TWO THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, SATURDAY, JULY 1, 1916. ALIKE THOMPSON J THE annual Cherry Fair festivities will le in full swing Monday audi Salem s gates will be thrown i wiile open to welcome the throng ofj visitors. J ii the morning the festival j will be auspiciously opened with the' crowning of Queen Kstella, by Gov ernor Wjthyeombe, after which there! will be various floral parades and a round of gaveties for every pleasure Mr. and Mrs. Anderson Cannon and children of Portland are visiting at "Labish Meadows", the country res ilience of the lntter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Jones. The Cannons motored to Salem and arc en route to Albany, where they will be the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Hockey Mason, and Miss Flora Mason, seeker. Vicing with these teatures, , , til tt r the your,, 0f jiv. iluncp in the evening - will be the large at the armory, which the Cnerrians will give iu honor of tiie Queen and her '.ourt. Informality will be tiie keynote of! the affair. Jt will start at nine o'clock with a grand march, led by King liing and Queen Kstella, follow eil by the royal party, the Cherrians, and the throng of merry makers, who will bring another cherry fair to a gay and happy closing. Again socictv is grateful to brides and visitors fur nil the social gayeties bestowed upon them the past week. Aside from several weddings and small informal affairs the calendar has been exceptionally uninteresting. About 40 members of the order of the Eastern Star enjoyed an informal afternoon at the residence of Mrs. L. K. Page Tuesday. The Hostesses for the affair were Mrs. Page, Mrs. U, G. Boyer, Mrs. F. N. Derby. Mrs. X. C. Pettys, Mrs. O. D. Scihninlisried and Miss Maybelle Page. The Page residence was bright with the lodge colors, made manifest in bachelor buttons, sweet William, can dy tuff, coreopsis and ferns, all ar ranged effectively In the various rooms. The afternoon was devoted to chatting and a guessing contest. Mts. R. F. Clark and Miss Ethel Hall. An interesting piano recital was giv en by a group of liertha Junk Darby's pupils at her studio, 670 Cottage street on June the nineteenth. The assist ants for the affair wero Miss Alice .ludd soloist, and Herbert Darby cor net. Miss Judd's songs were charmingly interpreted and gave her an op portunity to display the most sympathetic and beautiful qualities of her voice. Mir. Junk played "The Holy City" and was accompanied by Mrs. Darby. Presentations of certificates for elementary progressive scries closed the evening. The programme was as follows: March Grotesque vKiuding), lima Keeter. Mrs. Darby; The Wood Birds! ( arol (Harth), Leonn Usher; Clause (Krogman), Thressie Within a fragrant setting of blos soms, Miss Klva Smith, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Smith became the bride of Dr. R. W. Walton, Fridfy evening at the Smith residence at j eight o'clock. Rev. Richard X. Avi- j son ot the nrst .Heuiouist cniircn per- March of the Midirets (Kerni. Lau- forming the ceremony. ' j rence Fisher; liicycle Waltz (lleibel), Garden flowers in artistic profus- ! Loona 1,11(1 Laurence Fisher; The Holy , , . i, i i ' ltv (Adams, cornet, Herbert J. Dar- ion decked the rooms. An altar bank- ,,v; Wheu (Kmaaft) A ed with Caroline Testout ruses, honey-1 Minuet at Court (IlelUr), John H. El suckle and ocean spray against a lnt-jliott; Berceuse from Jocelyn (Godard) ticed background of the same blossoms"" --pring nine iwiie;, r.miiy i niinps: ELL-ANS Absolutely Removes Indigestion. One package proves it 25c at all druggists. bridal ! (r;a,'Z0"!?VV ('''''). Dance of the Dolls (PoMine), Jessie Bucll; From the Land of the Sky Blue Water man), Hark, Hard the Lark (Schu rendition of their selections, both stu dents showing decided talent. The recital was not restricted to either the older or younger pupils. The program was presented as fol lows: Ensemble, Telling Funny Stor ies (Greenwald), first violin, Edna. Denison, Pearl George, Glyde Gardner. Marian Emmons, second violin, Wini fred Eyre, Mary Findley, Paul Doney, Floyd Siegmund, piano, Loraine Ross; Santa i violin, In the lauoe (.tjrueniiarg), abeth Thompson; violin, A May Song (i;. vogt), lain rurvine; piano, iirigni. Eves (Orth), Maude Engstrnm; violin. Little Cradle Song (Oral"), Cloyd Coch ran; violin () Vesper Bells (Krog maim), (b) The "Village M':usiciitiis! (Lange), Nealc Wesson; piano (a) Lnl labye (Oesten), (b) Neike (Lichner). Margaret Johnson; violin, Boating (. Vogt), Winifred Eyre; vocal, Birds are Singing (Thomas), Jean Mclnturff: (Cud-; violin, Cradle Song (Atherton), Bessie. . ' o .1 1.. ..: .. L..i... P..1L., rMiumih. irimiu. Mil xa'iy J f ' V : v Miss Ellen Thielsen, charming member of the younger set, whose cuguge ment to Carl Wnsiiburno of Eugene was announced today. QUITE the latest ldt of excitement created in exclusive society, is the announcement of the engage ment of Miss Ellen Thielsen to Curl Washburne of Eugene. The happy news was first made known tiis af ternoon at an informal tea for which Miss Thielsen was hostess In honor lier house guest, Miss Helen Whitney, of Portland. Only a few of the closest friends of Miss Thielsen were asked to the af fair. Tho tea table which was center til with lovely pink roses and ferns was presided over by Mrs. Frank ISpcars. Miss Thielsen is ono of the most charming belles in Salem society. She received her earlier education in Sa lem, lntor graduating from St. Helens Hall in Portland. She is the only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry li. Thielsen, a sister of William II. nud 1-Vederie I). Thielsen of this city and Edward Thielsen of Pan Francisco. Mr. Washburuo is a son of Mrs. Minnie- Washburne, ti teuding society ma tron of Eugene. She is also nu active club woman. Mr. Washburuo has one brother, Chester Washburne, a promi nent geologist in New York, lie is the junior member of the firm of McMor ran and Washburne. Although thero have been various rumors of Miss Thielsen 'a engagement the secret has been guarded so care fully by the families that but few of the bride-elect 's closest friends were sure as to the truth of the accusa tions. As yet Miss Thielsen and Mr. Wash buriiohave made no definite plans for the wedding. Dr. and Mrs. 0. C. Contris of Mexi co t'ity, who huve been the guests of lr. and Mrs. Barry Olinger, left Wednesday for New York. The ('nu tria' formerly lived in Salem and were showered with numerous social cour tesies from their many friends. One of the most delightful affairs waa the dinner nr which Mr. and Mrs. Henry W. Meyers wero hosts Tuesday evening. The table which was artistically mlnrneil with snap dragons had covers for seven. Humlsy Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Lee Pat i terson entertained the visitors at their attractive country residence and Tues day Mrs. R. 1). Gilbert presided over a small luncheon in honor of Mrs. Con triii. During the week thero were also liOTerul other small iuTormal affairs given in their honor. Hoeiety will miss for a number of months Mrs. George Palmer Putnam, who with her small son David expects to leave the first of the week for Sound Beach, Conn., where they will visit at tho summer homo of Mrs. Put nam's