TWO THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, TUESDAY, JULY 18, 1916. 1 I I s I i ti , ? I' ; ! ) 11 P. : SO CIE T Y By ALINE THOMPSON AN engagement that will be" of much interest to society maids of Salem has just been made (t&owii in .Portland. The attractive bride-to-be is Miss lone Lambert, who baa visited here frequently and has many friends in the younger set. Miss Lambert has announced her en gngement to George i'.Englesy, son of Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Engiesy, an old and -prominent Vermont family. Their for mer home was in Burlington, Vt., and for some time they have been residents of Washington, 1. C. Miss Lambert is a charming girl and very popular in Portland society. She is tiie eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Lambert and a sister of Clemen tine and Joseph II. Lambert. She re ceived her earlier education at St. Hel en Hall in Portland, later attending the University of Oregon, where sue was a popular member of the Kappa . Alpha Theta Sorority. A great deal of Miss Lambert's leisure time is devot ed to philanthropy. The Lambert family Is among the oldest and best known in Portland, the late J. H. Lambert, grandfather of the bride-to-be, being one of Oregon's old est pioneers. Her father is identified with bank ing and realty eircles. Mir. Knglesy is a well known timber man, and is associated with a big lum ber concern in Eustern Oregon witii headquarters at La Orande. He is al so very popular socially and visited in Portland last week when ho and his prospective bride made known the hnp py news to a few closo riends and their relatives. The "wedding will be a smart event of the early fall. Mis Mjnnetta Magers had as her guest over the week end Miss Gertrude Kay Irwin of Dallas. Miss Irwin is supervisor of music in tho Dalles pub lic schools. Mrs. Victor Murdock and small daughter Katbryn, of Wichita, Kansas, mho have been the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Vol It at Volkland, left Sat urday for Albany where they visited Urn. Murdock 's cousins tho Misses Kate and Alice Allen until Sunday when they joined ex-Congressman Mur--flock for a few days sojourn in New port. Mrs.' O. W. Moon cntortained Sun day with an iuformul dinner in honor of Mr. Mioon ami son, Max, on the oc casion of their birthday anniversaries. The house was pretfy defcorated with garden floweiB, a color scheme of yellow and pink being adopted throughout the rooms. An array of sweet peas and nasturtiums and two buge birthday cakes adorned the ta ble around which covers were placed for ten. Frederic D. Tiiiclson returned Mon day from a week's sojourn in Agate Beach. Mr. Thielsen was accompanied to the shore by Mrs. ThielHeu and children, who will remain all season. They are occupying their cottago and will entertain a number of guests dur ing the summer. Mrs. Fred 8. Bynon and daughter Edith, have returned from a few days visit in Portluml. Miss PegEy Marie Ilutina of Port land is visiting at the country home of her cousin, Miss Hertlia Oliver. M.iss Ida Kerr and Miss Alico Pal mer have gone to Nye Ueac.ii for a few weeks outing. Judge and Mrs. Ijiwrcnco T. Harris who have been the guests of friends in Eugene for a few days returned Monday. A T the residence of Mrs. L. K, LX Pane: 4H2 Cottace street, an in M formal public reception will be given this afternoon from 4:30 to 6:30 o clock to honor visitors in tne city, who are associated with the Chautauqua. Bth men and women are invited to attend the affair and avail themselves of the opportunity to meet these in teresting euests. The hostesses for the afternoon will be Mj-b. Page, Mrs. R. E. Lee Hteiner, Mrs. K. is. Wallace, Jlrs. ueorge u. Brown, Mrs. Walter Dentou, Mrs. 11. C. Epley and Mrs. O. A. Chupcl. Bell-ans Absolutely Removes Indigestion. One package proves it 25c at all druggists. PERSONALS the ik Wedding Announcements, In vitations, and Calling Cards printed to roar order at the Capital Journal Job office. Phone 81. W. J. Domes of McCoy was in city yesterday. Judge P. II. D'Arcy returned Inst night from Seattle. E. B. Lawrence of Grants Pass was registered yesterday at the Bligh. The Hcv. W. W. Lawrence and wife of Springfield, Oregon, are in the city. Miss Zoe Olmstcad and Miss Lou anna Brown left Saturday for a sum mer's visit at Seattle and Coeur d'-itlenc. W. M. Spade, who is 84 years old, left this morning for a visit of sev eral months with relatives at Grand Knniils, Mich. Judge and Mrs. L. T. Harris, of Sa lem, returned to their home yesterday after spending the week-end in Eugene. Eugene Register. Miss La villa M. Perry of Salem, who has been spending several weeks at the Greig ranch at Wreln, returned home Inst Thursday. George Schwartz and Frank Schwartz of West Salem left this morning for Wcyburn, Saskatchewan, to spend the summer. Mrs. Al Mishler and daughter Max ine left this morning for Glendale, Oregon, for a short visit with Mrs. J. Harding, a sister of Mrs. Mishler. Mrs. C. B. Webb and two children are home from Medford where they have been visiting for the past five weeks with Mrs. Webb's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Elliott. 