Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, July 14, 1916, Image 4

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    Editorial Page of "The Capital Journal"
Julv 14. 191(1.
Editor and Manager.
Capital Journal Ptg. Co., Inc.
President Vice-President
Sec. und Trens.
Daily by earner, per year
Daily by mail, per year
... 3.00
Per month
Per month
New York, TVard-Lewis-Willinms Special Agency, Tribune Building
Chicago, V. II. Stockwel 1, People ' Gag Building.
The Capital Journal carrier boys are instructed to put the rape on the
Borah. If the carrier does not do this, misses you, or Lcgleets getting the
naner to vou on time, kiudlv phuno the circulation manager, as this is Hie only
war we can determine whether or not the carrier are following instructions
Phono Main 81 before 7:30 o'clock and a paper will be sent you by spec.al
messenger if the carrier has missed you.
The sharks of the ocean have done what those of the
beach resorts have never accomplished, driven the
patrons away bj bad treatment. Not only have the
patrons of the beach resorts quit them but with the cause
of their quitting removed it will be a long time before
the surf will seem so alluring..as it has heretofore done.
While a fleet of boats is engaged in fishing for them it
is announced that there is a genuine school of man eaters
and numbers of them are seen daily. The first idea was
that there was only one of the maneating fishes, but this
it seems was wrong, and there is enough to make bathers
who have a decent regard for the shapely limbs they
show on the beaches, keep them at a safe distance from
the water.
Who is the boss? The legislature passes a law, which
by its passing it declares constitutional, but some one
takes the matter before the courts, and the judicial
branch of government says it is unconstitutional. By
what authority does it override the legislature? The
people themselves by the initiative or referendum pass
a law. The judicial branch of government tells them it
is unconstitutional and they had no' right to make such a
law. Who is the boss? The congress of the United States
many years ago in order to assist in providing railroad
communication between California and Oregon granted
certain lands under stated conditions to the Oregon and
California railroad company. The road was built, or
partly so, and the grant along with the road turned over
to the Southern Pacific, which completed it and thus be
came entitled to the benefits of the grant. So far there
is no dispute as to the grant. .
Congress, however, in order to facilitate the settling
of the granted lands provided in the granting act that
the grantee should sell them in quantities of not to exceed
160 acres to one person and at a price not exceeding $2.o0
per acre. The Southern Pacific accepted the conditions
when it put itself in the place of the-original grantee. It
however refused to comply with the terms under which
the lands were given it, and refused to sell them to actual
-.1.1.1 .,.Nt,.!-,iT fn rii'rrVincp Tt v olated the terms un-
ffSnCTt&Va zoning (hem in violate
of the granting act in quantities greater man u..
It further violated the terms of the grant refusing to sell
the lands to those applying. Qmirlim.n Pi
When it was undertaken to compel the Southern 1 a
cific to comply with the terms of the grant, it at once
appeals to the judicial branch of the government which
has always hovered the rich and powerful as does a hen
hG TteCraUroad'8 faith in the motherly protection of the
iud c ary was not misplaced. The lower court, the pullet
Ju . i ia A, ,.;i..Anl Vifi, not comu bed with
SeteffiTJf theg ntnd dedared it forfeited. The
roads a? oSce appealed to the older ns conipnsing h
United States supreme court, and their iaith v as
abundantly rewarded. That wise bunch, of .whom by the
Zr Mr. Hughes was one, made the most asinine decision
ever handed down by any court in Christendom. It stul
tified itself, usurped the powers of congress and insulted
the intelligence of the people, but it novereu us cnu,
the Southern Pacific railroad all right. -
ThTbevvigged and befogged justices solemnly - he d
that under the granting act the railroad was compelled to
the lands at not to exceed $20 per. ac re and in quan
tities not to exceed 100 acres. Then it added that as
congress 1 ad not fixed a time within which the lands
Sulci be sold that the railroad need not sell them until
it was ready. In other words that it need not sell them
On top of this it tells congress that it will give it so
long a i. e in which to straighten the matter out to the
Stof action of the roads or it would get in and straighten
it out itself. Who is the boss? ,
Then congress arranges to take the lands back, and
place them af the disposal of those who wou d se U .upon
and use them. It provides for paying the lailioacl as
much as it could have sold the lands for under the terms
of "the grin "bu the Southern Pacific is not satisfied with
2i but has again sought the protecting wings of the
supreme court of the United States. It sets up that the
acts of congress in asserting ownership of the land., is
"Tasks tS turt to tell congress that it can not deal
with the road and conduct the people's business? U ho t
tne noss i .... i k nnr
The executive, legislative ana juaiciai "
government are supposed to be co-ordinate, h j j hat
authority does the judicial branch assume to die t ate to
the others? Why, where and when was it made the su
preme dictator over an otherwise reasonably free people?
