Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, July 04, 1916, Page SIX, Image 6

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A A. A A A A A A A A A A J
Struck On His Chin When He
Fell, and Dies As He Is
Counted Out
Los Angeles, Col., July 4. Frank in
Dolnii i uiuier arrest hire today pend
ing the coroner's, investfigutiu iut
the death of tk-rt Coffey, lo.'i pound
boxer of iSitii Francisco who was kill
ed in the Vernon boxing nren.i in the
final round of a tour round fight wit n
J ol;in Inst night.
Coffey's death resulted from n fall,
fllowing a left swing to the jaw. nc
cording to surgeons. Coffey struck
the floor, Innding wi!i his full weight
on the point of the chin. Ily the time
Kcfome Harry Lee had counted aim
out he was dead. Coffey hail com
pletely outpointed Dolna mil was
leading when the fatal blow wan struck
It was the first knockout Dolnn had
ever scored.
Rain May Spoil Match
Omaha, Neb., July 4. Kain this
. morning thieatcns to cause postpone
ment, of the Steelier-Lewis wrestling
match scheduled for .1 p. tit . 1 1' the
rain continues, the promoters will col
lect the $35.(100 insurance recently tuk-
eu nut with Lloyds of London and hold j
the match indoors tonight. Stw Vork .
Practically all of Dodge county,! Pittsburg ...
Stecher's home, is in town this mom-1 Cincinnati .
ing and they brought their banket. Louis ...
rolls with tnem. As a result Joe is
tori heavy favorite iu the betting,
Practically all the betting is on the
length of time Lewis can stay, as the
farmer boys don't concede the big
Kentuckinii a chance to throw the Xe-
Welsh-Wolgast Tonight
Il.Miver. ( ill., .hilv 4. The Stock
yards stadium toulgiit will be the set-j
Tlllg lor a lliicen roiinil no ut-cisuiiii ,
liout between Freddie Welsh and Ad Vesterday's big league hero was
Wolgast lit catch weights. When the j ( a,w(.l of the Yankees who blanked
Jhitcliman knocked off haul training , ,H, Senators in nil eleven inning pitch
yesterday he appeared to be in the 1 je ,,10 vvjti, Walter Johnson. Wash
best of condition. Welsh, working out !,,( Kf,t ony ,lm) i,jts.
afterward in the snmo quarters, looked.
plump, almost fat. Harry Pollock,, fte white Sox continued their pen
manager of Welsh, arrived last night ,, Vllr(( Bfrj, ,y moxu)( ,w,i the
i ltd will be in the champion's coi ner. urowna () t ,
It is no secret that Wolgast will try '
l.r a knockout if his hands hold ouf.i ';. TitrorH were minus Tv Cobb in
Great Vaudeville Circuit
Sun Francisco, July 4. Fifty two
eitieH from New Vork to San Francis-
i'o are included In tho new vaudeville
eircuit being planned today by Wil
linm Morris and the John Curt inter
ests. It is expected that the circuit
will begin operations in August.
In San Francisco it will have the
fort theatre. In Los Angeles one of the
Morosco theaters, la Seattle the Moore
theatre and iu Portland the lleilig
theater. The new vaudeville associa
tion will give three shows daily.
Coast Bantamweight
Sun Dieirn. Oil.. .Tnlv 4. Kid Jll
linn, who is billed to "box Buttling!
hico this afternoon at cuiee, is
hailed as the coast bantamweight
miamnion following his defeat of
loorge Thompson here Inst night over
the lour round route. Julian hnd his
Hiitngomst going throughout the fight.
Salem Rifle Club
Has Good Turn Out
Iu spite of the many attractions in
the city Inst night, 40 members of the
auxiliary of the Salem Itifle elub re
jMirted for drill at the old armory. Be
sides those drilling, the work wns wit
nessed by about 15 who will probably
join before the next drill evening
Monday. July 10. Captain liosenberg j
was in coinmnnil with Lieut. F.rnest ''. ,
Ulue nnd Lieut. Howard. . ninny's object rers,,., says, will
For the benefit of those who would . f K';r11 respect inter
like to sludv. the auxiliary will insti- national aw. l.ermany has enough sub
tote a school for non-commissioned of- marines to harm British trade consider
Jicrrs, with tae first session Thursday '',v Prevent the shipment of uiu
' nitioas to France, he declares.
