182588 THE DAILY CAPITAL jm RNAL, SALEM, OREGON, SATURDAY, JULY 1. 1916. E j THE SAME CAR FOR LESS MONEY B' EAR in mind that the Maxwell car hat not been changed. It la standardized. It will not be changed except In minor respects where we see oppor tunities from time to time to make refinements and additional improvements. The new price of $595 is only made "possible by our greatly increased production and the fact that we specialize in only one automobile. Every Maxwell car is identically the same as every other Maxwell car. Last year the Maxwell car rep resented a big value." Many thousands of satisfied Maxwell owners are the evidence of that. But this year at the reduced price of $595 the Maxwell stands out as the one big automobile value of all time. Nothing like it has ever been offered for the money. Just consider, complete electri cal equipment for starting and lighting; speedometer; demount able rims ;f one-man top; rain vision "windshield; and every other device for the comfort and convenience of the ownerT Every thing that the "expensive cars have. 1 And good looks, com fort and economy of operation that some of the others haven't? There has been a nation-wide demand for Maxwell cars at the former price; there will be an over whelming demand for these cars at the new price of $595." And this proves that the Amer ican public has admitted and verified our unqualified claim that the Maxwell Motor Car is the Big, Outstanding Motor Car Value in the Country Today. WHAT THE MAXWELL MICX INCLUDES Loaf-stroke, high six, four-cyliBdcr motor, 1 to CO milts oi bib gear; 20 to 25 routs to th galloa of gasoline (average). Irreversible steering gear; automatic motor lubrication bjr iplatb and sumo; WO t 1.000 milts per gallon of oil. Thermo-eyphon cooling . A runaiag-ln-oll dutch, to smooth w to make the driving of dot let ai free from gear-claihtog and bom Hidden jerka as that of a aeaaoned driver. Tall, Darraw. racing type Maivell-aud radiator. Uaxweli-made sales I-beam front and aeraU floating rear; highest quality heat-treated alloyed ted. m Gasoline tank In cowl; abort, aceeMfble ga line U carburetor, a MancU-nudt itrean-llnc body, wall tnithed la tvery detail. Deep, comfortable upholstery, a 30 Vi tires all around, non-skid on rear; avenge life 8,000 to 10,000 miles. Demountable rlnu. (&-.t Tire carrier at rear, with extra tin. Substantial, Maiwell-made crowned rendere and linoleum-covered running boards. Electric suiter, electric lights, elec'rlc born. Rlgk-Tenaion Magneto, an independent lourcc of Ignition. One-man Too wtth qulck-adjuMabla cwumt atorm proof. Kain-vlsion, adjustable, ventuatiag vladthield. High grade speedometer. The Maxwell Touring Cat ta a fuD tve passenger oar. Every liuvcll model aeau comfortably the Mssber of passengers which It Is rated to cany. Compmn tw Uaxwtll ftoturts tvlrt, tktu of eari silting at hightr prlcts. This announcement will be read by hundreds of automobile dealers as well as prospective retail buyers. To those dealers who wish to know if there is any open territory, we will say that Maxwell sales contracts for 1916-17 are being signed now by our traveling salesmen. There will be some changes particularly in the allotment of territory. ? Therefore, interested dealers, wherever located, should write us bow. Maxwell Maiwei Non-Stop Car Still Gives Wonderful WOODBTJRN ITEMS. Young Chapman i'Iiiiii- mi from Klamath Falls tn enlist. His puifti I m i live in Salem, Inning moved there in tin? past year from Woodbuin. -Mr. and .Mm. J-'runk 11. Tollurd will have Saturday for Minneapolis, where Mr. Tollnrd will enter the cm-1 ploy uf the Nelson-Morris. I'ncking company. May they hne lots of due-! cess, i .1. V. Hertzlcr iiikI family -have mot-! oil to Bridal Veil, Ore., followed by the I well Hidden of this community where I they made many friends. . ' A committee will enll on the citizens j lith a paper for siibscrintions for thei " ' i'relief of HIiV families fit' lni.iiit,cr.i r.f spite of chcll Lewis. Clarissa Sclwvnne and oth-' Comniiiie I t i ... .......i.. ordered to the wheel of the CLainpion. the difficulties encountered, rugged . er well know u artists of the stage and circumstances. Thin paper is being He pointed its nose southward and the i roountuiu paths, swollen streums, aiid"''?