Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, June 27, 1916, Page TWO, Image 2

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Mrs. William C. Knighton went to eral alem girls I ,articipated in' the
rortlaml this morning to attend the programme and gave t!ie following
tea tor which Mrs. J'aul l-'roohlick was numbers, ren, ling, ," Hazing of Val
hostess this afternoon, honoring her 1 liant.i' ' (Williams) Mjiss lleatriee
sister-in-law, Mrs. T. .1. Mitchels.. Walton; solo, "tiood -Night wee,i
I Dream" ( liis'chof f ), Miss liore I'ratt;
Salem society will be interested iii'l''1'"" solu- "Brando Conrcrte ile Pot
toe announcement of the marriage of W (Hartlctt), hvclyn Del.niig; rcu.I
Miss Kay Wrightman formerly of this "'S- "liiving A Tea (I erctoril),
rity to It. S. Siniih, Jr., of San Anton-;Iiss Walton; vo.nl solo, "Madrigal
io, Texas, which took place in Ilono-; CIl,rrls). -
lulu at the Kirst Christian chourch .on : , ,
June the tenth. j M- Walter i'-akiu of Astoria, who
Mrs. Smith is the daughter of Mr.! was en route for Kugene, where she
Hod Mm. Frank Wrightman nud a'" ljc the "cst ot her sister, Mrs.
niece of Mrs. Harry Minton. She and Minnie Washburne, visited friends in
her mother have been sojourning in s"Icnl for a 1 ll'"lrs tll's afternoon.
ll.,r,l,,l,. rr ,...,.v,a v..
gone there in January from San Diego!
t-.t.p hi u:.i. i I...;
here Mrs. Smith has attended.
1 "uric nn. uiiiiu iinn ui icimi-u .
school for a number of years.
Mr. Smith is the son of Mr. and Mrs.!
K. H. Smith, Sr., of San Antonio, Tex-;
as, and is chief engineer of the V. S.
submarine, stationed at Pearl Harbor.
Mr. and Mrs. Smith will make their i
home in Honolulu.
-ors. Oliver C. Locke has as her
guests Mrs. Samuel L. Hoffman ami
anisll daughter Jane, of San Francisco
The public is invited to attend b
eard party to be given by the mem
bers of the Maccabee lodge at Me
f'ornae.k hall on Wednesday (tomor
row from 2 until 5 o'clock.
Mr. and Mrs. G. W. .Tonejj who have
been the guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Charles If. Jones, left today in their
ear for their homo in Tulare, Calif.
They were accompanied by Miss Kthel
Hardin? and Miss Mildred Kruse of
Portland, who will spend the summer
in Los Angeles. Calif., with the form
er's mother Mrs. M. Harding. The
Jones' will tour the Sound eitifs, (fR
tor Lake and other picturesque and in
teresting points before, their return to
lira. Fred Krixon left MonJny for
Facraniento, California, where she will
rend the summer, as the guest of "Mi.
JVeeman Van Pntton. Kn route Mrs.
Krjxon will visit friends in San Fran
cisco. Todnv was another extremely busy
day for the Halem Patriotic League?
a Ihp n,AtiiMA.'s wnrlfe.l srrennoiiH v to
compete and gather up articles ofi.
necessity for Company M, before their''"! two weeKs vacation an e o t
'.. ' . .1 tv Snnvpr w iimtorninn tor the Salem
tlrnarture south, rno memoerg 01 tne
Irfiigue were much elated vesterduy 1
over reeiving the ...in of $7.11 from I
Ker. James Klvin, who generot.sly do-
natesl the Sunday loose change collec, 1
, ' ,u ...'.. ..i i 1. .
the purpose of purchasing testaments
for the boys
One of the merriest of the closing
festivities of last week was tho lawn
party which included
niinn Kv thn ln i-An .T.iunlin rn flatiniMri-i
lion of Kola, Saturday Evening at the
i,,r.n f Mr. A'M,.(i
' The grounds wero gaily lighted wilh
i.,,n.M i,mt.r. f. ,, A ,i,.i,,iv v.fro.i,.
meuts rounded out tho evoning. Sev-
Wedding Costs Her
Income of $5,000,000
V TIit:J
': v' & f,
i I . i', ,
v.. - V
According to the terms of tho will of
John Jacob Astor, who died when the
Titanic Mink, his young widow was to
lose the income of $i,(MI0,00(t if alio re
married us well as the tenancy of the
Astor home in Fifth avenue, New York.
