THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, JULY 5, 1916. TWO Keep your teeth as you would have them keep you healthy and whole., Three times a day use PERFECT th Powder Pnpand by m Doctor of Dental Surgmry ' B.nd 2c lump today tot a generous trf.1 package I W, Lyon k Son, Inc., 6 a I W. 274 St., N.Y. City Too SOCIETY By ALINE THOMPSON ""OR tie past few day society has sr ooen Kent anhirl witb. the gay eties of tiie Cherry Fair and car ing tor visitors and relatives who have been numerous in the city this week. Luncheons interspersed with teas and small informal gatherings in hon or of visitors will enliven the remain der of the week. One of the most de lightful of these affairs will bo the tea for which Miss Elizabeth Lord will be hostess Thursday in honor of her bouse guest Miss Klsa Deiinel of Han Francisco.- About 40 maids and ma trons of the smart set will be guests. Another charming affair of tomor row will be the luncheon for which Jrs. William II. Boot 'will be hoBtess at her attractive surburbau residence in Fairmount Heights. Mrs. W. S. Mott is entertaining as iier guest for several days Mrs. Thom as Sims of Portland. . . Tuesday Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Gricr, Mr. and Mrs. Chester Cox, and Mr. find Mrs. Walter L. McDougal motored to Falls City, where they enjoyed the day at the Bungalow club house. , Mrs. Roma Hunter will be hostess to night for a small informal dinner in honor of Mrs. Lewis Sheldon and her. nouse guest miss Marion Anuoraon, a popular Albany girl. Mrs. Sheldon iibiiiB to leave soon for a sojourn in iorth Yakima. Mrs. Frank Frickey and children re turned last week from a six months' visit with wrs. Frickey 'a mother, Mrs. Adam Hchuntt of PuBsadcna. . Mr. and Mrs. James It, Winson have hsd as their house guests Mr. and Mrs. Charles (J. Arnold of Portland, who motored to Balem Sundny. They re turned home todav. . . . - Among the visitors who were here for the Cherrv fair festivities were Mr. and Mrs. Dorr, Mrs. K. L. Hed lund, Miss Nona Lawler and Clarence lirazetl of Portland. The party made the trip in Mr. and Mrs. Dorr's yacht; the "Hea Wolf" and were joined by, Dr. lledlund and Kdwartt lirazell, who motored to Salem. They returned to Portland today. Mrs. Klmer Ludden and small son, at the home of Mrs. L. K. Pago, 4!2 cottage street. The hostesses for tne attcrnoon are Mrs. Page, Mrs 'Agnes Dinsmore, Mrs. Gideon Htolz, Mrs. Ida Babcock and Mrs. Eugenia Uillinghum. A delight ful programme has been prepared and will add to the pleasures of the affair. Besides the W. R. (,', the members of the Hcdgwick Post ure invited. . The Salem Patriotic League will hold a meeting at the armory next Monday evening. Following the meet ing an informal dance will be given for the benefit of the League. The personnel in charge of the affair is Mrs. Chaunccy Bishop and Mrs. Fred 8. Bynon. Miss Grace Lane of Portland is vis iting at the home of Mrs. H. 1). St. Helens. Miss Audrey Hicks and Miss Edith Jones left Tuesday evening for a two weeks trip to Alaska. Mr. and Mrs. John IT. Farrar left Tuesday for a weeks sojourn iu Newport. Lewis McAdnms of Portland has been visiting at the home of his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. I. L. McAdnms. Patriotic League Wffl Work Alone At a meeting held this afternoon at the home of Mrs. W. O. Asscln, the Salem Patriotic League decided not to join with any other association in the work of securing relief funds for the families of Company if in need. At one time it was thought best to join with the Salem Social Service Center, but the general opinion this afternoon was' that the members could accom plish more by working as a separate league. A mass meeting will be called at the armory for next Monday evening when every citizen in town will be given an opportunity to subscribe a certain amount each month for relief, as long as the boys are ia service. Mrs. Chnuneey Bishop and Mrs. Fred Bynon J wore ai'iMiiiiivu a uuiuiiiiiife xu Hrruuuv Sennet, left today for a month' visit ' "''' "d speakers. Mrs. W. O. in Newnort. Thov will be tho ffuosta Assclyn was appointed as a committee TO Heafy Rains Greet Arrival of Suckers New Yorkers Are Numerous San Antonio, Texas, July 5. The big movement of