Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, June 24, 1916, Magazine Section, Image 9

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    Magazine Section
Sporting News
BDirr Tllfn f-r mto ON TRAINS AND Slfl
1 "-'' 'W V,.mj STANDS. riVB CN
U-y- y--c iti-i
Has Made Last Appearance
As He Goes To Bat
with Mexicans
Seymour has shown himself to be them,, ozom,, thirteen batsmen.
leading run getter of the learn, accord
ing to averages of the I.ojus just com
piled and which include the figures for
the last game. The agile collegian hasmkased otherwise
.Tossed the pan nine times. He has prub-
ably made his last appearance with the
team for this season as he is now with
the niilitiury forces.
Closplv following Sevmour are
Hauser and Wilson who have added sev- Bill l'icrcey succumbed to tne Ilever
en runs each to the total accumulated ish attack in the eighth and Salt Lake
hv the Senators. Wilson, like Sevmour. ! was snow ed iindfr 7 to 0. He walked
is' now a member of the National"(iunrd i
hut. ho will oroluildv he in tomorrow 's !
liue-up if the soldiers are still in camp
at Clackamas.
In addition to being well up in the
number of runs scored, Wilson is the
leading regular hitter of the team with
an average of .407 in 27 trips to the
plate. He has a big lead over Miekol
who is second with .2.S5 in 21 times up.
Keene, who made his initial appear
ance on the mound in the Montavilla
game, contributed three hits in four
times at bat, which makes him the tech
nical leader of the team. His average
is .750. Kasmarek is in the .333 class,
but has appeared as a batter only six
There is room for improvement in the
work of the team on tho buses as the
otire team has pilfered but 14 bases
to date. Five of these steals were
registered by Adams who leads in this
department and Seymour accaunted for
four. But three sacrifices are recorded
mid no one man has made more than
one of these.
The complete averages follow:
Batting Average.
AB. R. IB. SB. SH. Av.
4 1 3 0 0 .750
Wilson 27 7 11 0
Kazniurek 0 0 2 1
Aliokel 21 3 fl 1
Adams 23 2 6 5
Humphreys 3(i 7 9 0
Low ' 4 0 1 0
Seiberts 4 0 1 0
Hauser 29 4 7 2
Reinhart 5 0 0 1
.tones ' 22 2 4 0
Miller 27 5 4 0
Harham 15 3 2 0
.Seymour 23 fl 3 4
'ole 8 0 1 0
Hell 20 1 1 0
Mill 13 0 0 0
Amateur National Clay
Court Championship Begins
Cleveland, .Tune 21. Crack amateur
tennis players from all parts of the
i-ountrv are here todav for the seventh
annual clay court championship tourna
ment or the United States, which is be
ing held under auspices of the Luke
wood Tennis Club.'
Events of the tourney include men's
singles, men's doubles, women 's singles,
mixed doubles and men's single con
R. Xorris Williams IT was scheduled
o defend his title, to the singles and
the clay court challenge bowl.
Seats have been reserved for 3(100
find there will be 2S00 general admis
fiion tickets. The tonrnev will last
even days.
file winners fit the tournament in
men's doubles will challenge lieorgc
Church and Dean Matlioy for the title
Hud possession of the clay court chal
lenge vases. All matches in men's
singles and doubles will be two out of
Ihree advantage sots, except in the
semi final, final and challenge rounds,
which will be three out of five ad
vantage sets.
In the women's events all matches
will be two out of three advantage
jets. Rules of the national lawn ten
uis association will govern all play.
Harrv Seymour of the Pittsburgh
Athletic Association will be referee.
The clav court challenge bowl has
been won by W. T. Hayes, R. X. Wil
liams 11. (twice); John Strachan, and
t'larenee Griffin.
The clay court challenge vase for
men 's doubles has been won by V. T.
Hayes and F. G. Anderson; .1. It. Win
ston and H. G. Whitehead; Harold H.
Knckett and Walter M. Hall; John
Strachan and Clarence Griffin; Xat
Browne, and Claude Wayne; George
church and Dean Mathey.
Wa-hington, June 21 Henry M.
White, commissioner of immigration
at Seattle. Wash., it became known to
day, has made his preliminary report
to the labor department regarding the
T'acifio coast longshoremen's strike.
1'ntil White completes his investiga
tion and reports more fully, there will
be no announcement.