Therefore the world heard wilh aug
mented interest of her marriage to Wil
liam K. Dick, member of a very
wealthy Brooklyn family. Tho young
woman is the mother of John Jacob
Astor, bom in lit 12, a few months
after the death of his father. Sho was
Miss Madeleine T. Force.
Rev. V. B. Hinson D. D.
of Portland,
Formerly Pastor White Temple Church, now
Superintendent of Evangelism
Will Speak at the
First Baptist Church
Wednesday, Thursday and Friday Evenings, and
Sunday Morning and Evening
Services Free Come and Hear Him
All ladies preparing bundles or pack
aires fur the Ikjvs of ( omrany M. wi
"P" f,jr, '!'c y o 'T 'lif i ll
r - . i ' . ,
I'l,asp Oliver them at the depot by)
flve 0 (lol k- -Mr' ' 1'ver an1 -Vs-
'" 1!.vno" wi" 1c h"e to N've
u iV
lWrs- ....
guest ot .Mrs. t!. n. Houston, reiurneu
home Sun. lav. Mr. Minton motored
to Salem tor Mrs. Minton and they
were accompanied home by Mrs. L. M.
Hoggs, who will be their guest lor a
few davs.
L. R. Wood of Albany was in Salem
Mrs. C. J. Peach is visiting her par
ents in Seattle.
L. L. Tracv left yesterday afternoon
for San Francisco.
L. L. Dickey of Molalla was a Sa
lem visitor yesterday.
Mr. and Mrs. T. L. liilliugslcv went
to tortlan, 1 this nun ninir.
Prof. 11. P. Brass of the Oregon Ag l
ricultural college is in the city.
a. P. Mc.N'ary of Ablenlale, Wash
ington, is registered at tho Hligh.
Mrs. Leonard Haker of Coos Bay
is visiting her sister Mrs. K. C. Wy
gnat. Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Potts will leave
this evening f or- a two weeks' visit
in Los Angeles.
. -11r.s- um."s
, c..v the guest oi ,cr
w . t. . . . i ......1 1. i-
'.""r;". j r,
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Hnover are spend-
- ..
!it.,;,,' T,"lwav- , , ,
CF BTT t 1 ? 11
We Isljnd, 111, are v a-
1"'.'1"'. fl"'"'y " rrank Kosenqitest
111 this city tor a tew weeks.
laud hotels yesterday were Mr. and
Mrs. Jas. Greene at tho Faton and
- Mls- ' V1U Wi"klt nt ,lie
Sew"r(l - ... ... .,'.. i.
uon ueiuiug, rencu opeKuur ui
Western Vuiun
Telegraph company,
tn !Sttk'm yesterday to t.iko th
,)taco of an operutor there who hi)
,V,''"''j "' 0ri'lS"n ' troops.-liugi ne
. ''' ".V'. of Salem, arrived
this morning and will probably veuiain
induiiniteiy while her husband is evi
ploved here. Mr. Kyer is at present pres
ent foreman in the construction of th
new high school building. Riiseburg
$ Today's Beauly Talks
.1. -Ir -J -l ! vl. .1. .1 -r !
fl 1 1 -P 1 1 1 ( I5
Yon can make a delightful shanip
w'"' v '''' little effort and for n vc
trifling cost, if you get front yu
druggist, a package of eaiithrox a
dissolve a teaspoouful in a cup of hut ; Nn;, W11S ,.,uunnn knowledge Mini
water. Your shampoo is now ready j ,lr(,(, qimntities of arms had been ini
Just, pour u little at a time on the scalp: prted into l'lster.
and rub briskly. This creates an! The crown rested its case against
abundance .of thick, while lather that Casement early this afternoon. Solici
thorougiilv dissolves and removes the tor Sullivan, of counsel for tho de-
dundniff, excess oil and dirt. After;
rinsing, the hair dries quickly, wilh a!
fliiffiness that makes it seem heavier
Ihiiu it is, and takes on n rich luster
and a softness that makes arranging
it a pleasure.
