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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (July 15, 1916)
THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, SATURDAY, JULY 15. 1916. THREE i. 4 Willamette Valley News Dallas Band Leader Leaves; Injured by Explosion! i (Capita Journal Special Service) Gervais News Notes (Capital Joiimul Special Service.) Gervais,' Ore., July 15. Karl Gleason, EV": ?r.O. iT.V tn he th "'' bo.pit.l-force, sudden departure of B. A. Downey, j sPvnt the week-end with Ilia parents in who for Uie ast year has been Jeaiter 1 this city. ... of the Dallas band, tiiat organization! Mrs. Latham is entertaining her three is looking for a new instructor. It is reported that Mr. Downey received a telegram Tuesday afternoon offering him the leadership ol' the Third regi ment biuid now on the Mexican border find that he has taken the position now peeing assured. The baud was compel! charming young granddaughters, the! Misses Lola and Dorothy Dobbins, of; l'ortland, and Miss Irma Latham, of Hillsboro. What might have been a very serious accident happened at Brewery hill, just soutn or town, luesduy evening when ed to leave the state without its lead-ja prairie schooner containing a family vr a-uu nave lur some mow utcn en- nun live or bia ciiiiurcu, whs unveil too j deavoriug to secure a competent man.' near the embankment to get out of the As soon as the local organization se-jwny of an approaching automobile and i Mires a new leader the weekly Satur- overturned, rolling down the hillside, j day evening concerts will be resumed. The call for help brought about a dozen j ! men ana women to tne cenc and the Explosion Injures Joel Shaw Joel Shaw, one of the members of the Dallas Meat company, was very Waoroil Was soon riirhted mill brmifrht ' back to the road. It is a marvel that tha jl,il.lvnn nu...l .... 11 feet down an embankment of the La t'rcole river which flows past the daughter house. The injured man was taken to iiis home and Dr. liollmnn summoned. At last reports he was resting easy. . Governor Paroles Stinnett Charles Stinnett, a resident of this vicinitv who was sentenced io the etate penitentiary last October for as sault with a deadly weapon has been jianloned by Governor Wihyeombe up on recommendation of Circuit Judge H. 11. licit of this district. The condition of Stinnett's pardon is that he leave the state never to return and that ho refrain from the use of alchoholic liq uors. Stinnett was committed to the i.eniteutiary after being tried on a barge of rying to kill his wife. At the time he was in an intoxicated condi tion and one of his sons appearing. on the scene at the opportune moment struck him over the head witn a unii tiat rendering him unconscious. Benefit Reception to Be Held The Polk Oountv Military Belief as sociation will hold a reception in the armory on the evening ot July uu lor the purpose of interesting the public in the work the orcauization is sup posed to do. A short 'program will be ottered and a small ofterin,g taken. Th board of directors of the Polk County Fair association held a business meeting at the commercial club rooms Thursday evening. Matters of import ance were taken up and discussed. Mlrs. Charles Bidwell ami Mrs. Em !ma Clarke of Union,. Oregon, returned to their home Tuesday after a week's visit at the home of Mr. and Mrs. K. A. Hamilton in West Dallas. Will Hartlev arrived iu Dallas Wed nesday from "Rochester, Minn., where he hasbeen taking treatment in the hospital of the famous Mayo Brothers. Alter a short visit with nis father and sisters in this city he will leave for Kly, Nevada, where he is employ ed in a large store. Mr. and Mrs. A. .1. Barham left Wed nesday for their summer cottage at Agate Bowlr where they expect to spend several weeks. Dr. A. B. Starbuck and I red Toner returned Wednesday evening from a short fishing trip on the Siletz river. (;ireuit Judge N. H. Belt and family loft. Thiirsdav mornina for a several weeks outing on the Trask river iu Oregon. iminfully burnevl about the face and j were all within the inclosed wagon box. I arms Wednesday afternoon when a bigj Mr. and Mrs L K. Siegmund returned! steam cooking tank exploded jit the Thursday from an extended