Let the Capital Journal New Todat
Column put your dollan on the ght
Watching the Scoreboard
Oakland played flawless lmll ami
I boat I.ns Angeles :i to 2. Until the
Angels tallies were home runs.
Hill Trough of the Daks w'.iiffed
six batsmen anil the tellurites gave
ji i in pennant grubbing support.
Shooter Fanning was eroilitoil with
pitching a no hit name against Vernon.
There were a couple of infield
smacks that might have boon called
fluke hits, but the official score czar
-lust alter this hitloss exhibition San
Francisco took a second fall out of
Vernon, whitewashing the toothless
Tigers six to zero.
batters, and sluggers did the
Sout h worth led in the swatting di
'vision with
brace of two cushion
Whitted of the Phillies, got a homer
in the eleventh giving Cut Alornn s
rew a 2 to 1 victory over the liraves,
The Cubs borrowed some of that
hitless wonder" stuff and beat the
Keds 2 to 1. The bruins made two hits
but neither figured in the run getting.
The Dodgers struck a snag in the
first of a six game series with the
Giants. They blew up in the seventh
and the Giants made four rims.
A wild hurl in the seventh allowed
lfoblitzel to help the lied Sox to
score the onlv run of the game. Shee-
Ii it ii of the Athletics allowed two hits.
Wilson's bat will be aorelv missed in
the long hit department of the Loju's.
lo date lie has pushed out three hom
ers, jliller has made one circuit clout.
Keene knocked the first three bag
ger of the season Sunday.
Wilson and Jones have each rapped
out two two base hits.
Hauser, Miller, Micklo, Sieberts and
Low have made one each.
Hauser got eleven put outs against
Montavilla while Low at the first cor
ner had but five.
Goebel, who appears for first time to
morrow, is the O. A. C. first sacker. He
is a fast man nnd handy with the wil
low. Woodburii will have to do without
Sell nee's services tomorrow at first. He
has gone with the soldiers.
Talk of organizing a ball team iu
company M was heard about the time
Seymour and Wilson enlisted. I'roctor
and his younger brother Frrol are both
with the company mid both nre capable
men . on tne iliiimonil. Grosvenor is
along and also Tasto. These will form
the nucleus of the team. Three Wood-
burn players are now in camp and these
may be persuaded to link fortunes with
the company M team. There nre a num
ber of other men along who have play
ed in the past but who couldn't find
time in recent months.
Rock Island Arsenal
Sends Out Supplies
Koclj Island, 111., .Tune 23. W
v r sup
I""' i" i no siaie iiiiitr in tieing con
centrated in the several states, are be
ing sent out from ,, Island arsenal
in large ipiantities. All of the rail
roads centering here are receiving
large consignments of equipment and
arms and are being shipped in ear
load lots to the state camps and to the
border. One of the articles manufac
tured at the Rock Island arsenal is Mid
dles and cavalry equipment and the
fact that. 50.000 horses have been
ordered lo be purchased for the use of
the state troops means much of the
supplies must come from the local
While much of this Cioipeinnt has
been stored hero and has been packed
and made ready for shipment for such
an emergency, the indications are that
every department of the big arsenal
will soon be working on rush orders
for more supplies, if the Mexican sit
iiHtion continues t be critical.
OurWart Ads are
Aforth GowirAtoutBecaug
tbeyarcbound tobrwtte
Results uou want
Try One lo-Morrow
The Rifle Its Influence
In American History
D. Wiggins
From that bright October morning
in 1102, when ascertain Genoese sail
iii -of tin tunc sainted the banner of
Castile with salvoes of musketry on
the sands of a little island in the Ba
hamas, the taint of gunpowder has
dung to the nages of the story of our
history. 1 he investigation of some ot
the clouds of smoke may prove inter
It was the crash of a cannon fired
from the leading vessel that announc-
1 to the expedition that the end of
the voyage was reached. And it was
the thunder of the arquebuses that
filled the hearts of the gentle inhabit
tants of the island with, awe, and caus
ed them to pray to the "God of thun
der, as they christened the weapons,
not to sluv them.
Jts pretty safe to affirm that if the
Conquistudores had depended on cold
steel we wonldn 't be here today, for
the sudden death dealt by the fire
tubes of the strangers was a potent
charm to the Indians. They decided
that the holders of such fearful wea
pons were gods, a belief that was soon
Fussing from the Spanish gold seek
ers to the F-nglish home seekers of
Massachusetts and Virginia, we still
find the gun their main dependence
for food and protection against sav
age beasts and men. The I'ilgrim is
invariably pictured as going to church
with his fusil over his arm, but
when ye scribe sneakes his Winchester
out of doors on the Saliliath he is nev
er asked what the text was.
