THE DAILY - CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, THURSDAY, JULY 6, 1916. - Willamette Valley News Dallas Items (Capital Journal Special Service.)' Dallas, Or., July . The -Fourth" of July passed : very quietly in Dallas this year. With the finit; appearance of daylight people began to leave town for the various cities witMn easy reach where celebrations were to be held and others left for the mountains on pic nics so that by noon the town was al most deserted. . The bun had-been taken off of the firecrackers for the day and the small boys enjoyed them selves greatly. So fur as known no accidents occurred in this vicinity. ' Chautauqua Begins Today. The annual Polk County Chautauqua opens in this city this evening with the- opening announcements and Scenes from Shakespearo and Carson of the North Woods. The Comos Players are also on the program for a short sketch. ' Much interest has been shown this year in the chautauqua and a large attendance is expected at all sessions. . The two best numbers on the program appears to be the concert by the New . York City Marine Band and the Kaffir Boy Choir. A special train will be run from Monmouth several nights during the chautauqua if enough people . agree to come. The Chautuuqua closes next Tuesday night. Files Big Mortgage Deed. Ono of the largest legal instruments ever recorded in this county was the one recently filed by the Crown Wil lamette Paper company of Oregon City to the Continental and Commercial Trust & Savings Bank of San Fran cisco. Sibley & Eakin of this city, were attorneys for the. parties. . The document contains llil printed pages and contains approximately 64,000 words. The deed was made to secure the authorized issuo of $0,000,000 bonds of the paper company. The cost of fil ing the document, exclusive of the stumps was $128. Dentist Business Sold. IV. B. F. Butlc'r has sold his dental business in this city to Dr. W. C. S-hafer of Portland.",' Dr. Butler has been in Dallas for several years' and has built up a .lucrative practice. Dr. Schafer is a young man, a graduate of the Denver. University in l'.MO, and has practiced in Longmont, Colorado, and Independence, Wisconsin. Dr. Butler has not yet decided what he will do in the future. Walter Muir Named Councilman. Walter Muir was named councilman from the Third Ward Monday night to Miccecd John E. Miller, resigned. Mr. Muir was nominuted by F. E. Davis. The ordinance providing for the laying of cement curbing on Burch street from Uglow avenue to Lyle street panned the third reading and the audi tor was instructed to advertise for bids for the construction of the same. C. I Starr of Portland was a Dallas business visitor the first of the week. Mrs. Elmer Strnyer of Portland is a guest at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. If. ifr Cosper on Hnyter street. Harry Critchlow, a reporter on the Portland Telegram,, is spending a short vacation with relatives and friends in this city. Mrs. Phil Begin is spending a few weeks with relatives and friends at Newport. Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Eakin returned Monday afternoon from a short outing at Newport. Senator C. I., llnwley of McCoy was a county sent visitor the first of the week. Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Dnlton have returned from a fishing trip on the .Deschutes river. - Miss Jennie Muscott spent Sunday in Salem at the home of her sister, Mrs, Luther .1. Chnpin. Dr. and Mrs. A. B. Starbuck and little daughter, Mary returned Tues day evening from a short visit at the home of Kev. and Mrs. T. II. Star buck in Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Hayter returned the last of last week from a two week 's May in California. They attended the Knights Templar convention while in l.os Angeles. Miss Marie Griffin returned this week from a short visit at the home of Miss Minnie Victor in Snlem. A large number of Dallas people at tended the Fourth of July celebration t Salem, Tuesday. . W. G. Vassall, vice-president of the Dallas City bank was a Portland visitor the first of the week. Mt. Angel News (Capital Journal Special Service) 'jit. Angel, July .6. The Portland Jtailway, Light and Power Co. gave a special car and about forty business men of Silverton, the city council of : -Mt. Angel and the abbot went on an:tiaiuuig and domestic science. .1 L. !