Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, June 26, 1916, Page EIGHT, Image 8

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; "i
Our No. 801 st
Wednesday Surprise
A Sale of "Lynat" Hat Linings Ouly 10c Each
A new creation a lining ready made to place in
your hats with adjustable head size so that it makes
the hat fit correctly. Reline your hat with these for
almost nothing; may be had in black or white; extra
special for next Wednesday Qq ch
See the window display. Sale starts at 8::i0.
Special. Sale of Women's
Here are light, cool,
fashioned for stout
style that will appeal to
A Special Sale of Pictures (Second Floor)
Reproductions of famous, oil paintings many
subjects reproduced in natural colors, rich gilt
frames all ready to hang on the wall. Lovers of
art will be interested in these special offerings.
One Lot at 69c each. Another Lot at 98c Each
(See the window display.)
17,000 IN WILL
(Continued From Page One.)
If. Bac kus, Company II, Seventh regi
ment, Chicago, misluiucd a severe fli.-h
wound in the left thigh last night when,
according to his story, a civilian fired
threo shots at him with u 32 calibre
- Willilim O'Hrtcn. believe,! t.i bit it' !
4hrt Nnunnth i-nitl m, ,,1 Cl.l n u. .... !
last night in a atraight jncket 'it the
tity jail. Ho became demented during
tho night. He was much improved to
day and may be allowed to return to
Troop Trains First.
Washington, .tune 20. War depart
ment supplies h in troop trains have the
right of way on all American railroads.
Through the American Knilway associa
tion, tho department, it was learned to
day, has at its disposal all the rolling
tuck it desires. As fast as freight
is sent to the border, the empty cars
will be "dead headed" back to distri
tnition points.
Cars containing war depart men t nut
tol'ialH bear a special placard anil thin
iH recognii'.eil by every dispatcher and
train crew as giving it the right of
Much of tho war dcpintiu.'iit fre'jrht
moves even foster than o;)rc-is tiains.
A railroad sidetracked on 'is fast limit
ed trair.- to make way for the war sup
plies. The railroad association, 'ncludiu t in
its membership every railioad presi
dent in the country, has Informed the
a' department that it w ill give i very j
ounce of eo-o i e in t i o u in its power.
llobilii.ntion of lallioad 'or vs has been
accomplished almost nut 'uirit i'-.illy.
The association has soot a peciill
trained imps here to be a; the coin
will lnu C clear tracks ahead.
Your Last Chan
r 1 1 1 v 1 "v.- iiii-iiim-i s mir uiamond
TS Brand" Aluminum Club will be
- .i.'.ri .wiLWll
o can. it afford to. miss tins splendid opportut.it v-Think
of it! -7-1'ieccs of tins H,Rl, Grade Diamond 15ia.nl Alum
inum Ware (just as illustrated) on Easy, Club Terms.
Ca".at t,i.eT",orc t,,is rvenit.K or tomorrow morn in ,!.
fI'I 'J-10 st',s-tlu- a jst as Kood i.s the" first.
. rMjSri"S.yo" TOU8t ACT
Summer Vests 3 for 50c
ribbed Vests especially
people a new, attractive
all women. Extra special
3 Vests for 50c
Troop trains, even more th in freight,
will have dinar tracks pIicm 1.
Change In System of
Examining Teachers
lepaitiire will be made in examin
ing applicant for teiuhei' certifi
cates when the examining board meets
at the high school at nine o'clock
Wednesday morning. Tliis year, one
!yenr papers will be granted to those
who pass satisfactorily in innmiat
training, physical culture, domestic
science, music, typewriting and .sten
ography. Heretofore examinations
have been restricted to ueademic sub
jects entirely.
