5 . I THE DAILY CAPITAL JOITtNAL. SALEM. OREGON, WEDNESDAY, JULY 12, 1916. SEVEN I ;3 1 :lfcte I You 11 -recognize -my j I SJeSSpl my ack f harshness. I i JrWl . M. A. GUNST & CO. I 1 I ;i sj - ii ii i i i - - toTl ; 1 1 in Jil IN i 1 .. I I I 1 a Mil I I I I "in ar in 'III I III i III in a in i u iii xx- is in t III t I :f III iH a 1 III ill r m an i i i . i - i -- r r r t J 6 III X-Ts s v Jll in . " in v ii i in i v. ill - - - a . Ill l ii in i Still Gold v - I A FIVE-YEAR-OLD TELLS . OF FAIR'S KILLING Mother Says Husband Made Life a Hell and She Shot In Self Defense New York, July 12. Five year old Mary Beutinger, lisped in licr baby prattle today the story of how her mother shot down her papa yesterday. "Papa is dead, " she said. " Mamma killed him. That's why mamma is away today. We were all asleep but a lot of noise woke us up and we heard mammn scream. Mamma anil papa had- been mad at each other. Mamma will be back soon." It was said- today, there was every possibility that Man- and Margaret, aged nine, the two children who were in the bedroom of the k25.000 Beu'tin jrer home at Caldwell, X. J., when Mrs. Beutinger shot down her husband, in self defense, she asserts, will be called upAn to testify. Mrs. Beutinger, her self, locked in the Newark jail, reiterat ed her declaration she only shot when her husband sought to abuse her. "It was retribution. For 10 years he has made my life a hell," Mrs. Beutin ger said. Airs. Beutinger said she was subject to almost continuous mistreatment, cit ing occasions when she said her hus band tried to gouge her eyes, beat hpr unmedeifully and chocked her. The couple had five children and it was for the sake of these, Mrs. Beutinger claims that she tried to suffer in silence. All five shots which she fired at her husband took effect. NEW TODAY f . PHONE 937-r-For wood saw. tf READ Dr.-May 's ad. in today 'a -issue. ". " ' julylS BARRY Window washer. Phone 768 Aug3 RUBBER Stamps made 165 S. Com'l tf HARR i Expert Phone' 1041. window eleaner. julyl" THE MARKETS ! ! i ' ; i The following prices for fruits and vegetables are those asked by -the wholesaler of the retailer, and not what is paid to the producer. All other prices are those paid the producer. Corrections are made daily. THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL Classified Business Telephone Directory A Quick, handy reference for busy people SECOND HAND Ford -for sale cheap Phone 23o0. julyl2 In the good old summer time the mar ket apparently takes a rest as there is very little doing and no changes in quotations from yesterday. - ' Hens and broilers are in good demand although the price has not advanced for a week or so. PIGS' FOR SALE l'hone li" F4. -Itoute , box 23. July 1 Wheat Oats .. WANTED Two Union street. lady boarders, jq-o I Rolled barley i torn juiyia FRONT APABTMENTS Ground flooi 491 N. Cottage. . tf Orrains. 80c .- 40o (35.00 $39.00 Cracked corn ....'...., $40.00 Bran ................ ; $27.00 Shorts, peT ton $30.00 Alfalfa, California, ton $20.00 Butter. Butterfat 20c Creamery butter, per pound 29c Country butter . 