Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, July 12, 1916, Page THREE, Image 3

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    Never Neglect Colds;
Treat Them Promptly
Often they lead to those pulmonary
troubles which are responsible (or
more than one-tenth of all lives lost
through illness.
Heavy colds which develop deep
seated coughs or cause inflammation
of the air-passages and persist in
spite of medication, weaken the sys
tem to a point where resistance easi
ly Is overcome nnd asthma, bron
chial and pulmonary troubles are the
result. To renew normal resistance,
.. Eckmans Alterative has been found
highly beneficial In many Instances.
Its lime content is so combined
' with' other remedial" agents as to be
. easily assimilated by the) average
. person and it contains no narcotics
or habit-forming drugs of any sort.
Eo It's safe to try.
At your druggist's.
Kcksiu Laboratory, Philadelphia.
Seattle, Wash., July 12. Miss Ora
Saunders of Seattle anil Martha
Barnes of Custle Koek, struek out from
; Oeortfetown early today to walk to San
! PranniBCO. They expect td make the
' trip in five weeks. This is the second
, venture of the sort for the girls. Two
. years ago tliey walked from San r'ran
' cisco to Los Angeles.
Can you doubt the evidence of this
i Salem woman? -
You can verify this Salem endorse-
ment. .
Kead this:
Mrs. B. R. Scruggs. 723 S. Thirteenth
' St., Salem,, Bays: "I know from per
' sonal eipeiience that Doan's Kidney
J'ills are a medicine of merit and I
don 't hesitate to recommend them to
. anyone I hear complaining of baek
' ache or kidney trouble. I had a dull
pain through my ..idneyg. Other symp
toms of kidney .disorder convinced me
that my kidnevs were the-ause of
riaekiche. I took two boxes of Doan's
Kidney I'ills and they stopped that
misery in my back and put my kid
. neys in good condition."
j'rice r0c. at all dealers. Don't simp-
ly ask for a kidney remedy get
Bonn's Kidney Pills the same that
Mrs. Scruggs had. Fostcr-Milburn Co.,
Props., Buffalo, N. Y.
Xorth Head, Or., July 12. The gov
ernment wireless station here today
bad the first direct news from the San
Francisco and Seattle eodfishing fleets
in Bering sea. The word came in a
message from Fort Moller, Alaskn.
Captnin Jacobs of the schooner Charles
Jt. Wilson, reported a catch of 110,0(IW
codfish since he left Seattle for the
Bering sea April 7. This cntch is con
siderably above the average.
When you wash your hair, be careful
xthat you use. Most soaps and prepared
shampoos contain too much alkali,
which is very injurious, as it dries the
ncalp and makes the hair brittle.
The best thing to use iB just plain
niulsified eoeoanut oil, for this is pure
and entirely greaseless. It's very cheap,
and hents the most expensive soups or
anything else all to pieces. You can
pet this at any drug store, and a few
ounces will last the whole family for
Simply moisten the hair with water
nnd rub it in, about a teaspoonful is all
that is required. It makes an abuudance
of rich, creamy lather, cleanses thor
oughly, and rinses out easily. The hair
dries quickly and evenly, and is soft,
fresh looking, bright, fluffy, wavy and
easy to handle. Besides, it loosens and
Inkes out every particle of dust, dirt
and dandruff.
Portland, Or., July 12. Charged
witiH white slaiveif. Jack Steadman
of Seattle was lodged in the county
jail here today and will he taken to
the Puget Sound metropolis to stand
trial for transporting Becikie Miller
from Vancouver. B. ('., to Seattle last
January. Steadman wns arrested in
Mk '.: '' ;; Ml j . ! Farmer's cash store: vfmr
Willamette Valley News
Jefferson Local News
(Capital Journal Special Service.)
Jefferson, Ore., July 12. Mr. and
Mrs. F. J. Denney and granddaughter,
Bethel Bilyeu, returned Monday from
Portland where they attended the pion
eers' reunion. . They also visited at
Mr. Denney 's old home at Beaverton
where his brothers and sisters still re
side on the old homestead.
