f v I t. THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, TUESDAY, JULY 4, 1916. DO YOU KNOW THAT Better waged make better health! Better health makes better citizens! Better citizens make a bother nation! The U. 8. Public Health Service' found 78 per cent of the rural homes in a certain county unprovided with sanitary .conveniences of any kind! . ,1 ' Cholera is spread in the same manner as typhoid! Scarlet fever kills over 10,000 Americans each year! ' Hookworm enters through the skin! He who builds up health lays up treasure in the Bank of Na ture! U. S. Public Health Service, SOCIETY By ALINE THOMPSON DR. AND MRS J. N. SMITH have returned from a several weeks sojourn in the east. They arriv ed home early last week and have had a delightful trip. While east they visited their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Warron Francis Powers (Mabel Smith) in Detroit, Michigan. , Mrs. Hollin K. Page has . as her house guest Mrs. F. 1. Fuller of Port land. Mrs. Ralph Watson of Portland is visiting Mjs. Edwin L. Bilker and will le the inspiration for several little racial attentions planned by her friends. Thomas T. Bennett of Marshfield is the guest of Lourenco Hofer. Mr. Bennett and Mr. llof tr are Sigma Chi fraternity brothers; both being mem- bers of tie chapter :it Stanford Uni versity. One of the most delightful affairs of last week was the informal dnncing party for which Mr. and Mrs. Merlin Harding were hosts at their home on Summer stroet. . An array of Caroline Testout rosea, weot peaa and other garden flowers, wore arranged enectivcly in the va rious rooms. Late in the evoning re freahmenta closed tho gayetieB. Mr. and Mrs. Harding's guests in fcluded: Mr. and Mrs. William Mc Qilchrist, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Frank Peckebach, Mr. and Mrs. Homer Smith Mr. and Mrs. Frank Myers, Mr. and Mrs, Hoy Burton, Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam T. Gricr, Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Moore, Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Kazmarek, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas (lalloway, Miss Ermine Harding, Miss Louise Bin son, and C. B. Wolib and H. C. Mar vin. Mrs. Zadoc Riggs is entertaining as tier house guests for several days Miss ornejius ana iuiss .luyuuuu ioie oi Portland. Mis Hazel Erixon returned Sunday from Portland, where she has been the guest of Mrs. Norman Courtney (Kin maliue Klein) for about a week. , ' Mrs. Robert Kinney (AlthoaMoores) tf Astoria is tho guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. N. Moores. Mr. and Mrs. Linn Smith (Mary Yantis) whose wedding took place SeV nral wnnlra n (m ratlimPil Ml!llilnV from Oearhart, and Cannon Bcacii, where they nave oeen spending incir Honey moon. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Syderson and son Harold, of Portland are visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. W. la vies of 041 North Cottage street. They will-lie guests in Salem until alter the Fourth. Dr. and Mrs. Harry K. Clay left Mondny for a sojourn in San Francis co. The Clays are planning to be away about a month. From all parts of the city came the vast throng to attend the clever per formance of "Hiawatha," given last evening in Willson'B Park, under the auspices of the North Salem Woman 'b club. Nover has Salem enjoyed or dis played more enthusiastic appreciation of local talent. It was highly nl trac tive and reflected especial credit on the director, Mrs. Anna Rogers Fish. The trees and shrubs made a most ar tistic anil effective sotting for the per formance and an attractive foil for the protty costumes of the young partici pants. The parts were all cleverly por trayed and each seemed to have a keen understanding of the Indian nature. Lylo Bartholomew as "Hiawatha'' was unusually good. Miss Paulino Remington played the part of "Minnehaha," and did some really clever acting. Mrs. O. Gingrich seemed to bo especially fitted to tho part of Nokomis, and in fact the whole cast was cleverly selected to his or her part. PERSONALS Miss Beryl Holt Is visiting at Mill City over tho Fourth. Herman Foltz of Scio is observing the Fourth in tho city. Miss Margaret Mulkey is celebrat ing the Fourth at Central Point. .irs, Al Mishler is in Woodliurn vis iting her mother Mrs. M. Walpole. Brvan Wants School Training That Makes For Peace with Honor "New York, July 4. A day at Coney Island, school athletics in the stadium of the University of the City of New York and an address by William Jen nings Bryan advocating "school train ing that "makes for peace with honor," are the features of the Fourth of July celebration of the National Education Association here today. Many delegates are spending the day at Coney and the stadium where four thousand children of the New York schools entertain them with mili tary drill, setting up exercises, a pre paredness program, folk dunces, games, park fetes and pageants. This even ing Mr. Bryan will address the teach ers on "New Meanings of the Peace Movement." He advocates training in the schools which makes for peace with honor. His address is strictly educa tional and wholly without political sig nificance, . Other speakers on the general pro gram are Kiln Flagg Young former superintendent of the .Chicago schools; Charles R. Van Hisc, president of the University of Wisconsin and John R. Kirk, president of the State Normal School of Kirkville, Mo. Secretary Durand W. .Springer cstmates an nroll men of thirty thousand delegates. EUREKA PARADES Eureka, Cal., July 4. Several thou sand men, women and children repre senting fraternal lodges, schools, public organizations and business houses as well as hundreds of private citizens marched today in a patriotic combina tion Independence day and prepared ness pnrade. The procession was the second day feature of the sweet pea car nival, which has attracted thousands of visitors. Aftor the pageant many of the marchers proceeded to a grove where the municipal picnic takes place this afternoon. Miss M. E. Cole of Portland is vis iting in the city for the day, the guest of Mrs. Z. .1. Riggs. H. P. Nye and family of Ankenny bottoms were in the city yesterday for the annual cherry fair. Mrs. A. M. Wilson of Lebanon is cel ebrating the Fourth in Sulem, the guest of her son W. B. Gilson. Orville Baldwin of the Frank S. Ward drug store was in Portland yes terday on business. