Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, July 15, 1916, Page SIX, Image 6

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. . ...
Helps for the CanningSeason
With the canning season in full swing it is very necessaiy to have every conven
ience at hand. Can you use another Preserving Kettle? "A Friend in Need"
a 10-quart guaranteed
A good value at $1.50, .special .while'
they last at only
What will assist the housewife more in her kitchen
Cabinet? Everything at finger ends,saving miles
time counts for the most. See this little help.
You get more
at Moore', foi
jour money.
Portland Paper Says Adjutant i
General White Was Play-
imr Armv Politics
Ulg nilUJf lUUUVa
(Portland Telegram.)
Colonel C'lennrd McLaughlin, lT. S.
A., will remain in command of tho
Third Oregon regiment, now stationed ;
on the Mexican front. The war de- j
pnrtment Issued orders to this ef-j
feet this morning, according to a I
message received at. xi ociock uy
(Urcuit Judge Gnntenbein.
The order spells defeat for Cap
tain Oeorge A. White, adjutant gen
eral of the Oregon Nntionnl Guard,
whose activity, Judge Gnntenbein
says, was responsible for the orig
inal order removing Colonel McLaugh
lin. Judge Gnntenbein aya that the
HI n no h ii act, under which Colonel Mc
Laughlin was to have been taken from
command of the militia and sent back
to service with the Thirtieth United
States infantry, has been abrogated. :
From National City, Cal., camo a
telegram to Captain A. W. Orton yes-tanlm-
cnst'ini liirlit mi internal troll-
.----j - li. i
hies in the Third Oregon. 1 up aaine ot
the officer who sent the message is
withhold. Here is the telegram:
i is
Politics 1b Alleged.
wiuc. ... .n.u.- ...........
Colonel McLaughlin from command
of regiment. Officers believe lute
responsible and those of First nud Third
battnliona have wired Governor Withy
combe to ask the war department to
rescind, and the Second battalion will
wire today. Do what you can with the
governor, the veterans and Representa
tive McArtliur." ,
At the close the message was
tuarked ' Urgent." Other messages
a.. v-.uer
officer and from other
ptain White, for pol'ti-1
sought the removal of i
from the snme off
indicate that Ca
....I U. ...ttnl.t
., ..... .v.... .... ... I
Cnlniil Mcf.niirrlilin. It was nronosed ,
to appoint Lieutenant Colonel If. G. Me-j
Alexander, commandant of cadets at j
HMnnn A crrirtitlttiriil inll,rn ncnrd i ntt ,
to Judge Gnntenbein.
"Captain White wanted Colonel Mc
Laughlin removed for political rens
ous," Judge Gantenbein anid this morn
inL'. "The officers of the Third Oregon,
nearly to a man, are in ravor or i otone ,
Ht.il n..l.lin n-I. n. Iina Kaaiv nnml Ann i
. .- .
McLaughlin, who has been- a good and
efficient officer."
Scouti In Breach.
Hack over the wires to National City
went Orton'. message to the officer who
had charged White with playing poli
ties to remove Colonel McLaughlin, Or
ton wired
"Judire Ganteubein and I prepared I
and caused to be unanimously adopted! $20 or $;t0 a week citizen, wheu he
the following resolution: 'Resolved, buys an article of weuring apparel,
ov members of Scout Young enmp, That food, tools, instruments, machinery or
We consider it a great injustice to Col-1 whatnot, may be paying the income
onel McLaughlin and the Third Oregon, tax of his plutocratic neighbor.
to relieve him from command of regi-1 '
meat which he has bo conscientiously i TODAY IS THE BIRTHDAY
and efficiently trained and mobilized in I OF THE GREAT AMERICAN
record time aiid only commanded in the COCKTAIL 80 YEARS OLD.
field a few weeks; that copies be given' Washington, July 15. The great Am
to the press, to. our representative inieriean cocktail, invented by that jovial
congress, to Governor Withycombe, to Inn keeper, Jack Hendersou, to provide
adjutant geueral for Oregon and to the a bracer for that old duel-fighting
war department.' Depend on ui to pro-, southern gentlemnn, John A. Hopkins,
tect you while you are at the front. If ,of Fairfax, Va., who had just "fit" a
the proposed change ia necessary under .hard one.
the Manchu law we will urge lineal pro
motion. Gnntenbein . wiring McArtliur
copy of resolution tonight, pointing out
the danger of demoralising the regiment
' aame ot First Washington in Spanish
war "
Ha Wires McArthur.
