"HEEZA Daily Capital Journal's Classified Advertising Page RATES FOR ADVERTISEMENTS: One Cent per word for the first insertion. One-Half Cent per word for each successive subsequent insertion" iDHIEOPHACTIC-SFrNOLOGIST DB. O. L. SCOTT Graduate vf Chiro practic's Fountain field, Davenport, Iowa. If you have tried everything and got no relief, try Chiroprac tic spinal adjustments and get well. Office 400-7-8 U. 8. National Bank Building. Phone Alain 87. Residence Main 828-B. DENTISTS. DK. 0. A. OLSOX, Dentist Adminis ters nitrous ozij and oxygen gas. Boom 214. Masonic Temple. Phone 440. Salem, Oreoa, TOR BENT FOB BENT Nicely furnished house keeping rooms reasonable. 835 North Commercial street. tf FOB SALE FOR SALE 'CHEAP 10 acres. 25 acres cultivated. 5 acres timber, balance pasture; 3 .springs watering build ings and garden; family orchard and berries, near K. R. town; out range. Price with crop $1(500. Terms. Also 130 acres, 40 in crop, fair buildings, out range; horses, boats, cows. Price $4000. And SO acres, 50 acres in cul tivation, new house, not completed. $75. Will trade for nnvthing good. Square Deal Realty .Co., 202 U. S. Bank bldg. MISCELLANEOUS SEDUCED FREIGHT BATES To and from all points east, on all household goods, pianos, etc. Consolidated car lo id service. Capital City Transfer Company, agents for Pacific Coast Forwarding company, 101 South Com mercial street. Phone Main 933. MONEY TO LOAN ON Good Seal Estate Security. THOS. K. TOED Over Ladd & Bush Bank. Salem, Oregon MONEY TO LOAN I have made ar rangements for loaning eastern money, will make very low rate of interest on highly improved farms. Homer H. Smith, room 5 MeCornack Bldg, Salem. Ore. i""ne 90. LODGE DIRECTORY A. O. U. W. Protection T.odze. No. 2, Meets every Monday evening nt 8 in the MeCornack hall, corner Court and Liberty streets. It. O. Donaldson. M. W. ; 8. A, McFndden, recorder; A. L. Brown, financier. B A I.EM LODGE No. 4. A. F. & A. M. Btated communications first Friday In each month ut 7 :: p. m. In the Masonic Temple. I'hus. McCarter, W. M. ; S. Z, Culver, secreiary, BALRMTITMAXE SOCIETY D. I. Keeler. president ; Mrs. l.ou Tlllson. secretary. All cases of cruelty or neglect of dumb ani mals should be reported to the secretary for Investigation. CENTRAL I.OIinE. No. IS. K. of P. Me- i Cornnclc building. Tuesday evening of each week nt 7 :30. J. a. Meltzel, C. C. ; I W. B. lillsou, K. of It. and 8. j B. N. OF A. "Oregon Grnpe Cntnp." Not 1360, . meets every Thursday evening Id ; MeCornack building. Court and Liberty streets ; elevator. Mrs. Sylvia Srhaiipp, 1701 Market, oracle; Mrs. Melissa l'er I sons, recorder. 1-UO North Commercial, i i'bone 1430-M. I MODERN WOODMEN OP AMERICA Ore-! ga Cedar Camp. No. 5240. meets every Thursday evening nt 8 o'clock In Me Cornack hall, corner Court and Liberty streets. Elevator service. Geo. Belnohi, V. C. ; J. A. Wright, clerk. CHADWICK CHAl'TEIt. No. 37. O. E. 8. Regular meeting every first and third Tuesday at 8 p. m. In the Masonic Tem ple. Minnie Mueller, W. M. ; Ida M. Bibcock, secretary. WOODMEN OF TIIE WORLD Meet every Friday night at 8 o'clock In McComack block, G. W. Ilirous, C. C; L. S. Cleer clerk, 607 Court streei. rhane 093. DB MOI.AY. COMMAXDF.HY. No. B, K. T. Hegular conclave fourth Friday in each month at S o'clock, p m.. In Maitonlc Tem ple. Sojourning Sir Knights are courte ously Invited to meet with us l ot L. earce. E. C, Frank Turner, recorder. UNITED ARTISANS Capltsl Assembly, No. 84. meets every Wednesday at 8 p. m. In Moose halL C. O. Matlock, M. A.; C Z. itaudall, secretary, Saleni Bunk of Commerce. HOnsOX COrXt'IL. No. 1. It. H. M Btated assembly lirst Mndy In each month. MusOnle Temple. N. I". Itasmus