mother, Mrs. Edwin Binney. Owing to the unceitain moves of Company M, the length of Mrs. Put nan 'a sojourn Eust is quite indefinite. Khfl plans however to bo away all sum mer. Mrs. L. K. Pago was hostess Tues day afternoon for a charming Kensing ton. The affair was given to honor Mrs. Thrtias C. Smith, Sr., of Los An jreles, Cal., who entertained Mrs. Page during her sojourn in that city last Reason. An artistic arrangement of garden ftowera decked the rooms. Mrs. K. B. Fleming, Mrs. H. B. Houston and Miss (Mildred Pngley) of Eugene were the Maybelle Page assisted tho hostess. I guests of friends yesterday. The Gra The guests asked to greet Mrs. hams wero en route home from their anth wore: Mrs. Frank Spencer, Mrs. ; wedding trip. Thomas C. Smith, Jr., Mrs. Thomas B. j Kay, Mrs. William Brown, Mrs. E.J A charming affair of next Thursday T. Barnes, Mrs. A. L. Brown, Mrs. E.I will be the luncheon for which Mrs. K. Waters, Mrs. K. B. Fleming, Mrs.j William 11. Boot will be hostess. The W. I. Htaley, Mrs H H Houston, Mrs. : guests will include a number of prom A. Klein, Mrs. C. 11. Robertson, Mrs. 'jurat matrons who aro members of nn h. M. Hogg', Mrs. David Wagner, Mrs. ! afternoon Bridge club. lawmiMaaaaaa MaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaM--- .jjjiaj.LWwiii'a.ujiuW'JJ .4-jiMii. lv.i j. ,j i""'."!' '. mum iuibi"'"'!',1 "".-" 'V i jy'f" np li""! ""irrriM ;. . .. . , s 1 ', i j ' !-.''." ....... i I - ; .-,- I- . I . , J i . 1 I : -" t ;cr- yV ' ' rtt " . - ' I ( 'v- - ' y ' f j i "'. - f $: -1 1 j ' '. The Misses Carolvn Dick, Odell Sav-I Ruth Breiver. : Mvrtle Richardson and Minnie Morrill attired in dainty white dresses and1 carrying baskets of sweet peas acted i as tlower gins. -Miss .Mary ngicr played the wedding march. Before the ceremony Miss Lucile Barton and Frank and Richard Barton sang Lohengrin's wedding chorus and .-is. tharles Bates sang "At Dawn 'ing" (Cadmnn). After the ceremony a charming solo was sung by Miss Lu cile Barton. During the congratula tions Miss Alice Smith, a sister of the, played Mendelsshuu's "Anring Song." Following the cere- mon" a reception was neia ann a sup uer was served. The prettily appoint ed table was i entered with pink and; white sweet peas and presided overj by Miss Lucile Bennett and Miss Edith Carter Kuney. i A group of young girls assisted the serving. made a pretty setting for the party. i Miss Smitn who was given into the j keeping ot the bridegroom by her fall.- , , ' ... , ,.. , s,.,,Vi,..,t. I (Spindle.), (b) llasche Mich er, W. D. Smith, wore a gown ot char-I .... ,. ! iihmV i'led McFnrlane: violin meuse and lace, with pearl trimmings, I 'mKecfer ' " '"'lieniVde IVvotion ( Eugene'Gruenberg), The bridal bouquet was a shower ot " . . . j KMzabrth Thumpson, Paul Purvine. "Ti" r' a -tt. i, , J About fifty proud parents and ! Ncale Wesson, l.'oss Harris, Oswald Miss Grace Sm. h, a sister ot ti e attended the recital given bvlsevcrson; violin, A Dream of Paradise bride was maid ot honor. She note I of JIiils Uura Grailt ,,H(i 8 ,.(arr. by I). May) (Gray), Ross Harris: a pale green ta tela frock and carried , l resil,,.,c stUt,io 011 Tlnirs'lav I piano, Slumber Song (Pviedermai.n). a snower or pnih loses. ,lftprllnn Tll. ,,., wr fr,,rt I Loraine Koss; violin, rirecrackers ...ill. rr.,....... . ....,-. ..i I fCreeiiu-iilili- I'biiI DoneV. IliailO. ('On- age, Gertru.le Ashliy , Kutn Breiver .... ' isolation (Mendelssohn), Lorn Purvinr: 'The jirogramnie given bv these violin, Danse Kustique ( V. Borowski). t-mitlif'nl ...ri'.m... " .,.,',n FlllVil S'lCli 111 11 lid I VOC.ll, PllppiCS (Dc- 'musical treat. Particularly well in-: Koven), Lela Belle McCnddam; violin, terpreted and artistic were the num-' Minuet (urr. by 1. .May) (Paderew bers plaveil bv Cecil Deacon, Marie ski). Glyde Gardner; pit no, (a) a-' Spight and Miuie Harold. ! ' K tMat (Duraml), (b) Tremolo (l..