Senate Rushes Business
Washington, June i;7. The senate
agreed this alteration to the good roads
bill appropriating $7o,ntUI,000 to be
spent in five years in. cooperation wh
the sta'es '" construction of highways.
An additional $10,iiimi,Miui Is to be add
ed for roads in national parks.
In less than .'I minutes the senate
this afternoon passed the pension ap
propriation bill currying a total of
The senate late tocis afternoon pass
ed the sundry civil service bill carry-
ing $l:l(l,nmi,OiUl, an increase of about
.p. ,.,.'.,,,,, I, in.r II1C IHHISV III, ,.l, I I ,
Ih'lay in the use of national guards-
men on the Mexican bor.ter became nl
most a ceitam'.y tins alteration w lien
Absolutely Removes
Indigestion. One package
proves it 25c at all druggists.
GlliSOX At her homo on Riverside
drive, June 27, l!M(i, Mrs. Anna Ma
bel Gibson, in her Tjlst year.
She is survived bv two children, a
son, Floyd Gibson, living at the Hiv -
ersiile home and a daughter, Mrs. B. L.I
Minch, living 10 miles south of Sa- j
lem. The surviving brothers and sis -
tcrs are : J. A. Colgan and G. JI. Col-;
gan of Marion; K. K. Colgan of Port-1
I..n.l. I If l'.,l...n L' I,
'' (-olKan w- A- CoKn of Wells,'
. . . n. v,u.Ku.i vi vens,
Minn.; Mrs. A. Abbott of Marshfield
and Mrs. N. K. Moran of Watertown,
- i and highest per capita tax. of any
Funeral services will be held at 10, state in the union. Industries would
o'clock Thursday morning at tne chap- (m)W ju8t what to expect in the way
el of Itigdon and Richardson, the Kev.jof tl,xos, whereas now many who would
' '. Avison officiating. j nke to 0(.ate jn Oregon are fearful of
Puna! will be in the Odd Fellows 1 un just ,,;.
cemetery. I ,r T, .a , nrn.
l stn !
from Minnesota and has lived at the
home near Salem since 1!)05.
CARDEX At the home of his dauL-h-!
ter Mrs. F I). Unison,
on .lacksonk
. . "
street, Tuesday, June 27, 11, Pav-
i.i . .. .,!.. :., 77,i, . I
Funeral services will be held Wed-
nes.lay afternoon at 1:30 o'clock from
the Leslie Methodist church, in ciiarge
of the Rev. J. O. Spencer. Burial will
be in the Odd Fellows cemetery.
Besides his widow, he is survived by
eight children: Mrs. F. I). Vinson, Mrs.
Gus Rosenbnum, Mrs. Harry If mini-j
cutt, Fred Garden, Jack Garden, all oP
Salem; J. W. Garden, Oregon City;
.Miss Nellie ( nrden, Salem; Mrs. An
gie , Thomns, Lebanon.
By Wilbur S. Torrest
(I'nited Press staff correspondent.)
London, June !!7. Only tho fact
that the water supply In the home of
a Kerry county farmer ran out on the
night before Good Friday led to the
uncovering of Sir Roger Casement's
plot to head a rebellion In Ireland.
nidge McCarthy, a Cartahagnc far
mer, and the first witness when Case
ment's trial was resumed today re
vealed that fact.
McCarthy arose before daylight on
Good Friday morning and discovered
that tnere was no water in the house,
lie went to a well a mile distant. On
his return he saw drifting near shore
'he collapsible boat in wtiich Sir Rog
er and his confederates had landed
from a German submarine. i
McCarthy testified that he found a
dagger in the boat and noticed the
font prints of three persons in the
sand. His little girl found three pis
tols nearby. There discoveries nrouB
ed iiis suspicions, ho said, and senf
one of his laborers, Patrick Uriscoll,
lo the nearest barracks (o inform the
Mary Gorman, living on a nearby
farm, told of Hceiug three men go by
the farm van! shortly after dawn on
Good Friday morning. Casement
smiled when she identified him as one
of the trio.