en. Thrice Illustrious Master; Gleun C. Nlles, recorder. SALEM COrxciL NO. 2(122 Knights and ladles of Security Meet! every 2nd sad 4th Wednesduy each month nt Hurst Hull. Visiting members are invited to attend. B. F. Walton, financier. -ISO S. 14th St. PACIFIC LOIKIF. No. BO. A. K. k A. M. Btated communications third Friday to each month st 7 p. m. in the Masonic Temple. Hal V. Bolam, V. M. ; Ernest 11. Ch,.te. secretary BOOB," Some Ball Pan. Yes? No! INSURANCE For all kinds of Insurance in Stand ard Companies, call on P. J. Kuntz Boom 309, Bank of Commerce. General - Teed . an Small Liver BUbU C. W. TBAXN 854 Ferry. Pioae BSC OSTEOPATH PR6. B. n. WHITE and R. W. WAL TON Osteopathic physicians -ind nerve specialists. Graduates of Amer ican school of Osteopathy, Kirksville Mo. Post graduate and specialized i: nerve diseisos at Los Angeles college. Treat acute and chronic diseases. Consultation- free. Ladv attendant. Office O05-500 U. S. National Bank Building. Phone 839. Residence 340 North Cii.iital street. Phone 409. 8CAVANGER SALEM SCAVENGER Charles Boos, proprietor. Garbage and refuse of all kinds remoyed on monthly contracts at reasonable rates. Yard and cess pools cleaned. Office vhnnt Alain 8247. Reidne - 2272. THUBAPxiTJTICS WELTMEH-SVSTEM-Of suggestive Therapeutics practiced by Dr. w. T Tompkins,. S. T. Most powerful, nat uril and successful treatment known to science for the relief and cure of headache.-stomach, liver and kidney trouble; rheumatism, constipation, infantile paralysis and all female complaints, heart, lung and turoat troubles; all diseases of the eye; can cer, goitre, epilepsia, asthma, nerv ousness or any chronic disease. Sug gestive therapeutics properly applied To a diseased body is positive, sure and 'permanent in its results. Hours 9 to 12 a.-m, 1 to 5 p. m., phone 9P1. Office rooms 1, 2 and 3 Hayne Bldp 341 State St., Salem, Oregon. UNDERTAKERS WEBB & CLOUGH CO C. B. Webb. A. M., Clongh morticians and funeral directors. Latest modern met'jods known to the profession emploved 499 Court St. Main 120, Main 9888. RTGDON-RICHARDS.OX CO. Funeral directors and undertakers, 212 North High atreet. Dav and night phone 183. WATER COMPANY SALEM WATER COMPANY Of fici corner Commercial and Trade streets For water service apply at office Bills payable monthly in advance. LM. HUM Care of YICKSOTONG Chinese Medicine and Tea Company Has medicine which will cure any known disease. 153 South High Street, Salem, Ore. Phone 283 Get Your Loganberry Tickets Printed at the Capital Journal Office Prompt Service and the price is right 'L 3 1 THE MARKETS ! The following priees for frulte and vegetables are those asked by the wholesaler of the retailer, and not what is paid to the producer. All other prices 'are those paid the producer. Correction! are made daily. . Today being the day we all 'cele brate, no market quotations were a vailalde. Yesterday buttcrfat took the long expected decline of -one cent, bringing the market to 20 cents. ' A few of t lie buyers-were willing to pay 13 cents l'or fat hen ami even as high as 10 cents for broilers uuilcr two pounds. (Trains. Wheat 80c Oats 40c i Rolled barlflv 435.00 Corn $39.00 Cracked corn , . $40.00 Bran 27.00 Shorts, per ton $30.00 Alfalfa, California, ton $20.00 Butter. Hutterfat 2tlc Creamery butter, per pound .. 29o Country butter 20c22c Eggs and Poultry. Eggs, ease count, cash 20(5 20 l-2c Eggs, trade 21c Hens, pound 12(i( l. 'It Roosters, old, per pound 8c llroilers. under 2 pounds l-'ifn llic Fork, Veal and Mutton- Veal, dressed 89e Cork, dressed 10(510 l-2c Pork, on foot 7 l-2c(S8c Spring lambs, IS'lG 7c(5 7 14c Steers 5c(5 flc Cows 4(5 5c Bulls 3(5-3 l-2c Ewes 4(5:4 l-2c Wethers . 