Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, July 04, 1916, Image 4

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    Editorial Page of "The Capital Journal"
July -t. 1U10.
Editor and Manager.
Capital Journal Ptg. Co., Inc.
President Vice-President Sec. and Treas.
subscription ratios
Daily by carrier, per year
Dally by mail, per year ....
New York, Ward-Lewis-Williams Special Agency, Tribune Building
Chicugo, W. H. Stockwel 1, People's lias Building.
The Capital Journal carrier boys aro instructed to put the papers on the
porch. If the carrier does not do this, misses you, or i.cgleeta gettitng the
paper to you on time, kindly phone tho circulation manager, as this is the only
way we can determine whether or not the carriers are following instructions.
Phono Main 81 before 7:30 o'clock nnd a paper will bo sent you by special
messenger if the carrier has missed you.
Hetty Green, the richest woman in the world, passed
away yesterday. She left something more than a hun
dred million dollars as an evidence of her thrift and
financial ability. That she was full of business was
shown by the bargain she made at her marriage. The
man she married, Edward Green, who had made a for
tune of several millions in the silk trade in Manila, re
turned to New York and there boasted that he would
marry the richest heiress in the country. That person
at that time was Hetty Robinson, nearly thirty years old.
Green made good his boast and wooed and won the
heiress. It was rather a cold-blooded romance for before
she consented to marry she made Green sign a contract
' pledging himself never to touch a cent of her money and
to support her and any children that might be born of
the marriage, from his own funds.
That she held him to the contract strictly is asserted.
Just before her marriage she inherited $10,000,000 from
her father and in the fifty-four years since she had in
creased that sum to above the hundred million mark.
It is said of her that her son, "Eddie," as she called
him despite his :',50 pounds, was the only person to whom
Mrs. Green never openly begrudged money. Accumulat
ing money was her ruling passion and remained with her
until her death. Her son said that just before her final
illness his mother said "there was nothing in her life to
regret." - ...
Looking at life from her standpoint, that its main ob
ject was to accumulate money, her statement was prob
i ably correct. It seems she had never missed an oppor
' tunity to make or save a dollar when she could and this
. -was the accomplishment of all that was good as she
; viewed life. The things that appeal to the average
healthy-minded person evidently, had no attractions for
. her, hence she cannot be judged by common standards,
i In fifty-five years she added $00,000,000 to her fortune,
' but it only took her an instant to let go of it all when the
time came. With her love of money it must as Abe
: Martin might say, "have almost killed her to have
to die." She was perhaps in some respects not an un-
kind woman, nor an uncharitable one. Born with a love
'. of money and money making, is she any more to blame
for following the bent of her inclinations than she would
have been to devote her whole time to music or to art
had she had a prediction that way? Was she in fact
any different in her conduct than the philanthropist, the
i missionary, the evangelist, the statesman, the inventor
or any other whose genius and desires led along certain
paths? If so, how and why ?
The cheering statement is made that wood is to be
advanced one dollar a cord, in Portland, at least. This is
not due to the fuel supply of Oregon getting short, but to
the fact that the starting up of the mills caused the wood
cutters, to jump their jobs and seek work in the logging
camps where the pay is much better. Coal will also be
advanced because the shortage of wood permits the
' dealers to stand the consumer up for more. It is the old
; story of supply and demand.
It is stated that if the country can manage the Mex
ican war without Colonel Roosevelt, in case war should
come, that he will tour the country in behalf of Mr.
- Hughes. This settles it, for if war comes it necessarily
follows that it cannot be carried to a successful termina
tion unless the Colonel is at the front with his teeth in
The Oregonian paragrapher says "war scarcity of
. chemicals has some compensations. We do not see so
much of the peroxide blonds." Can it be possible hehas
not caught on to the latest styles.
Curious how nobody suspected the deep affection ex
isting between Charlie and Teddy. Their little spats
preceding the Chicago convention it seems were only
lovers' quarrels.
