FULL LEASED WIRE DISPATCHES ' - . - .. CIRCULATION IS OVER 4000 DAILY , 'Af mt- v - -v m - -m m av' i in i in n . u, r: .x 1 ij, .1 1 it in iu a. va v .1 m a. shsf 1 vi x. 1 v THIRTY-NINTH YEAR EM QREG0N WEDNESDAY, JULY 12 1916 - - PRICE TWO CENTS '2PSEi nriirnnin nm 1 j. j. .. .1. ... ... ... . - ' ' , 1 '. BE READY SOON DASH FROM 1 )RT if' Vital Test Will ComeqVhen She Dives to Dodge Wait ing War Ships FLEET OF THESE WATCH NEAR THREE MILE LIMIT If She Can Dodge These, the Success of Experiment Will Be Assured By Carl D. Groat (United Press staff correspondent) Baltimore, Mr., July 12. Apparent ly intending to scoff at allied patrols, the German cargo submarine Deutsch Jnnd will lose no time tn quitting this port en route back to Germany. Just as soon as Bhe cun complete un loading her precious itye stuffs cargo and refilling with nickel and rubber, fclic will hasten to Norfolk, it was offi cially stated to the United Press this afternoon. At Norfolk she will com plete her cargo and get through the fipea at the earliest possible time. Her dash past or under an allied ves sel cordon is likely to be as dramatic as her sudden appearance Sunday from the depths. Manager Kilgilen and Captain Koe nig were confident this afternoon that tiiis adventurer of the Bub-seas will run the allied lines even though the allies are informed In advance of her Milling time, Probobly tiie will leave liere by Saturday or Sunday. Certain of His Position Baltimore, Mr., Julv 12. Secure in .tie belief that the Washington gov-! oinmrnt will not rule ngmnst his crnft, Captain Koenig today hastened work :.of unloading the million dollar, dye fituffs cargo from the mammoth Ger man super-submarine Deutschland. He was anxious to have done with this task and to commence taking on the most precious cargo nickel and ruboer for the return trip to Ger many. The really vitat test for the Deutsch land is still ahead.- This will come when she shunts her vast green body lioneath the waves and shoots out for home while watchful allied ships off the V irginia capes endeavor to destroy or capture her. She will not have advantage of the Beereey whicii marked her departure from Germany. As matters now stand the Deutsch In ud's hold will be empty some time tomorrow, filling her with nickel and rubber will take two or three days, making her ready for departure Sun Juy or Monday. She plans a brief stay at -Norfolk. From there she will probably submerge at night, remniu lown deep and endeavor to run the jiatrol without poking her periscopic eyes above the surface until tar out at sea. Has Seven Sister Ships The tug Simmons, secret "go be tween" for the Deutsrhlnnd nud her loenl agents is at present in the hur- bnr here, said an announcement from the Eastern forwarding company to- lay, in answer to printed reports that she hail gone on another secret mis sion. The Timmons pr:btibly will tow the Deutschland down the river to TMoifolK where she picks up part of her cargo and then mny await arrival of t ie Deutschland 's sister ship Brem en. Just where the Bremen will dock (Continued on Page Jive.) It seems like tU' feller with the best Ideas is alius in some business where he can't use 'em. Ever notice how a reller smiles when he speaks o bu wire Lusitania crisis. Americans here be bein' awayt 'lieve Bcthmann-Hollwei? will train MT. LASSEN ERUPTS Redding, Cal., July 12. The first big eruption of Mt. Lassen ' since November 22, 1915, started at 4: SO p. m. yesterday. Smoke ascended in a huge cauliflower formation, making the most beautiful spectacle in the vol- cano's history. The eruption lasted more than an hour. This was eruption No. 122. For several weeks the summit of Lassen has been very warm, melting the snow, although the. peak is usually white all sum- mer. More eruptions are ex- pected. L APPEAL 10 EUROPE President Tells Delegation America Is Doing All It Can to Relieve Poland Washington, July 12. President Wilson mny make a personal appeal to the ruling monarchs of the bellig erent nations of Europe to save Po land from starvation. Replying to the appeal for such ac tion made to him today by a delega tion representing the Polish organiza tions of the country, the president strongly indicated that if all other measures failed, he will take the ques tion up persopally. The president told the delegation: "The Polish situation has engaged my thoughts constantly and I might say without exaggeration and I do not think there is any mat.'er to which the state department has devoed more con stant nud repeated effort than that of trying to get relief to Poland. I know the terrible conditions, the tragic con ditions that exist there, and nobody could know without feeling his heart torn with the knowledge. Just the other day we issued a special appeal to the governments coucerned to make concessions and allow this humane thing to be done. Now I am simply up against a stone wall In the mntter. 