' t ft i NEW CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING SATES per worn ftew Todov; Fch insertion, per word ' 1c v" insertions;, per word 5c One month (in iw,fi.. "T?? The. Oanlt.l 1 i :n "" . sponsible for more than one insertion ior errors in f'loJUJ.j i - .... o.u -tueriisements. Kead your advertisement ths first day it appear and notify ua immediately if it contains in error. Minimum eharge, 15e. PHONE 637 For wood saw. tf HARRYWindowcloaner. Phone res. julyl EL'BBER Stamps made 10.1 5. Com'l. tf RED White 210.1 J. anil Mat-it currants. Call jnne'JS; FRONT APARTMENTS Ground floor 491 N. Cottage. tf FOR RENT SIGNS lor sale at Cap ital Journal office. tl MAN . WANT I'll work. I'lione Ml-' For tarm jimeir ,FOR SAtE-Or trade for wood, line engine. Phone 451. gaso - FOR RENT House Keeping close in. Phone 4 or 47 T rooms, tf JERSEY COWS F,,r Richardson, 2;W N. sale. Ward Float. 1lGANIlKRKY For sale. 2e on' vines, 7 acres. I'hone StF: per Hi , jiinc2; WANTED Partner i C. Schufeldt, 321 4 sheep business. ;t. Portland. je27 PASTIRE For cattle.. Phone : rent !F24. for W. horses and Patlin jtmoifl WANTED Team I'hone morning. to haul oal and evening wood. 201S-M ;june2 FOR GOOD MEALS And comfort able rooms at reasonable Tatcs. Phone 1013. tf FURNISHED rooms and housekeemnB oppartments, rates reasonable, close m, loo uouri, y WANTED Cascara bark, highest cash price. .Call or write Frys Drug store. Salem, Oregon. july3 TWO NICE Cottages for rent by the month. or season at .Newport. G. W. Johnsoa &Co. tf FOUND I brown nimkod female pup. Call ruin N. ,for ad and receive dog. fox terrier Water, pay ju!ie27i DELIVERY v Mi ON Good a now. for sale for cash or terms. Inquire . W. Moore Furniture Store. jc27 irorSEKEEPINO Rooms, suite of three; electric light, gas. range. pr(ice' reasonable, i'u S. Winter., je27 FOR .t ALE 20 head grade 'Jersey cows, 3 thoroughbred bulls .nnd H head fat steers,. Piione 2F13. Rt. 1, box .97. . june27 FOR SALE 314 hilf truck Stndebakei wagon. Will trade for heavier wagon . . eordwood or itumpage. 2730 Lee . Phone 1322-J. M ! FOR RENT Business block room, sizf ::18x80 feet. 407 State street. In quire at 403 State. Thone, 1009. Maurice Klinger. tl WANTED To trade 3 1-2 wide tread Milbom wagon in good shape for narrow tread 3 1-2 wagon. Must be good. Phone 092. tf FOR SALE Or trade proved, close in. f 5 acres well im r desirable citv residence. Phone or address S lit. 1003 V. evenings. . b 4. june27 WANTED To rent ." acre tract close to car line, must have fruit nnd dwelling, to take possession Sept, or Oct, Reply to addrcs. M care Journ al, juue-js FOR 'RENT Furnished -ix room house close in. uaraue. yasidine tank com- r.li.lf- .il.i toil n..i-..4 n'li-r nl' F.'t.d I Gain farm, one mile east of peniten tiarv. Call 4 1 1 1 X. Church. Phone 401 -J. tf FOR SALE At bargain prices, on Troy laundry mangle 90 inches, storj ahelving, two teams and Shetland pony, 2 double buggies, one single buggy. H. Steinboek, 302 N. Com"! Phci i- 803. tf IMIi SALE 22 12 acres in cultiva tion and well equipped, uood build ings, stuck an ! equipment included no trade, halt' cash, near (licmawa. Square Deal Itcaltv Co., 2o2 F. S. Itnnk bid-. ' ,iune27 IN THE DISTRICT COUKT OF THE UNITED STATES For the District of Oregon In the matter of McEvoy lirns. (Toe Chicago Store). Ininknipts. Kcqui-st for bids. I will receive scaled bids for the following property formerly belonging In the above named bankrupts, locat lid in the store fonneilv occupied by said bankrupts at Salem. Oregon, up to and until I2:im 0 Vloek jionn on Sat- iirdav..luv I. 190; at my otti.-e. No, 70-7 Morgan buddinu. Portland. Hie A stock of goods, wares, and mer chandise consisting of gents' and la dies'' furnishings, bedding, millinery, crockery, lace, ribl'on, notions, shoes niece goods, readv-fo wear uaiments, etc., of the inentoiied alue ll.s9.39. tOget!ir-r with fixtifes ing to the -ame of the inve.it' lie of ''S'2.25. ot Hi.