EIGHT 1 THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, MONDAY, JULY 17, 1916. Trunks, Handbags, and Suit Cases for Vacationists (Second Floor) We Sell Butterick Patterns and Publications A Sweeping Clean Up Sale of Women9 s and Misses' R eady-to- Wear In many cases prices have been cut below cost to insure a quick disposal. Suits, Coats, Skirts,Waists, Dresses, etc., of good quality at Sweeping Clearance Prices wmm Salem's BieDeot IXI' Store '-"'" Will Be Commenced with Mercury Above 100 In Sev Good Weather Committee Wants Name for Beach MIDDLE WEST IS HOI eral Cities, No Change for 30 Hours at Least Chimin, .Inly 17. Xn relief from the mid. lie west's lieat wave is in sight tor thirty six hours, the weather bureau announced toilay. Although the Chicago temperature was moilerateil by the hike breezes, three deaths, attributed to the heat, were recorded here- ill the past H hours. The mercury hit the century mark Sunday at Springfield-, 111, Peoria, 111., Kansas City, Mr., Fort Smith, Ark., and fort Worth, Tex. All Around Town .MM . - coming events TONIGHT . Salem Chautauqua. Sequoia Mnlo Quartet. Lecture Sylvester A. Long. ijuly 17-23 Kpworth League In stitute, Willamette University Campus. July W. Monthly meeting of . Commercial club. July 28. Wisconsin society re union nt State fair grounds. July 31-August 1. Comic op- era,. "The Mikado," opera bouse, auspices Moose lodge. Sept..5-30-rOregon State Fair. been able to agree as to the removal of the same, lue commission will np npportion the cost and order the change made. Dr. Mendelsohn, specialist, fits giasse M correctly. U. S. Bank. Bld. After an examination of the situa tion the public service eommission de nied Saturdnv the application of the Oregon Klectriu railway tor permission to construct two grade crossings on its line uear Oroville station. Deuiseo's Baths, foot of State street, fafo, convenient, first doss. tf Brine on your champion egg layers. A Khode Island lied, owned by Mrs. V. M.. Castro, 2440 Fair Grounds road, is responsible for nn egg weighing four ounces and that measures in circumfer ence, ilia by S inches. Xext. ottage at Newport, near postofftce. Fix rooms, good sized, pantry, hath, water and lights, modern tiiroughout. Addrfss box 5W, Newport Oregon, jl 1 The supreme court on Saturday re ferred back the case of the Oregon Lumber company vs. the Kast Fork Ir rigation district, Hood Kiver county, for the collection of evidence by the engineer department of the suite wut r board. Trade in your old stove as part pay ment on one of our new Orbon l)e Luxe ranges. K, L. Stiff & Son. MUs Joanna James has been assign ed the part of "yum ViimJ' in the comic opera "The Mikado" to be giv en at the opera house July .11 and Aug ust 1 under the auspices of the Moose lodge. Miss .lean MYInturff will sing "I"itti Sing" and Miss Florence Ksch will be the third member of the trio to sing "Three Little Miids From (School Are We." You can furnish your home for one ha'.t at K. 1.. stiff & Son's The public service commission Jour neyed to Dayton Saturday to examine into causes preventing the removal of a dangerous crossing of telephone anil power wires in that town. It appears that the Yamhill Kleclric company and the Yamhill Mutual Telephone " com pany, who own the wires, have not See W. W. Moore 'b display of alum inum wear, 10 (t. preserving kettle. Special at !! cents each. o Secretary Lea of the state fair board has transferred his .office from the stntc house to the faiar grounds. o Sea demonstration of 10 qt. alumi num preserving kettle iu Moore's east window. Spociul at UU cents each. ,. Frank Friebert of the city fire de partment leaves .tomorrow morning for Newport to -spend a two weeks vaca tion. Sea us before you buy your outing supplies. A full line of touts, awnings, wagon covers, .ymp Moves, enmp ehuirs, etc. K. L. StitC & Son. Tom Thrapp and James Gulick will be on duty at tho city fire department for tho next two weeks, substituting for incmbern who are absent on vaca tion. o Bring your building troubles to us. A full line of all kinds of lumber ami builders supplies to choose from. Falls Citv-Salem Lumber Co., 341) S. 12th. l'luine SIS. The Harley -Davidson motorcycle ap- peared as the winner in five mile and jiiu mile contests in tuo current events pictures at the Oregon theatre yester day. They will be shown again this evening. All of which is interesting especially to Scott &. 