Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, July 14, 1916, Image 1

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Ollkri ll ifirtr Him WSWlffrrfl dWwtrtrf
Deliver Sm? c'g Blow
Mile Struck W s J Opponents Had Assembled Strong
est Force Greatest Battle Since Allies Offensive Began
Is Being Fought FreiuA Also Advance Their Lines
Adjoining British
By Ed L. Keen,
(United Press Staff Correspondent.)
London, July 14. British troops broke the German
line on a four mile front at dawn today with a smashing
blow that swept the British lines into the villages of
Longueval and Bazentin-le-grand, and cleared the Trones
wood, an advance of more than a mile.
- The gain is the greatest scored for the Anglo-French
offensive since the opening of the great assault thirteen
days ago.
"At dawn we attacked the enemy's second system of
defense," said an official bulletin from Genenal Haig,
given out at 11 a. m. "We broke in hostile positions on
a four mile front, capturing several strongly defended
localities. Heavy fighting continues."
1 Special dispatches from press headquarters at the
front announced the capture of , Longval, Basentin-le-grand
and the clearing of the Trones wood in the early
hours of the fighting. The blow was struck at the very
sector of the battle front where the Germans had as
sembled their heaviest bodies of reinforcements. The
early bulletins, though very meager, indicated that one
of the greatest battles of the allied offensive is being
waged in the wooded region northeast of Albert.
The British advance apparently was in the direction
of Martinpuch heights and the plateau dominating the
road leading to Bapaume, the immediate objective of the
British attack.
The village of Longueval lies at the intersection of the
Bapaume-Bray and Albert-Combles highways and not
seven miles southwest of Bapaume. Bazentin-le-grand
lies immediately east of Contalmaison, whose capture by
the British was admitted at Berlin yesterday, and slight
ly northwest of Trones wood.
The French left wing pushed for
ward at the same time, according to an
imoff icial report from Paris, straighten
ing the French lines between Harde
court and Ouillemont and threatening
the village of Maurepas.
A dispatch filed at Paris at midnight
reported that the British had pushed
through the Mammetz wood where des
perate fighting has been going on to
the Longueval road and were but SOU
yards from the village. The remaining
distance was covered with a rush when
the offensive was resumed at daybreak.
The German position at Pozieres on
the Bapaume highway has been rend
ered extremely critical by the British
advance, Paris reported.
Great Batttle Raging.
Berlin. July 14. A great battle has
boon going on for more than 13 hours
in the region east of Contalmaison,
where the British resumed heavy at
tacks last night, it wns officially an
nounced this afternoon.
Tho nini tnmn nf the British nttnek
was delivered on the sector of the Mam
wets wood ond near I.angweval village.
The British also resumed their attempts
to capture Trones wood and have suf
fered losses. New attacks were con
tinuing when the last dispatches were
received at the war office.
The fighting is extremely violent on
both sides of the Somme. In the region
of Burloux and west of Estrces, new
Ther's never any false bottom in a
j.eck o trouble. Takes a general t
git along with a well-off wife.
and Advance More Than a
French attacks broko down without
training any Ground.
On the Verdun front, east of the
Meuse, French attempts to recapture
.....! ,abA. 1 v . .l,n flnvmaii. nam
V. . . J .1.. T 1. '
jrort ouviue ana rue j.nuie worn nrir
Making More Gains.
London, July 14. (0 p. m.) British
troops are continuing the advance in
their new drive north of the Somme and
have captured the village of Bazentin-Le-Pctit,
northeast of Longueval, ac
cording to special dispatches from head
quarters this afternoon.
. Practically all the village o'f Ovillers,
Ion the British right, is now in British
hands and furious fighting is going on
in the outskirts. Many prisoners have
been taken including a German regi
mental commander.
Bazentin-Le-Petit lies a mile north of
Bnzentin-I.e-(irand, whose capture was
unofficially reported this morning and
less than a mile from the Martinpuch
I (Continued on Page Fire.)
