Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, July 08, 1916, Page EIGHT, Image 8

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    "f !
' I
Great Clubbing Of fers by
the Daily Capital Journal
llP Have made arrangements by which any subscriber of the
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(Coatlnued from Page Oae.)
iirooklyn, 1.1 deaths, 74 new cnse.
Manhattan, two death, IS new cases.
Queens, three deaths, one new case,
sltronx, ao deaths, three new cases.
Richmond, no deaths, ait new cases.
rednrml Aid Given.
New York, July 8. Hii Metal
epidemic, experts were on the . ground
bere today fighting to stem the scourge
of- infantile poralveis. Deputy Surgeon
General W. C. Hurker of the U. a pub
lic health service was In charge of the
mobilized forces of science arrayed
against the disease. A day of blazing
brat just the kind of weather in which
the germ of the malady grows and
spreads best gave fear to officials
here that the total cases would again
The total of new ease in the past 24
hours is H7. Appeal for aid was sent to
day to the Bed uros. rnysictans ana
nurses are scarce and trained workers
could aid greatly in "patrol duty" a
veil actual care of the victims.
Acting on request of Health Commis
sioner Emerson all libraries 4n Great
er New York announced reading rooms
-would no longer be opened to children
under lit years of age. The city an-
tuoritios have now closed every play
grouns and play spot in Greater New
York to the children, except the recrea
tion piers. Officials hesitate to close
these because it would deprive thou
sands of their only fresh air breathing
On f.oug Island several resort cities
aunouneed today thut no furs must be
worn for the present.
Not only will the federal disease ex
perts aid the city in its hfight against
iufuntita paralysis, but they are great
ly concerned over spread of the disease
to other states and cities.
On. Suspected Com.
San Francisco. July 8. A case of
suspected infantile paraivsis has been
discovered in Saa Francisco. Dr. Wil
liam C. Uassler, health officer, an
nounced today.
The victim is Mildred Davis, four
months old. She was brought here from
New York by her mother and aister to
escape the malady. The child was tak
en ill on tho train and is now under
quarantine bere, said Haasler.
Ho appealed to the park commission,
police and board of education to co
operate in preventing a spread of the
disease. He asked that sawdust cuspi
dor in public places be removed and
that streets where children play be
I limned.
He also sent a communication to the
state board of health asking that in
spectors be placed at the state line to
halt all incoming traius and examine
aduls and children, requiring them to
produce health certificates when they
come from Infected districts in the east.
Two Mora In Illinois.
Springfield, 111., July 8. Though two
additional cases of infantile paralysis,
both at Blue Island, Cook couuty, were
reported to the state board of health
today, Dr. C. 8t. Clair Drake, secretary
of the board, believes the outbreak has
beeu halted.
Bed Cross to Aid.
Washington, July 8 Government and
municipal forces, fighting the infan
tile paralysis epidemic in New York
were reinforced today by the Amer
ican Red Cross. Responding to an ap
peal by New York health officials. Miss
.Tano A. Delano, head of the nurses de
partment, atarted mobilising Red Cross
nurses to prevent a possible nation-wide
epidemic and to check tho disease in
New York.
Mis Delano will leave; tomorrow
morning for New York.
WW $1:
rWMfft W wfong - i ; !
A3 the result oi a spring freshet In
Killbuc-k creek, some alxtv
ytrds of brick paving aro doing duty
near Wooster, O., undisturbed by the
fact that the roadbed henonth !q
This shelf of grouted brick. In one
place six feet in width. niMnrt,
loaded automobile without the slight
est siim of yieldinir. Thn coiuret
base has fallen away and the
trength of the remaining structure
is derived wliolly firim the fetais!
ttjineiiLiiig- oi iii9 oncK. Unxineeru
pronounce it a remtrixable demon
stration nf tr14 Ksnm atMi.A i- 1..
tja'ned by properly gTouted brick.
The fraunet tftat caused the dam
age overflowad the road for many
hours. Whm f'.in t.'ut
embankraent had bean washed hvaf
for sevaial hundred feet. For a dis
tance of sixty feet the read was un
dermined and the concrete Ias. nrlss.
tnn;. Not a brick,- however, had been
disturbed. Traffic was cautious, tt
!ntd no roadbed beneath it, but con
fidence was gained with each sue-'
ceeamir trial and so far no warning
sign of any sort has been placed upon i
the road and it is in uaa nirriln
before the accident Engineer Ran I
tall Ba7rett, cf Wayne county, faces
':.ie unusual tiok of putting a roadbed i
ur.cir a p1v.s2r.0at, mateea of a pave-'
mtiii uj;o:i a read.
