ii;:;i;i!:iii;iii::!i;iiuA Message of the Greatest Importance to Every Man, Woman and Child in this Community . f Thi lt-nl- Rnnlrnnf Slnrk if MrFvnv Rrnfhorc fh fhlrnorr fnro Afffr Rplnp" nlrl hv fho II C nurY tr flatty & Cr rvf Pntlnrirl f 4 4 on The Most A s to Hi in .do mi e Sale Ever IKroowmi I :saaaasggSJcsssgBggggHgggggBBBgagtrangnBngaBBgaBggMnnBBB FOE p Underwear and Hosiery for the whole family i4 5ae of the Greatest Importance to you. Worthy I of your immediate attention far away the greatest and I mightiest dry goods sale I 4 this part of the state has i: ever known . . . People of Salem, Marion and Polk Counties, No flowery words or colorless illustrations can hope to deliver or express the real importance of this GREAT BANKRUPT SALE and what it means to you in dollars and cents. Think of the thousands upon thousands of dollars' worth of fine merchandise now awaiting you in the two big stores on Commercial street, every dollar's worth bought before the general advance in prices occurred, and then sold to us by the U. S. Court at til1 cents on the dollar. Think of this and it will give you a fair conception of what you may expect of this sale. Never in the history of our long business career have we come across a bankrupt stock that contained such a wonderful collection of new and staple merchandise as this one has. Beautiful Silks from the famous mills of the Corticelli Co. and Belding Bros. The famous Skinner's Satins, the finest Wool Dress Goods from the La Porte Woolen Mills, A. F. C. and Toile-de-Nord Ginghams, Fine Percales, Sheetings, Muslins, Toweling, Towels, Outings of all kinds beautiful Linens, Coats, Suits, Dresses, Waists, the well known Burlington Hosiery, Underwear, Shoes, Quilts, Blankets, Bedding, Men's Furnishings, Millinery everything you may think of, everything for the entire family. The Greatest Sale ever :: recorded by any store i :: Bankrupt or no Bankrupt. i: . . . jj Greatest in volume, Great- j; . :: est in scope and Greatest 11 in Money Saving Power. It is this fine stock fresh, new and chosen with discrimination, to please this store's large trade that we shall sell tomorrow at the lowest prices ever known Come a 100 Miles to at tend this Greatest of all Sales You will not be dis appointed Finest nf Muslin THIS WONDERFUL SALE Underwear and Corsets Never Before Such Beautiful Merchan dise at These Prices 75c Corsets, while they last, only ...43c $1.50 Corsets, while they last, 88c $2.00 Corsets, while they last . . .$139 35c Corset Covers ,while they last . . 19c 65c fine. Corset to vers, only 39c $1.50 fine Crepe de Chine Corset Covers go at 98c 65c Chemise, while they last 39c $1.00 Combinations go at ! 59c $2.00 Combinations go at 98c 75c Gowns, in crepe and Nainsook. .42c $2.50 Gowns go at 98c 75c Skirts, while they last 39c SOc Brassieres, white they last , , 39c w tarts TOMORROW, Wedhriesdl ay JULY 1 9TH and Will Continue Until THE ENTIRE STOCK wip OUT S3 Lot of Women's and Children's Rain Coats, values to $5.00, now 93c 15c Women's Fine Black Hose, now 9C Genuine O. N. T. Thread, in black and white, all sizes ; while it lasts, s8yen spoois for 25c Fine Pearl Buttons, values to 10c per dozen, while they last, only, dozen ...... 3c 5c Women's Fine Handkerchiefs now only . 2c 10c Women's Fine Handker chiefs now only 4c $1.00 Men's B. V. D. and Poros knit Union Suits 7Qg - - Men's Furnishings and Clothing STOP! LOOK! LISTEN L Men's 15c Dress Sox, in black and tan 7c Men's Balbriggan Underwear 19c 10c Canvas Gloves, while they last. . .5c 15c Canvas Gloves, while the last 8V3C Genuine President Suspenders 17c 25c Cashmere and Lisle Sox 19c B. V.D.Union Suits 79c Porosknit Union Suits . 