Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, June 26, 1916, Page SEVEN, Image 7

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MONDAY. JUNE 26, 1916.
Kate per word fiew Today: j
Kich insertion, per word .'. le
One week (fl insertions), per word. ...5c j
One month (26 insertions) per word 17c i
The Capital Journal will not be re-1
Sponsible for more thaa one insertion '
for errors in Classified Advertisements.!
TtnAd VflHP ndvrtwTnonf tha fli-a ilnir
it appears and notify us immediately i
it if enntnina on afpa.
Minimum charge, 15e.
PHONE 937 For wood saw.
HARRY Wiadoweleaner. Phone 7'1-S. !
RUBBER Stamps made 103 S. Com!.!
r.KD White and l.laoic currants. Call
li.'l'JO.IJ. jllTU'L'S
491 N. Cottage. tf
FOR RENT SIGNS lor sale at Cap
ital Journal office. tf
Al AN" W A X TED r general farm
work. Phone H41'-. juneif
FOR SALE Or trade for wood, gaso
line engine. Phone 431. tf
WANTED Room by vming man, clnsr
in, nut over .T-.'l.i. ,iuno2t
FOfi RENT House keeping rooms,
close in. Phone 4 or 47 tf
J HUSKY COW'S For sale. Ward IC.
Kichnr.lsou. 3Wi X. Front. tf
LOOANISKRUY For sale. 2, per lb.
(in vinos, 7 ai res. Plume K4E2. juno27
WANTED Partner in sheep business.
C. Schufel.lt, ;!21 4 St. Portland, je-7
PURE. Whale oil soap for hop spray
for sale at the Capital Soap Works
'GOOD Housekeeping rooms on first
floor. Reasonable. 137 South Winter
WANTED 20 loganberry pickers. ('.
II. Deiu-er. Phone SSl-'il, Salem, Or.
PASTER E For rent fur horses and
cuttle. Phone 2F24. V. s. "atliu
WANTED S loganberry pickers, good
camp grounds. 11. ,l. lioock, K. 4
box 20.
FOR GOOD MEALS And comfort
able rooms at reasonable rates.
Phone 1013. tf
FURNISHED rooms and housekeepinf
appartmenta, rates reasonable, close
in, 160 Court tf
WANTED Cascara bark, a ghest cash
price. Call or write Frys-Drug Btore.
Salem, Oregon. july3
TWO NICE Cottages for rent by the
- month or season at Newport. G. W.
Johnsou &Co. tf
FOUND I brown marked fox terrier
female pup. Call ."( X. Water, pay
'.for ad and receive dog. jnnei.3
200 LOGANBERRY Tickers wanted
good camp grounds and water.
Phone 41E24, L. II. Roberts. tf
PK1.I VERY . -aI.oX fiood as new,
for sale tor cash or terms. Inquire
. . vV. Moore Furniture Store. je27
liOt'SKKEEPIXi; Rooms, suite of
three: electric light, uas. luntre.
price reasoiuilile, t " 7 S. Winter. jc'27
HlB SALE Cheap if taken at once,
fine driving mare just the thing for
rural route, Salem Laundry Co. ,jo2U
FRENCH KALE Plants (Morrow
cabbagel $2 per thousand f. o. b. Sa
lem. Albert -tjuurtier, Independence.
Or. juncLHi
FOR ALE "0 head grade .lersey
cows,- :i thorouglilirod bulls and li
bead fat steers. Phono -Fill. l!t. 1.
box 97. jum-27
WANTED S loganberry pickers, use
of cabin with stove free, wood fur
nished. Route 4. box 23. tel. !'F4. ,T.
- K. Crothers. june2ii
FOR SALE 3 h ilf truck Studebakei
wagon. Will trade for heavier wagon
cordwood or itumpage. "73r3 Lee
Phone 1322-J. ti
MAID WANTED For general house
work, two in family, good wages:
call evenings, except Saturday, :i"."i
N. Capitol St. tf
FOR RENT Business block room, size
18x80 feet. 467 State street. In
quire at 463 State. Thone, 1000
Maurice Klinger. tf
WANTED To trade 3 1-2 wide tread
Milborn wagon in good shape for
narrow tread :i 1-2 wagon. Must be
good. Phone 002. tf
TOR SALE Or trade. .3 acres well im
proved, close in, for desirable city
residence. Phone I00I1-W. evenings,
or address S lit. .3. b 4. ,iune27
FOR SALE At bargain prices, on
Troy laundry mangle 90 inches, stor
helving, two teams and Shetland
pony, 2 double buggies, one singl
buggy. H. Steinbock, 302 N. Coml
r'hir. 80S. ti
HOP GROWERS l have the follow
ing for sale at real bargain prices:
2 Huberts hjirsopi.wor sprayer.-, hu
rst improved model, pumps outside:
I Roberts horsepowr sprayer. p:nnp
inside: '2 niudern Puller horsepower
eprayors: 1 Evans hcrsepuwer Imp
baler: I pine i Eureka) Imp baler: 1
Iteardslev hep baler: I Waten til.'
