Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, June 29, 1916, Image 1

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fit M! ItBTB llifiiM. I iHItniTOifir
phmm - "
f K! S! r mJE m i"PTiliiMF' h ib iim ami me '
mn All .llirn'o 10 T n , , rizal on which General Trevino """ IflllL Ul I L If U I I L
run all mm s w. n ha h as?4 ?i qhthipe nam
Present Crisis Is Vital
of Principles for Whic
All Strive
Interests of Western World
Demands It Present a
United Front
By J. P. Yoder.
(United Press staff correspondent )
Washington, June 2 it. A Pun-American
"police" force, composed of de
tachments of the armies of the United
states. Argentine, Brazil, Chile anil
other Latin-American republics to re-:-tore,
nut to erusch Mexico.
This is the suggestion brought to tlie
attention of the administration and
South American officials today from
certain quarters, which, it is believed,
will eventually lend to serious con
sideration of the project.
Latin-America cannot conceive of war
Letnceu the United States and Mexico.
nccordi:icr to Amhnssml
gentine, who set this forth clearly with
,T l,,'B"y witli"v- ns nrtie spurts ot dirt The American soldiers were held im
a strong anneal for the ni..,v.i.... arose where t in in i..tu f,,i, n, r.... ,i .- t , u
r.P in r..u
OF lan-Americanism yesterdar. To
those interested in further;.!, thL
American movement, the present crisis
l.etwecn the United States nnd Mexico
is regarded as n vital test of the priif
ciplea for which the powers of the Am
ericas have been striving.
Strife between nations of the Amer
icas would bo regarded by them as vir
tual civil war. They point out that
pvery trenty negotiated between Euro
pean powers lias fallen apart. With all
tne rest of the world divided, thev con
tend thnt the Americas must present a
nutted front, the nations of the two
continents must join interests diplo
nintically, commercially and industrial
Jy. War between any two of the Am
erica n nations would mean an immediate
division into groups, thus weakening the
entente and leaving the wav open at
the end of the European war for pos
sible influence, if not domination, 'from
To preserve the strength .,,.:i.
t.ie Americas, Latin-American as well
ris administration men working in the
interests of Pan-Americanism declare
it is imperative first that peace in the
Americas be maintained now and second
that n way be found to enforce contin
ued peace in the future. This brings
l.e suggestion of a r,in-An,erioan po
Jice force. 1
It is pointed out that most of the
theories of world peace advanced to
I!'' 1 1,nv'' 1 '' leased upon the scrub-
f,,m0:,t f a" '""-"ational police
In the present situation between the
Cm ed States and Mexico and the
working t of the general ,,lan of
l an-Aiiicncanisni, those behind the
movement see the po.sibilitv of a test'
't the theory upon which mav rest the
Ji"pe of international peace. "
Successful joint actio,, by the nations
the Americas in pacifying and restor-
:.. " -'"-m.u wouiii iiave great
m uence i Europe, ,t is be ,,?. t0.,dow a coulee carried away the ,,,t
ar, providing the practicability of in-' i" which Mrs. Stone and her children
. mi.iuuiu --ponce" work,
Lntin-Amorican powers do not re-'
voo .Mexican responsibility for the
am,, clash as proved. Jn fact the
"de ot Capinm Morey rather s.mes,s
1.. them possible provocative action by
ie American troops. Their view js
Ihnt Hie stake for which the nations of
the two continents are plavin,- i ad-'
valu ing Pnn-Anieiicanism is t",. g1Vot!
to be jeopardized through war, based
Misery alius attracts a dog tt:t" little
iiiildlVn warm up t' tile bachelors. It's
an anful waste o' shoe leather t' ij at
tcr u run a wav wife.