-1 pertain tied val Certifii'd the nmouut c-h bid. Jale sul.'ji bed, for to per offered ruut ac eat of inpany ,-t to the appi al of the court. Inventorv of the property may be iieen at my office, and at Salem. 1 oe gon, at the latter nf which places the property mav bo inst'oct.'d. K. I.. SAPIX, Receier. Jane 3d TODAY t WANTED- Experienced farm' han.l. ,itme-5 i'lione Farmer ;V!Fl-. hvivri'ii r . i . V A- rh Mtiii to do general .ranch "urK- C. Jones, Phone 2HP-', je2S wiv-i-pr ii.i-, To rent, a" roomini?' house. must oe reasonable, hliii juh st. jo2 AliOlT -0 cords of snle, cheap. Inquire on I; lit. : wooil fyr , llOX 1(111 juue'Ji IIK.II OKA I K Linoleum fur sale cheap, size 12xU ft. Inquire !-!' Mill. iune2i WAN TIM' In It. I Iim ll.urt. N. lliuh. ' men. $2.m) per day. W. Employment agent, 7iK! 'juneJS WANTED Stenographer, state esprv ionee ami salary. Address sy C care .lournal. june'JH WANTED A man given cheap rent. Journal. t live xm farm. Address II. II. care . june27 1'nR SALE One Jersey cow. old. just fresh. I'lione S71-: p. in. to a. m. 4 vrs. from juneU's 'incir QUALITY Low price printing, S i!ii'r inu -Oil ,,r-tl. I',,..,,,,.! street, i'hone 2 1 7i. .iulyil FOR SALE 4 acres land in garden, fruit ami good buildings. M. Ring wald. I'lione 7i I VS. june27 LOST An old fashioned gold earring. Friday morning. Reward. Marie Campbell, bill Court .St. juue27 r.OOAX BERRY PICK EliS Wanted. 12 mile from end of S. Commercial street car line. Phone 6!'P2. juno2H FOR TRADE 120 acres Montana land near R. R. station for acreage near Portland or Salem. Box 1.", Salem. Or. julyl KEYS FOI'.M) At State and Com'l St. owner can secure same by call ing at Journal office and paying for nd. june27 LOST Large female pointer dog, re ward for information leading to re covery. J. S. Henderson, I!, fi, box 30. jiiue2S WANTED Six or 7 room house, mod ern, close in by reliable parties with no children. Address J -6.1 care Jour nal. june2S WANTED To buy to log 12 to lo million feet of fir timber. Price must be reasonable. Must be available. J. Journal. june27 WANTED To trade equity in Eugene property for an auto, a chance to make some money. Address J 10 care Journal. WANTED ."no ladies to call at the Gas company's office and get a free sample of. Cerco (the-new' food drink) Tuesday. ' " ' ' June"" GIRT, Or woman wauled for general housework in country; must be ex perienced. Phone 22F2.I. Address box 12. Sublimity, Or. tf EOT! SALE A 5 roo:n modern bunga low, with cement basement and ll" 12 sleeping porch, price. $1500, terms. Address W. A. Journal. julyl I l-'TEEV MORE Loganberry ers are wanted at Meredith lev place, 0' 1-2 miles S. E. pick & Stn of So- Icm. 1 1-2 miles S. W. of Maclcay. I'lione preferr Henry I'oiing, S9FI. Campers d. ' " ' june2S REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Frank H. Ford et ux to' Jas. A. Barii foid. S E I I S E 1-1 29-9-2E. Mary E. (ioudy lo Frank ami Theies Griuipo, lot 1 (ioudy Gardens. P. F. Pound et ux to I . i'-Hi'-is I'.i.w reuce. lot 13, blk. 2. P.ui'li igl on t i'd, Salem. Anna M. Nelson to !".':!. ,--y !'. cud Roxie li. Coulson, lots.:. I aid 0'. C:.p ita! City Fruit Farms. Thomas ii.l fy et 11 er. 't. lots 1 and 2, o!k I od I. n 1 k '1 add. Chtis. Eniinelt to Cele-tine Enimett. pt. of lots I and 2. blk. 4. I'niversity add. Salem. Celestine Emnietl to ('has. and Mary J. Enimett. 't. lots 1 and 2. blk. !. I'ni versily add. Salem. A. F. Ilomyer ct ux to Co-o. V. an.i Josephine Jenkins. .1. N. Gilbert cl. '!, 7-2W. Ceo. V. Jenkins et ux to .V .". and Anne 'Ilomyer. lots 1 a ad 5. blk, li. P.urlii'glon add. "Salem. Katie Holmes et v i r to ( lias. II. N'ick. pt. August Lambert cl. lil-i!