1. W. Eyro, vice president of the U. S. National bank, left this after noon for a ten days' vacation at New port and Nye Beach, joining his fami ly who have been there for some timo. ' M". A. McCorklo of Portland is at tending to business matters in the citv. WANTS STEAMER LINE TRADING WITH THESE Petty Work . That Shows the Genuine English Bull Headedness SALEM TAXI Cars of any kind for any place at any time. Office, Bligh Hotel PHONE 700 Don't Forget to insert that little Want Ad that you had in mind get it in to-morrow's paper oOO In. Buys a Pair of J s Low Shoes I Buster Brown 3 Button Tan Oxfords - Size 8 1-2 to 2 for Misses. These Shoes are made of the very best Russia calf and were priced at $1.90 and $2.15. Every shoe bears the Buster Brown stamp the stamp of determined wear resistance. The same with three straps sizes 12 to 2 Premier Ryan of Queensland v Would Enlarge Trade with America New York, July IS. America needs Australia's goods and Australia de sires Amberican products therefore there should be a direct steamer ser vice between the two nutions, in the opinion ot l'remier Thomas J. Ryan of vuecnsianu. I am a strong believer in the nossi bilities of greater trade between Aus tralia and the United Staes, the pre mier declared rotiay. "One of the things I want is a di rect steamer service between Brisbane the capital of Queensland, and 8au Krancisco. This could be given bv the Ocianie line of steamers making Bris- naiie tneir tirst and lust port of call. At present Sidney -is the sole Austra ban destination notwithstanding that unsnane is nearer ban FranciBco. ouch a service as X suggest would lead to greater trade anil, would give a quick er passenger service. The service would lead to increased 'exports of wool and meat to the United States from Queensland after the war." The premier, who is returning to the antipodes from London, said except for darkness at night it would be hard to mngine London was the capital of a nation at war. "As for the attitude of the people generally," he said, "not one in a hundred seems to think that England will be actually invaded or that Zep pelins can work any serious damage. All seem convinced that Germany has done her best and her worst and that henceforth she will be playing a los ing game." One of the Newest Shirt Waists for You ' s mm Pongee and shnntung are on the boards for summer fabrics. Htriped, checked and figured pongee is a favor ite, and this blouse is checked off in wool brown in the natural tone. Fronts, collar and cuffs are hemstitched, and a natty moire tie lends a smart dash. DIED HAX8EY In the city, July 17, 1916, Christian tlnnsey. The body was forwarded to relatives in l'ortland by Webb mid ('lough for burial. PKARt'Y In Portlnnl Sunday morn ing, July IK, 1916, Lois Hazel, baby daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Knight 1'earcy of Skyline orchards, Prospect Hill. After four weeks of suffering with pneumonia and no sign of improvement the baby was taken to Portland Fri day evening for treatment by a noted specialist, but the disease baffled the greatest available skill and the little one passed away.. Tin disease assum ed the form of spinal meningitis, which was hopelessly fatal in her weakened condition. The child waa 7 Mi months old. The remains were brought to Sa lem yesterday and interred this morn ing in City View cemetery. BAILEY At her home 837 Center street, July 17, 1!)1, Mrs. Frances K. Bailey, in her 75th year. She is survived by a son, Fred W. Bailey of Salem; two daughters, Miss Bess Bailer of Salem and Mrs. Ada Taylor of Alberta, Canada, and a grandson, George Klmer Farnswortii of St. lleleus, Oregon. Funeral services wche held this af ternoon from St. PauWa Episcopal church, conducted bv Archbishop II. D. Chambers of Portland. The body accompanied by Mis Bess Bailey, will be taken to Mt. Carroll, 111., for burial. All the home newt while yon are away. Phone 81. London, July IS. The following in dividuals and business concerns in the United States were officially named in a statement published in the Official Gazette tonight, forbidding residents of the United Kingdom to trade with them under the act known as the "Trading with the enemy" blacklist: H. Kempner, the Texas Export Im port Company, Galveston, Texas; Char les Cullen, Ocala, Fla. Elctro-Bleach-ing Gas company, Niagara Falls, N. Y.: Tnternational Import-Export company, Philadelphia; George W. McNear, Pe troloum Products company, San Fran cisco. The following New York City indi viduals and concerns are on the list: Philip Bauer company, Goldschmidt Chemical company; Charles Hardy, Robert Howe, International Hide Skin company, McLaren and Gentles, Mer chants' Colonization corporation, Na tional Zinc Corporation, Leopold Per utz, Louis J. Bees, Townscnd Bush more Schenker company Southern Products Trading company, Superior Export company. The remainder of the individuals on the list are persons or firms with Ger man names. '' The act, it is officially stated, is di rected at German firms controlled from Germany, though operating in the United States. '.. German firms which are incorporated in the United States but assist Eng land's enemies