20c22c Eggs and Poultry. Eggs, case count, cash 20(520 l-2c Eggs, trade 21c VACUUM CLEANING Rugs 20c i Hens, pound 13(al3 1-2 EVXRYTIIINO ELECTRICAL Salem Electiii Co., Masonie Temple, 127 North High lCsia 11M PLUMBING, STEAM FITTING AND TINNING T. M. Barr, 164 South Commercial street Uala 181 TRANSFER AND DRAT AGE Salem Track & Dray Co., corner State ana rront streets If sis T RED-White and Phone 2300-J-2. black currant9. july!4 FOR RENT 3 houses, $3.00 per mo. each. Thone 935. julyl2 FOR RENT SIGNS For sale at Cap ital Journal office. tf each. Phone 102! julyl5 W..NTED Firstclass 200 N. 14th street. laundress . Call julyl 3 FOR SALE Or trade for wood, gaso line engine. Phone 451. ti .Weekly Report of Union Stock Yards Portland. Ore.. July 10. Receipts were fairly liberal today with an ex cellent price outlet. Best steers sold ns high as $.50 nnd cows nt $7.00. Even very common steers brought close to the $S.0O mark and taking the market . as a whole excellent strength and ad vances were prevalent in all classes. J Hogs. . An advancing hog market on little heavier receipts was a feature of the day. Top hogs sold at $8.90 an ad vance of 30 cents over last week. Bulk of sales $3.70 to $3.80. Market closed stronir. I Sheep Sheep prices were well in line w: last week. Top lambs were $S.25 and others classed in line with former pric Market closed steadv. Representative Sales. 25 steers : 1302 $8.30 1H steer 132H-$S.2.1 22 steers 1201' S.00 1 cow 1150 $6.50 4 cows 1215 l.25 1 bull 14H0 $5.01) 1 heifer 1050 $7.00 5 staes 1410 0.75 997 hogs ail $S.80 215 hogs 210 $S 23 cows lOtili $0.00 49 Iambs 73 $.8.25 190 ewes P7 $5.00 31 vearlinfifi 95 $0.00 HOT WATER AND "ANURIC BEFORE MEALS-AND HEALTH All people in America nnd especially instructed us that in case of sickness, thniu hn nn.t middlp no.. ro nrniie ! resort to Pr. Pierce's dependable house- . ; , . , . i hold prescriptions. These medicines as to eat too much meat and m conse-, ,for ,!,,, b dr ugistt ha vf nfVer uvTOiniuirMii! u lun. u, been recommended as "cure-alls," bjit ies, veins and joints. They often suffer only as superior remedies for certain from twinges f rheumatism or lumba- common and easilv-recognUed dioeases. go, somotimes from gout, swollen hands Had these medicines been adopted to or feet. Such people are not olways' all classes and forms of chronic diseases able to exercise sufficiently in t!rp out-j there would have been no necessity for door air or drink enough pure water in organizing a competent staff of expert order to sweat freely and excrete im-. physicians and surgeons, to act in the purities through the skin. Pr. Pierce ' treatment of difficult, obscure and corn has conducted experiments and thor-: plicated cases of chronic diseases, as oughlv tested a uric acid solvent at his Pr. Pierce's maintains in his Invalids Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute . Hotel nnd Surgical Institute. Of his which he is convinced is many times home remedies the most widely known more potent than lithia this he nam."d are hi." "Faverite Prescription" for "Anuric." It can be had at almost all , womanlv troubles and run-down condi- drue stores by simply asking for Dr. , tina peculiar to the womanly sex: his Pierce's Ancric for kidneys or back-, "(iolden Medical Discovery," the great- ache. It will overcome such conditions est of all herbal svstera tonics and vital ia rheumatism, dropsical swellings, cold izers. for stomach, liver and blood dls- xtremities, scalding and burning orine orders, as well as his "Pleasant Pel and sleeplessness due to eonstant need lets."ythe tinv, tonic laxatives, over- of getting ont of bed at