Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, July 06, 1916, Page SIX, Image 6

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Cleaner spark plugs
Your spark plug will keep cleaner if you use
a straight-distilled, refinery gasoline.
. A mixed or imperfectlr refined gasoline bretkl
ap and deposits carbon instead of exploding completely.
ihe Gasoline of Qualtfym
i me all-refinery easoline not a mixture.
s s a v i c .iTAiiom
(Continued From Page One.)
capture 76 Guns
Paris, July 6. A strong German
counter attack north or the Somme last
night recaptured from the French two
amull wood) on it front of two thirds
of a mile north of the village of Hem,
it was officially announced toduy.
' The French retaliated, carry ing n
wood northenst of the same village,"
added the official atntenient.
"On the south side of the Somme,
the night was relntlvely calm. A Ger
man attack on J)elloy-En-Saiiterro win
easily repulsed.
"Seventy six gum mid sovernl hun
dred mitrailleuses already have been
counted nmoug the booty taken by the
French since the present movement be
gun. "
Mine Sweeper Torpedoed
l.oiidon, July 0. A British mine
sweeper wan torpedoed in the North
sea Wednesday, the admiralty an
nounced todny. She was slightly dam
aued but returned to her harbor.
Admit Freucn Gain
Kerlin, July 0. The Oeiniaii war of
fice this afternoon officially admit
ted that the French have captured Bel-loy-Kn-Hanterrc,
south of the River
Homme and that the (ierinini have al
so evacuated the village of Hem, on
the north bank.
The war office also admitted the
British made minor progress, obtaining
a firm foothold In tne salient soutn or
Tlilepval. Between the Ancre and tiio
Snnimc along the llritish front, the ar
tillery fire hns increased.
On the Verdun front enemy advanc
es sou I Invest of Fort Vaux have been
Brltbh Gains Slight f
London, July (I. A further slight
Advance for the ilritisti in lust night's
lighting Rt Thiepvnl, nort'iienst of Al
bert, wan reported by General llnig,
liritinh ronimander in chief this after
noon. '
The llritish took some prisoner.
Mouth of the La llnssee ennal, the
British made successful raids on enemy
trenches after gas anil smoke attacks.
Highland light infanliy entered Ger
nmn trenches near Hullich last night,
rupturing mid killing ninny (lermnns.
. Ibnny, Or., July (I. The applica
tion for' citizenship of Henry Leffler,
ated S4, and a pioneer of IS54. is on
file here today. I.efflor was born in
Germany. He'took out his first papers
in Mariposa, Cnl., in IS.", but never
attained full citizenship.
Register at
July 5 to 22, for the
Drawing will be held at Spo
kane July 27.
- Register charge 23 cents
Oo vt the North Bank Road
J. W. Ritchie, Agent,
Salem, Ore.
Get Your
Printed at the
Capital Journal
Prompt Service and
the price is right
Claim Almeda Mine
Is WorA $6,000,000
Portland, Or., July C Federal
Judge Bean todny set July 10 as the
date for hearing an iii-plcatiou for an
injunction to prevent Thomas 8. Bur
ley, receiver for the Almeda Consoli
dated Mines company, from selling any
of the corporation 's property.
Linus M. Clark and Louise Estrella
Clark of Seattle, owners of 10,000
shares of stock, tsk for the injunction
charging that there is "an apparent
attempt on the )art of the receiver
and his co-workers to discredit and
finally wreck the mining company so
as to freeze out all small stockhold
ers." The Almedn mines are 30 miles
from Grants l'nss, in Josephine county
Oregon. The Clark complaint places
the value of the mining property at
$11,00(1,000. ft declnres Hurley propos
es to sell the entire property nt re
ceiver's sale to satisfv indebtedness
of approximately $250,000.
Bnrtels, Henry.
Ronzo, Kir. II. If.
Bovwnn. Walter.
Burr, W. II.
Corbet, Mr. C. A.
Davenport. Mrs. Bessie.
Edwards, Mr. Jack.
Elliott, Mr. S. N.
Etzwiler, Miss Evelyn.
Fuist, ('has.
Frederickson, Mrs. Win.
Frceinnn, Mr. W. M.
Gubscr, Elisabct.
Hendricks, Mrs. T. is.
Dcidnl, Miss Helen.
Lewis, Mrs. F. C. '
Livingston, Miss Barbara.
