THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, JULY 12, 1916. :zscaBasssacsiisssBnsBSB3 Bell-ans Absolutely,. Removes ' Indigestion. One package j:; proves it 25c at all druggists. EsaQsscacaccsaEsas&ncsnEs2sx: n u H Have You Felt The Thrill?! n IT'S IN THE AIR TWO SOCIETY J ! (c Jft sft sfc ic sfc )ft ift s(c c 30t f jft 3ft M By ALINE THOMPSON About 20 matrons and maids gather ed at the charming Kensington fur which Ms. Frank Wilbur Chnco was hostess on Monday to honor Mrs. Carl "regg Ioney's house guests, Mrs. Mac Harris and Miss time hvans of Co- Jumbus, Ohio. The rooms wore deck " cd with quantities of roses. Mrs :. Oiaee was assisted by Mrs. V. K Kirk, Mrs. George Alden and Miss .Vera UUIy. Mrs. Chauncey Bishop has as her ' guests Mrs. i'erey Young and Miss " Isobel Young of Albany. They came today and will .Salem until sf- ' tor Mrs. William lturghardt, Jr., mus- icale Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. J. N. SUaifo and daugh ter, Miss Nancy Bl'aifc, end Miss Wary Kckerlin have returned from a Several weeks motor trip to The Dalles w where they were the guests of Mr. aud "Mrs. Charles Both. The Patriotic League will hold ith regular meeting at the Library on Fri day at 2:30 o'clock. One of the merriest affairs of the week was tho picnic given by the mem bers of the Kpworth League of the .lason Lee church on Minto's Island Tuesday evening. A launch conveyed the happy party over to the island where they enjoyed upper and games. Those participat ing in the evening's fan were: Mr. and Mrs. C". M. Roberta, Mr. nnd Mrs. R. A. Harris, Mr. and Mrs. Philip Aapinwall, the Misses Blanch lrake, Ijois Tyler, Marion Roberts, Averal (arris, Vivian Hargrove, Kthcl Fra Bier, racOe Tyler, Mabel Gardner, Mi ni Scheffee, Nettie Gregston, Mabel Ill-own, Iris Taylor, Glide Gardner Sy bil Smith, Harriett Livingston, Grace 'Johnson, and William ('hittick, Arthur MeClane, Koss Harris, Lloyd Hoot, Ver non Tyler and Fred Kline. m A special meeting of tho Parent Teachers association of the Mountnin View district will be held at the school building on Friday evening to arrange for the district picnic which is to be Riven July 2tf. ' The Women's Marion County Repub lican club held a most interesting meeting on Monday in the city hal. Mrs. Helen Soutiiwic.k presided over the meeting. Mrs. Seymour Jones had charge of the programme for the aftor noa and interesting papers on current . events were read by Mrs. Kulliiv K. Jage, Mrs. Seymour Jones, Mrs. (!. C Xuner, Mrs. Helen Southwick,. Mis. B. K. Moore and Miss Hazel Bishop. The meeting marked the last gath ering of the club before the vacation eriod and a committee was appointed to arrange for a rally to be held on tfentcmber 11. The committee is composed of Mrs. It. K. Moore, Mrs. 8. Jones and Miss liaxel Bishop. Tonight the members of the Now York society will participate m a pic nic to be given at tho fair grounds. M n ii u n n ii ii n ii n .1 ii The Bamikirapft of McEvoy Bros. The Chicago Store WAS SOLD BY THE 'S3 M i ij ii II :i ii n H H ii II u 9 ii II II U o n ii ; u e: Uo So COURT To Gale & Company, of Portland Stock is now being prepared and prices remarked for Biggest Sale Ever Known. A Thrilling Announcement will soon be made to the 17 j froll-ft (PTh'tv ' TTfl-9 People of Salem, Marion and Polk Counties VV Oi 11 Jl O JI IL Ho POSTPONE ALL YOUR BUYING AND WAIT GALE & COMPANY SELLING OUT THE CHICAGO STORE, Outfitters for the Entire Family .1. - - . ASK FOR and GET HORLICK'S TEE ORIGINAL MALTED MILK Cheap substitutes cost YO0 sms pries. Games and numerous other amuse ments have bees planned for the even ing, which is being anticipated with considerable pleasure. Miss Dorothy Dick, who has been the gnest of Mrs. Florence McDonald in Orenco, has gone to Portlitnd for a few days visit with Mrs. Paul Dick be fore returning home. BORN BOWMAN To Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Harry llowniuu, living near Lives Icy, Tuesday, July 11, 101(1, a son. Rousing Specials Pursuant to our policy of cleaning up stocks each season, rather than carry them over, we begin today Tuesday to offer profit sharing items to every customer in spite of the high cost of merchandise. Right at a time when such bargains are pleasingly ac ceptable we offer SPECIALS IN PLAIN, FANCY AND NOVELTY WASH GOODS. Each day this week we shall add new ones, so watch our ads, and be on hand earlv as these are ROUSING SPECIALS while they last Going on Tomorrow at like a yd Lawns, Organdies, Flaxons, Seed Voiles and Crepes in plain colors, stripes and dainty flowered effects. The policy of this store forbids the ad vertising of fanciful bargains. You will find every one of these to be overflowing