1 cannot force food in there without complicating the situation and without I conjecture, doing n greater disaster to Poland than service. "Her only friends nre apparently at a disadvantage but I can assure you tiiac every mnu or pressure that can be brought will be brought and is be ing brought to the accomplishment of this object. I desire, as well as all those associated with me, to help her and as a reminder it was most unnec essary that you should come here. I mean I was not forgetful of Poland and was not likely to be forgetful of her, but that makes your visit none the less impressive and none the less welcome and you mny be sure that I will continue to do everything that is possible. ' ' L. Bechtel the real estate man is a firm believer in the rotation of crops and is willing to argue the question from experience. Aft'.'r a visit in the Howell Prairie country, he comes back with the information that crops are finer than for many years, and that the fields of oats, vetch and cheat are showing stands of grain five feet high. Flax he regards as a good thing for the land as it grows so thick that weeds are choked out. A field that was in flax last vear is in oats now, with the prospects of a fine yield. All of which convinces Mr. Bechtel that flax is all right and from a finan cial standpoint, is the most profitable crop in the valley. Von Tirpitz Followers Say They Would Be Pleased to Have War By Carl W. Ackerman. (United Press staff correspondent.) Berlin, July 12. The overthrow of Chancellor Von Bethmann-Hollweg. champion of a conciliatory policy to ward the United States and the unloos ing of German submarines within three months, was prcdiceted by Von Tirpitz supporters here today, unless President Wilson acts against the British block ade. Members of the conservative party and those favoring annexation of ter ritory conquered by Oermsny joined in the forecast. They said the opinion of America will be disregarded. A private source close to the foreign office made this statement to the Uni ted Press, regarding the attempt to un seat Bethmann-Hollweg at a time when the war is approaching a crisis: "Unless America does something against England within the next three months, there will be a bitter fight against the chancellor. One cannot tell whether he will be able to hold his own against such opposition. The future of German-American relations depends upon America. " But despite this political drive against the man who stood out against 'a break with the United States in the IllllllbU I IUIIIIIIU I j. WESTERN FRONT General Haig Admits Ger mans Reinforced Had Pushed Him Back ALLIES ADOPT GERMAN METHODS IN ATTACKING Say Great Drive Is Progress ing Steadily Just As It Was Planned By Harry Wood (United Press staff correspondent) Paris, July 12. The llies' great steam roller is moving eastward through the German lines exactly on schedule time. The lull in the fighting on the Som me front, reported in today's official statement, was marked down in ad vance on the time table of the allied offensive. Just as any other steam roller must pause to- take on coal and for a levelling of the road ahead, the Anglo-French steam roller is halting and preparing for the next infantry runu. ine nignesr, xrencn military au thorities, returning from the front, de clared today that the offensive is pro ceeding with all the mathematical ex actness with which it was originally planned. Thev admitted frankly that the al lies copied from the German attack at Verdun their present tactics of smashing the way through German de fenses purely with heavy artillery and French mortars. Thay' declare, how ever, that whereas the Germans at Ver dun were unable to ktcp up their max imum,. progress after the first' on slaught,, the allies have