McCalllster, Mr. Roland.
Mathews, Mrs. f'hristel K.
Muthis, Mrs. David.
Mover, Mr. A.
Meier, L. C.
Morback, Miss Gladys.
Mortiman, Harry.
Nicbert, J. J.
Norton, Mr. I .no lie.
Olson, Mrs. Mabel.
I'nrrott, Miss Margaret.
FedorsAii, Mrs. John.
Nehildgeu, H. J. L.
tshcridtin. Miss May.
Speneer, It. O.
Starr, Dr. Harry.
Taylor. Mr. Aluno.
Thompson, Mr. 1). ('.
Van Doron, Frank. M. D.
Walling, Mr. Harold.
Ward, Miss Do,t K.
Wood. Mrs. Perle.
Plaintiff In Big Suit
Under Indictment
San Diego, Cnl., July fi. One of the
strangest court enses in local history
came to light here today, when Sheriff
Conklin wired .Tacoma officers to ar
rest and hold William. Carlson, form
er mayor of San Diego, who yesterday
sued the Maxwell Motor company for
$1,000,000 damages for the recent
death of his son, William Carlson, Jr.,
in an automobile race, Carlson is un
der indictment of the 1014 grand jury
here on a charge of obtaining money
under false pretenses. He disappear
ed on the night of his indictment two
years ago, and was believed to have
gone to Mexico. As deputy sheriffs
scan-lied the L'. S. S. Buffalo yester
day, expecting to find Carlson among
the refugees from the west const of
Mexico, word came from Tacomn that
he had brought the million dollar suit
there. Carlson was indicted following
a grand jury probe of his real estate
activities here. It is alleged he gave
deeds to properties upon wnlcu his con
tracts had expired.
.Expects One Thousand
by End of the Week
Judge Gnntenbein expects to have
1,000 men enrolled for his proosed
volunteer regiment of infantry by the
close of the present week. He said
yesterday that the reports were just
beginning to come in satisfactorily
from outside towns aud that judging
from the ninnuer in which names were
being sent in, the number would pass
the LOCO mark -in the next three days.
The total number registered at the'
headquarters of the proposed regiment
in the court house had been brought up
to 073 at tl o'clock last night. A few
of the units had not reported their
nay's increase and there are now per
haps more than 700 men enrolled.
From Astoria came a list of 5S, the
biggest number reported yesterday
from outside Portland. Twenty-eight
new names were sent in from Albany.
Stockton. Cnl., Julv 6. Several bat
talious of Washington militiamen.
numbering something over 2200 men,
bound for the Mexican border, passed
through here this mornlnii over toe
'Southern Pacific. The troop were
traveling in four trains. The first
trnin to arrive, containing the Second
infantry, stopped about an hour for
the soldiers to exereis.
Try Oapltal Journal Want Ada.
Sport News
Will Get $17,500 For It U.
of C. Has Seven Foot Ball
Gaines Scheduled
Denver, Col., July 6. For $17,500
Freddie Welsh has agreed to fight the
lightweight chosen by tho Colorado
Springs Athletic club in its arena Labor
day afternoon 20 rounds for the world's
championship. Manager Harry Pollock
en route to Chicago t'oday said before
leaving Deuver that he would accept
the o'ffer for Welsh.
No articles were signed. Tho Colo
rado Springs promoters said today they
are satisfied with the word of Pollock
and Welsh that the general terms were
agreeable and that consideration of
weight aud referee could be settled lat
er. The promoters were ready to post
their mouey, but Pollock asked to have
tho putting up of forfeits and guaran
tees delayed until his return.
While Charlie White is generally
picked to be Welsh's opponent, much
depends on the outcome of- the 10-round
fight between tho pair scheduled to be
held in Minennpolis July 21. Johnny
Dundee, Benny Leonard and Ever Ham
mer have also been mentioned as likely
Arrange for Football.
Berkeley, Cnl., July fi. Seven foot
ball games have already been scheduled
by the University of California, so
when the referee's whistle brings the
boys oot on the tnubnrk again next
autumn the Bears will bo coufrontetd
by a formidable program.
The dates follow: Whittier college,
October 14: Oregon, October 21; Oc
cidental college, October 28; University
of Southern California, at Los Angeles,
November 4; St Mary's. November 11;
Washington, November 18; Washington,
nt Seattle, November .10.
