter, who, no matter what his belief as to prohibition, believes the ac complishment of any object, can best be secured through the old parties with which he is amliated tuiRinPSR sn RTiectacularlv on the eoine into effect of the!. .. principal piamcs in the party piattorm will be pro- i.VnH spnrrW lnw is ns anxious to tret back into its hibition and equal suffrage. The -trouble old business as it pretended it was to get out with Pacific Mail officials was they thought the Pacific Ocean and all therein, belonged to them and that the business of the whole coast could not get along without them. Thev had an idea the whole coast would go smash when they quit business and would get after congress to repeal the LaFolleite bill. They found the country wag irp.fl nlnntr without them, iust as some politicians have dis covered, and as they were not missed they reconsidered and want to get baeK. i ney are realizing mat mey are losing money and lots of it and it has made them very weary. It was the old game played so long and so success fully by the money powers of the east, who, when the elections or the tariff did not go to suit them drew tight the purse strings and refused to advance money for the legitimate business of the country. They could do this, and did; but they were much bigger and more powerful than the Pacific Mail and could force the hands of business However that day is over with them and the manu factured panic'which was a deadly weapon in the hands of the big capitalists, will perhaps never again material ize. The reserve banks have removed their teeth in part at least, and they cannot bite nearly so hard. It is probable the experience of Pacific Mail will deter other small fry from undertaking to play the game, and business, big business will be carried on on a much more reputable, and safe basis. . . . . A Eugene paper imagines it is funny to remark that if President Wilson does not like the way the British. are treating our shipping he should fire a few notes at the offenders. This sort of wit might be more appreciated by the people generally if they subscribed to the blood and thunder doctrines of the jingoists who want the United States to go around with a chip on the shoulder looking for a chance to get into the thick of the European blood fest. Most of them, however, appreciate the president's effort to keep the country out of war, although he had to bear a good deal of ridicule and abuse in order to accom plish this end. The notes to Germany resulted in the settlement of the differences between the two countries without the shedding of human blood or the destruction of valuable property and seem to have brought about a better understanding and more friendly feeling than had before existed since the outbreak of the war. If a few diplomatic notes to the allies brings about a similar under standing we think the nation, with the exception of a few bellicose editors, will appreciate the splendid public service of the president and his advisers. The Commercial club will meet tonight and it might be a good idea to rescind that apology to the S. P. Co. for re marks reflecting on the attractiveness of the Salem pas senger depot. Since the club backed up at the dictation of certain friends of the corporation there has apparent ly been no move made by the company to fulfil its promise of a new depot. If the club refuses to act, then the people themselves should take the matter up to the public util ities commission and at least compel the railroad com pany to show cause why Salem alone the Capital City of the state should have a cow shed for a passenger station when all other towns of 5,000 population or over be tween Portland and Sacramento have been presented with comfortable and modern depots during the past six years. The Russian bear is having a high old time after a hard winter, and is chasing the unwary wherever found. With half a million Austrians gorged, he is after a dessert of Turk and Germans, and is satisfying a ravenous ap petite without Fletcherizing. He may get more on his stomach than he is figuring on and be troubled with indi gestion before it comes time to hibernate again. The terrible floods in the Carolinas did their work so thoroughly that the country, or a large part of it is still isolated. Reports from the flooded districts are meager and from many places nothing at all has been heard. The death list yesterday was estimated at about twenty, but this was from a limited area, and did not cover the larger part of the flood-cwept districts. When the full tale is told the loss of life may run above a hundred and the property loss, now estimated at ten million dollars, may be double that. The stories of heroic rescues are many and show that civilized man is if anything the superior in moral courage to his remote ancestors who were physical ly unafraid, but who had not devedoped the selfsacrific ing spirit that risks life itself to aid the helpless and dis tressed even though utter strangers to those who forget self in aiding their fellows. E" AT EPWORTH LEAGUE Dr. Morgan to Lecture at Waller Hall Tomorrow at Epworth Institute Dr. Morgan, who created such a fav orable impression in his teeture "Prom the Puddling Furnace to the Pulpit" will qpeak agafri tomorrow evening, taking as his subject, "Vision anil Service." Dr. Morgan is a forceful and convincing speaker and is regard ed by many as one of tiie really elo quent men that have appeared tin the plaform in Salem. The address will be made in Waller hall as part of he Epworth League institute in session on the Willamette I'niversity campus. The program for Thursday evening is as follows: I m. Sfoming watch. URIC ACID GOINGGOING GONE "Anuric" Will Not Fail to Stop Your Backache. m. Brea k fast. J.a it m. Bible study, Dr. That was a spectacular battle in Chicago yesterday, and was witnessed by thousands of the citizens of that windy city.