The rifle as we know it did not ap
pear in nnv great numbers iu America
till the dawn of the IHth century, the
first crude model being brought trom
Germany, und subsequently improved!
till the frontiersman was satisfied to
trust his life to it in nnv danger. The
most noted of the arms, of those days
was the Deckard ritle, made by Ju
lius Deckard in a little shop in Penn
sylvania -
The first forcible injection of
American shooting into national af
fairs came in the colonial wars with
France. The borderers on both sides
appear have used the twisted gun,
as it was called, with deadly effect on
their antagonists, and the eagerness ot
the Kuropcan troops to charge the
buckskin clad men became noticable
by its absence.
Perhaps the most noted body of men
in the French and Indian War was the
corps commanded by James Rogers, and
known as Rogers Hangers; their fume
as fighting men was second to none in
North America. Their operations were
principally on the northern New York
frontier, ami the French held them ill
great fear. A tavorite exorcise among
riflemen of that day was the splitting
of a bullet on the edge of a limiting
knife at fiftv paces; the execution
done bv such shots is belter imagined
than described.
And (hen came the Revolution.
This struggle impressed upon the
civilized world the fact that a back
Woodsman equipped with his rifle was
a good person to avoid when seeking
trouble. Man for man, he was far the
superior of the flower of European
Morgans Rifles, a Virginia regiment,
was composed exclusively of dead shots
and on the marksmanship of one of
them, an risternian by the name of
Tim Murphy, rests a large amount of
the credit for the victory at Saratoga.
I will explain the statement this way:
The battle of Saratoga is recognized
by all historians as the turning point
in the struggle for independence, and
the loss of General Frazer was the
fatal stroke to tho British arms.
Frazer, a Scotchman, was the direct
ing genius of the expedition, Aid to
Burgoyne, he was the man who miulc
the plans for the great inarch, and at
tended to every detail. His was the
guiding spirit, for he appears to have
been the only officer of ability, in tho
whole command.
During the fighting Frazer was di
recting the movements of his men
from an exposed position w hen he was I
niticed by Benedict Arnold. Arnold I
seems ot have known Frazer before
the war, and to have recognized the;
fact that upon Frazer depended the
fate .'(! the day. Riding under the tree
in which Murphy and another were
sniping the enemy, Arnold told the lug
irishman to tiring down ine ninccr no
pointed out.
. , i ... l ..1 1 .1 I
.Miirpn use.i a n'-.i... .....
.'it a heavy iiouoieo nar-
rele.l rifle of English ii.niio tore.
With this weapon he shot I'r.r ei at a
range of four hnndi". yards, ml lie! ing
a mortal wound. Deprived of their
leader, the British surrendered '
American success was assured. So to'ri,,ilt j imm f ;H
Murphy is the credit that our boys do.i,Tnn .-0 Lances,"
not lie iu unknown graves by the ( an-1 (. . i
ad s. "Somewhere in I-ranee.
In tliose days aiomuintioii was senrcel
ami cpensne, iiuisM-i ...... ..... .......
as smai ns. aiio inai emuo-iii m
toi ian. Ivlgar W. Nye, says it was n
fiequeiit and joyous sight to sec in.
.New hnglahd peasant loaning . ii.iuge
with the red brother at thirty yards,
The Father of his CoiinUy was n
magnificent shot, a he oi ins mos
a tren
Mired heirlmmi
Kasleiii Stall's today. He is sai.l lo
have I.e. n aide to le.l.l out a musket as
an ordinary man would a pistol au.L
slio.it well willi the heavy arm. j
The rifle, 1 may state here, was ,li-
hod from the musket m 'hose
dav- bv the fact that it vv :
rni-he.l '
with grooves cut in the inteiior of the
barrel, thus g. vini: a ivvi-ring iic.iioii
to the bullet. This gave it the yrel
English Expect Trouble
With Clyde Laborers
London, June 12. (By Mail) The
labor troubles on the Clyde are over
for the moment. '
That, there will be further strikes in
this big munitions making district is
not only feared, it is expected.
