Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, July 19, 1916, Page THREE, Image 3

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Willamette Valley News
Silverton News
(Capital Journal Special Service)
Silverton, Or., July 18. W. A. Cross
a former Silverton resident was in this'
city Friday. ;
Mjss Xora Brown is attending the
state normal this week and also visit 7
ing Monmouth friends.
T. B. Preston has purchased a new
Saxon automobile, ' going over to Sa
lem after it Saturday.
Ocorge Riches ami wife of Salem
were guest at the T. W; Riches home
last Sunday.N,
Miss Velma Moser spent a few days
the first of the week with friends at
Ir. Hume was - over from Scotts
Mills on business the first of this
Kd Buell is reported quite ill at his j
fioiDO in ixcisers hiiuiuuii.
Mrs. W. R. Robinson entertained her
friends Mrs. O. Anderson and daugh
ter from Wondbura Tuesday. ,.
Mr. and Mrs. H. ('. Hartman were
in from their ranch at Scotts Mills
Friday to do some work at their home
on Second St.
Eva and Isabella Bergeron spent the
last of. the week with their friend,
Bertha Broukey at Mt. Angel.
Mrs. Charles Wilson who came from
Burns, Dr., to attend the birthday re
ception of her mother Mrs. Baker re
turned to her home the last of ihe
week, She planned on visiting reia-
There are between 125 and li0 pick
ers at the Keen lo'jau berry field. It
is expected that the picking will last
over a month.
Mrs. W. T. Vanderpool who died at
Wapanetia July 4, was a daughter of
Mrs. Ida Sawyer, of this place also sister-of
John Wood who went to Dnfur
on Thursday of -last week to attend the
funeral. . ..:-.-
Is the Statement of This Salem Man
Jefferson News
(Capital Journal Special Service)
Jefferson, Or., July 19. Mrs. Lloyd
Mason and little son returned Satur
day from a several weeks visit in
Sherman county with her parents, Mr.
ami Mrs. Belshee and other relatives.
Mr. arid Mrs. S. II. Ooin and daugh
ter attended the chautauqua at.' Albany
Mrs. Qi O.'Kpley was at Snlem Sat-
I urday.
several or the Odd f ellows attended
lodge at Albany Wednesday, night.
Officers were installed and Grand
Master Westhrook was present. Those
going were G. W. Humphrey, J. h.
Blackwell, J. G. Fontaine, A. L. Gor
don, R. Weddle, Herman Plunkett, K.
h. Keeves, Koy Snodderly and Jack
Backache is often kidr.ey ache;
A common warning of berious kidney
"A Stitch in Time Saves Nine"
Don't delay use Doan'g Kidney
Profit by Mr. Smith's experience.
A. H. Smith, carpenter, Jtau jjee &t., Enireiie
Salem, says: "I have always found Mrn Wm Kothoff an.l daughters
TV - t.-!.l.... T:ll- nil l.f la' . .-. . .. .. "
Dvun s muuey j iu i" ! " were at Salem Saturday
cluimed of them and I am only too
glad to publicly recommend thein to
others who are in need or a good, re
liable' kidney medicine. 1 have taken
Doan's on Beveral occasions, when I
have felt in need of a kidney remedy
and they have always done me good.
A few "doses now and then keeps iny
kidneys in good working' order."
Price 50c, at all dealers. Don't sim
nlv ask for a kidney remedy get
him n 's Kidnev Pills the same that
tives at Oregon City and Portland enMr. Smith had. Fostcr-Milburn to.,
route. Props., Buffalo, N. Y.
-U r. HIHI .,1. I . uimirinj in, ,
were quite seriously injured in a run
away while returning home from this!
city where they had been shopping
Monday, are slowly s convalescing at.
the local hospital. Airs, soinerg was
Silver Cliff Items
(Capital Journal Special Service.)