iiop baler: E.tra heavy 12-im-li pip
ing an. elbows, sufficient fur 4
kilns; 4 font and font stoves.
All of abee pra .-ti .illy new,
in A-1 conlit'on. Address immo.li
a'clv Cisf II. WuihI or Harry L.
Hart, IS 1 2 Worcester bldg.. pnrtlan-l
WANTED Experienced t'ann. hand,
i'hone Farmer June-
WANTED Man to do general ranch
work. 1). C. .loues. I'hone '.'fl'. je-S
LOST An old fashioned gold earring.
Friday morning. Howard. Mario
Campbell. Hill Court St. juno:.'7
WANTED A man to live on farm,
(liven cheap rent. Address O. II. care
Journal. . juue-7
ANTED Team to haul oak wood.
Phone morning and evening 201 S-M
ItislTloX WAXTEI Driving or rn
pniring automobile or truck, gas en
gine, experienced driver. Address It.
Toler, Salem Gen. Del. jumti
EOH TRADE 120 acres Montana land
near It. K. station for acreage near
Portland or Salem, liox 13, Salem.
Or. July 1
WANTED .300 ladies to call at the
tins company's office and get a free
sample of Cereo (the new food
drink) Tuesday. junel'T
FOIt SALE A 3 room modern bunga
low, with cement basement and lOx
12 sleeping porch, price $13u0, terms.
Address W. A. Journal. july 1
WANTED Six or 7 room house, mod
ern, close in by reliable parties with
no children. Address .1-0.3 care Jour
nal. jutuV-'j
SAY This is the time to have your
chimney cleaned by a man from your
own home town. My work is reliable,
prices lowest. Phone Harry McDon
ald. 1041. " june2li
WANTED Wood on the ground, old
growth fir, second growth ash am!
oali. will pnv spot cash. (i. C. Hot
ter. 2010 Trade St. Phone 2200-W.
WANTED To rent .3 acre tract close
to car line, must have fruit and
dwelling, to take possession Sept, or
Oct. Reply to address M care .Imirn
al. ,june2S
Fol! RENT Furnished six room house
close in. garage, gasoline tank com
plete; also 1 00 acres, part of Red
linru farm, one mile east of peniton
tiarv. Call 40-t N. Church. Phone
401 j. tf
FOR SALE 22 1-2 acres in cultiva
tion and well equipped, good build
ings, stock and equipment included
no trade, half cash, near ( liemawa.
Square Deal Realty Co.. 202 I'. S.
Hank bldg. ,jiiiic27
ItiR SALE A. bargain if taken with
in ten .lavs. 70 acres on good road
near R. li. town, water piped to
buildings, li acres fruit, 10 acres tim
ber ami pasture, balance in crop.
Or 40 acres of the above including
buildings. Or :(0 1-2 acres of the
above without barn. All or-nnv one
of the above tracts at 100 per acre
with crop. Sqpare Deal Realty Co.,
202 I'. S. Bunk bldg.
TIIE Pacific Coast Forwarding Co.
Portland. Oregoii( lias been taken
over by J. A. Stutt, and A. P.
Nult. Their facilities for handling
household goods mid automobiles to
and from all parts of the United
Stales have been greatly improved,
and their rates are the lowest. Fr'e
storage to our customers. Get In
' touch with us. 201 Wilcox bldg.
Phone .Mill-shall 2407.
I'oR EXCHANGE 2iS acre tract I
1-2 miles from liosoburg, Oregon,
ncres in cultivation and more can
bo when cleared, good 7 room house
-and good large barn and other bldgs
fine sprinfT water piped to house and
barn, family orchard, good fence!.,
plontv good timber, fine location and
nice 'home. Price :i.3n0. clear, will
exchange fur smnll sfock ranch in
Willamette valley. Also good 200
acre farm in Knseburg vicinity to
exchange fur acreage near Salem
u ml
residence property in S;:u:n.
