Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, June 30, 1916, Page SIX, Image 6

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Sport News
Watching the Scoreboard
Put the Pittsburgher Out of,!:
Drawing Class and Won
a Scratch
Kit lory played Svcngali 'u tin' Tig i
crs 1 rilliv nt Jjiih Ang(scs aiul ti :i I tn"
ngals obeying liis w ill lit nil times. I
ori' I) to li.
I Hiiniiy Itrii'f contributed to tlin I'tiih
! victory with a screaming three sackor.
Angeles and Portland (jot three hits
apiece in li rare old iifitving line), hut
the Beavers bunched theirs and the
seraphs iliiln 't.
Dallas, Tex., June 'Ml Lewis
Dabney, a local attorney, sit
ting as special judye yesterday
rendered a derision in favor of
the Wooilinen of the Wurlil in
tlin famous "twenty year
policy ease.
The order formerly issued
policies on which the payments
were completed in twenty
years. At a recent convention
these policies were abolished
and the holders obHged to con
tinue payments. K. II. Seay of -Dallas
brought suit against
the order.
Thirty four thousand policies
held in all parts of the country
were involved. They represent
ed n total valuation id' iSM,.
IIO(l,oi ill.
w York, .Tune HO. .Jack Difau
has lived up fully to his reputation as i 'T- U01 qnJ Rolr"
u "man killer today anil though tK" San Francisco eased a nice little Imll, W Iltll anu vavn
services of an undertaker were not 'game out of Oakland yesterday the Inf orficfinft Trin I
needed at the close of his fight with Seals' first victory of the series. till llUCIColllIg 1I1JJ
I'rank Morna last night, the Hoosierj Drowns pitching proved too slippery, i
scrapper certainly killed off the i'itls-! jvr Oakland. Sun Francisco (jot its! Despite the rain last evening a large:
burger as one of the "dig money" run in the opening inning on two clean j audience gathered at the First Baptist I
i'ightor.1 of the country , swats and every frame was "''" ,.,,,,, tu .ar Dr. W. B. Iiinson'a mt-
.uuitui leccivcii .t-.i,wwo ior inc Deal j tliereatter.
ing he took from Dillon, but every ialii
n nd hook that brought blood flowing
from Frank's face and sent him back
ing away, puzzled and pasty looking,
was shaking him loose from further
ehances at. fat purses. With Inst nights
fight Moran has collected $li,00(l for
taking beatings within four months.
He received $:I7,000 for his fight with
M'illaril in March. But the beating he
took from "Little" Dillon more than
30 pounds lighter and six inches short
er probably spelled the end for Mo
ran as a card that will lead promoters
to put up thousands to get him in the
Tim.'. Tlie way is now open for Dil
lon to collect some of the big stuff.
"If .Tack only weighed HO pounds
more," was the most freipient remark
heard in New York today among fol
lowers who witnessed the mill. And
when they thought of his lacking .'10
pounds, they also thought of huge .less
Willard, the heavyweight champion.
Moran appeared small when in the
ring with Willard, but he looked like
a giant compared with Dillon. How
ever game, fast and clever, Dillon may
be, therefore, his chances against Mig
less are held at zero.
Moran Stopped Smiling
Mornn was fat and in anything but
gninl condition for the fight. Dillon,
on the other htinil, was trained to the
minute. His muscles rippled beneath
clear, healthy skin, burned to a nut
brown, lie was in deadly earnest frirtii
the tap of the first bell. Moran sinTl
e,l and winked at friends at the ring;
side during the first round mid laugh
ed when Dillon hit him. Once, when
giving himself over fo such a bit of
mirth in the second, Dillon cracked
liim on the jaw so hard he almost
turned Frank around. After tiio third
Toiiml when Moran got .Tack on the
Topes twice and hammered him with
the best ho had, the sinilo of the Pitts
burger was conspicuous by its absence.
Dillon did his greatest execution
Heine Zimmerman pulled the fat out
of the fire at St. Louis with a triple
which sent the tying run across the
plate. He gave his team tiie lead a
! minute Inter when he scored on a sac
rifice flv.
Doss Tinker of the Cubs drove out a
long flv which scored Zimmerman with
the rnii that nave the Chicagoans the
The peeved Phillies
(limits twice after losing
07 (iiunts faced Ifixey
walloped the
five straight,
in the first
l.iiderus, I'liilly
his hitting streak
1 111 1 ne second game.
seven consecutive 11111
first sucker broke
when he flied out
He had made
" Home Kim ' '
making a ilouhl
quit the game.
linker hurt his leg
and was forced
The Indians are isistent anyway.