1'iper, the local agents. o The session of the realty men's con ference to be held in Portland three days, heginuing this morning, will be attended by the following real cstat ers of Salem: W. A. Listen, George Jacobs, J. S. Austin, Cieorgc W. Gra benhorst, J. E. Scott, H. A. Johnson and F. L. Wood. o : - Mrs. S. R. Rodgeru of Turner is cel ebrating today her 74th anniversary. She is a pioneer of T2 and relatives from all parts of the state arc in Tur- A program of music, both vocal aud instrumental, will be given at the Friends church at Highland on Wed nesday evening, July 19. Admission free. The Hagel Cereo company will open a demonstration office in Kugene to morrow, with A. J. Kobinson iu charge The Cereo liquid , food is now on sale at ;t7 stores in Salem and three in in dependence. , iutj are in iur- . , f. .u i-im ner celebrating her birthday. Amongl the relatives from Salem la attendance arc Mrs. M. A. Mclntire, a (laughter, Sfrsv ' K. R. Macy, "a niece and Mrs. l'earl llolloway, a grand jiicce. o S. Wendel Silver, representing the National .Musicians ' Directory Co.. is in Snlem. He is engaged iu compiling The relief committees of the Salem Patriotic League, the Commercial club following ami the special committee apointed by Mayor White will .meet tomorrow af ternoon nt 2 o'clock, in the Commercial club rooms to consider (tie general prob lems of relief and also the best means of making life pleasant for the boys On account of the rain, the calling out of all good citizens for work on tho public beach across the river hna been postponed. As soon as the weath er settles, the committees appointed by the civic department of the Commercial club will arrange a day, and then every body will be invited to give a few hours' service in preparing what is hoped to bo a permanent bathing beach , and picnic grounds. ! Here is a fine chance for someone to i earn a season ticket. The committees jiu charge want a name for the beach something catchy and short and one ' that will ut the same time indicate that i it is fostered by the Commercial club, ; that it is a public beach and belongs to : the public, ami that it is located just I across the river. To the person who ; can suggest an appropriate name in n i few words, a season ticket is waiting ! Send in your suggestions of a name to! j tho Commercial club, Ivan (J. McDnnicl,! I manager. . j Work was commenced, today on the1 bath house and within a few days car ! neuters will be working on the stairway I lending rrom the 1'oiK county end ot tuo ; bridge to the grounds. For the Opening Day. I 1'l.n. tl..... lw.u nn,m;iU ilia i public to clean the beach and prepare nht Wli,,lt champion of the world, the picnic grounds, an opening day will 8,,,nB hv t,le taunts of the sporting , I'm selected, when the entire citv will!"'0"", has signed articles to meet Ben- be invited for an inspection. The com- i v Leonard, the pride of Harlem in a , mittee in charge of the opening dayi,e, r0,1Iul bout at Washington Park, consists ot" Ivan G. MeDaniel, Mayor """ Hurley O. White and Arthur K. Wil-1 . - their last meeting Leonard do son. I eisively defeated the champion and has For the opening day, the committee been elammnring for another match is considering several startling events, I ever since. So many harsh words were such as a bathing suit parade, in which hurled at Welsh for his elusivencss those who are so fortunate as to possess j that he agreed to meet any man the one will be asked to appear riding iu ; sporting editors of Xew York named, autos all dressed up ready for the! Benny Leonard wag the unanimous bench. In order to arouse interest in the ; choice and the articles for the fight beach, the Meyers store will offer a were signed last night, it was an swimmiug