THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON. TUESDAY, JULY 4, 1916, FIVE I tMMMMMMM4Mt44WtM Willamette Valley News Tho "Homo of 4 M ri TODAY, TOMOEEOW and "THURSDAY Geraldine Farrar In the Motion picture Masterpiece "MARIA ROSA" A Greater Play than "Carmen," a Greater. Story than "Temptation." "WASHINGTON TRIO" In Latest Songs Salem's Only Exclusive Picture Theatre in a Class Separate. u ft Ye LIBERTY SYLVESTER LONG, MAN WHO SAYS THINGS Prominent Lecturer One America A MAN'S success in this day and age depends a great deal on whether he can "come back." The man who can "come back" and make a bigger success tbiin ever before is the man who forges uhead and in tbe end bit ' iron a way into the hearts of the people. Sylvester A Long is a man who can "come back." He Is one o.' the lectur ers on tbe Chautauqua, and he "puts it over" in a way that Is unusual. H is so well liked over tbe couutry that be has lectured in some cities as mnny us fif teen times, end that is an unusual record. Mr. Long has lectured in Cincinnati. Portland, Kansas City. Ogden, Philadelphia and dozens of other large cities. ' Mr. Long will be In demand here after he has been beard at the Cbautuuqua, ' tor Mr. Long says things and Bays them fast and well. SALEM'S CHAUTAUQUA Stopped Mexican Boat in Mexican Waters Douglas ,Ariz., July 3. General Col- Jes, bouora, commander, has wired Gen eral Carranza that an American gun boat halted and boarded the Mexican government freighter Belisnrio Doming uez,, while enroute from Mexican port with provisions yesterday, it was learn ed here today. Calles ordered that a protest be sent to Washington on the ground that the vessel was stopped in Mexican waters. Cavalry Returned. San Antonio, Texas, July 3. The two troops of the Eighth cavalry under Cap tain LeBoy tiling, which crossed the Hio Grande into Mexico near Fort Han cock late Saturday in pursuit of Mex ican raiders, lost the trail and return ed to the American side, according to dispatches received here early todny. It All Depends on Your Liver just how you axe going to feel. If you allow it to become lazy yon will have headaches and feel bilious. Tone the liver and keep it active with the aid of HOSTETTER'S Stomach Bitters Chorus Girls Contest ALHAMBRA MUSICAL CO SIX BIG EXTRA ACTS SINGING and DANCING LAST TIMES TODAY i ii i mi nil I of Popular Speakers In Today OPENS JULY 12TH TACOMA HAS PARADE Tacoiiia, Wash., July 4. It was esti mated that more than 10,000 persons would take part in the preparedness pa rade which began passing through Ta coma's downtown streets-at 10 o'clock this forenosn. Several times that num ber lined sidewalks ana cheered the men and women who gave expression to their convictions on national prepared ness by getting in line. Each murctier carried an American flag. Local coast atrillery companies and fraternal organ izations took part in the parade. ADD $25,000,000 Washington, July 4. Twenty five million dollars will be added to the more than a billion ami a half appro priated or due to be, by congress when the house public building committee reports on ednesday despite known opposition of President Wilson to pub lic building bills this session. T400P CABS DERAILED San Antonio, Texas, July 4. Sever al cars of a troop train were derailed near here by a loose rail shortly af ter midnight. No one was injured. Hearing that Sun Antonio was the home of 50,000 Mexicans, and fearing an attack, the militia commander dis posed his men for any hostile action until the train was ready to proceed several hours later. SPANISH MINISTER PRESENTED TAvinn f'iiv .Tulv A Aloinn.lrn Pa. ililla Hell, new Spanish minister, was f 1 1 naAnn,l n 1 I 1UI III 11 1 1 ri rariKTII I If vurin 1 111 I nil za today by Foreign Minister Aguilar. fBLlGHfl 10 VISITTHE BORDER Everything That Would Make A Noise Turned Loose at Midnight San Antonio, Texas, July 4. While a "sane Fourth" was being observed back home, the several thousand na tional guardsmen distributed along the Mexican border from Brownsville to El Paso joined civilians and United States regulars in a celebration that called for the burning of lavish quan tities of black, smokeless and blasting powder and even dynamite. Carranza authorities in the Mexican towns on the Kio Qrando anticipated the annual "fiesta" incident to the "quatro do Julio" of the crazy grin- goes, and the turious cannonade that began with the Btroke of midnight caused no fear that the American ar my was starting an artillery prepara tion for a general advance. The centers of noise were the big military camps at Fort Ham Houston, Brownsvilie, Laredo, Eagle Pass and El Paso. But smaller towns and lit tie hamlets with garrisons of only a handful of soldiers contributed their quota to the pandemonium. Round af ter Tound was fired