night. ! coming constipation and cleansing the Our grandmothers have told our system of poisons and accumulations in I mothers and oar motners nave in turn.tne bowels. VON TIRPITZ (Continued from page one.) pit, and the Von Tirpitg submarine policies, said that he hoped Buelow's success shows t li tit the opposition to America is not dead. "Who is going to be your next presi dentWilson or Hughes?" he asked, and then without waiting for an ans wer, continued: "If it is Hughes, he can be no worse than Wilson. The worst he can do is to declare war on liermany and certainly that would be preferable to the present American neutrality. Are Anxious to Fight Us. "If this should happen everyone in our navy would shout and throw up his hat for it would mean unlimited sea war aguin-st England. Our present navy is Held in a net ot notes. lint uo you think the United States could dof iou could not raise an army to help the allies. You could confiscate our ships in American ports, but if you tried to use them to tarry supplies and munitions to the allies, we would sink them. i "Carrying on an unlimited sea war fare, we could sink 000,000 tons of ship ping monthly, destroy the entire mer chant fleets of the leading powers, para lyze r.iiglamt and win the war. Then we would start all over, building mer cluintmeu faster than any nation, and reguin our position as a leading commer cial power." irieuds of the chancellor s still hope that President Wilson will take a strong stand against England, thereby greatly strengthening Bethmaiiu-llollweg 's po sition. At present the campaign against the chancellor is closely connected with internal politics of the conservatives and the big land owners. The latter arc fighting Bethmnnu-Hullweg because he promised tno people, on liehult ot the kaiser, the enactment of franchise re forms after t lie war. The conservatives, more tactful, are attempting to make political capital out ot the rood situa tion. It is one of the strange developments of the situation that the socialists in (he present conservation are the gov ernment 's chief supporters. PORTLAND MARKET FOR RENT House keeping close in. Phone 4 or 47 rooms, tf DESK ROOM For a desirable pcrsou. 544 State street. Phone 3."0. julyl!) Portland. Ore., Julv 12. Wheat: Club, S7e. Bluestcm, 9Sc. Fortyfold, 8Sc. Red Russian, 87c. Oats: No. 1 white feed, $20.50. Burley: Feed, $27.75. Hogs: Best live. $s.SI). Prime steers, $5.50(0 7.35. Fancy cows, $0.00. Calves, $7.50. Spring lambs, $8.25. Butter: City creamery, 29c. Country butter, 27c. Eggs: Selected local ex., 20c. Hens, 13 l-2(?i 14c. Broilers, 15(?i Inc. Geese, 10(3 11c. Playground Fills Long Felt Want The Albert pasture playground seems to be filling one of those long felt wants, as every day from 250 to 300 children nre avniling themselves of the advantages of the plav apparatus. Sand playing seems to be one of the favorite occupations of the children, ac cording to Miss Schultz and to give them a larger space in which to play, the Salem Sand and Gravel company has lately donated two Ion. Is of aud. The dam for the swiaiming pool will soon lie constructed as the street com. missionpr has already delivered the lum ber. The water will be from fwo or three feet Seep and from time to time it will be opened in order to give the children fresh running water. Through the gpnerosity of ftraber Bros, who hove donated water fixtures, the children will have a supply at all times of drinking water, - ELK HERD IS BUSY DRESSMAKING And plain very reasonable. Phone 003. sewing julyl 2 BRILLIANT Vacuum cleaner rent, 75c per day. Phone 1041. foi jll2 Roosters, old, per pound 8c Broilers, under 2 pounds 10c Pork, Veal and Mutton. Veal, dressed 9(p 10 l-2c Pork, dressed 1010 l-2c Pork, on foot 7 l-2c8c Spring lambs, 1910 7(5)7 l-2c Steers - 5e(26c Cows 4(5. 