national guardsmen to the border continued today and General Funston and his staff disposed the state troops on a tactical basis as fast as they arrived. The exact destinations of other units are not given out here but it is known that about 2,000 New York guardsmen will be statioued in the Brownsville district. The first cavalry squadron and the second artillery company of that state passed through here late yes terday. , ; Four of the 45 new trucks ordered are expected to be delivered this week. They comprise 3!) trucks to the company. From a half to tvo dozen carloads of horses are arriving daily anil it is esti mated that 10,0UU horses will be here by the end o'f this week. Major Blanton Winship, judge advo cate, who came here from Fort Leaven worth to try the "slackers" in the Texas national guard, is finding it hard to locate anybody to try. Among the recrnits who arrived here yesterday wore 25 of those listed for court-martial for failing to respond when the Texas militia was called out. Rain Greets Suckers. San Antonio, Texas, July 5. The Third aud Fourth Illinois infantry felt like Old Man Noah today when they detrained at Fort Sam Houston, in a driving rain. The downpour ceased only after the company streets had been con verted into miniature rivers with beds of oozy mud several inches deep. A batfcry and a troop of cavalry of Wisconsin militia also arrived today. The First Illinois infantry entrained for the Brownsville district. The New York national guardsmen in that region will number 18,000, according to Gen eral Funston. iuuston said ho had received no re ports toduy from General Pershing or orncrs or nis commanders. i.a rrenza, an nnti i nrrana paper puimshca here, predicts the punitive ex pedition will be withdrawn and that there will be no war between the United States and Mexico. Bell-ans Absolutely Removes Indigestioh.5 One package proves it 25c at all druggists. 3 YOU couldn't "'hit the bullseye every time. But the OWL does makes a per fect record formellow ness.for even-burning, and everything else that goes to make up a good smoke. The OWL'S a winner I The Million Dollar Cigar M.A.OUNSTCO. INCORPORATED mHimmiiiiKiiiiiiiiiiiinilr. PERSONALS REFUGEES EL OF El Many Arrive In Destitute Con- dition Though of Well-to-Do Class Newport. They of Mrs. Ludden 's Mrs. 11. 11. liagan. parents, guests Mr. and The members of the Woman 'a Relief Corps will meet Thursday (tomorrow) afternoon for their regular sowing bee of one to arrange for the armory nnd the Rev. James Klvin, ' the publicity manager. After the mass meeting, a dance will be given, the funds from which to go into the relief fund. . . - -j . m A3 Have you made a (RISCO CAKE? Try this recipe; or make your own favorite cake, using Crisco in place of butter. Use one-fifth less Crisco than butter and add salt. If you will merely use Crisco properly there will be no need to mix any butter with it. Your Crisco cake will be as nice as the more expensive cake you formerly made with butter. Crisco cake stays fresh and moist longer. (Clip thu Recipe) Eggless-Butterless-Milkless Cake 25c H cupful Crico 1 cupfuli brown sugar 2 cupfuli water 1 cupful seeded rsiiias 1 teupoonful salt 2 teupoonfuli powdered cinnamon 1 teupoonful powdered cloves teupoonful nutmeg yi teaipoonful powdered mac 2 teupoonfuli baking soda 4 cupfuli flour . 1 teupoonful baking powder i cupful chopped nut meats 1 tablespooufuls warm water Fut the Crisco into a saucepan, add sugar, water, raisins, alt and spices and boil for three minutes. Cool and when cola nutf thuJLiir, baking powder, soda dissolved in the warm water and the nut meats. Mix and turn into a Criscoed and floured cake tin and bake in a slow oven for one and a half hours. San Diego, Cal, July 5. Stories, of persecutions, imprisonment, privation and suffering at the hands of Carranza soldiers were related today by tho S39 refugees from the Mexican west coast who arrived in Han Diego on the naval Transport JJuTtalo. Forced to leave home and every dob' session, escaping with only their clothes aud a few dollars, and more than 100 wiHiont even money to go to a hotel the destitute travelers are being cared for by the local branch of the Red Cross society. Many of the able to defray their own living