EIGHT THE DAILY CAPITAL JOT RNAL. SALEM. OREGON. WEDNESDAY, JULY 12, 1916. Final Season-End Clearance Women's, Misses's Regtjdy-to-Wear Below Cost Prices on Suits, Coats, Skirts, Waists, etc. "kai Special Sale of Women 's Summer Dresses at . . . . . . .' . . . $5.85 A big assortment of stylish garments in plain white embroidered models also of figured materals dainty, cool, comfortable Summer Dresses of quality at be low cost prices former prices up to $12.65 Your Choice $5.85 See Window display (more inside) Another big rack of Summer Dresses Your Choice Less 20 Per Cent , Quality Service All Around Town COMING EVENTS TONIGHT Salem Chautauqua. CorauH Players. July 1(1. Vesper services, Will Ron park, 0:30 p. m. July 1(1 Salem Street Bailway excursion to Newport. July 19. Monthly meeting of Commercial club. July 28. Wisconsin society re union nt State fair grounds. Sept. 23 30 Oregon State Fair. for the construction of such a build- ing, value to be $-5(10, so a resident of tiie district writes to inform us. ' " New and used furniture at greatly ' reduced prices. K. L. .Stiff & Son. o "The Birth of a Nation" regarded as the greutcst moving picture ever produced, will be shown at the opera house tin cp days, beginning Monday, July 24. The story is based on the novel "The Clansman," a novel with n thrill on every other page, especial ly fur those who understand the condi tions in the south following the Civil war. Dr. Mendelsohn, specialist, flu glasse- correctly. U. 8. Bank. Bid,;. The Maccabees will hold their send- Get your tents, awnings, wagon cov ers, camp stoves and campers supplies at K. L. Stiff & Son's. Six hours in Newport will be allowed the excursionists next Sunday who ac company the employes of the Salem annual installation of officers this j Street railway on their nununl trip to the coast. Tho train v ill leave Salem ut 0:30 o'clock a. m. and arrive in New port nt 12:15. The returning train will leave ut l:30 in the evening, arriving in Salem at 11:411. The and State street ears excursionists on their return. eviuing. The Hev. Harry IC. .Marshall will deliver the address. Dr. Stone's i)rug Store for trusses. Chemeketa lodge No. 1, 1. O. O. F., will hold its scmi-aiimml installation of officers this evening. The retiring noble grand is C. O. F.ngstrom, who will be succeeded by F, L. kiester. Dr. Stone makes no charges for con sultation, examination or prescription. Ring the Bell for the Great Start .We have with us tonight, the Salem Chautauqua. The tent men are here and already everything is ready on the university grounds. The 1910 Chautauqua will be opened promptly at 8:15 o'clock with a few introductory, remarks by President H. C. Epley, presenting J. M. Krickson, superintendent, who will have complete charge during the week and who will give four lectures during the course. The Comus players, presenting tonight scenes from Shakespeare and "Carson of the North Woods," are all Oregon people. Mr. Reddy is hend of the school of expression at the University of Ore gon and Miss .Tcnnette Young, a grad uate of the school. Other members of the company- arc also from the univer sity. They carry their own scenery and reports indicate they have been very favorably received by Chautauqua au diences on the coast. Tomorrow morning, the Junior Chau tauqua will be told the story of the Knights and Ladies. The afternoon ses sion tomorrow will be given to the In ternational Operatic company, who will also furnish the evening's program. The lecture tomorrow afternoon- by Justice E. M. AVnnnmnker, of the su preme court of Ohio, is of more than avernge interest. The supreme judges in Ohio are given a three months' vaca tion and Judge Wunumnker prefers to give this time to lecturing. He is the first supreme judge in Ohio to be elect ed on an independent ticket. Readers .of the Snturday Kvcning Post are al ready acquainted with Judge -Wana maker .through his articles in which he has taken the stand that the stnte su preme court should represent the people and that it should interpret the laws, rather than change them. The following is tomorrow's pro- gram: I President H. C. Epley Will Declines to Authorize Asking Subscriptions to Proposed Hospital After discussing for two hours the proposition as to whether F. B. Wedel of American Falls. Idaho, should be given a card permitting him to solicit siiDseriptions tor a uensoness hospital in Snlem, the Mercantile 'department of the Commercial club stood pat. Which means that havinir refused Mr. Wedel this privilege, the depart ment did not feel like recoisidering its action of