California! Maugnter House or tne miove company- irip. mt. oiegmunci nttenuca tne snrm Besides being burned by hot grease' ers' convention nnd then with Mrs. the force of the explosion was so grea- inegmuna visited in Los Angeles, Pasa that Mr. Shaw was blown about 30 dena, San Francisco, Han Diego and oth er cities. They also crossed the Mex ican border' and visited the Oregon uips in meir encampment. . Farmers are busy with their haying. This is picnic season and the' ladies! and young people of the Presbyterian 1 cimreh are making plans for a lively so cial and also one of their enjoyable all day picnics in the near future." .Loganberry pk'king. is progressing steadily this week. The berries are ripening rapidly enough so that there is no need for days of idleness. This suits the 2 tents full of campers at the Brown ynrds. HUBBAMNEWS C. D. Trouilt and I. Ott and families started for Tillamook Thursday for a week 's camping. Miss Opal Nichol went to Oregon City Tuesday to spend the week with her sister, Mrs. Vein Dart. Born t0 Mr. and Mrs. William Den tal living northwest of Aurorn, Satur day, July 8, a nine pound girl. Mel Hamilton and wife passed through Hubbard Thursday enronte to Missoula, Mont., traveling in their auto. Mrs. Emma Lane and son Earl ar rived Monday from Grand Rapids, Minn., to be the guest of her sister Mrs. Gus lleidrich. . Mrs. Lane expects soon to continue her trip to visit relatives in California. Miss Helen Robertson returned to her home in Portland Wednesday morn ing after two weeks spent at the home of her grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Zeek. Word comes from Lee Miller, who is harvesting in Kansas, that ho is doing well and expects to follow the season up into the Dakotns until the work is over. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Wolfer received a letter Wednesday from their soa K. 8. Wolfer, of Anita, Iowa, stating that on the 7th of July a nine pound baby girl w-as born to them. The little miss was promptly named Marjory Agnes. Mrs. J. D. DeMond returned to her home in Richmond, Calif., Monday, after attending the golden wedding and family reunion of her parents, Mr. nnd Mrs. j. Z. Martin. Miss Grace Harding of Woodhnrn was the guest Wednesday of Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Pook, renewing a friendship which began when living in southern Marion News (Capital Journal Special Service.) - Marion, Ore., July 15. Mr. Oscar Ol son has returned to Mnrion, bringing with him a bride. As might be expect ed, a large number of young people en tertained them with cow bells, tin, horns, etc., about dusk the evening aft er their arrival. AVe are mire that the people of .lu Hon wish them much joy in their new life. Mrs. C. A. George was a Salem visit or Friday. Rufus Castleman is home again greet ing old friends. Mrs. McNeil and daughter, Hernia, of Aumsville, were Sunday visitors at the home of George H. McNeil. Rev. I.. C. Russell expects to go to Seotts Mills Friday morning to build a prune drier for his father-in-law, Mr. J. A. Taylor. .Mrs. Russell will have charge of the services at the Friends chinch next Sunday. After that he will return each Saturday for over Sunday. There was special music at the Pres byterian church last Sunday eveuing which was much enjoyed by ihose pres ent. Mr. John V. Schmidt passed away at the home of his son-in-law-, Mr. K. J. Miller, last Wednesday afternoon. The funeral was held at the home Friday morning, conducted by Rev. L. C. Rus sell. Sir. Schmidt was an earnest Chris tian and for mnny years a faithful member of the Methodist church. The remains were taken to Salem for burial in tho City View cemetery. ' Fairfield News (Capital Journal Special Service.) Fairfield. Ore.. Julv is Tha of July celebration was held on Julv 8 at Muhoney 's bar. A dance was held Saturday evening in Mr. Sohn's hop house. Sundnv evening Mi- ami "Yr..a. u,.t... entertained a number of friends at their home iu Fairfield. Miss Erickson is visiting her sister, Mis. Ben I.ovgren. Mrs. Nathan Porter returned to Poitlnnd Monday. Mr. Haney and Glen were Portland visitors on Saturday. . Miss Mary Philips and Miss Bertha Broyles, of Salem, attended the dance Saturday evening. ' AURORA NEWS 'r:l1a,nnb