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Chute motored from
Mill City Friday and are spending sev
eral days visiting relatives and friends.
Mr. Herman Plunkett returned Tues
day from a week's sojourn to Portland.
Mrs. Geo. C. Mason and daughter,
I. aura, left Sunday for her former home
in Ohio to visit relatives. for several
months. Mr. Mason accompanied them
to Portland. - .
County School Superintendent R. P.
Coin,' wife and baby, of Lincoln county,
have been visiting relatives during the
The auction sale at Mr. E. E. Wir
ing's was not very well attended and
'ithc livestock and other things Bold did
not bryig as good prices as they should
.wr. irning iiuiicu ms piucc lur u mini
near Sodaville whert. he will soon go
to make his future home.
, Mr. Wilbur Funk, of Scio, and Mrs.
Rilla Bilyeu, of Jefferson, were mar
ried recently at Albany. They will
make their home with the bride's pa
vents, Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Deiiney,- fer
the present. .
. Mrs. A. L Chute, daughter, son and
sister, left the middle of the week for
liberty where they will pick loganber
ries during the season.
The funeral of Mr. Clans Tliiessen
was held at the Catholic, church and
was largely attended. The floral offer
ings were large and burial took place in
the local eemeterj
As Jefferson did not celebrate out
people had to go to other places to hear
the eagle scTeam. Probably moro nr
tended at Salem and Marion than oth-1
er places. Among those going to Salem
were D, H. T.ooney and fnmily, Wm.
Smith, wife and son, W. J. I.ooney and
family, Mr. Booth, wife and children, i
and Johnuio Chuto. I Mrs. Cook and children are campers
Wm. Wilson, Jr., is quite flick. He Bt the Eoff and Downing yard.
wbb at Portland during the week for. Wm. Psetuk and familv, of Bethel, are
medical treatment. ! picking for Mr. Lentz."
S. H. Coin and family, B. S. Richard- j Personals,
son nnd wife, and R. P. Goin and family j Onie Martin, accompanied by W. H.
made the trip to Waterloo by auto Sun- Morris, were JSulem visitors Monday,
day. E. E. Martin, father of H. Martin,
Dr. Van Winkle nnd wife spe.nt the 'was at the hitter's farm Monday ossisi
Fourth at the yloctor's old home at jg ju the killing of a couple "of veuls
Halsey. I f ur Harvey.
Dr. J. C. Smith, wife, daughter and I Harlan Hoffman assisted H. E. Mar-son-in-law,
are here from Grants Pnss tin in the hayfield last Saturday.
4 .i..f .,::i f. n . ,.,.....
for a few davs' visit. Mr. Smith is a
candidate for re-election for stnto sei
ator of Josephine county
Dr. J. W. Goin and wife motored over
from Sheridan to spend the Fourth with
home folks.
The following officers of Snntinm
lodge, I. O. O. F were installed bv
M. Kelly, D. D. O. M.; N.T.., John Hen
derson; V. G., R. Wedille; secretary, A.
I;. Gordon; treasurer, W. A. Kottlmff;
W., Fred Seehale; Con., Chns. Cox:
Chap., A. C. T.ibbv; R. S. N. G., M. Kel-
:lv: I.. S. N. ., V. V. Thorns; K
S. V.
G., Chester Miller; I.. S. V. G., H. Wool-,
ridge; R. S. S Roy Snodderly; I.. S. S.,
V. A. Wedclle; 1. G., ired tody; O. G.,
J. G. Fontaine.
Johnnie Chute and Vorinn Goin drove '
to Sheridan where they visited for a
wcck wnn ut. aim hits. ,i. v. noui.
They stopped over at Dallas and visited
:urs. .i. i,. rsrown, wno is an aunt or
Variou Goin.
McCoy Items
(Capitul Joiirnnl Special Service.)
McCoy, Ore., July 11. Miss Elsie E.
Fribbell was in Dallas over Sunday vis-j
iting friends. .
Miss Aty Butterwick returned home
last Friday. I
Mr. P. T. Frizzell has just complct-
ed the erection of a new silo. . )
Mr. H. P. Thayer has left this conn-
try to go to work on the S. P. electric
which is being put through from Corvnl-j
lis to Wlittson.
