Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, July 15, 1916, Page EIGHT, Image 8

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W. B. Corsets"
Salem's Big Department Store
"Butterick Patterns"
Women's and Misses9 Ready-to- Wear
In many cases prices have been cut below cost to insure a quick disposal.
Suits, Coats, Skirts, Waists, Dresses, Etc., of good quality
at Sweeping Clearance Prices.
No. 804th Wednesday Surprise Sale, July 19th.
An Immense
Sale of
Bungalow Aprons
Surprise Sale
each, only -
A sale of desirable Aprons that should Mnterest every housekeeper the popular Bungalow
style Covers the Dress completely made of good quality gingham in various check patterns.
We bought heavily of these and are enabled to quote this extremely low price for our Wednes
day Surprise event July 19th, each, ,
Your Vacation Trip
Will require a Trunk, Suit Case and Hand Bag. If you purchase
any of these you will want a good looking durable set of carriers
for your clothing. You will find just what you want in our big
Trunk section on the second floor; the largest assortment in this
Steamer Trunks, Regular Trunks, Wardrobe Trunks, Matting, Rat
tan, Fiber and Leather Suit Cases. 'No matter what you need in this
line we can supply that need to your entire "satisfaction in both
quality and price.
(On Our Second Floor)
Our prices are in most cases
about 1-3 lower than others ask.
Visit this section and see for
yourself: Lamps, Tools, Jacks,
Horns, Bumpers, Tire Covers,
Pumps, Reliners, Carbon Re
movers and dozens of other mo
toring needs.
mm judge
John Hay of Virginia Nom
inated by President for
Court of Claims
Washington, July 15. President Wil
son today nominated Congressman
I James Hny, of Madison, Va., to be a
j judge on tlie United States court of
.claims. .
Congressman Hay, veteran member
: of the house, is chairman of the mili
tary committee whose much criticised
federalized militia bill furnished the
j framework for the present army re-
organization plan. Acceptance'' of the
posisiton and his retirement from con-
; gress is expected to be announced at
; once.
For several months it has been report
i ed in congressional circles that the nd
' ministration was trying to find a place
j for Hay. Many of his policies have
i not agreed with those of the president.
When the army bill was in the making,
Hay, Secretary of War Garrison and
the president became involved in a
three cornered fight over the provisions
of the bill. Hay was a small army man.
! Hay demanded that the militia pro-
visions should be embodied while Oarri
i son and tho president stood for a citi
I zen soldiory.
' Feeling between Hnv and Garrison
'became very bitter and when it appear
ed the president could not force a vol
unteer army idea through congress be
cause of Hay's opposition, Oarrisan re
The Newest Fibre Covered Trunks
at very reasonable prices.
Second Floor
M Around Town
. Salem Chautauqua.
New York Marine band,
July 10. Vesper services, Will-
' son park, 6:30 p. m.
July 18 Salem Street Railway
excursion to Newport.
July 19. Monthly meeting of
Commercial club.
July 28. Wisconsin society re
union at State fair grounds.
July 31-August 1. Comic op
era, "Tho Mikado," opera
house, auspices .Moose lodge.
Sept. 25 -30 Oregon Slute Fair.
Dr. Mendelsohn, specialist, flu glaase
M oorrectly. U. S. Bank. Bid J.
Judge P. H. D'Arcy left this morn
ing for Seattle where he will deliver
lecture Sunday evening at the Met
ropolitan opera house.
Denison's Baths, foot of State street.
(Nile, convenient, first class, tf
Repairs ou the, Y. M. 0. A. blulding
are contemplated for this summer and
tall. Tne heating pla'it is to lie over
hauled and Inter in the ' season the
swimming pool will be repainted and
iut in first class condition for the com
ing season.
Our prices are right, no reduction
necessary. Gardner & Keene, jewelers
and opticians.
The Rev. James Oliver will spea.v,
Sunday afternoon at the W. C. T. U.
Commercial and Kerry streets, taking
for his subject, 4 Frail Human Strength
What Is It."
While others are reducing we are
increasing our stock. There's a rea
son t ask us. Gardner & Keene, jewel
ers and opticians.
Mr. snd Mrs. Frank Ward and Mr.
and Mrs. Dan ,1. Fry ure in tho city
again. They attended the four day ses
sion of the state druggists' association
held at Seaside.
Cottage at Newport, near postofflce.
Six rooms, good size.1, pantry, bath,
water and lights, modern throughout.
Address box iiltt, Newport Oregon. jl21
The supreme court has held valid the
act of the 1H15 legislature which pro
vided that candidates for primary
nominations may file declarations of
candidacy by payment of the proper
fee to the secretary of state. The
court ruled against the claim of II.