6c Vegetables. Tomatoes, California Cabbage Cucumbers String garlic -. -- Potatoes, cwt Potatoes, new Beets Radishes Green onions $1.25 $3.00 ... 50c 15c ....$1.25(0)1.50 ... 2(5 2 1-Jc 11.00 40e 40 25c 3(5 4c $1.75 40c $3.50 Green peppers Green peas Carrots, sack, new Carrots, dozen Onions, California PrulW. Watermekns 2 l-2c reaches 73cf5$1.00 Oranges, Valencies : $4.00 lemons, per box $5.50(38.00 Cantaloupes $2.00(5 2.25 Bananas, pound St Apples $2.00 California grape fruit $2.50 Florida grape frnit $5.0l)$6.00 Pineapples 8c Honey : , $3.50 Strawberries $1.25(5 1.50 I nerriee. U $1.50 California plums $1.50 Apricots $1.75 Retail prices. Eggs, per dozen, fresh ranch 23c Sugar, cane tS.75 Sugar, beet $8.53 Creamery butter 35e Flour, hard wheat $1.40(al..ri0 Flour, valley $1.15125 WASHINGTON TO START Tai-oma, Wash.. July 4. The Sec ond regiment, Washington national guard, is expected to depart from ( amp Brown. American I.age, about noon today for Calexii-o, Cal., to join other Washington soldiers already in camp at the bonier. The departure of the infantrymen has been delayed by lack of railroad equipment.. It wus believed sufficient ears to carry the remaining militiamen would be on hand today and that entraining would begin before midday. The first sec tion will carry the headquarters staff and this will be followed closely by three other sections containing the three battalions. Thus tin; CAPSULES art luparior to Salum of Copailu. Cutibi or tnectior.s,snd RELIEFS Is iMIDYl 24HCHnS ttie ami diuitM with ut inusmuenc. AJJ trlaft irvjguf . 50 MILES OT TERRITORY (Continued from Faga One.) heavy 'fighting, it was officially nn nouncmed today. The Germans attacked after the ar- i rival of strong reinforcements, Gen eral Haig reported. I South of LaBoiselle, the British mode further progross -in last nignt's figlit- 1 iug, taking more wur material and pris oners. .. , Near Armentieres, the Germans bom barded British lines heavily and- at tempted a raid on British trenches. The attempt was repulsed. Will Retire Further. Copenhagen, July 4. Berlin dis patches today hinted that the Germans aro preparing for a further retirement before the Anglo French offensive, but declared that no ono in Berlin Considers i the situation at all desperate. , All (iikrmnn pori-csnomlcof u rpnni-t that the allies probably have at their: disposal the greatest supply ov um muni turn ever massed behind any army Battalion Surrenders. Loudon, duly 4. A bnttulion of Ger man infantry, about 1,000 troops, sur rendered during the fighting near 1'ri court. The bnttulion consisted of 620 men and officers .of the 18lith regiment of Prussian infantry. Rushing up to f ill the gaps, the enjtire battalion was caught by a devastating fire upon the shallow trenches behind which they at tempted to fight. They tnrew up their hands in token of surrender. British Repulsed. Berlin, July 4. British troops iu strong force uttucked German posi tions at Thiepvnl and I.aBoisello last night but were everywhere repulsed with heavy losses, the German war of fice announce this afternoon. The British did iiot repeat their at tack against the German right north of Ancre brook. .... .South of the iSumme strong French forces attacked at Barleup and Belloy bf?t were .everywhere .jepulsed with heavy losses. Bitter fighting occurred in (he village of Hebeeourt west of Peronne. The French -peuetruted the Village but were, afterward ejected. Claim Russian Rpulse. Berlin, July Continuing their heavy attacks on the German northern front, the Russians wero repeatedly re- pulsed around I.uke Nuroez, Sniorgon and Misczniow with heavy losses, it was officially announced this nttermion. HOW'S THIS? We offer One Hundred