THK DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL. SALEM; OREGON, MONDAY, JUNE 26, 1916. M -'1 1 j ft-,1 Remember thisl ONLY an even -burning cigar can give you a satisfying smoke. Now the OWL, being long leaf filler, shaped in the even burning, square -end shape, burns "right" It gives you all the mellow flavor of its time-cured leaf. Don't experiment. You can always get an even -burning, satisfying smoke in the Million Dollar OWL. THE MILLION DOLLAR CIGAR Sport News PENNANT RACES ARE GETTING VERY CLOSE Kood litNlo man,' men til of victory. to back Ms state- Boston Braves Climbing, Five Teams Each Have a Chance For It XV w York, June 2(i. Tlie rush of the Huston liinves in Mm ';.,ni letiKui- and of tlie Boston ami Sew oru ti'iuuH in the Aineriean lias liulit-' eneil tlie pennant races today mid has The Bantam Champion. Portland, Or., June 20. Johnny C.'oulon, former bantam-weight boxing champion of the world, will arrive in I'ortlnnd Thursday for his six round built with Hilly Mnscott oil July 4. After meeting Mascott, Coulon prob ably will go to Seattle, where another bum has btvu tentatively arranged. Watching the Scoreboard Willamette Valley News be sorry to hear that she has suffered 1. j. -a I...:.. I a siruht ui piirui3is. WFT SAIFM ' M A"" k't,'rev-one of Wt'st Sa' IlLiOl uALEull item's pulilie sehool teachers nine years I a'-Jo, was a Satufilay and Sunday guest -at the J. T. Hunt home. A number ! of her former pupils called upon her V.. Cade was n recent house guest of when a guessing contest of who is his son Leslie and wife at Albanv. who took place. Miss Jeffrey is now Miss Alice lluich. of Rickreall was! one of Medfonli's efficient teachers a week end visitor at the McLean ! """ ""s come up to attenn tne summer threatened seriously the leads of theji.0H Angeles Pacific Coast League Standings. w. l. ret. V ernon 45 !San Francisco -2u M.A. QUNSTOICO. INCORPORATED 1'odgers and ndiiins. (hi W ednesday the Detroit Tigers ! lortl,in,l 35 slipped into a tie for first place in the Salt Lake 32 iirun icuf.;uo only TO be driven rmei; to the fourth position where they nre today. The I'hillies got to within four points of the Dudgers on Tuesday but fell oach in,' Hitter part of the week, while Oakland .12 :i5 38 34 3!l 51 .01 I .55? .525 .507 .151 .3M Yesterday's Results. At Portland Portland, 3; Salt Lake, (III innings). FAIRFIELD NOT ICS ("nirfielil will have tiieir usual picnic Julp 4th ia the I in lull drove. Kvery body invited. Miss Annie Lutliy of Salem ipent Sunday with her sister Mrs. Hon lu J.Vtte. Mrs. K. H. Smith mid N'ndeeii are visiting in Portland this week. Mr. ami Mrs. Merlin of St. Louis spent Sunday at T. A. Ditmnrs, their little son is spending the week there. , Mr. mill Mrs. Tied (Irant of Port land are guests of James and r'. . Dul.'elte this week. Cecil IbiKotte enlisted ns uiiiilia ' man and left for Clackamas camp Tuesday. He is going under Captain .rlillui r. Those attending the boat races at Jlutteville Sunday were P. K. Ibiliette and family, John linlnh and family. Miss Kitn Martiinler, IVeemon Marth nler, Kdward Oitninrs and T. Itubens :iud fimalv. Snnmiie Parker is tlie possessor of a motorcycle. (iervnis Star. Phone SI for lack of service. MISS GROUNDS WAR BRIDE Miss Margaret Crounds of Indepen dence was married to Sergeant Ward .M. Ackley oi Company K, nt i'ort bind on Tiiejbyp under picturesque circumstances. The wedding took place in the officers' quarters at the com pany's armory, and the Rev. W. S. (lib bert of Astoria, chaplain of the TliiriT infantry, performed the eeremouy. Mrs. bena (irounds, sister-in-law of the bride, was the maid of honor, and First Sergeant H. P. Vickery