THE DAILY CAPITAL JOT RNAL, SALEM, OREGON, FRIDAY, JUNE 30, 1916. HP" I E 1 n 13 U 11 m n ti Mid-Summer Suit Sale They're Off for MOT SEND TROOPS Negro Troopers Given Great Latin America, Except Brazil, ii ra ti 11 i j n n ii M Welcome, Captain Morey and Wife Meet Can Not Help Straightening Out Mexico .Extra Pants Wi th every suit order ed during sale V i I 3 An extra pair of trousers will double the life of your suit. Its like getting two suits for the price of one. We must keep our tailors busy during the Summer, hence this splendid offer to you. Prepare Now for Fall and Winter Prices Always the Same In spite of the enormous advauco in woolens, the same high standard of Scotch Woolen Mills clothes will be rigidly maintained. Don't Miss This Grand Opportunity Sale Starts Saturday, July 1 st Scotch woo 357 State Street, Market Was Very Dull Little Change In Prices Xew York, June .10 The New York livening Sun financial review today aid: While tho Mexican situation bus im proved as a result of the surrender of the captured cavalrymen, the delay on the part of General Carranza in reply ing to He American tote asking his intentions regarding the punitive ex pedition, injected an element of un certainty which served us a restraining influence in today's stock market. And in addition (tomorrow's short, ses sion, immediately preceding the Sun day intermission snd Tuesday's holi day was well calculated to accentuate the conservatism of the speculative element. In consequence the market was ex tremely dull, though prices , despite some irregularity, were, fairly well maintained. This was particularly true of the standard railway issues which improved moderately under the leadership of Union Pacific, and Read ing, which advanced a point or more in tbo early trading. But there was no mistaking the highly professional character of tho doings. First prices were, variably changed with a rather heavy tendency predom mm DRINK tiltA Ifi iart3 Liquid Food Use Salem Home Product the following grocers sell it: fcalston's Nob Hill Star Daue It Sons, South Commercial Street Westacott-Thielson Co., State Street Bustck k Sons, State Street C. a. Nichols, 247 N. Commercial Foster ft Baker, North Commercial Smith McCUin, 326 N. Commercial Welle r Bros., N. Commercial Roth Grocery Co., N. Liberty Ftdh.wing additional firms in Saloni added to the 'too Booster, today: Poisal & Shaw, South Commercial and Miller Lehold & Co., 12th and State Street O. K. Grocery. Smith 12th Street Hark i ohedeck, 22il S'tnte Street Kpploy's, lf'tli and State Street C. M. Robert, Court Street Other merchants will be listed from time to time, as seen. j j u u if r pJ rU II Iff $15 and $2 Salem W. W. Emmons, manager inating and an attempt wait made by the bear element to depress tho list. Prices moved narrowly in the later trading and speculative conditions were little changed, but the market de veloped a heavy tendency on the even ing up of traders' contracts and the week 's end. This was particularly marked in specialties like American Zinc, liutte Superior, Baldwin Locomotive, Indus trial Alcohol, Mexican Petroleum and the like. OEREGON IS IRISHMAN (Boise, Idaho, Statesman) "The man behind the throne," in Mexico today is considered by many persons to be General Alvaro Obrcgon It is he. diplomats hint, who ias rais ed his voice at t'arranxa's ear and brought about the present situation he who dictated the terms which were bronght forward at the Kl Paso con ference. Obregon, say some observers, is the most powerful man Mexico has seen since ri7, and unquestionably lie is now minister of war and in absolute command of the best army that all of Latin-America has ever seen. Nearly 100 years ago in 1821, It was the King of Spain sent John O 'Donahue, an Irishman, to rule as viceroy over Mexico. He brought with list Make your own selec tion. Hundreds of choice patterns to select from new (ind up to the minute. rail ii it Out of Town Judges for Baby Parade In order that the judging of the babies at the parade Monday morning may bo absolutely impartial, the com mittee headed by Mrs. W. H. Ihmcy is arranging to secure out of town judges who have no acquaintances in the city. And to make doubly sure, these judges will be known to only the committee making the selection. " Jt