79c Paris and Boston Garters 14c One lot of Felt Hats, values to $2.50, now 69c Men's fine quality Work Shirts 39c Men's fine Suits, values to $15 . .$5.95 15c Triangle Collars, while they last, only 1 8c Fine quality Dress Shirts, all styles, now p at 59e, 1 9Sc ALL CONSIDERATION FOR ORIGINAL PRICE OR WORTH SWEPT AWAY. OUR AIM IS TO SELL ENTIRE STOCK WITH IN THE SHORTEST TIME POSSIBLE. BE HERE EARLY. GET THE CHOICE OF THE SELECTION. Notions and Drug Sundries Buy now and save more than half. 0. N. T. Thread 7 Spools for 25c Buttonhole Jwist, regular 5c ..... .4c Side Combs ,regular 10c 6c Barrettes, regular 10c .... . 8c D. M. C. Crochet Thread 14c Beautifier Cream, regular $1.25 ... 25c Cold Cream, regular 25c 19c Perfume, regular 50c 39c De Luxe Face Powder ,regular 25c and 50c 19c Hair Tonic, regular 75c 19c Boridk Teilt t Water, refsfcr 25c ..17c mi Coats, Suits, Dresses, Skirts, Waists, Sport Sweaters, Sport Coats, and Everything Else in Our ReadytoWear Dept. as well as given away. Note these prices: Lot of Wool Dresses, made of fine Serge and Poplin, a good range of colors and sizes ; formerly sold up to $10.00; w hile they last only jJl 97 Lot of Party and Street Dresses, made of Chiffon, Mes saline and Tub Silk, daintily trimmed with fine Oriental lace and. insertion; regularly sold up to $15; .. while they last $2.97 Lot of Fine Street Dresses, made of Silk Poplin, Taffeta and Crepe de Chine; formerly sold up to $15.75; while they last only $3.47 Lot of Women's Coats, made of Fine Broadcloth and - Serge, some of them are lined with Skinner's Satin throughout; formerly sold up to $15.00; while they last only $1.97 Lot of Fine Women's Suits, Coats and Capes, made of high grade Pongee, Gold Cloth and Shepherd Checks; formerly sold up to $18.50; while they last only $3.47 Silk Poplin and Serge Dresses, latest New York crea tions, suitable for street and. evening wear; formerly sold to $15.00; while they last only $4 95 Fibre Silk Sport Sweaters, come in a beautiful variety of stripes and plain colors, just the thing for street and beach wear; formerly sold up to $10.00; while they last only $5.95 To $1.00 White Lawn and Lingerie Waists now .... 49c To $1.25 Fine Voile Waists, while they last 75c To $1.50 Fine Voile and Lawn Waists now ggc $1.75 Silk Waists now $9 $2.50 Silk Waists now $J 57 $1.50 Fine House Dresses, while they last only 98c $4.00 Wool Dress Skirts, latest styles, only ..... - $2.95 75c Black Cotton Taffeta Petticoats now 39c $2.50 Silk Petticoats $1.49 75c Child's Sweaters 39c 10c Canvas Gloves now . . . .-. 5c 15c Canvas Gloves, now . . .gc 15c Men's Dress Sox, in black and tan, now 7c Men's Balbriggan Summer Un derwear, per garment 19c Genuine President Suspenders now 17c Genuine Paris and Boston Gar ters now. 14c 10c Women's Sleeveless Vests now 5c Women's White Lawn and Linen Dresses, values to $6.00, now 98c And at these prices, could you supply your wants for immedi- 15c Children's Hose now only 9c 15c Women's good quality black Hose now only 9c o5c Silk Fibre Hose, in black and white, while they last . ... -23c 50c and 69c Fibre Silk Hose, all wanted colors, only 43c 10c Sleveless Vests, while they last, only 5C 15c Sleeveless Vests, while they last, only 9C wish for a better oportunity to ate as well as for furture needs? 