- Here is the programme: jseilen), Ruth Weditcr; violin, .lhcn .Moonlight on the Hudson. .G. D. Wilson1 You'll Uemeiulicr Me (Ualfe), with Prudence xti.'ht. Miss Grant. variations, Pearl l.corge; violin, t Sweet Carnation St. Joseph Narcissus (Xeviu), I Paul Le I (Atherton), Ednu Boat Soul' Lichnc ! Eugenia Savage ! Arbutus Waltz Vogler I Emily Goode 1 Spring Song B. D. Ackley j Sung by Deryl Meyers, Paul Know-.c land, I rim Page, Paul Lee, Robert j Bishop, Virginia Dorcas, Iris Ander-1 son, Vivian I'tter, Irene Fleming, Pern 'fhe emplovnicnl dctinrluient I Wiuchell, Until Buckner i y W. C. A. has been unusuall I In the Glen Louis Torben ! .i,,,-;.,., the month of June. (b) I li'iiison. Y. W. C. A. Bn rciirollc Serenade Dr. and Mrs. Walton left on a short wedding trip and will be at home to : .. their friends after the first of August -i""K. at 10-0 Court street. 1) 'Arlequin Elva Abuser Ahnargarae Mrs. McGilchrist Sing Rubin Sing Spaulding Vrlin Page Love by Moonlight Kinlsel The Fountain Bohm Cecil Deacon H. Keed Meyers )anee Weber Orla Welch of the v' busy A large nmnliei- of iiiipliciitions have been made for employment which have bei u almost immediately filled. There, is still a deinnnd for" maids, house keep ers, practical nurses and some splendid opportunities for good cooks. The sea sonal work in canneries and berry Miss Kstella Wilson, Queen elect of the Cherry Fair, and her maids, Miss Rosalie Back and Miss Charlotte Lally. a sngo laeey yet a verv few wedding rcod-'lico E. M. L. S. Geer, Mrs. D. G. Howard, Mrs. T. B. Jones, Mrs. U. S. Page, Mrs. II. C Epley, Mrs. V. G. Boyer, Mrs. J. A. Mills, Mrs. 11. H. Viindervort, Miss Florence MeKonnie and Miss Spencer of Kansas City. Mrs. Ben W, Olcott and small sons ami nurse left today tor a summer so journ at the Oswald West cottage in I'liniion Beach. They were joined in Portland bv Mrs. West ami Miss Helen West. About a dozen yoiiu, girls were ask ed to participate in the gnveties of an informal evening for which Mrs. James Chiimock was hostess Tuesday in honor of her house guest, Miss Em ma Jane Gnrhudc of Portland. The rooms were bright with an ar tistic array of garden flowers, similar flowers also decking the refreshment table. The evening was devoted to dancing and music. Those gathering to meet the visitor were: Miss Ruth Schult., Miss Ila Spaulding, Miss Ethel Fraiser, Miss Olga Gray, Miss Mary Findley, Miss Gertrude Ashby, Miss Edna Hall, the Misses Lory and Elizabeth Leonard and Miss Marv Lindlev of Eugene. Miss Margaret Rodgers will have "as her house guests, three charming Portland buds, the Misses Louise Liiithicum, Margaret Diddle and Mar eile Carlock. The girls will arrive Sunday and will visit in Suleni for several da vs. Mrs. W. E. Kirk entertained Tues day with n delightful afternoon affair in honor of Mrs. Mae Davis and Mips Elsie Evans of Columbus, Ohio. About litteen matrons nnd maids called to greet the visitors, who are the guests of Mrs. Carl Gregg Doney. The rooms were aglow with beauti ful blossoms. Coreopsis and randy tuft' were arranged in the living room, can terberrv bells and sweet William in the library and sweet peas iu the din-1 Mrs. Clifford Brown and smnll sons ing room." I have gone to Portland, where they will Mrs. Frank W. Spencer assisted Mrs. ! remain indefinitely as the guests of Kirk. Nlrs. Brown's parents, Mr and Mrs. V. W. Bretherton. Mr. and