Troopers Charged and Cap
tured Machine Cun-Boyd's
Last Order, "Co Ahead"
By Webb C. Miller
(United Press staff correspondent)
Columbus, N. jr., June 29. six
I nited States cavalrvinen. missino-
since the Carnal figtit may still be
wandering in the Chihuahua desert or
may have perished f mm tliii-ut n .1
. - - - i H I i si illlll
Captain Lewis S MVin.v f
fight, before leaving early todav for
hi 1'aso to be trivitc.l f,.r'l,!o i.
Mud the six negro troopers still unae-
i-iiiiiiieu ior are believed, to have es
caped to the barren bills in the re
treat from the battle field. The bodies
of C'aptuiu Boyd, Lieutenant Adair and
the dozen or more other Americans
killed outright were left lying on the
field under the terrific sun." What dis
position the Mexicans made of the
bodies of his comrades Morev did not
unrey retold the story of the brave
fi:ht of the two troops' of the Tenth
cavalry made against overwhelming
numbers. stnrv Hm ti-.wu. ii..,..
. .... tll VVllLIll-
bus camp never tire of Hearing.
i enneii in on nn open plain and
nearly surrounded
troops, the Amnrin.ni fmnitn
iintely fought on their bellies anil
rusiRM t no ajpxk'rh lines.
. ,
...... ....., u . nu,1,r,u.u uu
tnptain Hovil fiml l.tniitniKiiit a, in:
(.,M ' -,, ;
had lullcn. with neurit- nti..
ers was retreat begun.
' " -. " v win-
" 111 t ie Pnr V flilil nn- " on!.! "VT.a.
, - ..i ....... ...u
'' macliine guns were hitting. Some
dust spurted into the mechanism of a
trooper s gun at my side. He threvr
.... ..-r.-irui, u, unu U!,i.u an aluo.
mntn (tnn nf nni. nin. .... ......1
matic. One of our bovs near us curl
ed up. lie was hit and died instantly.'
"Mexican cavalry across an irrig'a- j
Hon ditch were riding nt us, firing
from their horses. It was getting aw-,
fully hot. RiUlets were hitting all a
round. Still our men were picking
tlieir tartrets ami uottimr thm T u-i.
kneeling. A bullet got me in the
shoulder. My sergeant said 'We can't,
stand this much longer.' i
"At Inst some one of our men got
the Mexican machine pun nnerntni-i
Thev put another
lioyd was hit twice. Adair had already
ueen Int. T ien lioyd said 'Tell them
to go ahead.' The men jumped up with
yells and ran ritht into the fn-o nf
the machine gun. The Mexicans
abandoned it mid flp.l intn Om fnu... T
ordered my men to retreiit. Simply had
10 uo it to Keep tlie .Mexicans from
getting behind us." I
JKirey, weak from loss of blood and
' , ,
exposure nl i av nn t 1.1 n,.,.tl, :
' :. '
an excavation offering no protection
trom the broiling sun, crept across the
deser at night. He fell exi.ansVd
under a mesquite bush and woke up
hours afterward. Lesuming his pain-
lul effort to escape, he halted twenty
t nnes ,n as many hours.
Alter nearly twenty nur hnnvu c .
out water Morey came upon a snrin?.
He said he threw himself almost bodi-
U into the water. Morey was found
shortly afterward. .
Lewis! on, Mont.. June 29. The bo
ics ol .Mrs. Char es Slime nml lur tu-.i
, , ., , , ,
little children were found today in a
mass of debris left in the wake of a
i-ioiHiiiursr. rt wan oi water sweeping
.were living
What the Militia Is Doing,
Where They Are Going and
Latest News From All Camps
!; -;; !( $ jj
Chicago, June 29. The gov
ernment clamped n censorship
on railway officials todav. or
deiing them to make public no
more troop movements over
their lines. The .Vow York Cen
tral and Krie railway manage
ments here announced they had
been instructed to refer all in
quiries to the war department
San Francisco, June 2'.i. Advan.-e
guards of the California troop, at Sa.
laao'iito, nnd-r ordeis to mote to the
border, will probably be. in their jour-"-y
tonight, it was aniiouii.-ed todav
at the United States army headquart
ers heie.