Dollars Re ward for any case of Catarrh that can not be cured by Hall 's Catarrh Cure. F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O. We, the undersigned, have known F, J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and be lieve him perfectly honorable in all business transactions and financially able to carry out any obligations made by his firm. National Bank of Commerce, Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internal ly, acting directly upon tne blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Testi monials sent free. Price 75 cents per bottle. Sold by all druggists. Take Hall's Family Pills for consti pation. When Carranza Reply Will Come Is Unknown Mexico City July 4. The foreign office today was unable to make any definite statement as to when Oeneral I'arraiza's reply to the American note will be presented. Friday it was stated upon apparently reliable authority that the reply was practically completed and would be de livered within a few hours. The follnwnig day the statement was made that the note would probably be ready .Monday night. Today the best information was that the final urafc would not" he made for several days. President Wilson's speech before the National Press association in New Vork and dispatches reporting that the great bulk of the jieople of the I'nitcd rMntOB oppose a war with Mexico, rorf vince Mexican leaders that the ehum-es of hostilities have been greatly les sened. (ieneral Carranza and his staff visited drilling grounds where volun teers were being trained Sunday and reviewed a patriotic demons! ration headed by choruses singing: "War. war, upon the invader." The rity was quiet throughout Sunday and there were no anti-.Mnerican demon strations. PRESIDENT TALKS (Continued From Page One.) to let the case rest with the formal joint appeal issued last night asking fori appointment of a commission of iu-) 1uil''- . . , . I Their action m proposing an inquiry, I oue labor leader suid today, was not i taken without careful consideration and he declared that they had reason to be lieve the suggestion might prove accept able to the administration. 'Two-thirds of the people do not un derstand what this war we are heading into is all about," said this official. "This administration, we think does not want the responsibility for a war the people do not understand. We speak for all the workers of the country. The Mexican laoor representatives now here speak for Mexican workers. Iu neither country can the workers sec why tiiere should be war. Ho we propose that it pnmmiKMimi. comnnspd fit' mpll who will bo truly representative of both nations, shall investigate the differences be- tween the two nuHou and then make the recommendations for the adjust ment of those differences. That is all." At the AVhite House no expression could be obtained today on the proposal of the labor leaders. T.. 'l. lWLnnf 'TUrilllUrC lYianUIaClUTC in Oregon Surveyed Portland, Ore., July 3. Figures re cently compiled by the Forest Service show that the furniture mumifucturers of Oregon use annually nearly seven million feet B. M. of lumber, more than half of which is Douglas fir nnd ninple. Oregou is a good market for eastern made furniture, as the locul industry is unable to supply the demand in this re spect. This is due iu a measure to the lack of native hard-woods, such as are found in the middle west, suiliible for chairs, buffets nnd dressers; and also to the difficulties iu the way of getting eastern hard -woods to Oregon. The re port suggests that better transportation facilities provided by the 1'iiiiuma canal will enable the lorul furniture mukurs to import eastern cubiuet woods and thus furnish not only lurger quantities of furniture, but also a higher crude of article. Even under the present liundit-np, however, the munufucturers of furniture iu Oregon find a rendv 1 market for their product, not only in j the state, but ulso in L'tuh, Nevada, I California and the Orient. 