Mr. R. E. Davis arrived here last
Friday to tuke up work in this com-
-Mr. Hcnrv Johnston was in Portland
Inst week on business.
H ,,?
Macleay Doings '
(Capital Journal Special Service.)
Macleay, Ore., Julv ii. The Ladies'
Aid met at the F. K. Goodell home last
Thurshday and spent the day with their
needles. Mere man was forbidden but
it is rumored that all the great prob
lems of the jlay were settled satisfac
torily to airpresent. A dainty lunch
eon was served at noon by Mrs. Goodell
who was assisted by . Mrs." A. P. Russell,
Mrs. H. E. Martin and Mrs. H. O. Tay
lor. Orange Meets.
The Macleay grange met Saturday ev
ening at the hall and after a chicken
pie supper served at 7:30 p. m., the
regular business meeting was called to
order by the worthy master, W. A.
Jones. A program of literary selections
was next in line. Among the selections
Song Assembly.
Reading Mrs. Tokenhnrg.
Recitation Alta Martin.
Recitation Dixie Sones.
Vocal Solo H. E. Martin.
Reading Mrs. H. E. Martin.
Donald Murphy was received as a new
member into the grange after which
discussion on "Farm Failures, the Wild
Cat Pest, and Farm Tractors," were
Fisherman's Luck, - j
Theron Russell and I. ess Yeager, ac
compaified by the Russell girls, motored
to Black Rock Sunday. The boys went
tishiug and the girls visited their sis
ter, Verda, who resides there. Good luck
was the portion of the boys, Theron
catching 43 and Less 57.
Btwaway Causes Scare.
H. E. Martin was the victim of a
runaway Monday afternoon when his
team, frightened at the noise of a pass
ing motor car, broke loose and ran
through his cornfield. The greatest
damage done was to the corn as he hud
weed cutters instead of shovels on the
cultivator to which the horses were
hitched. No one was hurt
At Loganberry Yards.
Thclma H. Koi'f is picking at the
Lenta yard,
I inn -Miner nnu wne were rMiiem vis
itors Monday. I hey took in their pick
ing of red rnsnebtmes
11. E. Martin and familv motored to
Turner Sunday, whero they took din
ner at the .Morris home. Later they
attended the Turner camp meeting.
Fruitland News '
(Capital Journal Special Service.)
Fi'uitlhnd. Ore.. Julv 12 Miss Eunice
Miller, of Slilcnl. is visitinir willl her
frj,.nd, Miss Naomi Runner, this week,
j0i, v. Smith died Wednesday of
llst week at the home of his .laughter,
n,i ns buried Friday in the City View
cemetery of Sulem.
Joe Fliegel sturted to work Inst Mon-
jHV on a ranch near Shaw.
a large crowd both young and old.
attended a nartv at the Fru t and ha
last Saturday cveniiur.
Mr. William Avis nnd Dell enine down
from Turner -to see their former neigh
bors t'ie last week-end.
The Pede family nnd Mrs. P. J. Eesi-
ler motored to Jefferson last Sunday
Mr. White, of the Church of God,
gave a splendid sermon at the Y. P. A.
last Sunday evening,
Mr. Honkoli has been building an ad-
dition to his house lately,
Clinton Witham and Cnrroll Runner
started for Newport by auto today and
expect to Btay until Sunday.
Why the Journal is popular
it prints the world's news to-
3C9jC9C3)CiC3tC)C )C9)C3C3C3fC
Scotls Mills Items v
(Capital Journal Special Service.)
Scotts Mills, Ore., July 12. Mr. and
Mrs. Charles Scott, of the flouring mills
here, were summoned before Judge Kel
ly 's court to stand trial on a charge of
brought against them by Mrs. Gertrude
Seott, who had brought suit tor $25,000
against her husband's parents for al
leged alienation of her husband's af
fections. Several of our Scotts Mills
people were summoned as witnesses for
the defendants. The case was thrown
out of court, Mr. Scott paying costs of
Mrs. James Dargau, formerly Luelln
Clark, and her husband, from Los An
geles, are visiting their uncle nnd aunt,
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Adkins. They are
spending this week at Wilhoit Springs.