-:., 1 : 1 1 - fxcursiuil Iliruuu virion vn, ,uiii t'reefc and Caaadero, where the power houses were inspected. Mrs. Nathman of Salem was here over Sunday visiting her parents, Wil liam Annen ana family Mr. and Mrs. -John - Diehl returned from their trip through Yellowstoue J 'ark Thursday. A large number of jieople from here went to Salem, Scotts Mills and Sub limity to celebrate the 4th. Leo. Barr and family went to Salem lo attend the Cherry Fair. PROPOSAL IS ACCEPTED Washington, July 6. General Carranza 'a proposal for direct negotiation between the United Statei and Mexico for settle ment of the Mexican problem . was accepted this afternoon formally by Secretary of State Lansing. - ' MMMMMMMMM Scotts Mills (Capital Journal Special Service) . , Scotts Mills, July fl.Seotts Mills celebrated the 4th of July in fine style At 10 p 'clock the pnrado was formed and marched to the grounds with mar tial music. That, in the parade, which attracted the attention of the writer most was the float consisting of many j little girls representing by badges the lif terent-ntates of our union and . in their midst the goddess of liberty Miss Stella Adkins. , The day . was ideal and there was a large crowd the largest we have ever seen in Scotts Mills. The exercises for the forenoon were as follows: Prayer by Bev. Stockwell; music by orchestra; song "America;" reading the declaration of independence by Miss Huth Estes; music by orchestra; recitation by Margaret Malloy; song by Miss Gladys Kelsev; recitation by Floyd Gray; song "Tenting on the Old Camp Ground;" music by orchestra;! oration by Jton. W. U Tooze. After the above interesting program was car ried out the crowd was dismissed for dinner. In the afternoon there was a baseball game played between the Scotts Mills team and the team from Monitor, which resulted in favor of Scotts 13 to 0. After this many sports were indulged in which the crowd seemed to enjoy. . Mrs. Ota Sharback and her. little son Donald calne over from Mt. Angel yesterday to visit her father and moth er, Mr. and Mrs. Ilarve Cominores, nnd nlso to take in the celebration.' . Mrs. Olive Yarrow and her two chil dren also camo over from Mt. Angel to visit her father and to help cele brate the 4th. Miss Margaret, little daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Orr of near Makee has been visiting her friend Miss Olive Merry, it being the occasion of Miss Olive's twelfth birthday. Rev. Miller of Salem preached at the Friends church Sunday. Mrs. Milton Shipley of Oswego with her baby boy is 'visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Dale. Olincr Shipley from Oswego came tu our town yesterday to see friends and take in the celebration. Ahleu Wihite of Sulem came up yes terday in their auto to look after the interests of their prune orcjnrd iln this vicinity. Quite a number of our people have been attending a revival meeting at Marouam conducted by Kcvs. Atchison and Miller of Salem. Eola News Notes (Capital Journal Special Service) Eola, July (5. Mis. R. Brunk and daughter Miss Ethel Brunk returned Thursday from n very pleasant two week's visit with relatives near We natchee, Wash. They witnessed a snow storm in June during their stny. Miss Julia Boedighcimei' went to Stayton to spend her Fourth. John ITolmnn of San Francisco vis ited at Thos. Holuian's the Fourth. Glen Olds from near Middlcton. a nephew of Mrs. Ferguson is visiting! the Fergusons. R. Brunk sold a Jersey cow Monday for fifty dollars. Walt McGee hurt his ankle quite badly Monday when lie went to drive his neighbor's cows from the railroad track. Miss Mary Milty fell from a ladder in Ferguson's orciiarit ami hurt her back. . Cherry picking has been a very un pleasant job for growers and pickerit too. Ferguson has sold part of his cracked cherries at a reduced price. They had to be sorted after they were picked. He got several big loads off before they began to crack. CANBY BUYS PLANT Oregon City, Ore, July 11. Possible friction "between the city und the own er of a private water distributing sys tem, such us was experienced by Mil waukie when that town began the in stallation of a municipal plant, was beaded off by Can by Monday night when the city council voted to ap propriate $5,000 to buy tho M. J. Lee system. Mr., the owner, at first demanded $10,000 for the plant, lint now it is understood that ho will ac cept $5,000. Canby recently voted $18,000 in bonds to install n municipal system. One of the first steps was to attempt to ac quire the privately-owned plant and for a time suits seemed likely. SCHOOL OPENING IS FIXED Hubbard. Ore., July 6. The board of education has announced that school will open next September in the new $15,000 brick building and that 12 fully accredited trades will be offered. The old building will be converted into a gymnasium. 