"HEEZA BOOB," Done Again By Mort. M. Burger. y Pyer rott fish J .. - .-- T-T - fc k 7 k : 11 m. a i i Daily Capital Journal's Classified Advertising Page RATES FOR ADVERCISEMENTS: One Cent per word for the first insertion. One-Half Cent per word for eacii successive subsequent insertion CHnt0FRACTIC-SPIN0L00I8T D3. O. L. BCOTT Graduate -jf Ckiro- ?ractic's Fountain He id, Davenport, jwa. 1 you have tried everything ad got no relief, try t'hisoprac tie spinal adjustments and get well. Office 406-7-8 U. 8. National Bank Building. Phono Main 87. Residence Main 828-B. DENTISTS. DS. O. A. OLSON, DontiBt Adminis ter, nitrous ozld and oxygen ga. Boom 2U. Masonic Temple. Phone 440. Baieni, Coiegon. STATE NEWS I TOWNS WHICH FIGURE IN FRANCO-BRITISH ATTACK ON GERMANS AND TWO LEADING GENERALS FOR SALE VOIt SAI.K- trade for young 12th St. Young Hinging ennnrys or chickens, i kiu o. julylS FOB SALOK TR AItC 50 acres nil in cultivation. 22 acres young prunes, bat. in crop, small house, i barns, 4 horses, fi cows, 3 boilers, 4 hogs, S wagons, harness, other im plements; well located, near Salem, Kvervtlting complete for ti 000.00. Might consilium sime city property iu exchange, tenure Deal Hculty Co., 202 IT. S. Hunk "big ICIaiunlh Fulls Herald; Prompt ac tion on the part of farmers along Tulc In ko anil County AgriciilturiNt if. Ho lund Ulnisyer hits apparently halted what might iiave been a serious grass hopper plngue. Kiglit farms were in fested with these insects when control measures were considered, (Ilnisyor pre pared u paris-green mush and the fnr mers reiort that since putting out this poison they see a noticeable decrease in the number of hoppers. LODGE DIRECTORY 2. n n W I.., tint Inn T.ililtfd. No. Meet. 'every Monday evening at 8 In the Mct'oruack bull, corner Curt ami Liberty it o. Donaldson, M. ., -..- . I. Iir.turn A. ' ' " " " ' McFaiMeu, duaucler. recorder ; SJM.EM LOWIE No. 4, A . F, . A- M Stated communications llrst I rhloy In .? mouth at 7:110 i iu. iu the M ule. Temple, Ctaas. Mct.'arter, W. M. , 8. . Culver, secretary, Hood River, Ore.; Thousands of acres of stump laud in the southwestern part of the county, owned by the Oregon Lumber eomimnv unit the Stanley-Smith Lumber conipnny, will be pastured this season by herds' of sheep belonging to Cofoid unci Macu, stockmen of Shani- ko. Fourteen single-deck carloads of sheep arrived here and were taken to Deo by Mount Hood Ruihvay coni pnny. Six double-deck loads; ranking a total of about (1,000 hii'miuiIs, ur rivo tomorrow. BALEM HUMANE S()flKTV-U. 1. Heeler pcwldeuti Mrs. Loo Tlllsun. ecretury. All It. of cruelly'or ueislect of dumb anl m.hT.no".l b reported to the secretary r lavestlieallou. Silver Lake Observer: "One party of our surveyors is on the divide between Silver Creek and the llaruej valley, 100 miles eust of Hcnd ti ml 50 miles from Bendire, the proposed connection point with the Oregou Short Line in llnmey vulley. Another purty is work ing south 'from Head to Klnmiith Falls and is now iu the Sprngiie Hiver vul ly on the Kliimath reservation. About Li."i miles of the survey of that line is complete, uud there yet remains the Till miles to Klnmiith Falls. Then nil the surveys will be finished except for about 20 miles." CaNTUAL Lonnrc, No. IS, K. of P. Me C CoTusci bulldlnn.' Tuesday .'"""'V? ch week at 7 :a0. J. . HeUiel, C. C. . W. U. Ollsou. h.. of It. and j t N OP A. "Oregon Ornne Camp." No. lltdo, meet, every Thiiwluy '" ; Mccormick biilldluR. 