EIGHT" THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, TUESDAY, JULY 18, 1916, TOMORROW'S BIG SALE NO. 804th WEDNESDAY SURPRISE An Immense Sale of Bungalow ApronsSurprise Sale, A sale of desirable Aprons thatshould interest every' housekeeper the pop- t ular bungalow style covers the dress completely; made of good quality ging- t T 1 t 1 1 I nam in various cnecK t to quote tms extremely morrow. Each Laces cr Em broideries . A beautiful assortment of 27-inch Organdie Flouncing in open . eyelet - and blind effects. .Also a lot of new embroidered voiles, choice of pink, blue, flame or pink and blue Embroidery patterns. Every piece in these lots is new this season. Extra value offering, to4clear 98c a Yard fltinlitv and Service All Around Town 1 301 )0t l(c 3ft 3t if1 )(c lC 3fC J0C 30C 30C l(C ! COMING EVENTS ! TONIGHT Salem, Chautauqua. . Kaffir Boys Choir. July 17-23 Rpworth League In stitute, Willamette University Campus. July 19. Monthly meeting of Commercial club, July 19. Masonic and Eastern Star picnic, fair grounds, af ternoon and evening.' July 28. Wisconsin socioty re union at State fair grounds. July. '31-August 1. Comic . op- . era, "The Mikado," opora bouse, auspices jdoose lodge.. ,Sent.'25-30 Oregon State Fair. Dr. Mendelsohn, specialist, flu glasse n correctly. 0. S. Bank. Bid,;. An alarm at 7:30 this morning call ed the fire department to 10M3 OnK street where a chimney was burning out. No damage done.. Daoisoti'g Baths, foot of State street Safe, convenient, first class. tf A Uure ton White motor truck was received today by K. 11. Campbell spe cial agent for the Htnndiird Oil com pany to be used in distributing oil in Salem and vicinity. Vettage at Newport, near postofflce. Six rooms, good sized, pantry, bath, water and lights, modern throughout. Address box 51)5, Newport Oregon, jll'l A special meeting of the board of education to take mensures for getting the various buildings of the city in readiness for the coming school year is railed for tonight. Hop Spray Black Leaf 40. Black Leaf 40 last season proved without a doubt the best spray for a plods on hops over used. A great many growers after using all other kinds of spray without success, tried it and saved their crops. We are local agents and enrry a large stock and can fill any silted order promptly. fish Oil Soap Usually called Whale Oil Soap should be used with any hop spray. We have the very high est grade and can sell it as cheap s some are asking for inferior grades. D. A. WHITE & SONS, 261 State St. . Phone 160 Salem, Oregon. ij ITT 1 l-i 1 M patterns, vve oougni neavny low price ior our Wednesday 39c JIL z2 OQOtilCLQfilDS Buy your outing and camping sup plies of us. E. L. Stiff & Son. A machine for the removal of sand from railway tracks has been invented by W. I). Ashmon of this city, ami ho has perfected a working model of the same. Patents are pending on the in vention, which it is expected willprore of great value to railroads located Hi sandy districts. Our prices are rignt, no reduction necessnry. Gardner & Keene, jewelers and opticians. The band concert tonight will be given 1n Willson park and will begin at 8 o'clock. A few days ago there was some doubt as to which park the Tuesday evening eoncirt would be held,' but Munnger Graber announces toilay that it was decided to give the concert nt Willson park. We carry a full line of awnings, wagon covers, .tents, etc. 10. L. .stiff & Son. ; Two building permits have been is sued at the office of the city record er since the first of the month, one to the United Evangelical church society for alteration and repair of its church building at 410 North Cottage street, and tho other to It. C. Shaw fur the erection of a one story frame dwelling oil Stntcsmnn street, between Center and A, to cost $300. Dr. Alice Bancroft, over Stockton's, Kyo and Nerve Specialist. With fair weather, much of the hay in the valley can be saved for feeding purposes, according to (', O. Constable conutv frufP inspector. Fair weather will also save the hay that was not cut although the ruins ami winds beat it down to some extent. While the rains damaged the hay, corn, potatoes and all vegetables are thriving and tho prune crop is moro promising nt pres ent than any crop for the past three years. There will be a dance at Central Hall Saturday night. While the Canoe club is one of the