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Pilcher and a party of fricuds are in the city for the dav visiting at the home of Mrs. C. J. Brown. R T. Richardson returned this morning from a two weeks' visit in southern California, including Los An geles, Riverside and a lew days at Fresno. Cress Sheldon and family of Amity attended the annual Cherry lair yes terday and today iB celebrating at the fair grounds. Miss Frances Byram, a teacher in tho Jefferson schools, is visiting in Halom the guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Beers, 1H95 North Liberty street. The New Whole Wheat Food with ihoDpieous Flavor originated by the KelloggToasted ComF fakeGb. All Wheat Ready to Eat THE dainty little miss of the house hold knows how good KRUMBLES is the new all-wheat food with the delicious flavor. Krumbles is the whole of the Wheat, cooked, "krum bled," and delicately toasted and as everyone knows, there is nothing more nour ishing and wholesome than whole wheat, especially when the Krumbles meth od makes it a joy to eat In the WAXTITE puckage lOc Look for this signature. Bell-ans Absolutely Removes Indigestion. One package proves it 25c at all druggists. A Callot Model . ..... on Gorgeous Lines ' ft Win lllll ASSOCIATION MEETS Militarism Will Be Cat From .; HistoriesMilitary Train - - ing In Issue ' ' j. v Gold lace and satin stripes, combined by Callot, give this wonderful frock. The quite Frenchy effect js achieved by the treatment of sleeves, the absence of a left one contrasting with the shawl drape of lace on the right. This verita ble "creation" has a motif of gold and king's blue. E DENIES HE IS IN OF T Says No Danger of Navy Being Short of Oil-Favors Leasing Oil Lands New York, July 3. Whether "Ben ny" and "skinuy" and millions of oth er American school boys shall sacrifice part of the tome at the old swimmin' hole in learning to be soldiers, is being discussed today by "teach." Endorse ment of military training in public ; schools is one of the big issues bclore the National Education association when into session here today. Thirty thousand teachers are attending. It's all in the hands of the female of the species, too. Led by Mrs. Cora O. Lewis, of the Kansas board of edu cational administration, tho school inarms control 7u' per cent of the votes in the convention. In the first clash to day the pacifists won out when the text books endorsed by the American School Peace League were adopted by the committee on text books. All war maps and details of battlefields arc eliminated from the history text books endorsed. Only the causes, spirit and result of wars will be treated. Business sessions of the convention will not be held until Friday. This aft ernoon ex-President Taft, an honorable president of the American School Peace league, will address the convention. At a meeting of the national council today means of removing politics from teachers' pension funds were discussed. Before the section on rural agricultural education, Kary C. Davis, of Nashville, urged that agriculture be kept a prac tical study. Of greater importance than the ques tion of the high cost of living is that of the high cost of wasting, but of greater importance than both of these is the high cost of ignorance," said David Bancroft Johnson, president of the National bducution association, in his address convening the general session. The Liberty Bell The Liberty Bell rang out ncross the roof of old Philadelphia announcing to the listeners that the Declaration of Independence had been signed. Chnrles Brocton Brown has recorded the dra matic incident in a poem that many a school boy orator has struggle'd with. Andrew McJSair rang the bell when the declaration was signed, as he had done through the entire revolutionary period from lioi) to lub. The iegenrt- tells how the old man sat by the bell in the tower of the assembly hall wait ing for his grandson below to give him the signnl. The poem follows: There was a tumult in the -city, In thequaint old Quaker town, And the streets were rife with people Pacing restless up and down People gathered at the corners, Where they whispered each to each, And the sweat stood on their temples With the earnestness of speech. , As the bleak Atlantic currents Lash the wild Newfoundland shore, 80 they bent against the state house, So they surged against the door. And the mingling of their voices Made a harmony profound, 'Till the quiet street of Chestnut WaB all turbulent with sound. Washington, July 3. Secretary I.ane this afternoon issued a statement deny ing ho favors the Phelan amendment to the oil leasing bill now before congress and answering recent attacks upon nun in the matter. "Where the warrnnt comes for such a statement." he