values at the original prices which were 25c, 20c, 18c, 15c a Yard-Special to Close i2y2c J&arne&f!adh$cre Market Regains Life and Prices Advance New York, July 12. Tho New York Evening Sun's financial review today said: Slightly better tendencies which aside from a specialties developed in a gen eral security list yesterday and made further progress and the stock market as a whole showed some signs of find ing itself. Sentiment has mixed and the price movement was irregular and highly uncertain at times. Hut the professional selling pressure lost some of its force and effect aud recover ing tendencies developed as the session progressed. Tho rally considering the extent of ! the recent decline, was inconsiderable ' nnd was inspired in largo part no 1 doubt by short coverings. A particular ly vicious drive wus inn do against in dustrial ulcohol, which whs carried down 1 14 points or so from the best figures j of the duy in the early afternoon. The stability of tho general list iu the i fuce of the violent break in industrial alcohol, which, however, regained some ! of its extreme loss, was the feature 'of the lute trndinir. Trices moved ir- rcgulurly within a narrow inurgiu, but the undertone was strong and fraction rallies demonstrated in the last hour. A feature was au advance of a full point iu Vnion Pacific. .Third Oregon Still Needs 700 Recruits Portland, Ore., July 12. Vnless more recruits are forthcoming for the Orcgou infantry, the regiment probably will be consolidated into two battalions, de clared Captain K, P. Williams, federal inspection officer,' today. Nearly "00 mcu are needed to bring the regiment up to the required war strength of 1(800 men. Despite the op ening of offices throughout the state, recruiting has been slow, especially since the probability of war with Mex ico has diminished. The First and Second battalions of the regiment now are at Palm Reach and the Third battalion at Sau Ysidro, Cal. Besides these troops Oregon has a battery of field artillery at Calexico, and troop of cavalry at Sun Diego, both recruited to full strength. WAR ON GOPHERS AND MOLES PERSONALS Monmouth, Ore., July '12. The gophers, upon which pest farmers in this vicinity have made war for the last three years, have been nearly ex terminated, says Millard McCaleb, a trapper. Moles are declared harder to catch on account of th character of their holes, and very few farmers know how to successfully operate mole traps. There are very few trappers. With mole skins valuable this year, it is believed that the number of trappers will in crease and the peat decrease accordingly- Journal Want Ads Get Results You Want Try out and tee. Attorney Ernest Blue is in Portland attending to legal matters. Mrs. Helene Hogan is in Shedds, called there by the illness of her fath er. J. H. Lauterman was registered yes terday at the Washington hotel, Port-laud. Mr. and Mrs. C. I) Pnrdy left this morning tor a six weeks' visit at Tillamook Mr. and Mrs. M. E, Breyman were in Portland yesterday, registered at tiie Seward hotel. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Vick and daughter Bertha, nnd Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Vick are visiting in Portland. Mrs. Sophie Nelson nnd daughter of Suver returned to their home yester day after a short visit in the city. Lee B. Tierney, traveling passenger agent of the (Ireat Jorthern with headquarters at Portland, is in the city Mrs. Mary Franklin, of Wichita, Kas., is in the city visiting at the home of B. N. White, 477 South Sixteenth street. Miss Ida Ii. Denny, who has been teaching sciiool at Claxtar, left this morning o spend the summer at In dianapolis, lnd. MrB. Irene Alleman of Woodburn is visiting at the home of Mrs. Frank Crawford near Zena. She is a member of the Woodburn octette. The following were registered at the Capital hotel yesterday; John 1M. lav ies, Amitvj B. F. Butler, Dallas; P. B. Marshall," Albany; E. S. StulU, John Day, Oregon. DIED HAWTHORNE At her home on the Independence road, July 11, 1916, .Mrs. Catherine Luanda wawtnorue, in her 50th year. She is survived by her husband, J. M. Hawthorne, and three daughters, Mrs. Mark Siddiils of Salem, Mrs. Ralph Gilbert, Jiving north of Salem, and Miss MiMred Hawthorne, living at home, and three sons, 3. V. Hawthorne of Fillmore, Calif.; Kay, 22, and Sidney 11, living at home. The funeral services were held this afternoon at the home, conducted by the Kev. .11. C. Stover. Burial was in the I. O. O. F. cemetery. HARPOLE At his home near Brooks, July 11, IDltl, Lafayette Harpole, in his"82d year. He is survived by o son, William W. Harpole, of Brooks, and two sisters, Mrs. Nancy Hagey, of Hilgard, Ore., and