active organizations of the city, it has not had many opportunities ot appear in" in public. Hut everything comes to the club that will wait, and now it (has been asked to appear in full force on the opening day of the bathing bench. The day has not as yet been announced lint it. is understood . that 'the Salem Canoe club will be there in i hill regalia and do its share in the j evening's entertainment. I All kinds of new and used furniture 'at money saving prices. E. L. Stiff j& Son. The Salem police are looking for Al bert Ot.jen, aged 13, whose parents live Win North Twenty Third street. The lad ! recently went to' the Harris fruit ranch near Brooks to pick berries, and is ac i enseal by his roommate of stealing I berry tickets from him to the value I of 15. Young Oljen, who it is said jmnde anplic&tiou for admission to tho state tndustroinl school about a year ago, now stands a fair chance of get ting into the institution if the charges against mm are suiistantiaiei. If its building materials come to us. Falls Citv-Salem Lumber Co., 34i 8. 12th. 1'hone 813. North Bend, Oregon, which is almost hut not quite )art of Marshfield, is anxious that the saiem i nernan in I elude that city in the visit to the Coos jbay country the latter part of August. I J. 'A. Smith, secretary of the North Bond Chamber of Commerce writes that the excursionists are more than welcome and that for their entertain jmeiit elain hakes, sea food dinners and l excursions of all kinds will be arrang ed. North He nd wants its place in the sun and is ready to entertain if the excursionists will only give it a chance. Use the Journal Want Ad Way. t each, only ........ 39c f . I il 1 11 1 T 01 mese ana are enaDiea burpnse invent, 10- t JulyjClearance Sale of Embroidery Flouncing at 98c yd While others are reducing we are increasing our stock. There's a rea son! ask us. Gardner & Keene, jewel ers and opticians. o The monthly meeting of the Com mercial chili will be held tomorrow evening at the club rooms. For the first time since their appointment, re ports will be mudo by the seven direc tors of the club as follows: Mercantile Fred W. Stcusloff; Tourist and pub licity, Benjamin Hrick; Social, 1. I. Howard; Civic, F. B. Southwick; In dustrial, Theodore Hoth; Agricultural, Seymour Jones; Legislative, Charles V. Galloway. Mr. Brick's report will include the activities of Ins depart ment during the annual Cherry fair. Court of Fairies, Junior United Art isans will meet Wednesday eve at 7 o'clock, admitting candidates and nd vnncingof officers, large attendance desired. - ... O. R. BonelL superintendent of the mil until training department of the city schools, left tli is morning for Menomo nie, Wisconsin, to attend the Stout in stitute of manual training during the summer. He has been in charge of the manual training work of the city schools for the . past six years. This department includes a shop at each ot the three minor hiL'h schools and the senior high school 4knd the work of these schools compares favorably with that of any high school in the state. For tho coming semester, Mr. Bonell will be assisted by Edwin 1'lntt, O. A. Hurt, Howard Turner and 11. J. Amort. The river Is 5.1 feet above low wat er on the lSth day of July and the oldest inhabitant will have consider able difficulty in remembering a time when the river was at this unusual high gunge nt this time of the year. Ordinarily, by the middle of July, the river is barely above the zero guage mark and boats are taken off on ac count ot the low stage. Eugene and the upper river sections received a heavier rainfall Saturday and Sunday than Salem and hence the rise of one foot and eleven inches in the past H hours. o The ministers of the city, through the Ministerial association will ask Ellison-White to eliminate the Sunday eiitei'tainmeiits in arranging for the 1017 course. Action to tiiis extent was taken at the meeting of the asso ciation yesterday afternoon. It was the sense of the meeting that the min isters of the citv should unite on an educational booth at the coming state fair, where statistics will be on exhib it showing what has been done in church work the past year. ' Arrange ments were made for the holding of one hour services each day. A man will be placed in charge of the booth. Councilman Jones is an enthusiast when it comes to discussing play grounds for