From Marion county about 1."0 ap
plicants are expected. The examina
tions will be held for four days, con
cluding at four o'clock Saturday af
ternoon. I'll pern will go to the state
school superintendent ' office for cor
rection. Rev. W. B, lllnson, D. D., who speaks
at the First Baptist church in this city
Wednesday, Thursday ami Friday even
ings of this week anil morning and ev
ening next Sunday, is one of the best
known pulpit orators and Christian
workers on the coast. Ho successful
ly filled important pulpits in Vancouver
and San Diego before coining to the
White Temple Baptist church, Portland, I
four years ago. He is frequently called
upon for addresses and sermons at eon-;
vcalions. He will be one of the lead
ing speakers at the Christian Mndouvnr j
convention in Stockton, C.al., next
tmuilli uliiirii 3 fall! ileleon t co n ov- !
where .1,000 delegates are ex-
pectcd. He also speaks several times
at the coast convention of the Baptist
loung People s I niou in Spokane, also
held next month. The meetings here
are free. The public is cordially in
vited. The evening services will be
gin at H o clock,
we have seetved four
........ I. - nr i
no:,cu, men we can
not supply you with
a single set of this
High grade Alum
inum on the most
liberal terms of
M $1.00 Cash
J 1 r rv .
ana ou as.
a Week
Will you he one
of the liK-ky four?
Will you share
the advantage of
this Oanr! hfT.r?
QUICK because thi.
is your
All Around Town
t . t ? t
Tax ravers Loajjuc meets
'oinmcrciul club.
Snletn Floral Suciety meets
Commercial club.
June iS. Meeting
of Salem
Patriotic League, 2 p. m.
.lane ."ill. Itenetit sales .lay for
l.ailie:! Auxiliary Spanish
War Veterans.
July 3 All-Oregon Grange ral
ly, Salem.
July 3. Annual Cherry fair.
July 4. Fourth of July cele
bration. State Fair grounds.
July 4. Indiana society annual
picnic at State Fair grouad9.
July 1218. Salem Chautauqua.
July 19. Monthly meeting of
Commercial club.
July 20 Wisconsin society re
union at Stato fair grounds.
July 20. Southern Pacific rail
way men's picnic, State Fair
Dr. Mondelsohn, specialist, fits glasse-
n corroctly. U. 8. Bank. Bid,;.
j The rain fell yesterday, but not to
i any great extent, as the government's
i official record shows only .13 of an
inch. The river is fallinir and today is
!..'! feet above low water,
David L. Cook, WHO graduated from
Willamette university this spring, has
been elected principal of the Newbcrg
high school. He will also have ch'nrge
of the classes in physics.
Salem chimney sweep. Estb. 1909.
I'hone I!).
The SpauldUig Logging company ship
ped this morning a car load of inside
finishings for the ('hanslor-r.yon auto
mobile supply house of l'ortland and a
car load of mill work to central Califor
nia and Nevada. .
Now is the time to buy your sum
mer lint during our sale. The French
Shop, 35!l State St.
T. E. Talbot was taken up by the po
lice Sunday for driving his automobile
too fast a. clip. He put up $10 which
was forfeited when he failed to appenr
in police court this morning.
We are headquarters for stoves and
ranges. Prices $I.."iO ami up. K. L.
Stiff & Son.
A. J. Strei arrived here this morning
from San Francisco to npplv for a
requisition for (leorge. W. Harrison.
I Harrison is now in custody at Portland
and is wanted in California 'for neglect
j ing to provide for a minor child.
j A full line of tents, awnings, wag
; mi covers, and other outing supplies
!at K. I.. Stiff S: Son's.
Lieutenant Colonel T. W. Scott, head
j of the Northern Pacific division of the
Salvation Army work, will conduct a
public meeting at tjie Salvation Army
hall lit M o'clock Tuesday evening.
Kveryono is invited.
You can live without coffee if you
drink Cereo, Salenii's new hcaltn
drink. !
O. L. Dtnilnp, of the general de'.iveiy
window of the Salem postoffire, vns
appointed on a committee to take up
the advisability of issuing a quarterly
postal clerks inagaiue, at the annual .
meeting held last week in Oregon City.1
ill ink.
can live without coffee if you
Cereo, Saleml's new health1
Tuesday evening the Moose will hold
open house at their lodjje room cclcbrnt
inc; the election of their candidate as
oiieen of the Cherrv fair. The I'nited
'1 A i t isu ns, Wooiliuen of the World, and
i Modem Woodmen are invited to take
' part in the jollification.
Have yon tasted Salem's new health
food drink Cereo, )jet sample at Gas
t'o. tomorrow.
The West Salem baseball players are
rotoni.ed as some players when the
name is on a regulation field. Hut yes
terday at I'errvdale they were handi
capped by the hih mass on the field
i and the rain,' and as a result came
j home with the small end of the sc.oe,
i played 15 to 'i.