either by loans or other means, individuals or concerns which assist England's enemies by cabling code messages. Progressive Leaders Are Out for Wilson New York, July 18. Challenge to Senator Milea Poindexter of Washing ton, to debate the question "Shall Wil son be returned T" was flung broadcast at the National Democratic headquar ters today by Ole Hanson, progressive lender of Washington, now supporting Wilson. "Wilson canii carry Washington," E ATTACKING ADULTS Cases Increase and Death list Grows One Case In San Francisco New York, July 18. An alarming increase of infantile paralysis among adults was reported by the board of health today. Today's count showed 121 new cases today as against 95 yes terday. There were 25 deaths today, as against 14 yesterday. Five Suspects In Illinois. Springfield, 111., July IS. With five more suspected cases of infantile paralysis reported to the state board of health today, Secretary Drake sup plemented the recent orders to local authorities to report all children com ing into this state from New York. The supplemented order urges all par ents, guardians and hosts to notify the health authorities immediately of the arrival of any tutors from New 'fork or any contemplated arrival. San Francisco Has Case. San Francisco, Cal., July 18. Miss B. Vogel, 31, was declared by Super intendent O'Neill of the isolation hos pital today to be suffering from infan tile paralysis, the first time an adult has been afflicted with the disease here. Hanson asserted in a telegram to the committee. "Poindexter is afraid, and like Hughes, is a trimmer. Both have endorsed the American flag but refuse to get down to fundamentals." Resigns to Manage Wilson's Campaign Washington, July 18. Director of the Mint Robert W. Wooley, it was an nounced at the treasury department this afternoon, tendered his resignation and it was accepted on July 15. Wooley recently was made head of the president's cauipqigx publicity com mittee. A few days later a conces sional resolntion demanded an invest!-! gation to learn whether Wooley was accepting salaries for two positions. Try the Journal Classified Ads. FREE PANTS With Every Suit full Same high grade material--same low prices. Suits made to order $15 and $20 - WITH EXTRA ;:: PANTS FREE This is a most extraordinary offer considering the high price of woolens. Don't de lay. Order your suit at once. Officers of Guard Manage Recruiting Portland, Or., July 18. Tn accord ance with recent orders from the war department, preparations were made here today to muster into the federal service as recruiting agents, four na tional guard officers. They are Cap tain Lee M. Clark, Captain J.J B. Hib bard, Major H. U. Welch and Captain C. B. Winn. Each is to be placed in charge of a recruiting squad composed of a sergeant, a corporal and a private. The men are to thoroughly canvass every section of the state for "rook ies." The recruits will be sent to f.'smp Withycombe for training nnd then hurried south in batches of 150. Acting Adjutant General Wilson ex pects to begin 500 enlistments by this method. When Baronets Were Bold. It was in the reign of good King James that baronets first came into existence. Today you could hardly tell a baronet from a banker. But in tho year 1011, when James I. needed reaily money and created 200 "little barona" to supply him with cash, they swag gered about in their baldrics and sash es and behaved in the courtliest of fashion. Euch baronet in order to justify his title hud to maintain a small army of thirty soldiers for thrt years. In this way the crafty king not only increased his revenues, but actually lightened his expenses. When the train stopped at. the littk southern station tho tourist from the north sauntered out and gazed euriously at a lean animal with scraggy bristles, which was rubbing itself against a send) oak. "What do you call thatl" he ask curiously of the native. "Raz'orback hawg, suh." "What is he doing rubbing himself against that treef" "He's stropping hisself, suh, just stropping hisself." "WHY the laughter, vvBndie?" "It's a joke on mother. She came over this afternoon and started the old sob about my having to live in this little coop after father's magnificent home. So just to ease her feelings I took her out to the kitchen to see our new gas range. You know hers was the second one made and only one burner gives anything more than a glow. "Ours nearly broke her heart Then one after another, I had her compare my hard wood floors with her splintery ones; THE GAS COMPANY State and Commercial St. Yiii 1 "4 1 I I 'i I i I I 1 '& I I i . I i I I ' I I . ft i i I my open plumbing to hers, my lighting fixtures to her wabbly ones. The final blow was our bathroom. When she turned on the hot water and saw it in stantly gush out steaming hot although there wasn't a sugges tion of fire in my cool kitchen, she fairly collapsed. Said she was going to divorce father and marry a poor man, so she could get a few modern improvements. "I told her she could get the hot water anyway, just by tell ing the Gas Company to put in a Ruud Automatic Hot Water Heater. x She's going to break the news to father tonight" Telephone 85