NINE r WILLIAM A. WILLCOX MANAGES THE ' HUGHES CAMPAIGN FOR PRESIDENT Abolition of Vodka Made Tries for Peace Between United States and Mexico Newport 1 70, 000, 000 Workers Sober Doubling Producing Power THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OKeuuN, TUESDAY, JULY 18, 1915. at "Si i r I in Wl LL I AH : R Wl LLCOX . HEW REPUBLICAN NATIONAL CHAIR.MAN William R. Willcox former cliairmnn of the public service commission for the First New York state district (which embraces New York City), has been ueni e d as as cliairmnn of the republican committee to direct the campaign. Air. "Willcox was the personal choice of Air. Hughes, and there was a report that tbme'stnmp of approval had been put upon him by Colonel Roosevelt. Mr. Hughes, it is understood, wanted .Mr. Wilcox because he had known Mm for years ami had implicit faith in his judgment. Willcox was appointed by Ungu es as chairman of the public service c mmission when Hughes was governor, nd they have been close friends. Will cox has the added advantage of having nerved two and one half by appointment of Colonel Koosevclt as postmnster f New York. Of late he has practiced law and has not been closely affili ated with politics, and, like Mr. Hughes, did not participate actively in the cam paign of 1912. Foch Directs French Offensive at Somme OEN. rOCH south of the Sonnne river. This has given increased confidence in the result of the allied offensive." TO MAKE HAIR'S VANISH FROM FACE, NECK OR ARMS Under the supervision of Gen. Joffro, the French offense against the Ger mans in the region of the Somme i directed bv General Foch, who has won fame in the wnr as a skillful lender. A dispatch from London snvs: "The Brit ish people learn for the first time that the French General Foch, who has won a great reputation during the course of the war, is directing the operation Keep a little powdered dclatone handy and when hairy growths appear make a paste with some of the pow der and a little water, then spread over hairv surface. After 2 or :i mill uies rub off. wash the skin and it will be entirely free from hair or blemish. This simple treatment is unfailing, but care should be exercised to lie sure mi get genuine dclntonc, otherwise yon may be disappointed. Bear Gaiting. In the time of 8hakespeare theatres were otteu used tor bear baiting well as for the presentation of plays and in noiuo cases were equipped with a stage which could be removed when the hear halting was to occur. 1 he con teinporarv attitude toward this diver ion is seen in this quotation: "It was a sport very pleasant to see the bear with Ins pink eves leering attcr his one mies' 'approach." It is comforting to reflect in these days that the killing of ammnl'S, ut lenst as n form of iimuse meat, has greatly (timinislieit nud in most countries has disnppenrett. Out look. They Don't Like Bachelors. In tin; Argentine republic if a mini engaged to nmrrv hesitates bevond reasonable time in leading his fiancee to the nltar he is lieavilv fined, and if a resident of the republic should fail to mnrrv he is taxed until he reaches the age of eighty. Packard and other promi nent automobile engineers favor motor oils from Western crude. Exposition juries at San Francisco and San Diego gave highest competitive awards to Zerolene an oil from Western crude. Zerolene is the best oil for your motor because scientifically refined from selected California crude asphalt-base. Government experts tell us that oils correctly refined irom asphalt-base crude 'distill without decomposition" do not break up and lose their lubricating value under cylinder heat and are Mmuch better adapted to motor cylinders, as far as their carbon-forming proclivities are con cerned, than are paraffine-base Pennsylvania oils." When you empty the crank-case refill with Zero - lene. Dealers everywhere and at service stations and agencies of the Standard Oil Company. ZEROLEN -the Standard Oil for tfotor Cars By William Philip Sims (United Tress staff correspondent) I'etrogiad, June 17 (By . mail) "Has the abolition of Vodka done any real good in Russia ." I put this question today to Nicholas Tchaykovsky, member or the Central Co-operative committee of I'etrograd as he sat in front of his desk at com mittee headquarters. Tried in IH07 as a revolutionist ami acquitted he is now doing his bit for Russia. His seusa- tive face, remindful of portraits of Ijouglellow, surrounded as it is by snowy beard inid lutir, became very eager. "Done any good!" Tie echoed, "It has worked wonders. For one thing it gives russia a sober peasantry and a sobe'r peasantry means almost dou.le working capacity. And over wl per cent, of the Kussin population 1 U, OOO.IIUO souls are peasants. It means better farms, bigger crops, more mon ey, better living conditions in homes, better fed children and consequently more rapid advance in schools, liette children makes better men. "it means a more progressive, more dependable, richer Russian peasantry. It means all that and more hcsulcs. Tclwiykovskv