They lost another game, this time the
Browns taking their measure for a 7
to 0 count. Davenport held Cleveland
to to urliits.
mon on "To Hell and Back." The
course was an analysis of Peter's de-'
scent from discipleship and fellowship
with Jesus to the depths of blasphem- j
oils remorse, ami his heart breaking!
remorse, and his restoration to man- f
hood and loving, loyal, service. Fol- j
lowing Jesus a far off, selfish associa-1
tion with the ungodly, and sitting with j
the scoffers was the road Peter travel-'
ed to his downfall. j
Dr. Hinson showed last night many of ;
the qualities which make him a strong!
nml popular preacher. His word pic-1
til res made the scenes real to hfs linar-i
ers. With dramatic power and person-!
sive eloquence he forced home the truths'
w hich the incident revealed. Watchful-j
lies slest we fall, sympathy for the err-!
ing, dependence on (iod, the love and
forgivenness of (Iod who gives us a
second chain e, were somfe of the les
sons drawn 'from Peter's experience.
These truths were well illustrated from
experiences in the preacher's ministry.
The large number who resounded to the
,y ,-w -
r , - S . J
v t f M y v
jP- r v
( ml
.- t f A
( OV'.'.'.lp
(Meilford Jlail-Tiibnne.)
The supreme eourt of the state of
Oregon in its opinion ill White vs. Fast
Side Mill & Lumber company, a case
on appeal from Multnomah county, has
just perpetrated a most glaring outrage
against common sense and justice.
White was a traffic policeman on
duty in Portland and was run over by
one of defendant's trucks. His widow
brought suit and recovered a judgment
for $7,500 in the circuit eourt of Mult
nomah county.' An appeal was taken
on the ground that the lower court erred
demurrer to pliiiutitt s
appeal showed the endorsement giveu
to the message.
Tonight's I heme will be "The Strong
est Thing in the World." The service
from .'I to I this afternoon ami the serv
ice this evening will be the last services
this week. Dr. Hinson will speak morn
ing and evening next Sunday.
The land c.ire for ut.eifirkyiTient. is
propjusil in u loll introducer into
ridigresa by Kepreocnlutive Kobcrt
Orosser of Ohio, who would have un
occupied American tracta used fvr
colonization projects under ihc direc
tion of the federal government.
CrtSfer, who is a single axer, pre
tenor department and Secretary
Hcuatiii of the agricultural depart
ment A fifty million bond issue is
U pruvide the initial funds.
h-xliHURticn of free land that can
! worked for a living is Crosser'3
reason for introducing this measure.
On the other hand, he points out that,
in overruling a
v.,..Kr In tlin iitNuor tvhei-mii itliiinliff
with , short arm pokes at close quarters, ,hlt Aeem carelessly
In the seventh round he hit Morna , i;,,.,,i ,,,,.,..,,1 i,.,..i, ,, ,1,,.
The contention lie-
ing that the reply should deny that lie
hud carelessly or negligently turned his
back on defendant's truck.
After a pedantieal discussion of
negative pregnants, the upper eourt re
versed the decision on the theory that
it violated the most ancient rules of
common law pleading.
Of all the stilted hair-brained, hair
splitting and refined technicalities up
on which to outrafge justice this is the
extreme limit. Is it any wonder Hint
the people are crying out against the
law's technicalities and delays, and that
judges and courts are in disreputef
For pure slush and drivel the Oregon
supreme court is entitled to the banner,
and tins, mav it please von. must
. I. .- - - . - . . IlliU IIIL
.even nines 111 Hie nice winiour rem n onilllllt V true k. "
Willi Niiuppy riguis lm 11 1- intvcicii oiuy
few inches but brought streams of
claret and shook up Moran. They went
in like blows of a trip hammer.
At the finish, Dilion, without a mark
4111 him niid still fresh, tripped over to
Moran 'h corner tn shake hands with
him, but was greeted witii nothing lint
a scowl.
Official figures today showed tlir
Teceiots for the fight were $S,.")'JI.
f Moran and Dillon drew the amounts
eredited to them for their work, the
jiromoters must have lost a trifle over
$11,000 011 the bout.
Washington, June :t0. The rail and
water carriers serving Alaska were to
day named as respondent:) in 11 general
investigation by the interstate com
merce conimision into passiuigcr and
.freight rates, both inside Alaska and
to and from Pacific coastand other
jioints. The commission also will seek
to aseertaiu whether Alaska railroad
own or operate mines. The government
line is not affected by the inquiry.