Silver Cliff. Ore.. July 19. J. B.
more badly hurt than Mr Solberg and Thorlll,. w)l0 -fell from a cherry tree
V, b'siia haiil tk t- ftrar rnfir thPrA
were serious internal injuries. a few days ago and was quite badly m-
M3ss Rubv Speer of Aumsville was jured, is slowly improving..
ft guest of "her grandmother Mrs. K. Mrs. J. M. Burnette and Mrs. Chns.
Buffe a few days this week. Clieslake visited at the Elmer Hubbard
Mr. and Mrs. B. Wiesner .enjoyed a home Monday.
visit irom their grandchildren, Mr. and Jacob Fox was a Silverton visitor
Mrs. Warren Grav of Jefferson the Saturdav.
last of the week. ' t Mrs. H. C. Strom and Mrs. John Brew-
Mrs. E. B. HoldW who has been er called on Mrs. Coffman Thursday,
upending several weeks with relatives Mr. and Mrs. Chns. Mulkey, of Ger
here, returned to her home in the east Vais, but formerly of this place, are
last Thursday. the proud parents of a baby boy.
.Mrs. nessie ncnuei eiiici-ianicu uci
friend Mrs. A. N. Bush of Salem last
Mr. and Mrs. Al Nickerson had an
uncle, B. J. Pnrrish, of Dayton as a (Cnpital Journal Special Service.)
guest on Monday. I T.ivesley, Ore., July 19. Mr. W. V.
Miss Bemice Amroe of Portland ,T0i,nsnn, of Salem, has bought the Booth
spent Sunday with her friend Eva 1)uco iook possession last Tuesday.
Dicerness. -Ve understand Mr. Johnson is going to
rTanu rtiveni aim wire speni
Livesley News
Mrs. A. J.-DeVaney recently return
ed from a visit of several mouths with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert at
Mrs. Alice Kent is here from Wald
port for a visit with relatives.
A. C. Libby left Tuesday for Lex
ington on a business trip.
Geo. r.pley, wife and son came over
from Sheridan Wednesday in their au
tomobile for a visit with relatives. As
Mr. and Mrs. Eploy nre both old res
idents ot Jetterson our people are al
ways glad to welcome them.
:n. Klumph and two children of
Chicago are visiting at the home of the
lady s sister, .Mrs. ,M. J. Looney
Thehy stopped off lu southern Cali
fornia to visit her parents. Mr.
Klumph will come out about the first
of August and a little later they will
return Home together.
Mr.' and Mrs. A. A. Miller have re
turned home from their trip to Wash
ington and Idaho. They traveled 1100
miles in their Dodge and only had one
puncture, lie and another man bought
a large tract of land in Idaho and he
was there to look it over.
Mrs. Chas. G. Miller is enjoying a
visit with her friend Miss Sherman of
Texas. She says she never saw such
cherries as we have.
Mrs. Flickinger has . purchased of
Virgil Weddle the residence property
known ns the Seehnlo place.
John Carter was at Salem Saturday.
Fruitland News
(Capital Journal Special Service.)
Fruitland, Ore., July 19. Miss Eva
Ziegler, who went to Portland Inst
spring to live, has been visiting with
few mltn evtnnsivA improvements and take
W1 .."J""' r'irri8 ' t,,e 0f thC ,,Ci,, I Mrs! taker the past week
.,...... xveuriy everyone in mis neignoornooii
Mrs. C. A. Barr ,s in Portland untlor- j having i,ay gt it pretty well soaked
going treatment. Tor her eyes. by Saturday's and Sunday's rain.
Miss H.Ida Meyer, 0f Oregon Cty.j 'willjam Ghoi tho y0l,1(iest Hon of
who has been visiting with Mr. ""''jMrs. Anna Girod, got his leg broken
Mrs. N. P. Kugol for sevsral weeks, ,uf)t by a f ( t.af b,
leaves for Mount Angel today. ! imjnatj01I it was folllld that two l)0110H
Mr. Louis Johnston is plastering and whi(,h wil, k him . ,
making some improvements on . f0r a whilo. ':
house. I Val and Fred Geriir have their upw
Air nnd Mrs. W. Dennis and chil-Jj , ... . ., .
of Mrs. Reveals mother. Mrs,
Mr. and Mrs. Dolph Carpenter mo
tored up from Fullerton, Cal., to visit
the former's father at Woodburn, and
were guests of Silverton friends Sat
urday. , i ( , ; . .. . ... ; .