Hiicnks: iinglish fliu entlv. He moved to Kansas in 1870 aud started a community there. A moral success, it failed for lack of funds, whereupon the founder went to hester, l'a., and worked as a carpen ter. Later lie got a job in a i'lnladel- hia sugar mill. Subsequently to Par is, then to London, (lUlJii), he return ed to the United States, (liHKi), on a mission, rounding Kussinu committees in New York, Huston, Hattnnore; Phil adelphia, Cleveland, Cincinnati, Chi cago, Denver and other cities, in isioi he returned to Russia where he was ar rested and put in prison, ( Since Itllu Tclinvkovsky has been working as a member of the central co operative committee, helping co-operative societies get started and is so happy nt the job that his face positive- beams. 'We have nlwavs fought drink," he told me, "but when vodka was pro hibited our committee asked: 'What are you going to give the people instead?' 'Yon know our villages are few and far between. Our rural districts are lonelv. Voilkn was a curse but it was also a diversion, which was why it got such a hold on liussia. no our thousands of rural co-oper ative societies all over the empire got busv. We organized diversions to keep the peasants and villagers from iniss ia" their vodka. Most of our stores, offices, banks and warehouses are two storied build ings. On the ground floor business is transacted. On the floor above are halls. These we turned into theatres, cinema halls and coinniunitv meeting places where folks could come for di version. We organized hands, amateur theatricals and so on. We give con- erts. Tiie people come in droves and evervboilv has a gooil time. ' I do'i t thing the vodka is missed much." '-" ' Mil the meantime peasants have more inonev than thev ever saw bo- lore. 'And despite the war our co-oper ative societies are growing at a won- lerful rato. "In one district alone the number of co-operative unions has grown since ttie war from .Ml to ,lll. We hud onlv til wholesale societies last year. Now there are over 400. n l!ll there were but tl credit unions in all llussm whereas at present there are over -tiO througii which about 10,000 separate o-operalive crcilit societies are work nig. our .Moscow, or mother, commit tee nlone is co-ordinating the work ot more tliaii mm groups, each groiq composed of several societies. "We have organixeil a central co operative credit hank in Moscow run like a stock concern, other co operative credit bunks holding the stuck. Though only four yea old and despite the wnr we did a $140,000,000 business in lDl.'i. This bank has its own office in London executing our foreign orders, having and selling. To show the ex tent of our business, this office houglit reaper twine in the Cnited States to the value of Sji.ouo last year. "The Siberian societies have their own bank in London, buy ami sell for themselves. ' We nre branching out in every di rection, building our own flour mills, starch works, oil plants, machine shops ami so on. Wo are going to start pa per and sugar mills. At Sturo-lfnrdin-sky, in Siberia, we have our own light plant giving the inhabitants electric ity for a dollar ! yeiir. Over 40 pa pers in Russia are devoted exclusively to our work. "Our goods are good goods. Kvery- tliin? the best and all for the people. That is our mottt. "In con iuuctioii wlt'i the Zeinstvo union we are helliing liussia and the allies. Since the Leginniug of the war Siberia alone has furnished the army with 31,000,000 pounds of butter, with thousands of tons or hay, with lard, oats ami other supplies, in all about seven million dollars worth. "Our best work for liussia, however, has been to make for a prosperous peasant iv, advise it and generally aid it in looking after its interests. This has uudouhtcdlv contributed to the na t'ion's figiiUng strength, therefore during recent months we have Ictt war work to the Zemstvo more while we Have given greater attention xo local, or peasant, needs. 'The total investment in our co operatives is now .)UO,onu,(0(, or equal to the Anglo-French war loan floated in America. We shall contin ue to increase." I left the 05 year old worker smil- ing contentedly. His whole life has been devoted to his people. Toduy his up of joy is well night tilled. MAY PARDON STROUD ISI ?: J f ' if, Washington, .Inly J 7. Hubert Stroud, sentenced to be hanged Kriday at Leavenworth, Kansas, today appeal ed to President Wilson for clemency. Stroud's action mav save his life which he apparently has not hereto fore cared tor and at the same tune save Kansas from having a hanging on her soil. Kansas has not had an ex ecution in many years, but the federal government proposes to execute Stroud tor killing one ot the guards at the Leavenworth prison. Oov. Capper and ninny civic organ izations besought the president to par don the mini, but the justice depart ment held there could he no clemency unless Stroud himself appealed. I'ntil today he was, unwilling to do so. HOW'S THIS ? We offer One Hundred' Dollars Re ward for any cusijf Catarrh that can