acted as best man. The bride expects to follow her husband to the Mexican border af ter the guard arrives at that point of defease. Dallas Observer. SELLS ROCK CRUSHING JOBS (leorge Stewart has sold to A. 15. White of McMinnvillo his contracts, granted at the last sesion of tiie coun ty court, for rock crushing tit the Palls City, Mays (Salt creek) and Under quarries. Though he would not state the consideration, Mr. Stewart says he will be able to put his prune land in thorough cultivation, the thing he wanted to do if the actual profit from the contracts panned out the way he had figured tnem. Dallas Observer. the r,.,f.,.., 1 .1,.- V ' il" 1 """-"I" vuKiauu, a-i; " ,. ' l'"i wo.h Angeles, ft-1. ot the early part of the week by win- At Los Angeles-Vemon. 4-5; San mug two double headers on Thursday I Francisco l-t and Saturday. ' ' The work of. the Yanks featured the Oakland grabbed the Sundav after weeks play and bioueht them to within ! ,m.. o.,. , i u ..,..i..o i half a game of the Indians. Heavy I the series. hitting ami good fielding won seven' - games for the Xew Yorkers as against) Dos Crandall, formerly of the Giants, two defeats. heaved for the Oaks in'that fateful nf Itill Curiigau's world champs, with j teriioon session, holding the Angels to six victories anil only one defeat, I five hits, climbed to a secure berth in third I home in Kingwood Park Ired Smith and family have moved from their Kingwood residence into the Mrs. Jane Wilson house. Mr. Smith is a son-in-law of Mrs. Wilson. Dr. T. P.. Ford. Dist. Kupt, of the Methodist Kpiscopal church preached in the old school house Sunday even ing to an interested congregation. Mrs. Jennie Hunt of Nebraska was a guest of the I). Cade family recently. session at Monmouth normal. Miss Klizaheth Kerdson another- of Medford's teachers joined Miss Jef frey Sunday evening and both went on to Monmouth Monday morning. ATJMSVILLE NEWS It is reported that V. P. Darby has bought the Oil Griffith place. ' .Mrs. r. ( . Sneer and little son ot Mrs. Hunt visited here a year ago audi West Stayton visited here Thursday, was so well pleased with Oregon thatj Miss Kll'a. Phillips came Sunday from she has returned to make her home Lynns where she has been staying, here. Mr. and ..Irs. .Peter Guler and Mel- Mrs. V. ('. Heisc and two children ! vin Gildow motored to Portland Sat- have gone to Lugene tor a time as Mr. urdav Heise has employment there. Mrs. Campbell of Arizona came last Kev. and Mrs. T. I. iarnes and lit-! week to visit her father Georse Mvtes, Salem Heights News pi.icr, wiiiie w asnington, losing five and winning three, slipped from second to fifth place during the week. The return of Kvers Itraves second baseman to the game, put StaMins team on its feet and the Hraves fought a several extra inning game through to victories. Paddy P.aumnn ot the Yanks and Long of the Cardinals took slugging honors, with five hits each out of five limes at bat. Moran-Dillnn. Bout X'ew York, June 2li. The most im portant battle the fistic world lias seen since the W'illai d-Moran fight will be staged at Washington Park, Thurs day, when Moran again appears with .lack Dillon, the ludinnapolis "man killer" ns his opponent. Indications today are that the bout will draw even a larger crowd than that which witnessed Moian's defeat at the hands of the champion. Dillon will go into the ring confident of suc cess, while Moran is using the advan tage of a "good big man beating a Pete Standridge, of Los Angeles, was quite some henvist himself but he was found for three swats in the initial can to and lost right there. Fanning of San Francisco, was called on the ninth at Los Angeles to crimp u threatening