contest in w hich the prizes I nounced today. to be awarded will consist of bathing suits. On the opening evening, the grounds . w ill be decorated with Jap anese Innterns and electric lights. I As a Committee on equipment to se cure all the equipment necessary, the were appointed: H. , A. I Sacramento, Oil.. Julv 17. A peti- Jlatcli, Artiiur tl. Wilson and George, turn with IM.it) progressive signatures H. 1'ost. I putting Gov. Johnson in nomination Although the unfavorable weather has! for the Cnited States senate, was fil- Two Dead at Kansas City Kansas City, Mo., July 17. With two dead from heat and several pros trations reported iu the last 24 hours Kansas City today faced a scorching sun that promised to send the temper ature past tiie 100 degree record reach ed here yesterday. The minimum was 81. Xo relief is in sight, the weather man says. Freddie Welsh Sips To Meet Benny Leonard Xew York, July 17. Freddie Welsh, 4t STENOGRAPHERS Why Not Use Columbia QUALITY Carbons? Hade In Oregon 100 Copies Guaranteed frost Each Sheet. Columbia Carbon Pajer Mff . Co. 83rd & Broadway, Portland, Ore. few days, Snlem will have a bathing! republican, from other parts of the A fire alarm was turned In thig morning at nine o'clock from the cor ner of Capital and . Center streets, where a chimney was burning out. No damage. o 1 Free pants with every suit ordered dtirini our sale. New full styles and materials to choose from. 1). 11. Mosli er, the Tailor. Governor Withycombe delivered the Although the Portland papers an nounce an advance of 20 cents u bar rel on flour, no advance will be' made in Salem. About it week ago the price declined 20 cents !nad .the. advance to dav iust brings it hack to the price that juis prevailed tor several mourns. ; (ljf Co!orlui0 m05t lr6mient . direetnrv nf Snlem musicians which .I.:,:" .:.:".: " :i i. .,, mining magnates, vieu at ins nome " .f - . ; . . i Biriive, nniiuiui tm mi nvi v si. ; Petitions Roll In For "Senator" Johnson delayed the work on the beach and the led with the county clerk here todav. opening day, da soon as the sun shines The republican petition, putting the and things look favorable, a call will i governor in nomination for the repnb bc made' for volunteers, the work will lican candidacy, will be filed toinor be rushed to completion and within alrow. Petitions, both progressive and bench completely equipped, one that will become a permanent institution. MINING MAGNATE DEAD Denver, Colo., July J 7. John Cam- state, in behalf of the governor, sign ed "up to the limit," according to Mnrtin .Madsen, Johnson s executive secretary. All will reach the secretary of state's office within a few da vs. will soon be Issued in book, along with similar data from Portland, Kugene ami other leading cities of the state. The directory will later be distribut ed through music dealers and musi cians without cost ttr the public, and will contain much information glctined in its particular field. considerable difficulty tain brands of flour.' o :- Until further notice, heA tniliiv Dentil iu nttriltuteil' til ii gtiuu), irenerul nervous breakdown, svnuitoms! of which first appeared last year. Campion was 07 years old. He came the Western to Colorado -in 1S7! from the l alifor- The Salem Rifle club and Auxiliary will meet tonight nt the armory, Ferry and' Liberty streets. Sergeant Schus ter of the regular army will be pres ent to offer suggestions, and the aux iliary will bo put through the regula tion' drill by 'Captain Rosenberg and the new liue of officers. The roster of the Rifle club now numbers 124 and a campaign is now on for 300. Member ship in tiie Hit'le club does not involve military service i.ut is tor tnose who, . ,. , 48 wish to learn military evolutions and, . f.,ot nhove receive the beuelit or marching. his millions by developing the famous Little .lohnnv mine at Leadville. Union telegraph company will wire. iB g0, fields and laid the basis for money to the hoys on tiie nonier ni one halt' the usual charge for such ser vice. Some of the comforts on the bor der nro rather expensive and arc not included