expenses here for a few days had to appeal for aid in purchasing rail road tickets to former homes In other parts of the country. The capture of the American steamer Sonora by blue jackets from the cruiser Cleveland was one of the most daring feats related by tho refugees. The lit tle teamer, recently allowed provision al Amrican registry, wns seized about six montliB ago by the military authori ties, and was held by a guard of Car ranza soldiers in the inner harbor at tluayamus. At 11 p. m. of June 21, a steam launch, with a party of sailors from the Cleveland, entered the inuer harbor, boarded the Konora, and, over powering the farrnn.a men, threw them into i lie sen. ine anchor chain was slipped, nnd a tow Hue passed to the launch. Iu a Yew minutes, without cas ualty to the Americans, the Honora was alongside the Cleveland, where she was made a dormitory for the refugees. The vessel is the property of tho American Mexican (Steamship and Trading com pany. Gunboat Run a Bluff. The pursuit of the gunbout Annapolis by a Mexican gunboat, when she was forced to steam from Mazatlan, was re lated by Johu W. Sargent, of Boston, who witnessed the Mur.atlan fight of June 18. Governor Florros, it is re lated, ordered the Anuapolis out of the harbor, following the attack of the Mexican soldiers on the steam launch, when I. M. Laughter, a sailor, was kill ed and a number of Mexicans fell under the fire returned by tho blue jackets. With a large number of women and children on board, the commander of the Annapolis was 'forced to obey the Mexican's orders to safeguard the lives of his eiviliau passengers. A Mexican gun boot followed the Annapolis to en force the demands of Governor Florres. British and Germans, said Sargent, are being used fairly well by the Mex icans, but Americans and Spanish are hated and persecuted, the epithet "chino-blaneo,"' or white Chinaman, being applied to citizens of the United States. Refugees from Salina Crua, Maxanillo and other southern ports will arrive early next week on the supply steamer Glacier. Wage Dispute Settled Washington, July 5. A final settle ment has been reached ia the Rock Is land arseaal wage dispute, it was learned at the war department today. Chicago has been included, with the tri-eities ia the determining scale, and aa increase of about 23 cents per day per man has beea grauted. William II. Lerchen went to Corval- lis this morning. E. Cooke Pattern is in Dallas attend ing to business matters. ' The Rev. H. Charles Dunsmore of Independence is in the city. Karl Groshong of Bcotts Mills ob served Independence day in Salem. Governor Withvcombe was register ed yesterday at the Imperial hotel, 1'ortland. Charles Hill of the Portland Seed company visited relatives in tho eity yesterday. ; raul Kulmke of Silverton and John Itulmke of Hollywood were in the city, yesterday.' .-. ' C. W. HenkJe, the undertaker of in dependence, was a Fourth of July cele- 1 . : 1 uiuiur in omciu. Carl Massey returned to Portland to day after spending the Fourth with his mother at Hopmere. Miss Edith Bynon returned to Port land yosterday to resume her studies in the summer school. Clayton W. Ueise of Eugene was a Salem visitor yesterday. He was for merly a resident of West Salem. Mrs. T. J. Kdwards of Portland is visiting iu the citv at the home of Mrs. 8. F. Clark,144 Front street. Charles Litchfield of Portland spent the holiday yesterday visiting his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. O. P. Litchfield. Mrs. F. R. Capper and daughters, Mise Frankie Capper and Mrs. Virgil Day spent the Fourth in Salem with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Hay L. Smgith are home from New Haven, Conn., where Mr. Smith recently completed a post graduate law course. Miss Edna Purdy, now in charge- of the Albany office of the Oregon Nur sery company, spent the Fourth in the city with her parents. it. L. Chapman and family of Dal las were among the crowd at the fair ground yesterday. Mr. Chapman is the undertaker at Dallas. Rufus White is back in Salem from a vacation of several weeks in Wash ington. Mrs. White remained in Port land but will return to the City Sun day. Arch Buchtel returned to his home at Portland this morning after a short visit