Vernon rally, and he did so with four pitched balls. The Pengals and SchIs divided the Sabbath double bill. That gave Sun Francisco the series. Runny Brief fushed one of Kelly's fastest offerings into the bleachers for a home run in the fourth at Portland. In the tenth Stilt Lake won and even ed up the count with Portland, three games apiece. Yesterday 's big league hero was Hans Wagner, whose hitting stnrted a Pirate rally in the twelfth and ended in a rout of the Cubs. tie ones went to Summit Saturday and were over night guests at the Sini mone home. Miss P.lln Puge who attended the Rose festival ns queen of Salem Yoe- men lodge returned nv way ot -New- berg where she visited with her sister arriving home Sunday. llabv Oliver Morgan iias been very ill with pneumonia hut is recovering. Mrs. Kdna Moore has returned from Mrs. Elizabeth Kirkpntriek and .Mrs. .1. O. Spurlock went to .Newport Satur day. Miss Margret De Pray of Salem v ited over Sunday nt the C. M. Mi;ler home. Arthur Rich of Scotts Mills and Miss ( ora Ktiney were married at the bride s home Thursday Mrs. G. H. MeNeal and little daugh ter Mildred of Marion returned home several days visit with her parents j after a weeks visit at the H. W. Me al P.eunn Vista. Lester Lamb has had his enlarged tonsils taken out and adenoids remov ed. Ho is doing nicely. Miss Joanna James returned from Portland Sunday. Miss Dorothy Miller was a recent guest of her cousin Mrs. Harvey Craw ford of Zena. Mrs. Arthur Smith and three little ones were visiting witrr her parents Mr. anil Mrs. J. t'liruh of North Sa lem for several days recently. The mnnv friends of Mrs. Rex will pitchers, one a homer. The Cardinals can be pushed just go far. They turned on the Reds in a double bill, taking both games. The White Sox bested tho Indians in a game in which hits and spikes were used freelv. Zeb Teri'v. the hose short stop, left the game in the fifth, when week rebuilding C. M. Miller's lumber Nenl home, D. W. Lamb went to Stayton with the motor truck Thursday to get a block for the engine at the .sawmill. Mr. anil Mrs. Phil Brinknian and baby of Portland came Tuesday even ing to visit at the home of his parents Mr. and Mrs. J. ('. lirtnKnian. Clair Brock and Wesley Cheffings made n trip to Salem Tuesday. Clair returned home on the evening train and Wesley returned home Wednesday evening. Fred Garment of Riddle, Or., who has been visiting his brother, T. W. Johnson, returned home Wednesday evening accompanied by Mrs. X. V. Joh nsou. Mrs. t). K. Darby and sister, Mrs. McDonald went to Alsea for a week end visit with their mother Mrs. M. K. Davis. They returned home Wednes day evening. A crew of workmen are busy this Rav Chnpnian's spikes cut a gash in his hand. Hinchinnn led tre swatting for the Pirates. He garnered four hits off Cub Thirteen hits were made off Combs of the Indians by the White Sox. The heavy hitting was offset by six er rors. Joe Jaekson got four hits and secii fice out out five trips to the plate. mill that went up in smoke Sundav June 11. The work is progressing fine and within a short time the business will be once more in full sway. This goes to show what public spirit can do for a town. Record. Let the Capital Jonrnal New Today Column put your dollars on the rijht truk. Mrs. Ellis of Dallas visited her sis ter, Mrs. A. L. Miller Tuesday of this week. Mrs. John Wickberg and daughter Martha, made a business trip to Mon mouth Tuesday. Misses Clara and Florence Miller re turned Saturday from I'allas and Rick reall. Mr. Speaker has gone to Washing ton to take charge of a paving con tract. The Ladies Aid society met with Mrs. McCollum Wednesday with a pic-, nic dinner, it being