1 lie third tloor ot tne new building will be occupied by the high school, while the remaining portion will bo left for the grades. In addition to a standard nigh school course there will be offered- teachers' -training, manual BATHING TANK FOR ALBANY Albany, Ore., July 6. Plans, for a public bathing tank in this city have, been launched br the Albanv Commer- jcial club and will be presented to the city council. . The plan is to erect the nutatorium along the Eighth street canal, between - Vine and Calapooia streets, and it is planned to close Eighth street in that block for the pur pose. Topographical conditions make the site selected an ideal one and the plan is receiving enthusiastic support. News from Jefferson William Oreonwood of Dallas visit ed Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Wain Sunday. T. G. Bulgin visited in Salem Sun day. Monroe Nye was in Salem Saturday. Eugene Halley made a trip to Sn lem Saturday. John Fabrv was home over Sunday. Mrs. Nathan Sumpter visited in Polk count v last week. Fruitland News . . . : (Capital Journal Special Service.) Fruitland, Ore., July 6. Wednesday Dan Osborn of the Turner and Aums ville' section motored to Fruitland and took H. C. Bressler and Mrs. Bresslcr to see his farm which he wishes to sell or exchange. The deal did not go through. King Bing, By ding, - Queen Estelln, He praises sing. W'oducsdny : Misses Josie and Ester Bowers with camping outfit moved to the Willis loganberry farm about two miles north of the fair grounds for n three or four weeks' picking. Seven foot Cuthbert raspberry bushes can bo seen at Fruitland and the ber ries iu Snlem. John Bull hnd his tail.. pulled the Fourth and our president is writing scholarly notes to Carranza. Mr. L. C. Walker and dnughter, Miss Marguerite, former resident, now living at Ortens, Lincoln county, visited old friends and neighbors hero last week. Mrs. Walker remained at home to look after the dairy business in which they are at prcsont engaged. Quite a number of Fruitlunders at tended the Fourth of July celebration at the fair grounds. Your correspon dent spent the day hoeing corn. About daylight July 4 giant crackers exploding-made the welkin (I guess thats what they call it) ring. We are patriotic when it comes to noise. BIO CATTLE RANCH One of the big things for Polk coun ty, of which comparatively little is known by residents of this' bailwick, is the improvements now under way at Bentley, where the Unicome Brothers are expending large sums of money pre paratory to the establishment of an ex tensive Durham and Hereford cattle ranch. More than $10,000 in improve ments are being made through the erec tion of buildings, which include a handsome bungalow, barns and other necessary structures of lesser import ance. The last issue of the Sheridan Sun gives some information regarding what is being done on this Grand Roude place as follows: "One barn will be i0x.S0, three stories, costing $4,000, and tho other will be 52x150, a plain stock farm barn costing $1,500. The house will be a $2000 bungalow. The contract for the house has not yet been let while Charles Fuqun and John ITulett were the successful bidders on the barns. Both are well-known county contrac tors, the former with John Parker hav ing built the Sheridan Public school building. Work was started on the .'t story barn and the framework is completed.- The contract calls for its com pletion by the fifteenth of next month. It is to be a huge structure sitting on the side of n lnountuin protected from the const winds and overlooking the Rouge River vnllev of the agency. The hay loft will hold' 150 tons. The tim ber in the eountains to the rear of the site is being slashed. The larger ham for the stock will be built ill the valley while the residence will nestle on a mountain bench two hundred yards distant from the main' burn. Polk County Observer. PIONEER IS BURIED Funeral services for N. W. Silver, aged liS, the father of Mrs. Winnie Biailcn, of Dallas, were held in Tur ner Thursday. Interment was in the Turner cemetery. Mr. Silver's death was due to a complication of discuses. He litis lived iu Turner for 25 yenrs until removing to eastern Oregon und Portland several years ago. He join ed the Masons in Turner and the fu neral services were under tho aus pices of that order. Surviving the de ceased are: Mrs. Silver, of Portland; Mrs. Winnie Bradcu, of Dallas; Mrs. Elma, of Moro; Mrs. Norgren, of Portland Mrs. Funnie Bnrzee, of Montana, and Chester Silver, of Moro. L. J. Bruden and Theodore Parker, of Dallas, attended the funeral services in Turner. Dallas Observer. DALLAS HOSPITAL IS EMPTY Dallas is on one of its periodical, ab solute health sprees. There is not a pa tient iu the Dullns hospital. There is not even a prospect of one. No one hits written or 'phoned that he was coming. There have been no operations the past day or two. When Mrs. S. M. Wingo, of Falls City, left Sunday the attendants felt louesome. They were in charge of a hostelry without a guest. It's rather hard on the overhead expense they say, but, they quickly add as though they might be accused of perfidy, it speaks mighty . well for the city aud county. Once last fall aud once last summer the hospital was empty but usuully there nro four or more patients. Dallas Observer. New Officers for Balance of the Year Chemekcta Lodge, No. 1, I. O. O. F., and Salem Rebekah