1 Besides Douglas fir and maple, the manufacturers of luruiture use such other woods as ash, cottouwood, alder. oiik, western red cedar, uud myrtle They also import some .siberinn and Japanese oaks. MAY PLAY BRADFORDS With every pluver on edge, the l.o jus hope to play a double header with the lluttling llrudfords of Portland. Though today whs nil that could be de sired as far us sunshine is concerned, the condition of the league grounds, ilue to the uenvy rainfall ot the past several Uuys prohibited nny playing whatever. The infield and in front of the grand stand is a sea of slime anil it will take unother day of sunshine at least to make the diamond pussable. heene has hail u good rest uud Is eager to exhibit bis wares to the funs. Secretary Baker says that unv kind ot fair weather tomorrow will result a game. He is now in communication with I ortlanil pertectiug final ar rangements for the double header whicii will be called at half past one it it is decided to play. NEW BOOKS AT THE PUBLIC LIBRARY Allen, K. F. Ouide to the nutiunal parks of Auierica. Binghuiu, Hi rum Across South Am erica. King, Busil The street culled straight. M uir, Joha Travels in Alaska, Orcult, W. D. The bachelors. . Oven, Henry The niau trail. Pryce, Richard David Pensteplien. iiaino. W. M. Steve Yciiger. Richmond, C. L. H. Red Pepper Burns. Shei-lian, P. A. .My new curate. Stewart, K. P. Letters on an elk hunt. Thomas, Augustus Arizona. Thurston, K, T. The passionate crime. MEXICAN STUDENTS ENLIST Mexico City, duly J. Fifteen hun dred stiuleut volunteers, fully equip ped were reviewed li.v (Ieneral Carran za yesterday. They made un excellent impression. By Mort. THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL Classified Business Telephone Directory A Quick, handy reference for busy people EVERYTHING ELECTRICAL Salem Eleetris Co., MasonU Temple, 127 North High Mala 1IM PLUMBING, STEAM PITTING AND TTNNIN8 T. If. Barr, 164 South Commercial street Mai Ut TRANSFER AND DRATAOB Salem Track Dray Co., corner State ana Front street Main H Dry Zensal Moist Zensal TRAVELERS' GUIDE SOUTHERN PACIFIC. NORTH BOUND 16 Oregon Kxpriss 6:00 a. 'Jl i:ui;iwie Limited a :02 p. 128 Willamette Limited... 0 :S-' a. VI Shasta Limited 11:63 a. lM-l'ortlttuil I'asHpuHcr ... 1 '.'11 p. 20 1'oi'dand Passenger. . . B ;II0 p. 14 Portland Express 8 :04 p. 2iL Portland fast Freight 10:30 p. Ulio Local wajr l''relbt. . . .10 :S5 a. SOUTH BOUND 15 California Kiprcss. . . . 8:112. 17 Itoschurg Passenger ..11:20a. Si Kimene Limited 10 :Ot a. Ill Coltnue Grove Puss. ..4:10d. Makes connection wltn fio 74 ueer branch. No. 11 Shasta Limited B:41p. No. 27 Willamette Limited... :1'l l. No. 13 Hsu I'ranclsco lOxpres lX):30p. No. 221 tiun I'ranclsco Fast Freight 12:01 a. No. 2J0 Local way freight. . .11 :40 a. HAI.BSI-ljKBH 1.1NB. No. 73 Arrives at Hulem... I 7') Leaves Salem No. 7." Ar. Salem (mixed)... . .0:15 a. I . .0 :5oa. i ..2:00 p. i . .4 :20 p. i 4 Leave Salem No connection south t Geer. SALr.ir, Fai.i.s Citt and Wbstbrn. No. lfll Lt. Snlem, motor 7:0s. ra. No. Hi.'! Lt Sa'.em, motor 9 :4B a. m. No. 105 Lv. Sulem tat Monmouth nnd Airlle 11 :10a. m. No. 107 Lv. Salem, motor .... 4:00p.m. No. ltl!l Lv. Halem. moior 6:15 p.m. No. 2:i Way I'r t lv. Salem.... 5:00 a.m. No. MS Ar. Salem 8:40 a.m. N. ii4 Ar. Salem 11:10a. m, No. l'lO Ar. Salem 8 :15 p.m. No. HiS Ar. Sslem O:00p.m. No. 170 Ar. Salem 7:45 p.m. No. 240 Way l'r't ar. Halem... 