; Mrs. Jennings Smith' lias been enjoy
ing a visit from her sisters, Mrs. A.
Knyhill and Mrs. Surah McKubbin of
Dayton, Wash., the past week.
Emma Jones returned trom lloaqui
, Wash., Tuesday with her sister, J,r- !, f ' p";M.;j r to attend T1'8'11 n-nrly. completed at their 'To rm
ss Marie who has been visiting at ,1ron ,eft for P.rt,""a V"1" t0 aHen ! east of Fmitland.
, borne oi lor X Ju f at that place. camp meetings and w.l.lNne gone Q v Wnmmfr
nhout. 10 davs.
Mr. W. M. Meier has erected a large
Indiana silo and is prepnriag to fill it
with clover.
r. J. W. Gerlier is in Portland for a
Soap should be used very carefully, f,.w dnvs taking farewell with his son
if you want, to keep your hair looking T. W. Gerber, who lins been appointed
its best. Most soaps and prepared Pacific division manager of the United
hhampoos contain too much alkali. This Press with bis office in San Francisco,
dries the scalp, makes the hair brittle, Carpenter Bros, have bought the W.
and ruins it. Dennis farm.
The oest thing for steady use is just . Jrs. Orr and children, of I'tnli, nre
ordinary mulsified coconnut oil (which visiting with friends and relntives here,
is pure and greaseless), and is better . Mrs. L. Mackie and children, of Ore-
1hn the most expensive soap or any- gon City, spent the week-end at the N.
thing else you can use. . P. Kuglo home.
One or two tenspoonfuls will cleanse Mrs. H. B. Carpenter's Sunday school
the hair and scalp thoroughly. Simply class held their monthly nociul in the
moisten the ..air with water and rub it church on Friday evening,
in. It manes nn abundance of rich, Walter Bowman has gone to work in
cream- lather, which rinses out easily, Junction City.
removing every particle ot dust, dirt, Berry picking is in full swing here
dandruff and excessive oil. The hair and the prospects are bright for a heavy
dries quickly and evenly, and it leaves crop,
the scalp soft, and the hair fine and
silkv bright, lustrous, fluffy aid easy. A dense cloud of gnats hovering near
to manage. ' . a Minneapolis church spire caused one
V'ou cii get mulsifiefl cocoanut oil at of the most unusual false alarms on
ny pharmacy, it's verv cheap, and a record. Observers thought smoke .wn-s
few ounces will supply every member coming from the church nnd sent for
of the family for months. the fire department.
morning at the church following Suu
day school. The next appointment is
two weeks from next Sunday.
Tim linnQM fnnturir is in n ilicit'ti.
Mr. Joe Ringwnld had an eperntion comiitionj ,its num),r of ,,ntroiis. iii
performed on his eye by Dr. a. Ji. eteamng every month until now it has
The Pan-Dandy Watchword
"I want some more. "
That's the chorus you'll hear from all the family when
you give them delicious Pan-Dandy 13read.
Pan-Dandy Bread
For they've never tasted anything more appetizing
than ti e crisp daintiness of l'an-Uandy, made with
selected flour and tested milk.
Try it yourself aiid see.
Your grocer has it 5c for I'an-Dandy,
10c for his big brother.
See that it bears the label. -SALEM
240 S. Commercial Street
creasing every
over 50.
Henry Smith has been visiting his old
friend, Mr. Dunlup, the past week.
Wants His Pet Do?