in the air from rifles and pistols, while the three inch field pieces barked a single salvo ot blank charges at dawn. After the first noise making spreeB early today, soldiers and civilians alike settled down to lesser ct torts. Fire crackers, "nigger chasers" and the time-honored anvils got their chance, in the larger places, formal speech making programs were run oil and athletic contests and baseball games filled in the day. Special menus were served in all the military enmjis. Municipal fireworks displays will be staged tonignt. EAGLE PASS TO HAVE Several Hundred Enrolled Government Gives $16,000 for Hospital Eagle Pass, Texas, July 4. The names of several hundred persons who have enrolled as members of the lo cal chapter of the American Red Cross were forwarded to Washington today. Tbe Eagle Pass organization was ef fected at a mass meeting in the court house last night. Mayor Schmidt was elected temporary chairman. The government has appropriated $i,ouo tor a base hospital hero and work will begin on the building tomor row. Offers were made at the mass meeting to turn over school houses and other public buildings to the govern ment for use as hospitals in caso of war. Independence day found Eagle Pass surrounded by a heavy guard, thrown out for several miles around the city anu along tne nio Uramie river. Rumors of attempted raids by Mexi can bandits in the vicinity caused some consternation and immediate steps , for protection against a surprise attack went taken. Rangers and civilians were routed from their beds last night to make complete the guard about the city. Atop the mountains overlooking Mex ico; two batteries of artillery have trained their guns upon 1'icdras Negras. Lookouts have been posted on the moun tain tops and all is in readiness to re pel any attack. General (ireen, in command of the Eagle Pass district has his forces pre pared to move at once upon orders from General Funston. Eugene Postoffice Receipts Increase Eugene Or., July 4. Eugene post- office receipts for the month of June. 1910, increased 6.0 per cent over the same month of Inst year. This is the best June in the history of the Eu gene postoffict. Since October 1,' JHl.i. the increase has avernged from 1 to 10 per cent each month over the corresponding months of the preceding year. The last four consecutives months have been reckord breakers for the Eugene postoffice. In the face of business conditions that in some places have been discour aging, Eugene has been forging con sistently ahead. AUTO GOT DOCTOR Waukegan, 111., July 4. Dr. Leon ard K. Lower of Chicago was killed and his wife seriously injured this af ternoon when their automobile plung ed over an embankment near here. There is to be co-operation between tbe two branches of national defense, for army men are to subsist on navv beans. Tonight MED Yrf CO. ' PRETTY GIRLS MATINEE - EVENING Percentage of Attendance High and Length of Term Increasing That tbe public Bchools of Morrow County are making steady progress is shown by the annual report of Countv Superintendent S. E. Xotson, which has just been filed with Superintendent of Public Instruction J. A. Churchill. The report shows that the average lenirth of the school term just closed, was nearly two weeks longer than that for the year 1915, and the percentage of attendance was 95, showing that the pupils attended school regularly. There was also an increase in the salaries paid teachers. Female teachers received an average of $69.25 per month, an in crease of $3,70 per month over the salary paid in 1915, while the salaries of principals was increased from $125 per month in Jill.) to $154.35. In his annual report, Superintendent Notson made several recommendations as follows First: The minimum term of Behool should now be made eight months. Second: Whatever practicable. especially in the consolidated rural schools, 0ne or more teachers should be employed for 12 months in the year. These teachers should use the usual vacation period in supervising the in dustrial work of the pupils and in as sisting the entire community in solv ing the community problems. Some form of extension work should be car ried on during this period, and, in fact, throughout the year. Dunng the va cation period, except during the busy harvest time, there might be one or two half-day sessions of the school for the purpose of making the summer work more effective. The older people might also attend these sessions. Third: The high school tuition tax should be levied upon the State as a whole, since the pupil may attend any high school Fourth: . Provision should be made by law for including all unorganized territory within school districts, other wise making it possible to make the property within such territory bear its just share of taxation. STATE NEWS 