Lodge, No. 1, will bold their sessions for the remainder of. the year, after next week, with new officers. . Next ' Monday, evening nt the lodge rooms,. ..Sulem . Kebekah , I.dge, No. 1, will install the fallowing officers: Noble grand, Mrs. Gertrude F. .Cum mings; vice-itrnnd, Mrs. Fay Wright; secretary, Mrs. Elsie B. Simeral; treas urer, Mrs. Hattie Patterson. Wednesday evening, July 12, Che raeketa Lodge. No. 1, I. O." O. F., will install the following officers: Noble grand, F. L. Kiester; vice-grand. C. G. McElroy; secretary, W. H. Pettie; treasurer. L. C. Zimmerman. Electrically driven machines with which stamps ran be attached to let ters and packages at a rate of 400 a minute are being, tested by the Ger man postal authorities. Let the Capita Journal New Today Column put your dollars oa the right track. EVERYTHING FREE AT Opens Tomorrow, for dren in Morning, Grown Folks in Afternoon Everybody jump in the water's fine. And everything is free tomorrow at the opeuing of Charles K. JJenisou's new bathing house at the foot of State street. Denison has given Sulem something to bo proud of iu the matter of bathing and swimming faculties. For some months past he has been busy on the new venture which he confidently ex pects will prove popular during the warm summer days. The bath house contains 75 dressing rooms each of which is lighted with electricity and well ventilated. These arc ranged around tho swimming tank on three sides, the end towards the river being open so that those who wish may dive off a float into the stream. The tank itself is 25 by 50 feet and adjustable in depth. Practically any depth desired may be secured and this may be varied from a few inches at one end to several feet at the other. There is little chance for accidents as the re leasing of a eatch brings the sniinming crib to the surface in a few seconds. Then, too, competent instructors will be present nt all times so that the timid ones need have no fear of meeting with disaster. Slides, springboards and roller cast ers are provided us equipment for the tank and a diving platform is erected at one end. Valuables may be left in tch checking room where an attendant is always present. Shower baths with city water have been installed and a driiiK ing fountain will supply ice water to the thirsty. Later in the season a parlor for the Indies is to be instulled on the roof so that the fair ones may primp and pow der to their heart's content after a ses sion in the water. Children will have the use of the bnths in the morning and their elders in the afternoon and even ing. Tomorrnw- Mr. Denison bids nil Snlem welcome to the bath house and promises that something new will be shown them. An admission fee of 25 cents is charged but this will not bo done tomorrow, the opening day being free of charge. Chautauqua Will Begin With Parade The "dip ninn" is in the city. He is not the advance mnn for a vaude ville entertainment nor a movie hone, but just r.n ordinary hard working ......... ,,,,,, fe, ,iiiii ,11.; 1IIIUI vei-tising for the -Salem Chautauqua, and in show parlance receives his name from the fact that he is thrc Inst ad vance mnn in the inti rests of the Chau tauqua before the first show is given, July 12. Judge John H. Scott is chairman of the automobile committee to arrange for nil auto parade in the interest of the Chautauqua. This parade, headed with a band, will be held Saturday or Monday. Chautauqua huts will be pro vided for those interested enough to take part in the parade and tho girls nnd boys taking part will be given head pieces. The ticket committee is now out and as the time is limited, may call for vol unteers to work especially in parts of the city not already assigned. Mystery Surrounds Shooting of Woman Portland, Ore., duly tl. While Mrs. Josephine Mills, aged 211, hovered be tween life and death at a hospital to day, R. F. Warren and Mrs. N. P. Nel son were held in juil pending tho in vestigation of a mysterious shooting in Mrs. Nelson's npartment just before midnight Inst night. Lou Billups, a chauffeur, was held ns a material witness although ho was not present when the shooting occurred. A bullet from her own revolver enter ed Mrs. M ills' breast just below the heart, went through the entire body nnd buried itself in the wall. Warren and Mrs. Nelson declare Mis. Mills was despondent and shot herself. Mrs. Mills is unconscious She is known to have been worried because her eight-year-old child had been taken from her. Fluctuations Small Market Rather Sluggish j New York, July (1. The New York! jl Evening Sun's financial review today ill said: j Althoungh business was conducted up-! on a scale of fair activity in WalllSa street this morning, speculative, inter-1 ! J ests converged upon relatively few is-! II sues and the market as a whole assumed , II something of a waiting attitude. , Fractional advances were well dis-i tributrd throughout the general list at I ti the outset, and the first hour was mark-' 25 ed by a fairly large volume of - busi- ll ness, but as the session progressed ac- tivity diminished and tho market devel- oped something of a clenrage between S! the railway and industrial shares. While! J J the former were constantly stronger! II under the leadership of Heading, which ' moved up sharply to a familiar stock It jobbing story, the industrials and spe-SS cinltiea developed some Irregularity. Such stocks in particular were under II pressure and Mercantile Murine pre-' ferred reacted sharply. 