Who is the boss ?
LADD & BUSH, Bankers
Established 18G3
CAPITAL - - - -
Governor Sees Things Backache?
In Eastern Oregon Tired ?
Run Down ?
Clean the Kidneys
In Portland yesterday a woman pleaded with Judge
Langguth to be permitted to serve out the sentence of her
husband, who was convicted of violating the prohibition
law. Moved by her pleading the jail sentence was cut out
and a fine of $50 substituted. It would seem from this
that prohibition as well as booze takes the money that
should go toward the support of the family, away from
it. Would it not have been better if the law must vindi
cated to grant the woman's plea? If the knowledge that
his wife was in jail serving his sentence would not break
the man of drinking nothing would. The state taking his
money will not cure him. May be the state needs the
Tt. is stated that the next move of the United States
in the war game will be the demand made on England by
Lansing that English interference and supervision of
American trade cease. Secretary Lansing cannot make
the demand too strong, nor can he make it too quick.
England has been getting more and more arrogant for
the past year, and now she imagines she owns the oceans.
It is time she be disabused of this idea and made to under
stand that if she interferes with American mails and
neutral shipping as she has been doing that there will be
something doing and doing suddenly.
The Germans now promise a freight airship that will
cross the Atlantic, but this is probably only a dig at John
ny Bull. The undersea boat seems to have solved the
problem of dodging the blockade so much better than the
airship route would permit, that the latter is not likely
to come into competition with it. Besides the allies have
plenty of airships too, that would make freighting
through the atmosphere extremely dangerous.
The British admiralty is still busy sinking ships in
the battle on the North sea. If the English had done half
as well at the time, and been as destructive at sea as in
the office in London, there would have been little left of
the German fleet. The Admiralty department keeps on
sinking dreadnaughts every day or two in that fight un
til she has about the whole German navy sunn or cnaseu
off the earth.
Resources that if developed would be
worth millions were seen on the trip
of the state officials through Harney
couuty, declared Governor YVithyeombe
on his return to Salem today. The gov
ernor, Attorney (Jeneral Brown and
Percy Cupper, assistant to the state
engineer, are back in the city; State
Treasurer Kay, Secretary Olc.ott and
Engineer Lewis remained in Bend to in
spect the Tunialo irrigation project.
On Buzzard, Rawhide, Wagon Tire
and Sucker creeks, tlie governor stated,
are deposits of various nitrates of al
most incalculable value. Ntrtite of"
potaub, widely used in the manufacture
of explosives and one of the most im
portant fertilizers know n, exists in huge
"Whole mountains of nitrates are vis
ible," said the governor. "Nitrates are
worth from $100 to ifSui) a ton so that a
gigantic industry could be maintained
with the deposits along these creeks in
the canyons."
The official party nlso visited Itnl
heur hike which it has been proposed at
various times to drain. It is estimated
that .15,00(1 acres of splendid farming
land could be reclaimed by letting the
water out of the marshes. In this case
the water could be diverted into Harney
There is some dispute as to whether
the matter would come within the juris
diction of the stale or the federal gov
ernment. A way that lias been suggest
ed to settle all claims to the land would
be for the state to go ahead and drain
the lake and then, if the federal au
thorities saw fit, they could start action
to establish title.
With Hot Water and "Anuric"
When run-down after a liard winter
when life indoors has brought about
a stagnaut condition in the circulation
most everyone is filled with uric
acid especially is this so of people
past middle age. This uric acid in the
Mood often causes rheumutism, lumba
go, swelling of innds and feet, or a
bag-like condition under the eyes.
