Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, July 18, 1916, Page FIVE, Image 5

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Opera House
Days Starting JULY
Mail Orders Now No Telephone Reservations
MATINEE Every Evening
Daily, 2:15 Sharp 8:15 Sharp
Dr. W. Griffith's
Mightiest Spectacle in the World
5000 18,000
of a
Is Highly Commended by
the Board of Censors
It Will Positively
Be Seen Here in Its
Get 'em Early
Decisive Battles of the Civil War!
Sherman's .March to the Sea!
The Rise of the Ku Klux Klan!
The Coming of the Prince of Peace
The Burning of Atlanta!
Lee's Surrender at Appomattox!
What War Costs Mothers, Wives and Sisters!
The Assassination of President Lincoln!
From Coast to Coast the Most Stupen Dramatic Sensation This Country
Has Ever Known
DDirCC Evenings 50, 75, $1, $150, $2 Seat Sale Opens
rKlLLO Matinee 35, 50, 75, $1 Thur., July 20
Mail Orders Now Being Received Positively No Telephone Reservations.
Write Interesting Letters of
Every-day Events In
Tenting life
The boys at the front will occasion
11y write interesting new, not espe
cially military news, but just what hap
pen to come under their observation.
For instance:
"On the Fourth of July when all the
stores were closed in San Diego, the
aaloons were wide open and the bars
crowded. As far as I can see, San Diego
a real live wide open town, but I
ruppose that all California cities seem
more wide open since I came from a
Art territory."
Here is something about the border
while the bovs were at San Tsidro:
"By a recent ruling, U. 8. soldiers are
forbidden to cross the border under a
neaaltv of six months in the federal
nmitentiarv. so vou may be sure we all
fight shy of that border. But the
African anldiers can come to the store
7! par us. ' I have talked with some and
ther are all very friendly."
Here is something about real luxury:
"Just had to go down to the store to
carry -some ice cream up here to the
ramp, so I guess we will oe over-fed to
flay. Later: We were not over fed.
The iee cream was for the battaKon
canteen to be sold to us fellows at five
cents per eat."
Drilling is one thing and going to
fUtt is another. This is how the cor-
mpondent feels about it:
that tbe U. S. is through with their
monkey business."
The letters were written by L. B. M.
Pierce to Murray Wado of this city.
The county court yesterday appoint
ed Jacob Oplinger as administrator of
the estate of Abraham Oplinger. Char
les Warner, Jacob Fox nnd Marion
Lewis were sained as appraisers.
Final account in the estate of Sam
uel Lemon was filed in the eounty
court yestenlay by Edward L. Lemon,
administrator. Monday, August 21,
was designated as the time for a final
heard this afternoon.
A notice of appeal to the supreme
court was filed at the county clerk 'b
oll'ice this morning in the case of
(rare Barnes against Wm. Eseh and
A. B. Spencer.
An answer was filed today in the
action of W. ('. Hubbard against Ethel
P. Skiff and Frederick W. Skiff.
Chautauqua Closes
Season This Evening
With the appearance of the Kaffir
boy choir at the Salem Chautauqua tent
this evening, the 1916 season closes and
with the closing of the season comes
the assurance that the Salem Chautau
qua is a permanent Salem institution.
Instead of the customary asking for
pledges and having people sign agree
ments to take a number of tickets a
year hence, whether wanted or not at
that time, a body of representativa
citizens has taken the matter in
charge and has already guaranteed to
Ellison-White the amount necessary for
the 1917 season. Therefore, those at-
Clayton Anti-Trust Law and
Threatened Strike Cause
Business Crisis
Washington, July 18. Personal ap
peal to President Wilson for assistance
in what they term a "business crisis,"
will be made by representatives of the
big railroads tomorrow.
Confronted on the one hand by pro
visions of the Clayton anti-trust act,
which thev claim are nazy and compli
cated, and on the other by the threat
of 300,000 runway workers to strike
unless granted sitorter hours and more
pay, railroad officials declare their sit
uation is serious.
The president will be asked in the
first place to suggest a delay in the
effective date of the Clayton act's
provision, which governs the purchase
of supplies by the roads, until the
railroad officials and the interstate
commerce commission "have had op
portunity to study it." This is to go
into effect in a few weeks unless the
congress delays it.
The four great train men brother
hoods are voting on whether or not to
Btrike. Some administration officials
say anything which woula tie up the
railroads of the country at this time
would be a calamity. It is likely the
railroad officials when they see the
president tomorrow will take up this
Question along with the other. They
desire either that their men submit
their claims to arbitration or an in
vestigation of railroad wages by the
interstate commerce commission, or by
a congressional committee.