several months ago when the director and the executive committee decided that the business men of the city had plenty of troubles of their own, and that the business men of the city should not be called on to offer assistance. Mr. Wedel, representing the Menno- nitc Deaconess people of American citv j.'uun, jiuiiiu, nun ir.io.uuo invested, a hospital at Xewton, Kansas, with $85,' 000 invested and Beatrice. Neb., with a .f4ti,oou Hospital, appeared before the j j 1 1 ' You are safe when,' you buy a standard Dentifrice like ir.Lyans PERFECT - ental Cream A Standard Ethical Dentifrica I Send 2c stamp today for a generous trial pack ! age of either Dr. Lyon's Perfect Dental Cream i or loom rowoer, L W. Lyon & Sons, Ine, 5 0 1 W. 27th St., New York City (Continued from rage One.) Try the Journal Classified Ads. The state board of health lias sent ! out mi nnlcr to the heads of the health i ilumi rt im.nte in flip v.irinns (Ire.riill i.it- BATES: Ti,;,. .,. i. ..1, ,,,.. i u. a The onlv hotel in the business district. meeting last evening asking permission 'result of the meeting In Portland Sat-1 Nearest to all Depots, Theatres Mil When in SALEM, OEEGON, ttof t BLIGH HOTEL Strictly Modern Free and Private Baths 75c, $1.00, 11.50 FEB DAT unlay but, unless the scourge show s I to solicit for the establishing of a hos pital in Snlem. It was not so much money he wanted, Dr. W. B. Morse, president of the state no me lavoiauiH cuiisiueruuou oi mo board of health, the regulations wi leu'ie. in ouiem, anu uiinougii tne cti-;not be modified, zons should only give him 1.000, hej Health Officer Miles has received telt that with this start, he could event- the following instructions: Capitol Buildings. A Home Away From Home. T. O. BLIGH, Prof. Both Phones. Free Auto Brj. ually estub'ish a Menonite institution equal a least to that Of American Falls. Henry T.. Meyer declared that his firm would do as much as any house in tho city and that he favored the hos pital, only he was strongly opposed to any soliciting nt present. He did not like the idea of the Mercantile depart ment asking its director and executive committee to reverse itself on its form er ruling, of refusing Mr. Wedel per mission to solicit. Z. J. Riggs thought there was a good field for another hospital. Walter Den-' ton was not especially pleased with the Morninp Junior Chnutniinuii Stnr-1 petition that had been presented ask ies of the Knights and Ladies. '"S t,ie department to back up ou its Lecture Mr. Krickson. former action. Afternoon Concert, International ! Joseph Albert, president of the Corn Operatic company. imereiul club, thought that the depart Icturc Judge B. M. Wnnamnker. nicnt was working against its own in Admission, 50 cents. terests in not favoring the deaconess Kvening Grand concert, Iuternation-1 Hospital. If this town is to grow, we al Operatic company. Admission, 50 cents. The suit of the Ucer-Krueger Furni- filed. struetions to make hi in' n car, and 'who received n letter in which he was asked what should the factory do with the second can. Today, Vick Bros, ship ped 0,000 pounds of Ford parts to the dealer at Independence and that is not all, as they have several tons of parts in their Salem garage. The Liberty Ladles Aid society will hold an ice cream social Friday night, July 14, at the Liberty hall. " July 13 Mrs. Charles A. Lytle of 955 Marion street, will serve as secretary of-the Silver Bell Circle during the absence of Mrs. F. K. Wright. I hereby notify the public that I will not be responsible for any checks bear ing mv signature. (Signed) Auguste Kantelberg. , The comic opera "The Mikado", under the auspices of the Moose lodge, will be produced at the opera house Thursday July 31, and Friday August 1. Rehearsals are now being held at the Moose hull under the direction of lleorgo T. Wilson, who has had many years experience in giving tho opera. o failver Belle Circle club will collect dues at (ieer-Kreuger furniture store first 5 days of August. Julia Lytic, clerk. Phono 204-1, Wonderful to relate, the price of sugar is not udvaucing ami the can- nng season . airea.i.v wim. us. " j,r.M.u the stock for the sale t0 be must ask outside institutions to come in, he said. W. H. Gahlsdorf, member of the exe cutive committee of the Mercantile de partment opined that the merchants were uot in position this summer to sup port any other propositions in which they would be solicited for funds. .Hal D. Pntton was inclined to favor Trygve Petterson Heidcnstrom, form- . ' V ' Pfn. ss.oii ro solicit erlv of Norway but since 1!04 a resi-! " "J"'" . -recior or tie dent of this country, has declared his j P -v .t0"t J invention de intention of becoming a United States l" ' "f sal"? wn' bont. 