in. the provision made by the military authorities and the Western Union takes this method of doing its bit, especially if there happens to be a rush". Words of cheer and affection mav also be included with tho remit tance nt the special, half price charges. This is a weather etory. Since the rain began Saturday there has been n rain. all of 1.20 inches and the river Women of America," says: "The progressive ship has been de serted by a large part of our officers. They could not stand the. acid test. The bull moose led his loyal follow ers iuto the wilderness and then de serted them. Let us generously bury that emblem"' and -adopt as the new emblem of the progressive party the national bird, the American eagle." Rev. William H. Morgan, D. D., pas tor of Calvary Methodist Kpiscopal church, Xew York City, will address the Oregon Kpworth League institute this evening. He was born in Knglnnd ti,i- iiii.iilnne nn.l until 91 VIMIVS address of welcomo to tho real estate I f . neither rend or write. I'ortlami tins aiternoon. jib Aft.,- men nt will return tonight. New fall goods in. We are showing the newest fall materials in wide vari ety of shades ami colors. Order your new fall suit now at a saving of from !f3 to 10. 1). 11. Moshcr, the Tailor. Robert J. Moore, arrested at the Ore gon theatre Saturday night on n charge of being drunk and disorderly, was sentenced this morning to five davs in the city buslile. After his conversion at the age of 22 he began to seek educntional advant ages and was finally grndmited with honors from Hamlin University and later the Drew Theological Seminary. His lecture tonight, "From tho Fud dling Furnace to the l'ulpit" is a chnp tor iu his own life, tie is recognized as one of the greatest social service men in the country. John Bayne and Mrs. Mary was elected president H. Davis vice president For good worfe When your clothes of the Woodrow Wilson League, at the meetinir held Saturday evening nt the court house. A ratification of need cleaning nn.l pressing bring them m)mjntin ,,f Woodrow Wilson will to the Modern Cleaners, 404 Court , ,ii i,. hu- liecn otticinllv the street, where the best work in salem llot,fio(i of hm nomination. All sup- is done, rnone .mo. porters of President Wilson are eli- 0 T J gible to membership m the League re Adam Fromander of North Front jr,lrtloi of their former political af street had tiie misfortune to lose one jntioii. A special committee on of his tine mures yesterday afternoon. n,mi,ersliiii was appointed as follows: The horse's death was caused by indi gestion, D. P. Johnson and wife will leave to morrow for a stay of two Weeks at Hreiteubiish Hot Springs. Mr. John ion is a member of the city fire department. CHIROPRACTIC IS THE MASTEB SYSTEM If your spine is right, you are right. Those who have tried every old method and fouud no relief should try Chiropractio and get well. Many hundreds of grateful patients in Salem and elsewhere can substantiate my statements. Six adjustments will be given for the small fee of $5.00. Difficult eases, which require X-ray examinations and Spinographs can ob tain them at a nominal fee. Only ex pert Spinograph work. A talk with the old Chiropractor may . lead you to health and happiness; act now. P. H. MAT, D. CV Hubbard Building. Phone 67a Mrs. Charles Davis, Mrs. O. U Darling, Mrs. llaltie F. Cameron, Mi A. S. Miller and Mrs. Arthur K. Wilson. On the finance committee were appointed John Bayne, August Huckesteiii, Sr., Frank S.'Wnrd, K. W. Towers and -Mrs. llnttio F. Cameron. The Eastern Star, the women's or ganisation of the Masonic lodge, for the past few years has been iu the hnb- it of holding its annual picnic alone, j regardless of other lodges. The pro I irram will be changed this year and ae- icordinir to present arrangements, the? I Kastern Star will picnic next Wednes day afternoon aud evening at the state fair grounds, co-operating with Snlem lodge No. 4, A. F. & A. M. and Tacif ie I lodge No. 50, A. F. t A. M. Mrs. W. i Carlton Smith will have charge of the program for the afternoon. Irom the two lodges a committee consisting