Salem's Handy Repair Guide
"ft Stitch in Time Saives Nine"
The Capital Journal Guarantees the Following Firms Reliability
Sr! Shoe Repairing while Excelsior Motorcycles
And we'll save you the tin,. Iver Johnson and Excelsior
you might waste waiting for I0U Wait Bicycles; Bepairingj Accessories;
uew part Tires; Oils; Motor Overhauling
Oxy-aeetylone welding makes our gpecjaity,
the broken part good as new. y DA AT QUAD
Estimates cheerfully furnished. It DUU1 jliUl M ...... . 9 D..J.
200 N. High Salem, Oregon " Phone 1687 221 & High St.
Springs Made and . Modern Shoe Repair Co.
Repaired Capital Journal Advertising Under New Management
Welding and brailng of all kinds will repair, buy or tell any- 4 n f-,,,4 Cl-..t
-all kinds of Auto Repairing ..." 414 WUU JlTCei
and painting aU work guaran- thiug. Recover the lost or
restore found articles. Fine Shoe Repairing
R. J. Herschhach j. w. bay and j. m. emeriok
229 StaU St. Btlem. Ore. Props.
Mascott Given Decision
Because He Rushed His
Opponent For Six Rounds
I or t land, Or., July 4. Because he
rushed his smaller opponent through
out the six rounds, Billy Mascott wns
given a decision over Johnny Coulou,
former bantamweight champion box
er, last night.
The bout was a lively one. Neither
man was in trouble at any time.
Joe Ciorman of Oakland won a de
cision over Jockey lieunett. A bout
between Jack Sims and Al Somniers
was called a draw.
$ Watching the Scoreboard t
Pacific Coast League Standings
I.os Angeles
San Francisco ....
Salt Lnko
... 49
.... 4".
.... 47
... 3(1
.... 35
... 33
Yesterday's Results
Xo games played, traveling day.
National League
.540 1
( hicago
Americas League
New Vork
Cleveland 39
Chicago 30
Washington 35
Iloston 35
Detroit 34
St. Louis 29
the lineup and the Indians had a cinch
I beating Dcrtoit. '
The Athletics pounded the Red Sox
pitchers hard but fell down at the crit-
icii I stages and Iloston won.
Three hits wns the sum total of the
(limits' efforts to drive Coomlis of the
Dodgers from the mound. Burns got
two of the hits, one in the first und
t ie other in the ninth.
0 to 1.
Brooklyn won
The Cubs bunched most of their hits
in the eighth ami inmte enough runs
to win tho game. Jimmy Callahan
called out his reserves iu the ninth,
but the Cub fire was too grilling for
the Pirate rookies.
The Brnves nre in second place.
evening nt tho law office of F.rncst
llliic. in the Ludd mid Bush bank
building. The training will be given
at. this school of instruction is similar
to 1 1m t of the civilian camps near Chi
cago and tho one nt Pltittsburg, N. Y.
with the difference thnt the boys here
can receive this instruction nt no ex
pense whatever.
Copenhagen, July 4. Germany is
about to embark ou a new policy of in
discriminate submarining, Cnptuin Per
' -
Celebrate the Fourth
With Big Motor Race
(By United Tress.)
Douglas, Ariz., July 4. The first
starter in the 140-mile Douglas-Bisbee-Tueson
Fourth of July motorcycle road
race started from here at 7:30 a. m. to
day. The other 14 entrants were to go
at intervals of two minutes. The race,
over the famous Borderland route
tn rough Bisbee, Tombstone, Benson aud
Vail to Tucson, is the first event of its
kind hereabouts.
Among the entries are William Ryan,
who won first place in the Douglas
Naco road race in 1915; I.. A. Ortman,
who won the l'aradise-to-Juau Dios roan
race in the Canal Zone, making the 35
miles in 30:20; Frank Barrett, who
finished second in the El l'aso-l'hoenix
road race last year; Howard Reynolds,
Warren Jeffries and Bill Cox, who ran
oue-two-three in the Oracle road race
in January, 1910.
Wolgast Lets Welsh
Have His Own Way
Denver, Colo., July 4. Ad Wolgast
let Freddie Welsh have everything uis
own way to get the champion into
the ring at the stockyards here to
night. Ad wi! try to let the English
man have the kayo for good measure.
Welsh receives $.8,000 for his end.
Wolgast takes a percentage of the pro
ceeds left after the promoters and ex
penses are paid. Both fighters have
been training here for a week to ac
custom themselves to the altitude.
While Welsh stipulated a no-decision
bout, Ad has hopes of wearing the
Knglishmnu out before the fight goes
its 15 rounds. The "Flying Dutch
man" hns staged Beveral "come
backs" against seconl raters in Den
ver within the Inst six months and is
mighty anxious to inaic; a strong show
ing against Welsh.