the last meeting until fall. Mrs. Welby of Wisconsin is here vis iting Mrs. Kingsley. C. W. Sawyer is ill with rheuma tism. Mrs. It. Morris has just returned from' a visit with her son in I'orltaud. Mr. and Mrs. Chapman and smalt I daughter, Ruth, have gone east for an indefinite visit. Mrs. McKafferty of Aberdeen, S. I)., is visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Engdahl. Wm. Sawyer was elected director of the school Board for three years. Grove Hemsilciy and Harold P.eja ii in are with Company M, now at "lacknmas. ST. LOUIS NOTES Louis Aral spent the week end in Portland. Mr. and Mrs. R J. J. Miller attend ed the boat races at Timieville Sunday last. Air. and Mrs. lierlin spent Sunday at T. A. Ditmars. Miss linogene Miller and Mrs. My rene Schneideke and son Justin, aro visiting their former home for a few months. Horn to Mr. and Mrs. Irt Breed, twin girls. Friday June lei, 191ti. Grandma Aral and Pauline spent Sunday at the Miller farm. Mr. and Mrs. P. Q. Oltaway from Aurora, were Sunday visitors at the Miller farm. Leonard Maiioney attended the boat races Sunday at Butteville. Mrs. Arthur Groffin visited at the Mountain View farm one day last week. .Mrs. A. W. Schmeidcke and Mrs. B. J. .T. Miller are Salem visitors this week. Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Groshong visited their daughter Mrs. (has. Wampole one day last week. Edith Wampole returned home with there. Mrs. Henry -Kirkwood visited her mother one day last week. Miss Helen Scolnrd visited nt the .uillcr farm one day last week. Ger vais Star. Tou read the news we get it. 1U Drily Oime re w eek to at the PR ICE SHOE CO BIG SALE Every week grows larger. Sales are getting heavier each day. We are unloading thousands of pairs of world's best Shoes at prices lower than Portland jobbers are selling them. Can you beat it ? Come m and get our prices and realize the way we are sacrificing these high grade Shoes. If you'll need shoes within the next two years, now is the time to buy, as shoes will never be cheaper. Take advantage of the last week of this greatest of shoe sales. SOME OF THE PRICES THAT WILL BE IN EFFECT THIS WEEK 200 Pairs Men's $5 High Grade Oxfords, Black and Tan, Good Styles, now go at 500 Pairs Ladies' Pumps $4.50 and $5.00 Grades, all Leathers, now go at . Our entire stock of Hanan Pumps, regular $6.00, now go at $3.95 Our entire stock of new and up to to date $5 Pumps, go at $3.35 Our entire stock of new Spring styles in $4.50, $4 Pumps go at $2.95 All other Pumps, broken sizes and odd lots, go at $2.35 and $1.95 $2.65 . . . . . $2.95 500 pairs of Men's Elk Bals, regular $2.50 to $3.00 go at $1.95 300 pairs Men's, Women's, Boys', Children's Tennis Shoes, go at 50c 500 pairs Children's Barefoot Sandals, all sizes up to 2, go at 95c 100 pairs Men's Work Shoes in Tan and Black, $3.50 grades at $2.65 Men's Dress Shoes REGULAR $6.00 GRADES IN TAN AND BLACK BUTTON AND LACE, GO AT $4.95 REGULAR $5.00 GRADES IN TAN AND BLACK BUTTON. GO AT $3.95 REGULAR $4.00 GRADES IN TAN AND BLACK BUTTON AND LACE, GO AT $3.35 Ladies' Dress Shoes REGULAR $6.00 GRADES, KID AND PATENT, BUTTON AND LACE. GO NOW AT $4.95 REGULAR $5.00 GRADES, KID AND PATENT, BUTTON AND LACE, GO NOW AT $3.95 REGULAR $4.00 GRADES, KID AND PATENT, CLOTH AND KID TOP, NOW GO AT $3.35 Boy's Dress Shoes REGULAR $4.00 DRESS SHOES, BUTTON AND LACE, NOW GO AT $2.95 REGULAR $3.50 DRESS SHOES, BUTTON AND LACE, NOW GO AT i. $2.65 REGULAR $3.00 DRESS SHOES, BEST GRADES, BUTTON AND LACE, GO NOW AT $1.95 i H shoe Cut Rates on All Repair Work Special Agents for Fox Pumps and Witch Elk Boots Special Agents for Hanan Shoes and Ground Gripper Shoes Next to Ladd & Bush Bank SHOE III