20c Sleeveless Vests, while they last, only He 25c Sleeveless Vests, while they last, only, 19c 35c Union Suits, while . they last, only 19c 50c Union Suits, while they last, only 39c 75c Union Suits, while they last, only -49c Millinery Department Lot of Women's Fine Trimmed Hats,, values . to $3.50, while they lastonly ggc Lot of Women's Fine Hats, trim med in the latest styles; form- i . .1 l r "--v . eny som ior $a.ou; now only $2.49 Lot of Women's Fine Hats, lat est New York creations; ' formerly sold to $10:00; ' now only $349 The prettiest of Sport Hats, suitable for street and beach wear, the vogue of the season; formerly sold for $2.50 and $3.00; now only $1.39 Lot of fine Untrimmed Straw Shapes, values to $2.50; while they last, only 49c Entire stock of Misses' and Chil dren's Hats to be closed out at 49c and 75c Dress Goods and Silks Prices Slashed to Pieces Here is your opportunity DON'T MISS IT. Serges, Gabardines, Worsteds, Diagonals, Cashmeres, Voiles, etc. In the Silks you will find the finest collection of Messalines, Taffetas, Satins, Brocades, Crepe de Chine, Charmouse, Pussy Willow Taffetas, etc. Below we Quote but a few of the bankrupt sale prices: Lot of Voiles, Panamas and Mo hairs, formerly sold up to $2 per yard, while they last 49c Lot of Chiffon Broadcloths, 56 inches wide, and formerly sold up to $2.50 per yard; now 98c 36-inches wide Fine Messaline, formerly sold for $1.25 per yard, while it lasts only . .gc Fine Jap Silk, 20 to 21 inches wide, a large assortment of colors, formerly sold for 35c per yard, while they last 19c Fine quality Messaline, 27-ins. wide, a large range of colors to choose from, while they last only 63c Genuine Skinner's Satin, 36-ins. wide, guaranteed for two sea sons, all colors; regular price $1.50 per yard, now $1.18 27 inches wide Fine Silk Mull, regularly sold for 25c and 35c, all colors, while it lasts only 16c Fine French Serges, 36 inches wide, all colors; formerly sold for 65c per yard, now only 48c Domestic and Linen Department Ginghams, Percales, Outings, American Prints, Sheets, Pillow Cases, Sheeting, Toweling, Tow els, Table Linens, Napkins, etc., Everything goes at the lowest bankrupt prices 8c finest grade American Prints 6c 10c A. F. C. Apron Ginghams now only 6I2C 12 l-2c A. F. C. Dress Gingham now 9C 15c Toile de Nord Dress Ging ham now only Hg 8c good quality Outing Flannel now only 5c 10c heavy quality White Domet Flannel now 6V2C 15c Daisy Flannels, all colors, now 9c 8c fine quality Huck Towels, now only 5c 12 l-2c large size Huck Towels now only 8V3C Large size Sheets of extra heavy quality sheeting, to close out at. 39c, 59c, 79c, 98c 7c Bleached Cotton Toweling now 4c 9c Bleached Cotton Toweling now 5C Linen Toweling, in bleached and unbleached, now only 10c Wide Sheetings, heaviest . grades, at . . . , 23c, 29c, 31 C 15e Pillow Cases, while they last, only 9C Shoes Shoes Shoes FOR THE ENTIRE FAMILY, AND THE LOWEST PRICES EVER. LIMITED SPACE DOES NOT ALLOW US TO ENUMERATE THE WONDERFUL VALUES WE HAVE FOR YOU IN THIS PARTICULAR DEPARTMENT AND IN ALL OTHER DEPARTMENTS. vUibVJ LiJ La (M, I ' 1 Blankets, Comforts and Pillows, now is the time to buy your supply 85c Blankets 69c $1.50 Large size Blankets 84e $2.25 Large size Blankets $1.49 $3.50 Wool Nap Blankets and Heavy Cotton, now .... $1-98 $1.50 Comforters now . . ... ggc $1.25 Comforters ow . . . . . g9c mg Out The Eamkraet 1 Stock f the Chica go S lore Cotnet of Cout t and Commercial Streets, Salem, Oregon it t mmmmm m imm M ? t , 1 1 1 , 1 1 1 1 1 1 t . . 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Vl'Mv