ISitween 23 tnd 26C miles of brick !
;.:ivr ' .-..nf ! maW ,m9 -
p.opoaed to be buiit in Ohio this year. '
Murdock Refuses
tojalk Politics
I'ortlnud, Ore., July 8. "I won't:
talk politics. Don 't ask me anything
about politics," protested Victor Mur-1
dock, the famous Kansas progressive, I
when asked whether ho would support!
Hughes or Wilson for president.
"I nin going to take my time before!
I speak," said Murdock. "In the pres-i
cut situution I think I im ontitl..,! n!
due deliberation. I nm telling nobodv!
what I am going to do, nlthough I am
uuuuvu witu letters anu telegrams ev
ery day asking whero I stand."
Murdock is slated to spenk tonight on
"Uncle Sam's Tomorrow," at the Glad
stone Chautuuqnn. .
Aeroplanes No Good.
By Webb O. Miller. I
(United Press staff corresnomVnM
Columbus, N. M., July 8. General
Pershing todny was again forced to relv
upon cavalry putrols for reconunisasan-
ces around his advanced base. Yester-
day the single neroplnnc with the .ex-
pedition was put out of commission; A
propeller blnde went to pieces during
n scouting flight by Lieutenant Christy
and an observer, but the two men
brought the machine down snfcly.
At the Columbus base camp 12 aero
planes have been lying idlo for two
months for lack of propellers. A rush
shipment of the special blades required
are en route here.
The discovery that military informa
tion was reaching the Mexicans through
indiscriminate photographiug here
caused the placing of a strict censorship
on pictures.
Forecast of a long stay by militiamen
on the border was seen today in prepar
ations nt the camp of the Second Mas
sachusetts infantry here. Engineers!
suirreu uniting wells to furnish the
camp with a water supply. Formal
guard mount exercises have been inaug
urated with the introduction of the mili
tiamen to outpost duty.
Eagle Pass, Texas, July 8.
Fully 1,000 men in the four na
tional guard regiments station
ed here will take advantage of
the new war department order
permitting the discharge of
militiamen with dependent
families. The depleted ranks
will be filled by recruits from '
the home states.
Good Coffee Roasted daily
and by open flame process
makes the camp and picnic com
plete. W. Gahlsdorf, the Store
of Housewares.
Washington, July 8. An omnibus
public buildings bill to be introduced
in a few days by the house committee
carrying a total of $25,000,000 or
$30,000,000 will contain appropriations
for a postoffice site in Chicago and
for a building and site in New York
City; s)ti"0,000 additional for a post
office project at Oakland, t'al., and
ti(iO.(ill(l for n murine hospital in Sail
The tramp leaned against the door
jumb, while Mist Annabel Sheldon
peered out at him through the screen
Program for Band
1 Concert Sunday
Following is the program for ' the
band roncert Sunday afternoon, July 9,
3 p. m., Marion Square:
1. March (request) "All America,"
8. Overture (request) "William
Tell," Rossini.
3. Waiti (request) "Anuette," Bax
ter. .
4. Comis Opera Selection, "Sweet
hearts," Herbert.
0. Tone Toem (new) "Simplicity,"
Dorothy Lee. ...
fi. Grand Selection from "Faust,"
7. Sextette from "Lucia." Don!
setti. 8. "Hungarian Fantasia," Tobani.
P. March, "Co-ed," Zainecaic.
n. N. STOUDENMEYF.R. Director
The Singing Kaffir Boys
and he gnxed past her at the kitchen
"You look strong," said Miss Anua
bel. "Are you equal to the task of saw
ing and splitting half a cord of wood!"
' Equal to it, niadamt" aaid the
tramp. "The word is inadequate. Iam
superior to it." Youth's Companion.
Phone 81 for lack of service.
Have appeared in over three thousand great cities
of America and Europe and have scored tremendous
successes. The Kaffir Boy Choir has been secured
for Chautauqua at great expense and is but one of
the many feature attractions that will be on the
program given in the big brown Chautauqua tent.
. Illustrated folders giving the program for each
day will be given you by your merchant and banker.
Look over this program and you will see that it is
full of "better than usual" attractions for the big
week. . - .
Season tickets are the passports to. the Chautau
rqua week entertainments. . Secure yours now. The
price will advance to three dollars on opening day:
And don't forget the "kiddies."
Sal em Chautauqua
July 12th and 18th