Editorial Page of "The Capital Journal" Tl'KSDAY EVENING, July h, l!)10. CHARLES H FISHER, Editor and Manager. PUBLISHED EVERY EVENING EXCEPT SUNDAY, SALEM, OREGON, BY Capital Journal Ptg. Co., Inc. U 8. BARNES, CHAS. II. FISHER, DORA C. AXDRESEN, President Vice-President Sec. and Tren. SUBSCRIPTION RATES Pttljr by carrier, per year $3.00 Per month 45c Dally by mail, per year 3.00 Per mouth 35c FULL LEASED WIRE TELEGRAPH REPORT EASTERN REPRESENTATIVES New York, Ward-Lewis-Willinmg Special Agency, Tribune Building Chicago, W. H. Stock wel 1, People' Gas Building. The Capital Journal carrier boys are instructed to put the papers on the oreh. If the carrier does not do this, misses you, or i.egleets gettitng the taper to you oa time, kindly phone tho circulation manager, us this is the only .way we can determine wbe'ther or not the curriers are following instructions. Phono Main 81 before 7:30 o'clock and a paper will bo sent you by special messenger if the carrier has missed you. DRY LAW ENFORCEMENT Yesterday's dispatches reported the river at Asheville ten feet higher than it had been in an hundred years. The same conditions existed pretty well over the state. Streams were swept clear of bridges, railroads put out of J , Dusiness ana leiegrapn ana teiepnone communication stopped. The details of the tremendous flood were not known yesterday nor will they be for some days. Enough is known, however, to place the damage well up in the millions, and the loss of life, known to be fifteen yester day, perhaps well towards a hundred. At one place a wall of water forty feet high was said to have swept down one stream. It rains just as much here in Oregon as any where in the country, but thank heaven it is not the joy riding kind of a rain that bursts a tire and sends us all into the ditch. Prohibition, or at least the kind of prohibition on tap in Washington does not seem to please a large majority jerally and successfully smashed without any one paying ... i , i , i A- i ; l i-i i-i, i. r i j i i j i . . A friend asks "what are ordinances made for?" That is a question that cannot be answered without due delib eration, but at first glance would say the answer is the same as that concerning promises and pie crusts, that is they are made to be broken. At least they are so gen- TROOPS LEAVE TRAINS IN TEXAS CITIES BE FORE GOING TO CONCENTRATION CAMPS of the citizens, and so far as Seattle is concerned does not do a great amount of prohibiting. The newspapers daily have one or more stories about the raiding of some drug store, hotel, club or something of that kind with all kinds and qualities of trouble following. This morning comes the tale oi one 01 tnese, me raiu ing of the Ferguson bar in the hotel of that name, by the special squad used in enforcing the prohibition laws. One of the squad was sent in to the bar in advance to see if he could get any intoxicating liquor and when the others entered he was standing in front of the bar, so it is claimed, with a glass of whiskey in his hand. This was the evidence the party wanted but the proprietor did not purpose letting them get away with it. Bothwell, a visitor, drew his gun and ordered them out of the house. A pistol battle followed in which tvyo of the raiding officers were wounded and Bothwell killed. It would seem from this that prohibition, or its enforcement has some evils too, although some would say that even in this case "whiskey was the cause of it." THE ASTORIA RATE CASE The Interstate Commerce commission having refused to reopen the Astoria rate case, it is now up to Portland to make the next move. Just what that will be is not yet decided upon, but she is bound to do something, for the decision is so manifestly unjust that it cannot be allowed to stand undisputed. ' It is one of those cases that show the possible danger of commissions, when tliey get swelled up with their own importance and imagine they are the people's rulers instead of their servants. The Interstate Commerce commission . on several occasions has over stepped the limits of its duties, and in this case has done a gross injustice to Portland. It needs jacking up and bringing back to a proper understanding of what it can do and what it can't. One of the things that it can't do and get away with, is the unjust and wrong thing. It may attempt to but it can't make such rulings stick. The com mission is drunk with its power and after it is locked up and punished for this Portland should appeal to "Alex ander sober." . Tnrl.iv thp under sea freighter, the Deutschland, it is stated, will drop -down into the