Snndwishcd in somewhere between
these important engagements will bo
tho games with Nevada and with a num
ber of second string teams. The cBars
are taking on about everything in sight
on the Pacific const, making it one of
the toughest schedules ever drawn in
these parts. .
It is understood here that U. 8. C.
is negotiating to be admitted again to
the southern conferences. In that event,
football fans here foresee a real Pa
cific coast championship scries in the
near future, with the winners of the
southern, northwestern and the bay dis
tricts titles fighting it out.
Orumau Has Wallop.
San Francisco, July II. Al Gruman
was haled as the possessor of n power
ful wallop today. Substituting at the
Inst minute for Tommy Hayes, Uc bat
tled Buddy Erne to a standstill at the
Association club bouts and knocked him
out in the fourth round.
Coffey to Oo Home.
'Oakland, Cnl., July tl. Jack Coffey,
San Francisco shortstop, hoped to be
able to leave Merritt hospital here and
return to his home todny. He was tak
en to the infirmary after being "beuu
ed" by Noyes pitched ball in the Tues
day morniug game. Coffey received n
severe blow, his skull narrowly escap
ing fracture. At present ho is suffer
ing from the nervous shock. This pre
vented him leaving the hospital, as had
been pliianed
Is Champion Jockey.
Reno, Nov., July U. A world 'b cham
pion jockey is among us today. Tis
name is H. Phillips aud he is only nn
apprentice rider. But he rode every
winner in the six races on the card yes
terday, tying the records held by Monk
Overton and Walter Miller, both veter
an jockeys.
Tar Henderson Is It.
Aberdeen, Wash., July 0. "Tar"
Henderson is still world's chuinpion log
roller todav. lie defeated Johnny Per
ry of Huquinm, Wash,, in 15 minutes
of fast work yesterday. The world's
championship log rolling contest was
tne wiudup of the Aberdeen ' Splash
Evers Is Suspended.
New York, July ti. Johnny Kvers,
cnptaiu of the Boston National league
team, was indefinitely suspended todny
by President Toner for his conduct in
the game with Philadelphia at Boston
yesterday. Kvers wna fired from the
gnme by I'mpire Byrou after being call
ed out on strikes.
United Artisans
Install Officers
The United Artisans at their meet
iug last evening, installed the follow
ing officers:
Mrs. Mary E. Cook, past master Ar
tisan, C. O. Matlock, master Artisan.
Mrs. Norma Terwilliger, superinten
dent. Mrs. Sarah Olive, inspector.
Charles Z. Raudall, secretary.
A. A. Gueffroy, treasurer.
Ernest Barker,- senior rouduetor.
Mrs. Gladys Vibbcrt, moster of cere
monies. Mrs. Zclma Ellis, junior conductor.
Mrs. Mary Bewley, warder.
Mrs. Irene St. Helena, instructor.
L. G. Altman, field commander.
William Zoxel. Floyd White aud Fay
Collins, finance committee.
C. K. Kurth. Miss Freda Hoover,
Miss Martha Swart, Miss Hedda Swart.
and Bernard Kichev, musicians.
A kuorker always has a large audi
ence because he gives a free show. '
Watching the Scoreboard
Pacific Coast League Standings
W. L. Pet.
Vernon 52 37 .5S4
Los Angeles 47 37 .500
Sun Francisco 48 43 .527
Portland 38 30 v .514
Salt Lake . 30 43 - .444
Oakland 35 58 .370
Yesterday's Results
At Sun Francisco 2, Portland 0.
At Salt Lake 11, Los Angeles 21.
At Los Angeles, Veinou 2, Oakland
Tramp, tramp, tramp the boys were
marching across the old home plate
at Salt Lake all afternoon.
Thirty two runners trod the rubber.
Twenty one of 'em were Angels and
eleven Halt Lakers. Many pitchers
were sacrificed during the butchery.
There were 37 hits.
Most of tho flees were crippled and
the survivors played baseball about as
well as pop-eyed school boys.
Vernon took a tight game from Oak
land two to 0 when Boy Mitchell out
pitched Sammy Beer.
Both factions playod airtight ball.
Gleichmann of the bengals got the
jutcest hit of the dny, a three bagger.
Beavers took a crippled game from
Snn Francisco six to two. The Seals
were outhit and outfielded and they
mado three costly boots.