I Havo you tasted Salem's new health
; food drink Cereo, (jet sample at tins
it'o. tomorrow.
; Harley O. White mid family returned
Sunday from a two weeks' enmpi:ir and
automobile trip on the McKenie. The
hich cost of living ns well ns the Cost
it hir;h livine; were materially reduced
by campion out duiini; the entire tiip.
I Get our prices on all kinds of lum-
; her and builders supplies. Calls City-'
Salem Lumber Co., lit!. S. U'th. I'lione'
U- o -
I ve wish to thank our. Irind friends
! who assisted us during our bereave
ment, also the ladies of the Prinze-jt'len-.nnt
lVint Social club. (Signed)
.Mrs. W. Kobins,
Mrs. .1. S. Taylor,
lialph )?yal.
Sealed bids will be received by the
undersigned until Kriday, duly 7, at
-;0tl o clock, p. in., tor the delivery of
one hundred twenty five (l-o) cords
I of larce second I'towlh fir wood to oe
delivered before October 1, It'lti. The
court reserves the riht to reject anv
or all bids. MAX fiKlll.HAR, '
County Clerk.
June 21, -'S, .Inly 1
supplies at E. L. Stiff
The armory has been secured for the
i use of tho Salem Hifle club and the
1 first general drill will be held this ev
ening at S o'clock. The work is just
preliminary to the forming of a home
guard anil all those who are interested
' in military tactics are invited to not
'only attend the drill tonight, but to
take active part.
I Millinery Sale, All goods at 1-2
i price. .Many new novelties included.
The French Shop, 3,"iU State St.
I 0
I . . Buster began yipping and growling
and scratching at the door at midnight
Sunday. Buster is a fox terrier owned
ny v. . nice, wuo lives at t tipitni
and Shipping streets. The terrior's
master went out into the garden back
of the house and found that the pup
had treed a young possum. The biimhiiI
had been living on berries and cherries
apparently for several days as the gar
den was devastated. Today Buster had
an extra treat at dinner time.
Of special Importance to ladies Is
the milinery sale now opened at The
French Shop. Large .stock, many new
styles. 3.")!) Stato St. " ,
More than fourteen thousand permits
for the importation of liquor will be the
total to date for Marion county when
the blanks now in the hands of the ex
press companies and physicians are used
up. Common carriers have used !),000
of this number. Whiskey, under the
two quarts a month plan, seems to be
the most popular importation. Ktlivl
alcohol for external use will require
2,000 blanks while the same commodity
on physicians' prescriptions will ac
count for a thousand. For sacramental
purposes liquor will need but 1,000
Presentation of the "housewives"
and personal property bags which the
ladies of Salem, under the nuspic.es of
the Salem Patriotic, league have been
making for Compnny M, will take place
tomorrow at Oluckamns if the soldieis
are still in camp. Should an order to
move be received, the presentation w:ll
occur at the Salem S. F. depot when tne
troop (rain comes iu from the north. In
event a delegation goes from 'lore to
Camp Withycombe, Mrs. W. ). sseln.
president of the society, states that spe
cial rates can be secured for r,msr.or
tation on the 1:27 train and lures all!,,
: i . V. . , - " 1
i.iuit-s who run get uwny 10 join ine
The citizens of Salem as well as the
members of the Commercial club are
expressing their satisfaction and appre
ciation of the efforts of the several
lodges that supported candidates for
Cherry queen. From a lodge standpoint,
it was not only the pleasure of support
ing a candidate, but it was done in the
way of lodge contributions to aid in the
celebration. The lodges nssisting and
spending their money in the contest are
the Flks, Moose, Woodmen of the
World, Modern Woodmen and the Uni
ted Artisans. It is through the pa
triotism of these lodges that $024.44
was placed in the hands of the commit
tee to not only' properly costume the
queen and her attendants, but to be
used in the generul expenses.
You can make , money by
reading the Journal New- Today
The Soldier Nimrod
A true story
Copelauil. eye
in verse. By llerbe
iirht specialist.
t W
Thompson was a soldier bold,
Full six feet six he stood;
lie had the strength of Hercules,
I Hut his eyesight wasn't good.
Jle loved his dear old Cucle Sain,
lie loved his country's flag;
And woe nnto the anarchist,
Who called the same "a rag!"