-2W. Exile P.urkitt et ux to ('has. II. Kind er, lots 12 and 13. Pendleton acres. Herbert A. Grow 11 et ux to P. II. Hi'ovwi. pt. 11. l'ottrui'f cl. lii-S IE. I. D. Irier et ox to Jennie and Win. II. Farr. pt. J no. Fie-h cl. 2-S2W; ami blk. I, Hosier's add to Mncleav. MARSHFIELD MAN KILLED Ma r-li field Ore.. June 27.-Ed si.-ei, kno.i 1 lo ally as an aviator, is the result of a m.itor-lli- colliddcd with an c riding at a high rctr 'dnv, and was tlil'i n dead tntbiv as ycle accident, lutomobile nhi f speed vestc igain -teel. tlie curb, fiaeturinir his skull. inotlier lives ia San Frani-isc i, Catarrh Cannot Be Cured withf.OCAL APPLICATIONS.'ai tliojr rannot reacti the sl of th disease. Ca tarrh l a blood or constitutional dlsense, Rml In order to cure it you must take In ternal remedies. Gall's Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally, and acts directly upon Pie blixnl ami mucous surface. Hall's Catarrh Cur. Is not a quack mclie!n. It whs prescribed by one of the b-t phy sicians in tills country for years and Is a regular prescription. It Is compost-d of the best tonics known, combined with the bst blnod purifiers, acting directl-Ain tin nuieuus surfnees. The perfect combina tion of the two InToillents is what pro duces sin li wonderful results In curinff f itarrh fJfml for testimonials, fe. f. J. C.'IIKM- v & CO.. Props., Toledo. O. fc'i'J by IiruicKim. prlct. T.V. i 'i'i ilalls family fil l f.-r comtlp.vtloa. THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL. SALEM. OREOON CAPfAINJlIf (Continued from Tage 1.) west in the first relay-of the 75 mile journey of the American lines. Captain Morey was so weak he could walk only 300 yards at each .stretch and as night wore on. he decided" it was humanly impossible for hfhrt'o go farth er. He first reouested the mpn n Imv nun and when they refused, lie ordered i them to leave. -. 111 three negroes obeyed the order. Captain Morey wound his bandage about about his shoulder as best he could and lay down to sleep on the des ert. The stars were still shining, but dawn was touching the skv when he awoke a little strengthened." Alone-he forced himself to his feet and staggered in the direction in which he thought lay Santo Domingo ranch, eight miles from Carrizal, the point where the com mand bivouaced the night before the fight. The ranch was deserted when he ar rived there at 4:30 a. m. but he found tood a ml water. Near the ranch he found five troop ers, of the Tenth eavalrv. Thcv were making their way for a' ranch at San Luis, :;j miles away, when thev found T. .. .-nunc, manager ot t lie rain-.' drove them to San Luis. Then , woo liiey ..... j.mmi-u ,,y captain Howe's squa dron of the Eleventh eavalrv. sent out by General Pershing to pick them up. Additions to the Public Library American Association for lnhr.r W,. islatiou. unemployment, Atlantic Deeper Waterwavs associa tion, proceedings 1915. "urns, C. D., The mnralitv of na tions. California State Library, California laws of interest to women and chil li ren. Campbell, M. park. Cnnby, H. X., love fathers. heley. F. IL, activities. R.. Glacier National College' sons and col CampTng and outing Frnbusli, E. II. , Th domestic eat. Ilowells, Tliomas, northwest. Flora and the s I.aCrande, Proposed amended char ter. Lake Mohonk conference on the In dian and other dependent peoples, an nual report 1915. Lane-Poole, Stanley. Art of the Sar acene. , -Vationul Educational Ass'n, Year book and list of active members. National Foreign Trade Council, Ocean snipping. National Securitv League, Proceed ings 1915. ' ' Neis, A. M., Lincoln. Oman, J. V., The war ml its issues Oregonian, I mversal atlas. nocKcreiu-r, .1. 11., 1 ae Colorado in dustrial plan. Rosenthal, Ik J., The need of the hour, an American men-hunt marine Shaw, tl. I!., ( audi. la: a leasant play. Mimmer, 11. 1... ( I11M labor legisla tion ia the ('. 