Oakland, Oil., July 4. Struck on
the head by a pitched ball, Jack Cof
fey, shortstop of the San Francisco
team, was knocked out in the morning
gnuic at Oakland today. It wns re
ported Col'fey sustained a basal skull i
fracture. He was carried from the1
field aud taken to Merritt hospital
where au X-ray examination is being
made. I
At the Merritt hospital it was stat-j
ed this afternoon that Coffey wns con-
scions nnd thnt his skull had not been
The injury of Shortstop Coffey of
the San -Francisco club in this morn
ing's game against Portland at the
Oakland bull park leaves the Seals' in
field iu a very bud shape.
Second llasemnu Downs is out with
n spiked leg nnd Utility lnfielder llnl
limnn is suffering from a sprained
ankle. Wolverton is nt present play
ing second base himself and Center
Fielder Bodie is doing shortstop duties.
Pitcher Brown is playing center field.
(Continued from Pago 1.)
ble. Ambassador Arredondo left the
city with his official Btnff early today
for a picnic, convinced that his chief
had taken a long step toward solving
difficulties between thfl two countries.
Way Open for Peace
Arredondo will personally present
the note to Secretary of State Lansing
tomorrow morning, and it probably
will not be niado public until that
time, though it was said it wns possible
it would be given put tonight.
In making the announcement, the
embassy said it was pacific and tem
perate, and expressed the view that
President. Wilson, in accord with his
aunouueed desire for peace will sure
ly find the way clear, either to accept
mediation or to the direct negotiations
The Bolivian minister, it is thought,
will see Secretary Lansing soon alter
Arredondo. as he indicated several
davs ago he would offer a formal me
diation proposal. The United States
rejected informal suggestions, holding
that the tune was not ripe until it ana
heard from Carrair.a.
Diplomats thought the United States
would accept one of the two proposals
offered bv Carranza in view of the
hitter's evident determination to avoid
In tho domestic circles a declaration
of independence is a declaration of war.
At End of Fifth In First Game
Lojus Had One to the
The biggest, crowd of the season is
nt the league grounds today watching
the double header between the Loius
nnd the liradfords of Portland. Keene
and Hauser were the Salem battery
selections in the opener while Swnrtz
and Bleeg officiated for the visitors.
Cole and Gill are Salem batteries in
the second game.
At the end of the fifth, in the first
game, the score was: Lojus 3, Brad-
lords z.
Story of the game:
First Ilnning.
Bradfords: Cohn up. Singles through
box and goes to second when bull
bouuees away from Adams. Kennedy
passed, t'ohn going to third. Heinkle
bunts, filling the bases. Heinkle passed
and Colin scores. Forced run. Bleeg
strikes out. I.odell flies out to Rein-
hart. Bull relayed to Hauser who tngs
Kennedy at plate.
Lojus: Humphreys fouls to ijitcher.
lieinhart puts one through I.odell, who
gets error. Gobel whiffs. Reinhnrt
steals second. Adams out on a wide
Second Ilnning.
Bradfords: Clark flies to Gobel.
Swnrtz sees three perfect balls go by
and is out. Dillard fans.
Lojus: Hauser-up. The Indian
catches a low one nnd pastes it down
third base line for two bags. Jones
whiffs. Griggs up. "Gravy" hits a
series of fouls, then fans. Miller doub
les to left scoring Huuser. Keene out
nt first on hit to pitcher.
Third Inning.
Bradfords: Colin hits a long one to
Adams. Kennedy fails to hit safely.
Heinkle 's high liner is speared by Mil
ler with one hand.
Lojus: Humphreys fouls to catcher.
Reinhnrt up. Bill singles int right.
Colin catches a high one from Gobel.
Two down. Roin hart steals second for
second time in the game. Adams piles
a two bagger into right, scoring Rein
hart. Hauser out, Clark to Edwards.
Score: Salem, 2; Bradfords, 1.
Fourth Inning
Bradfords Kdwards safe nt first;
Keene could only kno"lt down the ball.
Edwards steals second. Bleeg whiffs.
I.odell out on a bunt. Edwards takes
third. Clark Walks. Erwnrds safe at
plate on double steal, ClarK going to
second. Clark steals third a moment
Inter. Swart', fans. Score: Kalem 2,
Bradfords 2. '
Loju3 Jones out to first unassisted.'
Griggs strikes out. Miller flies to cen
ter. Fifth Inning.