Russians of All
Together and
"Here We
By William Philip Simms. i
(United Press staff correspondent.) i
l'etrogrnd, June 15. (By mail.) I
City men and farmers, the landed gen-'
try and villagers are today a solid block
in Russia and, under the name of "The!
I Central Committee' are working might
and main to support the army and the
, c untry generally.
The organization composed of landed
' gentry, peasants and village property
owners is called the All-Russian Zem
stvo Union. I told of this in the Cap
ital Journal of Wednesday.
I But the towns and cities of Russia
have also organized themselves into a
volunteer, salarylcss citizens' group to
assist the government wage war, their
nnme being the All-Russian' Municipal
ity Union. And it is this group which,
with the All-Russian Zemstvo Union,
completes the Central Committee.
The Central Committee, whose mem
bers serve absolutely without pay, sits
Sundays and week-days in Petrograd,
acting as a eo-ordinnting body, central
izing the work of the citizens of the
whole empire.
So far as I can find out this commit
tee and these two great All-Russian
unions combined in it, have no counter
part anywhere in Europe or in the
J In France the people are heart and
Kansas City, Mo., July 14.
Mere mail seut up a howl today
when it was learned the park
board had designated Prospect
Park as a park exclusively for
women. Appeals from various
women's organizations for a
place where women and girla
could go alone without being
bothered by mashers, resulted in
the opening of the Adoniless
park. The Y. W. C. A. furnish-
ed a supervisor.
3fC 5C 3C sfc 3fc 5C 3C 3)4 3fC 3fC
Would Have Three From Each
Country Arrange Plan for
Protecting Border
Washington, July 14. A commission
of six men, three from each country,
will be proposed by General Carranza
ns an investigating body to study and
settle controversies between the Nnit
ed States and Mexico, it was learned
here today. The proposal will be sub
mitted to the state department within
two or three days. N-
The commissioners will be directed
to work out a complete series of re
medial steps probably involving the
patrolling of tie border by troops of
the two countries. They would have
inquisitorial powers and would be ex
pected to search out the causes of the
differences between the people on the
two sides of the boundary line.
They would be expected to make a
report, with testimony by Americans
and Mexicans as to the indents lead
ing to the border raid that precipitat
ed the punitive expedition into Mexico.
Neither Ambassador Arredondo or
Ambassador Fletcher would beon tile
commission nor would any officer of
the state department or the foreign ot-i
t'ice.. Mexican members. however,!
would be affiliated with the do facto
administration, though not in the dip
lomatic department. Negotiations
would start at some point on the bor
der, probably El Paso or San Antonio
in order that Mexicans and United
States military authorities might give
the commission their ielji.
Later the commission would come
north to some sumer resort Asbury
Park or Atlantic City being favorably
Plan Pleases Wilson.
By Robert J. Bender.
(United Press staff correspondent.)
Washington, July 14. Acting Secre
tary of State Tolk today submitted to
President Wilson and the cabinet Car
ranza 's suggestion for appointment of
a commission of three meu from each
nation to settle tho Mexican prob
lem. It became known also that President
Wilson heartily approves the plans. He
was expected to put his formal O. K.
on it early this afternoon before leav
ing on the yacht Mayflower for a week
end trip down the Putomne.
San Antonio, Texas, July 14. The
first clash between militia and Mexican
bandits was renortcd to General Fun-
ston this afternoon. He was informed
that Company C. Second Texas infantry,
fired on six Mexicans who crossed the
lino near Donna, Texas, this morning.
Tho band was driven bnck across the
Rio Grande after several shots were ex
Classes Get
Say to Czar,
Are. Use Us"
soul with the government in their deter
mination to fight the war to victory
cost what it mav. In that country all
sorts of organizations abound, provid
ing hospituls, ambulances, refugees
homes, feeding stations and the like.
There is no end to their labors. But the
government feeds, clothes anil equips its
army through commissions who (leal
with industrial corporations principal
ly, if not entirely.