5c Bulls 3(53 l-2c Ewes 44 l-2c Wethers 6c Vegetables. Tomatoes, California Cabbage , , . . . Cucumbers String garlic . Potatoes, cwt. $1.00 $3.00 ... 50c 15e Dry Zensal Moist Zensal The fact that Zensal is made to reach the two distinct types of Eczema should ap peal to all skin sufferers. Tetter, salt rheum and dry eczema should be treated with Dry Zensal. For weep ing skin use Moist Zensal. 50c a jar at CENTRAL PHARMACY timiltlllllHIHIH)HttttttttHHtltllHlimH4- TRAVELERS' GUIDE SOUTHERN PACIFIC. HAY FOR SALE 2 t-2 acres of stand j Potatoes, new mg nay, close my rnonc u--.u. juo WANTED $5000 real 'estate security, will pay 8 per cent. Phone 2356. j!12 WANTED Girl tor general ionise work. No washing. Apply 043 S. 12th julyl 4 WANTED Willi blackberries to can. Mrs. C. W. Ynnke, 459 State. Phone liny. julyl FOR SALE At bargain, 27 1-2 acres, 10 acres fine prunes. Call Royal Bakery. . julyl2 WANTED 2 men to work at the tile and brick yard. Salem Tile and Kerch. Co. ' julylS FURNISHED rooms and honsekeepinf eppartmenti, rates reasonable, close In, HO Court TWO NICE Cottages for rent by th month or season at Newport. O. W. Johnson &'Co. tf TOR SALE Two very fine Scotch collies, male and female, one year old. 2390 Church St tf FOB RENT ADS under this heading lc a word. Read for profit; use for results. $1.75 22 1-Zc 1.00 40 40s 25c . .,. 3(S4c 1.75 40c $3.50 10c ......... $2.00 75c ('$1.00 $4.00 $5.50(5)0.00 $3.00(5'3.50 5e $2.50 $0.00 8c $3.50 $1.25(a'1.50 $1.50 California plums $1.50 Apricots $1.75 Retail prices. Egg Pr dozen, fresh rSnch ...... 25c Sugar, cane $8.78 Sugar, beet $8.53 Creamery butter .. 35c Flour, hard wheat $1.40(21.50 Flour,-valley $1.15125 Beets Radishes Green onions Green peppers Green peas Carrots, sack, new Carrots, dozen Onions, California Beans, green and waxed .... Fruits. Watermelons Peaches Oranges, Valencies Lemons, per box .Cantaloupes Bananas, pound , California grape fruit . .... Florida grape fruit Pineapples Strawberries Cnerries, FURNISH KD COTTAGE At Seal Hocks for rent for seasbn. Inquire Mrs. Ed Wcller. Phone 1150. julylf WANTED Farm hand, must be good man with horses and cows. Address C. P. R. It. 1, B. IS, Turner, Or. j!12 LOST On Silverton road, one black medicine satchel. Finder please no tify Dr. W. .1. Piitterson, 420 S. Com mercial St. , julyl2 FOR SALE 5, 10, l.w store, a bargain at $1075. would accept Ford on pay ment. Ill health, .j&vra A. Fidlcr. DnHas, Or. tf I HAVE 93 acres all in cultivation, no buildings? wish to trade for land with buildings. Address 404 Ferry St., Salem. july 14 FOB SALE 314 hilf truck Btudebakei wagon. Will trade for heavier wagon. ijee. tf eordwood or stumpago. S786 Phone 13ZZ-J. GIRTj Or woman wanted for general housework in country; must be ex perienced. Phone 22F25. Address box 12, Sublimity, Or. tf sjc)ejc)!!c:c:jc!cieje3G3:c99c You can make and save nion- He ey by reading the Journal's sjc New Today columns, NORTH BOUND 18 Oregon Express ..... B .00 s. m, 24 Kmscne Limited 3 :02 p. m. 28 Willamette Limited... 