Affinv molnlPil rtfrunna worA nrageilt..
The Seals were so all twisted around
they didn't know themselves.
Yesterday's big league hero was
Umpire Bvron, who called John F.vers
out on strikes and then put .Inwu out
of the game for kicking.
Rnv Keating oulv gavo the Senators
nine bases on balls yesterday pnssing
up twenty other chances.
The Phillies sworn into second place
when they took the second game from
tiie Braves after the first was post
poned on account of ratn.
Tho Cardinals kicked" Cincinnati
further into the goo when they sent
three runs over in the eighth frame.
Ex-Brave Compton, outfielding for
the Pirates, went way, way back to
the fence, stuck up one pnw and
brought down what was slated f,or a
triple by Williams. . i And still the Pi
rates lost. - '
Wireless Today Says Much
Damage DoneAll Wires
in Section Down
Jacksonville, Fla., July C.
The entire bay front at Pensn-
cola is reported to have been
washed away by monster sens
that piled up before the terrific
gale sweeping the const., All
wires to Pensncola from here
have been down for many hours
and confirmation of tho re-
port is unavailable.
New Orleans, La., July 0. A wire
less to the United Fruit company here
this afternoon from one of its boats
now in Mobile bay said the hurricane
Tuesday and Wednesday caused con
siderable property damage at Mobile.
There was no loss of life as far as
What Those Who Think They
Are Big Ones Are Saying
for Print
New York, July 0v A conference
today between Keputilican National
Chairman Wilcox' and John Wana
maker gave rise to speculation among
politicians as to whether Wanamaker
is not to be considered for treasurer
of the republican national committee.
It is known that G. R. Sheldon, the
present incumbent, is anxious to be
relieved before the campaign. Chair
man Willcox refused to comment upon
the rumor and Wannmuker said there
was nothing to it.
Chairman McCormick, of the demo
cratic national committee claimed to
day that a sufficient number of pro
gressives will go over to the democrat
ic ranks this fall to insure the re-election
of President Wilson.
"The progressives are men of prin
ciple," McCormick declared. "I can
not conceive, lor instance, or Uittord
Pinchot and Demi Lewis of Pennsyl
vania, taking the platform with, and
working with, such men as Penrose
and Vare."
Chairman Willcox, nt. . republican
headquarters todny, was not yet ready:
to announce the chairman of the-exec
utive or campaign committee. Two
sufirngettes are to see Willcox and
possibly Hughes today Mrs. Norman
Uer whitehouse and Mrs. Carrie Chap
man Catt. Other callers nt the repub
lican headquarters were Herbert Snt
terlee, one of the Boosevelt workers in
Chicago; Governor Hnggett of Alaska;
George Kiggs, a Washington bnnkor
and progressive nntionul Committee
man Gardiner of Massachusetts.
Announcement by Justice Hughes'
campaign managers that the nominee
is planning a coast to const trip, has
resulted in a deluge of ivitntios for
him to speak e route. Hughes origin
ally planned not to make nny train
platform talks and to connite bis
speaking to perhaps a doen set
speeches nt big gatherings in the large
cities possibly Chicago, St. Louis,
Omaha, Salt Lake, Portland, San Fran
cisco, Los Angeles, Now Orleans, Bal
timore and others. Demand for nis
presence and an utterance of his views
have come from sources of other cities
and it appeared likely today that the
transcontinental trip would bo lengtn-
ened considerably.
could be learned. Ponsncoln, the radio
said, was safe.
Relief boats are being fitted here
and will depart for Mobile bay late
this afternoon. Wireless calls at 2
o'clock were unanswered by Mobile
and Pensncola. A report from Unyou,
Miss., said damage to the dam there
was slight.
Could Not Get Mobile.
New Orleans, La., July 0. All ef
forts to reach Mobile and Pensncola
wireless up to 10 o'clock this morning
failed. Louisville and Nashville of
ficials reports the greater portion of
the country around Mobilo flooded.
The property damage here was light.
Reports this afternoon indicate dnmngc
in other gulf coast cities was not
No Details Available
Jackson, Miss., July 7. With all
telegraph and telephone wires down
and trnin service on the Gulf and Ship
Islnnd railroad suspended It Is inipos-
u:i,ln In rrat rlntflilu nf tllO extent, of
the hurricane which swept the gulf and
the Mississippi coast lucsuuy uuu
A passenger train which left Gulf
port yesterday afternoon had not
reached Jackson up to 11 o'clock this
morning. The train which left here
Wednesday afternoon could not ne
located this morning.