onillltV. Miss Glartvs Reynolds has returned to her home in Beuna Vista after a vis it at tne home of Miss Lucilc Hninil- t0Mijs Golilie Bissell of Ballston was a Dallas visitor with friends this week. Peter Cook, a prominent resident of the Ballston community was a county seat visitor this week. Mrs E. K. Piasecki was over from Salem' for a short stav Thursday. Misses Alice and Edith Cobb of Portland who have been visiting rela tives in this citv for the past several weeVs went to Rickreill Thursdny af ternoon to visit relatives. :ounty Judge John B. Teal has re turned to Portland for more medical treatment after a short business visit in Dallas. Mr. A. Ball of CorvalliB, came down to Hubbnrd last Saturday for a short visit with her brother-inlnw, Ed Ball, and his mother, Grandma Bull, who lives one mile southeast of Hubbard, re turning home Sunday evening. Mrs. Ball was formerly of Woodbudn. Mr. and Mrs. Regnnld Johnston of Portland came to Hubbard on the Fourth to visit their father, T. A. Johnston. Unfortunately Mr. Johnston was in Sulem, returning the following day missed his guests. Regnnld is a pilot employed by the Shaver transpor tation company, plying Alaskan waters and very seldom has a chauce to visit. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Newton enter tained at flintier last Sunday at their home one half mile south of Hubbard, the following: Mr. and Mrs. J. V. -Newton. Clifford Newton, Melvin New ton, Mr. and Mrs. Grant Jones and laughter Minnie, Air. and Mrs. A. E. NORTH HOWELL Mr. and Mrs." A. B. Wiesner arc re-IM-Key and daughter Dorothy Mr. and ' r ti' r -W-tr -w: (n..,l l TI po, nT boyrbVn "July 5." I Morris of Silverton and Miss Battle t . .! dnnirhters left! Demarest of Towisend station. The n' Wednesday for Corvallis, where Mr. afternoon was. spent in social conversa- Knwyer has work. They will make their home there for the present. Mr. and Mrs. B. Wiesner and daugh ter, Bertha, Bpent Sunday at E. G. Wies ner 's. , Mr. and Mrs. John Waltman motored to Corvallis Friday, where they spent tne- week-end. - Mrs. Alice Engleson, of Woodburn, and her guest. Miss Vera Norton, visit ed at C. A. Sawyer's on Tuesday. Ger vais Stir. BROOKS NEWS Evervone is working hard in the lo ganberry fields. The Aspinwall dryer is Tunning two crews, one at night and one in the day time. Mr. Hiser, who at one time owned the store at Hnpmere, is very ill at the home of A. E. Harris. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Williamson spent the week-end with Mrs. Williamson's sister, Mrs. Ellen Aspinwall. Mr. Chas. Sturgis and, family spent -few days visiting relatives in this section this week. Gervais Star. SUBLIMITY NOTES with Miss Marv Peters is visiting lier sister, Mrs. A. Branch. Joe Schnider, wife and brother, Law rence, visited at the Peter Burghart bom Sunday. Miss Hannah Heuberger is home again after visiting with Portland friends. Miss Mary Burghart visited with her friend, Mae Reed, in Turner, one day last week. istayton Mail. tion. W. IT. .Tewctt. and wife of KalispeT, Montana, were guests at the home of I). C. Voder last week, while enroutc from McMinnvillc to Portland. Mr. Jewctt and-familv came through in their auto from Montana last summer and have spent the time since in New port. They like Oregon and were not in a hurry to return home, but business interests makes it necessary. M. B. Kester tried out the Kleiwer patent attachment for mowing machines Monda.C and says it worked fine.. The Kleiwer patent consists of a long iron fincrcr and socket to fit on the points of the sickle bar frame, which when the bar is tilted into cutting position, ex tend eight inches ahead of the sickle and raise tangled grain so the sickle eah get under it and tut it the same as i standing gram. Three added fingers are enouiih for ordinary connmons. They ar made of malleable iron. Mon day tne appliance was uwu m cuihuk a piece of vetch for Dan Shank with good results. Kleiwer, the patentee, is a blacksmith at Monitor, formerly with Paul Sows at Woodburn. ' In Fraternal Circles. In the past week the fraternal societies have installed the ' following officers. In each instance the occasion was celebrated with a banquet at the close of the ceremonies. Thursdav