0:22a.m. 12 Shasta Limited 11:55 a.m. 18 Portland rasHenxer ... 1 :27 p. m. 20 Portland PameoKer. . . B :00 p. m. 14 Portland EjDrcBa 8:04 p.m. No. 222 Portland fast Freight 10 :80 p. m. No. 226 Local way freight. .. .10 :3fi a. m. BOl'TH BOUND No. IS California Eiprna. ... 8 :S2 a m. No. 17 Boaeburg Passenger ..11 :20 a. m. No. 2.1 Huxene Limited 10 :01a.m. No, 19 Cottage lirove Pass. ..4:16 p. m. Makes connection with No. 74 Oeer uranch. No. 11 Shasta Limited 8:43 p.m. No. 27 Willamette Limited... 8:10 p.m. No. 18 Ban Francisco Hxpress 10 :30 p. m. No. 221 Han Franclaco Fast Freight . . . 12:01a.m. No. 220 Local way Freight. . .11 :40 a. in. Salbu dune Lisa. No. 73 Arrives at Salem 9:18. m. la. 76 Leaves Salem 9:50a.m. No. 75 Ar. XaJem (mixed) 2 :0 p. m. No. 74 Leave Halem ........ .4 :20 p. m. No connection south t Oeer. (ULiM. Falls Qtt no wistms. No. 101 I.v. Salem, motor 7:00 a.m. No. 163 Lv aalem, motor 9 :45 a. m. No. 165 Lv. ttulrra (or Monmouth and Alrlle 11:10 a.m. No. 16T Lv. Salem, moUr .... 4 :0O p. m. No. 10!) Lv. Halem. motor 8:18 p. m. Kin. 2.10 Wit Ff't It. Slem. . . . 8:00 a. m. No. 102 Ar. Salem 8:40a.m. No. 14 Ar. Salem 11:10. m. No. 141(1 Ar. Salem 8:15 p.m. No. lufjAr. Salem 6 :00 p. m. No. 176 Ar. 8lem 1 :45 p. m. No. 240 Way Fr't r. Salem... 1:35p.m. WILLAMETTE RIVER ROUTB Oregon City Transportation Compny Leave Portland for Oregon City, ButteTlllJ, Newberg. Mission (St. Paul), Wheatland, Salem (dally except Sunday) ,.6:45 a. at. Leave Portland for Independence. 'AthBntf.ri-Taiiia. iTiiea.. Tburs.. Bat.) Return ing OltEGON ELECTRIC RAILWAY CO. NOETH BOUND Lv. Ralem Train No. Ar. Portland 4:35 a. m. ...... 2 Owl 6 :55 . o. 7:15 a. m 6 9:28 a.m. 9:45 a. m. .,..10 Limited ....11:35a.m. 11:20 . m 12 ....... 11:38 p. ov ' 1 :5D p. m 14 4 :00 p. m. 4 :00 p. m 16 Limited ... B :50 p. m. 5 :M( p. m 2H 7 :40 p. m.' 7:53 p. m. 22 10:00 p.m. BOOTH BOUND PORTLiNO TO SlLlX Lv. Portland. , 6 ::m a. m. Siilem 8 M5 Eugene 10 :S5 a. o. 8:30 a. ln:4"i a. 2 :0." p. 4 .40 d. 6 :05 p. m. V.M p. 11:45 p. m. NEW TODAY PIGS FOR SALE Phone 88 F5. jU3 FOB REXT Furnished or unfurnish ed sleeping rooms. Office rooms and housekeeping rooms, reasonable rates W. If. Morris, ltec. Hubbard Bldg. Room 304. tf WANTED To trade 3 I t wide tread Milborn wagon in good ahnpe for narrow tread 3 1-2 wagon. Must be good. Phone 692. tf WANTED To trade city property . for brush pasture or cleared land. Ad dress II. VV. Roberts, 40." South 12th St. Phone Hi. julyU QCITE A number of logau pickers can find employment Wed., morn ing near Powers dryers on east D St. M. E. Oitter. jnlyl2 WANTED At once, man to do gener al ranch work. 1 want a good man and will pav good wages. August Olson. Phone 29F2. julyl2 FOR SALE By owner one of the pret tiest bungalows in Salem, just com pleted, modern, price below cost, terms. 