is not necessary to bring the in fants along when registering tomorrow afternoon at the Commercial Club. Al though the little ones may be entered Monday morning tip to tho time of the parade, the committee requests that en tries be made from 1 until 0 o'clock tomorrow afternoon at the club, just to avoid the rush the last half hour. Mrs. due Xusbaum is imbued with the patriotic spirit, as yesterday she en tered one boy andThree girls. Others who entered .Thursday afternoon were Mr. and Mrs. A. B." Abbott, a boy; Mr. and Mrs. K. '. Tripes, a boy. him across the seas a friend, Michael O'Brien Later Iturbide and his army ousted O'Donahue, ended the three hundred years of misrule of Spain by Mexico,) and established the "first empire. " Michael O'Brien changed his allegi-j ance and served Iturbide well, brought! a colleen, from, the Emerald Island, married, settled down,, and prospered. Before- he died his name had been 'changed by the Mexicans to Miguel , Obregon, and it is the great grand ! son of this Michael-Miguel who now I heads Carranza ' armies. Which may explain many things. Just ask the Kngbsh. Clarence E. Albia to Succeed Carl Abraras Clarence I'. Albin, claim agent for the state industrial accident commission, will tomorrow ussume the duties of a commissioner to fill the vacancy creat - led by the resignation of Commissioner I Carle. Ahrams. Abrams is in command j of the Third battalion of the Third Ore- ! gon infantry now at San Diego, f'al. 1 Governor Withycombe is expected to sign Mr. A Hun's appointment tomorrow and the new commissioner will begin his duties at once. Commissioner Abrams, it is understood, handed in his resigna tion as soon as the national guard re ceived orders to prepare for active ser vice but the governor did not take ae - 'ion on it until it became certain that the troops would be called to the bord- ! er Ttie rinhitinn cnrriny n ifli it fl Bfttnrv "f 3.ilon a year. CViPimisionor Albin was formerly Pn lorn agent for the Oregon Klectric roil Why. He hns been with the state com- miinn tor tho past two rears. No sue eovsor to V r, lbin has vet been nimied. Can vou imagine those Mexican c) 1 kids reciting the list of presi- oVnt lil-c we to do nhen we w.r.tit to school?" inquires the A-torian. Kl Taso, Texas, June 30. Living in comparative luxury at the convalescent hospital at Fort Bliss, the 23 negro troopers released from Chihuahua peni tentiary were today showered with flowers, candies, fruits, cigars, cigar ettes and watermelons by the citizens of El Paso. Nevertheless, the colored soldiers of Carrizal expressed a desire for an early return to their commands in Mexico and another go at the Mexicans. The cavalrymen are not treated as negroes by Kl Pasonns. They have been received and showered with attentions never shown a black man south of the Mason and Dixon line. They are regard ed as heroes, soldiers of Uncle Sam. Flowers uank their looms. Twenty three sets of white teeth glistened when the colored troopers arose todnr after a peaceful sleep in white covered cots, the tirst rcallv comtortalile lodging the men have hud for months. Compared to the stone floors or I hinuahua ucui tentiary it was "heaben" one trooper remarked. General Bell will send the colored cav alrymen back to their regiment lit Co. Ionia Dublan when thev have entirely recovered the effects of their mistreat ment at the hands of the Cniranzistn soldiers while prisoners. Captain Meets Wife. Kl Paso, Texas, June 30. Return of the horses and weapons belonging to the 23 American prisoners released was expected here today to close the Car rizal incident. However, the return of I the negro troopers, their reception by ; large crowds and their stories of Car j ranzista soldiers killing the American J wounded and robbing the captured was l still the popular topic. That he passed several wounded and ; later saw them dead w ith fresh bullet ; wounds in their bodies was the state i meat of Trooper Archie Jones, sup ported by Troopers William Oibson and j Luther Alexander, w ho also reported bo ling robbed of several hundred dollars I of their army savings and jewelry. Alexander, wounded in the shoulder, de clared ho did not receive prompt or proper medical attention. In the transfer of the. prisoners on the international