All Classes Are Together.
In England-It is the same, Lloyd
George, upon assuming the post of min
ister of munitions chose as his battle-cry
the mobilization of industry, which
meant that the industrial plants of the
land should be organized to produce
munitions and other needfuls for the
British army.
In Russia the difference is vast. Rus
sia is an agricultural nation, manufac
turing corporations ore few compared
to England's vast enterprises, or to
those of France or Germany. Russia is
SO per cent peasant.
So the peasants get together with
land-owners and villagers, forming the
All-Russian Zemstvo Union. Ami the
towns-people and city dwellers get to
gether in the All-Russian Municipality
Union, the two getting together in a
(Continued on Page Oevon.)
Many Terrible Gashes on Body
and Flesh Stripped
From Legs
Three Thought Imprisoned In
Creek by Netting May Be
Killed Today
Matawan, N. J July 14. Terribly
mangled, the body of Lester , Stillwell,
victim of the man eating shark was re
covered from the waters of Matawan
creek early today. Great jagged wounds
in tho abdomen and breast showed
where the shark 's teeto had closed over
tho 12 year old boy's body.
Harry Van Clies, an engineer on the
Jersey Central railroad, and William B.
Clayton, Jr., who had been patrolling
the bank of the creek, saw the body rise
to the surface- not more than 300 feet
from where Stillwell was attacked Wed
nesday, at 5j30 a. m, today. They pulled
the body ashore and summoned the
county physician. Later it wns re
moved to a local undertaking establish
ment. A complete autopsy will be per
formed today. Meanwhile physicians
who examined the boy's torn remains
said the left side of the abdomen had
been ripped open and the flesh torn
from the right breast. The face showed
no contusions.
The United Press staff correspondent
was later permitted to view t tut boy's
body. The right and left breasts had
heon terriHv- - torn vAcodTently the
shark had bitten at -h flesh several
times. Another gaping hole was torn
in the boy's abdomen. The flesh from
the calf of one leg was missing from
the bones. Shark experts, to wnom
these wounds were described, 'snid it
was apparent the man killer had made
sevornl "strikes" at the body and prob
ably each wound represented a separate
It was the theory the shark must
have been about 12 or 15 feet in length,
and the location of the terriblo wounds
shows, they believe, that the fish seized
the boy across tho middle of the body,
rather than striking at his feet and legs,
All other cases of attack by sharks so
far reported have shown that tho man
eaters have struck for the legs of their
An Army After Them.
News of the recovery of littlo Lester
Stillwell 'a body aroused all residents
of this section to redoubled etiortB io
capture the man eater.
Searchers after sharks In waters ad
incent to this hnmlet numbered huu
dreds today. There were professionals
and nmnteurs; fishermen and just curl
oua visitors: sportsmen and scientists
the latter seeking positive uproof of
shark attacks, since science does not yet
recognize that a fish will attack a man
Every sort of a trap and weapon was
in use rifles, saluting cannons, pistols,
shotguns, harpoons, pitchforks, nets, big
hooks, littlo hooks, traps baited witu
pork and beef.
The mouth of Mntnwnn creek is how
coinnletelv netted. Volunteers nlso
worked today to put in a plunk screen
to back up this net and prevent escape
of the three sharks which hove been
seen in the upper reaches of the creek.
The tide begins to go out about noon
and when it reaches its lowest ebb the
hunters think the creek will be so shul
low that tho sharks can easily be locat
ed and dispatched.
Fishermen ol'f Atlantic Highlands,
N. J., today caught an eight foot shark
weighing about 2"0 pounds tiie third
ocean monster to be killed in the pns'J
two days. The fish was brought to1
the surface in a fish net and dispatched.
