Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, July 15, 1916, Image 1

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    Ik Mm
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Fighting for Possession ol tellers Was "Hard, Bloody and
Close" No Wall Two Feet High Left Standing-Guns
Swept It Level and Buried Hundreds In Its Cellars Where
They Had Taken Refuge-30,000 Prisoners Taken
Other Losses Are Heavy
Results of First Fortnight's Fighting
Anglo-French troops have captured 25 villages
and reconquered sixty square miles of French ter
ritory. More than 00,000 German prisoners have been
taken. 'v.
German losses are estimated at from 60,000 to
75,000 by allied critics. German critics say allied
losses are "frightful."
British troops have penetrated to the German
third line at one point and are less than seven,
miles from Bapaume, their immediate" objective.
French troops have broken through German
second line trenches and are within one mile of
Peronne, their immediate objective. The greatest
British advance is four miles.
The greatest French advance is nearly six miles.
London, July 15. The Germans at one point have
been forced back to the third line of their defense under
smashing British blows four miles behind their original
front, General Haig reported to the war office this
afternoon.. ' , ,- : , . . " -7
"Alt is well at the iBritish front," said an official, state
ment. "We have pushed our rear from : Fricourt to
Mametz, capturing two thousand prisoners in 24 hours.
The total number of prisoners since the beginning of our
offensive is now 10,000. In addition, we have taken large
quantities of material."
The reference to the advance made by the rear from
Fricourt to Mametz emphasized the gains made by the
British in the fighting yesterday. The first and second
British lines apparently have advanced well beyond
Mametz with the third running through the wood where
desperate fighting occurred.
No important new gains since the issuance of last
night's official statement were claimed nor they were
expected. '
Heavy German counter attacks slow
ed up the momentum of the new Bri
tish advance in desperate fighting on
the Ovillers-I.ongeval front last night.
The British encountered most stub
born resistance after breaking through
the German second lino and were met
by steady machine gun fire in the dis
trict north Of Longueval. Notwithstand
ing this determined opposition, the Bri
tish troops continued to consolidate
llieir positions and brenk down small
German positions in fighting that con
tinued wel Unto the night.
The newly conquered positions, in
gome caBes on the slopes of rolling hills
whose ridges are held by the Germans,
re being made ready for defense
ngftinst even stronger enemy attacks.
The Germans poured a hot artillery
fire upon the southern fringe of the
village of Ovillers throughout yester
day's fighting, after most of the town
Miss Tawney Apple wrote her name
On a egg last November an t'day she
got letter from an actor. Young Lafe
Bud has dropped out o' th' tlks an';
joined a suit club. 1
itself had fallen into British hands.
Correspondents at the British front re
ported that hundreds of bodies lie buried
beneath the ruins of the town.
"The fighting for Ovillcrs has been
hard, bloody and close," said one dis
patch. "Many of our men died to gain
a yard or two of the earthworks. There
have been fights to tho death between
a handful of English or Irish soldiers
I and a dozen or more Germnns, meeting
jench other in the darkness of deep eel
liars quarried out from the chalk sub-
"Ovillcrs is a place of abominable
i ruin. There is not a wall standing two
i feet high or a bit of a wall. The guns
I have swept it flat, but underground
I there are still great cellars quarried out
by the inhabitants and these the Ger
mans are holding out against our at
tacks and bombardments.
I "Heavy shells have opened up some
of them and filled them with dead and
wounded. The ground is pitted with en
ormous shell holes in which the men lie
buried. Ovillers is perhaps more ghnst
lv than anv ruined ground along this
Special dispatches from Taris this af
ternoon reported that the Germans have
retired on the French front, adjoining
the British to the Guillemont-Albert-Comblea
railway. The retreat was made
necessary by the British advance.
Berlin Admits Losses.
Berlin, July 15. "Despite severe
losses the British succeeded in pene
trating our lines between l'ozieres and
Longueval, gaining ground and occupy
ing the Trones wood," said an official
statement issued thin afternoon. '
South of the Homme there was no in
fantry fighting last night. An attempt
by the Russians to cross the Dvhia wa;
repulsed. In the region of Skrobowa,
the Germnns recaptured part of the po
sitions lost July 3, taking 1.511 prison
ers. German Attacks Repulsed.
Paris, July 15. The repulse of minor
German attacks northwest and south
east of Verdun was reported by the war
office today, but no important actions
on the Somrae front were chronicled in
the official Communique.
On the west bauk of the Meuse the
French repulsed a German ercnade at
tack on a trench northeast of Avocourt
- -
(Continued on Page Seven.)