,.s E. P.. Perrine. (Ten. Del Sa-
Orogim. june20
Lojus Defeated by
Woodburn Yesterday
Inter City League Standings.
W. L. Pet.
Womlhurn 9 4 .092
Salem K "' -013
lieavers S 5 .013
l'.rall'ords 7 3. ,53
Kirkpatiicks ' 7 .117
St. Helens -3 7 .417
Muntuvilla 4 ":'.:!
Woodluirn 9 .:io
Yesterday's Results.
At Woodburn 4. Salem All other
games postponed, fain.
It 's a sad story, mates.
Woodburn wont two into the lead
the Inter-City race by defeating the
l.ojus yesterday n.'it Woodburn, 4 to 3.
Salem couldn't deliver the hils when
they wore needed.
At that. Kcene pitched a good game,
whiffing twelve of his opponents.
Until the ninth it was any body's
game, wilh the score even, lu the final
st:ina Coleman whipped one over sec
ond and it Mas tap fur Salem. Cr.hlo.
who appeared for the first time in a
Luju uniform, ninde a' good impression
by his work at first.
The Journal's selection as the three
most valuable players in yesterday's
conte-t are Peiuhart, who got a couple
of nice hits and carried himself well in
the field: Coble who pel formed splen
didly at first, and Miller, who, though
failing to hit. fielded well.
The Summary:
W Ilium Al!. H. P.O. A. Iv
ManniuL'. ss 2 1 0 I O
Varr.-ll. 20 5 2 I 4 0
Kreitz. e. 3 19 1 0
Coleman. 2b -r 2 u li ' 0
Schnee. II. 4 1 14 II 0
Murrv. rf 3 12 0 0
Pillett. T-. If, 4 li 0 O 0
lludleston, in. .. 4 0 1 u 0
Pillett. h - 4 U o 3 0
34 s 27 12 0
(Continued from page one.)
It proposes sweeping into Mo.xi.-o from
strategic border points, locking in the
northern Mexican forces, seizing Tor
reon and Saltillo to control railroads
and pushing through to Mexico City.
As matters now .stand those moves
will require stripping the border patrol
of regulars. At some point this must
be delayed 'pending the arrival of mi
litia. lu order that there may be suffic
ient men. a call for volunteers will he
one of the first stops if President Wil
son decides war cannot be avoided.
Two hundred and fifty thousand arc
the fi:;uies estininteil for the first call
and six months time for raising them.
If war conies, it will be long, the ex
perts say. The spectacular battles
probably will occur wifliin a 'few
munths, but the work of controlling
guerilla bands ami rehabilitating" the
country might take from two to five
War Seems Certain
Washington. June 20. Congression
al lenders today prepared to receive a
message from President Wilson within
a few days. Chairman Flood of the
house foreign affairs committee told
his colleagues war seemed almost a cer
tainty. President Wilson gave tiie
oongresionnl leaders notice that he
might wish to address congress after
receiving Carranza's nply to the A
mericiiii note.
There was a feeling in congress that
a call for volunteers might be expect
ed unless the tension of the situation
Expressions of both senate and house
leaders indicated todav that they are
more than willing to take whatever ac
tion the president desires.
The senate today was to pass the
resolution drafting militiamen into na
tional service so tiiey cau be used on
either side of the border. It was to
be with the proviso that any man with
dependents may claim exemption from
the service. As this provision differs
from the house action, the resolution
must go to conference. Serious differ
ences are not expected.
For temporary military Use, it was
planaed to add' i2(i,oon,(in0 to the ar
my appropriation; and to pass an
eJmergency measure carrying 0,000,
0011 more.
A good frien 1 stands by you when In
I need. Salem people tell now Doan s
Kidncv Pills h ive stood tne test. Mr
Sutton endorsed Doan's over ten years!
n.in nn, I nirain confirms the storv. !
Could von ask 'for more convincing
F. A. Sutton, .".00 Hoyt St., Salem, j
says: "I hud kidney trouble and rheu-
mutism ten years or more and during
that time, I had attacks so acute tint
I was laid up. My back gave me a
great deal of bother and sharp pains
extended all through my body. I got
all run down, lost weight and was
very poor he ilth.