At the same time Judge Gauteulieiu
wired this message to Congressman Mc
Arthur, quoting the resolution and say
ing; . "This change at this time In my
judgment would be a tremendous
mistake and might result in dmor
alisiug the regiment, as was nearly
done under aimilar conditions with
the First Washington in the Spanish
Me Arthur ' reply was short. It
"War department advise, that Col-1
instructed tO
r i ti. : mA f-i...,..,m i
ri-lllHIU IU VUIIIUIHIIU Vfc lllliu l'lvjwM
infantry M
"If Congressman McArthuf did thi.
Preserving Kettle
for Oregon, as he apparently (lid, he
oiinnot be given too much credit," said
.Indue (lantenbeiu this morning. "Since
this Mexican trouble begun 1 have al
ways been able to get quick action
through Mr. McArtliur."
Sioux Indiana To Tell
Prohibitionists They
Areun me wagon
Ht- VnuX Mi""- ,T"'V 13-Mntn ci-
,u1Ui. lull blooded Sioux Indian. is
on his way here today to tell the pro
hibition national ('(invention delegates
that the Hioux are on the water wagon
for good mid all. Mnta will recount
in a speecji 1iow "Minnie Qnchaii",
which is Sioux for "Mysterious Wat
er" has euraed the tribe for years, but
is now and for some time has been
cursed by the bucks.
Ciiunnn, called by hs tribesmen
"Little Hear" bemuse lie is six feet
tall, almost as broad and weighs 220
pounds, is an anrator, author, farmer,
stenographer, printer, traveler and n
baseball and football fan.
His business name is dc Witt Hare
and he owns -III) acres (if $80 land near
Wagner, 8. J). Ho is a Presbyterian,
a temperance advocate and graduate
of Huron, H. I)., college.
World's Biggest Copper
Mine Suspends to Give
Employes Gold Medals
Calumet, Mich. July 15. The biggest
..j .;..i...o, ,;,,., : n, ,......i.i
the Calumet mid Hecla, suspended busi-
,0(By , pnulnl0l1H war
iday despil
boom business that's keeping all mines
on the jump, to entertain its dU.UUU
employes and their families in com
memoration of the semi-centeiiniul of
the discovery of the rich property.
Gold, silver and bronze medals were
presented to 1,1155 veternn employes by
President Agassia, 163 of whom have
"Worked for the company over forty
years. Timothy O'Hhen,
'ho firt nf'tho
six lnont 0 r,.fu8(,8 to
years. Timothy u Shea, who worked
00 year and
retire on his
. r 1 lir
MllllOnairCS rUlfJ WaV
to Dodge Income Tax
Washington, July 15. The rich, it
was learned hero today, have found a
way to dodge paying their federal in-
nn, iv uuiiuti i'iviiiik iiirn ivvivi.il
t T) u f
1 . .
Toe treasury department has infor
mation thnl well to do persons will not
buy stocks and bonds unions the corpo
ration they buy them from contracts
to pay the income tnx on them. The
corporation selling the stocks or bonds
agrees to do this, then just adds the
income tax to the retail price of its
goods to the public. Thus the $10,
Cleveland, July 15. Miss Hettie A.
Puttnn, 7(1, just retired as principul of
the Kentucky grade school here, is be
lieved to hold the record for the long
est continuous service In the public
schools of this country. Beginning at
18, she has taught in this oue school
for IK years. She has educated 8 gen
erations of children.
Cleveland, Ohio, July 15. Weary of
having his orders delayed by wire and
slowed bv mail acrvice, Geamo K. Shed-
Iden, salesman for a Cleveland firm,
. i . - . . . . . I. L
ougut aome carrier pigeon, wnu-n nave
UHDC BU "ill mm. uia mm i if" j i
a statewide system or carrier
... .11
'pigeons communication among all
than a Beaver Kitchen
of steps at the season when
Where you al
ways Bee the
latest iii Furni
ture. Government Siudies Goat
Grazing on National Forests
Portland, Or., July 15. In connection
with the effort to introduce best meth
ods of handling all classes of livestock
on the National Forests, a study of the
gout industry has been inaugurated by
forest service officials. In 1915 over
titty thousnnd angora goats were grazed
on national forests in six states, mostly
in the southwest.