Mr. and Mrs. Addleman returned last
Saturday from West Stayton where they
have been for the past week looking aft
er their apple orchard in that plaee.
Mr. A. N. Commons took a load of
cherries to the Salem cannery last Sat
urday. A cannery is needed here in
Scotts Mills very much and would get
a large patronage.
Mr. and Mrs. Rich gave a reception
for their son, Arthur, aud bride last Sat
urday evening. They had just returned
from Seaside where they had been vis
iting an aunt, Mrs. Newman. About 30
guests attended, and report a verv
pleasant time. Music, games niid so
cial conversation occupied the time un
til refreshments were served. The
"newly weds" were the recipients of
many benutifnl and costly presents
from their friends.
Rev. Cline, of Portland, preached nt
the Friends church Sunday morning
and in the evening gave his lecture on
Mr. Warden lias lately purchased him
an automobile.
A number from here attended revival
services nt Muiquuni Sunday evening.
Independence News
(Capital Journal Special Service.)
Independence, Ore., July .1. Miss
Babe Damon, of Wuliaceldaho, is vis
iting nt the homo of her parent in this
Sir. Lynn Huntley returned this week
from a visit in Portland.
-Mrs. W. M. Elliott nnd son left yes
terday for Newport, where they will
spend the summer.
Mr. Kenneth Thompson, o'f Portlnnd,
is visiting M. W. Walker, of this city.
Mrs. Tom Hurt and Mrs. W. W. i'er
cival were Salem visitors today.
Miss Zelpliiu Cross visited tlie Cherry
City today.
Mrs. M. A. Robinson was operated
upon in a Portland hospital Inst week
and is now on the road to recovery.
Mrs. Dell Bush, of Portland, is visit
ing at the home of Mr. and .Mrs. M. C.
Misses Dorothy and Gladys Cliilds, of
this city, are spending a couple of
weeks nt Newport.
Lieutenant F. A. Williams, of the
Philippine constabulary, is visiting at
the home of his brother, M. C. Williams.
-Miss Crissic Miller left a few days
ago for Los Angeles, where she will
iniike her home in the future.
.Mr. A. Sloper and family motored to
Portland Sunday to see Mrs. Sloper who
is in the hospital there. They report
her doing nicely.
Dole Pomeroy and wife, of Washing
ton, arc visiting at the home of S. E.
Shaler Eldiidge is spending his vaca
tion at Newport
Frank .Miller is spending his vuention
nt Belknap Springs.
Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Fowler have pur
chased the Pekiu cafe on -Main street,
and will reopen it as u first class restnu
rii nt.
The medicine show company is with
us for a few weeks. They gave a free
open air attraction on C street every
night and the attendance v large.
Dr. Pardy and wife motored to Me
Minnville yesterday to attend the Chau
tauqua exercises ut that place.
Mr. A. Sperling and wife returned
from Idaho where they have been visit
ing their daughter there.
(Capital Journal Special Service.)
West Woodbuin, Ore., July 12. Mrs.
B. 1'. Knight, who has been visiting
with Wm. Scollard and family, with
Minn Hellen Scollard, left for Seaside
Saturday, where they expect to spend
the next six weeks.
Mrs. E. A. Proctor went to Portland
Thursday to spend a few days visiting
with friends,
Mrs. M. E. Tally and daughter spent
the week end visiting in Portland.
E. A. Proctor went to Portland Sat
urday on business, returning on Mon
day. T. N. Griffith spent the week-end in
Miss Lilly Mnuning is visiting with
her mint, Airs. M. J. AlcCormick.
James Ward ns in Portland Satur
day morning.
I. M. fisher's son, Ralph, is spend
ing a few days at West Woodburn from
University Summer
School Is Larger
. (Capital Journal Special Service.)