1253 N. Cottage St. tf Washington, July 12. Big Elks and little Elks, not to forget the lady Elka. had today what was advertised as an "outing and grand crab feast" at Love Point, down in the cool Chesapeake bay. The grand lodge formally reported the election of Edward O. Rightor of I New Orleans as grand exalted ruler anil J the selection of Boston as the next con WANTED We are paying 2 1 2e per lb. cash, for Mammoth blackberries suitable for drying, delivered at our warehouse. Salem Fruit Union, jlylO TOR SALE OR TRADE SO acre farm near Newport, one rot in Portland 100x105 ft. for particulars call or write W. D. Edwards care Meyers store. julylS FOR RENT Close in. house keeping rooms, two, three or four room suites 440 Union St. Phone 530-M; also 5 room, unfurnished, cheap at 7M N. Front St. julyI3 FOtt SALE A bargain, if taken at once, 011 acres well improved on Howell Prairie, price $110 per aero; would consider small acreage near Salem city limits or city house up to $200(1, terms at U per cent if de sired. For particulars address G. C. Hoffman, R. 9, box 102. julyl2 PRO.M'ERITV IN CANADA $900, O0O,r)O0 ill new wealth added in 1915. Enormous crops and low taxation make farmers rich. Wheat average, 311.1(1 bushels per acre in Alberta, 2S.75 bushels per acre in Saskatche wan, 2S..V) bushels per acre in Mani toba. Taxes average $24 and will not ; exceed $:!5 per quarter section, in cludes all taxes; no taxes on improve- , incuts. Free schools and full religious liberty, good climate. Get your farm home from the Canadian Pacific Rail way. 20 years to pay. Good land from $11 to- $30 per acre; irrigated lands from $35, and the government guarantees your land an4 water titles. Balance, after first payment, extended over 19 years, with interest at 0 per tent; privilege of .paying in full any time. Before final .payment become . due your farm - ihould have paid for itself ( We will lend you, up to $2.0(0 in improvements in certain districts, with no security oth er than the land itself. Particulars en request. ' Ready-made farms for sale. - Special easy terms.' Loans for livestock. In defined districts, after one year's occupation, under certain condition, we advance cattle, sheep and hoK to farmers up to a value of $1,000. We want you; we can afford to help you. We own the land; we want the land cultivated. Our interests are mutual. Buy direct and get your farm home- from the CANADIAN PA CIFIC RAILWAY. Mend for free book. J. S. Dennis, Assistant to the President, Canadian Pacific Railway, 7 Ninth avenue, Calgary, Alberta Canada. Leave t'orvnlll .... Albany Independence. Salem Salem ..8a. m. Mon., Wed., Frl ...7 a. m. Mon., Wed., Frl . . 9 a.. m Mon., Wed., Frl 10 a m. Mon., Wed., Frl 8 a. m. Tue, Tburs., Bat Lv. Cervatlls 4 :lf p. m. . Lv. Eugene. 7 :.15 a. m. . . 1 :r..", p. ui. . B :25 p. m. 12 .05 p. in. . Lv. Salem 1 a. m. 10:15 a. m. . Lv. Salem 12:55 p. m. . Lv. Salem. 4:15 p. in. . 0 Limited t 9 ,. 18 Limit- . .... 17 Local . 19 ....21 Owl ... NOBTU BOUND 20 .. 10 Limited . . . .16 Limited. , 22 2 Owl ... SOUTH BOUND 10 :11a.m. ..12:05 p.m. . , 4 .15 p. m. ' .. 8:40 p. at.1 .. 8:10 p. oa, ..11:20 p.m..' . 1 :B p. av Ar. ialea . ..5 :30 p. m. . Ar. Bale ; .. 9:45. av . . 4 -Ml n fn. . . 7 :55 p. Bfc . . 4 :35 a. m. I , . 21 Owl B Limited I.v. Sale U :45 p. m 13 Ar. Bngeae . a -fiO u. m. ,13:25 p. ov , 1:50 p.m.; Stops at Comma 1 Ar. Albany-! 5 :10 p. m-1 Ar. AltMOf 01 7 :'!- u. m. Ar. Bugaae . . 8 :50 p. m. 01 CORVALLI8 CONNECTION NOBTU BOUND Lv. Corvallls 8 :25 a.m. 12:12 p. m. . 2:41 . in. . 4 :K) p. m. . 6:18 p. m. . Lv. Salem 10:15 . m. . 4:15 p. m. . 12 .55 p. m. 6 :40 p. m. . . 10 14 .... 16 20 . . . . 22 SOUTH BOUND 8 9 7 13 Ar. Bll ... 9:45a.m. , ... 1:46 p. . . . 4 :00 p. m. . . . 5 :' p. m. ... 7 :&6 p. V Ar. CorrsllM ...11:33 a.