at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ben jamin B. Cronk, 475 South Winter street. Mr. and Mrs. Perry Abbott, Mr. and Mrs. J. V. Gutherie, Mm. Ordemann and Kd Ordemann, all of Portland, spent the Fourth in tho city, the guests of Tom Ordemann. BEGINSJJEXT WEEK Tickets On Sale Tomorrow, $2.50 for Week's Course Students $1.50 One week from today tho Salem 1016 Chautauqua will hold its first session in the chautauqua teut on the Willam ette University baseball grounds, the location of one year ago. The attrac tion for the evening is the reading of scenes from Shakespeare and the Co miis Players. On account of the Cherry fair and the observance of the Fourth and also the general interest taken in military affairs, the committee in charge of the sale of tickets thought best not to be gin their sale until tomorrow. - Now that the opening is but one week off, the committee will rush the Bale of tickets already subscribed (or and as the time is short, has requested subscribers to be ready when those In charge of tickets call. Tho number is so large that it will be impossible for this committee to make several calls. Tomorrow morning tickets will be placed on sale at the Commercial book store, Patton's book store, Will's-mus-ic store, Wiley B. AUoh and Cherring ton and St. Helen 's. An advonce man for Ellison-White will arrive tomorrow to assist in the sale, and in placing the final advertising. Tickets for the entire weed's course will sell for $2.50 with a special $1.50 student nrice aud $1 for children. Gen eral information regarding the course will be given by C. E. Knowland, sec retary. After conferring with Mr. Ellison, arrangements were made whereby only a sacred program will be given Sun day, July 16. It was on the nature of the Sunday evening show there was some difference of opinion be tween the ministers. But with the as surance of a sacred concert Sunday night, no objections will be made, al though it is possible that in future, contracts with Ellison-White, the Sun day night eutertaiuments will be elim inated. The attractions include several uni que features, such as the Kaffir Boy Chorus in its first tour of the west The big musical event will be Satur day night July 13, when the New York lyitv Marine band gives an afternoon and evening concert. Three Petitions Filed for Proposed Laws Three initiative petitions for laws and amendments to be submitted to the voters of the state in November were received today by Secretary of State Oleott. E. J. Stack, of Portland, in behalf of the Oregon State Federation of Labor and the Central Labor Council of Port land, sent in a petition purporting to contain 24,653 names. This aaks the submission of the People's Land and Loan Law aineudment. An act to prohibit compulsory vac cination and medical treatment is sought by Lora C. Little, of Port land, who today filed a petition contain ing 25,126 names. Metolius made a bid 'for consideration as the county scat of Jefferson county in a petition containing 425 signatures and submitted to the department of state by M. A. Cunning, acting for the Metolius Commercial club. This peti tion seeks a law with reference to Jef ferson eounty only. Madras has already entered the lists as a contender for the honor of being the county scat. Tomor row is the last day on which initiative petitions may be filed, according to law. SHIPLEY'S Unparalleled Sale Of Lingerie and Afternoon Dresses for Summer Wear n El Dresses of Linen Dresses of Organdie Dresses of Batiste Dresses of Voile Every Price Reduced In many cases less than Half . . U.B.5HIPLEYC0.$r LIBERTY STREET ,ce era Gather to Discuss Fads New York, July 5. The "big drive" of the suffragists in the National Edu cation association convention is under way today, but the fight for "woman 's rights" is overshadowed by protcs.s against "woman's wrongs." "Down witb displays of fine silken hose, down with rice powder all over the noise" this is the battle cry heard in every nook of the McAlpin, Waldorf Astoria and Astor, where the teachers have gathered. Two days in New York have thor oughly disgusted the visiting school teachers with the "much hose, few clothes" styles of New York women, and they feel that the gay little high school girls of the United State must be saved