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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (July 15, 1916)
"HEEZA ... l v I-- I rv M u i Daily Capital Journal's Classified Advertising Page RATES FOR ADVERTISEMENTS: One Cent per word for the first insertion. One-Half Cent per word for each successive subsequent insertion' OHIEOPEACTiaSFINOLOOIST ML a L. SCOTT Graduate of Chiro praetic's Fountain Held, Davenport, Iowa. It you have tried everything and got no relief, try Chiroprac tic spinal adjustments and get well Office 406-7-8 U. S. National Bank Building. Phone Main 87. Besidence Main 828-B. DENTISTS. SB. O. A. OLSON, Dentist Adminis ter nitrous ozid and oxygen gas. Boom 814.- Masonic Temple. Phone 440. Batem, Oregon. FOB SALE FOB SAL OB TRADE 50 acres all in cultivation. 22 acres young prunes, bal. in crop, small house, 2 barns, 4 horses, 5 cows, 3 heifers, 4 nogs, z wagons, harness, other im plcments; well located, near Salem, Kverything coMplcte for S7OOU.00. Might consider some city property in exchange. Square Deal Realty Co., sua v. a. Hank l) I el p. , LODGE DIRECTORY A. O. D. W Protection Lodre. No. 2. Meets every Monday evening at 8 In the sujuornscx nail, corner uaurt ana Liberty .streets, R. O. Donaldson, M. W. ; 8. A, McKaddeo, recorder! A. L, Brown, aaancler. SALEM LODGE No. 4, A. P. k A. M. Stated communications first Frldav In each month HtJ:30 p. m. in the Masonic sempie. cnaa. uccarter, w. M. ; a. Culver, secretary, BALEM HUMANB SOCIETY D. D. Eeeler, president ; Mrs. Lou Tlllson, secretary. All case ot cruelty or neglect ot dumb ani mal a should be reported to the secretary far Investigation. CENTRAL LODOKI, No. 18, K. of P. Mc- Oarnack building. Tuesday, evening ot eacn wees at i :au. J. u. ueiuei, , W. B. Qllsoa, K. of R. and S. . L N. OF A. "Oregon Orape Camp," No. 1MO, meets every Thursday evening In licOornack building. Court and Liberty streets; elevator. Mrs. Sylvia Sehaupp, 1791 Market, oracle; Mr.. Melissa Per anas, recorder, 1296 North Commercial. Phone 1438-M. MODERN WOODMEN OF AMERICA Ore cea fedar Camp, No. 6246, meets every Thursday evening at 8 o'clock In Mc Cornack hall, corner Court and Liberty streets. Elevator service. Geo. Reinohl, V. C ; J. A. Wright, clerk. CHADWICK CHAPTER, No. 87, O. E. 8. Regular meeting every first and third Tuesday at 8 p. m. in the Masonic Tem ple. Minnie Moeller, W. M. ; Ida M. Babcock, secretary. WOODMEN OF THE WORLD Meet every Friday night at 8 o'clock In McCornack block, O. W. His-oua, 0. C.; L. S. Oeer clerk, 607 Court street. Then SOS. DH MOLAT COMMANDER?, No. 5, K. T. Regular conclave fourth Friday In each aaonth at 8 o'clock, p m.. In Maaonic Tem ple. Sojourning Sir Knights are courte ously Invited to meet with ns Lot L. Pearce, B. C, Frank Turner, recorder. UNITED ARTISANS Capital Assembly, Ma. 84. meets every Wednesday at 8 n. m. la Moose hall. C. O. Matlock, M. A.: C E. Randall, secretary, Salem Bank ot osasmerce. BODSON CO TIN OIL, No. 1. R. A B. M. Stated assembly first Monday in each aaonth. Maaonic Temple. N. P. Rasmus en. Thrice Illustrious Master; Glenn C. NUea, recorder. BALRM COUNCIL NO. 2023 Knights and Ladle of Security Meet every 2nd snd 4th Wednesday each month at Hurst Ball. Tlalting members are invited to attend. FA F. Walton, financier, 480 S. 14U St PACIFIC LODOH Na CO, A. F. A. M. Stated cammanicatlons third Friday ta each month at 7 :80 p. m. la the Masonic Temple. Bal V. Bolam, W. M. ; Rrneat H. tTinate. accretanr. MISCELLANEOUS BED JOED FREIGHT BATES To and from all points east, oa all household foods, pianos, etc. Consolidated ear told service. Capital City Transfer Company, agent for Pacifie Coast forwarding company, 161 South Com aoereial street. Phone Main 933. HONEY TO LOAN ON Good Baal Estate Security. THOS. K. FOBD Orr Ladd k Bush Bank, Salem, Orefoa MONEY TO LOAN I have mad ar rangements for loaning' east era money, will mak very low Tat ot iaterest oa highly improved farms Homer H. Smith, room 5 McCornack Bldg, Salem. Ore. Tvn 88. BOAVANOEB SALEM SCAVENGER Charles Soot, proprietor. Garbage and refos of all kinds remoyed en monthly contracts at reasonable rates. Yard and eess- ' pool cleaned. Of fie phnat, Maisj . 