1C 3f !f SfC 5ft SfC St )jc sjc ij( ))( jC 9C 5)C 3)t Willapa Harbor Pilot: The Nnhcetta Clam Cannery company of Nahcotta closed the extended season last Wednes day with a season's pack of approxi mately uooo cases, or aproximately 432,000 of what, is known as No. 1 cans. During the season about 30 peo ple have been emploved. This has fur nished a very substantial payroll to the residents of that town. The value of the cannery to the town may be es timated by the statement that the pay roll for May amounted to $3000. Mr. Northam says that the June payroll will exceed this amount. The season had been extended from June 1 to June 21 awing to the lateness of the Bcason and the coo spring and summer. Needed repairs and overhauling of the plant machinery will be made during the clos ed season. September 1 the cannery will resume with a full crew and at capacity run. R. L. Mncleay, of Portland, and Wed derburn, is experimenting with a grade of onk which grows on large areas along the lower Rogue river, and although he has encountered heavy expense and great delays in forwarding lumber to Portland for woodworkers' expert opinion as to its value for furniture manufacture, he is encouraged to be lieve that the oak is of n high grade and can be sawed and shipped profita bly from Rogue River to market. It is Mr. Macleay "x intention to cut the lum ber in portable sawmills and scow it down the Rogue to Wedderburn, where it can be transferred to craft which make that port. The passing of the old swimming hole at Corvallis may be noted from this announcement in the Courier: "The both houses on the west bank of the river are now readv and it is a fine plnce to go for nn afternoon or evening plunge, hnfety ropes are pro vided and an erpert swimmer is in at tendance. This beach will no doubt be a popular resort this summer." Consolation for Forest -drove altru ists, offered by the News Times: "The only satisfaction anyone in charge of the various public affairs held in Forest Grove gets is that the hard work they do free of charge meets with the approval of the great ma jority. And the knocker who is al-- savin? nometliinff disagreeable. while taking in everything that is free doesn't count anyway. "Coos Hay Railroad Jubilee" is to be the official title of the coming cel ebration to mark the completion of the rail line to that coast. Of W slo gans proposed, eight will be submitted to the people on a newspaper ballot, for a popular selection. A game protective association for Wheeler county has been organized at Fossil, with Fred A. Edwards president, II. II. Tlendrirks viee presi dent and C. L. Jamison secretary and ttreasurer, and immediate steps taken toward stocking that section with fish and game. Anicipating the triple rose that in !.. u n,l i.inwfl. the Sheridan Sun of June 22 contained this item: "Some peculiar roses were picsea oy -wr. Sam Buell on George Sunderlin's lawn last week. They were roses within roses, and one of them had five well developed buds and roses within a sin gle larger roses." At a meeting of the directors of the Monmouth News (Capital Jourual Special Service.) Monmouth, Ore., July 2. The sec ond week of tho summer course at the Oregon State Normal school closed with a total enrollment of seven hundred and ninety-three. There is no doubt but that this number will reach the eight hundred mark before the end of the six weeks as more students are reg istering every duy. Every student seems to take such great interest in their work and the spirit which prevails in the school is fine. On account of the desire of many of the normal students to be home or at a place of celebration on July 4, the reg ular school work took place on last Sat urday which relieves the students of their school duties on Monday and Tuesday. The students will report on Wednesday morning for regular claes work. The band concert which was to be given in the normal grove on Satur day evening by the Sulem band, was postponed until the weather will permit such an outdoor festivity. Provided tlint a sufficient number of the normal students are interested there will be an excursion to Dallas next Saturday evening to hear the New York Marine band at the Chautauqua. Last Saturday night the normal stu dents enjoyed a social dance in the normal school gymnasium from 7:30 until 9:30. The orchestra played lively music and everyone had a splendid time. During the same recreation hours Miss Hoham, musical instructor in the school played the Victor phonograph in the assemhbly room of the training school building. Mnny students who do not dance appreciated tho thoughtf ulncss of Miss Hohain very much. The Rebekah lodge of Monmouth was called Saturday evening for a special meeting. Mrs. Wattenbuig, the state president of the Rebekah assembly was the visitor