The destination of the militia is not
yet known, it was declared, mid will
not be known until Geneial I'liiiston
sends his ordeis. If they have not been
r "ived by tonight, however, some o"
the troops will entrniu an.l start, e.
peeting to be informed of their desti
nation while eu route
May Not Leave Today
a tameiilo, Cal., June 2'.. Al
Sent On Special Train and
Arrived at Juarez This
This Morning
Taken Prisoner With Eighty
Others-He Identifies
Nine Raiders
El Paso, Texas, June 29. The United
States negro cavalrymen captured by
C'nrranzista soldiers in tlie C'nrriznl
fiidit .Tune 21 nml vlQ..il fmtn ri,;
huahua penitentiary o wenlt liit.o- nn
President Wilson's demand, arrived in
Juarez this atternoou over the Mexican
central railroad.
The 211 negro troopers nnd T.em Si.illu
uurv. wnite interpreter with Amur
K.an lult.Pa al .niTizui, readied Juarez
, (.,lai.g0 ot upnorai iui)lo jtertaui.
x .
lu,u Ji'imiu irnnsier to representn
t:... .l. h .... r .
ini-s ui l it: i ti Mn im wnr iliiini.f
meilt wafl exiM,,t(,j lo t..U(, ,... ' f o
"t-r ncuvy guiiru, i)ei uing tlieir trnnslcr
tn tl, l:nit...i wt..tu 7.,i
permitted to see them
The names and homo addresses of the
returned prisoners are-
r.. ...
Harvey McKoe, Columbus, Ohio.
iiranam, Mintnville, A. C.
Luther Alexander, Columbia, Tenn.
William B. Gibson, New York City.
Allen Peterson, Meredith, N. H.
Joe Oliver, Brighton, Ala.
C.oorge Stone, Talegda, Ala.
Alexander Page, Washington, N. C
Thomas B. Strickler, Louisville, Ky.
Charles Marshall, Pusadena, Cal.
George M. Chapman, Norristowu, Pa
William Harris, Atlanta, (la.
Samuel McDonald, Cartersville. Tenn,
William (littons, Chnttonooga, Tenn.
R. G. James, Washington, Ga.
J. B. Ward, Chattanooga, Tenn.
James M. Stokes, Atlanta, Ga.
Fred Williams, St. Louis, Mo.
William Hogue, North Carolina.
Ira L. Floyd, Oklahoma City, Okl.l.
John Coleman, Wntersville, Miss
P. G. Hatteras, Georgia.
John Watson, Macon, Ga.
I.em Spillsbury, the son of a Mor-
'' -1'iiisiMiry, xne son of a Af
.,..!.,..!... ir.- r. .. .
iuiiii living near i.usas tirnudes.
was hired by General Pershing to net
as interpreter with llovd 's column
Most of the American troopers 'were
only partly clothed, bearing out reports
that their uniforms had been taken from
them in Chihuahua City. Consul Gur-
cin sent out for li I, 'for the colored
A crent cvmi-,1 ii,m,i i.
tional bridge in the center of which the
Americans will be turned over to the
Fort B'iss military authorities.
Sent on Special Train.
El Paso, Texas, June 2!. A special
train from Chihuahua Citv, bearing 21
nmmi ,.,., e .i...
"""I"' oi ine lentil l.nited
States cavalry, was expected to arrive
in Juarez some time todav.
captured in the Caniy-i f !r'it was or
The i-,. ..,is,. ,,-r .
(Continued on Page Three.)
though orders were received late yes
terday trom the wosiorii department
''Inching u troops of the California
, militia except the Seventh infaulry to
leave the mobilizatioi camp at once
(tor .Vogalcs, Ariz., troops were not en
trained this morning and, fiom the
j 'ent of tlie field headquarters it was
announced Ihere was liltle chance of
any guard-men leaving during the day.