127. Besidenc M.u 272. BOOB," Done Again -1 n i Women Navvies Barred from Naval Militia Cruise and War Games Beginning Wlashington, July 15. Womein arc barred from the naval militia and mo tor boat reserve cruise and manouvres scheduled to bejrm today among the naval militia of nineteen states un der the direction of the navy depart ment. The cruise will will last until July 29th. The original plan was to have the battleships Maine, New Jersey, Ken tucky receive the New York and New Jersey naval militia at New York, cruising to sea and to Block Island Sound and back; while the "battleships Kearsage and Virginia were to go to Boston to receive tiie militia from Massachusetts, Connecticut, Maine and Rhode Island; while the battleships Al abama, Illinois and Rhode Island at Philadelphia received the militia of Il linois, Mar.vlany, District of Columbia, Michigan, Pennsylvania, South Caro lina, Minnesota, Missouri and Ohio, and the battleship Louisiana at Hamp ton Roads received the militia of Vir ginia, Florida, Louisiana, North Caro lina, Louisiana. North Carolina and Texas. - But since the Mexican situa tion has become acute, other ships may be used for the cruise. OLD OREGON TO TAKE NAVAL BOYS TO ALASKA Vallejo, Cal., July 14. ieParatOTy to her cruise to Alaslsa with the Cal ifornia naval militia, the historic bat tleship Oregon is docked at Mare Is land navy yard today, undergoing re pairs. The repair work is being push ed as the cruise of the reserves is to begin tomorrow. OSTEOPATH OBS. B. n. WHITE and B. W. WAL TON Osteopathic physicians ! nerve specialists. Graduates of Amer ican school of Osteopathy, Kirksville Mo. Post graduate and specialized U nerve diseases -it Los Angeles collega. Treat acuta and chronic diseases. Consultation free. Lady attendant Office O05-508 U. S. National Bank Building. Phone 859. Besidence 348 North Cuiiital street. Phone 469. THfcBAPxiTrTICS WELTMEB SYSTEM Of suggestive Therapeutic practiced by Dr. W. T. Tompnins, S. T. Most powerful nat nril and successful treatment knowa to science for the relief and euro ol headache, stomach, liver and kidney trouble; rheumatism, constipation, infantile paralysis and all female complaints, heart, lung and throat troubles; all diseases of the eye; can cer, goitre, epilepsia, asthma, nerv ousness or any chronic disease. Sug gestive therapeutics properly applied to a diseased body is positive, sure and permanent in its results. Hours 9 to 12 a. m, 1 to 5 p. m, phone Sll. Office rooms 1, 2 and Biyne Bid? 841 State St, Salem, Ore go a. UNDERTAKERS WEBB ft CLOTJGH CO C B. Webb. A. M., dough mortician and funeral directors. Latest modera metiodi - known to the profession employed 499 Court St Main 120, Main B888. RIGDON-BICHABDbON CO. Fun oral directors and undertakers, 252 North High street Dar sad night phone 183. WATER COMPANY SALEM WATEB COMPANY Office corner Commercial and Trade street For water service apply at office Bills pavable monthly in advance. General Feed aa email Livery BUM . O. W. THAU 164 Ferry.' Phone Mr 7 LM.HUEI Care of YICKSOTONG Chinese Medicine and Tea Company Has medicine which will cure any known disease. 153 South High Street; Salem, Ore. Phone 283 THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL. SALEM. OREGON, "WHp gER Tcto HIM,HEr HOyv TO.' rUX oLUcjvy vTChf Siberian Co-Operative So cieties Grow Rapidly And Performed Great Work By William Philip Simms, (United Press Staff Correspondent.) Petrograd, June 16. (By mail) "Until now we Russians have been building upon sand. At last we are commencing to build on rock and our work will stand." I have just had an interview with that great friend of Russia, Nicholas Tchaykovsky, member of the Central Co-operative Committee of Petrograd and well known in the United States, where ten years ago he founded Amer ican committees in New York, Chi cago, Boston, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Cleveland, Cincinnati, Denver and elsewhere. Tired as a revolutionist and acquit ted after being liberated from prison on bail furnished principally by Eng lish and American friends, the old man is now the happiest soul in all Sussia. All his life he has