- , prepared by Mayor Steelhnmmer. Any long" tour began. After a triumphant blinumg l.lusts of sizzling desert oandJ i 'I- j ome-Huek " tv, written and j of these families i need should , ixu .,. iiuisniiier. i acre inane ineir wants Known to him and ...., r .....,,.... R vreuuu 0I excel ent ohotoL'riniiv not fee UrUinl Motor Cbfspany Dtroi( . Mich. The First of Which Is To Re port for Duty at 9:30 Monday Morning King Bing Deckebuch hereby issues jhe following orders j0 hjs vassals, whereby each Cheiriau may Know what is expeeted of him .Monday from H:00 o'eloek iu the morning until the elose of the tlanee at the Armory, at the midnight hour. The orders, which are to be implicitly followed, are as follows: Report for duty in uniforms at the Morion hotel, promptly at 9:00 o'clock Form an escort for Queen Kstella and her attendants at 9:15. Kscort the Queen to the reviewing stand on the north side of the Court house, forming us honor guard during the crowning of the queen by Governor Wilhyconib, and the presentation of the golden key, representing the Ireedom of the city, by Mayor White. During the baby parade, which will follow the crowning of the queen, the (.'licrrinns will guide the line of march around Willson avenue. Following the baby parade, escort the queen and her party to .Marion square, and stand by during the grange exercises. Kseort the queen and attendants to the Marion hotel. After luncheon, the Cherriuns will again assemble at the Marion hotel and escort Quren Kstella nnd maids to Mar ion square where they will take their place in line for the grange and auto parade, to. begin at 2:00 o'clock. After the parade the Clierrinus are al liberty until !l:llil o'clock, when they are requested to report to the Armory for the dance. Uniforms will not be required for the dance. These orders are issued by King TVing and are to be obeved. The Three Leaders Harley Davidson Motorcycles Famous for Their Speed and Endurance Cleveland Lightweight Motorcycle Famous for Their Lightness and Simplicity Flyer Bicycle Famous for Their Easy Running YOU CAN'T BEAT THIS COMBINATION. If you are interested, come in and let us go into detail regarding the merits of these machines. We also have some good buys in secondhand Motor cycles and Bicycles. Scott & Piper 252 STATE STREET, Salem, Oregon. I You Take Chances of Being Fined by Using Them, Bet ter "Cut 'Em Out" Although there is an abundance of patriotic feeling in the air, Y"oung Am-1 erica w ill have no more than the usual ! privileges when it comes to shooting fire crackers on Cherry fair day anil j ou the Fourth. Chief Welsh says that the first youngster that, begins anything like n ; fire cracker celebration down town will j be playing for trouble, anil the police, are so instructed. The rules are not to be suspended either day. ; When it conies to firing cannon, dis charging n gun or pistol, or any prepara- tion of gun powder or any explosive 1 compound, or even n bonfire within the: business section of the city, there is nothing doing, unless the consent of the I mayor lias been received. Nor will there1 be any unseemly celebration in the vi-; cinity of any store, factory, hotel, mill or bridge or public building, or miy where in the city when warned by a householder not lo do so. This is the law and when violated, there is a fine, of 10 in sight. I The disposition in any manner what ever to another person of firecrackers i over two and one-half inches long, ex-j elusive of the fuse, and five-eights of: an inch in diameter, is forbidden by the state law, ns is the discharge of tin ' same. A fine of .tL'j to .i")0 is the re I suit ot convict for violation of the In w. There is nothing doing out of the us ual this year when it comes to celebrat ing the grand old day by means or the gun powder route. lurnDISTILLATE Save Money TEN GALLONS OF GASOLINE at 20 cents amounts to $2.00. Figuring twenty miles to the gal lon, you get 200 miles at a cost of one cent per mile. TEN GALLONS OF DISTILLATE at 10 cents amounts to $1.00. Figuring thirty miles t the gal lon (which is conservative), you get :J00 miles at a cost of one-third of one cent per mile. The motorist can divide his fuel cost into three parts and pocket two of them, this claim being borne out by actual comparisons. . The Leist Distillate Gasifier PRICE FOR FORD CARS. . . . $5.00 OTHER MAKES $7.50 Installed. Great Western Garage 141 North High St. OPPOSITE COURT HOUSE 1 OREGON ROYS AT RnRnr.p ! San Di.'go. Cil., .Inlv . With bare ly mure, than a fluetii"; glance of San Diego, the Third iu'autry regiiLent, Oregon National gunid, arrived lien yesterday morning and in lets than for ty minutis the speital trains were I'sn-fc el to ti' tiads nt IV! San lr'go and Arizona .ailnad anl the troops wore 1,11 the way to Sun Vsidro It had been expected the militiamen would be held iu Sim Hiego, but .Ma jor Johnson llagood, column ndant. at. Kort Itosccrans, issii ' I orders provid ing for the troops to go to Sun Ysidrn wheic they will reinfoi te one and it.e halt' companies of regular cu it Hil'lleryinen on duty .here, "'he Cre. ;.oii trtops airiviug this mo'ving urn under the loiiiinainl of l i.jor Carle A 1 1 i, 111 iigil .Morgan attended the ball yun.e at Woodbiirn Sunday. -Miss l-Mna Stevens visited relumes in Siileiu last week. Mr. and Mrs. .I0I111 Wnltinan. Mrv II. Kngliretsou and Mrs. Lester Walt man nnd daughter, spmr the week ee.l 111 Oregon City and rortland. the NORTH HOWELL NOTES A. 0. Keene, Archie Weisner, and 1 ' mines iiicuani ot The Pa lies .guest ot relatives iu this section. I K. It. I'letcher and family of Sub 10 Hie at their farm home for tiie siiih ,er. I Mrs. li. Weisner nnd daughter H'T I that visited the forer's sister Mis. .Itroylcs of Wiiodburn Sunday altii , noon, I Mrs. Alice Kngleson an. I son Hubert Visited with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. . C. A. Sawyer, Suturdny ami Sunday. ; Mr. iin.l Mrs. A. Itump and .Mr. 'uud ..rs. Thomas Itump were out iu their new Ford Sunday. I The wedding dance of Anna link 'iiiul Joseph Wocllie will be given it r j the hull Saturday evening .Inly M. Through a misunderstanding it was said to have been given June 17. with headquarters in Los Angeles, na ! going," Miller laid. "In WviVp al fnc hnaeW ':!'.? ....b:s!i.,Af,,'VJr'uni1 ,,n,;ljlinu''l,! 1,lu,ts of dt'"CM 6unJ directed w. m xvg i"aviv " -.uiMuiniu, .nr. not once did the non stop champion ' jn Miller drove the cur iuto Arizona and 'falter. iu xloiug so ond'(ul.r r, . ..l.... ..k... l.'. il" . puoiorupnyi 1101 jeei oaes The famouf nonstoo ifnxwell. the down to the Mexican border. The ' let l.r ... 1,. ..' Vi' .. w.nKn uuisholer uiti.ens will be asked to contribute ' . ...... 1 v.. .uv "uuu. mi. . ooTuiiieo in Inn nii-lnp. ..... i I Iha I.... .... -, . ... .1 " r ...TMI.5 UUI1I, IP IVI lll'-U ttlllUlllll ear that startled tbo automobi e. , " Dlv , ' ''""' me. last m, miles, over poor roads for the-around IVud river iJMr fUr,.i r- 1 ; h 11 1 . t ' v ' -i-j troops along the border. t rendered 1 most nurr were nee, 1 inter! !., i.t fi , ,, ,, Carubassett, , us Company I is uway. No putriotic orU ,Mt Tnuat5r; "heU 11 P,,ed "P valuable service and the soldiers viedteen hours Sn Cn. dino o It .'" ""f "' l''"y'r fr ''"ried ; ei,iMn, will refuse to contribute and ulagc for more than 22,000 in forty- with oue unuti iu tllUig t , 'An!elr " tv Xht : m l" we made in ' "L' ""'""S V Htory " "" wait to be .k.. four days without a stop of the motor,; the wheel. - fc i "? , "'Zr'h ! 