! Leave Taconia Tomorrow
i Taeoma, Wash.. June 29. Troop It
'and the signal corps weie today older
e. to entrain some time tomorrow lor
lite Mexican bonier. Adjutant Gener
al Maurice Thompson cider the North
ern Pacific lailroad to have troop
tiam- a; Cosgiove early tomorrow
'morning, when the Taen'ma eitvalr;
and the Seattle siennl corns will !,,..i i.
tlieir journey for (,'ale.xieo, Cal.
As yet no instructions have been re
ceived regarding the movcmenls of the
infantry companies at the American
l.al.e mobilization camp.
Seventy First Delayed
Terre Haute, did., June 2'.X Six
liun lied ineiiibcrs of the Seventy Pits!
regiment of New York national' guard,
on their way to the bonier, were held
up nearly an hour today when a fre'ght
(Continued on Page
Mexico City, June 29. Com
plete text of the statement by
I.em A. Spillsbury. American
scout for Captain Boyd nt Car
rizal on which General Trevino
bases his declaration that the
Tenth cavalry detachment start
ed hostilities was made public
today. The statement General
Gomez courteously warned Capt.
Boyd of orders not to permit
the Americans to advance into
the city nnd concluded:
"I consider that the fault for
the fight rests with the Amer
icans, as General Gomez was
very courteous in his insistence
thnt they must retire nnd fre
quently pointed out that ho must
be loyal to his superior's or
der and would open fire upon
them if they persisted in ad
vancing. But Cap
tain Boyd seemed to think ho
could force a passage."
Says American Note Is Series
of False ChargesThese
He WHI Correct
Mexico City, June 29. General Car-
rnnza's reply to the American note
threatening "grave consequences" if
the American forces are attacked and
reciting ulleged Mexican outrages will
nllege that several of President Wil
son's statements are based on unnutli
enticnled rumors, it was learned here
The reply itself has not been complet
ed. But General Carranza himself in
dicated something of its character in
an address to a group of students last
"The American
be an answer to tho. Mexican note, is in
reality not an answer at nil, but a se
ries of chnnriw " lut aulil in..l.r
is being prepared, rectifying these state
ments. The American note and the re
ply will be given to the public here as
soon as possible."
Referring later on in his address to
the possibilities of armed conflict, Car
ranza said:
"Mexico is the minnTl.ni of ibiu rn
We must defend not only the sovereign
ty of this country, lint iff nil ?.;.
American countries." .
The first Collies l.f tmnrifun nnu-o.
papers with the text of tho AmiMn
note were received her late ystrday.
They aroused intense interest. This
was the first publication of the note in
Mexico City.
CaJranza's Reply Due Today.
Washington, June 29. Official con
firmation of General Carranza 's order
to release American prisoners lit Chi
huahua reached the state and war de
partments today. Consul llodgers wired
the prisoners had been released and it
is understood at the state department
that the full text of Carranza 's reply
to President Wilson's note threaten
ing "grave consequences" will arrive
Secretary of War Baker personally
until it'll President Wilson of n telegram
from General Kunston reporting the
prisoners due at Juarez today.
Tnnnvc Dn ernnro l
-T- i
. .1. . ... .1. .t. ... ... . . I
New Yolk
I'ltiladi'iplna () 4
Miawkey and N iinauia her; Nabor
Mieehaii and .Meyers.
R. If. II.
Boston i ;j
Washington :t ; i
Leonard and Carrigau; Harper and
Henry. Hughes replaced Leonard.
Gregg replaced Hughes.
H. it. M.
Detroit 2 -I 2
Chicag s fi 1
Covaleski nnd Baker; Wolfgang and
I?. II. II.
SL I-miiH 7 I t 0
Cl.'velantl II 4 0
davenport and Severoid; Loudermilk,
Klepler and O'.Veill, Billings.
First game: H. f. K.
Philadelphia .( s 0
New Yoik II 4 ,t
Hixev and Killifer; Anderson and
Second game:
r. ir. k.