The gouts nro grazed in baads of 000
to 2,000, although the smaller herds arc
more common and feed mostly on
brush uiiilergrowth. Sheds are neces
sary during tho kidding season, since
the newly born kids are almost as help
less as babes and must be protected
from the eold anil wet. When the goats
have considerably more agility nud
fight off coyottes and other predatory
animals. Unlike sheep, which can go
long periods without water, tho goats
must, have water frequently and their
range has to be planned with this in
mind. Under the new methods which
lire being tried, herders must tnko more
care of their flocks. The gonts are not
allowed to spend more than one night
at nny camp and are handled in such a
way that all the rango is used but not
overgrazed. Officials who aro watch
ing the experiments any that the ap
proved methods will doubtless enable
the owners to derive greater profits
from their herds and niako it possible
to better the condition of tho range.
Many people think that the foresters
aro opposed to letting goats range on
the national forests, but officials say
tuat this is not true. In some places,
particularly fn hardwood regions, goats
damage young forestgrowth. In rnauy
of the coniferous forests of tue west,
however, this damage is slight if the
rango is not overstocked and tho ani
mals aro properly handled. Often, it
is said, they are of real bonofit in keep
ing down niflammnblo brush and thus
aiding in protecting forests from fire.
In tho national forests of Oregon and
Washington, ou the west slope of the
Cascades, it is said that there are many
aeas of open brush land suitable or
grazing gonts. Such areas may be
found on tho Sinalaw, Siskiyou, Crater,
Umpqua and Santinm forests in Ore
gon and ou tho Columbia, Rainier and
Olympic forests in Washington. Theso
areas would tnko care of from 20,000 to
25,000 head of goats and nro easily ac
cessible from railroad points.
l no outiooK for tho goat industry ap
pears at present to be very bright.
While the clip from anirora coats has
amounted to 500,000 pounds per year in
ine northwest, tne Willamette valley
in Oregon beiuir the center of the in
dustry iu this region, the value of
goats for meat is now becoming an im
portant factor iu the industry. Former
ly there was much prejudice against
goat meat, and although much of it
was marketed as mutton it brought the
stockmen but i2.50 a head. The latest
quotation., however, show $5.50 a head.
In -southern Oregon a stockman was
heard to remark recently that he could
easily get $4.50 a head for all tne goats
he could drive to market. Mohair pri
ces, too, have gone up from five to ten
cents per pound during the past year.
Mr. aud Mrs. A. N. Xofslger of Sau
il,...n Unl ..a 1. .... l.A.. .. .. .
.....' .'.., 4v ui,f urru Kucnia Ml,
1. .. LV1 I . r. II 1 .. ...
111- r.u mviiimiiu iiuuii? 1,11 rumo
for several day. past, left for a trip
to Seattle Wednesday. They will stop
here on their return trip for a few day.
more visit. Mr. McDonald and Mr.
N'ofstger married sisters but this was
he first time they ever met. They are
the same age, 52 years old. Mr. N'ofst
ger says brother Ed treated them so
well and fed them so well that theyj
were loathe to leave. They made a re
markable trip up iu their Ford. The
distance from Santiago to Silverton
is 1191 miles and their gns consump
tion averaged just n trifle over one
gnllou to every twenty four miles.
Silvertou Appeal.
Washington. Jufv 15. This is St.
Swithin'a Day, upon which, an old
legend says. If it rains, it will rain
forty consecutive day. and nights
thereafter. However, every time thi.
proposition is put up to Uncle Nim'i
weather man. ho hoot, at the idea and
produces records to .how that it ha.
never proven true A ?ot.
V f ...
The Royal Hawaiians formerly of the Pan American Exposition, appearing at the Oregon .Theatre, Sunday, Mon
day and Tuesday
Granges Discuss
Legislative Matters
Farmers of Marion county intend to
be fully posted on measures to come
before the people at the elections this
fall. In order that all proposed bills
may he fully discussed at tho grange
meetings, the committee on legislation
of Marion county Pomona grange was
instructed nt the meeting held yester
day in the (,'ommerciul club rooms to
secure copies of all proposed measures
and send to each of the subordinate
granges in tho county. This action
was taken in order that the men and
women ef the country should be able
to intelligently form their own opinions.