Sergeant Thomas J. O 'Ileum, of the
Irish constabulnrv who found Case
ment hiding in an old fort and arrest
e, him, admitted on cross-examination
that a lame nart of Ireland was arm-
"u,l;;lia ;n iH-ctnirimr for domestic war. He
fense. then niniied a motion to quash j
the indictment on the ground that it
specified that the nlleged treasonable ,
acta were committed within the realm
of the empire, whereas the testimony
showed they were committed outside.
Washington, June 2". The house to
day by a villi, of 110 to o disagreed
10 tne ucuou ui iiie si-iuinj in i-iiiiiin,i
ing the provision of the Hay resolution
to grand .ill a month to dependents of
the iniUtianien. I
The five who supported the semi. el
action were Statfoiil, .Michigan; .loan-
-'n. Washington: James, Michigan ; ,
action were Stafford, Michigan; John
,i, i , in,.-, iMiin.,, " ,
The resolution was sent to conference
with indications that house conferees
win maae a strong tight to nave ine ,
:t :f of Pf-viaiou reinserted. j
I . " "" "VV" ."""iln.v. The total for Mnv w $-17" drill..
The senate never will recede from
its position," said Chamberlain of the
: senate military committee
,1 i . i. . i . i . .
when le
I ni iirii i ne noose tiecisiou,
I t l 'VI i '.' I.. Ml ,
" I he senate positive v will not ngree
to pay pensions' or aids to dependents.
It would bankrupt the federal tro vsiuv
and demorali.,. the armv."
A deadlock between tiie two branch". 1
not legally authorized to use the;'
guardsmen in Mexico.
senale and house conferences on tlic!tmo ' '"crease of tU.000.000 oer
Hay draft resolution reported they j April, previous high record. The total
were unable to agree whether militiri px"'m1m1 the monthly May average
men with families should be exempted!"" 1!"1 l-'' hv S',,000.000.
. f ,- t n.i. .r.l.. i...t "... .i
from service or whetiier their families
hold, I be paid.
The eoiuerenee report on the Moss
rural credit bill was approved today in
i the house by a vote of SKI to 10. Dem
ocrats demanded n final roll rail on
the measure, in view of tho republican
platform which condemns the bill as
unsutii. factory.
Divergence of Opinion As To
MeasureTax Disburs
es Against It
The meeting of the members of the
Commercial club, called by the presi
dent, Joseph H. Albert, brought out all
sorts of opinions us to the advisability
of passing the pr ipovd r.n.i i.dment to
the constitution, limiting the taxing
powers of the state to an increase of
only 6 per cent of the preceding year.
1.. 1 1 C L. '.I. . ....... -i; ....
state tax payers' league, explained the
suue tax payers- league expiaineu nit i
'purpose of the amendment. He said;
that Orecron has the lowest illiteracy
posed amendment, saying that the state
would not have enough money for run-
I uing expenses if not allowed to raise
"!re 4han. Pcr ceut .v" !he. $?'5?0':
I hi rnisen last veiir. rie aenieti mai
. . . , .u.
ia.es were liicieusiiij; i,m utin
tiL'lires ro snow 11. u me mu wem
through, the state would run short
about $100,000 on just running expenses
j 1917 and n0 Hiouey for Improve-
meilt9- Even if an election had to be
caie(l to raise money, the expenses of
the special election in the state would
be $130,000 and he doubted whether
such an election could be lega'y held.
John H. Albert was opposed to the
proposed amendment and believed the
courts would hold it unconstitutional.
II,. .lenie.l that, taxation had increased
out of proportion to the increased
Values. Willie lines Ui.u liuirancu
, V V-n . .u t , I
the state 3i0 per cent in the last ten.
ii n' i..i f;..r. .
values. While taxes nna increaseu in
years, Mr. Albert had the figures to
show that property had increased 500
per cent.
Earl Raco talked in favor of economy
and Judge Bushey also took his stand
on the economical side. Charles V.