and tbe speaker of the even ing. She gave to the Rebekuhs a great deal of information which will prove to be valuable to them in their lodge work and her visit was appreciated very much. After the business session refreshments were served and the time was spent in social conversation. Mrs. Charles Jackson, one of Mon mouth's most respected women, died nt ber home in this town last Monday morning. She had been ailing for a considerable length of time but her final sickness was only three duys. The funeral services were held at her resi dence on June 27, by Rev. G. A. Pol lard, pastor of tho Baptist church, in Monmouth, of whicu she was a loyal member. Besides her husband sho leaves five daughters to mourn her loss: Mrs. Ethel J. Powell, Edith, Sndio and Ma mie, of Monmouth, and Edna, of Port land. Last Sunday morning at 9 o'clock By ron White and MiBS Mario Morlun, of Monmouth, were united in marriage at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Morlnn. I he wedding cere mony, performed by Rev. G. A. Pol lard, of the local Baptist church, was a very pretty one. The happy couple will live in Monmouth this summer, in the fall they will move to Tillamook where Mr. and Mrs. White will teach school. The following relatives and friends were present at the wedding: Mrs. Olive Gordon, of Portland; Mrs. Hartzog and daughters, Clara and Del phia, of Corvallis; Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Morlan, Howard nnd Paulino Morlan, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. White, Mr. and Mrs. Eurl White, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Cross and son, Clyde; Alisses Mabel West, Myra Butler, Gladys Wade, Clara Wade, Gertrude Hefflcy, Gladys Putnam, Retn Marks, Gladys Thompson, Messrs. Joe Clark and Harold Haley. The following people of Monmouth made a trip to Philomath lust week and enjoyed the Round-up which took plnce there: Messrs. and Mcsdnmes Allen Clark, Clark Hombreo, Earl White, Clyde Kiddle and Messrs. Pnul Riley, J. W. White, Lyman Parker, Ben Pollan, Ed Huber, C. H. Parker, Clarence Dan iel, Arthur Burkhcnd, Clares Powell and Joe Clark. They all report that the Round-up was a very exciting event. Miss Hoham, the music instructor in the normal school who was ill during the past week with ptomaine poisoning is now able to do her regular work in the school for which the students arc all very glad. Mrs. J. H. Ackerman returned to Voumouth Inst Wednesday from a trip to the east. She was awny about 10 weeks and visited in Massachusetts, New York nnd Pennsylvania. Mr. and Mrs. 11. Portwood left Tues lay for the purpose of visiting places in Curry county. Mr. Portwood 's place in the Monmouth Mercantile company bus been taken by Chnrlcs Strong in the grocery department and Mrs. Williams in the dry goods department during his absence. Mrs. Mary Wolf, who resided on Main street, has sold her property to Josiah Wills, a graduate of the Oregon State Normal school. In the near fu ture Mrs. Wolf expects to go to an old ladies' home. Mr. Floyd Moore and Miss Madge Thomas, who have both been away teaching during tbo pest school year are heme for the summer attending the normal school. The hike which the Willamette Camp Fire Girls, of Monmouth, had planned for last Friday evening, was postponed on account of the rainy weather. The different groups of normal stu dents which are county groups are each planning to give some sort of a social feature during the summer school in Monmouth. Two nights of the Inst school week will be used for this spe cial program. Jackson County Industrial Fair asso ciation held in Medford Monday, -arrangements were made for the 191H fair to be held in Medford, and the date set for September 13 to 16 inclusive. The Pendleton Chamber of Commerce has received a letter from the Cleveland Machinery and Suppv company asking for a puotation on a carload of rabbit skins. When T, R. takes the stump for Huirhes. the colonel will have another chance to repudiate the "Baptist hyp ocrite" statement attributed to him. 1 ocrite Donald News (Capital Journal Special Service.) Donald, Ore., July 3 The Donald Co operative Cheese factory has rounded out the frst month of its existence in a manner that is very satisfactory to the stockholders and patrons of the in stitution. Checks for milk Bold to the factory by pntrons will bo issued on the 15th of July. The factory is now hand ling over 3,000 pounds of milk per day, with every prospect of having nil that can possibly be handled with the pres ent equipment within a short time. Many of the farmers are taking steps to increase their dairy herds, and quite a number of others who have not kept cows extensively will now embark m the business, the outlook, in face, being quite Ilattering for the future of the factory. The first