THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, MONDAY, JULY 17. 1916. K1VK 1 GRAND OPERA HOUSE 3 Days, Starting II TI T O A MONDAY JUL I LHc MAT. Elliott & Sherman Present EVE. 2v D. W. Griffith's. : World's Mightiest Spectacle 18,000 Cost People $500,000 5,000 ' ' 3,000 Scenes 1 Horses 30 30 SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA FROM LONDON TO SAN FRANCISCO The Greatest Troumph the Stage World Has Ever Known. Cities Built Up and Then Destroyed by Fire. The Biggest Battle of the Civil War Re-enacted. Ford's Theatre, Washington, Reproduced to the Smallest Detail for the Lincoln Tragedy. A Series of Wild Rides That Commandeered a County for a Day and Cost $10,000. A Musical Score of 30 Pieces, Synchronized to the Several Thousand Distinct and Individual Scenes. Night Photography of Battle Scenes, Invented and Perfected at a Cost of $12,000. The Great American Play at Last Seats Thursday, July 20 Mail Orders Now. EVENING PRICES MATINEE PICKETING WILL NOT BE ALLOWED LI Owing to Killings Tacoma Authorities Notify Union to Withdraw Pickets Are All Outspoken In Their Faith In Him, and Indorse His Methods C Three Dead In Tacoma from Auto Accidents Tacoma, Wash., July 17. Four per sons are suffering from injuries and three are dead today aa a result of two automobile accidents near here Bun day. The firs'; accident occurred at a railway crossing at Firwood, last night. The dead are: John Conginske, laborer. Mrs. Paulina Conginske, his wife. Ed Abel, grocer. The injured: Andrew Conginske, two ribs broken and bead badly cut. Carl F.. Carlson, carpenter, cut about head and hands. Tho second accident, which occurred when the machine skidded near Huniner, W. M. Lucas, of Seattle, and Mrs. Frank J. Wilt, wife of a Tacoma physi cian, suffered fractured bones, but neither was seriously hurt. Coginske was returning from a trip to Sumner. He evidently attempted to drive his machine across the track ahead of the train but misjudged its speed and the distance. The train was making betweeu 40 and 50 miles nn hour and struck the automobile in the rear, throwing it about 25 feet. The body of Abel was hurled about 60 feet. Orpet Has Gene to the Woods to Rest Waukegan, 111., July 17. Will Orpet, acquitted Saturday night of Marion Lambert's murder, sought refuge from the limelight in the sunlight today. With some of his relatives, Orpet went to one of the many "pino woods" in Wisconsin or northern Illinois. His pa rents were silent as to his whereabouts, admitting only that he had gone to the woods. "Will was in the public aye for six months," Orpet 's futher said. "What he does now is nobody'B business. He was tired of the limelight." All the home news while you are away. Phone 81. Tacoma, Wash., July 17 As the cul mination of a series of riots, during the progress of the. longshoremen's strike hore, in which two men have been kill ed, two seriously wounded, another stab bed, and a score or more badly beaten, city and county authorities today noti fied union officials that no further picketing would bo permitted and crowds will not bo allowed to congre gate on the streets. The unioniHts are said to have agreed 'to abide by the orders issued by Commissioner of Pub lic Safety Pettit, following an inves tigation of tho tragedy enacted Sun day afternoon, when strikers attacked an automobile containing non-union longshoremen bound for the Milwaukee docks and shot to death Rangval Lei nann, aged 22, one of the occupants. Sam James, a longshoreman, received a bullet in the chest and his condition is serious today, although physicians be lieve he will likely recover. Just where the bullet came from that wounded James is a question which the officers have been unable to determine. Otto Lcinann, father of the dead man, says his son had a gun and pulled it, but did not fire the weapon. Five striking longshoremen who were identified by the elder Leinann and John Turcott, another occupant of the strike breakers' automobile, aa having been in the crowd that attacked them are held in the city jail on an open charge pending an investigation by the prosecuting attorney's office. They are C. Carlson, George Falgetty, Victor At ola, W. C. Speaks and Ben Knutson. At the Theatres It'B an ill wind that blows nobody good, and by the same token it 's a wet spell of weather that nobody can get some benefit from. The weather yes terday was suitable Tot nothing- except indoor pursuits. Consequently Salem theatres enjoyed excellent