Galloway opposed the measure. Reuben
H. Boise favored the bill, saying that
his taxes had increased away out of
proportion to his income.
Since petitions have been in circula
tion asking for such a measure, the
discussion last night was the first time
the bill has been under fire.
Professors From 0. A. C. Ex
perimenting On Brown
Rot and Such
Prof. H. P. Barss, botanist and plant
pathologist of the O. A. (',., with his as
sistant, G. K. Van Gundia, ore in the
city. Spraying experiments for brown
rot' will be continued in the prune dis
trict in the Sunnyside district.
The fire blight situation iu the Wil
lamette valley is very encouraging, Mr.
Barss said today. Where the blight
was found and cut out last fall, there
appears to be but little evidence of it
this spring, and this is true of Lane
and Benton counties us well as Mnro'.
Few new centers of fire blight have
been found, and these are now being
taken care of by the county fruit in
spector. C. O. Constable. In order to
successfully fight this disease, ill peo
ple are urged to watch for its first rp
pearance or anything that even sug
gests the disease and to send samples
to the eoinil v fruit insuector 's office,
While this has been a bad season
for apple scab, Air. Bursa said those
who had followed the spraying experi
ments as suggested by the O. A. C. were
meeting with considerable success.
Plans are also under way in the coun
ty fur starting spraying experiments on
control of California peach blight, es
pecially in the Salem district. Karly
winter spraying demonstration's will
also be carried out this fall for peach
leaf curl, us these two diseases ure the
most difficult to handle in the .-"fate,
experiments have been carried on in
sunt hern Oregon, but it has been found
that the date found best for spraying in
the south has not been effective in this
Iinrt' of tlio vuUp.v.
KrUu .,,.1 i.i.. , ' ...4 .. 'II ...
tlmi .,; ft m(mth nm' f ontimu, fM
pori,ent.H for brown rot in the prune
district of Suunvside
, L '
n i D 1 Ti
lt3y fcXpfJnS AMORC US
Washington. June 27. May experts
1)ri,k( tt), r,,(,01.lN a,,,.or,Un ,0 ,.,,,.
,mr,e t..pa m.H-nt statement issued to-
! Dltll u hiuli iu J;il1 lhU .lilil t.,- !...
Li,.. ,,, , .... ..,.,
nun nun .1 ki.. ,r...
.... r." "I".'" l'l .U1IIVU Uii.l .T.un,,-
v v-,...... Itiuil' lllllll 1 11.1 HIUlll'IIV .iiiv
,. ... ,,,,, ;.
''f. . rm, " 1 '!? , X
. " 1 , el", 31 ,H,nl-
10,1 W.UW100.00 0. Ih.s was an in-
?n!T?,V . r"?.' n m i ' V,'r
..... . "
Imports for M.iv also were the great
est! on record. They totalled --il,0ln,-
The trade balance for the month was
'4;l.lHH).lM'0 and for tho 2 months
ending May ill, L',0r!,0il0,00l the
larger ever known.
Why art popular? Ba
cause w tell you aTery day, 41
tha newt of th world,
Stands Up Well Under Grilling
Cross Examination His
Love Was "Pure"
Courtroom, Wauhegan, 111., Jun
Prosecutor Joslyn drew from Will
Orpet's own lips today the story of the; i
netnol hetr..v.nl ( VUri T nmli.ivf
for whose mnr.ler h. is ,r!.,1 '
frn.ter sn,-,....vt;,. .u,.m;..i;.,
OlDet sat Clllnilv in thn witness el.-iir
and told the jury his relations with
Marion had over stepped fhe bounds
., .!,,, ni ,,, "
nV V, hJ . lv
Drilled by his attorneys during the
night, Orpet came to the courtroom to
day prepared to undergo an hour of
further questioning at the hands of
his attorneys before he was turned
over to the state for cross-examination.
The courtroom was jammed again to
day. Crowds who had heard Orpet
calmly recite his version of Marion
Lambert's death in Helms woods ex
pected the test fhe youth would face
today would be merciless.
