Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, July 01, 1916, Page TEN, Image 10

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See the Queen and Her Attendants at Meyer's main aisle
4 t t4ti44
Final Seasonend Clearance of Women's and Misses' ReadyWear
We do not intend to carry a garment over the season and have reduced prices regardless of profit. Your
chance, to obtain new, stylish wearables at big sayings.
All New Spring
Silk Suits
1 Navy Taffeta Suit, size
:U5, silver button, taffeta
loops, plaid collar, $19,85
1 Navy Taffeta Suit, file
silk, citron collar, yoke
skirt, size 40, $16.25
1 Champagne Taffeta Suit
shirred skirt flared cape
collar, size :J8 ....$19.85
1 Crushed Strawberry
iafleta bilk Suit, cord
ornaments, size 08, $17.35
1 Peacock Blue Taffeta
Silk Suit, silk and cord
ornaments, size 38, $17.85
Wool Suits
1 black Serge Suit, plain
tailored, Matzen model,
$50.00 value,.. size 42, $JQ
1 green Serge Suit, black
taffeta trimmed, flared,
size :!6, ,
1 Tan Serge Suit, navy
blue, embroidered, maize
stripe lined, copy of
French model, size 08,
- $19.85
1 Poplin Suit, Copenhagen
Blue, fancy cut, button
trimmed, size 44, $H.95
1 black Serge Suit, pad
dock style, satin linetjL
size 42 516.95
1 black Serge Suit, flared
model, size 38, ...$H.95
1 black Serge Suit, front
belt, button trimmed,
size a. $13.35
Special Rack of Skirts,
values to $12.50, semi-annual
clearance price $4.95
Special Prices on Chil
dren's Coats and Dresses.
Special Rack of Ladies'
and Misses' Coats, values
to $1:185, clearance
Price $5.95
Special prices on Kimonos
Special prices on Ladies'
and Misses' Silk Dresses.
Special Sale Monday
TAFFETA S1LKS-36 inches wide
Season's newest stripe and check
patterns-former prices up to $2 yd
Monday Sale Price $1.19 yard.
A Sale for Men
Your choice of any Straw or Panama
Hat in stock including our entire
Spring and Summer shipment
Take your pick Price
A Sale of Batiste for
Summer Vaists, Dresses
White and light colors in stripe
Dot and flowered designs.
Extra value for
Monday . '.
Women's Summer Vests
3 for 50c
He yd.
You take no chances when you purchase
here. Our Reputation of 37 years in
Salem guarantees every purchase.
Big Assortment ot
Vacation Togs
Jack Tar Middy Blouses in many
styles, Kahki ClothingExcellent for
coast or mountains, Bathing Suits
and Caps in the season's newest ef
fects, Sweaters of style and durable
quality many pretty colorings, In
dian Robes and Steamer Rugs in a
variety of designs. You can save
money on all your other vacation
needs too if you purchase at Meyers
4444444444-44444444 444" 44 4444-4444-44444444 4444444444-4444 4444 MtttHHf
your appetite
i uiiiitiii!iiiiiiiiiiiii!iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiii!iimiiiiiiimmiiiiiii;!iiit
All Around Town
I mmtniauiitiitiii;iimriiii;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii;iiiiii!iiiii!iiiin;
Dr. Ef ne's Drug Store for trusses,
H1 Lenses Must Be Changed
1 1 Louses mo not wear mil, out eyes oo.
I TiliH' changes every pan of the body,
i the eye wiih tin' other organs. Hut the
usual changes in t lie eye '"in lo neutral
ized by tin' use of lenses propc.ly
Those in uoi'il glasses should coll
lit U'll V. S. Niiriomil Idink lll.li-.,
DR. MENDELSOHN'S office wli-re
lenses, frames and mountings me f't-
tod with skill ami care.
H. L. Harper of Turner, lived iii
Mexico for some time prior to tvve
years ago, where he was supei iiitoiw
cut of a large ranch near the disturb
eil border. His sister is still in ihut
vieinity, the wife of llnd I'nrk."-.
whose brother, Win. I'm-ker and lri N
of 11 month were niimlereil by raiding
Mexicans only a few .lays ago, ai 'd-
ing to late press dispatches. Mr. Mar
per has ninny photographic scenes 'it
Mexico, picture of leliol hands 'i
i-u nt and on the march, which iie tool;
himself, ami is naturally nineli inl-i-esteil
in the Mexican situation. He
sympathizes with the rebels hecau-.-the
large land graii'liol.lors have ma n
virtual slaves of tliein, lint believe-,
'them incapable of si-1 1" gov ernnicit ai
the present time He thinks this c.iiuv
try must intervene in order to -oi'vo
the trouble of tiie unhappy country.