said, "I do not know The only time that anything like that ever was presented to me was when Lieutenant Governor Eshlemnn, of Cali fornia, brought a similar proposal to mo. and I told him I would not stand for it. The Phelan amendment never has bceu referred to me by congress, nor does any person who ever talked with nic labor under the delusion that I favor it. "I am in favor of passing an oil leasing bill, however, along the lines of tho one passed by the house twice, in the last two years, known as the Ferris bill. The difference between the bins is iu liberality of treatment of elnimantj. "There is no danger of the navy be ing short of oil, for there are nearly 3, 000,000 acres of public Isolds now with drawn. Included therein are two special naval reserves which are praciicnlly free from adverse claims. These con tain approximate! 130,000,000 barrels of oil. And more of this area can be with drawn for the navy at any time by the president whenever he desires to do so. "I have tried to deal with these prop ositions without regard to polities and have had the support of such eminent conservatives as Mr. Lenroot and Mr. Kent, whose views have always been the same as niinejjthat to keep 3.000,000 acres of oil land locked up indefinite lv. while gasoline is climbing higher, ! in not irnnd sense and tdavs right into the hands of monopoly. . "The only difference that has arisen between Mr. Gregory, Mr. Daniels and myself has been over the soundness of the legal decision (the Honolulu ease) rendered by the commissioner of the land office touching a private claim within a withdrawn area, which I am eeretnio is eorreet thaf 1 have offered to submit the case to the eourts for de cision." TT COBB SUSPENDED Chicago, July 3. President Johnson of the American league this afternoon snspended Ty Cobb for three days and fined him as the result of Cobb 'a out burst in yesterdar'e game with the White Hox, when lie threw his bat in to the grandstand. The amount of the fine was not announced. Cobb was angered when called out in the seventh by Umpire Nallin. The suspension put . on Manager Clark Griffith and other players sus pended for the riot at Washington in the Red Sox game last Friday has not been lifted, Johnson announced. "Will they do it?" "Dare they do it" "Who is speaking?" "What's the news?" "What of Adams?" "What of Sherman?" "Oh God grant they won't refuse!" "Make some way there!" "Let me nearer!" "I am stifling!" "Stifle them!" When a nation's life's at hazard We've no time to think of men! So they surged against the state hou e While all solemnly inside Sat the "Continental Congress," Truth and reason for their guide, O'er a simple scroll debating Which, .tho simple it might be, Yet should shake the cliffs of England With the thunders of the free. Far aloff in that high steeple Sat the bellninn, old and gray; He was weary of the tyrant And. his iron-seeptered sway, So he sat, with one hund ready On the clapper of ihc bell When his eye should catch the signnl The-loug expected news to tell. See! See! The dense crowd quivers Tnru all its lengthy line As the boy beside the portal Hastens forth to give the sign; With his little hands uplifted, Breezes dallying with his hair, Hark! with deep, clear intonation Breaks his young voice on the air. Hushed the people '3 swelling murmur Whilst the boy cries joyously "Ring," he shouts, "Ring! grandpa, Ring; oh ring for Liberty!" Quickly at the given signal lae old bellman lifts his hand. Forth he sends the good news, making Iron music thru the laud. How they shouted! What rejoicing! How the old bell shook the air, Till the clang of freedom rut fled The calmly gliding Delaware. How the bon-fires and the torches Lighted up the night's repose, And from the flames, like fabled Phoe nix, Our glorious liberty arose. That old State House bell is silent. Hushed now its clamorous tongue, But the spirit it awakened, JStill is living ever young; And when we greet (he smiling sunlight On the Fourth of each July, We will ne'er forget the bellman Who, twixt the earth and sky, Rang out loudly, "Independence!" Which, please God, shall never die! The New York Herald is doing a lot of worrying about the make-up of Mr. Hughe' cabinet. An Economical, Delightful, Light Place to Trade There are no other inexpensive Waists like the Wirthmore. They have character, charm, refinement and style, and withal they cost just $1.00 M 1 Iew WlRTHMOR -'-tf!ttt WAISTS ,. New Models on Sale Tomorrow n The Latest Ladies9 all Ivory Kid Shoes. Welt soft as a glove. Stylish last, 8 1-2 inch straight top. Plain toe. Regular $8 Special Price $8.0Q KAFOURY BROS. 416 STATE STREET THE STORE FOR THE PEOPLE Mail Orders Given Prompt Attention. We Pay Postage on Mail Orders ROBERT PARKER MILES HAS TRAVELED ALL OVER GLOBE Served on Hearst Newspapers as Religious Editor and Travels Over World In Search of News lip ' - la V1 yf -' I ROBERT PARKER MILES, who Is brought to the Chautauquas this year, was the confrere of Gladstone, Tope Leo XIII. and many other of tbft great characters of modern times, both in this country and Europe. As reformer, traveler and "uplift" editor of the greatest chalu of newspapers in the world. Dr. Miles is equipped with a fund of first band Information seldom experienced in one man's career. As an orator Dr. Miles Is diNtlngulsbed for his dramatic power to visualize the fuinous characters und events of the past generation, with which he is so thoroughly familiar. SALEM'S CHAUTAUQUA OPENS JULY 12TH Capital Journal Want Ads Pay Capita journal Want Ais Will Get You What Yon Wast