the children. Although his measure for appropriating -o0 for the support of the grounds was post poned until the next meeting of the council by the opposition of eouncil men Cook and llmlelsoit at the ses sion last evening, Mr. Jones is confi dent his bill will pass and that the people of the city are in favor of main taining the grounds in the Albert pas ture, especially after so much has been done to put the grounds in condition. From lot) to 2O0 children are playing each day on the grounds under proper supervision, besides being taught how to play. o "Beach Park" has been suggested as the appropriate name for the bath ing beacn ami park to be opened in a few days under the auspices of the Commercial club. For the party who cau suggest an appropriate name, there is a season ticket wniting. Just send in the suggestion of the naino to the Commercial elnb before 6 o'clock Sat urday evening. It is quite easy to think of the right name as all that must be combined in the few short words is the suggestion that the beach and park is fostered by the Commer cial club, that it is really a public i park and that it is a permanent in stitution. A few choice words and the free bathing seasou ticket goes with them. After a generation of watchful and itient waiting, the fair grounds road is about to be ved. The curb work on South Commercial street will be finished this week and while water mains are being' placed and work on druinnge under headway, the working Asks Completion of Work men's Bill and Early Ad journment of Congress Washington, July 8. President Wil son called at the capitol today to urge turn the democratic caucus legislative personally mat senate leaders over- program which have deferred action on toe minimal child labor bill. The president talked with Senators Kern and Martin. He asked also, it is understood, an early adjournment - of.- congress. The caucus date of August 20 is satisfactory to him. But he urged that, the child labor bill and the workmen's compen sation act be included in the program to be completed by that time despite every adverse consideration. ; President Wilson informed leaders of ! the senate that he did not wish to be : notified, of his nomination and to be gin his campaign until thejihild labor and workmen's compensation bills had been passed. .',,. ; After the conference with the presi dent, .Senator Kern said he believed any necessary changes in the legislative program could be ettected without further caucusing. The president in his talk with Mar tin, who is chairman of the appropria tions committee, asked that the commit tee aid in speeding uu the program. The fact of the President's call ran through the capitol 'like wild fire. The!;,"., MKa" ' reinanued tor new smoking rooms were crowded with cur ious, puzzled, and, later, some angry senators. He talked with Senators Kern, Mar tin, Simmons, Williams, Hughes and Owens. Some of them were called from their lunches. The senate floor itself was deserted except for senators who were making set speeches to vacant scats on the navv bill. Kepublicnns were disposed to ffbke tun nt t lie obviously disconcerted demo cratic leaders. Despite the president's visit, a fight on the child labor bill is assured. crew will be transferred to the fair grounds road. This will actually hap pen next .Monday or Tuesday. The curb work will begin at the city lim its and work in towards town, tp be- rolloweil nt once witn the pnving force. With ordinary good luck, the seven blocks Known as the fair grounds road and also known as the worst stretch of road, in thojeity, will all be paved within 30 days.' After the com pletion of the fair grounds road, the working crews will be .transferred to South Com mere in 1 street. BORN MORHISS To Mr. and- Mrs. Henry Morriss, 4!I7 I'nion street, Sundav July 111, llllrt, a boy.; , JONIENTZ to Mr. and Mrs.' Elbert .loinenlz of the Jefferson road, Tues day July IS, mill, a .daughter.. She has been named Victoria Eva. Horse Traders Pull Uncle Samuel's Leg St. Louis, Mo., July 18. Lending horse dealers in the market across the river todny declined to say just how many horses the United Sttites govern ment hud bought in the East St. Louis market since the Mexican trouble be gan. It was learned, however, that more than 3,000 cavalry mounts ha been purchased here during the past five weeks. The United States was paying more for its horses than the allied govern ments, one dealer said. He said three European powers, "tiring of the gaff," are buying a diaper grnde. This govern ment is paying a good price and getting better norso tlesii, the same man said. Ho would not divulge the cost. 