Prosecutor Called To Aid
Brother finds Wife Nearly
Dead on Return
St. Joseph, Mo., Julyl5. Lured from
home by a fake telephone call, Oscar K.
McDaniel, county prosecuting attorney,
returned to find his wife beaten uncon
scious, apparently attacked while she
slept. ,
The murderer fired several shots at
McDaniel. Ho hurried home, fearing a
An insane robber who recently
escaped from the state hospital and who
had written several letters threatening
the lite of the prosecutor is believed by
the police to have killed Mrs. McDan
iel. Two children asloep In an adjoining
room, slept peacefully while their moth
er was fatally beaten.
Shortly before midnight last night
McDaniel was called to the phone and
told to come down town to a saloon
where his brother was in trouble. When
he arrived at the saloon In Lin motor
been there and that no one there had
telephoned him.
Fearing treachery, McDaniel hastened
home o be greeted by bullets, fired
from behind a tree. The attorney re
turned the fire at a man standing in
the darkness. Whether he hit his mark
is unknown.
Bushing into his home McDaniel
found his wife, beaten unconscious,
blood spattered on 4he bed clothiug.
When discovered, her body was taken
to the hospital and the prosecutor col
lapsed. Search of the house revealed
the theft of Mrs. McDaniel 's wedding
ring and other jewelry, indicating that
robbery may- hava been the motive.
Police said there was no evidence of a
struggle. Beneath the woman's pillow
lay her revolver. It had not been
Dr. L E. Axford, of San Fran
" cisco, Missingr-Tele-.
grams Puzzling
Portland, Or., July 15. Detectives
are searching Portland toduy for Dr.
U E. Axford of San Francisco an
optometrist, or for a mysterious Wil
liam Bradford, who is supposed to know
something about Axford 's disappear
ance. ,
A letter just received by the Port
land police from Frank A." Merserenu,
proprietor of the Merserenu apartments,
2205 Mission street, Sun Francisco,
gave the first details. Merserenu de
clared that shortly after the disap
pearance of Dr. Axford, his fiance,
Mrs. A. E. Stone, 82 Bartlett street,
San Francisco, received a telegram
from Portland, signed by a William
Bradford. The message said Dr. Ax
ford was in Portland after having been
rescued from an open boat off the
const, and that he was suffering from
"ill usnge and exposure."
Mrs. Stone answered the message,
according i Mersereau, and received
an answer saving Dr. Axford was do-
I ing well and was receiving good care.
The message said he would return home
in a few days. The messages sent
were found in Portland telegraph of;
fice, but they have no address nor
clue as to tho identity of William
I The first message led detectives to
believe Dr. Axford might have been
shanghaied. Mersereau 's letter said
Axford is 42 years old, a widower, and
boarded with Mrs. Stone. He has a
son, Haymond Axford, and a 14 year
old daughter died several weeks ago in
the east. After his disappearance, said
Mersereau 's letter, Axford 's relatives
feared his mind was unbalanced as a
result of the death of his daughter.
Several men nnincd William Brad
ford have been questioned, but detec
tives have not found the right man.
General Trevino
Looms Up As Leader
El Paso, Texas, July 15. General
Jacinto B. Trevino loomed up today as
the strongest military leader in Chi
huahua state. He refused to obey
orders of First Chief Carranza to make
certain arrests and of War Minister
Obregon to resign as comamnder of the
de facto army in Chihuahua. With
20,000 troops, the bulk of Carranza'
army, loyal personally to Trevino he is
said to have forced a "back down"
and will remain loyal. Efforts to bring
about Trevino 's court martial failed,
as the army would not oppose him
and be threatened to join with Villa.
I General Ignacio Enriquea, appointed
by Obregon to replace Trevino, bas
been recalled. Enriquez proouhly will
be ulared In the cabinet as minister of
public instruction.
Engineer and One Fireman
Badly HurtCarpenter's.
Leg Broken
As Rescue Ship Left Scene
the Big Vessel Drifted a
Hopeless Wreck
Charleston, S. C, July 15. Survivors
of the wreck, of the naval coilier Hec
tor, broken in two off Cape Romaine,
today brought- to Charleston thrilling
stories of the disaster. Captain G. F.
Newell, they said, together with 15 men
of his crew, remained -with his vessel
after the tug Wellington had taken off
102 crew members, and marines. The
16 wore later rescued by 1he lighthouse
tender Cypress.
The Wellington had -to .give up her
rescue work with the captain and others
still on board because of the darkness
and the rough sea. Few of the surviv
ors believed they would again see those
left behind, for the Hector was rapidly
filling through her, hatches.
She was well gone when the Cypress
reached her. i
Lieutenant-Adams, commanding the
50 marines from Port Royal, said the
wind that hit the Hector was blowing
110 miles an hour.