It was a "blue nose." In the fish's
stomach, it was said, were found the
carcasses of half a dozen smaller
All the searchers after the man kill
ers were mightily surprised to learn
how yesterday the New Vork office of
two press associations captured the
shark and. after opening him up dis
covered remains of a hubnn body. The
! first word the workers here got on the
I rumor was from New York. Mntawnn
and the surrounding country is in dead
ly earnest in this shark hunt and
doesn't relish wild rumors so there was
considerable indignation expressed to
day over the author of yesterday's
Coast Guard to Help '
Washington, July 14. Secretary Me
Adoo today ordered instructions sent
to all coast guard and life saving sta
tions to cooerate in every way with
local officials in minimizing the man
eating shark menace along the New
Vork and New Jersey coasts.
This makes two departments of the
federal government who today ore at
tempting to end the shark danger to
bathers, the bureau of fisheries of the
department have decided to investi
gate the situation. -
Bureau officials said todny thotv
Washington, July 14. Fol-
lowing the report today of the
neutrality board, which invest-
ignted he status of the subma-
rine Deutschland, Acting Sec-
retary of State Polk said he did
not expect it would be neces-
sary for his .department to
make a formal decision in the
matter. This means, it is un-
desstood, that he Deutschland
will be considered a merchant-
man and allowed to clear.
5(C 3C 3(C )c )c sc 3fC 3(C Sfc 3C 3C
Hasty Examination Passed
Many Weaklings Who
Give Out On Hike
By Webb C. Miller,
(United Press Staff Correspondent.)
Columbus, N. M. July 14. Because
of hasty physical examination before
leaving Massachusetts, the border
militiamen stationed here may have to
undergo a more severe medical test.
The prospects are that this would; de
plete the ranks. Precautions are neces
sary to weed out weaklings, who be
come pensioners if disabled. '
Several militiamen aliected by tne
heat during hikes dropped in their
tracks and were brought back to camp
in automobiles. Their condition is not
serious. Humidity from the recent
rain and a temperature of 98 made the
weather oppressive.
Plans are being mnde for a long stay
by the national guardsmen. Wooden
flooring is being constructed in . the
tents and the men are building minia
ture adobe walls around tneir tents to
keep out water from heavy rains. A
higher and drier camp is being pre
pared for the militia. Six hundred
more guardsmen are expected Saturday.
Following the rains swarms of sand
flies nave appeared to make life mis
erable, for incautious militiaman who
shows a light in his tent at night. "
A bitter protest has gone up from
New Mexico militia recruits over the
quartermaster general's order that men
who enlisted after state mobilization
were not entitled to pay until mustered
into federal service and if rejected
lose their time and money spent await
ing the physical examination. United
States Senator A. B. Fall mnde a visit
to the base camp here to Investigate
the effects of the order, witn a view
tn takintt un the matter with Washing
ton On man came, from Kansas City
waited a month for examination and
was rejected. He lost his position and
borrowed money to return.
" National.
R. H. E.
New Vork 3 1 1
Cincinnati " "
Benton and Rariden; Schneider and
Wingo. (10 innings).
R. II. E.
Boston 0
Pittsburg 0 0 1
Ragnn and dowdy; llnrmon, Adums,
Cooper and Wilson.
R. H. E.
Chicago " 12 J
Philadelphia 3 " 1
Rixey, Mayer and Killiferj Premier
gast and Archer.
First game: H. B. E.
Detroit 0 1
New Vork 2 1 2
Mitchell ond Baker; Cullop nnd Wal
ters. (12 innings).
R. II. E.
Cleveland 3 1 2
Washington 4 12 1
Becbe, Gould and Dnley; Ayer, Gal
lia and Henry.
Chicago-rhiladelphio, postponed, wet
New York, July 14. "Home-
run" Baker, Yankees' third
baseman, was knocked uncon-
scions wheu ho collided with the
stand in chasing a foul fly from
.i. run.rta Ttitrna' ttnt In the second-
game of the Detroit-New York
double Header mis niieriioon, w
O. Tl,A nAtnn wa held lin While fcG
physicians examined Baker's
injuries and lie wns later carried
from the Held, ine extent oi
his injuries was not learned.
would send no one to the scenes of the
attacks, because of the obvious futil
ity of sin- action. Study of the situ
ation will be mnde here, where reports
from fishery stations along the coast
as to water conditions, fish food eo
ditions, et., as a basis of Investigation,
Chicago, July 14. Gangway
for the -style show- in Chicago,
August 7 and five days more.