business. Satisfactory entertainment was pro vided at each of the three houses. The Bligh offered a bill made up of three nets of Hippodrome vaudeville, each act constituting of a very capable team of sketch artists, and a Bluebird photo play entitled "The Eye of God," fea turing Tyrone Power and Lois Weber. At the Oregon the Royal Hawaiian Serenade, seven melodious mid serile natives of "the isles of paradise," add ed materially to a picture program which consisted of "Notorious Gal lagher," a Metro production featuring William Hard and Marguerite Snow, and another of tho Sidney Drew come dies. The usual William Fox produc tion, together with the customary Pathe Weekly, gave the never-failing delight to me patrons or re liberty. "Sins of Men," in which Stuart Holmes and Dorothy Bernard are featured, is a strong picntre. . XX By Carl W. Acxerman. (United Press iiaff correspondent.) Berlin, July 17. German newspapers are now rallying to the support of Chancellor Von Bethmann-Hollweg, who has been under attack by the ad vocates of unrestricted submarining. They deny that theThancellor's peace discussions have weakened the position of Germany and reassert their confi dence in the defeat of the present allied offensive. The Lokal Anzeiger, commenting up on the press interpretation of the chancellor's opposition to annexation of Belgium, declared today: "It is absolutely grotesque to consid er the chancellor's position as indicat ing a fear of the military future. Ev ery judicious-minded German has strengthened his confidence in the out come of the allied offensive." The Cologne Gazette and other lead ing journals are outspoken in their faith in Von Bethmann-Hollweg. They declare it would be an insane move to "swap horses in the middle of the stream." For the most part, prominent Ger mans are not discussing politics at this time, preferring to await the outcome of the allied offensive. All the critics believe the British will tie unable to recover from the early failures to make great headway, though it is realized that the fighting is not over. The Cologne Gozette points out the British have huge reserves in Flanders, enabling them to attack con tinually with fresh troops. Major Moraht referring to the opera tions at Verdun, declares that the Ger mans will continue to follow their pres ent policy of defense Dy attack. ! COURT HOUSE news : A Pride of Purpose Rostein & Greenbaum Dry Goods, Millinery, Shoes Early Fall Hats just in, priced reasonable at . $2.75, $225 and $1.25 Summer Goods being closed out at a fraction of its value; some Hats at less than 1-2 price; some $5.00 Hats as low as $1.00 Ladies' Waists, just in from New York, nice assort ment at 65c, $1.00 and $125 Children's White Canvass Shoes, leather soles, $1 pair Men's Mule Hide Shoes $1.75 pah- Big assortment of Blankets, Comforters, Pillows, Cot ton Batts, Ticking, Shirtings, Duck, Khaki Cloth, Den ims, Drilling, Rompers, Harvest Hats. 240-246 Commercial Street Corrupt Practices Bill Passes House Washington, July 17. The Rucker corrupt practices bill, the last measure on tne administration program, was passed by the house today without a record vote. It fixes $50,000 as the limit of expenditure by a candidato for president, $25,000 by a candidate for vice-president, $5,000 for a scnatorship and $2,500 for congressmen. The sums in the caso of senators and representatives are to include not only personal expenditures of candidates, but also such money as may be spent by friends or political committees in his behalf. High School Boys to Have Luxuries Portland, Or., July 17. High school bovs in the Oregon militia at the Mex ican border will be distinguished from their comrades by the number of lux urics they can afford. Having entered a vigorous protest against their sons being taken to the border, parents of more than a scare of the school bote today planned to shower the lads with luxuries. As starter they will send $250 a month regularly to the machine gun company of the Third Oregon infantry, in which most of the high school boys are en listed. BELIEF FOR FAMILIES OF . POLK COUNTY SOLDIERS I Dallas, Ore., July 17. The Polk County Military Relief association, the I local branch of the Uregon Patriotic ! league, will hold a public reception at ! the armory here next Thursday evening for the purpose of interesting the pub I lie in the relief work and to raise funds 'So far the association has found bpt i one case of destitution among the fam ilies of