'Vi, eitisen. He resides at Silverton. f ,sM,ssl0fa" to whether Snlem wanted to support new institu tions in which funds would have to be : COURT house news : The first pro&cntion in this country ", 9."v'' h "" 'v.c to be under the prohibition law is scheduled lt 'ft, '"Litt-. .1 " 7 . to begin tomorrow morning when tta1" l ,7 . , (Jf'.-r,'"t case of the State versus B. Canfield islJS Wj '1 1,a't;'l. 11 "'otion was ..:..i r...,.., , . passed, that tho petition presented-to have snr fk,.lv to ,, ffi,i,7vit t , tne meeting in wlucli they were asked to lenv es the victim a secure alcohol ' " tavor Mr. Wedels, be referred back to ' ' the. executive committee for considera tion. 1 The state board of health .has or- uereii inai quiuuuuiic quaiieiH uc cs-i ttiblished at every railroad depot in i which incoming eastern passengers mav arrive. 2 The city nnd county health offi cers are ordered by the board to in spect all incoming passengers under xifteen years of age. 3 To keep a record of the children's! names, date and point of departure andj destination, all points of stop over and. length ot time of stop overs. 4 To keep a record of tempera ture of each child under fifteen years. ot age. 5 Anv child showing n rise of tem perature or symptoms indicative of in fantile paralysis to be immediately quarantined in the local quarantine quarters provided tor that purpose. 6 To keep suspected children quarantine until the temperature drops to normal and there !s no evidence of infection with the virus of infantile 7 To quarantine for thirty, days! I,,ul are hercfore much better for those if nccessnrv to establish absolutely that the child is not infected. 1 J I Toric Lenses ITORIO Ileuses give a much wider field of clear vision than f 1 a t lenxe, having to wear glasses nil the time Dr. Mendelsohn's Office 210-11 U. S. National Bank Bldg., where first class work is done. '. i ,.rr7.. C..V.J ,lt, Mr. Wedel has no authority from out of court and a motion for dismissal The fira department responded at midnight to an alarm turned in from the Kay Wooleu mill. A blaze in one of the driers was easily brought under control. The loss is negligible. L. L. Stahl, of Portland, is in the city and will be associated with dale & Co., in disposing of the Chicago store stock. He was formerly with the Chicago, Mil waukee & St. Paul at Seattle. o To replace the water tank at the Kay Woolen milL which has done duty for some 25 years, a new one is to be erect ed. It will have a capacity of 15,000 gallons and is to cost several hundred dollars. Gala & Co., of Portland, who bought the Chicago Store stock at 57 cents on the dollar, already have a force at work All of which means that just at pres- the executive department of the Com mercial club to solicit subscriptions for tne proposed ueaconess hospital at Sn lem. S The finding of any infections of iet ,h i.st. if vonr c-vesi.-ht is f.iil- infantile paralysis to be immediately: telegraphed or "telephoned to the state j ing or if you have any of the syinptouiB board of health. j ... It is felt hv the authorities that the m s'ruin, can at danger of cases of the disease arising in this locality is slight; the cliiet source of danger is that it will be in troduced here by outsiders. The mut ter is most serious to the community and to the children themselves. .No disease peculiar to adolescence is more serious in its results. While the mortality is not higher than in some of the other diseases it ripple for life in many cases. In the primary stage fever is always present and this is lyi easily recognised symptom. Some times there is pain, although this does not commonly attend the development of the case. The victim may lose the use of one arm, one leg or bom arms and legs. Sometimes the right arm and left leg are affected or vice versa. Not infre quently only a portion of a member is affected. The disease reaches its height in from two to ' days and from this moment improvement, such as it is, begins. After the so cnllefl Improvement stmts, the muscles waste nnd the joints relax. Cms? is necessary in pro viding plenty of nutritions food in this r. -.l ..!.....' SIMf. I.M-S HIL' ,111 ICVUI'l UI imim.-.. , ompiete recovery nut tne ruie is mat ; SALEM TAXI Cars of any kind for any pl&ce at any time. Office, Blign Hotel PHONE 700 ... i n Mi.it-.. iui l i. . . . . . i .. i . i i inu UM "iiiuii u ri'w imvs. as iar s ..v- i nii win huh in tiu i nt suynr mill it ii u il t' M i lip ,:i i . u -11 l i .i . 