Bradfords Dillaml. fans. Colin up,
Ikey raps n single to center. Cohn
steals second. Miller pulling down a
bad throw, Kennedy whiffs, Heinkle
out on first. Griggs handles the ball
Lojus Keene lines to Lodell. Hum
phreys safe nt first ou a Texas leaguer.
Reinhnrt almost safe on sacrifice but is
nabbed nt first. Humphreys on second.
(label safe at first. Humphreys scores.
Adams ul.
He knocks Edwards downrhomc of Phillip Maessonovich for arms,
with a hot one, taking second. Gobel on
third. Huuser walked purKse!y. Gill
butting for Jones. Pops to
liases full when the end conies.
Score: liradfords 2, Salem 3.
Races at Fair Grounds
For This Afternoon
This is a big day for devotees of
horse racing at the state fair grounds.
Four very good events, not counting
the running nice which is always a big
card, arc scheduled. Every race iu the
harness events is full and both pacers
and trotters are billed.
In the running race, which is throe
fourth's of a mile, there are three start
ers, Ella Robinson, Maxwell and Sterling-
Because the afternoon's program
comes under the classification of Mnt-!1!H5. Figures compiled today by the
ineo races, cash purses nre hatred. Iu I Geoological Survey show that the year's
place of these silver trophies iu the output wns 2l.0.":i flasks of 75 pounds,
form of cups valued nt from $500 down j nn iucrense of 2,500 flasks over 1HH.
will go to the winners. Awards will be Prices continue to increase. At pres
niade for the first four pluces in each eut they nre almost double the high
event. prices maintained during 1915. when the
Hood River to Build
Rnarltn Snnw line
Hood River, Ore., July 4. With work
already begun on the new mountain
road, County Commissioner J. O. Han
num, of the Upper Valley, who hns been
here today soliciting funds for the pro
ject, declares that five miles of the
proposed seven-mile highway lending to
the snow line of Mount Hood will have
been completed by the middle of fall.
The niew road will have a miaiinum
grade of seven per cent. It is estimated
that the total cost of construction will
not nxceed $2,500. One of the largest
single contributors was the Mount
Hood Railway company.
parly Eugene
Settler Buried
Eugene, Ore., July 4. Funeral serv-i
ices were held in Eugene yesterday over j
the body of William Malhew Horn.i
who rame to Oregon with his parents
in lSiiii. The family settled on a farm,
northwest of Eugene. Mr. Horn resid-;
ed continuously in this county until!
I!' 15, when he moved Ui MedYord. where
ne inniie nis nome mull rue iiiui' ox ms
iieatn. ins iio.iv was Drought to r.tigene
for interment in the Mulkey cemetery.
He was born in Whitman county, Mis
souri, September 2,'t, IStii, and is sur
vived by four children! Mrs. Cloa
Doyle, of Portland; Mrs. Mary Hayes,
of Medford; Mrs. Alta Neilson, of Junc
tion City, and R. W. Horn, of Eugene.
One of the Indian scouts employed
Iit the army in Mexico is named White
Feather, but Carrama should 't take
it for granted that this Indian was se
lected for show purposes.
r , .. . ...
: - , . , :-i
' '
?&f- Ml
v . ,.. t & Jy , V- "-M-I)r9;
Wireless telegraphy having proved i ts worth in the military operations in
Mexico, its use will be greatly extended should Pershing's forces be augment
ed by the national guard. The state for ces coutain many men who are pro
ficient in the use of the wireless. The picture shows a regular army man in
Mexico receiving a message.
I. W. W. Miner Resists and
Kills Officers in Minnesota
Mining Camp
Virginia, Minn., July 4 A second ap
peal was telegraphed to Governor Burn
qni.it today for sufficient troops to pro
tect the lives of " non-combatants" fol
lowing the killing of a deputy sheriff
and a teamster standing 100 yards from
the shooting, nt 0 o'clock last night nt
Biwubik. The first appeal was sent fol
lowing tho first killing iu the strike of
Mesnbn range ore miners.
James Myron nnd Edward Schubin
sky, deputy sheriffs, n lined with a
search warrant sought to sonrcn the
as ordered by a governor's proclama
tion. Mnesonovich, a member of the I.
. ., and a striking miner, with nth
ers in the house, led by his wife, closed
the doors aud resisted.
Myron was shot dead in his trncks.
Sehubinsky reded through two blocks,
running for aid. The miners kept up
a hot broadside, during which Thomas
Ladvalla, tenmster, standing 100 yards
away, was killed.
Murder charges today were lodged
against the five participants in the
shooting who were caught. Other strik
ers today sullenly demanded the re
lease of the participants of Inst night's
shooting, claiming their exemption of
trial. Further trouble is feared.