bridge to General Hell. 4 tho return of another Carrizul hero was Hiiiiosi entirely overlooked by Kl Paso ans. When the GoMcu State Limited from the west pulled into Union station un iift'ieors in soiled khaki alighted, his arm in a sling. With tears streaming down her cheeks, and a cry of joy, a little woman in a dark blue traveling suit rushed up to him. They embraced, while scores o'f curious passengers hesi tated as they scurried for their trains. Apparent'.. pale and weak from hard ships, the. officer patted the little wom an on the back while she kissed him. He was Captain Lewis S. Morey, of the Tenth cavalry. The little woman in blue was his wife, who was at first in formed that her husband probably had been killed. Tlicy were driven to the Paso Del N'orte hotel, as happy as hon eymooners. The Moreys expect to re main here several days before going to San Antonio. J COURT HOUSE NEWS Circuit judge Percy Rellev arrived from Albany today and this morning heard a number ot motions and de murrers in various actions. By order of t'ne couit Cora X. Tone today received a divorce from Ever ette Cone. Mrs. Cone is permitted to resume her maiden name of I'ora X. Tribblc by Judge Galloway's decree. J. C. Mcf'rea's complaint against Sheriff Ksch, concerning the seizure of propertr for oolleetion of tuxes has been dismissed in department 2 of thej circuit court. Newton Knntson of Tetroit, Oregnn and Miss Kunir-e M. Goodrich of Ni agara, have secured a marriage per mit. A decree issued today by Judge Gal loway in the casl of the Salem Fair field Telephone association against L. II. McMaban, says that McMahan shall pay telephone charges from January 1, 1010,- at the rate of one-third of the chart'e for the use of s six party line. To McMahan is also awarded costs amounting to .'IS. A default judgment was entered to day by Judge Kelly Against W. L. Freres who was sued by S. II. licit .el for $1.10 attorney fees. The cae of the state aginst Patrick O'Connell has been dismissed in the 'circuit court. The court held that j there was not sufficient . evidence for i a conviction. May Get Chance to Go To West Point Here is a chance for voting men be tween the ages of 10 and 22 years old to join the srmv and after one year's : service, if worthy, be sent to West Point to be educated for a commission I.. ..,!., r 1' M rmv Tin. ffor comes today through Sergeant Gus u-... , rt. j, ,m, l,ny been sent here as recruiting officer. At present he may be found at the Bligh Young men between the ages of IS and 21 mar join the regular army I w ithout the coe-ent of their parents, .From the ages of 11 to IS venrs, the parent. ' consent must be given. The height must not be Ics than five feet. iree nnd one ha f nclies nnd the 'weight over 115 pounds. Sergeant By Charles P. Stewart (United Press stntf correspondent) ' lteunos Aires, June 30. Argentine would not give serious consideration to a proposal to send nn army to Mex ico to cooperate with the United States army and armed forces of other Latin American republics in restoring order. This much was learned authoritatively today, United Press dispatches from Wash ington, reporting such a plan under discussion were printed at length to day by La Nacion, leading paper of South America. The newspapers thus far have not commented. Argentine's objection to such a plan it may be stated on good authority is; that Argentine might become unduly involved in affairs of the North Amer ican continent. Simply to carry out tiie idea of cooperation, she might con sent to send a single Argentine officer to accompany the American forces, ll is believed here that other South A merican republics would follow the same course, except that perhaps Bra zil would be willing to send several thousand men. Pacific Team Is hcked tor Winner Long Beach, t ab, June 30. For the first time since 1!I0!I, when tho first Pacific coast section tourney took place, a southern team is picked to win the annual doubles tournament of the Pacific States Lawn Tennis asso ciation. The twenty-ninth annual tournament opened this morning on the Hotel Virginia courts and will not be concluded until July -I. Thirty teams will compete. Maurice Mcl.oughlin and Ward Dawson, of Los Angeles, arc favorites today. Viola ml Roberts and C. B. De trick are Sun