tried to help the people. Now he believes he is suc ceeding, aa Co-operative Soliety or ganizer, "building on rock," because the foundation of the nation, the peas ants who constitute 80 per cent, of the population are progressing. I found Tschaykovsky at his desk in the headquarters building of the Cen tral Co-operative committee, 38 Zhu kovskago. His snow-white head was bent over a pile of papers and his long, silvery beard fell below the edge of the desk by some inches. As I entered he looked up, his rather delicate face beaming with pleasure. "Please sit down," he said. Light ing a Russian cubeb with a patented lighter, he told the story of the great est co-operative institution in the world, an institution which is working wonders for the peasants, consequently for the Empire as a whole. It seems that the first attempts at co-operation began, as did the Zem atvo institutions, about 1805, shortly after serfdom was abolished and half the land turned over to the now free peasants. These attempts took the form of co-operative credit concerns but, though numerous, each was inde pendent of the others and remained for a long time quite feeble. In 1870 Prince Vassilchikog became interested and, with M. Yakoulef, of Moscow, founded in that city a com mittee for Village Co-operative Society work the object of which was to pro mote co-operative societies all over the empire, get them started, advise them and help them keep going. The Petrograd Department, as it is called, was opened two years later and soon outstripped the parent eoncern which for many years stood practically still. The Russian government en couraged the movement at first, help ing it got under way though until re cent years progress was still below. In the last 10 years the Societies have grown like mushrooms. There are now over 14,000 of them and, in addition to the credit co-operatives, there are agricultural (producers) and Consumers' societies from one end of the country to the other. In Siberia alone there are more than 1,500 Societies, all three kinds credit, producers and consumers being strongly represented. They own their own lines of steamers, do these Sib erian societies; hffve their own bank In London and despite the war did an eighteen million dollar business in 1915. You have heard a lot about one side of Siberia; what about this onet The growth of the Siberian co-operative societies is typical of the rest. Butter is the principal product dealt in by the peasants there and, after they had been helped in their business by the society first to be formed, they felt the need of the market. Private butter concerns existed in sufficiently large number there and their methods of doing business were no cleaner as a rule than butter which was putrid. They faked up all sorts of filthy sub stances and sold it as butter and after a time the peasants, who had found market difficult enough already, saw what little there was so glimmering be cause Siberian butter bad become sy nonymous with all that was worthless and dangerous and bad. So dire necessity forced the forma tion of the agricultural co-operative so ciety to market the honeat butter ma'de by the peasants. The Russian govern ment lent a hand, but for a number of years the fight waa bitter, the bad butter erowd doing all it could to stifle KrtEvH competition. ' .' i Nor was this all. Distances are great in Siberia and means of transportation few, so the co-operative societies were practically dependent upon Siberian dealers as a market. These dealers did. not pay cash. They exchanged mer chandise for butter, paying whatever price they pleased and charging any thing they wanted for their merchan dise. Whereupon the third branch of the co operative society was organized: the Consumers' society. Things in Siberia then began to hum.' The private butter dealers one by one closed up shop. Co-operative agents bought merchandise wholesale in the great world markets and shipped it back to Siberia; they sold Siberian butter at top prices, and the peasante themselves got the difference in good, hard cash, the first they had seen in a long time. This story can he duplicated in al most any part of Russia. For