'S. , F. S., Agricultural, Dep't of, Pro ccedings of a conference for combat iug toot and mouth disease. I. S.. industrial relations, final re , port Stories Comfort. W. L.. Konttedgo rides a lone. Cooke, M. P.., The girl who lived in the woods. Crawford, E. M., .Marietta, a maid of Venice. Iliittoa, llettinn von, The halo. MacDonald, Ronald, God save the king. Oppeniieiui, E. P., The niissioner. b'ineliart, M, li.' When a man mar ries. Rolilfs, A. K. G.. The mayor's wife. Seaweil, M. E.. The loves ot" the Indv Arabella. Webster. Jean, The four pools mys tery. White. S. E.. The c(oijnroj-'s house. Magazine Numbers Needed The public library needs the follow lowing numbers of magazines to com plete its files for binding. The li brary will be very giareful to any one who can supply any of ttiese numbers. (iarden magazine Feb.. 1911, Mar. 1914. April. 1915. (loud Housekeeping. April 1910, May 1910. hhiciolcnl, April 3. 1 H n. I.itcrnrv Diyesi. Sept. 25, 1915, Living Age, Nov. 27 Jli l lure 's magazine 1915. Popular Meclianii-H. 1915. Feb. 1910. Jan. August 1915. March 1915. Review of review School and Socictv Feb. 4. 1(110. Scientific American Scientific Aiueiic! Dec. I. 1915. Jan 15. 1910, (let. 9. 1915. 1 supplement, Any numbers of the Scientific A ineiicaii or the supplement will In gratefully receie. as the library 11 urn bees receiw hard wear and are some times not good for binding. h Nacion Suggests Plan of Settlement By Charles P. Stewart, (I'nitcd I'ress Stuff 1 'mf espnndent.) liuenos Acres, .1 1 1 1 , t- 27. A list of suggestions, designed to prevent war between the I "ni t .l States nnd Mexico, were published late yesterday by La Naccion, leading newspaper of South America. Included in llic list was a proposal made by Romnlo S. Noon, Aryeutiae anib.'issador to Washington for the establishment of a police zone on both sides of the border to prevent a repeti tion of bandit raids. ,n ni-cion suu- gested that if these proposals t with favorable reception in the United States they be made the basi, of medi ation by South American republics with a view- ti, preventing Imsiti lilies. The chief proposal in the list was that, relating to the establisliuient of a police zone. Wherever Villistns or j other bandits are operating. La Nac eioji suggests, American troops should' ne n'luiittc'l to limit t lii-iii down though barred from the towns. Tlie proposal further provided both "ides regard the 1 'arrival and other incidents ns rlow,..). Chile's cooperation in n.edintioi that dash if- THE MARKETS The following prices for fruits and vegetables are those asked by the wholesaler of the retailer, and not what is paid to the producer. All other prices 'are those paid.. the producer. Corrections are made daily. drains. Wheat Oats Rolled barley 80c 40c 35.00 ,. $35.50 137.00 .. J27.00 ... $30.00 ,..$20.00 Corn Cracked corn Bran Shorts, per ton Alfalfa, California, ton Butter. Butterfat 27e ....29c Creamery butter, per pound Country butter . 20c2 Eggs and Poultry. Eggs, case count, cash JO'S 20 l-2c Eggs, trade 21c Ileus, pound 12c Roosters, old, per pound 8c broilers, under 2 pounds loc Pork, Veal and Mutton. Veal, dressed v 80c Pork, dressed lOe Pork, on foot 7 1-4(S'7 3-4c Spring lambs, 1916 7fa 7 1 Steers - 61-2c Cows 45 l-2c Bulls 3rii3 l-2c Ewes 44 l-2c Wethers . 6c Vegetables. Tomatoes', California $1.2." Cabbngo $3.50 Cucumbers 50c String garlic '. - 15c Potatoes, cwt $1.251.50 Potatoes, new 2(rt2 1-Ze Beots il.00 . 40c . 40i .. 40t . 25c 3(Ti4c Asparagus .- Radishes Green onions Green peppers Green peas Carrots, sack, new . $1.75 Carrots, dozen ............. Onions, California 40c $3.50 i runs. Watermckns 2 l-2c Peaches . 75c (TV LOO Oranges, Valencies- ..... $4.00 $5.50(SO,00 $1,000-2.00 .5i .... ..$2.00 $3.00 $5.00(u$6.00 8c $3.50 $1.25(7! 1.50 $1.50 $1.50 $1.75 Lemons, per hox ........ Cantaloupes Bananas, pound Apples California grape fruit Florida grape fruit ..... Pineapples Honey Strawberries CnerriL-o. wi- ...' California plums . . . . Apricots Retail Prices. - Eggs, per dozen, fresh ranch Sugar, cane 25c .$8.73 Sugar, beet 4i $8.55 Creamery butter oac Hour, hard wheat $1.40(S 1.50 Flour, valley $1.15125 PORTLAND MARKET Portland, Ore., June 27. Wheat: Club, 83c. Bluestem, 0(ic(Ti $1.03. Forty fold, S0(!93e. Red 'Russian, 83(iiJ0e. Oats: No. 1 white feed, $2.00(ff 20.75. "' Hurley: Feed, $27.00. Hogs: .Rest live, $S.15(fi8. 25. Prime steers, $7.25(Ti 7.50. , Fancy cows, $(i.25(j.(i.50. Calves, $S.(HI. Spring lambs, $7.50. Butter: City creamery, 29c. Country butter, 27c. Eggs: Selected local ex., 2l(o25c. Hens. Mf.i I t 1 2c. Broilers, Gift I Sc. Geese, l(ii I Ic. THE COPPERHEAD NEWSPAPERS (Medford Mail Tribune) 'I'll!' Oregonian is proving its loy alty to the government of the I'nited States in the present foreign crisis by denouncing President Wilson ns "accessory to all the bloodshed, lu pine ami starvation in Mexico," be cause of the president's efforts to keep the nation at peace and afford Mexico an opportunity to right her own wrongs. This journalistic accessory of Cup perhendisni indicts the president for refusing to recognize government by assassination under lluerta, and re marks: Tnat net brought upon the wretched country all the miseries that have fol lowed. By that ac he began to in tervene. His failure to follow it. up by armed intervention makes In 111 an acecsorv to all the bloodshed, rapine and starvation which have followed. Mexico has been torn by revolution for soiuo years when lluerta usurped authority by as-assinat ion and endeav ored by u regime of murder to restore the tainted tyranny of Diaz, that creat ed Ihe Mexican revolution. lluerta, the assassin, was tiie chos- : en instrument of the reneTtonary clique I that viewed the heritage of the Mexi 'can people as loot the blood-stained 1 agent of privilege. Following his fall. ;thc organized propaganda of Anieri jean millionaire concessionaires (o force 1 armed i ntervcul ion by the I'nited States to sacrifice American lives and 1 American dollars lo rodoeai their ill gotten speculations was launched. There is nothing to 'indicate thai rcognitiou of the blood-stained tyrant by President Wilson would have re ! stored ponce to bleeding Mexico. Her ; people would have been further wrong ed and robbed by 11 ruling clique, heed less of everything sav !:; ir own glut tony, intent only upon extortion nnd exploitation. The European conriagtiition de- j mends that Go' I'nited Stall's keep peace with Mexico if possible, holding in reserve her strength tor possible I eomplica I ions abroad. For this reason 1 the 1'oited States lias shown u pa ! Genre and forbearance towards lier crippled sister state of Mexico that would not have been soown in normal .'times, and it will be Mexico's fault if 'war is now precipitated though war TUESDAY, JUNE 27, 1916. Classified Advertising Page seems almost unavoidable. " The treasonalde, malicious utteranc es of coperhead newspapers like the Oregonian, whose narrow perspective includes only the domains of special privilege and political advantage, ljhich. -lo - not hiwitat. to preach the gospel of discontent and disloyalty to further partisnn ends, creating' discord at home and fanning the flame of latred abroad, is of more sinister por-1 tent to the nation than the divided al legiance of hyphenated citizens. Wedding Announcements, In- vitations, and Calling Cards printed to your order at the Capital Journal job office. Phone 81. l j I l ! CATARRH of the BLADDER relieved in 24 HOURS Each Cflt- r Bulr hears the (MIQY name w firnxi renfeaun trr M ts CTHTROPRACTIC-SPTNOLOGIST DR. O, L. SCOTT Graduate of Chiro practic's Fountain Heid, Davenport, Iowa. If you have tried everything and got no relief. tr7 Chironran- tio spinal adjustments and get well, Office 400-7-8 U. S. National Bank Building. Phone Main 87. Kesidence Main K2S-H. DENTISTS. DR. O. A. OLSON, Dentist Adminis ters nitrous ozid and oxygen gas, Room 214. Masonic Temple. Phone 440. Sateni, Orogoii. INSURANCE For all kinds of Insurance in Stand ard Companies, call on P. J. Kuntz Boom 309, Bank of Commerce. TOR RENT FOR REXT Nicely furnished house keeping rooms reasonable. 