.ncw 1 oik l ,
Bender, H.-i-selback aid Killifer:
I erntt, N-hituer, Schupp and liariden.
R. ir. 1:.
Brooklyn 2 ii H
Boston I 4 2
Smith nnd Meyers; Nchf and Tragres-sor.
Once Brilliant Irish Leader
Makes Impassioned Speech
From Dock
Stood Smiling and Erect As
Chief Justice Pronounced
By Wilbur S. Forrest.
(United Press staff correspondent.)
London, June 29 Found guilty of the
crime of high treason and about to be
sentenced to denth, Sir Roger Casement,
once brilliant Irish tender, made an im
passioned Speech fls he slnnil in tlin Mrid.
oner's docK before Lord Chief Justice
Meaning this afternoon.
"In Kntrlllllil. Iltoiin in tlin twuMli.oli
century, loyalty to one's country is held
to be n crime,'' he said, with a dramntic
gesture. "If it is treason to fight un- - J .Jp U""K civilians posses hav
der such conditions, then I nm proud to ,V,,I,,(1 to "f'f Teportu that the
be a rebel."
The first announcement- of the ver-
diet of "guilty" made after the jury
had deliberated but 50 minutes, unnerv
ed Casement completely. When he
arose to address the court his voice
quivered so thnt his remarks could scar
cely be heard. As he continued he
gained bis composure. He seemed per
fectly calm as he protested against con
ditions ill 1 ri'lfiiwl ami ilitln r n.l lm
should have been tried by an Irish jury.
He stood erect and smiling when the
lord chief ilistice. ns Cnunmmit t'iniuli.
. v in.-, iiM.in-n.-, jji oiiuu urru me sen-
note, purporting to',l!l"'0 ,ll,f 1,,l01'1 "nang by the nek
v..- .. ; I until dead."- There r.vas utter siloiu-e
o,l I.! J n.l.l. 1 1L.
in the court room as the prisoner step
ped down from the dock and left the
court room at once in custody of guards.
Immediately after Casement was led
nwnv tho case against Daniel Bailey,
the Irish soldier who. landed with Case
ment from u German submarine was
called. Bailey was arraigned with Case
ment at the preliminary hearing in Bow
Street police court and gave important
evidence for the crown. When the case
was called Lord Chief Justice Reading
instructed the iurv to ri'tltt-ll II Vnrilint
of ncouittnl and directed the defend
ants discharged. Leniency iu the case
of Bailey was expected because lie had
nuule a full confession to the police im
mediately uiter ms arrest.
Court's Ruling Settled It.
London. June 29 Sir P
ment was this afternoon found rmittv of
high treason in connection with 'the
Irish rebellion and his attempts to in-
mice Irish prisoners 111 Germany to de
sert the British colors.
The jury deliberated less than nn
hour. The crime is punishable by
Casement's mouth fell wide o
when he heard the word "guilty." lie
started, as if to rise from his seat,
fell back and finally succeeded in get
ting to his feet lo address the court
. . - t ..in-
III' HUlipOltCi HniSCX H' ruutiinr i.ii..
....... ... ........ ii in- iioov n.cKi'd
violently Ids voice quavered so that
his rcmriks were barely h d.
'( nntmoed on Puff Thre
Mexican Crisis Modified
By Release of Prisoners--All
Depends on Carranza
By Robert J. Bender.
( I'nited Pi-est staff correspondent
I Washingttin, June 2!.---l)ang"r of im
J mediate hosliliiies between the Coiled
(States and Mexico has been averted.
I With the release by (Ineral Carranza
of the American prisoners at Chihuahua
a big step has been taken in avoiding
j the "gnucst consequences."
I There is yet milch lo be done, how
jcver. How fully the Mexican crisis has
'been modified will not be known until
the text of Carranza 's reply to Presi
dent Wilson's two recent notes reaches
The president wishes to know what
the first chiefs attitude is to be iu the
future, his explanation of the Carrinl
fight anil whether his future intentions
embody co-operation with the American
forces in Mexico or opposition to their
w oik.