V( w.vuauj wwaswx ujuuia
Washington, July 4. High prices due
to the war brought a record production
of epiickshilvcr in the Cnited States in
average was .tso.Ki, a tlask.
Commands the Americans at El Paso
I Bfug
Kentuckian Gives Entertaining Pro
gram at Chautauqua.
There hns been a good deal of dis
cussion nmong flie Chautauqua folks
as to whether Wood Brlggs Is nn en
tertaining lecturer or a lecturing en-
tertainvr. And Mr. Brlggs Is In doubt
l little about It himself.
Mr. Kriggs is a Kentuckian, and thc.v
lay that every Kentuckian Is an orator.
II.. f-t I.. .... ,.v......l..n t.k tin. Cllln
-w i i a . ..i . . .iii..i.,,i
"e Bl""1" ".. . "
Kentiii-klnn way. aud throughout bis
lectures be puts In Ultle bits of phi
losophy of his own.
Brlggs is coming to Chaiilainiua full
of ginger and good fun to uinke a part
of one of the biggest Chautauqua pro
grams that have ever been brought to
'he west.
Bate per word New TorUiy:
Bach insertion, per word le
One week (6 insertions), per word. ...5c
3ne month (26 insertions) per word 17e
The Capital Journal will not be re
iponsible for more than one insertion
for errors in Classified Advertisements.
Read your advertisement the first day
it appears and notify us immediately
if it contains an emir.
- Minimum' charge, 15c. ;
PHONE 937 For wood saw.
HARRY Window cleaner. Phone 1041
HARRY Window washer. Phone 708.
RUBBER Stamps made 165 S. Com'l.
RED White and black currants. Call
2.'300J2. july
HOUSEHOLD Furniture for sale. 446
8. Cottage. july
491 N. Cottage. tf
DURUAM Cow and calf for sato.
Phone 14F13. july
FOR BENT SIGNS For sale at Cap
ital Journal office. tt
FOR SALE Or trade for wood, gaso
line engine. Phone 451. tf
FOR RENT House keeping rooms,
close in. Phone 4 or 17 tf
FOR SALE Royal Ann cherries, 402
N. Cottage. Phone 1180. julyS-
WANTED 3 or 4 logan berry pick
ers July otn. Call evenings, i none
37F11. , july.
FOR SALE One good horse. W H.
Sneed, R. 2, box G5, Salem. Phone
47F32. julyS
FOR SALB A good work horse,
will take wood as part payment.
Phone 220. july
FURNISHED rooms and housekeeping
appartments, rates reasonable, clos
In, 180 Court. tt
FOR SALE 00 head of stock ewes,
also riding cultivator. Phone 91F12
Elvin llcrr. julyS
TWO NICE Cottages for rent by the
month or season at Newport. G. W.
Johnson &Co. tf
ADS under this heading lc a word
Read for profit; use for results.
100 CORDS Oak grub wood for sale,
you can make $1.00 per cord hauling
this 1 1-2 miles to station. Phone
115. julyfi
FOR SALE 5, 10, I."-; btore, a bargain
at $1075. would accept Ford on pay
ment. Ill health. ..i.ira A. Fuller,
Dallas, Or. t
FOB SALE 314 hilf truck Studebake?
wagon. Will trade for heavier wagon,
eordwood or itumpage. 2786 Lee.
Phone 1322-J. tf
WANTED To trade 3 1-2 wide tread
Hilborn wagon in good shape for
narrow tread 3 1-2 wagon. Must be
good. Phone 692. tf
GIRTj Or woman wanted for general
housework in country; must be ex
perienced. Phone 22F25. Address box
12, Sublimity, Or. tf
FOR SALE 20 acris all in fruit 1
1-2 miles from W. Salem, no build
ings, $200 cash, bal. terms. See my
agent W. M. Schuctt, R. 2. july
FOR SALE New 5 room hungalow
lot 50x150, located inr IN. -JUtn
street, price fifteen hundred, four
hundred down, balance like rent
Write A. M. Matlock, Dallas, Or.
A BARGAIN 120 acre stock ranch,
access to out range, 5 to 6 million
ft. of saw timber, 20 A. clear, house
barn and orchard. Write quick only
$30 per acre, less for cash. L. Stout,
Stnyton, Ore. julyS
FOR BALE At bargain prices, on
Troy laundry mangle 90 inches, stora
shelving, two teams and Shetland
pony, 2 double buggies, one singto
buggy. H. Steinbock, 302 N. Com'l
PW n tt
: Capital-Journal