Listen to this announcement
from the promoters: ,
"Enticing models garbed in
during bathing suits will be ex-
hibited arising out of a foun-
tain built for this particular
The word "daring" is 'used
advisedly, even in view of ex-.
- isting fashions in bathing suits
in Chicago and Atlantic City,
which leave little to the imagi-
nation. Of course, other mod-
els in clothing will be shown,
but the bathing announcement
is expected ts crowd Chicago
bound trains.
Albany. Or., July 14. Fire destroy
ed the Lebanon planing mill and saw
mill Tuesday afternoon. The loss is
about $10,000.
Captain Koenig Says Germany
r May Soon Hare Fleet
of Them
By Carl D. Groat.
(United Press staff correspondent.) ;
Baltimore, Md., July 14. Super-Zep
pelins, capable of carrying passengers
will probably soon be operating be
tween Germany and tho United States,
Captain Koenig of the German subma
rine Deutschland intimated today.
"We are. building such Zeppelins,"
he said, "and they are large enough to
hold 40 passengers."
"Will they come heret" he was
asked. '
"They might," he answered with a
knowing smile.
','1 knew about the .Deutschland six
months bofore it arrived," chimed in
Hilkea significantly, "but I didn't tell
all about it. But you can say that the
Zeppelins may come."
"Will they carry treigntl" toeing
was asked.'
"No, just passengers. We're mak
ing quite a few of these Zeppelins all
the time."
Previously Koenig had suggested
strongly to Baltimore city officials that
the airline is in contemplation.
"Quite an idea, Isn't it ships under
the sea and passenger fliers above the
sea," added Hilkon at the close of the
The sub-sea freighter Deutschland 's
dash for Gormany drew nearer today.
Her holds were rapidly filled with nick
el and rubber and everything wob ar
ranged whereby sho could make a swift
and safe cot-away.
Tho hydroplane stored secretly at her
dock will be used to "blaze a trail"
past the Virginia capes, if it finds any
hole in the British vessel lines, the
Deutschland will take the chance of
runninir the blockade immediately. In
any event, Captain Koenig is securely
confident that sooner or Inter he will
give the allied warships the laugh and
be on his way back with his million dol
lar cargo.
Could Not Be Waited On Fast
Enough So Helped
Cleveland, Ohio, July 14. Famish
ed by n lack of sufficient supplies on
their' train; L'll New Vork troops en
route to he border to nmp out band
itry, stopped off in Cleveland long
enough to nuike East Ninth street
look like Villa lind led another raid on
inn American city. The troops of the
Twelfth, Fourteenth and Twenty Third
and Sixty Ninth regiments and com
manded by Major Timothy J. Monahan
were given an hour to obtain food at
stores near tho Nickel Piute depot.
Impatient because store employes
could not attend to their wants fast
enough, the soldiers helped themselves
to over $100 worth of watermelons,
ale, meats, tobacco, fruit and wine at
three commisiosn houses and cleaned
out a restaurant. A riot call brought
a score of urmed police to the store
keepers aid but no arrests were mudc.
Morris Goldheimer of the Cleveland
Produce company snid some of the sol
diers told him they had been without
food for 30 hours.
The supplied appropriated by the men
will be jiuul for by the war department
Major Monahan assured merchants.
"Your soldiers on their way to the
front have committed acts as lawless
and uncivilized ns those of the Mexi
cans you are on your way to suppress"
Capta'in Jacob Oroul cf the riot squad
told Major Monahan.
Threatens to Advance On City
If His Demand Is Not ;
Irevino Changes His Mind
and Allows Supply Train
to Pass
El Paso. Texas. Julr 14. Villa ha
demanded the surrender of Chihuahua,
City, according to a well founded but
unofficial report here today.