Special Prosecutor Joslyn planned to
wring from the youth every detail of
his romance with Marion, to bring out
tho manner in which Orpet lured her
intq a clandestine intrigue, and to tan
gle the story Orpet told late yesterday.
The defense contended today it had
established through Orpet 's testimony
these facts:
That Marion had asked Orpet, at
their last tryst in Helms woods, to
"stick by her and get her out of
trouble," a trouble which was purely
mythical; that Orpet had refused and,
as he was leaving her, she committed
The murder fans who had expected
, . ... . 1
salacious testimony a story of a wild
J "
romance ot wood nymph and satyr
were disappointed.
"What dav in September did you
take a ride throuiih the woods with
Marion?" Jnslvn snapped
"I don't remember. "
"What happened!''
"I think 1 said something adopt go'
ing into the woods," Orpet replied'1:"
slowly. "I think sbe agreed."
"Was that the only time you had
intimate relations with Marion?"
Prior to his cross-examination, Orpet,
Questioned bv his own attorneys.
denied he had ever given cyanide of
potassium to Marion; denied he had
ever told anyone he had done so;
denied he had ever heard Marion
directly threaten suicide. I
"I never asked ( elestia ouker to
marry me," he testified, "but there
was sort of a vague understanding be-,
tween us. I never gave her an en-;
gagement ring."
Orpet repeated from memory a -note
he said Marion had written him two
days before he left Madison to keep
his last tryst with her.
All Wheat
Ready io Eat
fnr"ji mniHiiTiiit Vr titii Is'il , M
In it, Orpet said, Mariou wrote:
"Are you coming down when you
said you" were? You had better, for
perhaps it will be your last chance."
In his cross-examination Joslyn sai
casticallv referred frequently to the
"pure love'' that Orpet bore Marion.
"When did you begin to lov her."'
he asked.
"Earlv in the spring of lOlo."
"When did your feeling change;"
Late in September. .
After your trip to the woods with
"Perhaps," the boy admitted.
Orpet said his love for Marion had
always been pure. He didn't consider
the culmination of their romance im
inire. he said, lie adrnit'.ed he ha 1
i sou
ght to force himself on her one day
August, at her parents' home. Hi?
said tneir alteCIIOIl was M..m . .rm...
' 'Wd 'v-' ny U! ' Jos
I lyn asKe.i.
I "as lnlS'
Oipet answered
"You were willing to ti'-e Marion's
virtue; vuur love for her was good that
Orpet said he did not think his love
ever became sexual.
Joslyn brought out that Orpet 's most
intimate chums nt Madison were all
students of chemistry, 0r employed by
druggists. Orpet had studied chemis
try two years himself.
San Antonio, Texas, June 27. "Cap
tain Morey deserves great commenda
tion for his exploit at Carrizal. It cer
tainly was a brave thing for him to do.
I am glad to command so gallant an
This was the tribute paid by one
soldier to another when the I'nited
Press asked General Fuuston for an
expfcssiou regarding; Captain Morey
this afternoon.
(CoRtinued from rage One.
Tune 27 The Third battalion of the
Third Oregon infantry regiment will
en train this afternoon for Fort Kose-
1 crans, San Diego,
s were issued at midnight
inefe or.iers
, ,.u u iv;ii;,,,kvo -
by Captain Kenneth P. Williams, in
charge of the mustering of state troops
iu to the federal service.
The Second battalion aud battery A,
'"i"" "c: ,".':'",' r ,,"'...
seo a qmea enange ,n
Ine troop train leftvinif here tonight
will consist of about 32 Tears,' and will
have the right of way over everything,
on the road including the ,-hasta lim ,
ited. The train will stop three minutes
111 Woodburn, the home of Company J,
and 10 minutes in Salem where (lover-
. ii-:,i,.,,.,i. ,..;n ,i.i.,. ,1,., ,
j -
j The trooP tra'" which will carry the
Third battalion arrived here at 2 p. m ,
but it is not expected the soldiers can
! leave before nightfall.
; . ,
I to,ttl of i,X men w'u fa" rniP
Withyeombe for the border this week,
Of this number 374 go with the Third
The Now Whole Wheat
food with tho Delicious
Flavor originated by the
IfolloggToasted CornFlakoO).
wheat, is meeting with the most
open-armed welcome ever ac
corded a breakfast food.