Crown Only Can
Save Casement
London, July IS. Roger Casement's
appeal from his conviction on the
charge of high treason, for which he
was sentenced to death today, was dismissed.
The court of criminal appeal an
nounced its decision after listening to
arguments by Alexander Sullivan,
Casement's counsel, who contended
that the instructions to the jury in
Casement's trial were inaccurate and
that the actions complained of in the
indictment did not constitute a statu
tory offense.
Unless the crown commutes the death
sentence. Casement will "die on the
gallows. The justice dismissed the ap
peal without- hearing counsel for the
Think the Strike Is
As Good As Settled
Portland, Ore., July 18. Striking
longshoremen in Portland expected to
take action on the proposition of re
turning to work on the wage scale pre
vailing before the strike, when word
from San Francisco was received. W.
D. Wells, Portland agent of the San
FranciRCO and Portland Steamship com
pany, declared he had been informed
the strikers would resume work for his
organization at the old figure 50 cents
an hour straight time and 75 cents an
hour for overtime.
Thomas McCuBker, of the employers'
association, asserts he believes the
strike is as good as settled. McCucker
said he would insist on retaining the
men employed during the trouble, and
that he would reserve the right to se
lect his own employes in the future.
The strikers representatives say that
if they return to work at the old scale
it will be merely pending a conference
in San Francisco Anguet 1.
Thursday Evening
at the Playground
Progressive and Other Politi
cal Orphans Refuse Offer
of Good Home
The will of Libbie White was ad
mitted to probate by the county court
yesterday. Three brothers and one sis
ter of the deceased are named as the
heirs. They are John, Isaac and De
Witt Berger, whose residence when
last known was Albion, N. Y, and , ,,; ;,, .ni u ' F.,i
-Sarah Davis, residence unknown. The ifh th. .: . -.i, .j
devises of the will are A. A. Under- j siging a pledge for tickets. There will
hill of Salem and B. R. Carlson and , be n0 piedgeg to sign nor solicitation,
wife of Cresham. Mr. Carlson was The Chautauqua for next season is al
named as executor of the will. ready guaranteed.
With the amount, 41,500, already
Carey F. Martin has been named by guaranteed by 50 representative citi
the county court as executor of the bzens, the method of handling season
estate of Emma L. Ide, deceased. J. F.
Jones, George- Bolter and Chas. V.
Stenstrom were appointed as apprais
ers. f
that iher will keen us here
fer some time for drilling. So many of
the boys enlisted only for the emergency
which teemed to exist and they will "feel
highly imposed on if they keep us here
drilling and for moving picturs."
While at San Tsidro, the boys were
nwfiil ia maintaining the prestige of
the United States. A soldier writes:
"There are a lot of Mexicans prowling
thieves who harrass the ranchers. Last
nieht a rancher by the name of Chris
tofferson, who used to Bve near Sa
lem and who now Uvea about two miles
from here, was accosted by some Mex
icans who attempted to take some of his
cattle. They beat and cut up his son
bat a small ecouting party was sent
fma our eamp and they arretted five
Mexicans and made them pav for the
raid. When the officers with only a
tew men in sight demanded pay for the
raid ,tbey balked but as soon as the rest
f the men were called, the Mexicans
net across without a murmur. I guess
that is the main reason we are here, to
top this raiding of the farmers aa well
m to assure the rest of tbe greasers
A large class will take out natural
ization papers in Department No. 2 of
the circuit eourt tomorrow morning at
10 o'clock. Frank Davey, chief clerk
at the penitentiary, will deliver an ad-
"There is dress on "Citizenship.' The general
public is invited.
The date of the next examination of
candidates for naturalization will be
held October 4.
A settlement has been effected In
the case of Ivy against Minton, and
the case has been dropped from the
docket. This was an action growing
out of certain derogatory remarks al
leged to have been made by Mr. Min
ton, at that time a member of the city
council, concerning the Cottage Hotel,
at that time under the management of
Mrs. Ivt. Mrs. Ivy sued Mr. Minton
for libel. Under the arrangement
agreed upon yesterday neither party is
to recover costs or disbursements from
the other. The settlement does not af
fect or cancel a judgment now held by
the defendant against the plaintiff for
the costs of an appeal of the case to
the supreme court.