855 North Commercial street. tf LODGE DIRECTORY l. O. D. W. Protection bodcre, No. 2, Meets every .Monday evening at 8 In the McCornack hall, corner Court and Liberty streets, It. O. Donaldson, M. W. ; S. A, McFadden, recorder ; A. L. Brown, financier. SALEM LOfHiE No. 4, A. F. & A. M Stated communications first Friday Id each month at 7 :'(0 p. m. In the Masonic Temple. Chns. McCarter, W. 11. ; S. Z, Culver, secretary, SAI.EM HUMANE SOCIETY P. D. Keeler. ; president ; Mrs. Lou Tillson. secretary. All cuses ot cruelty or neglect of dumb ani mals should be reported to the secretary for investigation. CENTRAL I.ontiE, No. 18. K. of P. Mc Cornack bulldlnK. Tuesday evening of escli week at 7 ::i0. J. (i. HHtzel, C. C. : W. IS, Ultson, K. of II. and 8. E. N. OF A. "Oregon Grape Camp." Nc. 1.100, meets every Thursday evening in McCornack liulldlug. Court nnd I.lt.erty streets: elevator. Mrs. Sylvia Schaupp, 1701 Market, oracle; Mrs. Mellgsu Per 10ns, recorder, LiMl Norlli Commercial. I'hone 1-UCi-M. MODEIiN WOODMEN OF AMEtttCA Ore gon Cedar Camp, No. Tigltl, ineetB every Thursday evening nt 8 o'clis-k In Mc Cornack hall, cornel' Court and Liberty Street's. Elevntor service. Geo. Iteiuoul, V. C. ; J. A. Wright, clerk. CnADWICK CHAPTER, No ru, O. E. S Regular meeting every first unci third Tuesday at 8 p. ni. in the .Masonic 'tem ple. Minnie Moellcr, W. M. ; Ida M. ualicock, secretary. WOODMEN OF TIIE WORLD Meet every Friday night at 8 o clock In Mc( oriiai k block, G. W. II irons, C. C.j L. S. (jeer clerk, 507 Court street. I'hone CU3. OH MOI.AY COMMANDER!. No. fi, K. T Regular conclave fourth Friday in each month nt 8 o'clock, p m.. In Masonic Tem ple. Sojourning Sir Knights lira courte ously invited tn meet with us Lot L. I'earce, E. C, Frank Turner, recorder. DNITED ARTISANS Capital Assembly, No, 8t, meets everv Wednesday at 8 p. m. In Moose null. (.'. O. Matlock. M. A.; C. Z. Randiill, secretary, Suleni Hank of Commerce. HODSON COCNI IL. No. 1, II. S. M Stated assemiily (ii'Mt Mondny In each month, Masonle Temple, N. P. Rasmus sen, Thrice lllustrloiu Mawter ; Olcuu C. Nlles, recorder. SALEM COCNCIL NO 2022 Knlirlits and Lndlea of Security Uceis every 2nd and 4th Wednesday each month nt llilrat Hull. VUillnis menitii'i-H are Invited to attend. E. K. Walton, financier, 480 S. 14th St. PACIFIC LOIi'lE No. 50, A. F. & A. M. Stated communication third Friday In ea'h month ot 7:30 t). m. In the Masonic Temple. Ilnl V'. Hnlaiii, W. M. i Eriieat II. Cheste. Necretaif. UNDERTAKERS WKI3B i Cl.OI'ail CO C. B. Webb, A. M., CI0112I1 mortici ins and funeral directors. Latest modern nieUods known to the profession employed 4110 Court St. Main 120, Main s8. RrODOX-RICIIAftDMJ.V CO. Funeral directors and undertakers, 202 North Hih street. Uav and night phono 18.1. Oeneral Feed an Small Livery Htablf C. W. TRAIN tS4 Ferry. Pkone I li OSTEOPATH Drift. It. II. WHITE and I!. W. WAL TON' Osteopathic phvsieinns jr.. I nerve specialists. Orndiuitcs of Amer ican school of Osteopathy, Kirkst illfl : Mo. Post graduate nnd specialized i: nerve di"i.ses .it Los Angelej college. Treat acute and chronic diseases. Consultation free. Lndy attendant. Office 0(1.". .i"('i C. fs. National Itnnk; liu i ins. I'hone f-j!l, Hesidence iil'i North ( upital street, I'hone 4l:i. THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL Classified Business Telephone Directory A Quick, handy reference for busy people EVERYTHING ELECTRICAL Salem Eleetrie Co., Masonie Temple, 127 North High PLUMBING, STEAM FITTING AND TINNING i. M. Barr, 164 South Commercial street TRANSFER AND DEATAGB Salem Truck Dray Co., corner State ana front afreet Try This on Your Eczema If you are afflicted with Salt Rheum, Tetter, dry Eczema, Acne or Pimples, buy a jar of Dry Zensal. For that watery eruption, or Weeping Skin, use Moist Zensal, 50c the jar. CENTRAL PHARMACY, formerly Poole's Drug Store TRAVELERS' GUIDE IGItlGttt,tGllMIMIGtt4GGmtWvrttHTWv SOUTHERN PACIFIC. NOKTII BOUND 10 Oregon Express ... L'l Eugene Limited .... li Willamette Limited. 1 Shasta Limited .... IS 1'ortlund 1'assenger . 2') Portland Passenger. 1-1 Portland ExoreHa , . . B M 1. ra . . .3 :ns p. 111. . . 0 a. m. . .11 :53 a. m, . . 1 :L'7 p. m. , . 5 :OU n. ra. ..8:04 p. m. -L' I'ortlund fast Freight 10:30 n No. Jib Local way Freight. .. .10 :35 a. tn. SOUTH BOUND No. 15 California Express.... 3:32a.m. No. 17 Roseburg 1'nssenger ..11:20a.m. No. 2" Eugene Limited 10:01a.m. No. Ill Cottage Grove I'nss. ..4:11) p.m. Makes connection with No. 74 Geer nranch. No. 11 ShsatS Limited 5:43p.m. No. 27 Willamette Limited. . . :lp. m. No. IS Sun Francisco Express 10 :30 p. m. no. 2.1 an t rancisco ast Freight No. 2-5 Local way Freight. Kai.bm Ckrk I.iss. No. 7.1 Arrives nt Salem... lo. 7 Leaves Salem No. 7T Ar. Sulem (mixed).., No. 74 Leave Salem 12:01 a. m. .11 :10 a. m. . .0 :15 a. m. . .0 :."0 a. to. . .2 :IM p. m. . .4 :20 p. m. No connection south f Geer. JSAi.riM, Fai.i.s Citt AND WSSTTHnV. ltil Lv. S.slem, motor 7 :(I0 l. m. ll'.'l Lv Salem, motor 0:40 a. m, 105 Lv. Salem for Monmouth nnd All-lie II :to m. No. No. No. No. 107 Lv. Salem, motor ,. Itlo Lv. Salem, motor ... 2:i! Way Fr't lv. Sulem.. . 4 :Otl p. m. . 6 :lo p. ra. . 5 :0O a. ra. . 8:40 a. m. 11 I0, m. . 3: l.ri p.m. . B ') p. m. 7 :4."i p. m. . 1 :3o p. m. li2 Ar. Solem lilt Ar. Salem No. No. Ulii Ar. Salem No. His Ar. Salem No, 170 Af. Salem No. 210 Way Fr't sr. Salem. OREGON ELECTRIC RAILWAY CO. KOIITH SOUND Truln No. 2 Owl ... O . .10 Limited . 12 14 , . . 18 Limited 21) Lv. Snlem Ar. Portland ... 8:!i5a.m. . . 0 :25 n. m. ..11 :35 a m. . 1 1 :,'l p. m. . . 4 :0I) p. m. . . fi :50 p. m. . . 7 :"iO p. m. . . 10 :U0 p. m. 4 :35 a. 7:13 n. 0:45 n. 11 :20 a. t :4,-. p. 4 :oo p. H ::t7 p. 7 :oo p, SOUTH HoUSD Portland to Sai.cii Lv. Portland. Ar. S.-ilera II tr. a. m 8:er. (Saiem only) 8:25 a. ui. ... G Ltailted 10:11 a. in. FOR BALE FOTJH VAI.LKY FARMS For sulo by owner on county road and railroad. SO to 00 acres each, good buildings, goon im!',, all under cultivation, close to scrool, liners reasonaiile, naif cash, balunee time at 6 per cent or modern income hearing city property, P. O. liox Salom. tf I-OK sali-: V l.:i ir;i 1 11 if tuken with- i 7n :icres on uood roud ' town, Wiitcr piped to! iiereii fruit, 10 to-rcs tiui-' in ten days iienr I'. IL liuildino, (i ber unit pnMiire, Imlanec in crop. (Ir to iii-res of the above ineludiiiK l.niMinu-i. dr oD 1-- acres of the above without burn. All or tiny one of the above tract tit . 1 (MJ per in-ie with crop. S'lpare Den! Really Co., Jo-J ('. S. I tank hldix. THi-RAPHTICS WKLT.M Kit S VST KM Of suggestive Therapeutics practiced by Dr. W. T. TompKins, S. T. Most powerful, nut unl and successful treatment known to science for the relief and cure of headache, stomach, liver and kidney trouble; rheumatism, constipation, infutitilo paralysis nnd all female complaints, heart, lung and .throat; troubles; all diseases of the eye; can cer, goitre, epilepsia, asthma, nerv ousnt'hS or any chronic disease. Sug gestive (herupeutics properly applied: to a diseased body is positive, sure and permanent in its results. Honrs : !i to 12 a. in, 1 to fi p. in., piione I H01. Office rooms 1, 2 and 3 Biyne HI,L' lill Stnte St., Sulem, Oreaim. 