i At a meeting of the several reliif
! .ominittees held last night at the
j Commercial elnli. it was deeided ti,
I. all a meeting of all relief and pat-i
!otio associations for vext Wednes.1i
i afternoon at '2 o'clock at the i 'omni"i
cial chili, when ways and means of
.raising funds for the relief of the tsi .. -lilies
of the hoys in khaki will he d
I cussed. Also arrant, leents made
the mass meeting: to he held in 1 ie
arinorv w hereliyv putrin. ic .Miiieiis wti
he given an iort unit y to pledge si
I'ertain amount each month. It
now developing' that it is dcsiraldo
have all lelief societies enite an. I work
with the Salem Social Service lent, i
in the .list rilnition of the relief l iui'K
especially as this orgiMntion airea ty
has n secretary Ivan . .MeHaniel, wo
is t'ainiliar with relief work in the ci.y.
Claude Steusloff and Adolph Grecn
hanm will take the e::ainiiiations ,.-
day reipiired hy the i'. S. nmal on
jthorities for cut ranee to tlie naval
training academy at Annapolis. Tlie
examinations are l.eing held at Kafir.
i't'Jl un.ier the supervision of J'. ,i.
Kuntz. The young nun had alrea.lv
i taken the physical examination at the
j office of I'rs. Morse i'ii.1 Hohinson.
! I 'laud Steusloff is the sou of .Mr. and
Mrs. W. II. Steusloff in. I adolph lir i
jl.auiu the son i .Mr. and Mrs. Isadorp
After you have tested the delicious quality of the
Bread it makes, your appetite will remind
you to order
ECONOMY FLOUR Manufactured by
!!Dr. Alice Bancrolt, New Breyinan bldg'also l.e
Salem Rifle Clubs
MeetMonday Night
A meeting of the Salem Kifle eluli
military company will he held Mondav
flight, July .'I, at S p. in., in the old
ftrmory over the city hall. It was tlie
intention to postpone this drill on nc
tount of Cherry fair, however, so much
protest has been filed with Captain
Rosenheim that he Iiiim issued the cull
for all members to be present.
The membership to thin organization
in (trowing rapidly, close to lall men be
iiilf enrolled now and new members join
ing diMly.
The company organization ts hetng
perfected along strictly military lines,
the entire proceedings being under the
auspices of the government.
There is no obligation required on the
part of new ineinbers. am! nil who have
an inclination to join should present
themselves at the city hall iirnioiy next
July 3 All-Oregon Grange ral
ly, Salem.
July 3. Annual Cherry fair.
July 4. fourth of July cele
bration, State Fair grounds.
July 4. Indiana society aununl
picnic at State Fair grounds.
July 1L' New York Society
picnic at state fair grounds.
July 12-1S, Snlem Chautauqua.
July 111 Salem Street liailway
excursion to Newport.
July 111. .Monthly meeting of
Commercial club,
July -0 Wisconsin society re
union ut State fair grounds.
July 20, Southern l'acific rail
way men's picnic, State Fuir
-i;. I.. Stiff A Son.
4 hye an I nerve specialist,
o I
rresiaem; w. J. tt.err or tlie Oregon furniture
, Agricultural College telegraphed Hen-1
Uan,i l.uek last evcrng hat ne would; The armory will be open tomorrow
accept he invita ion to deliver an ad-! mni.Ilin , ot tho ,-,.;,,,, .,
die s ,,t the A l-Crcg,n grange l'ci.e. o( ,vm,(1,.s , , . M. j,,,,.,,,,,
,to be held in Marion square Monday ,,,,lvi ,,, r,a,kam,ls thl, ,)ovs ,,,
moru.ng. I ,s address will be deliver- it in,.veniet to carry with then,
j1''1 1 m " u i' jsoine of their clothing and these were
0 " sent back to the arinorv. Therefore.
! . Dr. L. G. Altman, homeopathic phy- those interested aie requested to call
;si.ian, '.Mi N. Liberty, l'hone 1)7. ; at the armory in the morning.
He has best kind of soup, evervthiiiff'reen luiuni.