shipments of cheese have been made to wholesale houses and the product has been declared to be first class. Gleun Garrison who has charge of the Hillis loganberry tract, is completing arrangements for a busy picking season. A juice factory has contracted for the crop for five years. The First State bank of Donald is now a depository of county funds, the necessary ararngements having recently been completed. The bank is one of Donald's newer business institutions having been started last September, since which time it has been doing a steady increasing business. It is understood that Donald is to have a hardware store in tho near fu ture, J. L. Reisbick, of Portland, hav ing been here recently, wheo he made arrangements for renting a building for that purpose. Donald citizens are also endeavoring to get a drug store and a doctor to locate in the town. C. A. Adums, cashier of the First State bank, was a recent Portland vis itor. Claxtar Items (Capital Journal Special Service.) Claxtar, Ore., July 4. Mr. and Mrs. John Westley are entertaining relatives from Amity, Ore., this week. Loganberry picking will begin in the Rickmnn Bros', logunberry yards here on Wednesday, July 5. Mrs. Thos." Newton and Miss Violet Newton spent the early part of the week with Salem friends. Word received from Mr. and Mrs. Roy Westley, of Busby, Montana, describes the big annual celebration in hoiior of the famous General Custer. The great gathering which seems to be somewhat Great Clubbing Offers by the Daily Capital Journal WE Have made arrangements by which any sub scriber of the CAPITAL JOURNAL, delivered by carrier in Salem, who will pay for the paper six months in advance, at the regular rate, $2.50, will receive without extra charge, the following publica tions for one year: CLUBBING LIST NO. 1 The Northwest Farmstead, regular price, $1.00 Boys' Magazine, regular price $1.00 Today's Magazine, regular price ........$ .50 Household Magazine, regular price $ .25 Total of regular price $2.73 REMEMBER these cost you nothing if you pay six months in advance for the DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL by carrier in Salem. Or you may have the following combination on the same lines if you prefer it: CLUBBING LIST NO. 2 Today's Magazine, one year, and McCall Magazine, one year, with two McCall pat terns of your own selection, free. Today's Magazine is a splendid publication bigger and better than ever before. McCalFs Magazine is too well-known to need further introduction it is growing bigger and better all the time. MAIL SUBSCRIBERS to the CAPITAL JOURNAL may secure either of these clubbing bargains by paying one year's subscription at the regular rate of $3.00 per year. Call at the business office, or address. CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON Fairfield News (Capital Journal Special Service.) - Fairfield, Ore., July 4. Mr. J. F. Moliary returned Monday from Port land where she has been visiting rela tives. Mrs. Clms.Zcrznn, of Portland, is vis iting at the homo of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Muhony. The annual Fourth of July celebra tion has been postponed until Saturday the eighth, on account of the bud weather. Arthur Mnhony, of Portland, is visit ing nt Oak Fir Ben Ranch. Mrs. N. Porter, of Portland, is visit ing at her Bister's home, Mrs. Nathan Sohn. Mr. M. W. Muhony and Leonard, re turned Tuesday from a visit at the former's ranch in Miknlo, Ore. idrs. Brickey, who has been visiting her daughter, Mrs. A. W. Breed, has re turned to her homo in eastern Oregon. Mr. Edward Ditmar has gone to Col villa, Wash., to look after a home stead. on the ''Roundup" order is held at. Crow reservation ubout 100 miles from Busby. In spite of rain and mud the straw- j Denies and Royal Anne cherries ar saieiy piCKeci aim marketed here. Bing cherries would have been a bumper crop but for rain which dnmnged many. A I uraneh, one footh in length, from tne Westley orchards here, eontuined ISO cherries nnd weighed exactly three puuuiiH. ineso were or tne splendid Bing variety, each cherry exceptional ly large. HURT BY AUTO Miss Gertrude Davidson of Portland was seriously injured today noon at. Rickreall when a car In which she wuh a passenger overturned near the bridge entering tho Rickreall pic.uic ground". Just us the cur turned to enter the grounds, Mjss Catherine Flinn who wan driving, lost control of it and turning over it pinned underneath Miss Ger trude Davidson and Miss Lessie David son of Portlniul who wcto visiting the Flinn family nt McCoy, and Miss Flimi. and four children. With the exception of Miss Gertrude Davidson, none of the occupants were hurt. The extent of Miss Davidson's injuries are not known. Some persons keep themselves in debt by spending tho money that they hone to have.