continued to progress according to schedule. Since the beginning of the offensive the allies' heav'y artillery has com pletely pierced , the German lines at several points, rendering possible in fantry thrusts for as great a distance as fifteen-kilometers (eight and one half miles) had the allies been willing to sacrifice the men such an operation would have entailed. Instead the al lied commanders have consistently re fused to advance their men until they have brought up heavy artillery and cleared the path. Hand to Hand Struggle ' j By Ed L. Keen (United Press staff correspondent) i i.ondon, July 12. A pitched battle for possession of important points northeast of Albert, has followed the arrival of strong bodies of German re inforcements to check the British of fensive. The German war office announced this afternoon that fighting has gone on practically without interruption since Monday. The two armies are locked in a- hand to hand struggle' In many sectors of a wide front extending on both sides of the Bapaume-Albert road. The fighting is especially vio lent near ( ontalmaisoii ami in a south easterly direction in the Mametz and Trones woods, Berlin reported. On the western front the Germans pushed forward in the region of Sou ville and I.aufec, taking 2,145 prisoners (Continued on Page Four.) With America emerge triumphant. They feel ceAnin that if the chancellor appealed to the public for a decision he would be sup ported. After the Chancellor. The fight to. oust the chancellor, the beginning of which was reported in United Press dispatches a few weeks ago, has now grown to such propor tions that it overshadows in interest the allied offensive. The attacks on the chancellor have gradually grown bolder since the appearance of Prince Bue low's book "Deutsche Politik," be cause this book is believed to be the opening of Buelow's campaign to oust the chancellor and step back into the position he occupied until succeeded by Bethmann-Hollweg in 1909. This movement has grown more forceful since the German answer to President Wilson's ultimatum was sent. The con servatives accepted the German note as containing a conditional elause and they have been waiting to see what step the United States would take against Eng land. Within the last few dars I have dis cussed the situation with leaders of sev eral parties in the reichstag. A nation al liberal member of the reichstag, who was formerly a supporter of Von Tir- (Continued on Page Seven.) Washington, July 12. The foreign trade of the United States for )he fiscal year just closed exceeded (1,500,000,000 according to an official estimate by the United States bureau of foreign and- domestic commerce. This amount represents a gain of practically $1,500,000,000 over the previous fiscal year and is the largest total in the history of American commerce. Importations for 1916 fiscal year amounted to 2,180,000,000. Seven articles represented one- half the 'entire amount. They are:. Sugar, $200,000,000; rub- ber, 159,000,000: hides and skins, $157,000,000; raw wool, $145,000,000; raw silks, $122,000.- 000; coffee, $117,000,000; drugs, $108,000,000. All these amounts - were big increases over 1915. . - TO BE MISTAKE David Starr Jordan Savs Conditions Necessary to Evolution San Francisco, July 12. "To inter vene in Mexican affairs at the present time, using our own mistakes as a basis for intervention would bt a blunder, which among'other nations, would tend to destroy all our moral prestige, ' ' said Dr. David Starr Jordan today, upon his return from an interview at the border with prominent Mexicans with a view to adjusting Mexican troubles. He declares' that investigation shows the Mexican revolutionary movements are a necessity in the modernizing of the government by the elimination of archnic and harmful remnants of the old Spanish regime. In the states not affected by the war, there is entire order, schools have been established, prohibition has been put into effect by some states and a new growth of con structive citiseaship is evident. Even in the war riddn states, says Jordan, a start for order has been made, and out of the revolutions has grown a de sire to make Mexico pay its own way instead of borrowing money at ruin ous rates. Jordan advocates the patrol of the border by both An. rican and Mexican troops. ' $ TODAn BALL SCORES