Taken. Off At Daylight ,
Charleston, S. C.f July 13. Wttli the
naval collier Hector-broken m two by'
yesterday's storm aud -abandoned late
last night, n radio message today
brought word to the navy yard that
all on board had been saved.
The crew and the company of ma
rines carried by the Hector, were tak,
sn aboard tho tug Wilmington and the
lighthouse tender Cypress shortly be
fore daylight.
The Hector was abandoned at 12:45
a, m., seven miles northeast of Cape
Romaine. When last seen she wns
total wreck. All who were aboard, in
cluding G. F. Newell, her master, are
proceeding to Charleston aboard the
rescue vessels.
At 2:!0 yesterday afternoon the
Hector first flashed her distress call,
saying she was 14 miles south of
Charleston, with a list of ten degrees
starboard. Twenty minutes later she
sent another 8. O. S. with the cry " be
lieve we are sinking."
The Bteamer Alamo imniediateify
sped to her assistance and wns follow
ed quickly by the tug Vigilant. Cap
tain Hunt of the lntter vessel report
ed, however, that he was unable to got
within three miles of the Hector and
that static conditions prevented her
from communicating with tlie Alamo
by wireless.
Just after the wireless Telling that
the llecor was sinking the collier
flashed to the navy yard: "Crew to
leave. Send help." Anil nothing fnr-
ther was heard until 3:55 when Newell
wirelessed: "Hector aground ten miles
Rniltllliimt fhnrtputnn litrlittilii i TtrAfilf.'
ing in two. Rush help."
Marines and Crew Totaled 122
Ten minutes after the last message,
"Send help at once" was sent, he
Alamo was standing by. Then tho'
wireless failed.
Immediately after the Hector's first
distress cull at Charleston, calls from
the Arlington radio station were heard,
asking any vessel to go to the Hec
tor's assistance.
The Hector had left Port Royal for
Santo Domingo, carrying marine re
cruits for the latter place and Cuba. J
She attempted to put Into port hero
when the storm disabled her, but ac
cording to Captain Hunt, wus unable
to get further thun within nine and
a half miles of the Charleston light-'
ship before nuking. .
The Hector carried n crew of 12 ot
ficers and 50 men and sixty murines.
The Hector was built in 1908, one
of the first of the new tvpe of naval
colliers. She was SH.t.'J feet long, 52.5
brnad and had a draft of 24.5 feet.
The destroyer Terry which was re
ported in distress off here last night,
is waiting outside of the harbor in
tow of the wrecking tug Relief for
a pilot. She will duck this morning.
Tho Terry was being towed from Santo
Domingo, where she run aground sev
eral weeks ago.
Three Were Hurt
Washington, July 15. Three men
were injured, two seriously before the
crew and marines aboard the wrecked
collier Hector abandoned her off
Charleston, a navy department radio
said today. The chief engineer aad
one fireman were seriously injured and
the ship csrpenter's leg was broken.
8. 8 Teacher Now can any little boy
tell me what we need most when we go
1 Voice in class "Bait."
Still Patrolling Creek But
Have Little Hope of Catch
ing Man Eater
Matawan, N. J., July 15. Crowds of
pleasure seekers who would ordinarily
spend their Saturday afternoon at the
beaches, wer.e expected to flock here
today to join in New Jersey's game
of shark hunting, but there was lit
tle hope held out b y seasoned hunters
that the big fish which has killed four
persons within the last fortnight will
now be caught. ,
The funeral of Lester Stillwoll and
Stanley Fisher, the shark's most recent
victims, will be held here this after
noon. At tho same time it is believed
the search for the man eater which at
tacked them, will virtually come to a
halt. -
There have been rumors that a shark
has been seen near Keyport, but for 24
hours there has not been aa authentic
report of the presence of the man killer
in Matawan creek. A railroad engineer
reported sighting the big fish, but this
is doubted. Most of the searchers be
lieve the shark escaped from the creek
soon after killing Stillwell and Fisher.
A patrol of Matawan creek was re
sumed early today by several men
carrying long pikes. It was not ex
pected, however, that further dynamit
ing would be done and today's task
may be one of "watchful waiting."
Captain Edward Craven, aged ex-sea
captain, who has been one of the leaders
in tbe hunt for the shark, gave up com
pletely today. - j
"The creek be damned and the shark
be damned. I think I'll quit," was the
way toe captain sized things up.
Acting Mayor Henderson has offered
a reward of $100 for the capture of the
shark, and a pro-rata reward should
more than one "of the man eaters be
killed. A movement Is on foot to per
suade Governor. Fielder to offer a re
ward on behalf of the state.