M. 1'nttcm of Portland who held that
the law was invalid. Justice Harris
rendered the opinion.
Baseball Sunday, July 16th, 3 p, m.
lojiis vs. Mattling Bradfords. The
Bradfords are some scrappers and are
coming back strong to retrieve their
defeat the fourth. julvlS
o -
Should the weather prove unfavor
able, the vesper services to be held in
Willson park tomorrow evening at 0:30
o'clock will adjourn to the chautauiua
tent on Willamette field.
Inter-City League pennant race is
some fight. Four teams close. Don't
miss the game Sunday, July 16th, Bat
tling Bradfords vs. Lojus. League
grounds, 3 p. ni. julylS
The United Artisan Juniors will hold
n picnic, next Thursday afternoon at
the fair grounds, with Mrs. C.fO. Mat
lock in charge. The Junior band will,
niakc its first appearance at this pic
nic. A meeting of the Woodrow Wilson
League of Salem will be held in the
court house in the circuit room Satur
day, 15th hist., at S p. m, to select a
vice president of the league, appoint
committees nnd transact any other nec
essary business. All supporters of
Woodrow Wilson are tirged to attend.
John Buyne, l'rcs., A. H. Wilson, Secy
The board of directors of the T. M.
C. A. at its meeting Friday decided to
sell the association cafeteria at the
t'nir grounds. The cafeteria has not
been a paying proposition in two sea
sous. Dr. Stone's Drug Store for trusses.
If its building materials come to us.
Falls Citv-Snlem Lumber Co., 349 S.
12th St. i'hone 813.
A thirteen ' acre tract three miles
south of the city was purchased yes
terday by S. J. Botts, motor man for
the Salem Street railway. The tract
is valued at $2,000. In part payment,
Mr. Botts turned in a house and lot on
Trade and Turner streets, valued at
$1500. The sale was made by W. H.
Grabenhorst & Co.
Dance at Aumsville tonight. Good
floor nnd music, ents "c. other out of
town dances 75c.
Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Canatsey and
daughter Miss Gladys will leave to
morrow on a motor tour of the south.
They expect to make the trip to south
ern Cnlifrnia by easy stages, taking a
Immith ni v Yl-oka time ell rnilte. The
tri.lenm is being put on at tho rate ot wintt,r wi)l be spent in Los Angeles
more than 2000 gallons daily. Rapid BnJ in .),, in tllc, 8Urroiiiiding conn
progress in this work is due in inrgeltrv 0t, R pon,.n, superintendent of
measure to a motor driven spreader j tnp mulllll,i training department of the
which carries a huge tank and has to lliKh s,.nooI lm8 n,ntClI 1Ilc Canatsey
repivuisn out cumpurumeiy tew nines. . )10mc at ofio Center street.
present ordinance requires, a 72 pound
to the yard T steel rail on all streets
paved .... w ith hard surface pavements.
Dance at Liberty Halt tonight. Good
The work of repairing parts of the
street railway track on State street
is being done by August Kehbcrger,
a loeal paving contractor. R. C. Iue
sel, the section master has a crew at
work' digging up the brick which the
frost and snow of Inst winter damaged,
replacing them -with new brick, tnmpciT
in place with cement filling.
Dr. R. T. Mclntire, physician and
surgeon, 214 Masonic bldg. l'houe 440.
The oiling crew of the Pacific high
wav has reached" the vicinity of the
Central Howell school house. The lie
Dr. L. a. Altman, homeopathic phy
sician, 2!Mi N, Liberty. I'hone 147.
The excursion of the Snlem Street
railway employes to Newport tomorrow
has been cnlled off. Not only is it
raining in this part of the valley, but
the coast is having more than its share.
For this reason, the excursion has been
declared off, indefinitely.
R. Tf.
Detroit 9 13 2
New "York 7 0 1
Holnnd and Baker; Mogridge, Cald
well and Xiinamnker, Walters.
First game R. It.
Chicago 4 ' 7 (I
Philadelphia 1 4 1
Scott and Schnlk; Sheehnn and Car
roll. .
Second game R. H. E.
Chicago I 5 0
Philadelphia , 0 4 0
Benz and Lapp; Busfi and Carroll
First game- R. H. E.
St. Louis 2 S 0
Boston 1 S 1
Hamilton and Jlnrtlev; Foster and
Second genie R. H. E.
St. Louis .' 4 5 S
.Boston 17 17 1
Davenport, Parks, Bnumgartner, Mc-
Cabe and Scvcroidj Ruth, Wyckol'f
and Thomas.