American. First game:.!!:.' B. H. K. Clevoland 1 7 0 New York 0 5 1 Bagby and Daly; Caldwell and Alex ander. Second game: R. H. E. Cleveland 6 12 4 New York 3 7 2 Gould and Daly; R. Fisher and Wal ter. First game: R. H. E. Chicago ....r 1 7 2 Boston 2 8 2 Russell and Schalk, Lapp; Shore and Cudy. Second game: R. H. E. Chicago 1 fi 2 Boston 3 6 0 Williams, Cicotte and Schalk; Leon ard and Carrigan. First game: R. II. E. St. Louis 8 1.1 2 Philadelphia .1 10 4 Plunk and Hartley; Hasselbacher, Williams and Meyers. Second game: R. II. E. St. Louis 2 8 1 Philadelphia 1 6 2 Davenport, Hamilton and Severoid; Meyers and Meyer. R. H. E. Detroit 4-7 4 Washington 2 4 0 Covaleski and Baker; Carpouter, Du mont and Henry. NatlonaL E. H. E. New York 1 1 0 Cincinnati 0 2 1 Anderson and Bariden; Schultz and Wingo. Called end sixth, rain. B. H. K. Boston 0 6 2 Pittsburg 5 11 3 Rudolph. Barnes, Hughes and Howdy, Agnew; Mammaux, Jacobs and Gigsou, Wilson, B. H. E. Philadelphia 0 Ifr 1 Chicago a o Demnrce and Burns; Packard, heaton and Fischer. THE WEATHER Z Oregon: To night and Thurs day generally fair; not so warm interior northwest por tion; westerly winds. (How you MEXICAN PEOPLE WOULD ELI ANYTHING Are Desperate from Famine ConditionsHope for Intervention CARRANZA'S SOLDMS DESERT TO JOIN VILLA Authorities Beginning to Be lieve Villa Himself Is In Command El Paso, Texas, July 12. A battle, still raging at last reports, opened at Sombrerto, Durango, today with an at tack on Carranza troops under General Ernesto Garcia on a Villista column led by General Contrcras and Falizo. This official news from General Tre- vino at Chihuahua City was followed by unconfirmed Tumors that - General Ignacio Euriquez sent by War Minister Obregon to replace Trevino in command of the de facto army of the north, had been captured by Villistas. Authorities are gradually being won over to the bollef that Villa personally is directing the renewed activities of the bandits. From Rosnrio the Villistas were driv en southward toward the Durango line. A de facto government scouting patrol from Parral engaged the bandits in the vicinity of El Valle and drove them into the hilla. Dr. Luis L. C. Chavaria, the Mexican surgeon woo attended wounded Ameri can troopers at Villa Ahumada, follow ing the Carrizal battle, was attacked in a crowded street here last night and stabbed several times. His assailant es caped. D(. Chayafia 'a injuries are ..not considered serious, " Despite unsettled Internal conditions in Mexico, several Americans from El Paso have returned to their interests in Chihuahua. Bandits fight Hard. The Carrauzista garrison of Parral followed up their victory over the Vil listas in yesterday's fighting by pursu ing and overtaking the bandits at Som brereto, Trevino announced. General Garcia requested reinforcements, hoping to annihilate the Villistas and Tre vino ordered Generals Domingo Arrieta and Mntias Ramos to go to Gorcin's assistance. The bandits are making a desperate stand. The report that Trevino was to be displaced and transferred to Monterey is significant in the light of rumors current for some time thnt the Mexico City government feared he planned to use his hold on the troops in Chihimhun against the de facto lenders. All Tre vino 's appointees are to be transfcrerd also. Enriquez is sevCrnl days over due at Chihuahua City. His train is reported to have been captured by bandits near Diaz Station, Chihuahua. General Trevino declared he had no of ficial information of Euriquez since the new commander left Mexico City. Repudiation of its own currency was authorized by the Mexico City govern ment in orders received at Juarez today to accept only Americnn gold or Car ranza silver in pavment of duties. Owing to difficulty In moving motor trains from Columbus, due to the heavy rains. General Bell hns arranged to ship a trninlond of forage daily over the Mexican Northwestern from Juarez .to General Pershing's base in Mexico. I In retprn for this privilege from the i Carranza government, the American cus toms officials in 1.1 I'aso are permitting shipment of foodstuffs and clothing to (nter Mexico for the first timo in three weeks. People Are Desperate, Eagle Pass, Texas, July 12. "The civil population of .Mexico would wel come wnr, intervention or anything to relieve famine conditions." This was the statement