ot Waiter H. Smith, Walter C. Winslow, Dr. O. A. Olson, lieorge W. Hrown and Lot U Pearce and Mrs. J. tlodfrey. Airs. F. K. Shafer aud Mrs. W. Carlton Smith of the low water, the highest stage at this! lime of the vear for the past 17 years: Already a rainfall of 2.44 inches has been recorded for this month, which makes it the rainiest month of July fori the past 17 years. for the month of July for the past five years is as follows: 1911, .OH inch;- 11112, .SO inch; lOKt. .20 inch; l!U4, 1.1U inch; llllo, .00 inch. With the present record Of 2.44 inches of rain for July, the oldest Inhabitant will have to look back more than IS years to find a month to compare with this when it conies to rainfall. In a conference with Colonel Gan tenbein lust Saturday, Kussell Brooks was told that the opinion of military German-American Leader for Wilson. Washington, July 17. President Wil son has received a telegram froai (Jen eral Frederick C. Winkler, Milwaukee, one of the lending (iermnn republicans of the northwest, declaring that, though he, has been a republican voter since The total rainfall-110'110 wi!' sli",rt President Wilson iur rc-cn-i-iiuii. i lie icicruui sciu 10 the president rends: "Have read your New York Press club address with grout satisfaction. A republican voter since 1800, 1 hold that in the present crisis the party has no place. True Americanism must stand by the man who manfully stunds nt the helm. I support your re-election. "F. C. WINKLER." Turner News (Capital Journal Special Service) Turner, Or., July 17. Miss Anges Bowne spent the past week at the home of Mrs. N. L. Karl. Dr. Massey was called to Newport Munday to bedside of his little son Tommy. Mr. and Mrs. Harriet of Swlem spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Karl. Mr. and Mrs. Naderman. Mrs. Fred Oatii and R. 1). Gray motored to Sweet Home Thursday. Little Anges Moors was very ill for a tew .lays last week. Mrs. Hnttie Lyle has gone to Lewis ton, Idahoto visit for a few weeks. Mrs. Mary llowd of Salem has been visiting the past wee!, with -Mrs. M. Chambers. A large crowd was out Saturday night nt the Masonic lodge.. A ban quet was served in the lower hall by tho--ladies of the Kastern Star. RICKREALL AFTER POWER Milwaukee, Wis., July 17. There men is to the effect that the regiment ! hardly a liraneli or public lite m winch to be organized hv Colonel llnntenbein ! (leaoral Winkler hus not tnken a no will be called on for service within a;tive interest in the military, in state short time. Although the colonel does affairs, in the politics of the nation, not anticipate any immediate troublciiii municipal government, in civil serv with Mexico, he is of the opinion that ice reform, and the practice of the law the regiment will be fully organised J in all he has played an active part, and called south for training purposes. And his mark remains upon many im As the mutter now stands, the (innten-i portnnt measures and successfully ex tenbein company in Snlem was orgnn-j edited projects. i.ed only for military drill and has nO He had barely began the practice of connection with the regular army. The his profession when the (Vil war paper signed by the members ot me broke out volunteer company but drilling and militurv service Dallas. Or., July 17. Rickreall, one of the old landmarks of this portion of the state, may soon be served with electric power. An effort' is being made by farmers living; along the Diil-las-Salem iiit'hway between Dallas and Rickreall, to interest the Oregon Pow er company in the building of a ser vice line between the two places. Of ficials of the local branch of the. pow er company have been seen investigat ing conditions. It is planned to serve is;all farmers along the route of the line, and to serve the peop e ot Kiekreall. This proposed line would tap one of the most thickly populated and richest farming sections in this county, and be only one branch of proposed exten sions of the Oregon Power company of service lines into the farming sec tins of the county. NEW CURE FOR OPIUM Portland, Or. July . 