Cremated With Him
Portland, Or., July 19. A little
brown dog mourned today for his mas
ter, Walter Vivian, engineer, who
committed suicide. But the pet's
grief will not be for long. In n letter
written just before death Vivian asked
that his canine pal be killed mid cre
mated with him. This will probably
be done.
Vivian's body was found in an
apartment house. Police were attract
ed to the spot by the dog's howling.
When they attempted to approach the
corps, however, the rtog rushed at the
officers, holding them off for -'0 minutes.
United Evangelical Church
Meeting July 25 to
August 6 .
The annual camp meeting of ' the
United Evangelical church will be held
at Quinaby Park beginning July 25
and Closing August 0. Besides the
ministers of the conference who will
take part, several men active in the
church work will deliver addresses.
Rev. D. M. Metzger, D. D., dean of
,Western Union college, will preach on
the evening of July 23, Rev. D. A.
Poling,;. LL. D., associate president' of
the United Society of Christian En
deavor, of Boston, Mass., will deliver
his lecture on the afternoon of Wednes
day, July 20.
Services will be held each day and
evening during the entire camp meet
ing.' AM services are open to the pub
lic and every one is cordially invited.
Ihe program for the three days be
gining Thursday, July 25, is as follows:
Sunday School and ' Keystone League
of Christian Endeavor .
Tuesday, July 25.
7:45 p. in. Devotional.
8:30 p. in. Annual Sermon
Dr. D. M. Metzger, Dean of Western
Union College, LcMars, Iowa.
. Wednesday, July 20
0:00 a. m. Devotional.
9:20 a. in. Paper, "Grading n Sundav
School" Mrs. W. W. Smith
Dallas, Oregon.
9:40 a. in. "Teacher and Teacher
Training" Dr. D. M. Metzger,
LcMars, low a
10:10 a. in. Quartette
Portland Ockley Green
10:20 a. ni. Address C. A. Phipps
Hen. Sec'y Ore. S. S. A.
Music Salem K. L. ('. E.
11:00 a. in. Business Session.
1:110 p. in. Devotional.
2:00 p. m. Greetings from D. A. Pol
ing, LL.D., Associate President
United Society C. E.
2:15 p. m. Quartette ;
Portland Ockley Green
2:25 p. in. "Getting the Prayer Meet
ing out of Ruts" E. C. Farnham,
Corvallis, Ore.
"On the Lookout" '. Dallas, Ore.
"The Social Hour" Ilillsboro, Ore.
"The Missionary Spirit and K. L. C.
E." Miss Bertha Magness,
under appointment to China
3:25 p. m. Music... Salem K. L. C. E.
o:o0 p. m. Auuress i.iu.vu ui..,n
I Pres. Ore. C. E. Union.
1 4:00 p. in. Business and Suggestions.
7:45 r. m Sonir and Praise Service.
8:30 p. in. Address.... Rev.C. P. Gates.
A. M., Dayton, Ore.
Women's Home and Foreign
Missionary society.
Thursday, July 2i.
10:00 a. ni. Song Service led by E. C.
Fariiham, Corvallis, Ore.
10:30 a. in. Devotional ....Mrs. Snvilla,
Corvallis, Ore.
10:45 n. in. Short Talks on Our Mis
sion Work. .
Question Box.
11:45 a. in. Chain of Prayers for Our
2:00 p. m Devotional, Mrs. Scott,
Dallas, Or. (
Duet Miss Lcnoie ' Thompson, Mrs.
Kuphemia KitzwateK"
3:00 p. in. Address, Mrs. V. T. Porter
Saleni, Or.
Solo, Mrs. S. S. Mnmey, Salem, Or.
Brunch benediction.
7:45 p. m. Song service, Rev. G. L.
.First game R. 11. E.
St. Louis 0 4 1
New York o 10 0
Koob, Fincher and Hartley; Russell
and Nunamaker.
E. !
Second game R. H.