LADD & BUSH, Bankers
Established 18GS
CAPITAL $500,000.00
Transact a General Banking: Business
Safety Deposit Boxes
$5.00 Per month
3.00 Per month
The cherry fair will be over with the day, and it surely
was a success. The attendance was large, all parts of the
valley responding to Salem's invitation generously, and
everything was carried out without a hitch. The baby
parade was, as usual, the most attractive feature and this
can be said without disparagement of any of the other
splendid tilings, lhe queen
personified; the Cherrians
ornamental; the auto parade was beautiful; Hiawatha
was an attractive feature; the music was fine and the
dance last night a most delightful affair for those who
are worshippers at the altar of Terpsichore. The day,
Cherry day, was in every way all that could be hoped for
it, and much of the credit for its success is due to Mr.
Benjamin Brick who had charge and who was indefatig
able in his efforts to make it an occasion long to be re
membered. He succeeded. Today the eagle is screaming
out at the fair grounds and the Fourth is being celebrated
in good old fashioned way.
thousands of guests whose presence contributed so large
ly to the day being thoroughly enjoyable. Thanks are
also given abundantly to the weather clerk for a perfect
Oregon's production of gold for the calendar year
915 was 90,:521 fine ounces . valued at $1,867,100. Six
other states and Alaska each produce more, but New
Mexico and Idaho both mining states produced less than
Oregon. The production amounts to over two dollars per
capita. California leads with 1,090,731 fine ounces to
Colorado's 1,089,928, but Colorado's silver production
was about four times that of California placing her in
the lead as a producer of precious metals. California's
total product was valued at $2:1,390,500; Colorado's at
$26,122,700. Alaska was third with a total of $17,2:56,100.
The English seem to be doing as they did in the so
called "great offensive" of last year. After a little dash
at the German trenches the official dispatches state that
they have in "many instances fallen back to their orig
inal positions with only moderate loss." The bravery and
efficiency to the British armies evidently goes to the
extent of making them good spectators just out of rifle
range while their French allies do the real fighting. Out
side of their colonials their efforts to form a fighting
machine must have afforded the Germans a good deal of
This is a legal holiday and about everybody and his
friends are utilizing it by going fishing, or to the fair
grounds or just being lazy. Of course this does not ap
ply to the newspapermen who have just that much harder
work to find something to make the paper readable, since
all places of business are closed and the sources of news
cut off. However the Capital Journal gang is a good
natured bunch and sincerely hopes all the balance of the
city is having a pleasant time and that they did not get
their money on the wrong horses at the races today. .
The Portland sleuths are not at all certain that Ben
nett Thompson is the person wanted for the Jennings
murder, but they are suspicious enough of him to have
him arrested on a charge of stealing a pair of scissors.
So far they have not discovered any blood spots on the
In view of present conditions between this country
and Mexico, it is worth noting that 68 years ago today,
July 4, 1848, the treaty of peace with Mexico that brought
a large portion of the West and the Pacific coast under
the American flag, was completed.
Mount Jefferson peeped out yesterday afternoon look
ing like a big dish of ice cream on top of the Cascades.
Hood sulked about it but nobody cared, for as long as
little Jeff shows up the weather man can be depended on
to do the right thing.
Tobacco is a harmful weed, the learned physicians are
agreed. It stains the teeth and bites the tongue, and
injures larynx, heart and lung, it spoils the whiskers,
taints the breath, and sends man to an early
bleat, remark, "His temper is so sweet!" But when, im
pelled by aims sublime, I cut out smoking for a time, I'm
sore as any growling bear that mumbles soupbones in its
lair, and all the women in the shack are hoping I will soon
get back to blowing smoke around my room, e'en though
it means an early tomb.
and her maids were royalty
were ubiquitous, useful and
Salem returns thanks to her
death, and when he s laid beneath the sod
the legal lights divide his wad. And yet if
this punk weed were barred, we'd find the
sledding pretty hard, for in one thing to
bacco's blest, in that it soothes the savage
breast And many husbands are serene,
who would be quarrelsome and mean, in
dulging oft in mental gripes, if you should
take away their pipes. When I am smok
ing I'm as mild as any gent that ever
smiled, and folks who hear me chirp and
Many Civil Service
Positions Are Open
For those who are dissatisfied with
their jobs the Civil Service examina
tions offer opportunities for positions
with good pay ami no chances of losing
the job unless charges are filed and
proved. And it is for this reason be
sides the opportunity for advancement,
that many are taking these examina
tions. Seattle is the city in which they
are held, and the following positions are
open for those who can qualify during
the July and August examinations:
Investigator in co-operative purchas
ing, annual salary, $1.90(1 to 2. 500.