Arguments in the damage suit of
Anderson against Dr. Byrd are being
tickets will be somewhat different next
year. The 600 tickets to be eold at
2.50 each will be placed for sale at
several stores a week before the open
ing of the Chautauqua and general no
tice be given. After the 600 have been
sold, tbe sale will be withdrawn and
no more offered. After the beginning of
the season, tickets may be purchased
at the tent for 3.
The following have signed tbe guar
antee and will have charge of the busi
nosi of tbe Chautauqua for the com
ing season:
K. C. Bishop, D. W. Eyre, H. H. Van
dervort, W. I. Staley, W. A. Denton,
Dr. H. C. Epley, Benjamin Brick, C. E.
Knowland, U. O. Shipley, William
OnhtsdorY, R. A. Harris, M. L. Meyers,
Wm. McOilchrist, Jr., W. W. Moore, C.
S. Hamilton, Theodore Roth, C. T. Hoov
er, C. V. Faulkner, Dr. Altman, E. R.
Riugo, U. 8. Holt, Dr. O. A. OIboh. Col.
J. Olmstead, J. W. Welles, A. Slaughter,
T. B. Kay, J. W. Carson, Ivan O. Mar
tin, Dr. E. E. Fisher, A. O. Davidson,
R. J. Hendricks, Wm. McOilchrist, Sr.,
Henry Compton.
Washington, July 18. An emergency
appropriation of $135,000 was voted to
day by the house for the public health
service in )ts fight against infantile
paralysis in New York and to stop its
spread to other states.
The Jonrnal Does Job Printing.
I ,- I
By H. L. Berwick.
(United Press staff correspondent.)
Auditorium, St. Paul, jdinn., July 18.
A movement to change the name of
the prohibition party to the National
Reform party met with heated opposi
tion this afternoon at a conference of
prohibition delegates prior to opening
of their national convention.
The movement, launched by Col. J.
M. Ingersoll, of Idaho, progressive na
tional committeeman from that state,
who was the lone bull moose attemlinu
the conference, was designed to combine
the progressives and prohibitionists un
der the new name. Ingersoll himself
introduced the resolution which was re
ferred after heated debate, to a com
mittee of the conference.
H. P. Fans, of Missouri, treasurer of
the prohibitionists, and Mrs. Frances E.
Beauchnmp, of the National committtee
of the National Women's Prohibitionits,
iea tne opposition.
Merger Plan Falls
St. Paul, Minn., July 18. Prohibi
tionists who came to Si. Paul one day
in advance of the opening of their na
tional convention hoped against hope
today that their predicted merger with
dry elements of other parties could be
accomplished. Up to the opening of
the "get together" conference today
at whieh scores of prominent bull
moose, dry democrats and dry republi
cans had been expected, there were on
ly a handful of other party represent
atives here.
National Chairman Hiushaw and
other prohibition leaders sought to
round up all the bull moose in sight
and lound one, Col. J. M. ingersoll, of
Idaho, progressive national committee
man from his state, who is strongly in
favor of merging the bull moose with
the prohibitionists.
Col. John M. Parker of Louisiana,
progressive nominee for vice president,
was reported today to have turned the
same kind of cold shoulder toward the
drys as did Henry Ford. Telegrams
from New Orleans today indicated that
Parker had refused under any circum
stances to be a prohibition candidate
for vice president.
At the get together conference ora
tory was to be free and unlimited, Del
egates, including hundreds of women
who had spent sleepless nights in hot
hotels, found the hall just as hot when
thev arrived and prepared to take
plenty of fans to the ronvention hall.
Disappointment at failure of other
party chieftains to arrive was echoed
early today in statements by some
prohibitionists that they, would fight
any move to change the name of the
"If we can't adopt the bull moose
orphan, what's the use of changing
our name to the progressive-prohibition
party " was their line of reasoning.
The race for presidential nomination
seemed to have narrowed down to two
today. Former Gov. Eugene N. Foss
of Massaenusetts, it was reported, had
deciued not to run. J. Frank Hanly,
former governor of Indiana, and Wil
liam Sulzer, former governor of New
York, were the active candidates.
Location of Fleet Is
President's Business
Washington, July 18. Pacific coast
senators today were defeated 18 to 48
in an attempt to provide by amend
ment to the general aaval bill that
three of the proposed capital ships be
maintained permanently on the Pa
cific coast.