St. Louis 4 9 21
New York 5 8 2i
Hamilton and Sovero'd; Fischer and :
Nunamaker. . . i
' First game R. H. E. j
Chicago 0 7 2 ,
Washington 3 0 2
Wolfgan" Russell and Schalk; Ay-,
er, Dumont, Johnson and Ainsmiti, '
Second game
Benz, Dun for ill and Lapp; Johnson
and Ainsinith.
R. H. E. !
2 0 3!
7 li
First game R. H. E. !
Detroit 2 6 2
Boston '. 4 8 2
Dauss and Staunge, McKee; Mays
ami Thomas, Agnew.
Second game R. H. E.
Detroit 5 14 4
Boston 9 11 l!
Cunningham, Bolaml and Baker; '
Shore, Leonard and Cody. I
R. H. E.
Cleveland 12 12 1
Philadelphia 5 9 4
Bagby ami Daly; Hussellmckor and
R. H. E.
New York . S 11 2
Chicago 0 12 4
Benton aud Kanden; . Lavender,
Brown and Fischer, r
And come to us for your Clothing and Furnishings.
We carry a complete line of Outing Clothing and
The House that Guarantees Every Purchase
Corner State and Liberty
First game R. H.
Brooklyn O 8 1
Pittsburg 14 2
1'feffer and McCarthy; Kantlchiier
and Wilson.
R. H. E.
Boston i 30 13 0
St. Louis 10 1
Rudolph amr Howdy; Williams, Jos
ept and Gou.nles, Brottem.
Philadelphia-! 'incinnntl
poned; rain.
game post-
Recruiting Squads
Ready for Their Work
Camp Withyconibe, Or., July 10.
Five hundred letters are en route to- j
day to as many able bodied young Orc
gouians, urging them to don Uncle
Siiins khaki and enlist.. When the
letters have paved tin; way, four re
cruiting sounds will si nit from this
I camp and canvass every nook of the
state seeking new soldiers. The., re
cruiters plan to begin their personal
labors tomorrow. An official check of
the Oregon National Guard units at
the Mexican burder showed they were
MM men short and that the number
would probably grow to 10110 when
those with persons dependent on them
for support were relieved.
The four recruiting squads are eon
fronted with the task or getting looo
enlistments to fill those vacancies.
Baker, Ore., July 19. Earl Lockwood
and George Leonard object to traveling
to the State Industrial school at Salem
with a companion of eolor. When Con
stable John Jeff oris took the two with
Roy Southern, a lanky negro, they
sought to improve on nature.
Lockwood and Leonard applied liberal
coats of talcum to their companion un
til he presented the appearance of a ,
very blonde ghost. Soon the powder i
dusted off und Southern refused fur-;
ther treatment. Jefferis returned from:
Salem today. . '
111 I
Experiments by n British expert of
reforesting some of the hills of China
have led to the establishment of a
coinprehensiTe course in forestry in
a university in that country.
Toledo, Ore., July 18. Protecting the
United Stutes mail from a sea lion was
ithe job which fell recently to Mark
Wnldport. When C. R. hvans, who has
the in n i 1 contract on South Beach, met
up with a wounded sea lion his team
became unmanageable and he hud to
summon help. Mark Guilliums, keeping
out of reach of the animal's tusks, at
tacked it with big rocks until he stun
ned it and then dispatched it with a
club. j
Earlier in the day the sea lion nt-1
tempted to attack a passing automobile.
Try Pineapple Juice j
for Stomach Trouble
Pineapple juice is now scientifically j
recognized ns having great medicinal
value and when properly iMiinbined
with pepsin anil other ingredients tile
mixture is one of the finest things you.
can Use for stomach trouble. !
Let us tell you about th remark
able results that are being obtained!
through the use of N'ATOI, PIN KAI'-!
sell at 50c and UID per bottle with1
a positive guarantee of benefit or
money back. .1. C. Perry Drug Co.
Doa't forget your iriends on their
vacation they will want to see a home
paper. Phone 81.