Cook, male or female, for Indian ser
vice, 500 a year.
Agricultural and field agent, i2.00U
to :t,000 a year.
Attorney, Inter-Stute Commerce com
mission, $1,200 to ,1,S00 a year.
Field matron, Indian service, female,
(iOO to $S40.
Teacher in the Philippine Islands,
$1,200 to l,li2(i a year.
These examinations will be held in Se
attle between July 11 and August 1(1.
Additional information will be given at
the Salem postoffice..
Jordan Says America's
Enemies Are Internal
New York, July i. ' ' The enemies of I
America are all internal," Dr. David!
Starr Jordan, of Stanford universitv. i
said on his arrival here yesterday from
a peaco mission at El Taso and Albu
querque, N. M.
Dr. Jordan, who is attending the Na
tional Education association convention
said :
"The 'future history of this country
is written in the schools. Our history
has fallen short of its high ideals of
freedom, democracy and peace. If the
schools nad done their duty the idea of
war with Mexico at this time womrl be
absurd. 'America first' is inconsistent.
We are nil tied up here. The welfare
of America is not independent of the
welfare of other nations."
Strikebreaker Shoots
Portland Dock Worker
Portland, Or., July I. William Hill,
a strikebreaker is in the city jail to-
iiu cuuigrii wiiii snnoriug i leve . .ior- i
row, a striking longshoreman. Morrow i
beloni's to the Sun Francisco long-j
shoremen's union, and savs his home, is i
at 220 North American street, Stock
ton, ( nl. He is expected to recover. 1
Going home from the steamer I'o'-'
miuia, Hill passed a group of strikers, i
He declares they started after him. j
The strikers deny this. Hill fired two!
shots, one of which struck Morrow in
the side, fracturing two ribs.
Thoughts Only thought, never spoken,
May only return to the thinker;
Thoughts not only thought, but spoken
Oft return to more than one thinker.
lie watchful of thoughts, never speak
When you know they will damage a
(lunrd them with care, keep them at
I'nless certain they'll not injure an
other. Salem, Oregon. 11. K. B.
Hack in 1!I0." thero were 104 deaths
the I'niteil States from Fourth of
July tetanus, this figure representing
about the average nnnunl mortality,
says the C. S. public health service.
In 1911, as a result of the institution
of better prophylactic treatment bv
physicians and the widespread ngita
tiou for a safe and sune Fourth, the
number was reduced to 3. Avear ugo
the 1'. S. public henlMi service expect
ed and predicted that every youngster
in the I iiiteu states would be sate
from this disease, basing its estimate
on what had already been accomplish
ed. When the returns came in it was
found that a boy down in Maine had
been injured, developed tetanus and
died. The single fatality was only one
among several hundied thousand oc-
curing in the I mted States during
I9I.1 but it resulted from Fourth of
July tetanus or loekj-iw, a preventable
disease, and was therefore an unneces
sary death. I lie loss of this bov
makes it necessary to again dissemi
nate information regarding this whol
ly uvoidnble infection.
The blank cartridge wound is the
great cause of Fourth of July tetanus
but injuries from crackers and fire
arms are at times responsible. Wheu
driven into the tissues the wadding
arries with it innumerable bacilli. It'
these be tetanus bacilli the poisonous
products or toxins resulting from their
multiplication produce the disease.
Tetanus bacilli thrive only in the ab
sence of oxygen. It is tor this reason
that the physician enlurges the wound
of entrance nnd after removing all
foreign material dresses the Injurv in
such a mauner that development of the
organisms is inhihite I. In order to
accomplish tnis it is usually necessary
to administer an anaesthetic. Antitet
anic serum is of great value as a pro
phylactic and it should invarinbly be
given in injuries of this character.