Dawson, V, T., June .'III. T.ie pen
de of Vnkon territory will vote 011
1he question of prohibition not later
1han September 1. Th eterritorial leg
islatnre has decided on the referendum
following presentation of a dry peti
tion signed by two thirds of the quali
fied electors of the district.
Captain Tauscher
Found Not Guilty
New York, June .'to. I apta in Hans
Tauscher was found not guilty by a
jury today 011 the charge ot conspiring
to inaugurate a military movement
against Canada which had as its ob
ject destruction of the Welland canal.
Afine. Iladski, prima donna, and wife
of the (iermnn captain, was in court
when the jury announced its verdict
and enthusiastically congratulated ev
ery one of the twelve men.
Testifying in his own behalf yester
day Tauscher intimated that he had
been duped by Von Papen, whose re
call was asked by the I'nited States.
The specific charge against him was
that he furnished the explosives with
which the government contended the
others in the alleged conspiracy were
planning to destroy the Canadian waterway.
f loses tu make single lax a feature of ; miHians of acres, formerly bebnging
lis colonisation lirr.jects. Under the ' to the government are held specu-
terms of his bill, no revtime woul.l ; latively out of use by those who ac
he derive;! from lalcr rr.ihicts, hut; quired title from the original set
all assessments be levied airain.t the tler.s. He would have the commission
value of !au;l occupied by each c Kn- : ivacqi.ire such land as is necessary
ist, irrespective tf improvements. It f jr col, mixing- purposes,
is designed ty th:? rr,c to eiuru--I While useable free land remained,
ape tlnitt on ; 1 . .::.- iiirt-e th" ;cle 1 iv..-;ser points out, the nation al-
" lys bad 3 safety valve against the
1 -1 phases of unemployment. To
'.'iv any sudden industrial depression
.throws tens of thojsands of workers
upon charity for their substance.
hdldin: cf lam
Control of tl
the hands f a board r.
Secretary Wib'vn of the Uup
of labor, Secretary L:me if
o,g f
.1 tmrnl
I hi in- '
(Continued From Page One.)
Liberty that the First Iowa cavalry
squadron had had a change of heart and
would yet enlist. .Reports reaching the
Quaker cavalry men that "slackers" at
Camp Dodge had had yellow stripes of
iodine painted on their backs and that
the infantrymen said the cavalry would
not fight anyway, got up the dander of
the men and nearly all said they would
take the federal oath today.
Itridg ehampton, L. L, June .'10.
Candidate Charles F. Hughes had a
two hour conference today with form
er president Tall.- The republican
nominee wanted Taft 's advice on n
number of matters connected with the
UOiclinioaii.lt and it is also hclievpil lie
lown ill the annals of Oregon jurispi 11-1 undertook the oar! of neace maker In
trying to heal the bruises incurred 111
the personal si rite between Taft and
Konsevclt. Taft was a lunch guest.
The republican nominee spent the
morning in true vacation fashion, play
ing golf at the Hi idgehaiuptoii club
with his secretary, liwreuce 11. (Irecn.
deuce as an established precedent for
future generation's to pattern to.
Infantile Paralysis
Epidemic in New York
New York, June .'10.-Thirty eight
new cases 111 lirooKlyn and seven ill j
Manhallan, brought the known total! Willows. Cal., June ;I0. Roy
intnntile paralysis victims in .New danl. aged lifi, of Princeton;
York's epidemic of the dread disease ; Davis, aged -V, of Princeton,
up to L'07 today. This is the largest j killed lust night near Arbuckle
number so far icportid in one day I their automobile went over a 1
:inu 11 spurred Hoard ol Health ot I icials , embankment according to word
ing here today
Gold Diggers Start
I Micramenio, 1 al., June .10. They re
'off for Mexico. The first units of
I the California national guard to get
I orders are en route to -Nogales, Ariz.,
today. Other organizations are stand
ing to arms, waiting for the telegraph
led command that will scud them
! marching fo their troop trains.
Tile tirst squadron of cavalry got
awny during the night. A great crowd
watched the men march from the mo
bilization camp to Jeffrey, a distance
of two miles, where the trains waited.
Two hundred automobiles followed the
1 soldiers and the road was lined for
ithe entire distance with cheering spec
I tutors. The cavalrymen will get their
i horses nt the border.