Senators Works, Phelsn and Jones
made speeches for the proposal, of
which Works was the author. Senators
Swanson and Lodge, principal support
ers of the administration, insisted that
Works' proposition was an infringe
ment ef the constitutional powers of
The show of enchanting music and harmony from
the Land of Sunshine
Sanitary Conditions Responsi
ble for Moving Militia
from Laredo
On Thursday evening of this week
there will be a play hour at the Salem
public playgrounds for children over
12 years or age ana grown-ups, ani ,th pre8idcnt M commander in chief
guuu Hiiciiuuuvc " i" - Q army and navy I
not forgotten how to play is PMted. I A threeaMt Bpkeri pointea outi
Last week the attendance averaged 200 t i , r
children a day while many of the PJ-1 ' ?" p,ifla coast degpite thrMt.f
while the older girls will work withjmins, James, Johnson, LaFollette,
'The next battle the United States
...... , .;K h l,iM,n Prpnt nlP on ln8
are invited and .especially urged. t.; J"l
come with the children Tor tne evening
hour of play.
It was necessary to postpone the Sat
urday story hour and hand work because
of the rain, and Wednesday has been
set for these activities. The younger
children will then make the twig dolls
Douglas Fairbanks
San Antonio, Texas, July 18. Eight
thousand national guardsmen now sta
tioned at Laredo, will be transferred
to other points, because of citizens of
that place objected to sanitary condi
tions m the camp. ma 1 n J Iff i
"Since conditions are so bad in Lar-1 SS Ine uOOU'Dafl Man
edo. I will mnvA tllA trnnm tn tnn-tia t i
where conditions are better," said
Funston. "It would not do to leave
tbe militia there under the circum
stances. . I '11 leave the regulars,
though, as it does not matter about
them, you know. Part of the militia
will be sent to Del Kio and part to
Corpus t'hristie."
"Casual" Troops Arrive.
Nognles, Ariz., July 18 First de
tachments of "casual" troops arrived
here today to replace married guards
men and others with dependent fam
ilies. Three companies of "casuals"
under Capt. Bradford arrived from
Connecticut tg fill out the ranks of
tbe First and Second regiments of Con
necticut infantry. Three more eonv
panics under Captain North were due
to follow shortly.
Casual troops are recruits who en
tered the service after the depurture of
the regular militia units.
Other contingents to arrive here
were of "horseless" cavalry from Utah
under Major Wallace, and a company
of engineers from Philadelphia.
Bandits Fleeing South.
El Paso, Texas, July 18. Villista
bandits are fleeing south from the Ros-ario-Jiminez
district and not toward
the American border, is stated in a
message from Gen. Trcvino at Chihua
hua received in Juarez today. Trcvino
also denied that Villistas captured
Mapami and Vermijillo as reported.
Trevino declared he hnd taken every
precaution to prevent banditswnp
proaching to border.
Bumors of Battle.
Marathon, Texas, July 18. Champ
Wood, an employe of the International
Mining company returning from Bo
qtiillas, Texas, today reported that a
battle between Villista bandits and
Carrnnza troops was believed to be in
progress twenty miles south of that
place late yesterday. He suid artillery
firing could be heard plainly south of
Boquillas. '
Strike of Boatmen In !
Bay District Ends
flan Francisco. July 18, The strike
of bay and river boatmen in tbe bay
fleet may fight," said Senator Phelan, I dintriet is at an end. Under an agree
"may be on the Pacific ocean. If soment w;th thcir employers reached at
tne united ointes nas noi a single iimi an n njBht meeting, most or the
. ii
A Griffith Comedy
Full of Action and
Charles Murray
Her Marble Heart
A Keystone Grouch Killer
J Last Time Tonight
Royal Hawaiian
7 11
' ii
'The House That Satisfies
class vessel for its fighting line.
Senators voting for the proposal were:
Ashurst. Chamberlain, Clapp, Cum-
garden lavender. Miss Beatrice Walton
will tell the story of "Thorn Kosa"
and "Eaet O' the Sun and West O'
the Moon."
Portland, Ore., July 18. The move
ment to merge Pacific university at
Forest Grove with Albany college at
Albany, Ore., into a Presbyterian insti
tution has aroused marked onnositien
on the part of Congregational churches. ! time the dog had become quite infuria
.- ii. .1 . i ri J L l ..j ...ii. 11 ..tklnn suit
Lane. Oliver. Phelnn, Pittman, Pindex-
ter, Smith '(Ariz.), Smoot, Sutherland,
Vardaman and Works.
Story of a Dog's Jaw.
The strength of a dog's jaws and
teeth were never more explified than
in the case of a Ross-shire gamekeeper,
whose collie was unfortunate enough
to be caught in a steel vermin trap.