evening of last week the K. of P. lodge installed the following: C. C R. W. Gable; V. C Clyde Jones; nrelate, Henrv Scholl; M. at A.. R. C Painter; I. G., A. R. Bevens; O. O., Oeo. John Stnuffer, one of Hubbard's most substantial farmers, was trans acting business in Aurora Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Guy N. Hickok 'are spending a part of their vacation with relatives at McMinnville. A crowd of Aurora Moose attended a meeting of the Woodburn lodge of mat order Thursday evening. K. (). Jack of Needy, Win. Stein bach of union, and Will Datum of Maclisbnrg were business visitors here Saturdav. Brewer & Everly put down a concrete cross walk for the city Monday across Third Street, at. the' Sadler '& Krnus corner. Mr. and Mrs. C. A Adams of Donald are rejoicing over the arrival of a daughter, Monday, Julv :i, at. Portland. M. D. Leiibo, who was here this week, nas several acres of the finest oats in this section. If no further rains come to bent the grain down there is everv prospect of a yield of 100 bushels per acre. Mrs. Emily West Giesy, of San Francisco, who lias been visiting her sister-in-law, Mrs. Geo. Kraus and other relatives here, left Saturday for Yellowstone Park. She was accom panied by her friend, Miss Elva llndley. They will return to California vit Salt Lake, Aurora people will be interested in the engagement of Paul Giesy, the only son of Dr. nnd Mrs. A. J. Giesy, of Portland, and Miss Edith Edminson of San Francisco. The wedding will be a brilliant social event in that city, July 5. The bride-elect is the daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. J. VV. Edminson, formerly of Pasadena, and is popular iu society and college circles. Miss Ed minson and Mr. Giesy were classmates at Leland Stanford university. The officers of Hermes Ijdge K. ot" P. were instnlled Friday night by dis trict deputy grand chancellor Geo. W. Fry. Those installed were Dell Yergen, C. C; J. A. Fosmark, V.. C; Hurry Colvin, Prelate; John Snvder, M. A.; Fred White. M. W.; E. M. Hurst, 1.. O..; and G. N. Hicfcok, O. 0. . Win.. Good ing was chosen grand lodge representa tive, and A..C. Thompson as his alter nate, Grover Giesy, now on the Mex ican border with the Oregon troops, is the hold-over grand lodge representa tive, and Guy N. Hickok was named as his alternate. Observer. DEFEATER SECOND TIME I HERE Is The 'M ANSWER To Hie Jx f nuirri nnni nri,iJ"'J-nr . ..t--. tllllllt Install a RUUD Auto- matte Water Heater and HOT Water is yours at any time of day or night . Think what plenty of REAL HOT Water means in the Laun dry in the Kitchen in the Bathroom. A luxury that is a neces sity. . ' We invite you to see the one in operation at our store. It is well worth seeing as a wonderful invention. We install it in the cellar and you simply turn on any hot water faucet when you want hot water. Turning on the faucet turns on the heat and shutting off the faucet shuts off the gas. No gas used when not needed. It will not interfere with your present plan of heat ing .water but will aid it and assure you of Plenty of Hot Water. 'This week we are going to give an $8.00 Electric Percolator ' with every Automatic Heater sold and will sell these heaters on unusually easy terms. Phone 85 and ask the Gas Man The Gas Co. State and Commercial . WATER HEATER UNION HILL ITEMS -The Silverton baseball club again met defeat from the Molulla hasebull team. Ten innings were played and the score was tied in the ninth, 7 to 7. McMorris! error iu the ninth with two of Molulla 's men down cost Silverton the game. .MnlaJla came beck in the tenth for fnree runs on two hits and three errors by McMorris. . Battery for Mollalla Prcscott and Adams; "battery for Silverton Green James and Durno. Green appeared to weaken in the fifth and Jensen reliev ed .him; The Molulla umpire tried to pull some raw stuff, but found it very impracticable. Appeal. Zeek. Last Satnrduy eveuing occurred the I. O. O. F. installation: N. G., N. Blair; V. G., W. Brown; R. 8. N. G. M., C. Crittenden; U S. N. Cc, R. '. l'ainter; R. S. V. ., Gallop; I H. V. U., R. W.. Gable; treasurer, J. Scholl. Wednesday evening of this week the Pythian Sisters installed the following: Past Chief, Mrs. Sylvia Culvert; Most Excellent Chief, Mrs. Cora Wolfer; Ex cellent Senior, Mrs. Anna Bevens; Ex cellent Junior, Mrs. Clella (able; Man ager, Mrs. Sadie Scholl; Protector, .Mrs. Rilla Zeek; Outer Guard, Mrs. Martha Bvens; Mistress of R. nnd C, Mrs. Pearl Kinzer; Mistress of Finance, Mrs. Edith Painter. Enterprise. .Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Jones and fnm ily, of Victor Point, also Amot Kinft visited at the M. Gilmour home Sun day. Geo. Scott and family motored to Sil verton Sunday. Mrs. W. E. Tate and children spent the week-end at the W. D. Hurt home. Miss Emma Peters spent several days visiting at the John Kimsey home at Silver Creek Falls last week. Mr. and Mrs. Bod McCurry, of Port land, are visiting at the AV. H. Tate home. Mrs. Geo. Thomas is visiting home folks in Stayton this week. Elmer Rabens is visiting his grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. 'm. Cornish, of Stayton, this week. Clifford Hurt, of Sublimity, is visit ing at the W. D. Hurt home this week. Miss Ethel King is visiting her sis ter, Mrs. Geo. Scott, this week. Orlo Humphreys and wife were Sun day visitors at the M. Gilmour home. Miss Elms Warden, of Vancouver, B. C, arrived Wednesday for a week's visit with her mother and other rela tives. While here her old friends and schoolmates gathered in and spent an evening in playing games, singing and dancing. Lima makes her home in B. C, with her mother's sister, Mrs. Kent. The ball game Sunday between Sil ver Creek and Union Hill was played on the home grounds and resulted in a score of 18 to 4 in favor of Union Hill. Miss Dene Holmnn, of Salem, was a visitor at the W. A. Heater home last week. .Mrs. Teter Heater, of Silverton, is visiting at the Mathecny home - this week, Stayton Mail. EAST HUBBARD NOTES Mrs. Fred Shand and little daughter of Sulcm, visited with her sister Mrs. Andy Steinbach at Aurora Saturday and Sunday. Last Wednesday when George Waclit inun came iu fnmt the field for dinner, he was very much surprised to find that his sister, Mrs. Bowman and her daugh ter, Hannah, of Portland, were there; also John Wachtmnn and family. They enjoyed their dinner together and ice cream was also served. Hena Kaiiffman of Needy is camp ing with Eugene Mitts' family at Glad stone park. Solomon Slnibar and wife of Wood- burn and Oliver llartzlcr and little daughter visited with Dan Knuffmuu and family at Silverton last Sunday, making the trip by auto. S. J. Kaurfmaii ami D. I). Hosteller made a business trip to Oregon City last Monday, The ice cream social at Whiskey Hill school last Saturday eveuing was a social success, although not lurgely at tended. Grandma Knuffman was the guest of Wilma Voder and Vinnie Kaut'finaii who are camping in .Mr. Cnssidny's onion bouse, lust Thursday night; she enjoyed her sell very much. Mrs. Lav ina Bufch and daughter Velma of Hubbnrd, spent several days at the home of Oliver King ami family recently. Sadie Ilnrtv.ler went to Silverton lust Saturday to visit her sister Mrs. Dun Kauffinun several days. Mae Shullz from east of Needy iniide a business trip to Hubbard lust Mon day. Mr. Cnssidy has at present a lot of cherry pickers to pick his Lumberts and pack them to ship. Li.zie Smucker was the guest at the home of J. J. Herschberger at Hubbard Sun day. Enterprise. MT. PLEASANT NOTES Mrs. O. H. Ruy and daughter spent the week-eud visiting at Albuny. Henry Senz and son, t Nick, made a (business trip to Albany Aionuay.. I Mr. and Mrs. Harold Townes, of l'ort land, motored to the D. Townes home , Thursday. Ben and Mabel Thayer, of Scio, visit ed at Floyd Sheltou ' Sunday. Ed Smith and wife culled at the Twin Walnut Furm Thursday. Mrs. W. R. May end daughter motor ed to Scio Tuesday. Ernest K nupp. of Sulem, is visiting at the Mrs. H. Shank home. Frank Hiibbermun and wife nnd Mr. and Mrs. M. Y. Ryan and daughters motored to Dullns Sunday. Miss Francis Hottiuger culled at the H. Shank home Friday. Mrs. I .inn Lambert made a pleasant call at the O. H. Hay home Thursday. Miss Bessie Shank was a Sunday vis itor at the W. H. Ray home. Miss Har.el ami Chas. Lambert were Sunday visitors at the D. Townes home. Frank and Henry Jungwith made a pleusaut call at J. H. Klorr's Sunday. Mrs. Ida Huber ami Mrs. Jos. Henz called at the