toduy of Ra mon Santos, former employment agent of the National Railways of Mexico, who stopped here en route to his home in Son Antonio. He has spent the last three months in Mexico and says that "thousands are dying of starvation." "Villa is getting the upper hand In northern Mexico and soon will be in control of every section," he said. " De sertions from the Carranza army num ber hundreds daily. Most of the de facto government troops are anxious to fight the United Stutes. They say Car ranza is a 'coward' and Villa "brave" man and join the latter." Beady to Meet Raiders. Son Antonio, Texas, July 12. When the Mexican bandits reported marching toward the Big Bend country reach American territory, i'( they ever do, they will find the I'nitcd States army ready for them. General Fuuston is concentrating large bodies of cavalry in that district, particularly in the vicin ity of Presidio, Texas. Officers o'f the southern department said that not many men could march to Boquillas from the direction of Corrnlitos, owing to lack of water, but that about a tbou- (Continned ea Page Two.) Mais fcjftj TodalT0TAL CASES 1498 Washington, July 12. General George W. Goethals, constructor of the ranama canal, is expected to resign ma posi as governor oi tne zone today. The White House following a confer ence between the president and Goethals authorized the following statement. General Goethals has been pressing ma uesire 10 do relieved, Decause ne reels the work he was sent to do in Pan ama has been finished. The president expressed a willingness to leave it in Goethals' hands. Goethals informed the president all danger of further slides has passed and desires to tender his resignation. Colonel Chester Harding, next in rank to Goehtals, is foremost among those considered as nis successor. ORPET CASE WILL GO TO THE JURY FRIDAY Has Been On Trial. Eight Weeks Since the Jury Was Sworn In Courtroom, Waukegan, III., July 12'. When State's Attorney Ralph J. Dady completes his argument for the prosecu tion of Will Orpet today Attorney Ralph E. Potter, for the defense, will turn his gun on David R. Joslyn, assis tant attorney lor tne prosecution. Potter planned to tell the jury that Joslyn has been unethical in the prose cution of Orpet. He will brand Joslvn's attempt to get a confession for Orpet mrougn v;eiesna xouKer, the girl who has stood by tho University of Wis consin youth since he was arrested five months ago today, charged with the murder of Marion Lambert, as contrary to an ruies or rair dealing. James H. Wilkerson, chief counsel for the defense, will follow Potter, maxing tue closing argument for the de fendant. Joslyn, for the prosecution, will follow Wilkerson. . Whether the state will ask the death penalty or a prison sentence for Ornet was still unkonwn today. Dady has in timated ho would be satisfied if the col lege youth is given- J 4. year sentence in prison. "" - - ' : The case is'exnected to iro to the iurv Friday, eight eeks after the jurors were sworn in. Mystic Shriners ' Having Great Time Buffalo, N. Y Julv 12. While mem bers of the Imperial Council of tho nobles of the Mystic Shrine conven tion perspired today over affairs of state, in a " temperature above 90, Shriners and their ladies enjoyed themselves in various entertainments provided by the local committee. Jig delegations from Rochester, N. V., I'ittsburg, Pa., this morning added to the crowd. The illuminnted parade of the Arab Patrols and Temple bands, the crown ing event of the convention, will take place this evening. Ten' thousand gaily uniformed members will wear electric lights which will be flashed at appropriate intervals. Although five cities have entered the race for the 1917 conclave, Minneapolis is putting forward the best fight for the honor. Portland, Oregon, which is after the 1019 conclave, will support Minneapolis for 1917. Charles E. Ovcrshine, Imperial Tab ban of Ziihrnli temple of Minneapolis, will be elected deputy imperial poten tate at the close of the Buffalo con vention and members say at tho Im perial council next year he will bo! elected imperiul potentate. 