Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, June 30, 1916, Image 4

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    Editorial Page of "The Capital Journal"
June ::n, T.'IO.
Editor and Manager.
Capital Journal Ptg. Co., Inc.
L. 8. BARNES, "I'll AS. II. FISH Mi,
President Vice-President
Sec. an J Treas.
sulscriptiox hates
Tl.llir hv cnrr'ier. nor venr $"M Per month
j j . ' 1
Daily by mail, per year
3.01) Per month
New York, Wiird-Lewis-Williuriis Special Agency, Tribune riuilding
Chicago, W. H. Stockwel I, People's tius Building
The Capital Journal carrier bovs are instructed to put the paper on the
porch. If the carrier doe not do this, mi.-sea you, or u-ylects gettitnr the
paper to vou on time, kindly phone the circulation manager, us this is the only
way we can determine whether or not the carriers are following instructions.
Phono Main 81 before l:M o'clock and a paper will be sent you by special
messenger if the carrier has missed you.
It took an English jury only fifty minues to find Sir
Roger Casement guilty of high treason, and about one
minute longer for" the judge to sentence him to death. In
this country it woud have been five or six months before
the case would have been called, and it would have taken
from a week to six of them to have secured a jury. Then
instead of trying the case in one day it would have taken
at the least a month. In this case considering the great
work Sir Roger has done for the world and especially
England, it would be a nice thing for the government to
temper justice with mercy, and commute the sentence.
Sir Roger is intensely patriotic, but his love for Ireland
is greater than his love for the English nation as a
whole. In his address before his sentence he said that
loyalty was a crime only in England. He might have
added that just now disloyalty is one of the gravest of
fenses, and yet England has nothing to gain by executing
the death sentence on him.
o t : :i.:4.j t- l tLi iu
.. i .mji' y v I , v I r H v v J 1-1 i :j iiimi H
There is just one thing that keeps the "back to the TT .YX ,31 Tr r''
farm" movement from becoming the rage ant that is that Argentine, but that before any-
the most ardent advocates of it want otheis to do the done c t mak -t Jn
"backing," instead of going back tnis. , h h m t once tak f d obvioug t b k
There are numberless reasons why the i novc men is, w President Wilson replying to a dele-
not hilariously popular, enough of them tha it vvou d take . Woman's Peace Party intimated much
a couple of columns to enumerate them, but he.e aie a, game thing when he gaid. Nevepn my administra.
rm i 1 v,..of, o ciwwi tion shall it be said that any treaty of the United States
The American is a pleasure loving character, a speed . , . , w , ' . . ,
maniac in all that he does, and the farm life is too slow
Once accustomed to citv ways the farm ceases to be at
tractive. The rising with the sun does not appeal to one
who is in the habit of going to bed at that hour. Follow
ing a plow all day on foot somehow does not seem near
so delightful as putting a foot on a pedal and turning on
the gasoline while sitting on the cushioned seat of a joy
Picking the incarnadine berries from the dew-laden
vines before breakfast listens nice but in practive does
not appeal to the man who can, lying in bed, press a but
ton and have the same berries nicely washed and culled
brought to him in bed along with plenty of rich cream
that he did not have to get from a cow himself.
The little country gathering, where everybody knows
everybody else, and which is indeed one of the most en
joyable occasions to him who has not been spoiled and
mentally diseased by being innoculated with the city bug,
is to him an unmitigated bore.
The having to go to the pump for water instead of
turning a faucet in any room in his house and getting it
fresh and colder than from the moss-covered bucket, does
not appeal to his esthetic tastes.
The little amateur exercises at the school house so
dear to us older folks, so filled with the most delightful
memories, are to the city dweller insipid, dreary, unbearable.
Maud Muller with her graceful ankles bare and brown
is a 'scrap of paper.' We have come to a crisis where acts
must follow words. While we have the greatest sympathy
with the problem of the Mexican people and their desire
for self government, we have come to the point where we
must insist that the lives and liberty of our people shall
be safe from the depredation of Mexican bandits."
(Continued from Tage 1.)
em v Mit'tcfiii'' tni'httul losses, hut e;i
of Hill t ' i . the Oermans carried
first line of a fortified works in 1.
all the French occupants had been
buried. The French rccuptuied the
works by a most brilliant counter at
tack. The Hermans became active yesterday
alone; the Belgian front, nut a Herman
was rcpulseil. rvear isieupoit
in several weeks, marked activity is re
ported alon' the Isonzo front, particu
larly around Goritz.
The Austrian are now offcrin" most
stubborn resistance to the Italian a. I-. attack
vancc in the Trenrino. The ncspa-, r rench artillery supporting the belyiau
pers (rive warninj; that the next few I lines dispersed three enemy roconnais
days may see none of the spectacular sauces.
victories that marked the first days of
the Italian offensive when frorn six: British Are Repulsed,
to eilit enemy positions were captured1 Berlin, June lio. British attacks at
every 1'4 hours. various places alon the (iernian front
have been repelled the war office an-
Attack Kuropatkin. nounccd this afternoon.