I doctored, but with I
indifferent success. Finally, I began
using Doau'a Kidney Pills and they
made me feel like a different man. My
appetitie improved and the aching and
pains left me." (fctntonient given Jan
uarv 31, 1900.)
(in April 13, 1910. Mr. Sutton added:
"I iiaxe always considered Doin's
Kidncv Pills a most reliable medicine
for kidney trouble. Whenever I no
tice my kidneys are not acting right,
T take them for a few days and they
never fail to remove the trouble."
Price 50c. at all dealers. Don't simp
ly ask for a kidney remedy get Doan's
Kidney Pills the same tli.it Mr. Sut
ton has twice publicly recommended.
Fostcr-Milbiirn Co.. Props.. Buffalo. N.
Humphreys, 2b,
Reiiihart, in,
(label, lb
Adams. 3b,
I In user. c. and rf,
Mickcl, If
Miller, -
Gill, if and c
Keene, p,
... 4
P( . A.
I 3
32 7 20M0 0
'Two out when winning run scored.
Score by Innings.
Hits .
Hits .
. 0 0 (I (I 3 0 12
IJ II ii 1 2 0 (I II
. 0 0 3 0 II fl 0 3 1
(I o 1 II 0 0 0 2 II-
Rims ICreitz. Manning, 2: Yarrell,
(iill, Kocne, Roinhart.
Two base hit Roinhart.
Strut-kout Keene, 12; Pillett, S. I
P.ase on balls. Keene 5; Pillett, 4. I
Wild pitch- Kcene 3; Pillett. I.
Passed tinIN Mauser, 2; dill. 3;
Kriotz; sacrifice fly Adams; Stolen,
bases, Yarrell, Coleniun. I
Hit bv pitched ball Kreitz. j
Time 'of aiuo 2:1-3. J'inpire Kunhin.
Allan and
joined the militia.
.lull a was six feet
and then some and
..r,!,,i- from him.
Allen had to take i
They decided to raisi
tliemsclxes from
the ranks anil so stsulie.l military mane
uvers, school of ti.. 1 i-.-r anil kin
dred subjects. Hut the .lanes wouldn't
let .loli n alone. When he was trying to
plot the trajectory of a bullet some
fair dame was plotting how to get
the lad to take her to the dance that
night. Allan wasn't bothered bv the
gentle sex. Hesult: Allan
I'ornrnl hile John w as still
bociiine a
a private.
lhen they went to war. John was in
the sound Ihism',! by Allan and de
tailed tn lon.l baeeaee. John took a reef 1
in his trousers, fooled around and
dodged ihe honvy work, lint Allan was
boss. "Hero, you lazy dog, get to
work or I'll have ymi put iu the guard
house. " he told John. The latter glared
for n inomeiit at tin- youngster, then
obev.-il. Ailau tinned around and snick
red. Journal New Toaay Ada de-
liver tbs goods,
The following prices for fruits
and vegetables are those asked by
the wholesaler of the retailer, and
not what is paid to the producer.
All other prices 'are those paid the
producer. Corrections are made
daily. '
New potatoes are now coming in large
quantities and the price has dropped to
2 and 2 1-2 cents. Green peas are oa
the down grade, with prices today at 3
and 4 cents. California plums are quot
ed at jil.30 and apricots at $1.75.
Wheat 80c
Oats 40c
Rolled barlev $35.00
Corn $35.50
Cracked corn $37.00)
Bran $27.00
Shorts, per ton $30.00
Alfalfa, California, ton $20.00
Creamery butter, per pound . 29c
Country "butter 20c22e
Eggs and Poultry.
! Eggs, case count, cash 20(fi20 l-2c
I Eggs, trade 21c
Hens, pound 12c
Roosters, old, per pound 8c
Broilera, under 2 pounds loc
Pork, Veal and Mutton.
Veal, dressed 89e
Pork, drosaed 10c
Pork, on foot 7 1-4(27 3-4c
Spring lambs, 1910 7(7 l-2c
Steers .- 61-2c
Cows 45 l-2c
Bulls ZCa. l-2c
Ewes 44 l-2c
Wethers - 6c
' Vegetables.
I Tomatoes, California
Cabbage - $3.30
Cucumbers 50c
String garlic - 15e
Potatoes, cwt. $1.25(ffil.50
Potatoes, new 2(a2 lie
Beets ... i.00
Green onions -
Green peppers
Green peas . .