Mrs. David M. Giahnim " Honoring iier house guest Mrs. Frank Welby of Green Bay Wisconsin, Mrs. 1). A. Kingsley was hostess for a Kensington Thursday afternoon. The rooms were attractive with pins roses and pansies, prettily arranged ip bowls and vases. The guests were Mes.kimes William Sawyer, Charles Sawyer, Fisher, Wil liam MeColum and Mrs. Kestler of Portland. Mrs. Roy C. Baker and Mrs. W. M. Mott won the favors. Assisting the hostesses were Miss Lelia Johnson mid Miss Hazel Bishop. The club members present were: George Burnett, Mrs. J. C. More- Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. her sister, Mrs. K. M. s.ruitn tor sever- p-cuige I'unsioru, .urs. i. a. isingsiey. nl months Rev. C. Bertram Runnals I Mrs. W. V. Johnson, Mrs. L E. God officiate.!. 1fn'-v' lrs- NV' V ''""ford, Mrs. W. The church was a .bower of Caroline, W. Moore, Mrs. Anna J Parkhurst, Testout roses and greens. p1. F. F. East, Mrs. Elizabeth Lamb, The bride a charming girl wore a Mrs, Walter M. Smith, Mrs. Fred W. chic suit of cream wool jersev, with i Steusloff, .Mrs. Roy C. Baker, Mrs. umnrt hut white sloes anil 11 mr "i ". . .mm, .Mrs Cecil Brunner roses niul Mr. and Mr. Frank W. Spencer have as their guest for the summer Mr. Spencer's sister, Miss Nina Spencer of Kansas City. rir Interest to Salem soiiety is the I. li.i i, nl' 1itm llarn-t: Ethel Har prove and William Walton, which wasl bind, Mrs. Eugene Gillijigham, solemnized Wednesdav afternoon at Ida Babeock, .Mrs. Loreua Wise, the Episcopal church in Corvallis, Stanley Culver, Mrs. Paul Hauser, where the bride has been the guest ot A. vass, .Mrs. ( harles Met nrper, of ferns. It was n (banning affair simple, only relatives and friends being asked. Following the ceremony a luncheon was served at the nf the bride's sister. Mrs. Smith. Here again a general color scheme of pink and green, was devel oped with masses of lieautiful roses. Mr. and Mrs. Walton left for a months sojourn in California. On their return they will be at home to their many friends in tho Court apartments. , , Dr. and Mrs. Harry K. Clay will be missed from the gayeties of the next few weeks, ns they are leaving Wed nesdav for a sojourn in San Francisco. The beaches are calling n number of Salem families and from now on par ties will be leaving every day for Xewport and Agate Ittnch, where they have taken cottages for the summer. Dr. and Mrs. L. F. Griffith and daughters, Margaret and Uuth left for Newport Friday, and l'.cxt week Mrs. W". Council Dyer nud small son "Bil ly" will go to Agat" Bench, having aken the Mack llofer cottage for the summer. Marion Deliver, Mrs. E. R, Ringo, Mrs. A. L. Godfrey, Mrs. Ernest Anderson, Mrs. F. W. Welby of Orecn Bay, Wis consin; Mrs. Ma Mooner of Clovis, Xew Mexico, and the Misses Lelia Johnson, Ermine Bushnell, Hazel Dish op and Olive SkipUin. At a pretty and artistic church wed ding. Miss Grace Eleanor Thompson became the bride of Chnrles L. Sher man at high noon on Wednesday nt the First Methodist church, Rev. Rich ard X". Avison officiating. Fragrant roses, pnlms nnd delicate ferns adorned the church and made nn attractive foil for the bridal pnity. The bride, and unusually pretty and winsome girl, wore an imported gown of pineapple cloth over satin. Her bouquet was of bride's roses and lacey ferns. Miss Lam an Ross was maid ot honor and wore a pretty frock of deep pink taffeta and carried pink carna tions, Robert B. Walsh acted as best man nnd the guests were Ushered by Errol Gilkey am! Alfred A. Schramm" Before the eeremonv Mrs. Alfred Brown of Portland ihiirmingly sang "At Dawning," and "Because. ' Miss Gertrude Kakin presided