The president is even willing to go
more lhau half way to meet the first
Word that the American prisoners
taken in the Carrial battle were to He
relented came first officially to the war
department this forenoon when General
Kunston transmitted Ihnt news, based
on a phone conversation with Consul
There is 110 question that the recent
crisis has Served to retard rather than
increase any hope Carranza may have
All Kinds of Wild Rumors
Keep Excitement at High
est Pitch
Columbus, N". M., June 29. Reports
that large Currnnzistn forep ...m,...,,.
trating nt Guzman in a position to cut
me American communication lines, re
sulted in several motor tim-li i,,.,,iu t-
New Mexico militia being sent into
.Mexico to bring hack envn rv Linui on.
pronching Guzman under a small guard.
mi- use or wic iew Mexico national
guarusinen to escort the cavalry horses
back out of possible danger was the
first time militiamen hnve crossed the
border into Mexico.
The reports mid rillll'lr niAl'nn.nnl r.?
troops trom the Columbus base camp
.-uiim-u rue greatest excitement early
today. Humors that the field telegraph
lino south had been cut proved un
founded. An aeroplane at General Pershing's
headquarters is expected to make a
reconnnisance flight around Guzman to
investigate the reports.
Guzman is onlv 20 milns fr, m.
present American "communication lines.
relieving rumors that war was in
progress between fevii-n ..,! i, r..:
ted States, iiO Mexican laborers in zinc
mines north ot Columbus quit and re
turned to Mexico.
Cavnlrv patrols nre still l.niitiv, r.
1 . . , mud.l,rl, "f William Parker and
t unmuta were wipyd out.
r , ,
tarranzas ne dmff
Sets Stocks Jumping
New York, June 29. The New York
evening sUn's finnnoial review today
Tin stock niarkot exoerienci'd n m-n
iK.unced reversal in form this morning
Hiiuoiu undergoing any change in the
highly professional character of the
trading. In tact the latter feature
which has been tho distinguishing
cnarucieristic o the price movements
for the better part of the Inst month,
nan more strongly accentuated than
ever by a wild uprush nt the opening
un me news tnar. tieneral Carranza had
ordered the immediate release of the
American cavalrymen captured at the
V HITIJtl light.
Mexican Petroleum, in particular, ad
vanced an extreme ten points in n
wldo openinir. Recoveries plsewluri
ranged from oho to six points or so,
uiiu pusiness was conducted with a
scale of ltirifo activity.
The pace naturally was much too fast
... i .... t , 1 . . ...
iu noui niio a reduction, winch extend
ed to four and five points in some in
stances, followed hard upon tho stam
pede to cover by Hie bear element.
Activity fell away miiteriaffy after
tfio first hour and the market assumed
n more normal appearance retaining
many substantial gains, while ruling
from one to four points, or even more,
under the best figures of the forenoon.
It was evident that while feeling much
relieved over the more favorable turn
of Mexican affairs the general public
was still a prev to uneertiiintv rcinml-
ing the national outcome and ihere was
no uiiiiKoii expansion or outside Inlying.
(Juiet conditions prcuilcd in the late
I tiiiling.
rnigii. ;. i., .nine -.i. v itii storms
ha.lly tlt'lnying reports, indiiatiiius were
today that W. J. Met 'umber is the sue
eessful republic' lomii for the l S.
senator. John Burke got the democratic.
noininat ion.
I had for an immediate withdrawal of
the American forces from Mexi,-o. This
will not be done under nnv circiim-
, stances tit this time.
j Outlook Not Hopeful.
i So far as is Hie situation generally
'concerned, it cannot be said that iiduiin
listrntion officers are optimistic. The re
Vent release from prison of former Vil
la conimandeis to take commissions in
; Carranza 's army, the strong antagonism
to Americans iu Mexico and finally
the reports in official circles that
fiencial (ibregon and others of Carran
za 's officers aie attempting to under
mine him, offer 11 gloomy oackgr I to
the whole Mexican picture.