Carrots, sack, new
3(o lc
2 l-2c
. 75ci.l.OO
$1.00(; 2.00
I- arrets, dozou ...
Onions, California
Oranges, Valencies
lemons, per box
Bananas, pound
California grape fruit
Florida grape fruit ..
Strawberries ...
cnerncs. tz
California plums
25(i 1.50
... $1.B0
.. $1.50
. $.1.75
Eetail Prices. .
Bggu, per dozen, fresh ranch 25c
Sugar, cantf $8.75
Sugar, beet $8.55
Creamery butter 35c
Flour, hard wheat $1.40rtl.50
Flour, valley $1.15125
Portland. Oro.junc 20. Wheat :
Club, Oo.
Blucstcm. Illicit? $1.02.
l-'oftvfobl, Hiic
Red Russian. s3(ti(le.
Oats: .No. 1 white
feed. $2fi.25(
Barley: Feed, $27.00.
Hoes: Beat live. $s.23.
Prime steers, $7.50(ii 7.75.
Fancy cows, $0.50.
Calves, $X.f0.
Spring lambs, $.50.
liutter: City creamery, 2Pe,
Country butter, 27c.
Kys: Selected local ex., 21(o23c
Hens, 11 l-2c. .
Broilers. Uidi ISc.
CiVse, I0ot 1 lc.
C. E. Hughes. Jr., in
Camp at Plattsburg
x 'A-
a C.E HUGHES ,Jr7)
Charles K. Hughes, Jr., turn of the re
publican nominee for the presidency, is
an active believer in preparedness an. I
has backed up his belief bv enrolling in
the Plattsburg business men's military
truiniiig canip. The picture shows him
lined up at Hie tump with his
1 ii
i ji ."V; i-vt r"
! f: I r mMs
Classified Advertising Page
Mr. Hughes ia a lawyer by profession,
with his office in New York city. He
was graduated from Brown university,
his father's alma jnater also, in 1909,
and from Harvard law school in 191
He was married on June 17, 1914. to
Miss Marjory Bruce Stewart of New
Y'ork city.
I nti'i it AU juur !; jlt fur A
i'M-cbta-ter s Mumnftil Tlr-irtft
I'CIiin lUil anil tiotj nn-MliiAy
TL n oiucF. II uy of jur
lrni;aliL A-.W fur fll .l Iv.H.TFIl
IIA14NI ItUAMI r'll.l.S, 3
yetti known s hen, jafest. Alvt ReiuMt
SOI n RY nRl.TifilSTS fvf rywhfpe
0B. O. L. SCOTT Graduate of Chiro
practic's Fountain Held, Davenport,
Iowa. If you have tried everything
and got no reliof, try Chiroprac
tic spinal adjustments and get well.
Office 400-7-8 U. S. National Bank
Building. Phone Main 87. Residence
Main R28-R.
DR. O. A. OLSON, Dentist Adminis
ters nitrous ozid and oxygen gas.
Room 214. Masonic Temple. Phone
440. talent, OrOH.
For all kinds of Insurance in Stand
ard Companies, call on
P. J. K u n t z
Room 309, Bank of Commerce.
FOR RENT Nicely furnished house
keeping rooms reasonable. 855 North
Commercial street. tf
A. O. U. W. Protection Lodge. No. 2,
Meets efery Monday evening at S In the
McCornack hall, corner Court and Liberty
streets. It. O. Donaldson. M. W. ; 8. A,
McFadtlen, recorder ; A. L. Brown,
SALEM I.ODfiE No. 4, A. F. ft A. M.
titatcd .communications first Friday In
each mouth lit 1 -M p. m. In the Masonic
Temple, ("baa. UcL'arter, W, M. ; 8. Z,
Culver, secretary,
president ; Mrs. I.j Tlllaun, secretary. All
cases of cruelty or neglect of dumb ani
mals should be reported to the secretary
for InreHtlgatlon.
CENTRAL LODIIE, No. 18. K. of P. Mc
Cornack building. Tuesday evening of
each week nt 7 :.'I0. J. . Ilcltzel, C. C. i
W. B. Uilsou, K. of It. and 8.
R. N. OF A. "Oregon (intpe Camp," No.
1380, meets every Thursday evening In
McCornack building. Court and Liberty
streets ; elevatur. Mrs. Sylvia Schaupp,
171)1 Market, oracle; Mrs. Mellnsa I'er
sons, recorder, lliiiG North Commercial.