In the meantime great interest cen
ters here in tbe steps to be taken by
the government.' It is expected revenue
cutters will soon patrol the Jersey coast.
Alexander Laidlaw Shot by
Special Officer J. F.
Tucnma, Wash., July 15. Shot
through the abdomen by J. F. Dowling,
a special officer employed at the Mil
waukee ocean dock, Alexander I.nidlaw,
a striking longshoreman is dead here
today. The first fatality resulting 'from
the weeks of longshore strike trouble
here came last night as a result of one
of a number of clashes between strik
ers aud sympathizers and strikebreakers
and guards on the water front.
As Dowling is said to have stepped
from a tide flats car at Eleventh and
Pacific avenue in the heart of the busi
ness district, someone struck l.'m across
tne head with a club, lnstnntly he
drew his revolver aud fired, the bullet
piercing I.aidlaw 'a body. I.aidlaw ran
a few steps and then fell in the street.
He died half an hour later at the receiv
ing hospital.
Dowling wns surrounded In a moment
by a clamoring crowd who surged about
him, and he fired a second shot, tho bul
let cutting the sole of one man's shoo
and tearing off the big toe of anoth
er of the men. Dowling bncked against
the wall of a store building aud leveled
his revolver, calling "I demnnd pro
tection." City Detectivo I.loyd Ktn
caid rushed in nnd disarmed Dowling,
a shot being fired as he did so, Dow
ling refusing to give up hiB weapon
until the officer wrenched it from his
hand. Dowling wns kept in a cell at
the city jail over night, with a double
squad of officers on hand to act in case
anything came of a rumor t.at the
strikers planned an attack on the jail.
I.aidlaw wns the second striker to bo
shot here. John Now, shot through the
bowels in the attack of strikers in June
on the Grace steamer Santa Cruz, is re
covering rapidly.
Marblehead Sails
with Naval Militia
Portland, Ore., July 15. With nearly
300 men aboard, the cruiser Marblehead
steamed nut of Portland harbor today
for a .1.000 mile trip to Sitka, Alaska,
and back.
Of those aboard, 55 are regular enlist
ed men in the United States navy. The
remainder are members of the Oregon
naval militia, Including the high school
division and the lawyers' division. Only
17 attorneys could pull themselves away
from their desks to tnko the cruise,
which will Inst two weeks.
The Marblehead goes first to Port
Angeles, Wash., where she will be join
ed by tho California naval militia on
the battleship Oregon and the Wash
ington militia on the cruiser New Or
leans. NextTuesdny the three warships
will steam out of the straits of Juan
de Fuca and go north.
Today Notified Secretary Mc
Adoo Formally of His
Deutschland Nearly Loaded-
Captain Certain He Can
Evade Watchers
Washington, July 15. The state de
partment announced today it considers
the Deutschland a peaceful ship, "in
view oi an tne tacts in tne case."
There will be no formal decision of
Acting Secretary of State Polk.
I'olk notified Secretory of the Treas
ury Mo Adoo formally "of his opinion.
The state department announced that
the decision may not make a precedent
and that arrival of another submarine
liner would be treated as a separate
and independent case.
I he acting secretary today expressed
displeasure at morning news stories pur
porting to relate the findings of the
neutrality board, no said the reports
did the board a great injustice but that
he could not reveal the contents of the
; Will Please Germans.
By Carl W. Ackerman.
(United Press staff correspondent.) .
Berliu, July IS. Berlin is anxiously
awaiting a decision by. the .-American
state department-on-the status of the
submarine Deutschland.. .
A formal finding that the Deutsch
land is a merchantman, in the face of
protests- of allied diplomats, will go a
long way toward convincing OcrmanB
thatAmerica is really trying to be neu
tral. At the same time it would be a
blow to the Von Tirpitz supporters, who
have been urging a disregard for Amer
ican opinions and the resumption of
former submarine policies. '
Ambassador Gerard has received cer
tain confidential information regarding
the Deutschland but he will not discuas
it in any way.
The American consul at Bremen and
Berlin dculed today that they had been
asked by Washington why they had not
reported the Deutschland 's departure.
Such a report was received hore from
London. They said they knew nothing
of the Deutschland 's departure.
Koenlg Not Worried.
Baltimore, Md., July IS. Dowa along
the waterfront today they puffed on
their strong old pipes and wagered the
German woudership Deutschland could
never run tbe allied patrol off the Vir
ginia capes.
BuW at the eastera forwarding dock,
Captnin Koeuig only smiled and kept
his-men busy loading her up.
lie was ec undent of success, lie
did not brag. He's too uiet for that.