instance flax-growers used to get 2 1-2 rubles per pood of 80 pounds. They now get 8 1-2 rubles. Tar distillers in the north formerly received 3 rubles, per cack; after a repetition of the Siberian ex perience, they are paid 6 and 7 rubles for the same quantity. Premier Stolypin, in 1907, gas a tre mendous boost to co-operation when he said the Mir, or community farms, ought to be abolished and that the peasants were not obliged to stay in the Mir. The co-operative societies went sky rocketing after that and have not stop ped yet. "Nor will they," Tchaykovsky said, happily. "They respond to an urgent need of the peasants. You Americans are more individualtistic, your means of communication are better, you have more cities and your communities as a rule are more thickly populated than ours. In Russia roads are bad, winters are long and hard, and in most districts along the six t&Ousand miles from Baltic to Pacific, with our width of three thousand miles, the population is great ly spread out. We must have co-operation otherwise the Siberian story must of necessity be repeated over and over again." Iron and Steel Enter Into Every Household Economy By SAVOYABD. Washington, July 15. Articles fash ioned from iron and steel are of uni versal consumption. They enter into the economy of every household and of ev ery individual citizen, even the babe in arms. Hence it is no fiction that the iron and steel industry is the infallible Lbarometer of trade. When dearth is in the field, when the mart is empty, when the bay is sliipless, when retrenchment is imperative, the fires in the steel mill are not lighted and the sound of the trip hammer is not heard. The wage of labor is reduced and the ranks of the unemployed are swelled. Indeed ours is the iron age. . The American people are the most en ormous producers and the most prodigal consumers of iron and its resolvents in the world. For 50 years we have been told that the iron industry of the Uni ted States cannot possibly exist with out a protective tariff levied to secure it in the home market against the pred atory paupers of foreign parts. True, Mr. Andrew Carnegie, who knows more about iron and steel than any other citizen of this or any other eountryj testified before a congressional commis sion that the American iron and steel industry had outgrown its baby clothes, that it was no longer an infant, but that we would turn ont steel at a leu cost than any other nation and at the same time pay a higher wage to labor than any other nation. But for more than half a century our congress invited our iron and steel manufacturers to com forward and writ in our tariff laws tba degree of protection they wished. Long ago the re publican party set the faahioa that con- ress should shirk its constitutional uty and abdicate its legislative priv ilege to write our tariff laws. The wool manufacturers wrot Schedule " K, " the cotton spinner wrote the cot ton schedule, the drug men wrote the SATURDAY, JULY 15, 1916. ."" ( lEr'.cowuo'riT HIT MMYTHiriG V- fEAM witjj- t V?THERfc MEr 'FAH5 ACMM J f SOCH , lAAX ""- Girls Take Men's Places Goverment Jobs on (By United Press.) ' London, July 15. Whitehall, Great ! Britain's official governmental nerve t center, is soon to be ruled by women,, it was announced today. With conscription enacted, steps are being taken to clear all government de partments of young men eligible for military service. Women are being trained to take their places. In exceptional cases a few govern mental offices will retain their indis pensable males but fche latter will re main principally to train the women. Hundreds of men who have banked behind the official jobs for 20 months already have been given their 10 days grace to arrange business and domestic affairs. An official census for April elicited that 1,022 single military cligibles were employed in the admiralty alone; 1,032 in the board of trade; 623 in the war of fice; 465 in the ministry of munitions; 145 in the board of education; 2,302 customs; 1,780 inland revenue; and hun dreds more in other departments in ad dition to the postoffice where single and married eligibles numbered 31,000. Saps 90 Per Cent of Carmen