1 Board of Health to Cuard Against Fearful Epidemic of Infantile Paralysis THESE ASX SYMPTOMS Have you children fifteen years old or less Do they seem feverish or iiave spells of twitching) Do their arms or legs or aay part of their ex tremities appear to have lost their power or seem deadened f If any of these symptoms are present they may have infan tile paralysis. You owe- it to your child as we'l as to the public health of the communi ty to bring the matter to the attention of the authorities at oine. If for any reason your child may seem to be a victim of the malady or if it exhibits any of the above symptoms please call up your family phy sician or notify the health de partment. Prompt action may result in preventing needless suffering to your child and pre vent the spread of the disease. With many of the cities throughout the country ravaged by Infantile paral ysis, Health Officer Miles reports that F -ONLY 17 DEATHS emic Still Unchecked Bet Death Rate Yesterday Lower t DOCTORS ENCOURAGED BY ISOLATING OF GEM Pacific Coast May Be Isolated to Prevent Disease ; Reaching It New York, July 12. Out of the pres ent epidemic that has cost the lives of more than 279 babies and children in New York alone, may come a eure for the dread infantile paralysis it was learned today. ; Health Commissioner Haven Emerson in announcing a conference of physic inns waging the fight ' against the disease, promised an "Important de velopment." It was reported about the health, commissioner's office that a physician engaged in the campaign has succeeded in isolating the germ for the first time in medical history. A most important step is determining the proper course of treatment. A revised statement issued by the health department today showed that 253 cases were . found yesterday, in stead of 195 as has been, reported, making today ,. and , yesterday record breakers for new cases. ' Up to 10 O'clock today, 102 cases had been re ported. This makes grand total of 1,498 since the epidemic- started. .. , Only seventeen deaths from infantile, paralysis -were reported in the greater city up -to. 10 o'clock today. Tho health department - regards thls de crease as an extremely favorable sign. . . , ... .:....( May. Isolate Coast. ... Portland, Or., July 12,-r-The Paeifia coast states will be practically isolated from the rest of the country if neces sary to prevent the spread of infantile paralysis, declared health authorities today after making preparations for a conference of health officials of five western states. No persons suspected of being eas rlers of the disease will be permitted to come farther west than the eastern Una of Idaho, Montana and California. Details of the plan will be worked out at the meeting to be held in Port land Snturday morning. Those who have already signified their intention of attending the meet ing are: Dr. H. E. Young, health officer for British Columbna; Dr. W. F. Cogswell,. Montana state health officer; Dr. W. A. Sawver, California state health of ficer; Dr. Ralph Falk, Idaho state health officer; Dr. T. D. Tuttle, Wash ington state health officer; Dr. David N. Roberg, Oregon state health officer, and Dr. G. M. McCrudor, representing tho United Stutes health service. It is probable that Dr. J. 8. McBride, health commissioner of Seattle, and Dr. L. J. Wolf of Portland, will attend. : Sessions will be held in tho offices (Continued on Page Eight.) thus far no case has appeared in Sa lem. The authorities do not intend that there shall be any cpidomie here and are taking precautions to make this doubly certain. Tho enmpuign of prevention is due to open iu this city the first of the week on a large scale although the health officer is keeping a close watch on conditions at this moment. On Suturday medical men from Ore gon, Idaho, Washington, Montana and California wiH meet in Portland to consider what steps should be taken to prevent the introduction of the dis ease ou the Pacific coast from infected eastern sections. At that time a pro gram of procedure will be formulated the object being to muke regulations and activities of tho various health boards uniform. Following the meeting of the confer ence City Health Orficer Miles will probably establish a quarantine sta tion close to the Southern Pacific de pot in which children arriving from in fected areas and suspected of having the disease will be detained. Should it become necessary Dr. Miles will go he fore the city council nnd ask authori ty to appoint a sufficient number of deputies to examine every child in the (Continue on Pag Eight.) ; OR TUESDAY