R. H. E
Clevelnnd 2 5
Washington 3 7
Baghy and Daly; Johnson and Ain-
snuth, Henry.
New York
St. Louis
Perritt and Kuriden;
. ,
Investigate neiore you mvcsi
at any price. Get your data
complete before buying an
Electric Sweeper. Wm. Gahls
dorf, The Store of Housewares
Hoover Agents.
Why Not Use
Columbia QUALITY Carbon7
Made in Oregon
100 'Copies Guaranteed from
- Each Sheet.
Columbia Carbon Paer Mfg. Co.
83rd ft Broadway, Portland, Ore.
.Licensed Lady
Assistant -
Moderate Pricei
Perfect Service
- Latest Methods Are
Found Only At .
Cottage Undertaking
Phone 724. Salem, Ore.
The Korean Restaurant
is now opened in our new loca
tion at 110 1-2 Com'l street.
Everything new and clean. All
kinds of Chinese- and Spanish
dishes. Pay us a visit.
Cars of any kind for any place
at any time.
. Office, Bllgh Hotel
Automobile Passenger and Bag
gage Transfer
Furnished Tents and Cottages
Correspondence Promptly
- Answered '
L. 15. PICKENS, BOX 274
OIney Crossan Is
Arrested In Albany
Ames, Otz and
OIney Crossun, well known to the po
lice of this city, was taken into cus
tody by the Albany authorities Ins
night, according to udviees reeoivejd
here this morning.
Crossun was arrested while trying to
dispose of 40(1 grain sucks and ti quan
tity of leather belting stolen from u
farmer named Hayes, who resides near
Tangent. After the arrest, Crossan in
said to have confessed to stealing tho
property. A pal was also implicated in
tl the confession but he made good his es-
ti cape.
Boston .....
and liowdy;
H. E.
11 1
.... 2 7 0
Schul. and
If the weather man smiles on this
part of the valley tomorrow afternoon,
a bund concert will be given at Marion
square at 3:30 o'clock. Of course, if
the rain continues, the concert will be j McMinnville 1
The Portland Realty Board has ex
tended special invitations tft the Sa
lem real estaters to attend the first
annual meeting of the real estate men
of Oregon to be held in Portland tliree (.'hnrlo:
ilays hegininng next eonesday.
Among those from Salem who will nt
end are W. II. Grabenhorst, J. C. Scott
F. L. Wood, John Scott and J. S. Aus
tin. Dr. O. A. Olson, dentist, 212 Masonic
bldg. Phone 440.
.The motorcycle macnlne gun as used
by tiie I'nited States army in pictures
at the Oregon Sunday ami Monday.
To attend the conferring of the Roy
al Arch degree on Invitation of the
Ige, the following Hoy
protectors of
Our pure Flour and the delicious Bread made of it,
are protectors of the public health. For your pro
tection, learn to say
mm ,
Dr. Alice Bancroft, New Breynian
bldg., Kye and Nerve Specialist.
'..I 4-..1. m ...:n ... l.. vi -;ll.
ill .-trcii ..insuhs win (ti lu .u, .,i , iiv
this evening, leaving at ft o'clock: Dr.
For the benefit of those who live in
countries where there is real simmer- and R,
ing hot summer weather, the following
minimum teperntures are given: Wed
nesday, oil; Thursday, "ii; Friday, 42;
Saturday morning, 53 degrees ubove.
Dr. Stone makes no charges for con
sultation, examination or prescription.
O. A. Olson, Lot .L. Pearce, Mem
l'enrce, K. F. Richardson, Chief of Po
lice Welsh, L. S. Roland, George A.
Hrown, 11. I. Tiiielsen, W. 11. Dancy
K. Davis.
Motorcycle fans see the big races at
the Oregon Sundav and Monday.
John Marr, special officer of the
merchants' patrol, discovered an awn
ing afire last night at 10:30 outside a
fourth floor window in the IT. S. Na
tional bank building. The window was
in the rear and not easily visible from
the street. Marr notified the superin
tendent of the building and turned in
a fire alarm.
Lnce at Liberty Hall tonight. Good
An ordinance will be introduced at
the meeting of the city council Mon
day evening, permitting the street
railway company to retaiu the 02
pounds to the yard rails on South
Commercial street, aft ?r the street iias
been paved with a hard surface. The
Buy your gingham dresses now. Next
year prices will bo higher according
to the advance reports from New York
on the 1017 spring markets. Amoskeag
booktVild chauihruys are quoted whole
sale 2 3-4 cents higher than they were
thin year, ami the utility grade of
ginghams ila cents, wghrr ami the
market is liable to advance.