Petrogrnd. June .".0. The Germans, In the fighting northwest of Verdun,
have begun a series of sudden violent the Germans have made progress near
attacks against General Kuropatkin 's , Hill ;!04.
entire front from Riga through Jacob-i French detachments attacked the
stmlt to Dvinsk. It is believed Field German front in the Champagne region
Marshal Von Hindeuburg is launching a 'between Tahure and liaison De Cham
new offensive in an effort to divert pagne but were repulsed with bloody
Russian troops from the Galician and losses.
Volhynian campaign. i
Virtually all of Kuropatkin 's forces! Report Russian Gain?,
are under bombardment. German raid-! Talis, June :.!0. The newspaper Echo
IJe Tarts declared today that the Rus-
Two Thirds of a Billion Dol
lars Appropriated for
Army and Navy
ing parties have been harassing the
Russian lines for 4s hours.
Interest is divided between the Ger
man operations in the north and the
Russian advance on Kolomen in south
eastern Galieia. t'noff icinl reports today
placed the Russian lines within less
than in miles of Kulomea. which is of
great strategic importance, because of
its position as a railway confer.
sians have captured the important Gali
ciou railway citv of Kolomea.
Tetiourad dispatches to the 'nited
Tress today reported the Russians with
in 10 miles of Kolomea.
Sea-sawing at Verdun.
June fill. The Germans last
night shifted their attack bai k to the
west hunk of the Mouse and delivered
.several violent assaults .receded by
liquid fire between Avocourt and Hill
'Mi the war office announced.
All the attacks were repulsed, the en-
Say Russians Checked.
Rorlin, June :.!H. The Russians made
fruitless counter attacks southeast o'f
U'inicwka in the region west of Sokul,
the war office announced this after
noon. The Germans took 100 prisoners
and seven machine guns.
(Continued from Page Une.)
Before proceeding to skin the Mexicans might it not
be a good plan to give Carranza a shave? He seems to
imagine ne is someining 01 a moaern samson, ana 11 may
be he suspects his strength lies in his whiskers. If he
was shaved he might discover that instead of being a
Samson he was only the weapon Samson used against the
Phillistines. Someone expressed it epigrammatically
this way:
"Jack eating too ripe cheese did say
Like Samson I my thousands slay.
Yes, said a wag, indeed you do
And with the selfsame weapon too."
Washington. June 30. The biggeat
military appropriations in the history
of the nation have already been
aside, or are about to be set aside, by
this session of congress. Congressmen,
pointed out today that instead of tho
quarter of a billion dollars customar
ily appropriated at each session for
military purposes the present session
will chalk up a record of from thro
fifths to three-fourths of a billion.
Leading expenditures as compared
with previous appropriations are:
Navy. ;: l.:!S7.;i4.".; 1-J!t.5:t,Sfi3 (in
A rm v. &!0.tHKMHMi; U'1.74.105 (in
1 ! I .
Forts. $23,120,1 10; ,!i,017,141 (in
Armor plate plant $20,000,000.
Deficiency act ,-J7.:"5,:i IX.
Totals. .to.-.T.OGO.ilOl and $2til.2G4.n.
This year's army bill is not yet com
pleted, but the figures given are thosn
estimated by committee members draft
ing the measure.
In addition there are many minor
bills which hare passed separately.
These probablv will easily total $10,
000,000. The pension act for this year calls for
.4 bWion.OOO $0,000,000 less than bat
year's figures.
The Oregonian in discussing the Mexican situation
and what it calls the refusal of the present administra
tion to take steps to settle the matter, is not entirely
frank. If every one of its assertions are true, they are
true not only for the three years of the present adminis
tration, but for about two years of that of President
Taft. Instead of speaking of three years of watchful
watiing it should if it wanted to be absolutely fair include
The following prices for fruits
and vegetables are those asked by
the wholesaler of the retailer, and
not what is paid to the producer.
All other prices are those paid the
producer. Correctioni are made
The markets ar
changes except
market. Turk on
prices today at
dull today with no
in the live stock
foot is sfuie;er with
T2 and S cents. For
spring lambs. 7 1-4 cents is tin
est and for steers 0 cents.