1'buue 1430 -M.
gtn Cedar Camp, No. lilMtl, meets every
Thursday evening nt 8 o'clock In Mc
Cornack hull, corner Court mid Liberty
streets. Klcvittor service. Geo. itetnohl,
V. C. ; J. A. Wright, clerk.
Itegiilnr meeting every first and third
Tuesday at S p m. In the Masonic Tem
ple, lillnuie Mueller, W. M. i Ida M.
Babcock, secretary.
Friday night at 8 o'clock In McCornack
block, U. W. Ilirous, C. (.; 1. S. (Jeer
clerk, 007 Court street. I'hsne 093.
Regular conclave fourth Friday In each
mouth at 8 o'clock, p m.. In Masonic Tem
ple. Sojourning Sir Knights are courte
ously luvllc.l io meet with us Lot L.
,1'ea.rce. E. C, Frank Turner, recorder. .
UNITED ARTISANS Capitol Assembly,
No. Hi. meets every Wednesday at 8 p. m.
In Moose hall. C. I). Matlock, M. A.;
C. Z. Randall, secretary, Suleui Bunk of
UODSON COUNCIL. No. 1, II. ft 8. M.
Stated assembly llrst Monday In each
month, Masonic Temple. N. P. Itiismus
sen, Thrice Illustrious Master I Glenn C.
Nlles, recorder.
SALEM COUNCIL NO 2U22 Knights and
I, allies ol Security :eeis I'veiy -hi i nun
4th Wednesday each month lit Hurst Hull.
Visiting members are luvltcd to attend.
E. F. Walton, financier, 480 S. 14th St.
PACIFIC LODIIE No. 50, A. F. 4 A. M.
Stated commiinlcatlous third Friday
In esch month ar 7 :3o p. m. In the
Masonic Temple. Hal V. Bolaiu, W. M. ;
Krnmt II. ( b..ate. secretatf.
WEBB & rr.OI'CJII CO C. B. Well),
A. M., Clouli mortici.ms and funeral
directors. I.iitcst modern metiioda
known to the profession employed
4!)9 Court St. Main ISO, Main it888.
directors and undertnlters, 2"2 North
Hi?h street. Dav und night flione
General Feed n
Small Livery Btbl
tr"l " W" TBAIN
, iU Ferry. Pkon I8
TON Osteopathic
nerve specialist?,, (i
linn school of Oslo
Mo. I'ost Krr.dutito
nerve diseist's .it I..
Treat acute mid
and It. W. WAli
phvsicians iiid
rnduiites of Ainer
opnlhy, KirksviHe
nnd spc ciillizi d i:
os Anelcj college,
tdirunic d'n-cascj,
I.ndy allcu.l.int.
S. Nntionul liank
y.K Itcsi.lence i'
;t. I'hone 4 OH.,
Consultation free.
Office .)i).:-."'lli I',
liuililinii. 1'hone 8.
North (.Uiiliil strei
fhiruMnt ii? flre like A
Try one if you navclost somcthiiA
Classified Business
Telephone Directory
A Quick, handy reference for busy people
Salem ElectrU Co., Masonic Temple, 127 North High Main lfOfl
T. M. Barr, 164 South Commercial street Halm 191
Salem Truck ft Dray Co., eorner State ana rront streets Main TI
Try This on Your Eczema
If you are afflicted with Salt Rheum, Tetter,
dry Eczema, Acne or Pimples, buy a jar of Dry
Zensal. For that watery eruption, or Weeping
Skin, use Moist Zensal, 50c the jar.
CENTRAL PHARMACY, formerly Poole's Drug Store
No. 1 Oregon Express 5 .00 a.
No. 'J4 KuB-ne Limited 3 :0V p.
No. L'H Willamette Limited... 9 :J2 a.
No. 1J Shasta Limited 11:55 a.
No. IS Portland Passenger ... 1 :'J7 p.
No. 'M Portland Passenger... 5 :IH) p.
No. 14 Portland ExprotiH S :04 p.
No. S'.' Portland fast Freight 10 :It0 p.
No. 22tl Local way Freight. .. .10 :3J a.
No. 15 California Express .... 3:32 s.
No. 17 Koseburg Passenger ..11:20a.