University of Oregon, Eugene, July
12. The university school this year
shows an increase in attendance of more
t hun !)) per cent over lust year, nnd
more than 100 per cent over tho yeur
before, constituting one of the most
rapid gains in size in such a short
period ever made by an old established
institution in the state. The summer
Hjhool has been in existence 11 years,
out its great spurt in growth dates, like !
that of other departments of the uni-'
versit.v, from Hie time of the withdraw
al of the Oregon educational institu
tions from the field of politics," and
from the establishment of high stand
ard of graduate work in all the summer
The summer students are sniil to aver
age more than .10 years of age, many
of them being successful men and wo-
Will Not Be Influenced
by Outside Threats
Washington, July 12. President
Wilson's course of action regarding the
British blockade will in no way be in
fluenced by internal politics in Germany
or German threats that the submarine
war will be renewed unless England
is brought to book.
Officials made this fact known to
day in commenting upon United Press
dispatches from Berlin. Tsey displayed
great interest in the prediction of Von
Tirpitzites that the submarine would be
unloosed within three months and Chan
cellor Von Bethmann-Hollweg unseated,
unless president Wilson took strong ac
tion against England. But they added
that President Wilson in the lust note
to Germany, took pnins to divorce the
Anglo-American controversy from the
German-American . controversy and let
Germany know in unmistnkaide words
that this government would handle Eng
land without advice from Berlin.
Mcdford, Ore., July 12. Medford
Inst . night celebrated the result of
yesterday's election nt which the city
council was authorized to award the
$300,000 contract for the construc
tion of a railroad to the Blue Ledge
mine, a distance of 30 miles, to S.
Bullis. The vote was nearly three
to one in favor of closing the contract,
the total vote being 1,009 for with 30ti
against. A huge impromptu demonstra
tion quickly followed us soon as the re
sult was known, and 300 automobiles
proceeded through the business section
sounding their horns while hundreds of
men, women and children paraded, toot
ing toy horns and carrying banners. The
inarch was ended ut the Comemrcinl
club building where speeches were cull
ed for from members of the Commercial
club and business men,
Salem Boy Attends
'Varsity Summer School
(Capital Journal Special Service.)
Viiiversity of Oregon, Eugene, July
12. J. J. Elliott, of Salem, is one of
tho students registered fur the summer
session of the University of Oregon. He
is taking courses in Recounting and so
ciology, and a eourso in Shakespeare
under Dr. J. Duncnii Spaeth, of Prince
ton university. Other students from
Marion county are: Hazel F. Harris,
F. S. Gannett, Bert F. Ford, C. Edwin
Plntts, J. P. Bain, Mae B. I.yuch and
Clcvelnnd S. Simpkins, of Sulem; How
ard M. James, of Silverton; Roy W.
Glass and J. H. Collins of Woodiiurn:
Mary Chute, of Jefferson.
The "Coiue-back" man was really
never doHii and-out. ; His weakened
condition because of over-work. Inch
of exercise, improper eating and living
demands stimulation to satisfy the cry
for a henllh-giving appetite and the re
freshing sleep essential to strength.
GOLD MEDAL II lein Oil I'npsules,
the National Remedy of Holland, will
do the work. They are wonderful t
Three of these capsules each day will
put a man on his feet before he knows
it; whether his trouble conies from uric
acid poisoning, the kidneys, gravel or
stone in the bladder, stomach derange
ment or other ailments that befall the
nver-zealons American. Don't wait un
til you arc entirely dowiwind-out, but
take them today. Your druggist will
gladly refund your money if they do
not help you. .Tie, ollc and l.00 per
box. Accept no sulisttitiites. Look
for the name GOLD MKDAL on every
box. They are the pure, nrigiunl, im
ported llanrlein Oil Capsules.
men ill many lines of work.
Numerous married couples are regis
tered this year, husbands unil wives tak
ing work together. The overwhelming
majority of the students are Oregon
inns, but the following states are rep
resented: Washington, California,
Idaho, Montana, lowu, Kentucky, Ari
zona, Kansas, and the province of New
Brunswick. The most distant student
conies from Amoy, South China.
Journal Want Ads Get Results You
Wnnt Try one and see.