Rolled barley
Cracked corn
Shorts, per ton
Alfalfa, California, toa
IVlaUU lHUlltl Willi III 1 111 HVl l 111 cunH-i- i-im u"u uiw..... , ,1 i 1. i . , , j
peeping from beneath her gown is not in the same class1 he last two years of the republican administration of
with the whole leg done in gauzy tights which he can see I sulent laU-
at any show in the city, at any time, two or three dozen
pairs of them for half a dollar. The weather sharps report that there is not quite nine
And so it goes through the whole list of human occu-: inches surplus rainfall so far this year, and the surplus
pations, pursuits, pleasures or what you will, that serve is steadily increasing, as in an average year there is little
to fill out the hours. j or no rain after the middle of June while this year there
So much for tho pleasurable side of farm life as the, seems no let up to the showers. Let us hope that Monday
city person sees it. When it comes to tho business or next old Aquarius will have enough respect for the finest
financial features the attractions are still less appealing, babies in the world, to go chase himself.
The farmer works harder, longer hours and has fewer
lay offs than almost any other occupation, and for this he D. W. Campbell at present assistant general manager
gets less pay than almost any other calling. of the Southern Pacific will be transferred to Los Angeles
The trade rules of the world have hedged him about so July 1. After that date it will be possible for the Corn
he is helpless and there are so many of him that he cannot j niercial club and Salemites generally to think what they
get a "union" that will stick, and so ho becomes an easy; please about the palatial depot here, so long as they don't
prey to circumstances and the balance of the world. For, put their thoughts in words, without being guilty of
everything he buys the other fellow fixes the price anil "lose majesto."
for everything he soils someone, somewhere, ho knows;
not who or where, hxes the price also. It is his business
Butterfat - -
Creamery butter, per pound
Country butter 20c
Eg23 and Poultry.
Fggs. ease count, cash 20(jt20 l-2e
Fggs, trade 21c
Hens, pound 12c
Roosters, old, per pound 8c
Broilers, under 2 pounds loc
conference were that Carranza 's plan is
to scud his answer throiieii tlu envoy
rather than through Consul Kodgel's at
.Mexico City.
Carranza 's delay was partially ex
plained in official ipuirters as due, per
haps to an effort on his part, to let mat
ters calm down and if possible to shape
up with his cabinet an answer satisfac
tory to the I' nited Mates.
These facts developed today after the
cabinet session. Only brief considera
tion was given the Mexican situation
because of the president's haste to
catch a train for New York, where he
will speak tonight before the Tress
Few Americans Left Capital.
Indications here, however, were that
in this session the members determined
that the L'nited .Mutes cannot give
Carranza very much more time to shape
his attitude toward this government.
As for the general policy ton aid Mex
ico and the military situation, cabinet
members said the meeting had not alt
ered these.
ti I i t . . i i i
$7 00 xi me- iiepiirimeur nas rciegrapneii
Consul Rollers at Mexico City that all
Americans must leave Mexico immedi
ately or the l'nited States will not be
responsible for their safety, according
to n telegram to Mexican Ambassador
Anedonilo from Mexico City today.
Fewer than :io0 American's have left
Mexico City and not more than 200
from the surrounding territory, the tele
gram said. A sireat inaiorilv of Amer
icans in Mexico Citv have decided
.... 80e
... 40c
... :f0.00j
vice commission that if will send ten
cars to the factory today. Customer
of the Kwauua company threatened
suit unless they could get boxes to
take care of their fruit shipments.
Your Stomach Bad
MAYR'S Wonderful Remedy and Bo
Convinced That You Can Be
Restored to Health.
Pork, Veal and Mutton.
Veal, dressed 8(g9c
Turk, dressed lOtfilO l-2o
Tork. on foot 7 l-2c(TiSc
.Spring lamb-, li'lli 7cfi 7 14c
Steers "ei tic
Cows 4(u5c
Hulls 3di 3 l-2c
l-.wcs 4(al l-Jc
Wethers 6c
remain. The Mexican government has
guaranteed protection of the lives of
and the property of the Americans in
w lieiiev
Arredondo emphatically denied today
reports from Mexico City that Ameri
can property was being confiscated. He
has received a number of dispatches
lately saving creat feeliner ' exists
; against Mexicans on the American side
I of the border.
Mayr's Wonderful Remedy has been
taken by many thousands of peoplo
throughout the land. It has brought
to ! health and haooiness to sufferers who
Tomatoes. California $1.2.")
Cabbage $3.00
Cucumbers 50c
String garlic
Potatoes, ewt $l.2o(al.50
Potatoes, new- 2f'i2 l-:c
Beets $1.00
had despaired of ever being restored
and who are urging others who
may be suffering with Stomach, Liver
tales of Tabasco and (iunnaiato , and Intestinal Ailments to try it. One
Americans express a desire to ' dose will convince the most skeptical
sutterer. it acts on the source aim
foundation of these ailments, remov
ing the poisonous catarrh and bilo
accretions, and allaying the underly
ing chronic inflammation. Try one
dose of Mayr's Wonderful Remedy
put it to a test today you will bo
overjoyed with your quick recovery.
Send for booklet on Stomach Ail
ments to Geo. H. Mayr. Mfg. Chemist,
lfil-loli Whiting St., Chicago, 111.