nt the ori'iin, an.t plaved Lohengrin s wea ring march anil also Meudelsshon 's "spring Soni'. " Atter the eeremonv a luncheon was served to the bridal party at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. The Bull Game ... Deryl Invitation to the Grace George, The Elfin Waltz, Chester Kirk The Charming Shcpnrdess Mathews Robert Bishop Twittering Birds Billeman .Prudence Spight Waltz Streabbog, Vivian Utter, Inez Anderson, Fern Wincball Little Fairy Gallop Streabbog Irene Fleming ! Scented Posies Powell ' Evangeline Acheson I Lilly of the Valley Marie Harold The Vniersity chapel, Waller hall, was tho scene of a pleasing and suc cessful recital Thursday night when the violin and piano pupils of Miss Joy Turner and vocal pupils of Dr. Frank Wilbur Chace of the W. V. de partment of music were presented in an interesting and varied program. Much interest was manifested by the large audience nud the players receiv; ed many compliments and words of en couragement. The chapel was uniquely decorated in the national colors, red rambler ros es, white lilies, ocean spray, and blue canterberry bells making a picturesque setting for the performers, supplying the elements of color and fragrance to the harmony af sound. Art baskets tilled with syringa anil red rambler roses were suspended from the arches on the platform, and flags supplied the remaining color scheme. The elec tric lights were hooded with red, white and blue shades which cast a soft glow over the hall. Several of the puptls made their first public appearance at this time, among them being little Elizabeth Thompson, a verv talented little 6 vear old violinist, Tanl Purvine an evening. The(other young violin student nnd clever with artistic! little Mnudc Engstrom who surprised all bv her work on the piano; Ruth Wechter although onlv a voting ! fields is claiming employes but any ested in other line j it helpful to make ( association rooms, j partment is given j ployment. a large number of who may be int' i of work may find applications it t t i The use of this dc those seeking em- Twenty four ployment tjiroui June first. girls have found em :li the association since The diallv at tlu evening The Woman's Marion county Repub lican study club had a most interesting meeting in the City Hall on Monday. During the afternoon Mrs. Seymour Jones was elected second vice presi dent. Mrs. Florence Cartwrigiit very ably reviewed the democratic plat form, Mrs. Rollin K. Page, having re viewed the republican and progressive platforms at a .'ormar meeting. A letter was reaj rrom Lawrence Green, secretary to the republican nominee Hughes in answer to the con gratulatory telegram sent by the club on June 12: The letter was written to Mrs. S, B. Sonthwiek, president of the club. Mrs. S. Jones will have charge of the next meeting, which will be held on July 10 in the City Hall. The Omega club wns enjoyably en tertained nt the home of Miss Letha Weiss on Tuesday rooms were decorated baskets of sweet peas and sweet Wil Ham. The first pari of the evening was of 12 plaved two Ion devoted to Jancy work, atter which a, selections entirelv from memnrv and quotation contest was enjoyed. Miss was most enthusiastically received. Helen Ingrey received the prize, a A distinct feature of the program beautiful basket of sweet peas, and 'were the two. violin ensemble numbers, Miss Cecile Bohannon the consolation. which were exceedingly well renderd. On of the violin ensemble numbers, "Devotion" was played by five stu dents all under the age of nine years vouug women of Salem are enr invited to attend a Kensington i'. W. C. A. rooms on Monday July tenth. The