Plans were ulso laid for tho commit
tee on co-operation and taxation nnd
the committee on markets for bringing
matters of their departments before the
subordinate lodges. t
Representatives ,o' granges from
Stay ton, Aumsville, 'Turner, Woodburn,
North Howell nnd Salem were present,
W. II. Stevens, master of Pomona
Grange presiding. The next meeting
will be held Wednesday, September 13.
IWn. tn Mr: nnd Mrs. John Swick.
July 13, 1910, an eight pound boy.
Mr. ana ftirs. Virgil -unroy nave
moved into their new home they recent
ly bought of Cal Griffith.
Mrs. H. C. Porter and Miss Bessie
Sehrunk were Salem visitors Wednes
day. ir .ml ir, PW,1 Clmffinors. of Sn-
lem, spent Monday and Tuesday with
tneir pnreurs.
Mr. Lamb, Mr. Cheffings and Mr.
Dietz are at Forrest. Grove this week
helping Miller move tho mill he recent
ly bought.
Rni-t TTnnnfir tvhn has heen at the
Sanitorium at Snlom, is visiting his
brother, ma noopor.
Aft. uti.l Xr9 Knri-V Prmik Slid little
son, F.arl. Mrs. H. W. McNcnl and Miss
Herma Me.Neal spent Sunday near .Ma
rion on the Santinm.
Mis. F. F. Rnhn and little, daughter,
Rita, returned Sunday evening from
Stevenson, Wnsh., where she was called
on account of tho illness of her moth
Mrs. Warner Lee was operated on nt
hnnin Tuesday. Mnssnv and Bursell
performed the operation. Miss Mar
garet vurrie, tormeriy or ruis commun
ity, was the nurse in attendance.
All the home news whilo you are
away. Phone 81.
The House
That Satisfies
a -
Continuous Show
? v r m -l 'A H I
Harry E. Cole died at his liome iu
this city at 2 n. m. this morning after
a prolonged illness. He had returned
th Sunday before with his wife from
the mountuins, where he had gone with
the hope of improving his health.
Harry K. Cole was born on a farm
near Plnttsnioutli, Cass county, Neb.,
November 4, l.Wt. He married Myrtle
II. Richardson February 10, 1KSS. With
his family he moved to Oregon iu 1897,
locating nt Hnlsey, where they re
mained two years. They then moved
to a farm one mile northwest of Wood
burn and lived there until they moved
to this city where he resided until called
by death. For a time he wa in the
furnituro business here.
Harry Colo was n devoted husbnnd
and father, a good man, of cheerful
disposition, who had performed many
nets of kindness, wus always ready to
help where he could be of assistance,
nnd all who knew him wcro warm
friends. No other in this community
was more highly respected nnd esteem
ed and his dentil is mourned by all. He
was a member of Woodburn Lodge No.
100, A. F. & A. M., Evergreen Chapter
N"o. 41, 0. E. 8., Modern Woodmen, and
at. tho tinio of his death was King of
the Royal Arch Chapter.
There survive him a widow and two
sons, Willard T. nnd J. Gilbert. He
will also be remembered by ninny chil
dren, whom h loved and who loved
Tho funeral will be under Masonic
auspices and services will be in the
Masonic Temple Saturday afternoon nt
:30 o'clock. Interment will be at llelle
Pnssi. Woodburn Independent.
Mr. and Mrs. M. P. Solberg met with
a runaway accident Monday evening,
in which the lntter sustained injuries
which may prove fatal. She was im-
..... .11. tnltan tn Ihn SilvertOU hOS-
iiii-miiii -j ... - i j
pitnl and placed in care of a physiciau.!
but it has nor yet ucnu utin"
what the result will be. ,
ir. r snl!nriT were i lust
starting for home after having been
shopping m tne city, anu 11117 "r"'
passing the deot grounds where Some
un .lnnlmd vara nilmnAil. their team
become frightened at the tent and ranj
11 . .u AA....n.,,A n tlta VAhinlei
aWUV. IiUIIl lirvuiMiiup .....
were throwa out upon the ground, and
Mrs. Solberg was seriously bruised.
She sustained several fractures of the
rib bones, and it is believed that sue
wag injured internally. Mr. Solberg
waa considerably bruisert, but not ser
iously injured Silverton Tribune.