Parents .should realize that Fourth!
ZXZX8 Watch; This
being attended with a mortality of
more than 95 per cent. No blank
cartridge wound is too trivial to re
ceive careful medical attention. How
ever slight the injury may appear sum
mon a competent physician who will at
once institute the necessary prophy
lactic measures. Reliance upon home
treatment may prove disastrous and
result in the needless sacrifice of life.
t'udef the influence of large demands
Wi1 Hil
i mil mi
Copyrifclitoi lalo by Thti 1'icluru
New Edison Disk
Each in every
style and all
records for each.
432 State Street
and Driving
170 S. Commercial
Phone 411
Phone 529
Old Shoes Made
The quality of our
work is as high
as the price is low
Ye Boot Shop
325 State St.
Opp. T.ad.l & Bush
Glasses our
Lenses duplicated
on short notice.
Dr. Herman Barr,
Hartman Bros Co
Larmer Transfer
Phone, Office 930
or Residence 1898.
Storage, Packing,
Shipping, Moving,
Coal and Wood.
Quick, Eeliable
The Emporimam
Pool and Billiard
Weinbard 's Xector
on. draught,
cigars, and soft
drinks, . ;.
E. 31. Klinger,
and resultant high prices the produc-l
tiou of copper during the last six
months has exceeded that of any equal '
period in the history of the industry, i
The 1'nitetd States Geological Sur-1
vey states that there has been a steady!
rate of increase in the output of copper
since early in 1913. The production !
during the last half of 1915 consider
ably exceeded that of the first half,
according to the report by B. 8. But
ler of the Geological Survey, and dur
ing the year the refineries produced,
from both domestic and foreign ores, a
total of l,i;!4,000,0l0 pounds of blis
ter copper, of which 1,3SS,099,.")27
pounds was produced from ores mined
in the United States.
The price for the period hag aver
aged above the highest price received
for copper at any time in recent years,
the average for the first six months of
I rare-mil
The Nation's
Batter Nut
There Is No Better
; Strictly correct weight, square deal
junk, metal, rubber, hides and fan.
'. Big stock of all aizea second hand
iron for both roofs aad building.
H. Steinback Junk Co.
The Hoaaa ef Halt a ICilliom Barfalaa, t
101 North Commercial It Pkea Hfl - X
Picture Tells
The Story
Advertisers. Box 17, Oregon City, O
Pianos I sell, the
Best and Cheapest
Pianos rented.
432 State Street
Phone 159
Capital Drug Store
Z. J. Biggs, Ph. G.
New location
State and Liberty
upon completion
of the McGilchrist
Auto and Car
riage Painting
Tops and Cush
ions repaired and
304 S. Com'l.
We make your
linen wear longer
and look better
by our auto-dry
room and press
machine work.
Salem Laundry Co.
13G S. I.ibertv St.
Jewelers and
Hartman Bros Co
State and Liberty
The Handy Man
Around the House
Pure Milk
and Cream
Oak Park Dairy
Auto Deliverv.,
Phone 609 ' r"
W, F. Loouey
.1910 being more than 26 cents a pound.
The cost has doubtless increased slight
ly, as the important copper companiee
have increased the wages of their em
ployees, but this increase has beea
largely offset by decrease in cost due
to working plants at the maximum,
capacity. Jinny small mines are op
erating that could not be profitably
worked under normal conditions and
this, of course, tends to increase the
average cost per pound.
The profits of the producing com
panies have been large and as much
ut the output is sold several month
ahead of delivery the prosperity of the
industry is well assured for the re
mainder of the year, so that 191(5 will
doubtless be the most profitable year
in the history of copper production to
the present time and possibly for yean
to come.
Ad -
Changes Often
and highest price (or all kiada of
I pay 2e per pound for aid rtf..
incubators. All kinds eorragata
Roofing paper aad sec o ad haad
4 id m)nit