He ao loved to hunt and fish,
A modem Nimrod he;
Hut a limn should have good eyesight if
I A .Nimrod he would be.
One day he wandered in the wood,
A deer! I p came the gun, '
Then when the smoke had cleared away,
He saw what he had done.
There lay a farmer's Jersey eow,
A scene he ne'er forgot!
The owner heard him shoot, and soon
In linger reached the spot!
He talked of law, and this and that,
Hut Thompson meekly said,
"I'll pay the price, my injured friend;
Piav do not lose vour head."
The soldier gave him forty-five,
From out hia meager pnv
Twus dear indeed for the soldier boy!
Ami then lie walked uwny.
He called on Dr. Copeland next,
And had some glasses made.
"1 want the very best," said he,
"The very highest grade."
Now- when lie sees a fanner's cow,
He knows the brute on siht,
He's well prcpnred for "greasers" too,
If called upon to fitiht.
He'd reconniite that Villa scamp
A half a mile away,
And hriii); him down with ease and
Nor have a cent to pay!
Vr. Copeland takes Dr. Mendelsohn'
place during the hitter's absence.
Son '.
MONDAY, JUNE 26, 1916.
(Continued From Page One.)
Idaho. Instead of coin? to Idaho,
however, lie will return to his head
quarters at San Francisco tonight.
California About Ready
.Sacramento, Oil., June 2(i. Four
thousand national guardsmen are en
camped here today making final pre
parations for tiieir trip to the Mexican
bonier. Nearly 1.O0U additional troops
including several southern California
units, have marched into the state fair1
grounds during the past 24 hours.
Kverv man must Hm inii..nhit..,t .
gainst small pox ami typhoid. This!
work is now being rushed under the 11-1
rcction of army surgeons. At the same
time, the militiamen are being sworn I
into the regular service as rapidly as!
possible bv Captain llanigan. i
Among tne troops arriving here dur-
ing Sunday were a batterv of field nr
tillery and a hospital corps from Los
Angeles, a body of cavalry from ita
kersfield and the Fifth infantry. .
The machine gun company of the
Sixth infantry came in from San Fran
cisco with its death dealing weapons
on three trucks. The company brought
more than the required fifty men, us
it was beliPMvd some of them iniulit
not be able to pass the federal pliys l
ical examination. " j
Companies M and B of the Sixth in-1
fan try arrived from San .lose carrying;
huge bouquets of flowers. Roses hud
been placed in the men's hats, ropes'
of flowers twined urouud tiieir rifles I
and on the locomotie of the troop!
I train was a wreath of roses with cross-,
I flags. !
Seven Artillery Companies
San Francisco, June 20. With scv-
!eu coast artillery c"Tr:j':i!::C.'5 iiiiuto- un
expected orders, moving toward Mex-
ico today, 10 companies were left to
man the fortifications of San Francis
ico bay. About N(." officers and men
iwere included in the units which de
parted. The first troop train started
I south about 2:30 a. in. Two others fob
'lowed at dawn. The artillerymen arc
mployed as infiuitrv and will proh
be used along the border near
San Diego and Calexu-o.
Orders for the move were sudden
and absolutely unforeseen. Many
members of the companies were on
leave. A four p. in. the work of round
ing up the artillerymen commenced.
Orders for them to icport were read
from the stage of every theatre. Au
diences arose and cheered when the
soldiers hurried away. At 11 p. m.
heavily loadetl army wagons drawn by
six and eight horse teams began clat
terinf through the streets to tin'
Southern Pacific station,
One company went from Fort Bali
, one from Fort Milcy and the other
five from Fort Winfield Scott. ."Ca
tional guardsmen may be used at the
fortresses while tin' regulars are away.
Prospect of War Keeps
Stock Prices Lower
I New York, June 20. The New- Vork
iKvening Sun financial review today
! said :
I Over Sunday .levelopments. pointing
more strongly than ever to the likeli
hood of war between this country and
j Mexico, were not of a diameter to
stimulate public buying, a feature of
I which the professional clement took ad
vantage of today is depressing the gen
eral list.