Mrs. Susie Shrfer, of Cottage Grove, The funeral will be held at 3 o'clock Thursday afternoon from "the home. Burial will be in the Pioneer cemetery. The Journal Does Job Printing. COURT HOUSE NEWS t B. C. Hcighton was giveu a verdict for $2500 in his suit against Charles T. Tooze last evening by a jury in Judge Kelly's court. The caso, which had occupied the better part of a week, went to tho jury about two o'clock yes terday. Possession of a 101 acre farm on which improvements to the value of $175 had meen made by Hcighton was involved. Ralph E. Merril has filed suit a gainst Sherwin Shoales and others to collect $3300 alleged due on a promis sor" note secured by n mortgage on a farm of 100 acres. After negotiating the loan, Merril states, the Shoales made arrangements by which Harry Kemmett and his wife, Lucy, entered into possession of the property. Other factors appear in the case including liens and a $1500 mortgage held by Coolidge and MeClaine of Silverton. Wallace Hart warned his wife Es tella not to go to shows, visit candy stores and be in other public places with John Manners, while her husband was working, declares Hart in a di vorce complaint filed tojay. Never theless, he states, Estella did these things. Then, one evening in March, 115, Wallace came home to supper but no supper was waiting. He says his wife had taken thetr three year old child and also her personal effects and the cooking utensils end had gone to her parent 's home near New Era. Since that time the two have leen separated Not only did his wife decline to see him or talk or write o him but she refused to let him visit their child, Virginia, Hart further alleges. He wutits possession of the child, statuig that the mother is not a fit person to bring her up. Hart alleges that his wife permitted relatives to use vulgar and indecent talk before the little girl and charges thnt she allowed one Ma bel Hofi'mau to teacn Virginia inde cent words. rains, already causing great difficulty in motor transportation have hastened negotiations between Washington nnd Mexico City for extensive use of the Mexico Northwestern railroad from Ju arez for shipment for forage to the Am erican punitive expedition. At the same time the quartermasters corps has completed plans for doubling the present number of trucks and facil ities for carrying supplies over the desert route between Columbus and General Pershing's advanced base. These preparations belie reports that withdrawal of the expedition is contem plated soon. The signal corps continue to extend the field telegraph system on steel poles. The engineering e'orpu, when the rains permit, will resume labor on a new road grado. Representatives of motor companies here declare orders have been given for immediate shipment of over 400 more, trucks to be put iuto the overland ser vice. A large reserve of rations piled along the Amorican lines ir Mexico is I believed sufficient to feed the expedi tinnary forces through tho rainy season. I But the problem of forage for the horsed and mules with the expedition still it i acute. I 9 " MEXICAN PEOPLE . (Continued Trom Page One.) sand could find food and water on the road to Ojiniga. All available militia cavalry at El Paso and other border sections are pre paring to begin patrolling the Rio Grande. They are handicapped by lack of horses, but those are being issued rapidly, A large bandit column was reported early today to be marching toward Bo quilias and Ojiniga but these could not be expected to. reach the border for three or four days. Preparing to Stay. By Webb C. Miller. United Press staff correspondent.) Columbus, N. M, July 12. The heavj Convince Yourself Look at Crisco. Its very appearance tells a story of purity. It is creamy white and just stiff enough to round up nicely on the spoon. ' . Then see if it has an odor. You will find none but a delicate aroma, indicative of its purity. Crisco remains the same in hot weather without refrigeration. Next taste it. You will find a neutral taste; that is, practically no flavor not greasy or "lardy." It resembles cold, unsalted butter. Then try it. First fry potatoes, arid note the whole some potato flavor. You may never have known the potato flavor before because the taste of the fat you have been using has predominated. Crisco allows the true flavor of the food to assert itself. Next make some biscuits. See how light they are. Break one open and you will be delighted with its appe tizing odor. This is a severe test for a shortening Next make a white cake and learn how delicate and rich your cake will be without butter and with few eggs. Please convince yourself about Crisco. If you will know Crisco you will be a Crisco enthusiast.