Summer Tours
$32 Round Trip
Good for 30 Days. .
Ninety Day Ticket $35.00
Meals and berth included on the
Twin Palaces S. 8. Northern
Pacific and . Great Northern
only 20 hours' at sea. Most de
lightful trip on the West Coast.
. Oregon Electric
North Bank Road
& S. Northern Pacific
S. S. Great Northern
Low Frt for Round C I CT
Trips to all cities of the LnOl
Direct via the Most Scenic
Routes of America, or via
Catsop Beach for
X W. RITCHIE, Agent,
Salem, Oregon
nlr ""S
Hot Weather
B. V. D.
We Carry Them
The House That Guarantees Every Purchase
Advertised July 11, 11)10.
Abbott, Mrs. Albert
Baiter, Mr. Millard
Bool, Mrs. Theodore
Davis, -Mr. Walter L.
Knrr, Mrs. W. H. (2)
Eollon, .Mr. K.
Quilling, Mr. Elmer
Glueh, Mr. Geo.
Green, Mrs. L. K.
Heals Skin Diseases
It. Ill linnAKABCnrV tn l-AI1 4yv .nlTna
with PfZcmA. ritiffWArm. rnulwa ! aim.
ilar skin troubles. A little zemo, gotten
at any drug store for Se, or fl.UO for
I'xtra large bottle, and promptly applied
will usually give instant relief from itch
ing torture. It cleanses and soothes the
skin and heule quickly and effectively
most skin diseases.
J5emo is a wondefful disappearing liquid
nnd does not smart the most delicate skin.
It is not ffrptlMV. iu onuilv mmbiuil unit
costs little. Get it today aud save nil
turtucr distress.
. . Zeino, Cleveland.
Trust Prices
Eigg-er Office, Bigger Business, Better Methods, Better System,
More Patients, More Hygienic
We examine your teeth (not your pocketbook) free of charge.
Part of every dollar you give a Trust Dentist goes to help keep up
the Trust in Oregon. Can you afford to pay ?2 for $1 worth of old
style dentistry just to help the dental combine crush competition?
Painless Parker Dentist
326 12 Washington St., Portland
Los Angeles, Sun Diego, San Fruneisco, Oakland, Bakcrsfield, Fresno, flan
Jose, Brooklyn, N. Y.
We Use Only Tested Milk
Every housewife knows that nothing is so
easily adulterated or weakened us milk.
Every drop of milk in Pun-Dandy Bread is tested
seientifieully. It must show absolute purity, with ut leat
SVz per cent of butter fat.
Pan-Dandy Bread
When we take this rich "milk and combine it with
the best bread flour that money can buy and the purest
of other ingredients, we produce u loaf of breud that can
not be improved.
You'll say so yourself after trying it.
All good grocers have it the Pan-Dandy
lubel is on the genuine. .
240 S. Commercial St.
li ruber, Miss Edna
llollensteinor, E. v
Ohon, Hong, K. -
Hudson, Mr, W. H.
Hull, Mr. W. R.
Humphrey, Miss Anna
Kazmnrek, Mr. John A,
Keith, Mrs. F. A.
Kirk, Mr. Thos. F.
Lang, Mrs. ,las. O. ..
Livingston, Miss Norn
McKinney, Mr. and Mrs. Frank (2)
Martinson, Miss Alico
Mathers, Mr and -Mrs. P. M.
Matthews, Mrs. Bessie
Meeker, Mr. Frank
Miller, Miss Ethel
Moon, Mr. M. M.
Nelson, O. 8.
Nicewood, Mrs. 0 C.
I 'in ks, ' It.
Quigley, .Mr. E. G.
Kiley, Mr. Dad
Hingo, Mrs. .1. M.
Shaw, Mr. L. U
Smith, Mrs. Knimn
Smith, M.is. Richard
Standley, Miss Hose
Steelsmith, Margaret
Webb, Mr. U. H.
Williams, Carol
AI'tiCHT. lll't'OKSTKIN, P. M.
Cut in Half
Painless Parker
50 Less
Hours 8:30 to 6:30; closed Sundays.