In the In the opinion of shrewd
Wall Street observers, the market suf
fered fully as much, if not oioir, fioni
the meagerncss of outside participation
and lack of support as it did Tnyji the
inroads of bearish traders, who sought
and found many weak spots both iiinonn , jjerxol, ut Idaho; .Indue H. 1). .vloitoni,
standard railway shares and industrial of St. l.ouis, w ho held a North Cum
spoei'ilties ' 1 i'"tt I'l'yi rturton Vance, of Kentucky.
Iteiiorted efforts in the direction ot.au.i ruiuiiriuj;e oiuy, or .ew i oik
mediation on the part ot Bolivia and
sundry other of the South and Central
American governments had little or no
influence either upon sentiment or upon
the reactionary tone of the market.
I'iit prices were irregularly changed
but. averaged lower. The feature at
the outset was u violent break ill Com
I'rodiicts common and preferred which
.livlincd four to Id points respectively.
j Prices weakened materially as theore
II, inn advanced, specialties like Mexican
I Petroleum, Mercantile Marine preferred
land Industrial Alcohol leading the way.
I Losses ranging from two to three
I points or more reflected freely in the
! list in the early afternoon,
i 1'n.iiroiiieeil weakness in issues like
' b'eadiug. Chesapeake and Ohio, Crucible
'steel, P.nl.lwiii Locomotive, I'liUcd
t States Smelting. American Cnn and the
j lihe, which have figured prominently
in recent clicpie operations, indicated
I pool litpiidatiou as the source of the
selling iiioveinent.
Sixtv Members Are
! Added to Moose Lodge
i The local M
larger by
'about sixtv members
jiirdny. Three score
'nut thioueli the de;.
than it was Sat
candidates were
jiee work by the
h rame to Salem
i Portland team w
for the purpose.
! Lodges from other cities were rep
resented in the big parade Saturday
evening by about three hundred dele
gates. Three bands scTie luled to . ap
pear in the parade were unable to be
'present as most of the musicians had
gone to Clackamas with the militia.
Heliel's Cherrybud band led the pa
hade which passed through the down
1 town st reets.
I Coventor Withyeomlie was kept
from attendance by pr.ss ot business
land Walter L. Tooe delivered an nil
dress iu the governor's place. Acting
! Mayor -Mills welcomed the outside
i lodge men iu a brief speech.
Bids Are Opened For
I Marion Hotel Annex
Bids for the construction of a 4
room annex to the Marion hotel were
opened today by the Capital invest
ment company ns follows
SoutUwick & Heudrick
.1. F. Mollencop
l i.u''Hi.iio
Van l'atton & Son 1 .. .H5
lalhyniple i Huley $1 H!'l.i'0
"Cereo" Substitute for Coffee
To Be On Tap Here For
Three Days
For three
days beginning tomorrow;
I morniuir at 10 o'clock, the people ot
Salem and especially the housekeeper!)
will be given an opportunity to drink
and pass judgment on a drink that may
yet make Salem famous,
This drink will be made known to
the wn,l, as "Cereo" and is mainline-
tared in Salem, it will be served free
!at the offices of the Portland liailway,
! Light anil Power company. State and
: Commercial street, the company having
! given the "Cereo" plant permission to
. use their offices, just to help along
I u Salem institution.
j "Cereo" is a drink that it is claimed
! will take the place of coffee. It is not
i only palatable but is nutritious, made
I entirely of rye, vegetables and barley.
! It is claimed to be not only a health
i builder but that it w ill assimilate with
other foods. Another good point, is
that. "Cereo" really has a pleasant
flavor, which cannot, be said of many
substitutes for coffee. There is noth
ing in it in the way of a stimulant,
its ingredients being rather a nerve
and i issue builder.
This is a home manufacture and the
yeople behind the enterpt ise are anx
ious , that Salem folks should pass
judgment on it. It will lie handled by
all local grocers, (tne toaspoouful of
"Cereo" is equal to three times the
amount of other coffee substitutes.
The plant on Sotilh Commercial
street has a capacity of 1 1 IOO piniuds
daily and it is expected that this
capacity will soon be doubled. They
are packing for free distribution, lo0,
OOO samples.
For the past thirteen years. Dr. F.
C. Hagcl has been experimenting with
compounds of a vegetable nature that
could be made into a substitute for
'coffee. The company handling it be
lieves this substitute has been found,
one that is really of greater liu". lit ions
value than other coffee substitutes.