OanAHil fietnrna T4a11 T r fhim mn ndap
at Fort Bliss, stated that he received
reliable information or tne aerecuon
.0 1 ' 1 T..,rinn .nmman An n ji Tt
Ul V". I" I ttl . 1 ,7 1 .1 II, .iiiiiiubuu...,.
Chihuahua City 'from the Carranza
Bell has also heard the reports of
Ullln ' ,lAman.l tnr .Via . 11 r r an iln nf
, 1 i) I o i n. in u in, iui iv " ' "
the Chihuahua capital but had not re
ceived confirmation.
' Villa is said to have informed Tre
vlno that if the city was not turned ,
over to the Villistas they would ad
vance agninst the capital with their
entire army. Villa threatened Trevino
and all iiis officers with death in' ease
of capture, according to the rumor. ,
General tfeu would not. aiseuss u"
possibility that Trevino 's reported de
fection meant the surrender of Chi
huahua City to Villa. -
Trevino today revoked his- ordors to
detain railroad shipments of supplies
througn duarex is ins amciiuu ex
pedition in Mexico. A train of 31 ears
. ,..iiBinn.. nil . Aflnwed tA LTO tO
k'olouia Cublan. Trevin gav no ex-
: O I.:. Vuiwlnii. nfilnra which
PIHUUIIUU Vk U' " ' -' ' -
t.l ln nharmia tl.nl. his POlict-WSS Ul
keeping with the new VillisU move
ment to bring on war wnn iuu uuwu
States and . overthrow Carranza ., in
northern Mexico. i
iruu ia ,ii n iifrravA nftvi" declared
on the best authority to have been,
transmitted to Washington and reflect-
-.1 1 , u In. ,.a n,nii,ntratinn of mili
eu in mo r , .
tia here. With the arrival of 50O
Massachusetts militia recruits iron.
L-.;.,,ri tnitnv there were 24,000
national guardsmen in the El Paso dis
trict. Other state contingents order
od to F.l Paso will bring the total to
50,000, it is believed.
Government agents ni
structed from Washington to be on tn
lookout against aid going to Villa from,
the United States. Former Villistas
are under close surveillance. Steps
have been takon to prevent smuggling'
of arms and ammunition across tha
Big Bend border, tlenernl Bell said
today more militia probably would b
moved there shortly.
Market Depressed
and Prices Sagging
New York, July 14.-The New York
Kvening Sun's financial review today
said: .. ,
Speculative conditions were practical
ly unchanged in Wall street today and
the stock market was dominated by the
self same influences that have controll
ed the situution in the immediate past.
Following a slightly better opening,
prices hardened a trifle under the co-
1 . ... t ..i.. .lii.h i-a a f fi
eri 11 Of HtlOri CUIuriu in, -
miliar feature or x.iuuj, "-,---
U... 4l,arA UUH little Or ttO
miu-suiumcr uui n., ---- -expunsion
of miscellaneous public buy
ing and ns tho truding progressed the
professional clement resumed the now
fnnnliiir tacnes ui ""' , -
..;! iMKiin after another in a effort
to uncover weak spots.
Reactions in tho forenoon were less
sensational than of Into but the bear
contingent was measurably successful in
influencing stocks extending from ono
and a half to four points. Rallies fol
lowed hard upon reactions in some of
these issues, but the general tendency
was heavy and depressed in the early
1 ITn:.A.l Utntna find TBS
afternoon anu i.imi.-. ---
, i i.JUii... U.ut around un-
IMnnuiiru ruu"j "--- -- -
der the continued erosion of values else
Rallying tendencies were m
i !... t. ,r, n(T and many ape-
nounceti in ""- .....- - -
cialties which had been severely de
pressed In the forenoon recovered all
their losses nnd something In addition
Oregon t To
night fair; Sot
unlay generally
fair except show
ers northwest
portion; gouthlr,
winds, ' . M