No. all Eugene Limited 10:01a.
No. 1!) Cottage drove Pass. ..4:ttip.
Makes connection with No. 74 Ueer
No. 11 Shasta Limited B:43p.
No. 27 Willamette Limited... (I : ill p.
No. 13 San Francisco Express 10 ;30 p.
No. 2'J1 San Francisco Fast
Freight 12:01 s.
No. --5 Local way Freight. . .11 :4oa.
S.tr.nu Okbii Line.
No. 73 Arrives at SaJem 9:15 a.
lo. "ii Leaves Salem 9:50 a
No. 75 Ar. Salem I mixed) 2 :00 p.
No. 74 Leave. Salein 4 :2U p.
No connection sooth f Geer.
Salem, Falls Citt and WeSTnv.
US I Lv. Salein, motor 7 ;0() a. m.
lti.'t Lv Salem, motor 9:45 a.m.
105 Lv. Salem for Monmouth
and Alrlfe
11 :10a. m.
107 Lv. Salem, motor . .
1H'. Lv. Salem, motor ...
239 Way Fr t lv. Salem. ,
182 Ar. Salem
Hit Ar. Salem
UM Ar. Salem
His Ar. Sal.un
170 Ar. Ssleru
240 Way Fr't ar. Salem.
, . 4 :O0 p. m.
. . 6:15 p. tn.
. . S :0U a. m.
. . 8 :40 a. tn.
.11 :10a. m.
, , 8 :15 p. m.
, . B MID p. m.
, 7 :45 p. m.
, , 1 :35 p. m.
Lr. Hnlcm Train No. Ar. Portland
4 :3.i a. m t owl n :. a- m.
7:15 a. m fl 9:25 a.m.
9 :45 a. m 10 Limited ... .11 :.I5 a. m.
1 1 :20 a. m 12 11 :3" P
1 :45 p. m 14 4 :O0 p. m.
4 :00 p. m 10 Limited ... B :50 p. m.
5 :37 p. m 29 7:50 p.m.
7:55 p. m 22 .10 :0U p. m.
Portland lu Salksi
Lv. Portland. Ar. Salem
0 45 n. m 1 :! (naitmi uiji
8:25 a. m. ... 5 Limited 10:11 a. m.
roa sale
owner on county roud and railroad.
BO to 200 ucros each, (rood buildings,
good noli, all under cultivation, close
to scroti!, liners rcasoni'olc, iialf
aah, balance time at 0 per cent or
modern income lieuriujf, city p.operty.
P. O. Hoi -10, .Salem. tf
FOR SAI.K Oit KX'l!AN'(iK SO acres
3 miles from "nod town; yond build
inas; (id ncres in crop, close to II.
K. station; eioht cos, tcitin, mid
farm equipment. per acre.
K:tuy wrm. t.iki some trndi? ns
part pavmcnt. Sipuire Deal Itcalty
fell., 'ffi'V. H. Hank l.ldj. I'lume 4TU.
WELTMKR SWT EM Of mittsestive
Therapeutics pru.iiced by Dr. W. T.
Tompiiins, S. T. Most powerful, nut
urrl and successful treatmcHt Isnown
to acience for the relief and cure of
liea'lxtcho, stomach, liver and kidney
trouble; rheumatism, constitution,
infantile paralysis nnd nil female
complaints, heart, luu' nnd throat
trouble-; all diseases of the eye; can
cer, KoUr,-,i epilepsia, nsthmii, nerv
ousness or any curonic disease. Sni
Kestivi! thcrai't'iitics properly applied
to n diseased body is positive, sure
and permanent in its results. Hours
!) to I- a. in, 1 to "t p, tn., phone
!)!!. Office rooms I, 2 and 3 Hiyne
Hl.ll 311 State St., Sulein, (Ireyon
proprietor, (jarbage und refuse of all
kinds removed on monthly contracts
at reasonable rates. Yard nnd cess
pools cleaned. Office, idiom. Main
2H47. Kesid-nt-e v .. 1!2VL.
ON Good Real Estate Security.
Over Ladd & Bush Bank, Salem, Oregon
MONEY TO LOAN I have made ar
rangements for loaning eastern
money, will make very low rate of
interest on highly improved farms.
Homer H. Smith, room 5 McCornack
Hldg. Salein. Ore. I'hone IH't.