Chesepeake and in the near future make a dash for the deep blue sea. The eyes of the world are turned in that direction, and especially the eyes of the English and French, whose fleets are watching for her. Captain Koenig seems confident of be ing able to get under water and out of sight of them before he comes to the surface again. At the same time her sister ship, the Bremen, is said to be due to arrive, and if she can slip in past all the watchers it would seem that the Deutschland should be able to slip out. This country is more interested in her on account of the dye stuffs she may bring us than for any other reason. If she could run as fast as the "fast" colors of the American dyes, she could give all the fleets of the world the glad ha-ha. any attention to them that the inference is fair that that is what they are made for. Such ordinances as the pub lic demand the enforcement of are enforced but the ordi nance book is loaded with dead obsolete and useless ordi nances that are never enforced, but which at the same time make a criminal of the person who violates them. Another "high official of the war department" says all danger of war with Mexico is over and that the militia boys will be home within three months. There will be none gladder to hear this than the boys inactive on the border, except the folks at home. They will sure have a glad home coming no matter how soon they come or how late. Salem has not forgotten, and will not forget them should they stay for years. Now that the Orpet case is over the second trial of David Caplan for dynamiting the Times office in Los Angeles several years ago, is set for early in October. Thus does one thing follow after another and it seems nearly always that the worst is yet to come. '.. England claims to be expending thirty million dollars daily in prosecuting the war. This totals nearly a billion dollars a month. This sum would build two average bat tle ships a day, or one regular old leviathan like that sug gested by Senator Tillman every two days, t . Governor Johnson, of California, has announced his candidacy for the United States senatorship of California and his platform briefly stated is "protection, especially to California's citrus fruits; Charles Evans Hughes; Suf frage to women and preparedness." A high official of the war department says. Villa is dead. It seems rather cowardly to kill the poor devil so many times and we sincerely hope this is the last time we will have to assassinate him in the columns of the Capital Journal. A dispatch from Portland yesterday began with the question, "Shall women wear trousers?" The data ac companying the question is not full enough to justify a positive answer. It would be necessary to know if the women inquired about are married and it is their hus band's trousers alluded to. It should also be known whether they had anything else to wear. Lacking habiliments, usual to the sex, our answer would be, by all means let 'em wear 'em. The big bridge across the Mississippi at Memphis, the longest on the river was opened for business yesterday, but this was evened up in the Carolinas, for there about all the bridges were swept away. That shark on the eastern beaches, or off them, has not been doing anything for several days. Perhaps there is still a scarcity of bait that is attractive to him. Will Orpet, acquitted of the murder of Marion Xam bert, has "gone to the woods." That was where he went with the girl when he got into trouble. : : imwfw p Iff k : Scenes liku the one in the picture above illustrating the arrival of the Seventh regiment New York national guard, at Han Antonio, Texas, are of the everyday occurrence in Texas, with the assembling tncre of militiamen from all parts of the country. Near Mr Allen, Texas, is lite Sixth divisional headquarters of the United States armv, with 5, (KKI men in three camps. Unofficialiiames have been bestowed on the three camps. Tne one at McAllen has been dubben "Camp Scorpion " that at Mission is known as "Rnttlesnuko camp," while Pharr will go down as "Camp """ nc huuiiicu iu uii-innry oi me particular pest that was most numerous when in to clear away the undergrowth. vhen the boys pitched Tells Graphic Story of Trip from Puddling Furnace to Pulpit A story of success against apparent ly unsurmouiitnble odds was told last I e"!L'' ' night at Waller hall by the Kev. Wil liam H. Morgan in his lecture on "From the Pudding Furnace to the Pulpit," before the members of the Epworth League Institute. "When nine years old, Dr Mn'jnin came from England to join his parents at Ironton, Ohio. His