not be cured by Hall 's Catarrh Cure. F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O. We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the Inst 15 years, and be lieve him perfectly honorable in all business transactions and financially able to carry out any obligations madt by his firm. Nationnl Bank of Commerce, Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internal ly, acting directly upon ttie blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Testi monials sent free. Price 75 cents pel Dottle. Solo by all druggists. Take Hall's Family Pills for consti pation. Don't forget your friends on their vacation they will want to see a home paper, MODESTO C 0AA J William Jennings Bryan, David Starr .Ionian, and Prank P. Walsh were the three American members o'f the commis sion that was appointed by the Ameri ca n I " ii i mi Against Militarism to try to avert wnr with Mexico. The three -Mexican members of the commission are Mo desto C. Holland, a leading engineer oi New York and Mexico; Dr. Atl, editor of Accion Mondial of Mexico City, and Senor Luis Mauual liojas, director ot the Bildioeteca Nacioual of Mexico City, Kl Paso was fixed upon ns the place of meeting. Senor Holland said the hope of the conference was the de lay ot hostilities until the people of belli countries could understand what war niennt and speak their minds. "The Mexican people don't want to tight Am ericans, and 110 per cent of the Auieri- ans don t want to tight the .Mexicnns,' he said. "But we know that if the Am ericans stay in Mexico and invade fur ther they will be met by the defenders of Mexico soverignity. We want to ac- quaint both peoples with the Tucts m the case." Mr. Bryan and Mr. Walsh have declined to act, leaving Dr. .Ionian the only American member ot the coinmis- ion. INDOOR LIFEJAKES FAT TRY OIL OF KOREIN TO KEEP WEIGHT DOWN, OR TO RE DUCE SUPERFLUOUS FAT. People who are confined within doort and who are deprived of fresh, invigor ating air and exercise must take pre caution to guard against over-stout ncss, ns fat acquired by indoor life, if unhealthy and a danger to the vital organs of the body. Lnck of exercise in tho fresh air is said to weaken the oxygen carrying power of the blood, so that it is unable to produce strong mus cles and vitality and the formation of unsightly and unhealthy fat ia the re sult. f yon are IS or 20 pounds above nor mal weight you nre daily drawing on your reserve strength nnd nro constant ly luwering your vitality by carrying this excess burden. Any persons who are satisfied in their own mind that the nre too stout aro advised to go to Central Pharmacy or a good druggist and get a box of oil of korein capsules, nnd take one nfter each meal and one just before retiring at night. Even a few days treatment has been reported to show a noticenblo reduction in weight, improved digestion and a re turn of tho old energy; footsteps be come lighter and tho skin less flabby in appearance ns superfluous fut dis uppea m. Oil of korein is inexpensive, cannot injure, and helps tho digestion. Any person who wants to reduce 15 or 2(1 pounds is advised to givo this treat ment a trial. Reduced Fares FOR SUMMER TRIPS When slimmer comes and a vacation outing is planned, remember Newport is cool. The breeze from off the mighty Pacific never fails. With the many diversions and attractions to pass the hours away, surely you could find no better place for your vaca tion. THE COST IS LOW Round Trip Tickets are on sale daily from nil Southern Pacific stations in Western Oregon. The return limit is October 31st. 2 -. Daily Trains from Albany and Corval 11s make excellent connections. . Write for illustrated booklet "Newport," or Complete Information. ask local agent for John M. Scott, General Passenger Agent, Portland, Ore, SOUTHERN PACIFIC : STATE NEWS : ft ket, following the Call of tho Vnitcd States for more animals for milituiy service, and the recent placing of or ders for more horses and mules by tho French government. The K. Clemena Horse company of Sacramento, upurat- The irrigation of 7,01(5 acres of land line many large ranches in California. in Oregon is contemplated by residents ! ,1l,.a 1-1111 T'or hig bunch of horses for 7Z : o Wiw MilfdrA-f' -- - ft luce in Ins liiindH as -f In prayer. I Mir ST.: ' V 'fP ."."