-Try Capital iournal Want Adj.
tttt (-
10 :40 a. m. .
2 :05 p. m. .
4 : 10 p. m. . ,
II :Uo p. m. .
:20 p. m. ..
11 :45 p. m. .
L. Carrallla
4 .10 p. m. . .
Lv. Eugene,
7 :35 a. m. . .
1 :50 p. m.
5 :-'5 p. m. . ,
12:05 p. m. .
Lr. Salem
2 :X) a. m.
7 .10 a. m. . ,
10:15 a. m. .
Lr. Salem
12 :55 p. m. .
Lv. Salem.
4 :25 p. m. .
,. 13 Limited .
.... 17 Local .
....21 Owl ...
20 .....
. . 10 Limited .
...18 Limited .
2 Ow'l
... 21 Owl ....
.12:58 p. m,
. 4 :25 p. a.
. 6 :40 p. m.
. 8 :10 p . m.
.11:25 p.m.
. 1 ;&3 p. as.
Ar. Bslesi
, . 6 :37 p. oa.
Ar. Salea
, . 9 :45 a. ,
i . S :55 p. oa,
, . 7 :55 p. ot.
,. (:10a oa,
Ar. Brageot
,. l:(Oi. oa,
:30 a. oa.
S Limited ....12 -.25 p.
Ar. Albany
.... T 1:59 p. im.
Stops at Corral IK
Ar. Albany.
.... 9 8:20 p.m.
Ar. Albany
8 :4S p. oa.
Ar. Rugena
, . . 13 8 :50 p. a.
Lv. Saleja
6 :40 p. m.
Woodbubn Local Dailt Eicirr Hdndat
No. tH Leaves Salem I :0 p. m,
No. 63 Arrives In Sa!m 1 :25 p. da,
NORTH bounvj .
Lv. Corvallla Ar. flalM
8 :25 a. m 10 9 :45 a. m.
12:12 p. m 14 1 -.45 p. IB.
2:32 p. m 16 4 :00 p. ol,
4:10 p. m 20 ........ 5 :37 p. da,
6:18 p. m 22 7:55 p. ba,
Lv. Salem Ar. Corrallls
10:15 a. m S 11:33 a. ra.
4:2.") p. m 9 6 :47 p. as.
12 :55 p. m 7 2:20 p. at.
6 :40 p. m 13 8:00 p. at,
Oregon City Transpartatlnn Company
Laava Portland for Oregon City, Btitwvllla,
Newberg. Mission (St. Paul), Whl-atlsnd,
Salem (dally except Sunday) ..8:45 a. OA,
Leave Portland for Independence;
Albany-Corvallls, (lues., Thurt., Sat.)
6 :45 a. OA,
Corvullis 9 a. m. Mon., wed., rri,
Albany 7 a. m. Mon., Wed., FrU
Indepondence.... 9 a., m Moo., Wed., Frt
Salem 10 a. m. Mon., Wed., rrt.
Salem 6 a. m. 'lues., Thura., Sac
J. CVUEN' Well known Chinese doc
tor has successfully treated nil dis
eases in the past yeir. Seo testimon
ials on file at tho Oriental Herb Co.,
610 Htate St., Salem. Out of town
patients treated by Symptomatic Di
agnosis. Send for diagnosis blank.
.inly I
from nil points east, on all household
goods, pianos, etc. Consolidated car
bid service. Capital City Transfer
Company, agents for Pacific Coast
Forwarding company, llll South Com
mercial street. Phone Main 933.
NOTICE To the people of Salem,
that I have installed a complete oiy
actylcuo welding and cultine; appar
atus in my shop. For welding sleolo,
cast iron, aluminum, brass and bronze.
We make a specially of automobile
frame welding, scored cylinder
blocks, broken crunk cases, farm
and harvesting machinery. We are
also equipped for extra heavy weld
ing und and can go to your job. I
have employed nn expert welder to es
pecially look after your wants. Your
patronage is respectfully solicited.
All work fully guaranteed from dc-
n rt . - - 1 k.l-l.
I lects. i.. It. urigg, general ui.-i.
smith and wood working shop, 1W
State street. July
. . J
eorner Commercial and Trade streets.
For water service apply at office.
Bills pnvnble monthly in advance.
Care of
Chinese Medicine and
Tea Company
Has medicine which will
cure any known disease.
153 South Hiffh Street,
Salem, Ore. Phone 283