Francisco entrants and the McSwain brothers of Sacramento are here representing the central coun ties tennis association. Billy Johnston and Peck Griffin of San Francisco, na tional doubles champions, are here and will appear in exhibition matches. Winners of the tourney here will be sent east to dispute with teams from other sections for the right to play the present champions for the title. NOT LIKE HUGHES (New York World.) "It. is impossible to imagine Mr. Hughes as president writing a mes sage to congress demanding a great war credit and instant naval and mili tary preparation for a war with Ger many because of the invasion of Bel-1 giuni or the destruction ot the l.usi tania. The utmost stretch of fancy docs not enable us to sec him asking congress to declare war on Mexico. The picture would be wholly imaginary, false to the man and the occasion. "Yet the republicans have absolute ly no other issue upon which with tiny degree of force and consistency they can demand of the people a with drawal of their confidence in President Wilson. That issue they dare not raise. They condemn, they denounce, they use freely the adjectives of the language, but their nouns an. I verbs have no specific meaning," AMERICAN AVIATOR GIVEN HIGH HONOR Paris, June 3u. Lieutenant William Thaw American flier with the Franco- American corps has been decorated with the Legion of Honor niei Sergeant Kifl'in Rockwell and Corpor al McArdcll awarded the military med al for bravery in action. The three Americans were officially 'compliment ed for daring services. William M. Burber of Toledo, Ohio, member of the American ambulance has been wounded at the front. Hawley In Fayor Of Astoria Naval Station Washington, June 30. Supporting a bill for the establishment of a naval station at Astoria, Ore., Representative Hawley today declared to the house naval affairs committee that every Uni ted Slates vessel which leaves the Brem erton navy yard passes under the, guns of British forts. "In i-ase of war with Knglund tin . nrcmerton navy wouia uc practically i useless," said Haw ley. Hawley declared tho far northwest with an urea as large as Germany, ca pable of supporting 00,000,000 to 70, 000,000 people, would be in danger of occupation by a foreign foe unless the mouth of the Columbia was strongly guarded. He said if foreign troops ever occupied this territory, controlling the mountain passes, they could never be i ,i;i,l,i i ,-,,- .,. ,,. ,,,, .uniiii, Ai rj, .1,1. .,.! bit. row11"'" "P '""1 Mrs. Fred S. By- provides 'for a commission of naval ex perts to study the Pacific const with ihe idea of establishing another naval base." said Chairman Padgett. EARTHQUAKE SOMEWHERE Washington, June .'!0. An earth- j quake of unusual intensity was record ed on the 'Georgetown seismograph,; Father TorhdortT announced toduv. ' ourtroom, Waiikegan. III., June .HI. Tremors started at IO:OS lust night, I " 1,1 Orpet 's attorneys, confident increasing in intensity until 11 :2t Orpet 's own story of Marion Lull when they .uddenly erased, It is es- bert 's death had liecn unshaken in any tiinated the quake occurred about I.KIO miles trom a-ningion Krcv-cr bus been with the regular army j 21 years, having seen service in thei Philippines under General Chaffee. The government proposes to establish ' schools tor recruits aim inrougn unil new ..mcsnnj oxer ine war ottice and a est Point eilueulion, open a career ror s i im-m hs ..i ' tVcrs in the regular army. Those of You REMEMBER n tl II u ti n 11 tl ti ll H 11 fl H tl 11 t1 n ii ti ii ii Your Needs in Furnishings Can be taken Brick B The House That Guarantees Every Purchase GS SI ?! T3 T" TS . ft LEAVE TACOMA TODAY Tacoina, Wash., June 30 The first contingent of Wash ington national guard troops to start for the Mexican front, are scheduled to begin their southward journey between I ami 3 o'clock this afternoon. The detachment consists of the First company of signal corps men from Seattle and troop It Taconia cavalry. Both organi zations are fully equipped and recruited to war strength. Troop It is ordered to proceed to I'alcxico, '''al., for patrol dm v. Social Service Center Already Organized, Best For This Work All contributions received by the va rious relief organizations of the city will probably be handled through