The president may be expected to
speak to the country on the Mexican
problem soon, lie leaves for Philadel
phia enrly (his al'tern 1 and his ad
dress Ihere before historic luileieudene
Hall will be the first since the Curriznl
incident in fact the first since his re
nomination, It is before the Press club
of New York tomorrow night, however.
Ihnt his friends expect him to open
on the Mexican question, They believe
he will make a vigorous defense of the
Mexican policy he mis pursued, outlin
ing his future course and perhaps
sharply questhioa his critics and politi-
(Continued on Tage Five.)
Italian Prime Minister Out
lines Italy's Course la
Maiden Speech
Total Prisoners Taken by
Russians In Present Drive
Is 200,000
By Ed L. Keen.
(United Press staff correspondent.)
London. Juno 2f). Rnmo ,u....,t.,i.-
, , ' . " ui'iii,i,ui;3
today reporting tho maiden speech of
the new GnMim i,t.;m -r-,.
Mosolli, beforo tho chamber of deputies
emphasized the dnti.rminn; Ii- "
- .-..m.i.vu m uuj w.
lies to wage an offensive war from now
Suggesting great, significance is the
present Italian offensive Premier Bosel
li said amid cheers:
"Ituly intends to continiw the same
policy as has been pursuod by her allies.
We intend from row on to inteusifr
the war until tho final and decisive vic
tory. "
On practically every front nerpt
erdun and a small sector in Volhynia,
allied armies aro now on the offensive.
Urn Britisl. wnr offico gives few de
tails of activities along tho Kne from
Ln Bassee to the Homme, bat dis
patches trom Rritiul. .!,.
the front report no interruption in the
u.uni-. uomoarament of German
, "The object of this artillery fire U a
simple and terrible
correspondent at the front of the Chron-
"It is to kill nn. 1
bors and save RrlVi.i. J.- "
tar as possible. The zone of shell fire
has been very wide and far reaching
and a largo number of important posi-
tlOlls have heen nl,j V- l-
plosives and shrapnel."
The French official statement today
"need .that French ropa were on
t o of tensive Inst night in penetrat
g Genua,, second line trenchw. nnd
that Stroiltr flern.nn ll..l . '
,i " : "u urounii V er
dun were repulsed.
Russians Canturo Many
Petrogrntl. June ''0p : '
K !t'wasnoff;,-anr,i?!''-
afternoon. The nund,,. ro
take,, since tho Ht. .PVS""rM
Ran now totals more than 200,000
. n.si,tH nave captured three
lines of Anstri.,., ..i...' , . '"
nd tl,;; Pruth. CW"n
. Trench Claim Gains.
1 nns. Jimn on i 1 .
, , . . iiiueti fueniv's Nceon.l I
Plowing U, Hi.v.Ti.1 shelters, the war of!
too announced today
British Repulsed.
Berlin, June 2!l Ti, . 1 ... . .
ih infantry attacks wh c , ZZ
".' "l0'" ? ' was announ e by
the war office Hii ..ft. - . ' y
'ral instnnccs the 'l ! ' . "
"M'y K.. ...nek. agi,,(,;,e,i;X
l''r Ii artillerv i:....i . . . .'''."1
jM tlP'Aisne region a rou ml A iibt'ri ve i'n
pulsed. ' KS
Wnshiniitnn .,,,, no
rural credit bill yesterday
nf (oriintui
was lion v 111, or. .1.1,1 ).,.
li. , , ...1 ..
Uie con 1 er
Which the I ve minute, I
1 no mil now goes to the president
lor his signature.
Washington, June 211 The ".
yesterday iiflt'rnoon adopted the ron
fcrencc report on the Shackelford good
roads bill, by a vote of Is I to n.'l, put
ting the bill up to the president for
his signature.
TIIC I-I.-1. 1
Oregon: Show
ers tonight nml
Friday i south
easterly winds.