Polk county soldiers, anr this I has been temporarily relieved. Mrs. 1 L. Patterson, of Kola, state regent of the I). A. K., will be present at the re ception and deliver an address. TO FAVOR HOMEBTJTLDER8 The action for damages of S. F. An derson against Dr. W. H. Byrd is still occupying the attention of Judge Kel ly's department. It will probably take up the rest of the day. The case of the state against Oliver Lesley of Stayton, charged with as sault and battery on the person of his mother, was resubmitted to the grand jury Saturday. The case of Schmid aealnst Taylor on the docket for today, has been set for hearing tomorrow afternoon at 1:30. Cases which are on the docket for hearing in the present week are Mercer vs. Germania Fire Insurance Co.: Port land Railway, Light and Power Co. vs. Vandervort: Barber vs. Wicewood; Richardson vs. Knhns; State vs. Mar shall; State vs. Brewster; Ivie vs. M niton; Davis vs. hansan; tawK vs. MInturff; Gooding vs. Coyle Bros. Actuates the making of our clothes from the choosing of materials to the finishing touch the determination to make clohes of best quality that can be offered for the price. Thirty years of actual experience in the making of clothes has taught us how to insure values and guarantee satisfaction. BISHOP ALL-WOOL SUITS $15.00 $20.00 $25.00 HART SCHAFFNER & MARX $20.00 $25.00 $30.00 XX Robert's Hats $3.00 SALEM te Wright WOOLEN MILLS Shoes STORE $500 lttMMmMMMMttmttMIIMtMMMMtttKtM REHEARING DENIED Washington, July 17. The interstate commerce commis sion denied the application for rehearing in the Astoria rate case in which a verdict was or dered placed on a parity with Puget Sound on shipments from eastern territory. New rates ordered to be made ef fective not later than Sept. 15. FANCY PRICES FOR WOOL CLIP Washington, July 17 American sheep1 raisers will receive about $75,000,000 1 for this year's wool crop, the depart-1 ment of agriculture announced today. , Averace tirices during June were 28.7 I cents a Dound. hiuher than for many A marriage license was issued at theyeRrB. unty clerk's office Saturday to ( hes-i The average weight of a fleece of wool is 0.02 pounds and the country annually produces about 37,000,000 fleeces. The weight or rieeces nas ueen ter Harrier, 20, and Mabel Coover, 20, both of Bcott's Mills. Charles B. Durbin, executor,- and Georgianna Durbin, executrix of the will of Solomon Durbin, will be permit ted to harvest the crops of the estate of the deceased, according to an or der issued by the county court Satur day. Motion for a new trial was filed in the circuit court Saturday in the case of Yoder against Hawmnn. The plain tiff alleges misconduct of the jury following the instruction of the court and asserts that new evidence is now uvailable. The following filings were made at the county clerk 's office Saturday and this morning: An answer in the case of Oreeon Fruit Juice Co. vs. J. '. Gregory; an amended reply in the case of the City of siiverion vs. roniuna Kuilwav. Linlit and rower Co.; a cross bill in the case of Gong vs. Toy; a summons in the case of Louvina Law rence vs. E. F. DeBord; Yoder vs. Hawman, objection t cross bill; F. H Wines Co. vs. Flcsher, application to place upon trial docket; Oregon Prod uce co. vs. Whitineton, application to nlaee uuon trial docket; Zweifel vs. Sturgis, application for judgment, fore closing tax lien; Axnes H. Purdin vs. J. G. Flake and Addie Flake, order of dismissal. Mrs. L. K. Page was down from Sa lem a few days this week visiting Don ald friends. Mrs. Page's late husmand was the man who platted the town of Donald, and she still owns a large number of lots here. She thinks a great deal of the town and has great faith in its fu ture. While cpiite willing to dispose of her holdings, she is displaying excellent judgment in refusing to sell to anyone who wishes to purchase for speculative purposes. If anyone desires to come to j Ponuld to build a home they will find little defficulty In securing a harguin jwith Mrs. Page Donald Record. Have the Capital Journal follow you 'during your vacation. Phone 81. A writ of attachment on an acre of ground was filed yesterday at the county clerk's office by Henry Saal field against Josephine Armstrong and Alex Armstrong. The sum involved is $49.40, with attorneys fees of $2 Salem Grange Had Meeting Saturday Salem Grange, No. 17, met is regular session July 15. The attendance was only fair owing to the busy season. The morning session was taken up by the usual routine of business. One can didate was given the first and second degrees. . At noon an excellent lunch was served. At the afternoon session some of the measures to be initiated at the Novem ber election were discussed, the opinions being benerally expressed that the voter should try to so inform him or herself on the various measures that they could vote intelligently thereon and where any doubt remained in the mind of the voter, it would be well to vote no. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Jones and family left Saturday for their new home in Baker City, where Mr. Jones ia superin tendent of the telephone lines at Baker. Mr. Jones has been a citizen of Salem for number of years. Mr. Jones resid ed at Wilson street, South Salem. increasing year by year, department figures. according to AND THEN IT PASSED Washiniiton. July 15. After both leaders, Kitchen nnd Maun, had showed their hostility to the measure, tne nouse this afternoon, passed the Newlands bill for an investigation of the railroads and other public utilities of the coun try with a view to new legislation, ine vote was viva voce. Use the Journal Want Ad Way. Today OfPnn Today Tomorrow x-rl Tomorrow 7 ROYAL Hawaiian Serenaders CI One of the biggest hits of the year Played to Capacity all day yesterday Entire Change of Program Tomorrow We have exactly what The Show that pleases we advertise always the people with a capital of not less than $750,- j 000, to bo subscribed by the govern- J ment if not purchased by private in-, vestois. Money will be raised by Bale of farm loan bonds. Loans will be who agreo to buy stock in the farm loan banks' equal to five percent ot their total loan. Loans may equul 50 per cent of the land values and 20 per cent of the through national larm loau associn-1 value of improvements, to run not lesM tions to consist of not less than ten j than five years nor more than forty men who wish to borrow money and 1 years. , . (Continued From Page One.) sign the bill therefore with real emo tion." The president started immediately the task of selecting members of the rural credits board provided in the act. A large list of applicants for places includes hankers, mining experts, scien tific farmers and lawyers in every part of the country. Among those prominent ly mentioned are: C. B. Kegley, master of the state grange of Washington; J.. B. Clore, La Porto, Ind.; Herbert Ouirk. West Virginia; Rowland Norm, lawyer, Pennsylvania, and a protege of i;- v..r :.i, n 1 Miihll v uu.t3 iui dunlin n, " j w. ... .....v... .. Palmer; H. J. Moehlcrnpith, banker, Clinton. Wis.: W. W. Flanagan, New Jersey; F. J. H. Von Enkelckcn, Flor ida; L. M. Ralston, brother of Governor Ralston, Indiana, and J. Lee Coulter, West Virginia. The president conferred with Secretary McAdoo and Postmaster General Burleson today. Tomorrow he will see members of congress who have been, active in passing the rural cred its measure. The president is expected to be cuiiled to a lame extent in his selections by Secretary McAdoo, under whose department the bill will operate. It ia understood the president has practically decided on two men C. B. Kegley, of Washington, and John Lee Coulter, dean of the West Virginia Ag ricultural college, both republicans. The choice of a member who is a practical farmer lies between S. J. H. Von Knkeleken, of Florida, and Leon ard B. Clore, La Porte, Ind. Clore 's selection has been left in der-., he'ause of the failure of Indaiua c'.essmen to present a united cnlorsement for him, but it is understood Indiana democ rats today agreed to drop difference! and support Clore. The chairman of the board is to be ar eastern man, a democrat who has a banker's knowledge of farm mort gages. The rural credits law provides a sys tem of twelve farm loan banks, each ligliierjafc tiscuiis f Steady, evenly du! tributed heat, un- 1 der perfect control -makes a good oil stove wonderful -for baking. jT A t NEW PERFECTION OIL COOwOVfc A f Tor But Faults Vu Fiarl Oil good oil .13 M like stove cooking just with city gas. If you haven't a New Per fection you've missed comfort for years. Bakes, hroila. roasts, toasts. More efficient ... , . ,al .tova.snd cotXt m to op- .. Cut. out Ih. ...l-hod .n. v . tuehmn coal. I n. ion. - ' ' ' . . . i . i .Iim nvinlltDiril.i Si AINU Alt LJ wis 1,11 IfOMMJ For Sale by Salem Hdwe. Co. Burcn & Hamilton, Ray L. Farmer Hdwe. Co. W. VV. Moore, Spencer Hdwe. Co. Imperial Furniture Co. E. L. Stiff & Son,