tho Sulein Social Service Ceuler of the Com - mercial club, as this organization al- i . . , ... J is familiar with conditions in the city. This was the expressed opinion of those attending the meeting last even - ing called for the purpose of getting the opinions of business men as well as those of the Salem Patriotic League and others interested in ndief work. Plans decided on include the selling of ice cream and confections ut the bund concerts by l4ie Patriidic league members, and the calling of a mass meeting at the armory when printed cards will be passed around whereby pledges will be received for the giving of certain amounts each month, t'r.mi 2,1 cents to any amount ono inny feel able to give. In th,e discussion of the best way of handling relief, the general opinion was expressed that all- organizations should work together to prevent duplication rilUi and to also have some means of dis- g the. relief in a business like manner, one thut will be permanent us long as the relief is necessary. - i a meeting ot ine iiusincss Men's league, it was the unanimous opinion that all business houses should be ap proached for relief through n commit tee appointed by the league, and that this committee co-operate with the Sa: lem Social Service Center. Those present, at the conference lasl t,l.rl. t . 1 ... If f t t W lion, representing the ways and means committee und the Rev. James Klviu, K. C Li.. .... ..1 u ) I'll!, .a i m ti iy, , , ''k.V. fc . T , ' (i ' K - "'"1 lan .. Marhn. jOrpet Trial Will Be -j Postponed for Fourth ;,- main point hv the rigid cross-exRiniiia-j tion he had undergone, set about today to ahoy by science, psychology, limps, -1 mathematics, rumors and letters that Marion coiiiiniltod suicide. Owr the objections of the state, Judge Donnolly announced today that adjournment tomorrow afternoon will July nn Hominy. Phone 81 for lack of service. Remaining j ii ii 13 11 11 U n II ii Clothing and H ll N care of by ii B 11 II II 11 n n ros. W mm mm mm mm mm mi mm mm (Continued from Pago I.) Fnnston Placing Them. Mm Antonio, Texas, June 30, Gen eral Fiinslon today directed prepara tions for disposing of the militia regi ments who will reach their destinations on the border tonight and early to morrow. The censorship was on regarding the exact plans, but it was learned thai competent regular urinv officers will be on hand to give any necessary aid nt encampment points, Illinois and New Y'ork troops will be the first to arrive at their destinations. I The First Illinois infantry, closely fol lowed by tho Second and Seventh, will begin arriving at Fort Sum Houston late ithis afternoon. These troops, as well ns I others ordered to San Antonio, w ill bo held at the fort until drilled to pcrl'ec tiou and ucclimntcd. Other militia un its, who go to Kagle Pass, Brownsville and other border points, will get hss drill, but more actual warfare prnc jtiec. Some of them will relieve regulars now on border duty, while others will merely reinforce the regulars. Beginning tonight, a constant nt renin of militia men will be pouring into General Fuiiston's territory. Most "f them are yet to bo fully equipped, ns regarding liorHCs, supply wagons. Kach will be supplied as rapidly as possible. The staff at Fort Sam Houston has plans well outlined. It will be the United States first test since the Spanish-American war in handling a large number of mobile troops in one army clermrt inont There are about 50.0(10 1 regulars on duty in Mexico and on the border and the militia arrivals will t,..,1 tn inn nnn , TV... visioning of these troops will require manv more motor trucks, nmintniniinr coniiniiiiienttiinii hot ween the conimiin.U 1 will require new field telegraph nnd field wireless and many details are yet to bo accomplished. TO MOVE TROOP TRAINS Portland, Juno .10. liuilwiiv trainmen today adopted resolu tions declaring they will con tinue to operate troop trains and trains carrying supplies for tiie United States uriiv, even should u general strike be called throughout the country. Wedding Announcements, In vitations, and Calling Cards printed to your order at the Capital Journal Job office. Phone 81. Get Your Loganberry Tickets Printed at the Capita Journal Office Prompt Service and the price is right POSTINGGUARDSMEN 3