It is expected that the First I1.1t ta 1
I i 011 of field artillery will be next to go.
The Second and Fifth regiments of in-
were I lantries nimeipare oiiieis miring nie
when next -I hours. That leaves the Sev
foot enth infantry
Kugcne Register: "The Coos
Iiailroad Jubilee'' is the official name
of the big celebration to be held at 1
Marshfield by that city and North
iienil, August 24, -'.") and -0, and in
w hich Eugene will take a prominent :
part, by virtue of the fact that this city I
is the other terminus of the Willamette j
Pacific, railway. The name was sub-
mitteil to the committee in charge of I
j F. IL lii nnlta m, of North Head, along j
w ith Hi other mimes suggested. A i
i slogan is to be chosen. One hundred I
, and seven have been submitted ami the
I committee has picked out the best!
j eight. The people of the two cities'
I will select the best one by vote. Pre
, parations for the hie; event have now
begun in earnest and it will be widely'
, advertised.
St oil -Virgil
Albany Democrat: Loganberries are
ripe and the new plant of the Albany
Fruit Juice company will be ready to
start up the last of the week and take
care of the crop. The machinery is
about, installed in the factory at the
foot of Hroadalliiu street ami opera
tions are expected to start Thursday or
Friday. Ceorge (I. Itrown, manager of
the plant, states that the earliest ber
ries will be ready at Brownsville Wed
nesday and an effort will be made to
from southern California 'on",,'1''' operations then.
Red Inner Tubes
Kave a world-wide reputation for durability
(or the following reasons:
t?l: Michel in Red-Rubber Tubes are compounded
of certain quality-giving ingredients which prevent
them from becoming brittle or porous and which
preserve their velvety softness indefinitely.
2nd : Michelin Tubes are not limply pieces
of straight tubing with their ends cemented.
toimed on a ring mandrel to
ly the circular shape or the
tide of the casing itself
and consequently hi
342 Center Street,
Salem, Oregon
Michelin Red loner Tales give the utmost economy and satisfaction.
Go to Newport
Oregon's old reliable outing resort
Numerous attractions make this beach city an ideal
place for an outing
Agate Beach
Seal Rocks
Rocky Causeway
Surf Bathing
Bowling Alleys
Low Round Trip Fares
Devils Punch Bowl
Governm't Light House
Yaquina Bay
Fine Fishing
Dance Hall
Clam Digging
are on sale daily to Newport from all
Southern Pacific stations in Oregon. Return
limit October 31st.
For complete information regarding hotels
at Newport, rates, train service, consult
our agent or write for copy of illustrated
folder "Newport Beaches."
John M. Scott, General Passenger Agent,
. Portland, Oregon
Try This on Your Eczema
If you are afflicted with Salt Rheum, Tetter,
dry Eczema, Acne or Pimples, buy a jar of Dry
Zensal. For that watery eruption, or Weeping
Skin, use Moist Zensal, 50c the jar.
CENTRAL PHARMACY, formerly Poole's Drug Store
into ri'iiowi'il efforts - i clicrli tin1 wave
Special instructions were issued to all
mothers of xrenter New York xirini;
laat they keep their Tallies scrupulous
ly clean nml avoiil letiii) their chil
dren play with others unless of known
The lionrd lias also asked the Unit
ed States pulilie health service to in
vestigate ami ascertain whether the
disease was not lnoui;!it to the I'nittid
States liy iintniiauts on Italian liners.
ami a numlier of auxiliary establish,
nients still in camp, but all will lie en
route south, it is believed, before the
end of the week.
i iiir to woiit reae
Both lueu were crushed
nuclei' the ear.
A Japanese, who was also in the auto
mobile, was pinned under the n reckaue j
for three hours and was badly hurt in- wil1 stay Some
tortuilly. " New- York, June HO.
! the Mexican situation ease
The churches in Kuene w ill hold !
union services during the summer ami
vacations for the ministers will there
by be made possible, and the l!eyister
wonders if there isn't n sunni't ion in
this for other lines of business.
Try Capital Journal Want Ads.
LI 1J.LI UIULULl.il tmiL
San Krancisco, June .'!(. D.