0 clean, short order, best noodle, everv-j "
Rose festival films, made by the thing alright, lo cents and up. When I Colonel Charles Vnnnim of Portland
Pa the company, will be shown at tiie'.vu want In cent bowl you say. so.j"1' t'"' regular I', S. army will arrive
Congregational church Sunday cver.-!s"me -' and oil cents. Chop snev y.-;.i hi're Monday to establish a r.'.-i nit ' m;
ing. These films will show the crown- cents and up. Plain cents. Chicken j station. Now that a recent bill pass
ing of the queen, Columbia Highway, ' hop uoy 7.") cents. Dark mush. loom ' 'd ly congress permi.s an army of
nuiitarv parade, and in fact everything noodle .'lo cents. Anyt'oing extra costs ' nH'' department is offer
that hapiened of interest during the 'more. I'oik chop lo' cents. Mav Wing!'"U several attractive features. After
Hose festival. Scenes from the gym- 'I've, -IJO Ferry St. one year 's worvice, those vviio can pass
nastic drill of the French ariuv wilr 0 j t li e phvsical an. I mental examinations
shown. ' , Now 1 hat the warm weather i here''""' ''etween the ages of lit and 2:!,
o or should be here aciordiag to th,; will be sent to West Point and e.lo-
We make the prices, on new and used '""""-' the thirsty .ne.-- are reeen inr eated for e missions in the regular
mere s.rpinents of beer, -oiu ne l to "'"''.
the winter months. A rotal of 1
shipni i ts were made into Sal.'m dnr-i . , ,
ing ,lu i... with about UK. of these sliii,.
incuts, or Sim quarts calling for whisk-! :
loinhinok seems to have lost its'"
! The official month for the reports! Trade in your old stove as part pay
jof rainlall ended last night at o aient on one of our new ( Irbon ie l.lixe
jn 'clock. Hence the 2 of an ich rain I langes. K. I.. Stiff son.
that fell last evening will be credited1 "
to July, which is making considerable1 Tomorrow is Good C'tizenfhip day,
of a start, cou-iderii,',' tiiat the total,'" be observed in churches and lodge
rainfall for tlie mouth of June was ' organizat ions throiighoi t the country,
only 1.32 inches. (The movement was rented by the
o ! bureau of immigration of the .iet.art-
Dr--T- Mtlntire, physician and
igeo'i, .i i .Masonic i log. riione -1 lo.
Iment of labor. August lo. lSil.'i. The
nioveinent in (liegon will hereafter be dollar after the costs
hold on the anti-i.rohibitioi ists.
quite a number i f consignm, nts !ir,,
ii ivv U-ing n.i-.l- from Sun K'iiii.'isco.
The McAvoy Bros, bankrupt stock,
known as the Chicago Store, was sold
by If. I. Sabiu, trustee in bankruptcy,
at Portland, today, dale Son, 0f
Portland were highest among seven
teen bidders, their bid being .ln.l 1 7.01.
If the court confirms the sale the
stock will be turned over to them in
due course of time and it is not
known what disposition they will
make of it. The price received will
pay creditors but a few cents on the
Automobile Passenger and Bag-
gage Transfer
Furnished Tents and Cottages....
Correspondence Promptly
L. D. PICKENS, Box 274
Daily Between
Can of any kind for any pUc
at any time.
Office, Bligh Hotel
Dr. Mondolsohn, specialist, fits glasse
ea correctly, U. IS. Bunk. Bid,;.
Dr. W. B. HINS0N, of Portland
Will Treacli. at the
First Baptist Church
Sunday, July 2, Morning: ami Evening-Morning
Thome, "The Call of the Cross"; Evening Theme,
"The Longest Bridge in the World." A cordial in
vitation is extended to Salem citizens to. hear this
noted divine.
i.''ff ...I -'fyTEjtfUB
mil, ueorse ii. Allien was elected i ei ty ot tne wacK f.agle .Mining coin
delegate to the national convention to'pany. 17 miles east of Mehaina. lie
be held at Columbus, Ohio, next Oc-;has had 111 years experience mining in
tohor, ny the Women's Home Mission-1 Alaska and thinks that till Oregon
aiy society, in session yesterday at ' needs is sonic of the Looming spirit of
the Pirst Methodist church. .the tar off country.
Baseball series for championship! Dr. Stone makes no charge for con
Inlet City league Salem league grounds sultation, examination or prescription.