'i i The Small Person Will A-Traveling Go If -f: m 1 King's blue poplin, organdie collar and cuffs,' white pearl - buttons and bueMe and a considerable fiare make up this young coat. Tno belt is of self material and the bonnet blue taffeta set off with a French rose. . Ton can make and save nion- ey by reading the Journal's New Today columns. - IN SUPREME COURT Suit Was Against Board Equalization Takes Va cation Soon The First National bank of Albany was given n favorable decision by the i 8,1I)reme c0,,rt tnis monK n its ap peal from the judgment of the circuit court (Judge Galloway) in its case against the Board of Equalization of I.iun county. This was a case in which certain property held by the bank, but not owned by it, was assessed for taxa tion. The opinion was handed down by Justice Be uson. Other decisions hand ed down were: A. C. Mathews vs. Chambers rower company, appellant, appealed from Lane county, suit to enjoin trespass on property, opinion by Chief Justice Moore, Circuit Judge Hamilton's judg ment for plniutiff affirmed. T. Kondc et al vs. Charles Avlsworth et al, appellants, appealed from Mult- nomah county, an aVtn rove;; opi !;,, i, T ;,:,; Ar..n..:.i-. r,-' L iniou bv Justtice MiRi-ide Judge McGinnis judgment affirmed. Frank H. Kreinbring, appellant, vs. L. P. Mathews et al. annealed fm Columbia county, suit to foreclose a mortgage on real property, opinion by ' " . , ' John M. Foulkes, npiiellant. vs. Hen ry Nengstnsken et al, appealed from Coos county, suit to cancel a deed, op inion by Jutstice Benson, Circuit Judge Coke's judgment for defendant affirmed. -iiarina A. uinnee, appellant, vs. C.lto talk it over. Committees were np U t arter, appealed from Yamhill conn-1 pointed to arrange for the mass meeting ty, action ot ejectment, oninion bv Jus-1 itr tt iit t,B ,.,..n ,u nil,. tice Harris, Circuit Judge Belt's judg - ment for defendant reversed The court will hear no more cases after this week until September-5. I TODAY'S BALL SCORES I American First game . H. E. Chicago ii ' 2 Philadelphia 2 7 1 Cicotte.and Schalk; Limning, Na bors and Carroll. Second name ' K. H. K, Chicago .: v 3 s ,( Philadelphia 2 (i 3 Scott and Lapp; Myers and Meyer. R. TL E. Detroit . 4 8 2 New York 0 7 (I .Mitchell and linker, Culloch; Markle Caldwell and Walters. . - ' K. ' H. E. St. Louis , 3 .' 7 1 Boston ..r. 4 N Of Weilmau ami Severold; Hartley, Ruth and ('adv. H. H. E. Cleveland 2 7 2 Washington It 0 0 Could ami O'Neill; liallia and Hon rv. National R. 11. V.. Hoston 4 0 Cincinnati .'. tl 9 1 Kagon and tiowdy; Schneider and Wingo. R. H. i-,. New York 2 7 2 St. Louis 5 11 1 Perritt and Hariden; fteelo and Gon zales. R. TT K Brooklyn j 7 :i C'licago 4 8 2 Marnunrd and Merer! McPn11111.il niiu .icner. iiiimo lorteiteil to Brook lyn in ninth because of argument on part of Manager Tinker of Chicago. Philadelpiiiti-Pittsburg wet grounds. postponed; CUB GET BILL WORTMAN Chicago, July IS. Bill Wortman stnr shortstop of the American assoei-! attou, has been bought bv the Cubs from the Kansas City team for a con-i siilerntion said liy Cub officials to be tiie laraest ever paid for n minor leaguer, consisting of cash and three) players, Wortman is expected to re imrt at once. He may appear against the (iiants next Friday. The three players who are slated to( go to the- Hlues are said to be Short stop Eddie Mulligan, second baseman! Alex McCarthy and pitcher Claude! Ileiulrix. Waivers hsve already been obtained on the three players, it was; reported. Wortman has.been batting near the .300 mark. 10,000 TOR PINO BOODY San Francisco, July 18 That the new- York Americans had offered the Seals 10,000 for Ping Hoody and that the offer was rejected by Manager Wolverton.i-was the report circulated here today. The otter is declared to have been made immediately after Outfielder Hilhoolev of the Yankees had been in-' jured. Wolverton would not entertain it because the easterners wanted the Seal slugger to report Immediately- for dutv. " 1 CRIPPLES LOSE AGAIN - ! New York, July IS. Bill Donovan's crippled Yankees received another set back from