from these fashions. Suffrage and modesty in dress will be urged up on the convention. Anna H. Shaw will speak tomorrow night and will have some pertieut things to say about feminine vogues. Mrs. Cora G. Lewis, Kansas' most illus trious women, is leading the fight for modesty and suffrage. Rural school teachers feel that city school boys spend too much time in ath letics and tea dansants. The back to the soil movement is the only salvation of the country, they cluim. Hence the department of agriculture education under the leadership of W. F. Lutsk, of the University of Minnesota, is urging a resolution to make, compul sory agriculture for students in city high schools. Major General Leonard Wood wound up the fight for military training in the schools with an address to the phys ical training section today at Dewitt Clinton high school. The committee ou military training is meeting this aft ernoon and will report tomorrow. Next to the suffrage and dress ques tion, the problem of defective children occupied the greatest interest today. Sectional meetings to discuss the prob lem of training defectives were held. The unanimous nomination of Robert J. Alcy, president of the University of Maine, for president of the association is expected when the nominating com mittee makes its report late this aft ernoon. Plans for revolt against "machine" school systems for a scheme of teaching which would instruct boys and girls how to work was made today by John iI. Mills, superintendent of schools of Ogden, Utah. 'A sentiment should be developed in every community," he said, "that a boy who graduates from high school nnd docs not know how to make a liv inu should consider himself not only un educated but disgraced." The library section of the convention heard appeals for comprehensive library auxiliaries to teaching by Charles Hughes Johnson of the University of Illinois. If You Have Any Packages to Send Boys Address Them As Here Suggested Washington, Julv 5. Red Cross of ficials today promised to eo-operate with persons who desire to send sup plies to troops on the Mexican border if they will forward packages to Red Cross supply depots at: Chicago for Minesota, Wisconsin, Michigan and northern Illinois. I Kansas City, care Montgomery Ward k Co., for the Dakotas, Nebraska, Iowa, v northern . Missouri and northeastern Kansas, ' Denver, for Montana, Wyoming, Utah and northedn Colorado. ' - ban Francisco, care A; B. C. Doher mann, fur Washington, Oregon, Nevada and northern California. ' Douglas, Aria., care Mayor Adam son for Arizona and southern California. El Paso, Texas, No. 516 baa Francis co street, tor all territory west of Kansas not otherwise specified. san Antonio. Texas, Avenue c, anu Fourth street, for all southern states situated to the east of tne westera boundary of Kansas. Any further information as o the shipping supplies may be obtained from Red Cross chapters ia various towns and cities. BXTIRZD FBOM SERVICE. j San Francisco. July 8. A he ia suf fering from injuries received at the army aviation school, Sam Diego, Lieutenant Lewis B. Goodier, Jr., sea of Lieutenant Colonel Lewis E. Goodier, was retired by the war department to day with the rank of captain. He fell while flying at North Island. Both legs were broken. Although he has re covered, hia legs are not sufficiently strong to stand hard field service. ,eV Post Toastfes J WW 1 t I From House to House the Good News Spreads Many kousewives have found a happy solution of the breakfast problem in New Post Toasties. These new corn flakes are distinctive in that they bear a self-developed flavor all their own the delicate, fascinating flavor of choice, white Indian corn. Unlike other flakes, they do not depend on cream and sugar to make . them palatable. Try a handful without cream and sugar note the fine flavor and new form; also the tiny "bubbles" on each flake. These bubbles are a distinguish ing characteristic and are produced by the quick, intense heat of the new pro cess of making, which also brings out the wonderful flavor. Although the New Post Toasties are a great improvement in flavor and form, they cost no more than ordinary flakes. Have a package delivered for tomorrow's breakfast. New Post Toasties sold by Grocers everywhere.