We always carry a full line of new
and used furniture. K. L. Stiff Son.
A building permit was Issued Thurs
day to the United Kvnugelical church
for the erection of au addition to their
church 440 North Cottage which was
partially destroyed by fire. The im
provements will' cost about $3,000. A
building permit was also granted R
t Shaw yesterday for the erection of
a one story frame building, valued at
$300, on Sixteenth street, between Cen
ter and A streets.
First game R. H. K.
rhiliidelphin 4 S 0
Pittsburg 0 4 1
Alexander and Killifer; Jacobs and
Second game R. H. K.
Philadelphia ." 10
Pittsburg : 7 7 2
Chalmers, ltender and Burns; Mara
maux, Kantlehner and (iibson.
R. H. E.
Smith and McCarthy
Packard, Vaughn ami Archer,
After covering more than a thousand
miles through some of the most pic
turesque sections of the state Judge
C. r.lgin, Sergeant J. A. to-
land, Citiy Kngineer Walter Skelton
and Fireman Larry Murphy are back
in the city. A leisurely jaunt, occu
pying two weeks, was taken anil when
ever a stream looked particularly en
ticing the pnrtv stopped their machines
pitched camp and got out the rods and!
flies. Among the cities visited were Residents of Comstock, Anlau, Drain,
Bend, Medford, Klamath Fulls and.i.eona and. vicinitv, to the number of
Lakeview. Pnrt of the trip was overi250i nuve Bpp0aied to the state public
the fumed Columbia river highway. service commission for extended scrv-
o I ice ou the S. P. from Cottage Grove to
iraao in your om siovo as pan pay-. Dra,n, They ask that train No. 10 which
The Salem police have had Crossun
under surveillance for some time in the
belief that he was responsible for thc'ls
in this city. He dropped from sight h
short time ago and was located later in
Chalmers Motor Official
Jumps to His Death
New York, July 15. Paul Smith,
vice-president nnd general sales man
ager of the Chalmers Motor company of
Detroit, killed himself today by jump
ing from the tenth floor of the Hotel
Biltmore, where he was a guest.
Smith came to New York ac
companied by his wife, for medical
treatment. He had been a sufferer from
0 2 j ptomaine, it was said, and was accom
7 4 punied bv a trained nurse, who wan
McQuillan, not in the room when Smith plunged to
the street.
nient on one ot our
Luxe ranges. K. L. S
The Breakfast club of Salem went
new tlrlion
ut & Son.
now runs no farther than Cottage
Grove be extended to Drain. The train
goes to Divide to turn when, by cover-
ail additional 1J miles, it could
to Mill City this morning arising at )mse better facilities at Drain, at the
o'clock in order to make the walk in,,,,, tjme serving four more stations,
the cool of the day. Although thei-pho commission has taken the matter
young Indies prepared for a real hike,!un ,vita f. L. Burckhalter, superinten
dent- of the Southern Paeific at Port-
it is understood that n trieudly auto
mobile carried them to riayton, where
thev hoped to find more fuvorable
hikinc weather. The members of the
club making the walk today are Miss.
Ofga liray, -Miss uin Hargrove,
Miss I.ois Martin, Miss I la Spaulding,
Miss Marybelle Keinhart and Miss Inn I
Proctor. Other members of the club
will join them at Scotts Mills in a few
"in.v-- o .. j
Frame Shop and Giftery announces j
a midsummer sale to reduce the num
ber of small articles carried in stock. I
25 cents will buy an exclusive little;
gift if you take advantage of this sulel
Monday is last day of sale, 413 Court
street, j
Percy Cupper, assistant state engin
eer, has beeu selected by Governor i
Withycombe as Oregon's representative;
on the legislative committee of the In- J
ternational Irrigation congress which
meets in Kl Paso, Texas, in October.
FHTLLIPS At the Salom hospital. ;
Thursday morning. Jnlv' 13, 1010, to
ilr. and' Mrs. R. B. Phillips, a daugh
ter, weight seven pounds.
Three hundred teachers attending the
summer school nt Monmouth came to
Sulem this morning to call on the gov
ernor and visit the state institutions.
The employes nnd others who draw sal
aries at the state house were entertain
ed by the young ladies singing the star
Spangled Banner and other patriotic
Is that what you say when you step out into "the
bright sunlight ?
You will find WELCOME RELIEF through lenses
ground in the new Sir William Crookes glass. They
do not perceptibly dim the light, yet cut out all irri
tating rays. Have eyeglass comfort
MISS A. McCULLOCH, Optometrist,
208-9 Hubbard Bldg., Phone 109.