1 u".Jsllmf treets: elevator. Mrs. Sylvia S(liaui. 1701 Market, oracle; Mrs. Melius 1 er im" recorder, UlIU North Commercial. I'bouD H:i0-M. M JOEHN WOODMEN OP AMF.ItlOA Ore "u "ed.r '..up. No. M?'.". ii i...r..i ereiiliie at 8 o clock n Mt- V. C. ; J. A. WrlKht, elerlt. niADWICK CMAITKH, No. 87, O. 15. 8 II iiidar meetlnu every first ..ml O l d p.".! Minnie V.tler, W. M. ; Ida UabcocU. secretary. M. SOAVANGER SALEM SCAVENOKR Charles Soo. Iiroprietor. uarbage and retuse or au Linda removed on monthly contract! at reasonable rates. Yard uud cess pool, cleaned. Office photn, Main 2247. lesidn- Al C272. OSTEOPATH 1US. H. U. WIIITR and R. W. WAL TON Osteopathic physicians ini1 nerve specialists. Clraduates of Anier ican school of Osteopathy, Kirksville Mo. l'ost graduate and specialized 1: nervo disci, .eg it Los Angelej college. Treat acute and chrome diseases. Consultation free. Lady attendant. Office oO:-rOG U. S. Nntional Hnuk Huilding. l'hoao 85. Residence 340 North ( a,ilnl street, l'lione 400. THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL ' "l (VUf -I ''Sf-y JTiw I GENEZRLS JOFFZE Classified Business Telephone Directory A Quick, handy reference for busy people MRP OF FRRNCO-H&nSH QDVnMCE 4 Cattle Feeds Wasted WOOOMFV Or-" TUB WOULD Meet every block, O. W. Huous, 0. -t 1'. u.' clerk, 607 t'ourt .treei. l'luiie RO-'- r not AY rOMMANOI'ltV. No. B, K. I. " " ...... r i ... i..-t u I'mi' e. K. Viank Turner, recorder. JallSecrryf'uluAi C'otutuerce. .... .i. M,,,i,le "ell.nle. n. I". """"- a, Tbrlce Illustrious Muster Nile., recorder. Uteuu O. TIILRAFxTICa WF.LTMKR SVSTKM Of miggestlve Therapeutic, practiced by llr. V. T. Toinpuins, 8. T. Most powerful, nat urit and successful treatment known to science for the relief and euro ol headache, stomach, liver and kidney trouble; rheumatism, constipntion, infant ilo paralysis and all feuinle complaints, henrt, lung and throat troubles; till diseases of tho eye; can cer, goitre, epilepsia, nstluun, nerv ousness or any chronic disease. Sug gestivo therapeutics properly applied to a diseased body i. positive, sure and permanent iu its results. Hour! to 12 a. in, 1 to 5 p. m., phonr 91. Office rooms 1, 3 and 3 Uiyne Midi' 341 Stste St., Salem, Oregon mi I'M COUNCIL NO. 2H22 Knight. . VLltlnir meuiur. """".;:, I4ib 8t. Wnllon. iinuui-ivi, PACIFIC LOn(lKN'Vi RO A. K A. M -8u,Ja i M i.. m. in the itoa.e Teu.,..e. ll.l V Bol..n. W. M. roet II. Cboste. secretary MISCELLANEOUS B EDUCED FRKIOHT RATE-To . and m all points east, on all ."h,.d Forwarding company, Ol.8ou h mercial street, cnone ... . MONEY TO LOAN ON Good Real Estate Becurtty. Ttroa. K. FORD Orn Ldi Bush Bank, Salem, Oregon UNDERTAKERS . . (wniT r., r. n w ....I. Wl'.lill fliUUUII VjU J. J'. A. M., (,'longh morticians and funeral directors. Latest modern motbod! known to tho profession employed 4S)i Court St Wain 12U, Main wbbo R10DONRICHAROSOX CO. Funeral director, and undertakers, sa nona High street. Dav and night phont I8:i. WATER COMPANY SAI.EM WATKR COMPANY Offle. eorner Commercial and Trade street. For water service apply at office Hill, iwvable monthly In advance). MONEY TO LOAN I have made ar rangement. fur loaning caster, money, will make very tow rate of interest on highly grovel farm. ' Homer H. Smith, room 5 Mctornaok Bldg, Salem. Ore. lvne lfl. w,Minir Invitations. Announcements and Cnlliug Card. Printed at the Jour-j uul Job Jieparvmeni. . L M. HUM Care of YICKSOTONG Chinese Medicine and Tea Company Has medicine which will cure any known disease. 