'II will meet the ing grocer, i whieh he stated that ,1- E " )V" .X! JJu t H Dr. C. Hartley, specialist, inflamed, bleeding gums and pvonhca. 410 V, S. Hank bldg. Phone ISO. The river now is 2.7 feet above low o I water mark and falling. Although The D Arcy building on Court street I the temiH-riiture was lather oppressive i Hearing completion as the building j yesterdav, the government's therinoni will be entirely enclosed in a day or.eter at the O. C. T. dock refused to two. It was designed by (ieorge M. register higher than S. degrees. Hut Post, will be occupied by (Jeer and , the thermometer is in n box ou the Kreuger furniture company, is owned 'shady side of a coor office and does by Judge P. H. D'Arcy and is on the! not 'register the feelings of the man Bite of the old Wexford theatre. on the sunny side of the street or the o I may who is gathering his hay crop. iwu v.,i imiiiau yuur nuune iur one ,1... ....... .... i.i.. i. i. ....... em refineries didn't have the nervo ''u'e Co. is composed of M. Gale, who to advance it, even with tho season coming ou. Miss Anne D. Swezoy, librarian tlwi Snlem imlilie lilii-ni-v iu pniiivini months vacation at Seattle and in thelfi"u will consider the advisability of Sunn. I ..nnntrv. Mrs llli.ii.'.iu Hiurnr.l locating 111 .Nllenl. his 18 the second half at K. L. Stiff & Son's. Anything in lumber or building sup plies at the. right prices. Falls City Snlem Lumber Co., 34 S. 12th St. On the industrial page of Saturday's Journal it was stated that Hethcl, Polk j phone 813 ronntr, was to have a f2.00 school o house. This may bo so. but Bethel,! Tnere must be something wrong -Marion county, school district 125 is bout the joke of the man who sent two to vote July 18, lillO, ou a special tax 'tin cans to the Ford factory with in- SIR WILLIAM CROOKES GLASSES ' Sun Bothered Eyes Quickly relieved with a, pair of Sir William Crookes Glasses A new tinted glass that does not dim light but takes away the glare and cuts out ravs harmful to sensi- ,iv' """Relieve Eyestrain. Lei us tell you more about them. MSS A. McCULLOCH, Optometrist, 208-9 Hubbard Bldg., Phone 109. Getting Away With Great Mass of Papers Inroads are being made upon the mass of papers submitted in the recent teach ers' examinations by the county super intendents, in session nt the state house. Hundreds of papers have been graded but there are several davs' work uhead vet. Following the grading the state super- th" disease leaves its victim in a fenu, inteudent 's office will begin tabulating I f"1 s,,"e R cripple tor the remainder : the results and August JO, has been of ,lH.vs a1"1 "I'.H'ct of pity. , tentatively decided on as the date on I Kor ,llis reason the city authorities wiuen me granes win be made pub-;"lT'" rm"i lie . Isvmutoms of the malady in their cliil- Todny's program observed lw theit,r0" ,0 communicate with their family, i....a- 'i. nlivaiiiiiin ni tlin henltli tleitn it men t nt1' timimij oiiPt-I uili-noeilis IIIC1U(H,U U1SCUS- I ' ' ' ' sions of the following subjects: : on.-e in order that tin trouble may be Should the County Superintendents ' ?""j;'l'ti" !t .ear.ly st"g'9; Accept and File a Clerk's Bond if They '- - '-l-"'- l- -l-"'- - Think It Is Xot Sufficient Suretyf O. ""'I the health deiiartineut these insti- Bylund, S. K. Xotsou and C. E. ' tutions today put into ettect a new- Oliver. campaign of precautionary measures. Should Clerks of Joint Districts Give! These include new sanitary reguln- mess in NEWPORT-NYE BEACH t Automobile Passenger and Bag- gage Transfer Furnished Tents and Cottages.... Correspondence Promptly Answered L. D. PICKENS, Box 274 The Korean Restaurant is now opened in our new loca tion at 110 1-2 Com'l street. Everything new and clean. All kinds of Chinese and Spanish dishes. Fay us a visit. canning , ,. , . ,, Bonds In l.aeh County? O. C. Brown, tions and a report of any siel ,l-UIS HII'l HIS SOU IWIMItllVC VlUJt. .VI. i , . , .. , t. .. . ' . . . h-mi .i... i... i , ...i . Lincoln Savage and R. V. Goin. i any theatre. .... u, ,,s mi ,. , i ... c Board Convention.' Huth llochfelde.r four years l. il - . m, .