late today when N'ick Oil-, lop star of their hurling staff, fell: victim to the heat. In the second in-, ning of this afternoon's New York Detroit clash, Cullop fell in a - dead faint, after delivering two balls to a batter. Doctors weut on the field and revived him, but he wis unable to eon-1 tinne, - j Try the Journal Classified Ads. ' I of Must Answer Charge of Mur dering Mrs. Jennings and Fred Ristman Hillsboro, Or., July 18 Bennett Thompson today is formally charged with the murder of Mrs. Helen C. Jen nings and Fred Kistmaii on the night of May 15. He will cuter a idea to morrow, and his trial possibly will be set tor an early date. The grand jury yesterday indicted Thompson for one of the most brutal - 1 aml murders in the criminal I miiinis ui nit; sunt;. -1110. .ivuiiiiiKn wns beaten to death with a sledge ham mer while she slept in her house, two miles from Sherwood station. Kistman a jitney driver, who carried the mur derer to Mrs. Jcnning's home, was killed by a heavy blow on top of his head as he sat at the wheel of his au tomobile. Apparently the murderer killed Kistman in an endeavor to hide all trace of his crime. The evidence against Thomjwii is pnrel(y circum stantial. Girls to Blossom Out In Bloomers and Such Fortland, Ore., July IS. Girls in bloomers, Chinese trousers, sailors' pants and other radical departures from skirts may gather in a mass meeting here in the near future to urge dress reform, if the pluns of those backing the project may be realized. The first gun in the style reform cum naimi was fired when a laree crowd I t,uuan,i....i t ti.o ri,nn.i.o,. v r..n.nnr..a lletic field where there is ample room for exponents of various kind of skirts to walk and run for the benefit ot the skeptical multitude. Frank Deems and -Mrs. Fannie H. Deems, his wife, are leading the cru sade. Addressing the preliminary ses sion last night, Deems declared women's nttire was blamed for immorality, vice, the high cost of living, sun spots anil other social evils of the day, and that it was high time the exponents of re form got together and demonstrated their ideas. 'Journal Want Ads Get Results Toll Want Try one und see. frMsttead Great Clubbing Offers by the Daily Capital Journal WE Have made arrangements by which any sub scriber of the CAPITAL JOURNAL, delivered by carrier in Salem, who will pay for the paper six months in advance, at the regular rate, $2.50, will receive without extra charge, the following publica tions for one year: CLUBBING LIST NO. 1 The Northwest Farmstead, regular price, $1.00 Boys' Magazine, regular price $1.00 Today's Magazine, regular price $ .50 - Household Magazine, regular price ...... $ .25 Total of regular price $2.75 REMEMBER these cost you nothing if you pay six months in advance for the DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL by carrier in Salem. Or you may have the following combination on the same lines if you prefer it: CLUBBING LIST NO. 2 Today's Magazine, one year, and McCall Magazine, one year, with two McCall pat terns of your own selection, free. Today's Magazine is a splendid publication bigger and better than ever before. McCairs Magazine is too well-known to need further introduction it is growing bigger and better all the time. MAIL SUBSCRIBERS to the CAPITAL JOURNAL may secure either of these clubbing bargains by paying one year's subscription at the regular rate of $3.00 per year. Call at the business office, or address. CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON - Auction Sale Of Household Furniture at . 135 N. Liberty St., on Thurs day, July 20tb, at 1:30 p. ' See tomorrow's paper for full particulars. F. X. WOODRY Auctioneer, rhone of Mrs. A. A. Miller, Owner. RESIDENCE PARLORS Licensed Lady Assistant Moderate Pricei Perfect Service Latest Methodi Arc Found Only At Cottage Undertaking Parlors Phone 724. Salem, Ore The Korean Restaurant is now opened in our new loca tion at 110 1-2 Com'l street. Everything new and clean. All kinds of Chinese and Spanish dishes. Pay us a visit. sfc jc )jc 30c sjc sc s(c sfs dc jc sjf NEWPORT-NYE BEACH if Automobile Passenger and Bag- gage Transfer Furnished Tents and Cottages Correspondence Promptly Answered L. D. PICKENS, Box 274 No Repairs Necessary. "Whnt do you do with an umbrella when it Js completely worn out!" I generally return it to the fellow 1 borrowed it from."