Backache, frequent urination or the
pains and stiffness of the joints are
also often noticed. Dr. Tierce says that
everyone should have a good sweat
every day should drink plenty of pure
water and exorcise in th opn air as
much as possibl. This helps to throw
out the poisonous uric acid thru the
skin .ind the "water'. But for such
persons as are past middle age it 's
often impossible to do this and lime
salts are deposited in the arteries, veins
ami joints, causing all kinds of dis
tressing conditions. An antidote for
'this uric acid poison is to take hot)
water before meals and "Anuric. "
I Ask your druggist for Doctor Pierce 'i
Anuric, or end Doctor l'iercc's Inva
1 lids' Hotel and Surgical Institute in
I But' t'llo, X. V., a dollar bill for a full
: treatment, or ten cents for a trial
1 package.
; "Anuric" is a recent scientific dis
covery by Dr. Pierce. "Anuric"
'drives the Uric acid out of your body.
It is a uric acid solvent so effective
I that it eliminates these posions, cleans
es the system, allows your over-worked
, kidneys to resume their normal func
tions," nnd just a few days' treatment
with "Anuric" will convince yon be-
, cause it brings lasting relief to your
piinful, aching rheumatic joints no
more backache or dizzy spells. Try it
'now and be convinced!
Portland, Ore., July 14. Fathers of
boys under Is years old who enlisted in
the machine gnu corps of the Third Ore
gun infantry, will meet tonight to de
vise a scheme to get their sous away
from the Mexican border. The moth
ers held their indignation meeting two
weeks ago. The purpose of the fath
ers' meeting is to get the boys out of
the militia before the fall term of
school starts. Most of the youths con
cerned were students in the Jefferson
high school.
were found in the Wassernian apart
ments. "This is the only solution; protect
my motiier," YVnsseininn wrote in a
note found beside his body. He had
chloformcd the baby, smashed his
wife's skujl and cut his own throat
with a razor.
Transact a General Banking Business
Safety Deposit Boxes
The hot wave in the east and middle west has been
temporarily broken by heavy rains. While the end of the
cooking spell is not reached the rains gave relief, short
ened the duration of the torridity and better than all
else were the salvation ot crops that were on tne verge 01
burning up.
Roosevelt has concluded to drop the raising of a
ild be commander, to take part
in the Mexican war. Maybe he has a hunch that there is
likely to be war after all.
Maybe those sharks that are feeding on the bathers
of the eastern beaches are simply the latest evolution of
the Wall Street broker just a submarine type..
The auto fills a long-felt want, fpr it enables us to j
jaunt far from the city streets, and we can breathe the
country air, and hear the toil-worn farmer swear, and
watch him husking beets. Before the auto
made its bow, we seldom looked upon a cow, i
or saw a setting hen; and all we knew of
babbling brooks, and sylvan dells, we
learned from books, writ by some weary
pen. The country seemed so far away!
And when we'd toiled, the long, sad day,
we could not journey there; we stifled in
our dismal rooms, amid the city's smells
and fumes, and longed for country air. The
auto's brought the country near; and from
mif foreheads disappear the furrow and
the frown; and we can take our wilting wives, and put
some sunshine in their lives, by jogging out of town. Oh,
. 1- 4-1. ,,.,n i.nlrtci nn,l eaa thn rxitfla ViOr f" Vl Al V
i ve Call seerk uic uuui vaico, mivi Mi vukhv " "t v..-.-
tails, and hear the roosters crow; and we can cinnK tne
country breeze, and wind our car around the ti-ees, and
j chortle as we go. The auto is a boon to men; it's making
! old gents young again, it keeps us all enthused; it makes
i each day a holiday, it drives the cares of life away
when it is sanely used.
The purchase of a large interest in
the Buffum & Pendleton store .111
Morrison street, liv Wiulhrop Ham
mond, has been followed by reorgani
zation o'' the company which has just
been completed.
I nder the new management -Mr.'
Pendleton retnincs the presidency nnd
Mr. llummoinl becomes vice president.
Both will give their active attention to
the business. j
Since the retirement of Mr. Buffum:
a year ago Mr. Pendleton has directed
the business alone. The new board
of directors include Mr. Pendleton, Mr. j
Hammond, his son, J. V. Hammond,
and ,1. M. Pendleton. I
Mr. Hammond occupies n high place:
in merchandising circles, both in Ore-i
gon nnd in the New Kndland states.j
where he formerly resided. Prior to
coming to Oregon, six years ago. in;
search of health, he operated several
stores in Massachusetts, including one;
at Wodburu. Mass.. which had been es
tablished by his father in 1S.11. j
Mr. Hammond still retains an inter-;
est in the store which is in a flourish-;
inir condition. He has operated several
i stores in Portland and other Oregon
cities, including the "Toggery" at Sa-J
1 1cm, which he owned for two years. He:
is also president ot the Hammond
Mortgage company. I
liutl'um & Pendleton's is one of
Portland pioneer stor"". It was estab
lished Hi years ago. and for the last V'
years has occupied its present location
on Morrison street. Portlnnd Journal
m .