social com mittee has set aside the first Monday in each month for a "get to get her'' party so the girls iu the city mav become better acquainted. On ac count of the Cherry fair this mouths social is set for the second Monday. .iiss Alice Palmer siding at the V. W. winter left Saturday where she will spend months. who has been rc ('. A. during the for Xewport. the simmer difficult piano, of th ated Teachers have been arriving during the past three weeks to attend sum mer school in Salem, and make ready for the state teachers examinations which will be held at the high school this week. Among those registered nt the association were Margaret Mann. Cornelius; Tena Loe, Silverton; Norn Livingston, Silverton; Mabel Doty. Redmond; Charlotte Grettie. Kstelia Grettie, Salem; Blanche Harmon, Vnr qnam; Anna Galleys, Monmouth, Mis. A. E. Coberly and Mrs. C. L. Green. Silverton, Well Known Young Folks Married at Silverton (Capital Journal Special Service.) Silverton, Ore., Julv 1. One of tho most ntractive weddings of the sea son took place nt the H. E. Steen home on Tine street, Wednesday afternon, June 28th, when Miss Edna Jeanette , Steen and Herbert Gordon McCnll were cirl . united in marriage. Rev. J. C. Roselinnl a small basket of forget-me-nots. Small tables with decorations sug gestive of the Fourth of July were ar ranged for refreshments. Miss Weiss was assisted iu the serv ing by her mother. t An informal social afternoon was en joyed by the members f the past gu'ard:an" club of the W. 0. W. at the home of Mrs. Ross Moores MondiiT. Tiie rooms were adorned with ocean ' spray and roses. ' The hostess was assitcd by her mother, Mrs. Stinson. I i The rythinn Sisters club was de lightfully entertained on Friday after-; noon by Mrs. C. E. Barbour at her home on Fourteenth street. The rooms' were prettily decorated with red roses. Besides the club lumbers several ad ditional guests were asked to share in and .liidging from the applause this wns easily the "hit" of the evening. The vocal pupils. Misses Mclnturff and McCnddam, under Dr. Chace 's di rection pleased all with the artistic United Lutheran church offici- The bride was lovely in white satin channelise wrth trimmings of lace and rhinestones. Her shower boquet wns brides roses and white sweet pens, looped with ribbon. The long streamers wero knotted at the ends with dainty clusters of white sweet pens. Her bridesmaid Miss Merene Digerness was attired in a white voile gown with chic little over jacket of flowered taffeta. She wore a pretty corsage boquet of (Continued on Taga Nine.) 1 TTJ fl oann L. M. Thompson. Mr. and Mrs. Sher-!the pleasures of the nfternoon. man left for a sojourn in Newport, Mrs. John Shipp assisted the hostess and will be at home after the first of. in serving a dnintv luncheon. August at PO t hemeketa street. Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Woodruff have as their guests their daughter Mrs. Frank Jenkins ind daughter Mary Jane of Eugene, who will visit in Sa lem for about a month. Mrs. F. A. Elliott returned Tlmrsd.-.y evening from a several weeks visit in Denver, HI., and Richmond, Indiana entertained : progressive ! McCornack hall The to Mrs. Stiusou and The Silver Belle Circle Friday evening with a "oOO" party at first prizes fell (harles Jaquet. Mrs. Irene St. Helens nnd Pr. L. G. Altman were awarded the second prizes Atter the games a supper was serv- led bv the committee, Mes. lames Lee Acheson, F. W. Kirk, Frank Fleming, '1 e Tlip Entire J(tock of the BONNET SHOP 315 State Street MUST BE SOLD Hats valued up to $3.00 for tisk Hats valued up to $10.00 for 2 00 Saturday and Monday Only