17. Fred Gold- He stopped his work to go i berg took eight cards of opium and nils for nothing! to the front; and he served continuous-1 dissolved them in a jar of wat. Then. in no way involves y until after the downfall of the con-1 when lie telt he must have the drug. Of course, if the reg- federacy, the grand review at Washing-1 he took a spoonful of the solution, re placing it with a spoonful of pure water. In the course of time, his attorney pointed out, in tederal court today, iment should be nriFlllli.cd and become Inn hnii tuki rtbice. mid his rep-nimcnt part of the federal force, those in the had been mustered out on its return to company would be given the first op-, the state. He went to the front as a enp- poriuniiy oi pousiiug. .is ir "'"'"'jiBin, aua returneu 10 private lire wear- now stands, me company is iust u home guard volunteer organisation with no military obligations. RESIDENCE PARLORS Licensed Lady Assistant Moderate Pricet Perfect Service Latest Method! Are Found Onlr At Cottage Undertaking Parlors Phone 724. Salem, Ore. C 3C "!t')J( 3C 3C i)C 4C 9C SjC SC 3C 9C The Korean Restaurant is now opened in our new loca tion at 110 1-2 Com'l street. Everything new and clean. All kinds of Chinese and Spanish dishes. Pay us a visit. SALEM TAXI Cars of any kind for any place at any time. Office, Bligh Hotel PHONE 700 NEWPORT-NYE BEACH Automobile Passenger and Bag- gage Transfer Furnished Tents and Cottages.... Correspondence Promptly Answered Ik D. PICKENS, Box 274 When In 8ALEM, OEEOON, itof ( BLIGH HOTEL . ., rlctly Modern Free and Private Baths BATES: 75c, fl.00, f 1,60 , FEB DAT The only hotel in the business district Nearest to all Depots, Theatres ard Capitol Buildings. A Home Away From Home. T. Q. BLIGH, Prop. Both Phones. Free Auto Bus. Commercial Printing at the: Capital-Journal Office 81 & 82 ' opium habit. But federal officials interfere) with Goldberg's plan for self-regeneration and he was arrested, charged with having the drug in his possession. . fudge Bean imposed a fine of iflOO. This was the twentv-first time Hold ing the straps of a brigadier general ! Goldberg would be taking pure water berg has been arrested for a similar of- Bull Moose Leaders Could Not Stand the Acid Test, Is Charge Xew Orleans, l.a..' Jnlv 1". John M. Pnrker, in a statement issued here to-jinent night, virtually withdraws as Vice presidential candidate of the progres sive party aud dclouu-s what is inter preted here as a bitter attack on Theo dore Koosevelt, although the colonel is not mentioned by name. Incidentally. Mr. Parker asks tlmt the nrocressive Kustern Star will have i bold another convention in Chicago harte of all arrangements for the pro gram and dinner at 7 o'clock. The evening program will Include a dunce at the Machinery hall. August 5 to name presidential and vice- presidential nominees. Mr. Parker in his statement which islOruer of the Loyal Legion and the Old addressed to "The Patriotic Men and Settlers' club. by brevet, based on a military career 4hat more than once, brought him hon orable mention in official dispatches. At Gettysburg wounds of superiors put him in command of the regiment, and for nearly two years he led the Twenty-sixth Wisconsin on many a desper ately disputed field. Friend of Carl Schurs. General Winkler was a warm per sonal friend ot I arl Schurs. that em- German patriot and stntesmnu. who found a refuge in America and miultv his home at Watertowu, Wis., after being exiled from his native land. General Winkler has been a delegate to many republican national conven tions, and was several times a candidate for congress. He is a member of the Deutsehcr club, the leading German American social organization nf the city. He is a member of the Military and presumably would be cured of the fense. . Oh! That Sun Is that what you say when you step out into the bright sunlight ? You will find WELCOME RELIEF through lenses ground in the new Sir William Crookes glass. They do not perceptibly dim the light, yet cut out all irri tating rays. Have eyeglass comfort. MISS A. McCULLOCH, Optometrist, 208-9 Hubbard Bldg Phone 109. 9'