153 South High Street, Salem, Ore. Phone 283 Kul ion 1 Silugo Cottonseed mcil ur linseed meal , Ration 2 Straw Cottonseed cuke or oil mctil J'ounds 10 20 1 1 : 20 10 10 1 The black line on the accompanying mav shows the aiiproximate .battle front before the L'rcnt r'rancolliitish drive against the Herman line began and the broken line shows the udvanc es made in the first great onslaught nuninst the Ceiinnus. lireceiled by ter rilic nrtillerv fire. The line held for miinv months bv the Hritish, command oil iiv Sir Doi.L'Ins Ilaiu. terminntcd nt the Somme river, w'.iere it was join ed bv that of the l-'rench, whose chief lender is (leneial Joffre. Of the towns shown on the map Ln Hoisselle, Mon- tnnboii mid Jlametz, all near the Win me. ami Scrre, further north, were cap tured by the British. -f444-4-44444-4-444-4-4-4--4444-4444 Washington, July 15. A vast (iiiuu-. Rations for Wintering Breeding Cows. lity of feed available for cuttle is now either wnsted absolutely or put to some less piofituble use, saye n recent report which the Department of Agriculture has just published us l'urt IV of a com prehensive sinvev of the entire meat situation iu the I'nited States. Kailure to utilize tho full vulue of1 Ration 3 this miiterial has increused unnecessnr-; straw ily the cost of producing meat, has di-i shock corn .... niinished the profits froni cuttle feeding Cottonseed nioul mid has disc, unigcd ninny lurniers from jM ,1,;, ,.,,,.( jtm it pointed out engaging in un industry essential to uia ,mt fccdiiis: struw iu the winter their peruiuiient prosperity. ,wll i,1MUri. uder certuin circumstances According to the report already men- ,llM ...iii,,..!,,.. r Hinnnier eiass. tionod, the loss iu Kiuin straw and corn ,,, mi,K.,. 0f western stntes it fie- stover noioiints to more tiii.n ifiuo,- iv ,.,m.- imt trass noes to 000,000 nuiiually. Hoth of these pro- .. .., "i, ,.,. ,, i.,P , unwilliinr to iiucis are nisposeo oi most econoniii iiuy .1V thl) hiatl. prices nsked for steers iu when fed to cattle ill connection with ,i. -,,.; win, nl.nndance of some form of concentrated feed. Straw' , 7. , , i,lsai,n ,iu, COst of is especially valuable in currying the : .;,,.,., , cn tako ndvantage breed ing lierd tlnouli the winter, in (lf thl, lllu.r ..;,.,, .or o.or c,ittlo wintering stockers, lin.l as a suppleinen-1 : .i.,, (,,, ,,. .... .... rensonnlile terms lin y l oughage for fill toning cattle, es-1,,, Umt , , 1Mnll,h-stock to pasture Telepkaa EVERYTHING ELEOTRIOAL Salem EleetrU Co., Masonie Temple, 127 North High Main 110 PLUMBING, STEAM FITTING AND TINNING T. M. Barr, 161 South Commercial street Mala 11 TRANSFER AND DRAYAGE Salem Truck ft Dray Co., corner State ana Front streets If sin 71 2k Dry Zensal Moist Zensal The fact that Zensal is made to reach the two distinct types of Eczema should ap peal to all skin sufferers. Tetter, salt rheum and dry eczema should be treated with Dry Zensal. For weep ing skin use Moist Zensal. 