.Inly i: ;l-4. Itattliag Ura.lfords vs. Sn-: --o
lein, (.'nines start it p. in. '.'nd and .'Ir.l! The Ilorr.l Society members will be
and :,'ttl p. m. Ith. july3 recognized at the arinorv next Monday
I o by the wearing of pink badges print-
The Chervybud band will take part ed in gold. Members may secure these
(in the parade Monday afternoon. As. ! budges tree by l ulling on Mrs. Leoiiin
the boys will be ns'i'.; their surplus Peterson at Shipley's next Monday or
lenei."' lilewing their horns, instead of , this evening. The society will make an
having toem inarch in the nrocesison. en.lea..r to secure several hundred
jthev will ride on a float dispensing ' new members during the fair. j
I sweet music on the entire line of yn- o
irade. j BIDS FOR WOOD
o I Sealed bids will be received by the
; Biggeset attraction of tlie Cherry Undersigned until Friday, July 7, at.
fair, bneball series beiween Palling '2:00 o clock, p. in., tor the delivery of
, Uriidfords and l.oju for leadership of; one hundred twenty-five (l-o) cords
luter-t ity league, duly i-3-l, league jof large second growth fir wood to ne
grounds, (lames start 3 p. m. -nd and delivered before October 1, l!Uo The
;3rd ami i:o0 p. in. the Ith. julv.1 court reserves the right to reject anv
j o i or all bids. MAX HKHLIIAK, ' i
I Members of the Auxiliary of the Sa- County Clerk,
i lent Kifle club who ai' anxious to drill! June 24. 20, July 1
, will have a chance, notw ithstaii.ling-. o-
the other attractions in the citv Mon-, CARD OF THANKS .
day evening. Arrangements have been'
made wlcreby the oil annoiy, on the! 1 wish to thank all my friends for
.third fl.or of toe citv hall, has been' their many kindnesses and reinenib-:
secured for Monday evening, nn.l ranees di.ring my revnt bereavement!
those wishing to go through the army and especially the It. P. O. Klk lodge1
tactics vill find offbers there, ready 'of this citv' for its beautiful floral!
(to begin at S o'eloci, . jtiibotcs. MHs. A 0. NKWSOM. j
urged bv the Daughleis of the Hevo-
from "' S"s 0l- -niericali
M..li.in.,i 11.. :u :.i. ,i :,. .1., , ivevoiution.
nuiiiug- in tnat section near the proi
C. A. Newbill is in the city,
Palere Stoyton, Hill City and all wit
of the bank- ouua. Leaves Mill City 0:15 a. m.j
ruitev proceedings are settled. , Mnyton :4o, balem, :15.
o j Return, leaves Salem 4:30 p. ic.j
General volk of this city, calls our ou'Jlliu ""i MU1 uy
o tentiou to a recent proclamation of!
Brin? your building troubles to us liovernor Capper of Kansas, askrn.r the '
we eanv a full line of all kinds ot people of that state to contribute their' T
builders suplios. Falls City-Sulem mite to the support of the son of John'
Lumber to., dl!l S. I " 1 1 1 . Brown, now living in poverty in ( Ire-:
o gon. It is true that Salmon Brown, I
Old rural mail boxes are now a tiling sou of the famous free slave lender .
Phone 13
of the past, as t'.ie posl office regain-, has lived in Portland for several wars.
lions, as issued bv the department at, having at one time been a resident of,
Washington, requires 'nixes of certain Snlem, but this is prraldy the first
dimensions, one for loiters only and ' intimation that he was in iiee.l of m.!
another of large si'e, uipal.le of hold- si-tance. If the report is true the pen
ing fair sized packages. Hereafter. ' pie of Oregon should not allow the
when new boxes are to be placed on Kansas people to perform the patriotic
rural routes, it will be advisable to! duty of caring for him. but see that
consult with the po-t office nuthori-j his necessities are' permanently relic v
ties. ed at once.
The Korean Restaurant
is now opened in onr r.ew loca
tion at 110 1-2 Com'l street.
Everything new and clean. All
kinds of Chinese and Spanish
dishes. Pav us a visit.
When to Consult an
When your eyes tire and when the print blur or becomes dim after
reading; when you involuntarily frown or iiint when looking at an
object; when the eyes smart, tiche or water; when they get inflamed
frequently, or when there are plains in the eyeball or orbit; pains in
the temple, forehead, or at the base of the brain, that cannot other
wise be ncc counted for. ,
We would be pleased to have ou call nn.l let us explain In
conditions can be relieved with properly fitted glas-es. ,
MISS A. McCULLOCH, Optometrist,
208-9 Hubbard Eldg., Thone 109.
Licensed Lady
Moderate Price
Perfect Service
Latest Methodi Are
Found Only At
Cottage Undertaking
Phone 724. Salem, Or
T i