- .... ... -., i-iuKif :.. -- a- I. ...;n l. i .... ... ,,1,-uii- jiirn in ,icb nun. in iv first assistant, is now in charge. Miss Laura Cummings, wITo has been assist ant for two yiars, will leave tomorrow to accep.t the position of first assist ant and superintendent of the chil dren's department of the public libra ry at Kverett, Wash. Miss Alma Ash by, formerly in charge of the Wash ington junior high school library, has been elected second assistant. nere is s, Job for a light housekeep er, with the accent on the light. Through the civil service department at Portland, the information is given out that applications will be received at Portland until the 17th for light house positions in district Xo. 17. bankrupt stock they have handled. The Cherrian special for Marshfield will leave Salem on the morning 0f Friday, August 25, at il o'clock. The excursion, which will be the greatest iu number as well as enthusiasm that ever departed from the city, will travel "do luxe,'' which means that the ex cursionists will have the best there is in railroad accommodations and in the way of victuals during their three days' vacation. The Southern Pacific will place at the disposal of the Sulem old. who the epi- tnken from the train at Oakland, and hurried Here is a chance for an enterprising to the county hospital to undergo two citizen who happens to own a small weeks observation, gasoline launch. With the establish-' meat of the municipal bathing beach , across the river between the two! bridges, there will be a big demand : for transportation. Kverybody does not own nn nnto, at least not yet, and! the weather wiil probably be too warm for walking. For this reason, there will be a great demand for means of; transportation ut five cents per ride. I The Commercial club can furnish fig- ures as to how many enjoyed a ride lust summer on the terry boat to .Minto STENOGRAPHERS Why Not Use Colombia QUALITY OorhonsT Made in Oregon 100 Copies Guaranteed fro Each Sheet. Colombia Carbon Pa?er Mff . Oo. 83rd ft Broadway, Portland, Ore. tourists its finest Pullmans, and it is I island. This year the bathing grounds! ou these the Cherriaus and their fain-1 will be superior to those of a year ilies will live during the entire trip. ago, and somebody will be given the l...vln,, &!..,., nt u nVlo'li in the oniHirtunitv oc carrying across the There is no examination to pass. The lmmii th( 9H.,.jn uju arrive in ! hundreds who will 'not walk nor lie H-flaBHaHHn liivneu to niic. RESIDENCE PARLORS Licensed Lady Assistant Moderate Pricet Perfect Service Latest Methods Are Found Only At Cottage Undertaking Parlors Phone 724 Salem, Ore. job is for an assistant, who must be; Marshfield late iu the afternoon. Sat- uirr age : TZ " , : i;.. : : Sunday uni aim a imu puuiiit-T I'uiiidic r IS years i of age but there is no j' (, , f Sudnv will be afternoon. Figuring on 3S passengers to the Pullman, the railroad has made, a return price of $lti.H0, this amount to include heard s::d lodging of the state board of health and at the University club. guaranteed. Apply by letter. A snnn . vminir man n the regular army, lie is well taken caret'" the 1 V,1"'n ul dehvery hun of. He is given a room at the HliKh ! ,ln-v evouinsr at SUilem. lo.nnnttees will hotel nnd a meal ticket and mav en jl,p announced in a few days, and it is oy high living until sent to Fort Me Powell, near San Francisco for train ing. He travels south on a Pullman and is given $3 iu real money for in cidentals such as eating, during his journey to Ft. McDowell. After a fewlment that Ueorge F. Kodgers has been weeks drilling, he is assigned to his, urged to accept. the chairmanship or; paralysis. TDev are also securing needless to say that, the Cherriaus and their friends will Tb things up about right, and one of the most assurances that everything will be carried out in true Salem spirit is the announce- TOTAL CASES 1498 (Continued from rage One.) regiment. Klgin M. Short, age IS, son the general committees. of Horace Hhnrt, lit! eouth Uipital 1 1 street, passed the examination y ester-1 Journal Want Ads Get Results You day. "Want Try one and see. Inspect AH Trains. San Francisco, July 12. California j health officers today began the in specting of all trains entering the state, checking the njimher of children from the areas affected with infantile data ' to make further surveillance here pos-j sible. As a result of conferences between i moving picture and theater managers ' v CHIEOPBACTIC IS THE MASTER SYSTEM If your spine is right, you are right. Those who have tried every old method and found no relief should try Chiropractic and get well. Many hundreds of grateful patients in salem and elsewhere can substantiate my statements. Six adjustments will be given for the small fee of ifo.OO. Difficult cases, which require X-ray examinations and Spinographs can ob tain them at a nominal fee. Only ex pert Spinograph work. A talk with the old Chiropractor may lead you to health and happiness; act now. P. H. MAT, D. C, Hubbard Building. Phone 572 1