50c a jar at CENTRAL PHARMACY rrtBrajw TRAVELERS' GUIDE I SOUTHERN PACIFIC. tlAAAAAliAAAAiAAAAi AA AAA.A A AAA A A OREGON ELECTRIC RAILWAY CO. peciully Hint lire bleeding cows. Never theless, in many sections of the country where these products are abundant, lit tle attempt is made to take advantage ot their vulue for these purposes. Ol an nninial straw crop of npproxi all the i;rnss the following year. Tho production of com stover is about twice that of groin straw, amounting to approximately 15,000,1)00 tons a vear. A larger percentage S1.5 of lint Hie ....... mm mii :. : t: ,...1 iiiia i n il iuiiii iu inv nun" IllllieiV 1 -w.woo.oiru ions, 11 IS em I mil i eu . . . ,. that onlv two-thirds is put to its be.1 " ls """theloss astonishing, lor use-live stock production. Of the re-! ",j""B " K" . . , ' ., . , ,., ... lv resnousible. Hv tar the most eeono- nnini er a Hie more ti.iin oi.e i.aii is . . . sold or turned under and the rest-15 1""1 ni, ut '"'"'"'"K ' " per cent of the total erop-is burned. I ' "'"' tr,.?-J ' . Burning is pructicallv an absolute , ',. , - , .1 .. waste aud althouul. olowin- under does li,.14 " -r ,"' h."l l'Vf "v; contribute something to soil fertility tg" e.e mane. .11. m t . . per cc the benefit to the laud is less than that 1 , ' '., . . which would be derived from the use of w , ' ' the straw to produce n.aunre. "Of nil."" b-st portion of the aerenge tint e svstcms of obtaining permanent soil greatest waste occur.. Mnt K fertilitv." snvs the report, "none is so the stalks which are anise- ; . . ' 1..1.1.. .. ,i., ouentlv burned, removing the stalk flair UvertorU" above the top ear only, leaving the The a'rugr) value of all kinds of 1 " to stand in the field until, the . .., ... i.... a.v .. ..... i loss 01 leaves noil iciiciiiuu im.i.- inanv sections, of course, no such price can be realised for it, and as a matter. moved much of their fertilising vnlne are all uathriftv methods. Further-1 I'll 11 Ut rt'UMKfU lur li mm a niaiifi . ' of fact onlv about 8 per cent of the four per cent of the stov- 1Py can be M W1 r09ult , crop netnnlly ia sold. The figure men-!rr ,a burned, as though, instead of be- millntion 0f enormoiig waste. food. At the present time large quail titles of such feed, in the form of cot tonsced meal and cuke, corn, molasses, peanut, and beans are exported for the use of Kuropean feeders. If the straw and stover that are now wasted were employed to feed more cattle, these concentrates could be consumed at home. The result would be n tremend ous saving not only in the cost of feed ing beef, but in tho cost of enriching the soil as well, ln 1014. for example, about 1,000.000 tons of cottonseed nienl half the total production were applied directly to the soil as fertilizer. It this had been fed to cattle instead three quarters of the fertilizing value would have been returned to the soil us manure. The loss of the other fourth would have been far more than conn terbnlnnced by the profit on the meat produced economically by the meal and the necessary roughages. Much the same thing' is true of the other oil meals. The value of these meals is far bet ter appreciated in Kurope than here. Denmark, for example feeds annually ITS nounds of oil enke to ench of her mature cattle, the I'nited States ap proximately 24 pounds. Furthermore, the L'uronenn feeder is aware of the fact that the high-proteiu infill, while more exuensixe to buv, is more econo mical iu use. Meal of this quality is seldom .old on the domestic markets because the American farmer has not yet learned its value. Cottonseed and linseed lire tierhups the best known of the oil meals but there are others the use of