No News Since Yesterday.
Washington. July 0 Communica
tion with Mobile and Pensncola has
been completely cut off since 11 a. m.
vesterday, the weather bureau admit
ted todav. Shortly before that time n
terrific eigkty mile an hour gale was
. Storm Travels North
Chicago, July . The hurricane
which swept the Gulf of Mexico yes
terday and last night is slowly moving
You Are invited
to inspect our larger and better electrical
establishment in our new location the corner
store in the Masonic Temple.
" its electric come to us"
Salem Electric Company
Masqnic Temple Phone 1200
School Board Has Busy Meeting--Temporary
ings Necessary
Although a successor to Superinten
dent O. M. Elliott was not, elected at
the meeting of the board of Education
last night, it is probable that a selec
tion will be made tomorrow .evening.
At the meeting lust week, the recom
mendations of the 27 applicants were
gone over, with the decision to con
sider the names of 11. Last night by
means of several ballots, it was found
that the names of four were favored
by the board, aud they were sent night
letters asking them to come to Salem
Friday for personal interviews.
These four educators from whom the
selection will probably be made arc:
John W, Todd, superintendent of the
Auburn, Wash., schools; E. G. Quigley,
of the Seattle schools; Georgo A. Bris
coe, superintendent of the Ashland
schools; J. G. Imel, superintendent at
Astoria, and R. G. Hall, who has been
engaged in supervision work at Rose
burg. With tho large number of applicants
and the recommendations of all to be
thoroughly considered, it was the opin
ion of the board that a personal inter
view with those favored would be of
assistance in making the selection.
The resignations of Miss Ida B. Davis,
Miss Matilda Ambcrsou and Miss Clara
Schnnsse were presented and accepted.
To succeed Miss Davis Miss Lillian
Guffiu was elected at a salary of 90
a month. She is a graduate of the Uni
versity of Illinois. She will have charge
of the public speaking department of
the high school.
Miss Elizabeth Macleay will succeed
Miss Amberson as teacher of English in
the senior high school. For the past
three years she has been teaching in
Washington and has been associated
with the University of Washington.
Miss Elvina Emile Schramm was
elected teacher of German to succeed
Miss Schnnsse. She will teach in the
junior high school grades.
In order to make an estimate whereby
the board could arrive at figures show
ing amount of money invested in the
seuior and junior high school proper
ties, a committee of three, consisting of
K M. Lafore, J. F. Hughes and C. Van
Patton was nppointed to appraise the
three properties. Their estimates as
given to the board last evening put n
value of $ilS,400 on the high school
building and grounds. Although the
building cost in excess of this appraise
ment 10 years ago, the npprnisers took
into consideration depreciation of some
thing over three per cent a year. The
Grant building and property was valued
at $15,000, the Washington school $43,
500, and the Lincoln $15,000.
The equipment of the high school
building was estimated at $10,000, and
the athletic grounds $11,500.
The building and grounds commit
tee were instructed to prepare plans
for the erection of temporary build
ings for the use of the primary grades
at the three junior high schools. It was
found necessary to rent cottages lust
Jniiunry to accommodnte pupils of the
junior high schools, Before the begin
ning of the next terni.-buildings will
be erected on the grounds of each school
and it was the general opinion of the
members of the board that such build
ings should be of a permanent nature as
it was suggested that before many years
they would be needed either for piny
rooms or for special athletic work.
While there is no disposition to push
military ideas among the pupils, the
board is inclined to prepare for the
special gymnastic work that will in time
become "a part of the regular school
toward tho central states today accord
ing to on announcement by weather
bureau officials here.
.Vancouver. B. C. July 0. Fire
which started yesterday in Ashcroft,
one of the last old time camps lett on
the noted Cariboo trail, completely
consumed the business section of the
town with a loss estimated at $500,
000, will no insurance.
Tho residence part of the town was
Try Capital Journal Want Ads.
- Bate per word New Today:
Each insertion, per word . le
One week (6 insertions), per word 5c
One month (26 insertions) per word 17o
The- Capital Journal will not be re
iponsible for more than one insertion
for errors in Classified Advertisements.