- It would seem that excess in any line is not good. Daily we have the story of too much booze setting someone crazy, with murder and all other crimes as a re sult. The cause of the trouble yesterday was too much religion, if it can be called that, that resulted in an ignor ant negro going utterly crazy and imagining he was come to save the world. It is only fair to add that with this religious fervor gone mad, was coupled also an entirely too great quantity of heat. This only emphasises the fact that too much of anything is about as bad, if not worse, than none at all. From the reception given it by the realty men at Port land yesterday the "full rental tax and loan law," the lat est child of the brain of that perennial law incubator, W. S. Uren will not survive the siege of infantile paralysis with which it has been attacked. Attorney A. L. Veazie explained its probable workings to a gathering of real estate men at Portland yesterday, and when its father, Mr. U'Ren, was called upon to show himself and respond ed, he was greeted with a round of hisses. Evidently the state has had about enough freak laws from the Oregon City factory and would give its kidneys a rest. The story that leaking tubes will delay the departure of the Deutschland, is told, no doubt, for British consump tion. An American stip might be caught in that condition but the German captain knows the condition of every factor of his ship from rivets to the engines. It was stated yesterday by German officials that "everything we tell you about the departure of the Deutschland will be a d-d lie"; and they evidently , told the truth in that statement. :30 to 7:1.") a Or. Morgan. 7:1.1 to 8:00 a sarnie hnll. ' 8:15 to 8:55 a Lane. :05 to 9:5ft a. m. Evangelism, I)r Morgan. Stewardship, Kev. Melville T Wire. Junior league methods, iliss NOUIIlSOll. 10:111) to 10:40 a. m. Epworth le'agne methods, Miss Kobinson. .lunior league demons! ration 10:50 to 11:.,0 a. m. Social service. Miss Chnppell. Recreation and culture, Kev. .1. V.. Spencer. 11:40 to 12:20 a. m. Citizenship. Dr. Hammond. Home missions. Jliss Ciinppell. Foreign missions, to be sui plied. 12:.10 p. m. Dinner. Lausanne hall. 1:00 to 2:30 P. m. Quiet hour. 2:45 to 5::t0 p. m. Tennis finals. Salem districf vs. Portland district; Eugene district vs. Klamath Falls dis trict. Winners vs. winners. Ii:00 ii. m. Supper. Lausanne hall. 8:15 i. m. Lecture, "Vision and Service," Dr. Morgan. SAY FOOD SITUATION People are realizing more and more every day tkaf the kidneys, just as do , the bowels, need to be flushed occa-, sionally. The kidneys are an elimina-1 tive organ and are constantly working.' separating the poisons from the blood. ' Under this continual and perpetual ; action they are apt to congest, and : then trouble starts. Uric "acid backs! up into the system, causing rheunia- tism, neuralgia, dropsy and many other serious disturbances. Doctor Pierce, of Buffalo, New York, advo- i cates that every one should drink ' plenty of pure water between meals.! Every day should exercise in the out-; door air sufficiently to sweat profusely, , and from time to time stimulate the kidney action by means of "Anuric." This preparation has been thoroughly tried out at his Sanitarium, in the same way as his "Favorite Prescription" for weak women and "Golden Medical j Discovery," the standard herbal system tonic, (both of which now cone ia tablet form for convenience of carrying and takin). "Anuric" is now being introduced here, and many local people are daily testifying to its pcrfectuess. When you have backache, dizzy spells or rheumatism, heed nature' warning. It means that you are a vic tim to uric acid poisoning. Then ask your druggist for "AHuric" and yon will very soon become oue of hundreds who daily give their thankful indorse ment to this powerful enemy to urie acid. If you have that tired, worn-out feel ing, backache, rheumatism, neuralgia, or if your sleep is disturbed by too fre quent urination, get Dr. Pierce's Anuria Tablets at drug store, full treatment $1.00. or send 10c for trial package to Dr. Pierce, Invalids' Hotel, Buffalo". X. Y. Relief For Families of Those at the Front Big Fight Expected On Child Labor Bill GREATLY If ROVED Harvesting Has Begun and Indications Are the Crops Are Good RippHngRhumos iTT"nT1 1 LADD & BUSH, Bankers Established 1SGS CAPITAL $500,000.00 Transact a General Banking Business Safety Deposit Boxes 'SAVINGS DEPARTMENT LEAP YEAR "Oh, come with me and be my beau," the spinster whispered, soft and low. "Why do you smile at giddy girls, with pearly teeth and sunny curls, whose only asset r is their looks, while I am learned, in hie and books? Oh, I can cook, and I can sew, so come with me and be my beau. What though in years I'm getting on? The foolishness of youth is gone; experience has taught me much, with useful arts I am in touch, and I can make of home a nest where weary man might gladly rest; and I can ornament, you bet the parlor or the kitchenette, and I can wash and knead the dough, so come with me and be my beau. I play the harp and violin, I carve on wood and hammer tin, and I can talk of books and art; I've always been, considered smart; with my own hands I made this gown, which is the smoothest thing in