-. . , . 5 :'M p. O. ... 2 :20 p. av ... 8 :00 p. Bat CrHTROPRAOTIC 8PTK0LOOI8T 8CAVANGER DR. O. L. SCOTT Graduate -jf (Jhiro- .....:. '. i.-ntinfifi hal-1. HRvennori. Iowa. If vou have tried everything i and got no relief, try Chiroprac tic spinal adjustments and get well. Office 400-7-8 U. S. National Bank Building. Phone Main 87. Residence Main R28-R. SALEM SCAVENGER Charles Sooa, proprietor. Garbage and refuse of all kinds removed on monthly contract at reasonable rates. Yard and eess pools cleaned. Office phont, Maisi 2247. Residence M .a 2272. FOR SALE FOR SAL Olt TRADE 50 acres all in cultivation. 22 acres young prunes, bal. in crop, small house, 2 bnrs, 4 horses, 5 cows, 3 heifers, , I 1 ....a l.ariiua fttlttF i Til - tdements: well located, near Salem,, Everything, cowplete tor $i 000.00. Might consid' some city property in exchange. Square Deal Realty Co., 202 I'. S. Hank fdg. , MONEY TO LOAN 1 OH Good Seal Estate Security. THOS. K. FORD Orer Ladd ft Bush Bank Salem. Oregon HONEY TO LOAN I have made ar- rangements for loaning eastern money, will make very low rate of k. interest on highly improved farms. Homer H. Smith, room 5 McCornack Bldg, Salem, Ore. T.one 90. MISCELLANEOUS REDUCED FREIGHT HATES To and from all points east, on all household f;oods, pianos, etc. Consolidated car oxd service. Capital City Transfer Company, agents for Pacific Coast Forwarding company, 161 South Com mercial street. Phone Main 933. WATER COMPANY SALEM WATER COMPANY Office corner Commercial and Trade streets. For water service apply at office. Bills pavable monthly in advance. THiaAPaTJTICS WELTM.ER SYSTEM Of suggestive, Therapeutics practiced by Dr. W. T. TompKins, 8. T. Most powerful nat ural and successful treatment known, to science for the relief and cure of headache, stomach, liver and kidney; trouble; rheumatism, constipation, . . infantile paralysis and all female) complaints, heart, lung and throa troubles; all diseases of the eye; can ter, goitre, epilepsia, asthma, nerv ousness or any chronic disease. Sug gestive therapeutics properly applied to a diseased body is positive, sure and permanent in its results. Hour 9 to 12 a. m, 1 to 5 p. m., phone 991. Office rooms 1, 2 and 3 Biyn) Bldg 341 Stnte St., Salem, Oregon. UNDERTAKERS WEBB & CLOUGH CO C. B. Webb. A. M., Clough morticians and funeral directors. Latest modern metbodj known to the profession employed! 499 Court St. Main 120, Main 9S88. RIQDON-RICHARDhON CO. Funeral directors and undertakers, 252 North ' High street. Dav and night phon) 183. si ' re General Teed aai 8mall Livery Btable. C. W. TRACT S64 Ferry. Paoa 11 OSTEOPATH DENTISTS. DB. O. A. OLSON, Dentist Adminis ters nitrons ozid and oxygen gas. Boom 814. Masonie Temple. Phone 440. Saiem, Oregoa, UBS. B. IX WHITE and B. W. WAL TON Osteopathic physicians ind nerve specialists. Graduates of Amer ican school of Osteopathy, Kirkaville Mo. Post graduate and specialized i: ' nerve diseases it Los Angelej college. Treat acute and chronic diseases. Consultation free. Lady attendant. Office O05-506 U. S. National Bank, Building. Phone 859. Residence 31(1 North lupital street. Phone 4f9. Journal Want Ads Get Result Yoo Want Try one and see. L M. HUB! Care of YICKSOTONG . Chinese Medicine and Tea Company Has medicine which will cure any known disease. 153 South High Street, Salem, Ore. Phone 283 vention city.