1 SCAVANOER SALEM SCAVKN'OKR Charles Poos, proprietor. Garbage and refuse of all kinds removed on monthly contracts at reasonable rates. Vard and cess- pools 2247. ools cleaned. Office, phont .lain Resi.ln" v .. 2'Ji'J. MONEY TO LOAN ON Good Roal Estate Security. THOS. K. FORD Over Ladd 4 Busb Bank, Salem, Oregon MONEV TO LOAN I havo mude ar- rangemciits for loaning eastern money, will make very low rate of I interest on highly improved farms. I Homer 11. Smith, room 5 McCornack lU.lg, Salem, Ore. I'hone 0. SEVEN TelepioM Ifala 101 . Uala 11 Ifala T 10:40 a. m. 2:05 p. m. 4 :4o p. m. :05 p. m. :20 n. m. T 12:55 p. a. - . 0 4 :2a p. m. 13 Llmlusd .... 8 :40 p. m. . 17 Local .... 8:10p.m. ...19 ll:2fln iT 11 :4o p, a. 21 Owl 1:05 p. ss. NOBTU BOUND Lv. Csrvallls 4:10 p. m. .. Lv. Eugene. 7 :35 a. m. . . 1 .50 p. m. . 5:25 p. m. ., 12:00 p. m. . Ar. Sales , 6 :37 p. ra. Ar. fsalea , :45 a. na. 8 :55 p. m, , 7 :B5 p. Sh 1:10 a.m. 20 . 10 Limited . ..14 Limited . 22 ...2 Owl ... SOUTH BOUND Lv. Ralem Ar. Etagmt . 8 :60 a. aa. . 9 :80 a. a, ,12:26 p.m. Ar. Albany 2 :0O a. m 21 Owl 7 :10 11 85 10 :I5 a. m. Lv. Salem 12:00 p. m 5 Lloiite 7 1 :50 p. ta. Stops at Corral 1 1 Ar. Albany S 6:20 p.m. Ar. Albany 8 :46 p. ra. Ar. Eugeast 13 8 :50 p. a. Salem. 20 p. in Lt. Salem 8 :4o p. m. Wooubiiss Local Daiit Excirr Bundatb No. 84 Leaves Salem 1:40 p. a,' No. 63 Arrives In 8a!?a 8 :25 p. a. CORVALLI8 CONNBCTION HOKTB BOUXB- Lt. Corvallis 8 :25 a. m. . , 12:12 p. m. . 2 :.'2 . m. . . 4 :IO p. m. . 0 :18 p. m. . Ar. Ralsa ! 10 ..... ..... 14 .... 16 .... 20 ...22 SOUTH BOUND .. . 0 :45 a. m. . . . 1 :45 p. a. , . . 4 -.00 p. a. . . . 5 :37 p a. ... 7 :55 p- a. Ar. Corrallkr ... 11:33 a-a. ... 5:47 p. a ... 2 :20 p a . . . 8 :00 p. a, Lv. Rnlera 10:15 a m. 4 :25 p. m. 12 :5o p. m. 8 :40 p. m. . 7 13 WILLAMETTE RIVER ROOTB ' Oregon city Tranapartatlnn ComnanT Lenvo Portland for Oretjon City, RufteTll! NewberB. Mission (St.. Paul), Wheatland, Sulem (dully except Sunday) , .6 :45 a. -Leave Portland for Independence Albany Corvallis, (Turn., Thurs., Rat.) :4j a. a. ncturnliig Leave Corvallis 6 s. ra. Mob., Wed., M, Albany 7 1. m. Mon., Wed., !. . Inilepeudence. . . . 0 a., ni Moo., Wed., Frl. Salem 10 a. m, Mon., Wed., FrU Sulem 6 a. m. Tues., Thnrs., Bsc CHINESE D0CT0R3 J. CYUEN Well known Chiness doc tor has successfully treated all dis eases in the past yeir. tfee testimon ial on filo nt the Oriental Herb Co., 010 State St., Sulem. Out of towa patients treated by Symptomatic Hi-' agnosis. Send for diagnosis bla-ukA. julyl MISCELLANEOUS RKDUCED PRKIOIIT RATFS To and from all points east, on all household goods, pianos, etc. Consolidated car loid service. Capital City Transfer Company, agents for Pacific: C'oaat Forwarding company, ltil South Com mercial street. I'hone Main 93. NOTICE To the p!''" of Sl?m, that I have installed a complet oiy actylcno welding nnd cutting appar atus in my shop. For welding steelo, east iron, aluminum, brass and bronze. We iiiaka a specialty of automobil frnmo welding, scored cyhndcri blocks, broken crank cases, farm and harvesting machinery. Wo are also equipped for extra heavy weld ing and and con go to your job. I have employed an expert welder to es pecially look after your wants. Your patronago is respectfully solicited. All work fully guaranteed from de fects. C. R, Grig, general black smith nnd wood working shop, lS'M Htate street. .fuly 3 WATER COMPANY a at yr WATER COMPANY Office 1 9AI,tM WATMV ,.7- L. comer Commercial and Trade streets. For water service apply at office. Ttills pnvabln tnor.thly in advance. LM.HUH Care of YICKSOTONG Chinese Medicine and Tea Company Has medicine which will cure any known disease. 153 South Hiph Street, Salem, Ore. Phone 283 mm. ."ayi j-vuu- t-wto' .wanwifentCT.i