which ns feed could be profitably extended. Both oeniiut and soy bean meal and cake, for instance, tire L'ood demand in Kurope. The efficient use of these and other feeds discussed in the report is of the utmost importance to the Americnu far mer, it is pointed out, because tlie day when close calculation 111 tenting was not necessary is. in all probability, past. Hereafter it is likely that success will depend upon ability to put to the test toe best use of all available products. A greater knowledge of what these pro- are anu or me wnvs 111 wuo-u in the eli- E :00 .. m . .3 :02 p. in. . 0 :22 a. m. .11 :S5 a. m. . 1 :27 p. m. . 5 :00 p. m. . . 8 :04 p. ra. NORTH BOUND 16 Oregon Express . . . 21 Eugene Limited . . . 2S Willamette Limited 12 Shasta Limited . . . IS 1'orthiurt l'saseuKer 20 Portland Passenger 14 Portluud Exnress . No. 221' Portland fast Freight 10 :30 p. m No. 220 Local way Freight. .. .10 :35 a. m. SOUTH BOUND No. IS California Expres..... S :32 .. m. No. 17 Itoseburg Passenger ..11:20 a.m. No. 2.1 F.ugeue Limited 10 :ol a. in. No. 10 Cottage drove Pass. ..4:10p.m. Makes connection witn no. 1 ueer branch. No. 11 Shasta Limited B :43 p.m. No. 27 Willamette Limited... 8:1p. m. No. 13 San Francisco Express 10 p. m. No. 221 Sun trancisco fast Freight No. 225 Local way Freight... S.u.EM-Gr.En Lixa. No. 73 Arrives nt Salem lo. 70 Leaves Salem" No, 75 Ar, Salem (mixed).... No. 74 Leave Salem No connection .outn t ueer. 12 :01 a. m. 11 :40 a. in .9 :l!t a. m. .9 :50 a. iu. .2 :O0 p. m. .4 ; M p. m. fUl.IM. FAI.l.9 CiTt.Asn Westers. No. 1111 Lv. Salem, motor 7:00a.m. No. 103 Lv Salem, motor 9:45 a.m. No. 105 Lv. Snlem for jionmoutn and Alrne 11 :" No. 107 Lv. Salem, motor .... 4 :00 p. m. No. 100 Lv. Snlem, motor 8:15 p.m. No. 239 Way Fr't lv. Salem. ... B :00 a. m. No. 10'J Ar. Salem 8 :40 a. m. No. 1(14 Ar. Sulcui 11:10 s. m. No. Hid Ar. Salem 8:15 p.m. No. 10S Ar. Salem 6 :00 p.m. No. 170 Ar. Salem 7:45 p.m. No. 240 Way Fr:t sr. Salem... 1:35p.m. WILLAMETTE RIVER R0TJTB Oregon City Transportation Company Leave Portland for Oregon City, Bnttevllls. Newberg. Mission (St. raul), Wheatland Salem (dally except Sunday) . .6 :45 a. a Leave Portland for Independence. Albsny-Corvallls, (Tue... Thur... S.t.) e :4o a. b Returning cT"ams a- m. Mon., Wed., Jrt Albany ...7 a. m. Mon., wed., rn Independence 9 ... m Mon., Wed., Frt Halem 10 1. m. Mon., Wed., Frl Salem ........ 6 s. m.-Tuet., Tburs., 8t Lv. Snlem 4 :35 a. m. 7 :15 a. m. 0 :45 s. m. 11 :20 a. m. 1 :5o p. iu. 4 :00 p. m. 5 :.".( p. m. 7 :55 p. m. NOKTH BOUND Train No. .... 2 Owl ... ,.10 Limited , 12 14 . . 16 Limited "0 22 south bound Portland to Sai.su Lv. Tortland. 0 : :to a. m. Sslem 8 :..r Eugene 10 Ar. Portland . . 6 :r5 a. m. . . 9 :25 a. m. ..11 :35 a. m. . 11 :35 p. m. . . 4 :00 p. in. . . 5 :50 p. m. . . 7 :4t) p. m. ..10 :00 p.m. 8 ::io a. in. lo :4., a. m. . '1 :05 p. in. . 4 :40 p. m. . 6 :05 p. m. . 0 :20 p. in. . 11 :45 p. m. . Lv. C.rvallls 4 :1b p. in. . Lv. Eugene. 7 :,15 a. m. . . 1 :5. p. 111. . 5 :25 p. m. 12 :05 p. m. . Lv. Salem 1 :.V a. m. . 10 :15 a. m. . Lv. Salem 12 :55 p. m. . Lv. Salem. 4 :lo p. m. . l v Snlem 6:45 p. ui. Limited 7 I) ,. 13 Limited .. 17 Local .. Ill ....21 Owl .... north bound 20 .. 10 Limited ., . . .16 Limited. . ....... 22 2 Owl south bound .'5 a. m. 10:11 a.m. .12 :.'." p. m. . 4 -.15 p. m. . 8 :40 p. Db . 8 :10 p. m, .11 :20 p. ni. 1 :65 p. as. Ar. Salens . . 