Campbell, at present assistant general
manager id' tiie Southern Pacific with
headquarters nt Portland, will be
transferred .Inly 1 to l.os Angeles
where he will be in charge of the
southern district, according to an
nouncement this afternoon of vie
president W. li. Scott of the Southern
Pacific. Superintendent II. J. Dyer of
the Sacramento division in appointed
assistant general manager with head
quarters at Portland. Superintendent
.1. I. ltrennan now of Oakland will suc
ceed lyer at Sacramento, uml Superin
tendent T. IT. Williams of Tucson,
Am., will succeed Hrennan at Oakland
31BVri3U QIO 3HX
Redding, Cal., .Tun .10. Rain ha
heen falling routtiiuoiisly hero since
midnight. Half an inch is the pre
cipitation in Itodding thus far, but
th storm is heavier toward the Ore
gon line. Hanehers say the ruin is
doing more harm than good, hurting
ripening fruit and damaging the dry
ing fruit. The wusons rainfall is
34.92, twenty inches short of last sea
son 's.
Too read th news we get it.
When In EALEM, OREGON, itof at
fiirictly Modern
Free ana Private Bath
RATES: 75c, 1.00, 11.60 PE DAT
The only hotel in the business district
Neareat to all Depots, Theatre and
Capitol liulldinga,
A Horn Away From Horn.
T. O. BUOH, Pro
Both Phones. Free Auto Boa.
-Kven should
up. the na-1 . .
tional guard of the I'nited States may ottieial sane ronrth warning issued
be kept some time at border eoncen-iy -Marshal Haines of Hums: " Fire
tration camps and put through a rig-1 crackers, bombs and all explosives of
orons course of training. High army whatsoever nature are forbidden within
officers here today intimated that op-ithe old limits of the town of Hums
portnuity for training such a large during the celebration. This will lie
body of citizen soldiers as will be as-1 considered sufficient notice.''
sembled on the border was too good!
not to be utilized in the interest of
future efficiency of the nations mili
tary units.
Troop movements were pracfiiilly
"All over the city," says the Baker
Democrat, "building construction is
going on with a force that dispels the
idea that Baker is at a standstill. The
at a standstill in the eastern part of i many substantial homes that are u li
the country today. Now that t'arran-j ,ler wav is an evidence that Baker peo
7.a has released the negro troopers for j i,l0 believe in their own town tnd
the Tenth cavalry theie was a pen'ep-j mvc t'aitli ia its future."
I tible feeling among militia officials
jthat it might be well to make haste j Medford Mail: At a meeting of the
I more slowly m sending of poorly equip-1 airoctors of the Jackson t'ouutv Indus
jped and poorly drilled militia units to i tri.(1 Vir R,SU(.iation held in Medford
me nornor. ii was auinitieu louay
that not a single one of the regiments
Automobile Faaaetmer and B&
Ke Transfer
FSirniehed Tenta and Cottaea.
Correspondence Promptly
X D. PICKENS, Bos 274
now en route is actually "Ht from
a military standpoint, to stand ardu
ous service.
Where These W1U Oo
Nogales, Ariz., .Tune .10. The Twen
ty Second infantry of V. S. regulars
guarding the railroad and water sup
ply of Hisbee will he replaced by the
militia of District of Columbia, it wns
reported here toduy. t'aliforuia mTTi
tia due tomorrow morning will be dis
tributed between Nogalea and Xaco,
according to statements made here.
VanderbUt't Regiment
Balas. Texas, June 30. Colonel Van
derbilt's regiment on the New York
national guard passed through here en
V' route to Mexico today.
Monday, arrangements were made for
the l'.lit) fair to be held in Medford and
the date set for September 13 to Hi
In the past six weeks George M.
Newman of Albany niid l". M. Flicking
er, who resides north of Albany, have
captured tS skunks for the purpose' of
starting a skunk farm near Albany.
Altogether they have 74 in captivity at
their farm, not including a few young
ones which have N-en born there since
the farm was established nix weeks
Medford Mail: At a meetiug of the
directors of the Medford Commercial
club, Monday evening a resolution was
passed unanimously endorsing the Blue
la'dge railroad proposition and asking
the people of the city to support it at
the 'election Juiv 10. '
Stop! Look! Listen!
It will be safe for you to trade at our store as we
take pride in making our store the most sanitary in
the city and always keep our stock pure and clean.
Visit our Vegetable fountain you will always
find it tempting delicious.
Our fruits are always the best the market affords.
TTT 1 rr I aI m n i
vve nave co cases 01 nne ripe cantaloupes ior aai-
nrdflv at S rpnts parh - I
j - - - -
Our Groceries our Service with courteous treat
ment makes this store a delightful place to trade.
J. L. Busick & Son
456 State Street. Phone 182