father was a worker in the iron mills and iu a few years he joined the working forces of the family, all his money going to his rarner. He told of the hardships of iron workers, beginning work at 2:S0 o'clock in the mornings, working 14 hours a day, generally so tired that he could hardly walk home. Believing that a trade was all a boy needed, he was not sent to school as his futher believeu that what was good enough for him. was good enough for the son. When 14 years of age, Dr. Morgan went to school one day but on his re turn was told that he was needed in the mills. His conversion to the church occurred when he was 21 years old. It was while eating breakfast between two flues at the iron furnace and from that time, he decided to devote his life to the church. When 23 years old, he paid a teacher to instruct him in reading, writing and arithmetic, at the close of the day's work. Later he went to the deanof the state university and secured an un dergraduate as an instructor. While in college he lived ou $1.50 a week. Later he went to the Drew Theological sem inary in New Jersey, arriving there with $10 in his pocket. After two years' study in this Methodist school. he was graduated and ordained pastor of the Methodist chinch at Meudhnm. N. J. His next pastorate was at JCewrak. N. J., where he remained IS years and from there to his present church. Cal vary Methodist Episcopal of New York City. On account of the absence of Dr. aiu-e," which perfected organization at a pink tea given by Mrs. Harry Payne Whitney at her Roslyn mansion on Long 1 sin ml. Who are these "women of all par ties" who raised $2..lK)M t n single meeting toward a $100,000 fund, the donations ranging from $') to $."i000 FOUR ME KILLED (Continued from Page 1.) bullets from a Springfield 30.30 that Mrlntyre had dropped as he fell and on the table beside Mclntyre lay an auto matic revolver. It is not known wheth er Mclntyre shot his wife when h fnunrl flint fntktiirn Ana tnovi tnKlff rk, Mrs George T. whether she was killed by a policeman' (iartord. Mrs. Col-hnllet me committee nns very Knutly sup plied newspapers with the list. Here they are: Mrs. Philip ( lark, ickers, Mrs. A. 1 gate Hoyt, Mrs. Lee Thomas', Mrs. Wm. I". Draper, Mrs. Edward J. Gnvegnn, .Mrs. i.eigh Hunt, lr. Catherone He bullet. While the battle was raging thou sands came from all parts of the city and formed a ring for blocks around a i.v .... r. . - : arm lormea a ring ior diockh arouna meut Davis Miss Ohva (utting, Mrs.1 Mclntvrc's fort. They dodged bullet, francia McNeil Bacon, J-r Mrj.i whk.u-were wlistling-from all angles. Theodore P. Shunts, Miss ( ornelia Al- Alltomobile purtie8 ,?urried from 0r8 dis. Mrs. Geo. H. McLean. Mrs. Mvron r. Herru-k, Mrs. Henrv Clews, Overlooking the scene Nothing is heard any more of the Austrians, not evenJh" - ""l1- the christian citizenship . ., . .. ... .. , , , course will be instructed by Rev. t. S. mat tney are retreating, ian it De possioie tne Dear nas devoured all of them? If as Napoleon said: "an army fights on its stomach," the results of many a battle were due to the cook rather than to the soldiers. RippHnRhumos m mmr l i LADD & BUSH, Bankers Established 18CS CAPITAL $300,000.00 Transact a General Banking Business Safety Deposit Boxes SAVINGS DEPARTMENT SUNDAY I'm always glad when Sunday comes, and our old town no longer hums with all the jargon of the mart, the bargaining that breaks my heart. On Sunday morning I can meet my friends and neighbors on the street, and they won't try to sell me prunes, or real estate or pantaloons. And. by no agent I'll be lured upstairs to have my life insured. No auto salesman on my track, I freely walk to church and back; I hear the pastor's helpful views, in my new suit and polished shoes; the worshipers have left behind, for one brief day, the beastly grind, and when the parson's discourse ; ends, I mingle freely with my friends, and no one tries to sell me socks or whiskers dye, or iio salesman interrupts tne nymn, to DOOSt 1 walk back home m cheerful patent locks. his duplex wooden limb. mood, my spirit full of gratitude that there's one day in every week when wheels of commerce cease to creak. I do not hide behind a tree when some investment sharp I see. I do not have to dodge or spurn the agent for a patent cnurn. Hammond The lecture Wednesday evening at Waller hall will be given by Miss Car penter, speaking on "The Work of the Deaconess. " The Wednesday program is as fol lows: t:30 to 7:13 a. m. Morning Watch. Dr. Morgau. 