For sale by ,T, C. Terry and all otbor
reliable druggists.
T. C. Terrv, 115 South Commercial.
Relief has been promised the Ewa
una Mux company of Klamath Falls
which was to have closed on account
of a shortage of freight cars. The S.
T. has informed the slate public ser-
, 15c
to fad the world ami It naturally Ml, .the
oil him. His calling is the one absolutely necessarj to , . ,
the world's existcm-c, and y,t the m,,-l,l h
honor. It treats him much as does a big call which wneni , . , ,
int. -ii iuuiu.
Wonder whom the president had in mind when in his Green onions V.'.V.'.V. V. 7.7.7.'. 401
at Philadelphia yesterday he 1 q-en - 2f
j 11 1 , 1 . llTeen peas 0(0 4c
I COUkl give VOU a Short USt ; Carrots, sack, new $1.75
TTnit-oil Sntc ii tint enfa mir nf Carrots, dozen 40e
vniou?. lULUurniii
hungry seeks its mother's dugs ami no matter how thin
and poor she may bo from its persistent draining of her
vitality, her strength, which she gives up to so freely and
generously, it but butts tho harder, careless of results so;
long as its own appetite is satistied. It is all wrong, but
it is tho existing fact just tho same.
If the city man could bo forced to live in tho country
and to earn his living on a farm he might bo weaned from
his city idols. He might learn the many compensations,
the cleaner living, the more healthful atmosphere, the
real joys of life instead of its false ones and in time learn
to love and appreciate them. As this cannot bo done it is
safe to say the back to tho farm movement will not ma
terialize so long as tho necessity for food does not compel
it. Its strongest advocates are like the sign posts on the
highway which point out the roads but never travel
WW .rPU I r k ..kJ
LADD & BUSH, Bankers
Established 1SGS
CAPITAL ... . . $500,000.00
Transact a General Rankin? ruine$$
Safely Deposit Boxes
tarJJK'SaTOsaAaaaaigBaOTTTn 111 1 11 iiiinim
..The world is old, and man still talks, at times, of
Adam's starboard ox. When any man's profoundly dead,!
of him it's usually said, by folks on the adjacent blocks,
that he's as dead as Adam's ox. And if a
stranger you shall see, and you are asked
who he may be, you say, "I give it up, old
sox ; I know him not from Adam's ox." You
say the "off ox," all the time, but that
won't fit into this rhyme. Oh, famous beast,
immortal ox, whost shade still on this foot
stool walks! No other brute, since time be
gan, no mouse or mule or mole or man,
thus effortless has won renown, a fame the
ages cannot down' How did you play
your bovine game, that vou have earned
this deathless fame? We hear no word of Adam's hog, of
Adam's mule, of Adam's dog; we've no description of his
stove, or of the motor car he drove, or if his watch or
Sunday hat, or his imported Maltese cat, but his off ox
has come to stay; we hear it quoted every 'day.
I Fruits.
iWatermelrns 2 1-Ce
I Teaches 7'(i 1.00
'ranges, Valencies $4.00
I Lemons, per box $ ."i.'Ortr 6.00
I Cantaloupes l.75(ii 2.00
Bananas, pound ot
Apples $2.00
California c;r:ipe fruit $2.50,
Florida grape fruit $5.00(ii $G.00 :
Pineapple So
Honey 3.50
Strawberries 1.25(ti 1.50
l nerncs. $1.50 :
California plums $1.50
Apricoti $1.75
ffi kLj-J
Eetall Prices.
Hp2J, per dozen, fresh ranch 23c
SuRar, enne $S.75
Sugar, beet $3.55
Creamery butter 35c
l-'lour, hard wheat $ 1.4O,,;T..0
Flour, taller $1.15(3125,
The Nation's
Tkere Is No Better
Portland, .tune "0.
Wheat club sitTt
Hluestem '.'liiiOv
Kortyfold !l2..r!v
Red Kussian S4,,
tints No. 1 white feed 2
Parley, feci if2ii.."i'.i 2v."'
Hois, best live .(. T s. :.'.
Prime steers .2.ti 7.."o
Fancy cms ?.'n
Sprite lambs 7.2,"
Mutter creamery 2,V
Country bnttcr 27c
r-'Cbest local ex., 2 ',' :
ens l.toi 1 tc
Broilers ljlf.i H
Oeese 11
Always Watch This Ad
-Changes Often
Strictly correct weight, iqur deal and highest price for all kind ol
junk, metal, rubber, hijj and fun. I pay 2Vje per pannd for old nga,
Big stock of all aize second nl incubators. All kindj corrugate
iron for both roofs and buildings. Roofiag paper aad seconikaad
H. Steinback Junk Co. J
Tb'House of Hal! a kdlioa Barfalas. Z
803 North Common-La'. It
Pious 11
MM !