Twin Waluut Farm Tues- ,1 f I V J ' D. Townes and wife spent Sunday with the Schruiik 'family at Aumsville. Frank Sen, iiiado a pleusaut call at Lee Downing ' Sunday. Mrs. P. H. Lambert spent Tuesday i evening with her daughter, Mrs. Roy Brenner, of Stayton. Mr. Clarence Dougherty, of Jordan was seen going to W. R. Ray's Sunday evening wearing abroad smile. Wonder whyt David Aegertcr, Jr., and Frank Senz were seen motoring on the Mt. Pleasant streets Sunday. Mrs. H. Shank uud daughter, Crstnl, ' culled at the Cold Springs Farm Mou-I Juy. ' 'I A large crowd of young people; gathered at the J. H. Kloer home Sun day evening. The evening was enjoyed' by all. Stayton Muil. I KINGSTON ITEMS Miss Alice Baker returned home from Portland last week, she has been visiting relatives several weeks. Miss Listnn Darby was called to Scio Thursday because, of the illness of her aunt. Mr. Durby followed on Satur day. Omar Cole is working for J. T. Follis this week, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur I.effler and lit tle son spent Sunday at the Arney Flood home. L. A. Archambeau has just completed building a new silo and is now filling it. Nick fleymcr was a Stayton visitor Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Cole and little son called at the M. J. Crubtrec home Sunday afternoon. Miss Ethel Walker came home from Salem Friday evening, returning Mon day morning. Alta and Loyde Harold went to Quill nby Friday where Jhey will pick logan berries for a few days. Mrs. Titus Archer and children visit ed at the Henkel home Sunday after noon. Henry Croisnnt was on over Sunday visitor with relatives in this vicinity. Several from here attended camp meeting at Turner Sunday. Mr. nnd Mrs. Raleigh son nnd Miss Ina Harold dinner with home folks. . T. W. Creech and V. J. Philippi at tended lodge in Stayton Saturday even ing. Mrs. A. Kelly's sister, of Portland, is visiting her this week. Stavton Mail. nurold ami ate Sundnv LATE HOP NOTES The weather bureau report on Oie gou crop conditions for the week end ing July 4, says that hops in geneiul do not look as well us usuul at this svumui of tho yeur as muny of the yurds still have a yellowish appearuiice due to not enough sunshine and warm weather. Locally the hops have a fine color mid are still muking an exccllini growth. Vermin are few. A period of hot weather is the chief need thi. month. (j row era consider the crop prospects ininrovini. hm n,,i.. .... couiagcnient is felt , over price pros pects. . John I.oesch, representing the fr, of Berger Brothers, Cinciniiuti, hop merchants, was here Mondnv, the guest of Henry L. Bents. He hus been come weeks in Oregon and is now on las wuy to California to look over crop prospects and the h..,. hop situation there. He is not oor optimistie. over tho outlook lor tin hop business this year, though bv no means discouraged. He believes' the business has a future iu spite of its present huadiciip of war, prohihiii.m, embargoes, etc. A letter from Deueken & Co., a Lon don" hop firm, to Frank Waruitcr & Co., (forwarded to the Observer through the courtesy of I.oesch), says in part: "The importation of hops, as you have been advised, hus been prohibited sinee June 8, with the exception of eason where a special license is to bo issuer), if a short crop in this country (Eng land) should render the issuing of audi licenses desirable. Whether, such li censes will be be issued to shippers of allied countries in any case, we cannot sny as yet, as regards the eoming crop in this country, it is of course, imp'js sible to say as yet how much cnu be pro duced, but unless quite uuforsevn events should happen we arc of the opinion, thut, considering the very fuir stocks our brewers hold, nnd the reduced wiik sumption, quite enough hops will bv grown here this year for our requiie ments. Our market is very quiet with little business, but holders of Inst vein's hops are firm, prices ranging from 2tt to .'14 cents. Sq far crop prospects are fnir. While the size of the Austrian hop crop will have no influence on the . hop market here, so long as the war continues, it s of interest to learn that the Austrian acreage has been depressed from .'10 to 40 per cent, compared with last year. Aurora Ooscrver. v