Summer Tours
$32 Round Trip
Good for 80 Days,
Ninety Day Ticket 35.00
Meals and beqth included on the
Twin Palaces S. S. Northern
Pacific and Great Northern
only 20 hours at sea. Most de
lightful trip on the West Coast,
Oregon Electric
North Bank Road .
S. S. Northern Pacific
. 8. S. Cheat Northern
Low Far8 for Bound TACT
Trips to all cities of the LAdl
Direct via the Most Scenic
Routes, of America, or via
California. '
Catsop Beach for
J. V. RITCHIE, Agent,
Salem, Oregon
Journal Wont Ads Get Results You
Want Try one, nnd see.
SIGHTLY . 15c well tfarMc
cttinT.MiSOPT CO..ISC..MMnil
When In SALEM, OBEOON, itof ti
Sjrlctly Modern
Free and Private Bath '
BATES: 76c, 11.00, 11.50 FEB DAI
The only hotel in the business district
Nearest to all 'Depots, Theatres anr
Capitol Buildings. -A
Home Away From Horn.
T. O. BLIGH, Pros.
Both Phones. Frea Anto Bu.
Why Not Usa 4
Colombia QUALITY Carbons? 4
Id ads in Oregon
100 Copies Guaranteed froa 4
Each Sheet.
Columbia Carbon Pa?er Mff. Co. 4
3rd A Broadway, Port land, Or. 4
.1:00 n. 111. Oratorical contest.
Umatilla Man Is
Presbyterian Moderator!
Kugene, Or., .Inly 10 liev. Jiimeaj
M. Cornelison, of the Tutulla .Mission,!
011 the Ciuntilla Indian reservation,;
yesterday was elected moderator of thei
I'jesbyterian synod of Oregon, in ses
sion here. Rev. Joseph Diven, of Al
bany was elected reporting clerk.
With the election of the modorutor
the synod began its real work, the j
morning sessions having been devoted
to preliminary business und lectures:
by university speakers.
Action oil the proposed union of Al
bany College, at Albany, ami the Pa
cuic lTnivenity, ot Forest drove, will
be taken up later in the week.
Pacific I niversily was founded in:
1H4K, and until eight 'years ago was a
Congregational institution, but of late'
has been iioiie-tnriai. As a nonces-1
tnriau institution it has rnised an en-,
dnwment of Ji)",ihi0... Albany College;
ns a I'resbvterian institution, has an!
endowment 'of ittOJIOO. I
Such a merger has been considered,
in previous yeurs. 'ongregutioniilists
in Portland and the people of Albany,
are opposing such a step. at this time.
Dr. Calvin II. French, secretary of the;
Preslivteriaii college board, is here
from New York to take part in the dis-!
At a meeting in the courthouse
Saturday afternoon . of . tiie Taxpay
ers' league the following were mimes
as the candidates for .county court
places shuuld the proposed recall be
successful: S. II. Petre, former county
commissioner, county, judge: -Muse
Manston, county commissioner to sue,
ceed (ieorge Wells; and George Me.-,
Culloch, county commissioner to suc
ceed O. W. Beckett, one of the three'
were present and no one at the meet
ing knew whether thoy would accept
the nominations. A motion was made
and seconded that, should any candi
date reiuse the nomination, the next!
Inchest 011 the biillots taken Saturday!
snould be asked to become the coudi-i
date. This would meuu that' K. F.j
Rogers and Kd l.uce would be the alter
nates to Petre and Mct'ulloch. The'
name of William Kiddle of Monmouth
was proposed as a candidate for com-,
niissioiier, but was withdrawn in fav
or of the name of Mose .Maiiatou.-
Dallas Observer.
On the Wings of the i
. n
56,000 miles per second over town and country, field
and stream-out goes your voice hy Bell telephone. Surest
to send, quickest to reach the ear you seek, and easiest to
bring the answer back from anywhere.
Consult the list of toll rates to cities hereabout; its in
the front of your Bell directory. The next time you have
business outside of Salem or wish to chat with distant
relatives and friends, turn to your Bell telephone.
Journal Want Ads Get Results.