7:15 to 8:00 a. m. Breakfast. Lausanne hall. 8:15 to 8:."5 a. m. Bible study: Dr.'T. W. Lane. 0:05 to 9:50 a. m. Evangelism. Dr. Morgan. .stewardship. Kev. Melville T. Wire. Junior League Methods. Miss Robin-j son. 10:00 to 10:40 a. m. Vpworth League; Methods. Miss Kobinsou. ; Junior League Demonstration. ! 10:50 to 11:30 a. ni Social Service.! Miss Chappell. ! Recreation and Culture. Rev. ,T. C. j iSpencer. 11:40 to 12:20 a. m. Citizenship. Dr. Hammond. ! Home Missions. Miss Chappell. i Foreign Mi.-tsions. To be supplied. ' 12:30 to 1:00 p. m. Dinner, I.ousanne hall. j 1:00 to 2:30 p. rn. Quiet hour. 2:45 to 5:30 p. m. Tennis, tomi-finnls. : 6:00 p. m. Supper. I.ousanne hall. I 7:00 to 8:00 p. m. Social gathering. ! 8:15 p. m. Lecture. "The Work of the Deaconess." Miss Carpenter. BEN WON BIO STAKES Cleveland, Ohio.. July 17. Marvin Child' Ben won the $3,000 Edwards pacing stake at North Randall this afternoon. He took the first and third heats in 2:04 1-2 and 2:04 3-4. All the favorites got a bad start in tV second heat which, was won by Babv Bertha, Garrison driving, in 2:07 1. I i.t.nt nnint. -".viij;r v. i. , illinium, .uuinitr r. jvrtri cer, Mrs. Frank 8. Witherbee, Mrs. Os car Straus, Mrs. Joseph S. Stearns, Mrs. Douglas Kobinsou, Mrs. Marsden black with wituesses of the battle. In Mclntyre's pockets, riddled with bullets, was found a picture of Villa. J. Porrv, Mrs. John Havs Hammond.! l"B J'0,"f n'oyeren writing . Mrs. F. A. H. Gnmmell. Mrs. John v. h,w,n8 th Mclntyre had claimed to Blodgett, Mrs. John Henrv Hammond,! be an "P?81? and B.a,v,ur "f b'ait Mrs. I. Lorillard Spencer," Mrs. Cabot j'?- Neighbor, said that he had been . Ward, Mrs. Chns. It. Warren, Mrs. Larz' aet.ng .rrangely since Sunday "A be-4 Anderson. Mrs. John I'rntt, Mrs. fhU-l 'ieYe'1 1,19 m"d "one too strong at best, ip W. Livenuore, Mrs. Felix W. -ar.i had been crazed by the heat, burg. Mrs. Coleman du Pout, Mrs. John At the morgue where the body of Mrs. . I). Archibald. Mrs. Antionette E. Wood Overmeyer was taken, it was found that Mrs. Kdwanl T Stotesburv, Mrs. Cor-1 was shortly to become B mother, uelius Vanderbilt, Mrs. W. H. Crock-! A le,ter mH(,e Pl,blic b' u,e police,.' er. Mrs. Willard Straight, Mrs. Clifford waa fo,lnd in Mclntyre's house: I'ineliot, Miss Harriet Vittum. " The Lord has commanded I and also The list of these "women of all par-my wife- Almighty God hasmade me s ties" sounds like a roster of New Prpbet unto nil nations and also my York's smart set is, ui fact. Whv are I wit'- Hattie Mclntyre," the letter the women of the "400" so much in-iread. "You shall know thnt the Lord terested in Mr. Hughes' candidacy? Why are the idle rich giving monkey dinners and poodle dog soirees and pink teas to aid his cause T Why is plutocracy, men anil women, spending cash to elect Mt. Hughes" Becnnse Mr. Hughes believes in things as they are only more so. Because Mr. Hughes believes in the protection of privilege. Because Mr. Hughes be lieves in the divine right of those who have to exploit those who have not. All parties in plutocracy are for Hughes just as they were for Me Kinley, for Roosevelt and for Taft. I'lutorracv is bi-partisan and always has sent me to gather unto the Lord s remnant of the Adonic Zed." The letter then rambled on for about 600 words. "I must die in this land that I may carry my reports unto the Almighty God concerning the land of the United States," it concluded. SILVERTON BOY ARRESTED Silverton, Ore.. July IS. Armond Matheny. aged 10, was arrested hero yesterday on a federal charge of rifling United states mails. He is accused of taking letters and nacknpes from boxea for plutocracy and for the candidate; in the poatoff ice here and appropriating tuHt puns us i-nesinuTH oiu or ine nre.itneir contents. With reactionary plutocracy inter ested iu Hughes, it is up to the com mon people to become interested in Wilson. The arrest was made after a decoy package had been placed in one box, which the postmaster saw Matheny remove later. The Nation's Favorite Better Nut Tkere Is No Better Always Watch? This Ad Changes Often "4 tttttittttm )Mt PLUTOCRACY FOB HUGHES (Medford Mail Tribune) ' "Women of all parties organize for hughes" is the cheering announce- iment coming from the "women's na tional committee of the Hughes alb- Strietly eorre weight, tqnmM iml mui kighaat pricw f0T all kind Jtmk, metal, rubber, aide and fun. I pay ! per pound frr ld ia Big stock of all iixe leeond hand iacubatora. All kiadj Mtngmtai iia for both roofs aid bnlldlag. Roofing paper tad ncoad hud linoleum. H. Steinback Junk Co. The Houm of Half a UHliox Bargain. ' f 0! North Coaaarcial M. m t '' " 1111 1 1 Mt