Wheat has never before been
prepared this way so crisp and
crumbly, with such a delicious
flavor all its own.
Krumbles is prepared from tho
whole of the wheat by the exclu
sive Krumbles methodoriginated
by the Kellogg Toasted Corn Flake
Co. It presents all the starch, the
protein, the mineral "salts arid
phosphates, and the bran of the
wheat in a most appetizing and
nourishing form.
In the WAXTITE package-lOc.
Look for this signature.
Success cf i New Resect fci
Backache, Kidneys, Rheumatism
rnr Mr. Editor I suffered for ycftjii
with backache. Last March I trieiX
"Anuric" and have used thia new kid
ney medicine recently discovered by
Dr. Tierce, and it was wonderful tl)n
way it eased the pain and gave mo
reiief in such a Ehort time.; I. havo
tried several medicines, but Anuric"
I is the only one that gave satisfaction.
j (ee, jt my duty to recommen(l
"Anuric Tablets"to any one whoauffeta
as l did. j ;
(Signed) Mrs. Mabqaret E. Snide",
Xote : Folks in town and adjoining
nnnnliafi nro rteliirhtd with the rpflnltH
j th(?y haveobtainedbyuaingVaRY'
the newest discovery of Dr. Pierce, who
is head of the invalids hotel ana
Surgical Institutk, in Buffalo, N. Y.
Thoee who started the day with a bach
ache, stiff legs, arras and muscles, ant)
an aching head (worn out before thn
day began because they were in and out
of bed half a dozen times at night ) art)
appreciating the perfect rest, comfort
and new strength they obtained from
Dr. Tierce's Anurio Tablets. To prove
that this is a certain urio acid solvent
and conquers headache, kidney ami
bladder diseases and rheumatism, if
you've never used the "Annrio," crit
this oat and send ten cents to Doctor
Fierce for a large sample package. Thin
will prove to yoa that "Anuric" in
thirty - seven times more active than
lithia in eliminating uric acid and the
most perfect kidney. and bladder ooi
rector. If you are a sufferer, go to your
beet druggist and ask for a SO-cent box
of "Anuric." You run no risk for Dr.
Pierce's good name stands behind thia
wonderful new discovery as it has for
the past half century for bis "Golden
Medical Discovery," a general tonic
made from roots with pure glycerino
which makes the blood pure, his "Fa
vorite frescription" for weak women
and "Pleasant Pellets" lor liver ilia.
battalion today, ,'M4 with the Second
battalion aud 171) with Battery A to
morrow: 4-tS men with the Firut batta
lion, machine gun company aad regi
mental headquarters Thursday. Th
train taking Troop A to the border Fii
day will carry lilt men.
Although nearly all the equipment
needed has been received here, no at-
j V be made to equip the troo,
1 vuiiiuhu iv uciuic 1 nun ur.'iiriuru. r-
,?., .,,.., of ,
peditc' 'was the watchword at the en
campment today, aud ull red tape w;.s
cut short.
Battery A, field artillery, this n fl
.Vlcmoon received orders to cut raw ...
I '!;' f'" .f"l;-xic, Cal., for duty
mediately for Cale.xico. Cal.. for
m Calif..ruhvMexican border.
nH ... .... , n .
lhe W,U .,v at,9 ? ' '
m uw "J a "l'c" ,,ea,r lu- ..
T1'e, "JeS spec.fy that the batte.y
ninsr lie 'tn lv emmmcd fnr liulil warn.
it,e witn fuj u.(iical and quartermfi
ter personnel and transportation. ''
4c c sjc jc jjc jjc sfc sc sc sfc s c jjt sjc sc )
3C ijc 35 3fc 5C 3fi !)C !fc ijC 3C SfC ?C if
VOOKI. RYAN At St; Josephs
chnr. h, .Tune 27. 1010, by tho Rev.
A. A. Moore, Miss Klizubcth Hornl
Byan of Salem und William E. Vo
gel oi Union, Oregon.
new ready-toeat
delicacy, made
from the whole