The gamekeeper, gun in hand, was
soon on the scene, but in in the short
Prmtirallv all the ConpTPpmttensl ted with uain. Having nothing suit-
churches of Portland and the state held able for muzzling the animal and fear
meetings after the morning services ling to place the foot upon tne trap
Sunday and adopted resolutions on the! spring with the dog'e jaws free, the
proposed merger, and discussed what ! gamekeeper placed the gun barrels in
measures they would take to prevent jthe dog's mouth and neld them there
Parifin nniversitr from beeomins- a. I while easing the spring. With a vi-
Presbyterian school. Icious snap the teeth closed on the cold
Pacific university was founded by
the Congregationalists September ,
1848, and has been nurtured by them,
except for help that a few of tbe other
denominations have given it from time
to time. Eight years ago the school
was made nonsectarian, with the full
consent of the trustees. This the Con
gregstionalists are heartily in favor of,
and also they agree to the consolida
tion of Albany college and Pacific
university on an absolute nonsectarian
An Old Bachelor.
"I'm going to be married soon."
"How old are yout"
"TouH surprise people."
"Tes; I kuess so. I don't know what
my bachelor chums will say."
steel ere he regained his freedom. The
barrels were holed through an almost
incredible performance and were ex
amined shortly after. London Graphic.
Mungo Park.
The pioneer white man in Africa
was Mungo Park. He began his trav
els through the dark continent as ear
ly as 1705, nearly twenty yeaTs before
Livingstone was born. Park's first
trip to Africa occupied two years and
resulted in the very first definite
knowledge of Africa in modern times
During his second trip he was killed
by the natives near Broussa, on the
strikers resumed work today and the
others will return as fast as places can
bo provided for them.
The men resumed under the same con
ditions as prevailed before the strike
was called, June 1, with the understand
ing that a new working agreement and
wage scale are to be negotiated by a
conference board.
Ship owners operating on the Sacra
mento river will retain a number of
non-union men who have been working
since the strike began, but the union
men will make an effort to organize
these men.
A Hard Hearted People.
Filial piety finds no place in Tibetan
character. It is no uncommon thing
lor a sen to turn his father, when too
old for work, out of doors and to leave
him to perish in the eold. The supersti
tion that the souls of the dead can,
if they will, haunt the living drives
their hardened natures to gain by the
exercise of cruelty the promise of the
dying that they will not return to
earth. As death approaches the dying
person is asked: "Will yon come back
or will you notf" If he replies that
he will they pull a leather bag over
bis head and smother him. If he ays
he will not he be is allowed to die in
Britain's Oldest Colony.
Bermuda now ranks as the oldest of
Britain's colonies, the English flag hav
ing been hoisted there in 1612 by a
party of eolonists from the Virginia
company wno stopped at the islands on
their way to the mainland, went on to
Virginia, found Jamestown in a state
"Pop, what does it mean by being, of starvation and returned. A prev
ious explorer, jnan oe uermuuez, gave
' the group its same.
Tomorrow - Thursday
Paramount Weekly '
Salem's Only Exclusive'
Picture Theatre. In a
Class Separate.
The Gordian Knot.
The famous Oordian knot was ninlt
of leather taken from some part of
the harness belonging to the chariot of
Uordiua, king of l'brygia. It seeme
that this knot was so tied that the
ends of the leather thong were not vis
ible, hence the difficulty ia loosening
it. Many must have tried to untie it,
for its fame as a "sticker" at last
reached the great oracle, which declar
ed that tho lucky experimenter shoulrt
be rewarded by the kingship of Per
sia. Alexander, trying bis hand ami
meeting with no better success than,
the others, drew his sword and cut.
in'o tho knot until he found the end of
financially embarrasedt"
"Being married, my son." Ex
The Holland Primrose.
There is a plant in Holland known
aa tbe evening primrose, whieh grown
to a height of five or six feet and beam
a profusion of large yellow flowers, so
brilliant that they attract immediate
attention, even at a great distanc, but
the chief peculiarity aoout the plant
the fact that the tlowers, which open
just before sunset, bnvut in'o bloom ui
suddenly that they give one the im
pression of some magical agency. A
man who has seen this sudden bloom
ing says it is just aa if some one hafl
touched the land with a wand and thun
covered it all at ouee with a golden
A Boon.
.."I know an actor who wants to rent
the haunted house on your hnds.' '
"What does he want with a haunt
en houset"
"Says he'll jump at any place wheio
the ghost walks regularly."