1 Im "'" ' ,";!""r"" Vf ,b" """ l'""ber-jacks and I Chapter J, 1'. E. O. Sisterhood, of has been making more fame for itself. Miller circled the entire state of! . : luuuniuiniers were used in the lug . W odburn, met June 22, and enjoyed The ear is back in its garage at the Arizona and . networked the interior, j Pi CL si ir . i-uikwooq anu .vnss.one or the liupiy oecasioiis that liu Lord Motor Lar Co., in Los Angeles ' He climbed every mountuin, 1 lurged OllOHs OuOW LOIninS 1 . r,v".'Jl',' I'8"" '' K" nniong pleasant memories., after an extended tour of Southern 1 through ever? sund pull, forded every California, the Mexican border- and river and entered every city and vil-' Arizona. Its speedometer now reg-ilage in the state, so that eveiv citizen!1 'Strong Show Coming To the Oregon Theatre istera a total mileage of 30,635 miles, in Arizona might have an opportunity I "The Come Back," a thrilling story m uipioui c vui i.'ur'r,iii uie nuou n ,;ir- u i,-n me line imioer. ; Ot the , llMuifl.r l-niill.. r.f i..rl . l i ! n. euruferanee by more than 5,000 mi'es. - As a rule, the roads were of the . contrasted with life in New York so No more splendid endorsement of 1 most diseournL'inir sort. I'rtctieallv cietv. is the .tiirrinrr i..l.;'..t.. ,.i,;..i. 1 r .. 11 :.,:rt u e j .1 -.11 -1 t.-n . , , . - - , . . . - jnjL,.cu i-iui-u'in j van hp iouiiu iiiuu ii wi .niuer s uriving wttn done Allison are provided with t.arts that are admirubly suited to their talents, nnd there is not a dull moment iu the entire five reels. WELL DONE WOODBTJRN. .Mrs. l-leanor Krnco, past slate presi dent, Mrs. Veda Jones, state president, anu .Mrs. we-steott, of Aurora, were ! present and added to the pleasure ami I profit of the ilny. A delightful lunch- ' nji nnH Hcrvr-il in mhihII aii muni, of nr nihi in rr.nhj40 to rpttily dcrftriittMl tul) Imhki.tH fit 11 Tlit1 liosto in the performiince of the Chsmpiou. ' niyht, tlip hout of" the .luty rn.n Our- n Muv Allison t If . V... k.iFn n . Al ' ' ... at tro has unaided for Han.1.1 1.... L w, r..l . 1 . ... 'V " " " '"" was ass, s edi.y daughters Of memliers ,r ,! i. '. in:.... ... . - - ,,., ,,,,, lurnisnca a company JIish Jtutli Austin Motor enthusiasts who fii-nred thnt the in cr the ,b,v hiiwr l,.,,nt',l . .i. ..-..'.i. 1:.'. .. . '"' "yl T ""' "uniiren Hall : . . ---- - n - in,, 1.111 11 si 01 .Mciro STars, r nnin ti s on-fltop hero was done after it, re- Test is Severe. make their debut ., that program. This ,i t -Iv markable feat of rolluig up 22,000 Although encountering the hardest popular stellar combination will be seen i f,i,l ni mn llAti ictf hfint atnn nora aoillt mm. irm na in u 1. t. f . . it .1 . 1 ... 1 ' " -' w Kl " v v unci tiw: ni.ii. .niirii llir- .WilAnl'll till I P HITI'I' II Ir III T 11 1 tl i.ri.rl 11., 1 1 i.n ' . t 1 UkCn" ,j Returned to Los Angeles, it was in per- the Oregmi iheutrc, Sundi.v nnd Mon- 1 . 8oldieT9 DriT Car. I feet condition. Not even the slightest ; day. A notable cast has h.'cn engaged If there were no other ecu.e for Tmmediatelv fol ow no the rernr,t niechnnin nW.n,ti,i ,. . .. . ... wi re no oilier excuse tor Thine.' r vtii.: -t. a:i r.w 1 ' ' .ir "., ,:,,,",t '.r "ve. f u " - . - - u . ., ut.-iit. , n . . . 1,1,-iuiics i.e.Tr 1 iinon 11, com- 111 the land were as propor pulriotic e need not be a- any emergency that miirtht lalesmen of the Maxwell Motor Co.,, "No enr was ever given a harder ' dell, c-orge H-nry, Uc'rt Markcv, Mit - iVtiffieii all kinds of people to make a world would be Miss Minnie Steel- hammer and Miss Hazel Bitney. The house was ehriningly decorated with the I'. II. O. colors and marguerites. After the business session n delightful time win passed. Woodbiirn Independent. , -Toledo Blade. Arrangement,) are being made for another big two-story brick business1 block to be erected in Joseph this sum-! mer, tho ilerab sttj-s, ' The Salem Repair Shop Is the place to get your work done, Al kinds of wi lding and brazing, such as ens! iron, steel, brass, copper, aluminum or any metal used in farm machinery. All kinds of lathe work done, gas engines and nolo repaired. , We also repair plows, harrows, wagons, buggies, make springs and repair springs and innse new bodies for delivery wagons and trucks. Wood work 01' any kind nunle, all stone tools jmide and repaired, also wood choppers' tools. We will furnish estimates on any work. Spend your money at home. I'rices nlwo.s reasonable. All ork fully giitiriinteed. ' nil in. 1 Had to see you. Salem Repair Shop R. J. HEBSCHBACH 229 State Street