Sunday, Monday and Tuesday
Hawaiian Serenaders j
Formally of the Panama Pacific Exposition
Singers, Dancers,
Motorcycle Speed Races
i ,u ..... .. rA, s;
: ... v v"'l -r
f 'u '? (-ifV t,v
- 1 t' '
" r V ' ' -
I.nte addition to the vital statistics
record in Health Officer McCallon's of
fice briug the total births reported for
June 11 and the deaths reported to six.
The following birth notices were sent in
Into: Girl, to Mr. and Mrs. Clement
M. James, Dallas, June 30; girl, to Mr.
and Mrs. Jesse D. Simpson, of Roseburg,
in Dallas, June 28; boy, to Mr. nnd Mrs.
Miles Ferdinand Minoeri, Wallace road,
West Salem, April 3; boy, to Mr. and
Mrs. Alvin F. Walling, Lincoln, April
10; girl, to Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Simp
son, West Salem, April 24; boy, to Mr.
and Mrs. Oscar J. Lewis, R. F. D. two,
Salem, May 22. The death of James W.
McDowell, six uiiles west of Salem, on
May 8 at the age of 72 years, nine
months and 29 days was reported late.
Dallas Observer.
Acting upon tlte recommendations of
prosecuting officers, Governor Witliy
eombe has granted a conditional par
don to Warren Fairchild, who has been
serving a term for larceny in the Mult
nomah county jail. ?
J. P. Nordin didn't pay a fine of
$200 when he was convicted of practic
ing medicine without a license and so
has been serving time in the county
jail nt Portland. The governor has re
mitted this fine.
Citizenship was restored to George
M. Messinger who hod beeu at the
eniteiitiary a trifle more than year
before he was paroled. He came from
Crook county where he was convicted
on a larceny charge.
Washington, July 15. The navy
yards at Philadelphia, Boston, Norfolk
and Bremerton, Wash., were authoriz
ed equipped for battleship construction :
bv the senate yesterday afternoon. Sixi
million dollars is to be spent on toe!
tour yards immediately.
The house already has agreed to the
proposal which is part of the general
naval bill.
Mr. Jones had recently become the
father of twins. The minister Btopped ;
him in the street to congratulate him.
"Well, Jones," he said, "I hear that
the Lord smiled on you."
"Smiled on met" repeated Jones,
"He laughed out loud." Tid-Bits.
Charles Black, a;d 22 years, was
instantly killed last Saturday, when
the team he was driving ran away
and he was thrown from the front
seat on the water tank to which they
Players and Soloists
' f 1 f - 1 4
Railroad Favoritism
Is Given a Roast
'" "The existence of the interstate
commerce commission is as much, if
not more, the result of complaints of
localities as the complaints of passen
gers," declares the public utility ser
vice commissions of Washington anil
Oregon in their brief replying to tho
Alabama & Vicksburg railway in the
differential rate case now in the hand
of the federal commission.
Scathing arraignment of the methods
of certain utilities is made iu the re
lI.V. "It was because the utilities had
the power to and did build up one city
at the expense of another; because
thev arrogantly stated that they would
cause the grass to grow in the streets
of one city and at the same time build
up its rival that public sentiment was
aroused to the point that demanded re
lief,", the brief further states.
ontiuuiing, it asserts: "It isn't
the lone passenger's complaint but it
is the localities whose business is de
stroyed that some other locality may
prosper that asks the interference of
the power of government to protect it
from its destruction by these utilities"
The whole controversy revolves a
round the question of the difference in.
railroad rates between eastern points
and the Pacific coast. Tt costs the
passenger more to reach San Francisco
by the northern route through Wash
ington and Oreeon than it does to
reach that city by the southern route,
though the southern route is much,
. Once in San Francisco the patron
must pav an additional fare to return
through the northern states. This mat
ter has been the subject of complaint
time and again on the part of rail
road patrons and it is believed the
matter will be filially settled thi. time
before the interstate commerce com
mission. The Washington public ser
vice comission is bringing the action
to-settle the matter, with the Oregon
commission joining interests as inter
veners. Attorney General Brown will
probably be called upon to lay the Ore
eon side of the question before the
federal commission.
were hitched. The front wheel of the
heavy wagon passed over his bead,
crushing it. Young Black was a Bon
of "Doc" Black, and lived with his
parents in Benua Vista. He is said to
have been an exemplary young man
nnd was highly thought of in the com
munity where he lived. Dallas Jtem
izer. The House n
That Satisfies
10c, Evenings 20c