5 :30 p. m Ar. Sale . 9 :45 a. m. . 4 :Oo p. m. . 7 :55 p. na . 4 :o5 a. m. , . 21 Owl 0 Limited 13 Ar. Bugea . 0 :."'! u. m. .12:25 p.m. Ar. Albany 1 :oo p. ok Btopi at Corvalll Ar. Albany 0 .10 p. m. Ar. Albany II ffl 7 :35 u. m. Ar. Eugene 8 :5u p. m. CORVALLIS CONNECTION SOKTH BOUKU Lv. Corvalli. 8 :'.5 a. m. 12 :12 p. m. . 2:41 p. 111. . 4 :10 p. m. . 6 :18 p. m. . Lv. Snlem 10:15 a. n 4 :1S p. 12 :55 p. m. 6 :40 p. m. m. 10 14 .... HI 21) .... 22 SOUTH BOUND . 7 18 Ar. Baiea .9:43 a.m. . I MS p. IB. . 4 :00 p. m. . 5 :30 p. m. . 1 :65 p. as. r. Corr.llta .11:83 a. wr. . 5:36 p.m. . 2 :20 p. . 8 :00 p. as. tio.ied, however, mav be taken as rep- '"S potential source or revenue, 11 resenting the vulue to tlie farmer ot . straw if he wilt use it properlv in his;" preliminary to plowing. In some fnrming operation, a. fed i.r fee.lii..! "" h' H-reentnge of tover that is Iu order to illustrate how this m y bel""" thrown away is as high as , or done tho report give, three sample ra-'P" cent and the total loss to the eoun- lions for wintering a breeding herd of j try from the practice is estimated at beef cattle on straw combined with sit- 'r l5,0OO.lhH a year. nge, shock com and cotonseed or tin- To obtain satisfactory result, from seed meal. Anv one of these rations, the feeding of farm roughages such as lit is ai,l. will nrove M-onomienl. Thev straw and stover, they must be corn- are as follows: bined with some form of concentrated Albany Herald: Five more homestead entries were filed with the county clerk today upon lands in township 14 south, range 3 east, making 'about 40 entries that have been filed in this vicinity. The officers at the local forestry of fice state that this land is not open to settlement, but is being held by the for estry service as timber lands. Under a bill pawed in lHOtl these lands reverted to the government with the stipulation that such, lands as were I here in finished state, the consumer suitable for agricultural purposes could ' paying freight both ways, states Mr. bo filed upon and homesteaded, and Wcinbaum. "Of course, in remote, crazing lands could likewise be home- parts of the country are the large mar steaded for that purpose. Timber lands 'kets for wood manufactures, and a per- however. are to remain in tlie reserve, usuui 01 me nsi iihk" '' What idea the persons who have marie ing iu or near x-ornmiu ui moie piumn this lone list of entries have in mind for converting the raw materials into is a question wnicu ivcui eiuuiia w- r. - - uoU-solve. - i No changes of moment in the mining Tortland Telegram: To show the situation in Oregon are noted by Char wide range of possibilities of wood- les O. Yale of the I'nited States geolugi working industries in Oregon, a list of cal survey for the first six months of products manufactured from forest 1916. The bullion receipts of the mint tree, and lumber has been prepared by and smelters at San Francisco show K. X. Weinbaugh, statistician of the that the output of gold has increased 1'ortland Chamber of Comemree. In the $107,000 nud that of silver 14,000 ounces list are more than 1.200 articles of com-, in the first five months of 191(1 over merciul value. "Raw materials for the output of the corresponding period many of these articles are shipped to in 1915, The increase in gold is du eastern manufacturers and returned j entirely to dredging operations.