Will Quit Sah Francisco, July 14. Despite the statement of President Lilienthal, off the United Railroads, that there is no danger of a strike of the platform men of that company, Thomas Mooney, or ganiser of the Amalgamation of Street Railway Employers declared today that 90 per cent of the carmen have agreed to quit tonight. United Railroads of ficials ridiculed this claim. An appeal for special police protec tion waa made to Chief of Police White today by General Manager Full and General Superintendent Jones of the street car company. They told White that trouble might come, particularly on Market street. At a meeting last night the jitney bus union indorsed the proposed strike. .Mooney says, and promised to provide $1 per man per car each day for the-J support of a strike. TOWN OF 8,000, WITH FOUR TEEN SALOONS, VOTES ON PROHIBITION TODAY. Lexington, Mo., July 15. Lexington today is voting on local option. With a population of less than 6,000, this town has 14 saloons, 11 of them in one block. chemical schedule, the sugar men the sugar schedule and so on and so forth ,n (k. n, nS ,1IA .Unfa, V.UIl., V.I. son W. Aldrich nor Sereno E. Payne knew what was in that monstrosity that is called the l'nyne-Aldrich tariff. The people tired of that and deter mined to force their government to di vorce itself from "Big Business." To that end Woodrow Wilson was elected president and a congress-democratic in both houses was chosen in 1912. They immediately set to work and fashioned a tariff bill, not for the few of our people who eat taxes, but for the many who pay taxes. The manufacturer was given free raw materials and told to compete with paupers from all quar ters. And then the cry was calamity! The poor, undone iron inductry was to shut up shop. We were to spin no more wool or cotton; we were to cease tanning hides into leather or fashioning any thing from leather. Sheep and cattle were to starve in rich pastures, coal mines were to close, railroads were to haul nothing as there was to be nothing to haul, banks and trust companies were to go into liquidation. These were only a few of the disasters and afflio-j tions that were to overtak our country J because of a wicked democratic tariff. Beware of false prophets. How about ' iron and steel f In the month of Feb ruary our production of pig iron was at the rate ot 39,200,000 tons a year and ' that is the highest ever known i any, country in the world. Nor is that all. ' At the end of February the United States Steel corporation had unfilled or ders reaching to the stupendous totals of 8,568,000 tons, a figure heretofore unequaled In its hstory. Mark you, the price of steel was steadily advancing because of the fact that our mills weer, physically Inadequate to the demands and during the month of February the increase in orders amounted to 646,199 By Mort. THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL 1 Classified Business Telephone Directory A Quick, handy reference for busy people Tel pa eat EVERYTHING ELECTRICAL . , Salem Eleetri Co, Masonic Temple, 127 North High Main IKfy" PLUMBING, STEAM FITTING AND TINNING T. M. Barr, 164 South Commercial street Main lit TRANSFER AND DRAYAOB Salem Truck Dray Co, corner State ana front streets Mela j Dry Zensal Moist Zensal TRAVELERS' GUIDE SOUTHERN PACIFIC. NOHTH BOUND No. 14 Oregon Express 8:O0a. m. No. 24 Eugene Limited 8:02 p.m. No. !8 Willamette Limited... 9:22a.m. No. 12 Shasta Limited 11:55 a.m. No, IS Portland l'asaenger ... 1:27p.m. No. 20 Portland Passenger. , . fi :O0 p. m. No. 14 Portland Express aV:04p. m. No. 222 Portland fast Freight 10 :80 p. m. No. 226 Local way Freight. ...10 :8S a. m. SOtJTU SOUND No. 16 California Bxpreaa. ... 8:32 a.m. No. 17 Roaebnrg Passenger ..11:20 a.m. No. 23 Eugene Limited 10 :01a.m. No. 19 Cottage Urove Pass. ..4:16 p.m. Makes connection with No. 74 Oeer branch. No. 11 Khaata Limited B :48 p.m. No. 27 Willamette Limited. .. :16p.m. No. IS Han Franclaco Kiureae 10 :30 p. m. No. 221 Ban Francisco Fast Freight 12:01 a. m. No. 220 Local way Freight. . .11 :40a. m. V Bilbii-Gkbb Lin. No. 73 Arrives at Halem 9:18 a.m. lo. 70 Leave Salem 0 :60 a. m. No. 76 Ar. Salem (mixed) 2:00p.m. No. ?4 Leave Salem 4 :20 p. m. No connection south t Geer. BAIJElf, FiLlS Citt nd WssTSaw. No. lfii Lv. Salem, motor 7:OOa.m. No. 103 Lv Salem, motor 9 :45 a. m. No, 163 Lv. Hulem for Monmouth and Airlle 11:10a.m. No. 167 Lv. Halem, meter .... 