But he told friends he would pass the
British or French war dogs safely. Just
how he will accomplish this remarkable
feat he would not say.
Some persons connected with stowing
the Deutschlund's valuable cargo said
she would dasli out tonight. This seem
ed improbnble, though she may finish
loading by night. Everything points to
a get away before Tuesday.
Close Inspection is given gift pack
ages for the crew, lest these contin in
fernal machines.
Market Very Tame
Prices Fluctuated Little
New York, July 15. The New York
Evening Sun's financial review today
As is usually the on so in the tsliort
Saturday session of the stock market in
mid-summer, the market today was very
tame as well as highly professional.
Although prices for the most part con
tinued the upward movement of the last
hour of Friday's session, the changes
were narrow and lacked any suggestion
of vigor or disclosed more than the most
perfunctory interest. There was little
in the news developments over night
of market-wise influence, although little
there were numerous items from both
foreign nnd domestic sources, which
tended to impart cheer, notably the
continued success of the allies on all
fronts, peace discussion progress toward
an understanding in our Mexican rela
tions, and so on. United States Steel
and most of the standard industrials
held closely at the closing prices and
there was distinct firmness in the motor
and metal issues. Munitions specialties
were inclined to be somewhat unsettled
but the movements were narrow and the
net results . in the early session was
scarcely changed.
Thero was very little change in the
later trnding which became even quick
er thnn before.
Stranger Is the cashier int
Manager No.
Stranger Oone for a restt
Manager No; gone to avoid arrest.
New York Salesmen Reach
Rome from Berlin, Make
Strict Watch for Spies and
Any Wanting to Co To
Turkey Suspected
By John H. Hearley.
(United Press staff correspondent.)
Borne, July 15. Germans are wor
rying now over the possibility that
Turkey may desert the central power
while they are under attack on all
sides and sue for peace, according to
two New York salcsmon who arrived
here today from Berlin.
I he two New Yorkers did not nrofess
to have any information from German
sources, but detailed the discussion
heard in German restaurants and gath
ering places. They asked that their
names rje wnnneid uecause tbey hava .
business interests in Germany.
nevorai Americans who desired to ro -
to Turkey on business, have been de-.
tamed in Berlin for three weeks.
while their credentials are closely scru
tinized, the two Americans said. Tbey
reported tnat the Balkan express was
devoted almost exclusively to carrying.
military, and that all civilians who
asked permission to go to Turkey wera
viewed with suspicion. 'V .-
inc. Herman authorities hava im
posed more drastic regulations to curb
spies, they said. On entering Germany,
they were forced to strip aud submit
to an examination with lemon, juice to,
prove that messages were not written
on their skin in invisible ink. The pop
ular belief in Berlin is that the spy.
regulations have something to do with
preparations ior anoiner Dig naval Daf
tle, possibly late in July or August.
The New Yorkers snid that the "man
in the street" with whom they talked
in Berlin, has come to realize that Ger
many can achieve no final victory and
...mi i. ...:. C ' I . L .. . L
win u BuiiBiii-a wiin pvttcv mat .
brings a draw. There is much dissatis
faction over the food situation, they
said, and the cliie'i complaint being tnat
tho rich are suffering less from the food
snortago than the poorer class. In the
evening wealthy Berliners crowd " the
first class hotels for a substantial meal.
Dinner in the averuge Berlin hotel
costs about (2 and breakfast and lunch
eon about (1.25 the Americans said, but
sums of the articles on the menu card
run very high. Even in moderate priced
hotels a peach, for instanco, costs 35
cents, they reported.
Though the fields are full of cat
tle, tho authorities are urging that fish
be eaten in ordor to preserve tho meat
supply against the possibility of a long
war. Potatoes and vegetables, they said,
are being planted in every vacant spot,
even in the public parks and along ths
ruilroad tracks.
There has been no diminution of th
anti-American feeling, they report.
Even employes of the hotel at which
they aro stopping constantly said that
Germany would have won the war
mouths ago if it had not been for Amer
ican munitions.
The Americans snid that one peace
demonstration occurred at Karlsruhe
while they were in Berlin.
New York, July 15. The
number of new cases of infan-
tile paralysis showed a falling
off, in a report issued by the
hcnlth commissioner's office to-
During the past 24 hours only
144 cases have been reported,
compared with 102 for the prev-
ious 24 hours. The number of
deaths reported today wore 27,
as compared with 31 deaths re-
ported yesterday.
The cool weather of the last .
48 hours has aided iu the fight 4c
on the disease.
Ulli nwialUdl
Oregon: To
night aad Bun
day occasional
rain; southerly