1 1 1 Speculative conditions were little changed in the late afternoon. Tliel'J market was narrow and prices moved II somewhat uncertainly. Roods were firm with Anglo-French j 1 1 fives and municiial issues in good dc- mund. I!! For, several months a Norweignn company has been successfully ex tracting copper from crude ore by an electrolytic process invented by an engineer in that country. 1 he Dinging Raihr Boys x . . XX XX XX (Of Salem Chautauqua July 12th and 18th if Indian Mission Wants Trained Aggie Students Oregon Agricultural College, Corval- lis, .lulv li. Students of agricultural colleges! who have trained in foreign ..,.i. .... ., ..,.,.i i. eign missionary hoards to conduct iig-!'1' ricultural demonstrations and educa - t ion ti I work in India. The Honorable Claude Hill," says, the report issued bv the Presbyterian Board of Missions, "who is a member of the viceroy cabinet tor agriculture, hns siiL'gestcd tiiut the missions help iu getting out men with practical ex perience for government demonstration iu agriculture, "The government of India is intro ducing short courses Iu agriculture in to the rural schools. This work is be ing started with three men who have been trained and will continue with twentv more men this summer." A number of O. A. C students have taken the work to qualify fur foreign service in rural agriculture. Tiiey are being informed of the present demand n ii OPENING ANNOUNCEMENT MiHiiiMMMMMaMaHMHMaMalMaaHaaMMMaMaiBMMHaMaBMMaaM Denison's Bath House Will Be Opened TOMORROW Free Bathing to All ii ii ii ii !! Children Only 9 to An absolutely Denison's Bath House Foot of State St. ' I II II u " mm Have appeared in over three thousand great cities of America and Europe and have scored tremendous successes. The Kaffir Boy Choir has been secured for Chautauqua at great expense and is but one of the many feature attractions that will be on the program given in the big brown Chautauqua tent. Illustrated folders giving the program for each day will be given you by your merchant and banker. Look over this program and you will see that it is full of "better than usual" attractions for the big week. Season tickets are the passports to the Chautau qua week entertainments. Secui'e yours now. The price will advance to three dollars on opening day. And -don't forget the "kiddies." us rapidly as possible. Following are types of men called for: "One mini strong in desert problems and irrign- limi for the desert state of Itlkancr. I The mil lin i ii in ll has passed orders that he is to huve a budget to carry on his I wnrU- The Hiiianer state will pay his "alary, travel, outfit, allowances, etc., ton a iniKsioiiiirv basis. There is much e ""i'1 in favor of a young married !"""1 whose witc could visit the women I iii me pu.uce. " mnn, lVmbower or iinotlierj for the work in horticulture. Salary raised on the field." (). A. '. students interested may i write either to Deaa Coiltey or to Or-1 ville Heed, l.'ni Fifth Avenue, New I York. Will Be No Shortage of Help In Harvest Chicago, duly (I. The great grain states of the middle west prepared for! the summer mid autumn hnrvests to- ilny with no fear of a shortage of farm hands because of the militia mobili.a - 12 A. M. Adults Afternoon and Evening Children must bring their own bathing suits. Adults requested to furnish their own suits. safe place for women and children lacacac: i i Gave His Mother a Deed To His Three Children Portland, Or., July' il, A quit i-luiin deed for his own children, signed by Clyde IMIis Cole, is on file in the rcnl- t t.v department of Ik county clerk' office hero todnv. , ,.() , i voiced from his first wife, who later died. When Cole want ed to renin i ry, his mother volunteered to take the three children of his first marriage. So the father drew up a deed, quit iduiining "nil right, title and interior, iu and to nforcsnid children" to his mother. tiou. Reports from Kniisa:, lown, Nebras ka and other states indicated Hint the hiiivest iiaml situation will be practic ally as iu previous years. The militia of these slates, It was said, me iiruc tu-nlly nil from cities or towns an. I few "boys from the farm" have gone 1 to the border. 11 ii ii ii ii it ii ii !! 18 IS u n ii is ii y