town; there's veiy little I Hon't know; then come with me and be my beau." The invitation was in vain, for no young man is safe and sane. He rounded up a girl to wed who couldn't bake a loaf of bread or sew or cook or do a thing but look like flowers that bloom in spring. , I By Carl W. Ackernian. (United press staff correspondent.) Berlin, by wireless to JSayville. L. I., July ll. Both Germany and Austro Hungary are showing considerable im provement in the food situation. Har vesting has begun in Galieia and the first reports indicate a good crop. An Austro-Hungariau commission, em powered to make an agricultural inves tigation, arrived here today. The pros pects of an agreement being reached are most favorable. Much an understanding would be of great aid in relieving the shortage in Germany since the dual monarchy possesses niofe food than the German empire. A new discovery by a police lieuten ant who spent his idle msmvnts study ing the food question, has been ' an nounced. By a process known only to himself the 'lieutenant can make bone produce 25 per cent fat fit for human consumption. Bread, butter, meat and similar cards are disappearing in the cities of Aachen (Aix-la-Chapelle), Dresden, Stuttgart nnd Strnsshurg, where they have been supplanted by food books. Berlin may adopt a similar plan. Quits Baseball to Play Political' Game Detroit, Mich.. July 19. .Sam Craw ford, veteran Tiger outfielder, may quit baseball in favor of the political game. Rumors were in circulation here todav that Sam mav accept the democratic' nomination for sheriff of Wavne countv (Detroit). Leaders hint ed that he could have the nomination if he wanted it. If Crawford runs he may le pitted against r.d Mem, another famous old time ball player, who was a hurler on the old Brooklyn Superbas. tein is arter the republican nomination. Relief for needy families of Salem whose bread winners arc serving in Company il was appropriated yesterday afternoon at a meeting of tlje relief committees of the Salem Patriotic Lea gue, the Commercial club nnd the com mittee appointed by Mayor White. While there are but few families really needing this relief, the committees are investigating and helping those who would not ordinarily call for assist ance. All cases of relief will be handled by a general committee from the Salem Pa triotic League, the Commercial club and the county court and a subscription committee was appointed consisting of Rev. James Klvin, chairman; Mrs. A. N. Bush, Mrs. George H. Burnett and Max Buren. On the general relief committee, the following were named: Rev. F. T. Porter, Mrs. T. B. Kay, Mrs. W. O. Asselyn. Mrs. W. E. Aiulerson, Rev. James Klvin. Max Buren and Ivan G. McDnniel. Mr. Klvin will serve as per manent chairman of the committee nnd Ivan G. Me Daniel secretary The Journal Does Job Printing. Washington, July lfl. A fight oa tiie chilil labor bill paralleling the ship bill light of a year afj, loomed before the senate today as the result of Pres tiTTnt Wilson's demand that the meas ure be passed before he begins his ac tive campaign for re-election. Southern senators, led by Smith of South Carolina and llardwick of Geor gia, gave notice today that they will keep their northern democratic breth ren in semitropical Washington all summer listening to speeches if an at tempt is made to force passage of the bill. . . Tiiey threaten to .jockey grutiou restriction bill into where a test vote will be and it' possible force the either to vetr it again or reverse his previous position. They regard the child labor measure us "northern poli tics." Leaders closest to the White House Walsh, Owens, Kern, James say they'll .stay until election day if necessary to press the bill to a final vote. the immi- a position necessary, president Have the Capital Journal follow yoo. 'during your vacation. Phone 81. Trust Prices Cut in Half Painless Parker Dentistry ? 50 Less y THAN TRUST DENTISTS CHARGE Hours 8:30 to 6:30; dosed Sundays. Bigger Office, Bigger Business, Better Methods, Better System, More Patients, More Hygienic THAN ANY TRUST DENTIST IN OREGON We examine your teeth (not your pocketbook) free of charge. Part of every dollar you give a Trust Dentist goes to help keep up the Trust in Oregon. Can you afford to pay $2 for $1 worth of old style dentistry just to help the dental combine crush competition? Painless Parker Dentist N. E. CORNER STATE AND COMMERCIAL, SALEM 3261A Washington St., Portland Los Angeles, San Diego, San Francisco, Oakland, Bakersfield, Fresno, 8aa Jose, Brooklyn, K. Y. (Til & UST a word Mr.Trr. 1st Mr. Horn LWst UST tnttr Hotel No nit hotpittbk doctl UST telect large, ckeer ful roam foe yom stay UST ttop-a long, Ion me..c e thin, shtct Bmr UST tr? service that erv IkipetM evsrythin(..i stem phar ttu( eVifhto UST make a start brWard Mttw kIth.-io9 tke sm bif ml- UST meet and hobnob l friends in the tin lobby our weary bonea en a truly hunuious bJ snl 'iwtswilit ilnnt Jiims UST the tKiruj that appeal m itnf micm. Rom with privikee ef Uth tl or awre ike day. Rmsw mirk piito bh$Utef awe ike eV 11 WMbinftaa Portland The Nation's Favorite Better Nut There Is No Better Always Watch; This Ad -Changes Often m Strictly correct weight, iqnara deal and lignest pricea for all ktala of junk, metal, rubber, hidet and fun, I pay 2e per pouad for aid raga Big itoek of all aicea second hand incubator. Jul kindi eomgatei Iron for botk roof aad building. Booting paper and aeeoad fcaad Unolenaa. H. Steinback Junk Co. Tie Houaa of Hal! a Millioa Bargalaa, J 01 Kortk Comaercial It, Pfceava Mi i I Hi f J