Anyhow, they ask the public . to
sample packages at the office of
Portland liailway, Light A: Power
fice and sample the new- drink.
Refused to Take Part In
Secret Session Perkins
Represents Hughes
Chicago. June 20. John X. Parker
of Louisiana, progressive nominee for
vice-president and the national com
mittee men from six states bolted the
meeting of the national committee this
afternoon after Colonel Roosevelt's let
ter supporting Charles K. Hughes was
Parker left the committee room fol
lowed by Henry F. Kochens. of Wis
consin: A. T. Moon, of Utah: J. M. In-
They refused, they said, to become
participants to a secret session of the
committee. They have been voted iIohjj
by a large majority on a resolution to
make the meeting an open one.
The secrecy was imposed, it was rum
ored, when George W. Perkins inti
mated he had a confidential message
from Hughes to the progressives.
Parker and his adherents were said
to be ready to return to the meeting at
any time it was made an open one.
Mathow Hale, of Massachusetts, act
ed as chairman of the committee. Com
mitteeman Victor Murdoch is in Cali
fornia. Pinker made public telegrams before
he left the session showing lioosevclt
hail asked him to confer with him and
that he had refused and also made pub
lic a letter offering to withdraw from
the vice-presidential candidacy in event
the proiirossivos would name a "stn.nf
Riotous Scenes.
Amid riotous scenes at the mectin.c;
of the progressive committee this aft
ernoon. Victor Murdoch of Kansas, was
piaeeii in ni.niniauon lor the presidency
progressive ticket bv Bainbridge
of New York.
Colby's action folkiwed the commit
tee's decision to necept Colonel Roose
velt 'a declination of the progressive
nomination as final. It was Colby who
nominated Hoesevelt tit the progressive
Muidock's nomination was seconded
by Judge Nii.'toni, of St. Louis.
Uavinond Uobius, who was chairman
of the convention, leaped to his feet.
"Have you Murdoek's consent, to
run .' " he asked.
"No, but I haven't his refusal eith
er," said Colby.
The committee late this afternoon
defeated. ::i to l.", a plan to nominate
Victor M unlock of Kansas, for the
presidency. The defeat of M unlock was
believed to have eliminate, I any pos
sibility of a progressive ticket in the
P.Uti race.
Miss Dorothy Holland left for Spo
kane last Saturday to spend the summer
with relatives, she was accompanied
as far as Portland by Mrs. Kae Holland,
Miss Kluaheth Jones and Miss Mvrtle
u-....... 1.. .. i n: ... i.- i -ii
i uv... in mm. .ms rvioiwoiiio win remain
iu J'ortlaiid. having accepted a position
in the inu-ic store of Rush & Lane.
ompnnv will take into consi.l
oration the bids and int. make
, avvar.l
until all details of materials to
used and methods of construction
thorough I v investigated.
1 ure
Daily Between
Salem, Stayton, Mill City and all wty
Points. Leaves Mill City 6:15 a. m.;
Stayton 7:45, Salem, 8:15.
Return, leaves Salem 4:30 p. n
titayton 5:45; Mill City 7:20.
Phone 13
The Korean Restaurant
is now opened in our new loca
tion at 110 1-2 Com'l street.
Everything new and clean. All
kinds of Chinese and Spanish
dishes. r?iv us a visit.
Cars of any kind for any pbic
at any time.
Office, Bligh Hotel
Sixth and Everett streets, Port
land, Ore.. 4 blocks from Union
Station. Under new manage
ment. All rooms newly deco
Hates: ."oc. Toe, $1, $1.50 per day'
He couldn't see a thing
if you placed it right un
der his nose.
Familiar saying.
If YOUR sight is
THAT defective, get
glasses. Get them from
us and with them Serv
ice that makes our
glasses the better.
Miss A. McCulIoch,
208-9 Hubbard Bldg.,
Phone 109
Licensed Lady
Moderate Pricet
Perfect Service
Latest Methods Are
Found Only At
Cottage Undertaking
Phone 724. Salem, Ort.
When In SALEM, OREGON, tc it
i Strictly Modern
Free and Private Bath
BATES: 75c, 1.00, 11.50 FEB DAT
.The only hotel in the business district.
Nearest to all Depots, Theatres irl
Capitol Buildings.
A Home Away From Home.
; T. Q. BLIGH, Prop.
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