Bead your advertisement tne first day
it appears and notify us immediately
if it contains in error.
Minimum charge, ' 15c.
PHONE 937 For wood saw.
HARRY Window washer. Fhone 768.
RUBBEE Stamps made 165 8. ComjL
PIGS FOR SALE Fhone 53F15, Roy
V. Ohmart. jnly8
491 N. Cottage. tf
FOR SALE Almost new binder. 420
S. Com'l St. . . julyS
rOB BENT SIGNS tot sal at Cap
ital Journal office. tf
FOB SALE Or trade for wood, gaso
line engine. Phone 451. tf
FOB BENT House keeping rooms,
Close in. x none or -n u.
GOOD Jersey cow for sale. W. It
Richardson, 2395 Front. tf
REAL ESTATE Bought and sold and
exchanged. See Ewing 43u N. 17th.
s ' july7
FOR RENT Pasture for horsee and
cattle. Phone 2F24. W. S. Cotton.
TYPE WRITER Visible, in first class
condition, $20.00 cash. Address J
270. jnly8
FOR SALE At bargain, 27 1-2 acres,
100 acres fine prunes. Cult Royal
Bakery. julyl2
rUBNISHEQ rooms and housekeeping
ppartmenta, rates reasonable, clo
Li, 100 Court. tf
TWO NICE Cottages for rent by th
month or season at Newport. 6. W.
Johnson &Co. tf
FOR RENT 5 room apartment fur
nished or unfurnished, or 1 sleeping
room cheap. 705 N. High. july7
FOR SALE CHEAP Slightly used
Ludwig upright piano, Pearl Walnut
case. Box 441, Salem, Or. j"'y7
ADS under this heading lc a word.
Read for profit; use for results.
100 CORDS Oak grub wood for sale,
you ca make $1.00 per cord hauling
this 1 1-2 miles to station. Phone
. 115. julyB
FOR SALE 5, 10, 15.; store, a bargain
at $1075. would accept Ford on pay
ment. Ill health. .,tira A. Fidler,
Dallas, Or. tf
FOB SALE 34 hilf track Stndebaker
wagon. Will trade for heavier wagon,
eordwood or stumpage. 2786 Le.
Phone 1322-J. , tf
WANTED To trade 3 1-2 wide tread
Milborn wagon in good shape for
narrow tread 3 1-2 wagon. Must be
good. Phone 692. tf
AM Attending the Ore, Chiroprac
tors convention at Portland. Office
will be open again Monday morning;
at 9. Dr. May. julyS
GIRL Or woman wanted for general
housework in country; must be ex
perienced. Phone 22F25. Address box
12, Sublimity, Or. tf
FOUND At fair grounds, black cro
chet bag, purple ' lined, containing
purse, knife, and handkerchief. In
quire at this office or phone 10F3.
ALL Persons interested in the Wis
consin peoples picnic will notice the
date has been changed to Friday,
July 28. A lnrgc attendance is ex
pected, julyti
FOR SALE 1 first class delivery
wagon, electric coff.'e mill, hall safe,
Toledo scale, floor show case, Bow
ser oil tank, flat top desk. G. - A.
Wood, Phone 2041-R.' jiily8
FOR SALE New 5 room bungalow
lot 50x150, located 995 N. 20th
street, price fifteen hundred, . four
hundred down, balance like rent
Write A. M. Matlock, Dallas, Or.
FOB SALE At bargain prices, ox
itoj isunoxy mangle vu incaes, stor
'shelving, two. teams and Shetland
pony, 2 donble buggies, one singl
boggy. H. Steinbock, 302 N. Coml
Phore 80S. tf
NOT Quite a gift, but, as I have de
cided to return to my home in the
east, 1 will sell mv house and' lot
for $500. Three Hundred cash, bal
ance easy terms. Inquire of Square
Deal Realty Co. Telephone 470.
T HAVE I acres of land close to city
limits will trade for property of
same value in Salem, or for less val
ue for difference iu cash or good
note on reasonable time. Ask the
Square Deal company.. Phone 470.
W1IRELESS Instruments at a bar
bargain. I have a large number of
wireless instruments and equipment
which I will sell at a sacrifice as
I am leaving town. If interested
call at 195 S. 24th or phone 413.
Our circulation is coming np
and still crowing read tae.
paper and you guess the reason.