1:85 p.m. OREGON ELECTRIC RA1LWAT. CO. NOBTR BOUND I.r. Snlem 4 :.'I5 a. ra. 7 :l.ri a. m. 9 :45 a. in. 11 :2o a. m. Train No. Ar. rortiana ... 2 Owl 6 :55 a. m. .... 6 9 :25 a. m. ..10 Limited . . . .11 :3S m. . ... 12 11 :5 p. m. . ... 14 4:OOp.m. . . 16 Limited ... 5 :50 p. m. . . . . 20 T :.r0 p. m. 22 10:00 p.m. SOUTH BOUND 1 :45 p. 4 :OU p. B:87 p. 7:53 p. m. m. Pobtund to mum I.v. Portland. , ""V" 6:45 a. m 8:55 (Salem only) 8:25 a. m. ... B Limited ....10:11 . to- WOODBURN WOMEN PREPARE I NECESSARIES TOR TROOPS Woodliurn, Ore., July 4. The meiub bers of (St. Mary's Episcopal guild have taken the lead and with wives, sisters and sweethearts of members of Company I, Third Oregon infantry, are busy tewing housewives to send to the soldiers at, the border. The Ladies of the hodulity of Nt. Luke's church have donated small scissors for furnish ing and with dime collections from town people the housewives will be furnished with buttons, needles, threud, pins and scissors, and scut to San Yai dro this week. Johu and Carle Bteel hammer, two young sons of Mayor and Mrs. John I". Steelhuninier, of this city, handed in their earnings from picking laud selling cherries to sucll the lunti. SEVEN M. Burger, The fact that Zensal is made to reach the two distinct types of Eczema should ap peal to all skin sufferers. Tetter, salt rheum and dry eczema should be treated with Dry Zensal. For weep ing skin use Moist Zensal. 50c a jar at CENTRAL PHARMACY MM 40 a. m. . 05 p. m. . 40 p. m. . 03 p. m. . 20 p. m. . 45 p. u. , Csrvallls 10 p. m. . Eugene. M a. m. . :BO p. m. . :'J3 p. in. . :05 p. ni. , T 12:68 D-sa. 9 4 :25 p. as. , . 13 Limited 6:40 0.1 17 Local . 19 ....21 Owl ... HOITU BOC.NO SO . . 8:10 p. at, . .11:25 p m, . 1 M p. m. Ar. Balsa i B :37 p. as, Ar. Balaa , 9:45 a. a. 1:65 p. a, , T :65 p. a. i 1:10a.m. . 10 Limited . ..16 Limited . 22 ... 2 Owl ... BOCTU BOUND Salem 'hi a. m. 10 a. m. 15 a. m. Salem 55 p. m. Salem. 25 p. m. Ar. BugeM . 21 Owl ....... 6 :BO a. a. 65 9 :80 a. a. ,. B Limited ....12:25p.m. Ar. Albsnf T l:BO p. a. Stops at Corvallia Ar. Albany 9 6:20 p.m. Ar. Albany 6:46 p. a. Ar. Eugene .... IS 6:60p.m. Snlem 40 p. oodbl'bn Local Daili Excut Bokdah , 04 Leaves Salem 8 :40 p. a. . 03 Arrives in Hat-m :ZB p. a. CORVALL1S CONNECTION KOBTH BOUND 10 14 .... 16 20 22 SOUTH BOUND B 9 ,. T 13 Lt. Corvallle 8 :25 s. m. 12:12 p. m. . 2 p. m. . . 4 :IO p. m. . 6:18 p. a. . Lt. Salem 10:15 a. m. . 4 :25 p. m. . . 1 2 :B5 p. m. . . 0 :40 p. m. . . Ar. 8al ... 9 :45a. i ... 1:45 p. i ... 4 :00 p. i ... 6:37 p. i ... 7:55 p. I Ar. Corral 114 ...II :3ia. ... 6:47 p. ... 2:20 p. ... 8:00 p. WILLAMETTE RIVBB BOUTH Oregon City Transportation Company Leave Portland for Oregon City, Biittevlll. Newherg. Mliislon (St. I'aul), Wheatlaoil, Salem (dally eicent Sunday) . .6 :45 a. m. Leave Portland tor Independence. Albany-Corvallls, (Tues., Thurs., 8t.) 6 :4a 4. a. Returning Corvslll 8 4. m. Moo., Wed., rrt, Albany 7 4. m. Mon., wed., rrt. Independence.... 9 a., m Moo., Wed., rrt, Salem 10 a. m Mon., Wed., rrt, Sulem 6 a. m. Tun., Ibura., SM. LAYS WAS NEABS END Portland, Or., July I. The war will not Inst another winter, in the opinio, of (lottfr Iiaritlund, president of a lurge shoe manufacturing plant ia Sweden, lierglund is visiting here f ter touring all the belligerent coun tries. He believes the economic strain on the warring nations Is too great, uud that they will seek peace on aajr sort of terms after a hard summer campaign. IONATIUS GOT A JOB London, July 4. Ignatius T. Lino! self styled "international apy" wA. found guilty on the charges ot forg ery on which he wal extradited from New- York todiiv and sentenced to I three years imprisonment.