4:OOp.m. No. 169 Lv. Balem, motor 6:16 p.m. No. 2.19 Way Pr't lv. Balem.... t:OOa. m. No. 162 Ar. Halem 8:40 a.m. No. 164 Ar. Balem 11:10 a. m. No. 166 Ar. Balem S :16 p.m. No. 166 Ar. Balem :00 p. m. No. 170 Ar. Balem 7:45 p.m. No. 240 Way Fr't ar. Balem... 1:86p.m. WILLAMETTE RIVER ROOT'S Oregon City Transportation Company Leave Portland for Oregon City, Buttevlll Newherg. Mlaalon (Bt. Paul), Wheatland Balem (dally except Sunday) ,.6:45 a. Leave Portland for Indepeadenca. Albany Corvallla, (Tues., Thura, Bat.) V :46 a. Returning Leave Corvalll ... Albany Independence BaJem Salem ...... , . . . 6 a. m. Mo., Wed., Prl 7 a. . Moo-, Wad., Frl . . . . 9 a. m Mob, Wed., Frl .. 10 a. m. U on.. Wed, Frl . . a. m. Tues, Thura., Bat tons. March beat February with orders for 6,331,001 tons, and April beat March with orders for 9,829,551 tons and the tide is still rising, the flood of wheih seemingly is far in the future. During the month of April the United States Steel corporation delivered from its mills finished products amounting to 51,000 tons daily, and the orders exceed ed the shipment by about 20,000 tons. I believe the United States Steel is the largest private corporation in the world. Its business is enormous and it pays a wag as high as any like concern in our country. Doe any rational man believe that this concern, with hundreds of million of money at it command, needs protection from paupers, the Lord knows whom, located the Lord knowij wberel wny, not even a moiiycouuie M. Burger. 2 The fact that Zensal is made to reach the two distinct types of Eczema should ap peal to all skin sufferers. Tetter, salt rheum and dry eczema should be treated with Dry Zensal. For' weep ing skin use Moist Zensal. 50c a jar at CENTRAL PIIARMACY I OREGON ELECTRIC RA1LWAT CO. KOSTH SOUND Ly. Balem Train No. . Ar. Fortlap 4 :S a. m. a Owl 6 :6S a. m I !l? m. 6 0 :25 a. m. 9:45 a. m 10 Limited ... .11 :S8 a. m. 11:20 a. m. 12 11:35 p.m. 1 :60 p. m 14 4:OOp.m. 4 :00 p. m 16 Limited ... 6 :60 p. m. 6 :i'0 p. m 20 7 :40 p. i. IM p. m. 22 10:00p.m. south bound POBTLAMD TO SlUM Lv. Portland. U :0 a. m. Sulem 8 :8S Eugene 10 :55 a. m. ' 8 :30 a. 0 Limited 10:11a. nv. 10:45 a. U :05 p. 4 :40 p. 6 :06 p. 0 :20 p. 11 :4S p. m. .... 7 0 ..12:56 p.m. . . 4 :15 D. m, 18 Limited 6 :40 p. 17 Local .... 8:10 n. m. 19 .ji :u p. p. , 1:65d. ....21 Owl HOSTS BOUND 20 .. 10 Limited ... ...16 Limited... 22 2 Owl SOUTH BOUND Lv. Car-tall Is 4 :10 p. m. . Lv. Eugene. 7 :5 a. m. . . 1 :r,0 p. m. . 5 :25 p. m. . , 12 :o5 p. m. . . Ar. Sale .6 :30 p. tn. Ar. Bales , :45 a. a 4 :O0 p. m. T :65 p. to. , 4 :S5 a. m. Lv. Balem Ar. Kngea . 6:50 a. bi. ,19:26 p.m. Ar. Albany- 1 :60 a. m 21 Owl 10:15 a. m. Lv. Balem 12:55 p. m. 6 L United ... ... T 1:60 p. tv SUp at Corvalll Ar. AlbaDji 5 :10 p. m. Ar. Albany Lv. Balem. 4 :15 p. m. fll 18 fll 7 .35 a. pi Ar. Bute Lv. Bale 6:45 p. . . 8:50 p. at. CORTALLIS CONrTKCTlON ROBTB BOUNt) Lv. Corvalll 8 :2S a. m. . . 12:12 p. m. . 2:41 p. m. . 4 :10 p. m. . 6:18 p. m. . Ar. Bales :45 a. a 10 14 16 20 22 , ... 1 :45 p.u ... 4 :K) p. m. ... 6 :30 p. m. ... T:6Sp.a) SOUTH BOUND Lv. Balem 10:15 a. a Ar. Corvalll .11 :88 a. r. . 5 :.m p. nv . 2:20 p. sa . 8:00 p.m. 4 :1S p. m. 12 :65 p. m. 6 :40 p. m. . T 13 believes thatt Now these are not war orders, and alt the war orders placed in our eountry lo not amount to five per tent of the total of industrial business. Mr. Lincoln opined it was sot good policy to swap horses when crossing a stream. This prosperity American busi ness enjoy is not a mere stream; it J a resistless torrent. 1 ' i ( STRIKE BROKEN AT BANDON ,' Bandon, Or., July 14. Members ct the local longshoremen's union today are loading tho steamers Elissabeth and Bandon, and are receiving the sumo scale of wages paid to them before tho coast-wide strike was called. Their re turn to work automatically severs their connection with the coast division OA the longshoremen's uuion. '