- oll,i Mw ot Lincoln-, character B U l, j-.., r ff if . S of the state who have taken out in the quarter ending June 30, 137 permits for the appropriation of water. These per mits have been issued by State Kngln eer John H, Lewis, and include six for the construction of reservoirs. In addi tion to tho irrigation of land the pro posed work will include the storage of 1,440 acre feet of water and the devel opment of power nt n number of small individual plants. Lake County Kxuiniuer: High grade military purposes, and their buyers aio also visiting this section, French Remedy for Stomach Troubles Tho lending doctors of France huve for years used a prescription of vege table oils for chronie stoniuch trouble and constipation that acts like a charm. One dose will convince. Severe cases of year's standing, are often greatly felt hats can bo manufactured from the ibenetited within -ii hours. So ninny ur of Oregon iack-iabhits. This is no i people are getting -surprising results imger a theory, hut a Irmnmitriiti'tl 1'""" ui"-"i'ii inim fact, and lieiireseutative N. ,1. Siunott, of Oregon, is proudly wearing the first ami only lelt ledora ever uiuiiiiluctureil in tho country from iack-nibhit fur. Last winter Mr. Siunott discovered that felt hat luauufactuicrs were em barrnsscd because their supply of (ler man rabbit fur was cut off with the war. It occurred to him that jack-rabbit fur might be substituted and lie sent to Oregon for a consignment of jnck rabbif skins. These he turned over to the largest and best known tat manu facturers in the east, wilh the request that they experiment with the rabbit fur and determine its stability for hat manufacture. constipation, lower bowel, liver and Ktomnch troubles should try Mayi 'h Wonderful Remedy. It is sold by lend ing druggists everywhere with the posi tive understanding that your money will be refunded without question or . quibble if ONK bottle fails to give ji u absolute 'satistactiou. j'oi sale by ,T. ('. Perry, druggist.. Kliiiuuth Kalis Herald: There is much activity ii: the local horse mnr- Time tiny CAPSIUSV ireiupenortotuiMni of Copaitn, Cubchs ot ln)ectlcns,and x. RttlfV'S In (MICY) 24lia'j,.St!i W linn disease with out irxonvooienct. SoM liy drHtjtritl, Xo 1IU7.U.I. ! Virr- The Picture Tells :'V...,lt. lOfpyritiliUjU I'Jiu bj 'Ihu l'iciurw Advertisers, Box 17, OrcRon City, Ore, LINCOLN PORTRAYED IN THE BIRTH OF A NATION Joseph lleuabery, the actor who por trays President Lincoln in I). I', lirif fith's historical spectacle, "The llirth of a Nation," was selected from twen ty players who were coached ami pre pared for the part before the choice was made. Mr. Lincoln s appearance .anil mannerisms were carefully coun terfeited, even to the small but inter jesting detail of the president reaching buck for his shawl just a tew minutes : before Wilkes Booth attacked him. It was a spring day in Washington soverignty of rebellious states, die deed wns done and the attending I'oiuiianv departed, he slowly buried his luce in Ins hands as -r In prayer. i Another view ot Lincoln's character j is exhibited in his granting of a par don. As this siene opens, the gorgeous- I Iv uuitor I diplomatic representa tives are being received by the presi dent. They then depart nnd he turns to a idnin middle aged woman dressed ill sombre black who hd I n waiting I a hen ring. She tries to kneel to iiim, ! but he I'cntly raises her up and talks! to her. reads her petition nod signs the j paper grunting to her the life of her j son. After the Appomattox surrender the leader of congress calls with a proposal' to deal harshly with the south for its rebellion. "I shall treat them as if! thev had never been nwnv," is Lin-: April 14, I Srt5 but a late frost hadicolii't gentle answer. Then, two nr; set in that night and it was raw ami! three days later, comes the awful cold. Mr. Lincoln felt the i-hill audi tragedy in Ford's theatre. Washing-! drew the shawl around him. ton, when southern hopes of clemency The first scene in "The Birth of ajare blasted by the us-ussjn Booth s! Nation" showing the war president islmaniac act. That great nnd terrible. of Lincoln signing the cull for 7.j,Hi0 1 scene is reproduced in the play to the, volunteers. Around him are Ins cab- minutest historical detail. .Mr. lleun inet heads ami private secretaries,! I wry, the portrayer of the great presi Lincoln fully realized the mijmeutoiisib.nt, iias been widely commended for character of the act that summoned ! the sincerity, dignity and pathos of federal troops to subdue the individual his characterisation.' i ,tterl At lirauij July - , z. GEO. C. WILL New Kdison Ilisk Victiolns. (1 a fanoliiB L'ueh in every style and all records for each. Slate Street AUTO WORK and Driving (J loves F. E. S1IAFER 170 S. Commercial Phone 411 WOOD - COAL SALEM FUEL ' YARDS Phone 529 Old Shoes Made New The quality of our work is as high as the price is low ' Ye Boot Shop 35 State St. Opp. I.nd.l & Bush Glasses our Specialty. Lenses duplicated on short notice. Dr. Herman Barr, Optometrist Hartman Bros Co Jewelers Larmer Transfer Phone, Office 930 or Residence IS1IS. Storage, Packing, Shipping, Moving, Coal and Wood, Quick, Reliable Servicp. GEO. C. WILL Pianos I sell, the Lest and Cheapest ones. Pianos rented. 432 State Stteet Phone 1511 Auto and Car riage Painting Enamel. Tops and Cush ions repaired and trimmed. F. W. BLISS, 304 S. Com'l. Wo make your linen weur longer and look better by our auto-dry room aud press machine work. Salem Laundry Co. 1.10 S. Liberty St. Up-to-the-Minute Jewelers and Optometrist Hartman Bros Co Jewelers State and Liberty The Handy Man Around the House PORTLAND B.R. LIGHT A POWER CO. Pure Milk and Cream Oak Park Dairy Auto Delivery. Phone 009 W. F. I.ooney -Mgr.