Acetylene Explosion
Kills One, Hurts Two
San Francisco, July 11. One man
was killed, one probably fatally injured
and two others badly hurt this after
noon when an acetylene tank exploded
at tlie California Artistic .Metal and
Wire works here.
Samuel Oreenberg. workman, aged
25, was blown to bits.
i:nl.....l u-.trL-mfiit i flf tlie
i Central Emergency hospital believed to
T ., l- .t- .
be near ue-ntu. a great noie was iui
in his body.
Two other men nr in the hospital.
The roof of the shop was wrecked and
the interior demolished.
Oregon City. Ore.. July 14. One is
dead and two' severely injured today as
the result of un uutoinobile accident
near the Oludstone clinutauquu late lust
night. "
-Mrs. Eva Myers, of Portland, was
thrown into a barbed wire fence nnd
strangled to death w hen the autonio-,
bile driven by Mrs. F. W. Orpin over
turned. Mrs. W. O. Kent was bndly ;
cut over the eyes in striking the fence I
nnd Edward Wells, aged four, was!
bruised. Three others in the machine j
were unhurt. i
Chicago, July 14. Theodore Wasser
nian, aged 4li, a cement contractor,
killed his wife, his twenty months old
babv and himself todnv. Their bodies
San Francisco, July 14. A utage
favorite of the San Francisco of tlie
early days is dying at a local hospital
friendless and penniless.
Siie is Mis. Nancy A. Shaw, who,
as Nancy De Nure delighted tbeatrB
guers of the days of Mark Twain and
Bret Unite. She is S7 years old and
has been an object of charity for sev
eral years, after having lost her for
tune in an effort to restore her health.
Newport Excursion
Salem Street Car Employes
and Band
Special Train ; , ; ,
Leave Salem 6::)0 A. M.
Leave Albany 7:..0 A. M.
Arrive Newpoit 12:15 P. M.
Leave Newport 6:H0 P. M.
Leave Albany 10:55 P. M.
Arrive Salem 11:49 P. M.
Lots of music A big time is assured.
Secure Tickets from street car employees or at
S. P. Station.
John M. Scott, General Passenger Agent,
Portland, Oregon
If Too Fat Get
More Fresh Air j
B Moderate In Your Diet Anil
Eeduce Your Weight. Take
Oil of Korein.
Lack of frash air it is said weakens:
the oxygen carrying power of the blood,,
the liver becomes sluggish, fat Jtceumu-j
lates and the action of many of the
vital organs are hindered thereby. The;
heart action becomes weak, work is an
effort and the beauty of the figure is;
destroved. '
Fat put on by imloor life is unhealthy
And if nature 'is not assisted in throw
ing it off a serious case of obesity may
When yon feel that you are getting
too stout", take the matter in hand at
once. Don't wait until your figure has
become a joke and your health ruined
through carrying a roundel burdeu of.
unsightly and uuhealthy fat. I
Spend as much time ae you possibly!
can in the open; breathe deeply, and'
got from Central Pharmacy or any
drupgist a box of oil of korein
capsules; take one after eaeh meal and!
one before retiring at night. I
Weigh yourself every few days and.
keep up tho treatment uatil you are
down to normal. Oil of korein is ab
solutelv harmless, is pleasant to take,)
helps the digestion ami even a few dayjj
treatment has been reported to show a.
noticeibl reduction in weight.
The Nation's
Butter Nut
Tkere Is No Better
Always WatclV This Ad Changes Often
Strictly correct weight, square deal and highest price for all klada ol
junk, metal, rubber, bide and fur. I pay 2e per pound for old raft,
Big stock of all aisee aeeoad ban! incubators. All kinds errtiti T
iron for both roofs and buildings. Hoofing paper and second fcaad
H. Steinback Junk Co.
The House of Halt a Million Barfalai. 1
(08 Korth Commercial St Fiona BM I