Opinion in England today is divided
as to the real reason whv some 3,000 1
workmen, at the most critical period !
ed' the war, downed tools in defiance
of the government and despite the
patriotic appeals of their own labor
union; but there aw few who will dis
pute th assertion that the situation
was sadly mishandled by the author
In the first place the fact I hat a
strike was on was concealed until'the
last possible moment.
Then, insteirtl of acting with vigor
under the acts of Parliament which
forbid striues in munitions factories on
any ground whatever, and promptly ar
resting the offenders, tho government
compromised by merely deporting the
ring-leaders to another district.
That these men were not given a
public, trial is resented as much by
workmen generally as by their asso
ciates. Such a. trial would doubtless have
brought o"t the underlying causes of
the strike. The charge has boon freely
made that German influences, including
German money, w'ere responsible. This
is hotly denied, not only by the men
involved but by lnbor leaders generally.
It is much to the credit of organized j
labor in this fount rv, however that the
strikers have been roundlv denounced
by the responsible heads of the labor i
Even those
labor leaders who nre
avowed pacificists, like George Lans
bnrv. have condemned them.
"Wo pacifists," says Lansbury,
''dare not interfere with the essential
supplies needed by the army and navy
until the nation gives the word to
'stop tho war'. It is simply murder to
send men out unarmed and improperly
equipped. It. is our own flesh and
blood in the trenches, and at whatever
cost, we who remain at home must do
nothing to hinder them."
Lansbury ascribes the troubles on the
Clyde chiefly to lack of sympathy be
tween employers itd. workmen, similar
to that prevailing in the South Wales
One of the most radical, as well as
most troublesome, labor leaders befol'
the war was Ben Tillett, of the Trans
port workers' union, who in tho lasl
few months has been going up and
down the ootintrv preaching patriotism
and loyalty among his fellow workers,
and urging them to join the army.
Few men have been more bitter in
titcir denunciation of the action of the
Clyde strikers, but even Tillett has
been uble to see "the other side" of
the question.
"From the point of view of the men
the trenches," said Tillett today,
accuracy of which it was capable.
The musket was without these grooves,
and was not dangerous at over one
hundred and fifty yards. All muskets
iu use today are rifled, however.
During a long period the tide of
emigration was pouring westward, and
the hardy pioneers depended upon the
rifle to feed them, and also to ex
terminate the Indians and dangerous
animals. Boone, Sevier, llarind, Rob
ertson, anil others of their ilk were
not men to waste a shot when a miss
meant the loss of their scalps.
As it is the fashion among the mod
em writers to jeer at our achievements
during the War of 112 would like
to call their attention to the battles
in the Ohio Valley, notably
tense of Fort Meige and tli
the de-
bat ties
at the Thames. Both of these engage
ments were riflemen's fights, and cer
tainly refute the statements that oui
men were ilriven like sheep.
Tho shooting nf the Americans on
the sou was in no whit behind that on
land. The English navv sustained its
first reverses since the davs of Van
Tromp. While we lost several vessels M have a pair of the old guns brought
liy capture by English fleets, I only to Oregon by the pioneers, and am hen;
know of one that was taken in usiuglejto say that the mail who would pack
shin action. That one was the brigi"1"' " those old crowbars clear from
"Argus", and that was the result of
j .nine defective iimmiiiiitioii captured
i from a British prize, and used in the
buttle between the privateer
" CeiiiTfil Imtl mill, " find tli.. .'lent
" '
I ;r ,;s , uars kins ii the harbiir (if Cava
w,s ,( Kr(l,(t ,,.,,,,. ; v., j' f
N(Hv , .,.lms it j,nV(, .i.ksnn time
j() ,,is ,,ef,.WK ,,.aily liefore the ,-
riv) ()f .),.!,, V(., f,,;.t wj,i, p;niou-
. i,nlll ,., T)., iv ...... f ,i.:M
story found in j
by Caplain .1.1
,,JV Orleans is a familiar tale to nsling this period. Colonel Her. Ian 's corps
n. ,h(. tn;l,), ,,.,rt v BIIB mowed j of rill n was armed with Sharp's
,(.,, ,v n,. i,uc k -sl I no la d inilitianicii
IioIiiikI the breast works, and a inn -
) jor i t v of the dead were hit in the
..(.,. W(.M .;, M1.r,. .:ilen heard
, 1)( ,,,, .,ff.m. he remarked: "With two
j ,,.), regiments could march through
.;r,, ,,.' .irl n who were diiv-
),v ,,.,v t , t'l.-s were the
veteians of Wellington's Peninsular
,,..,,.,,, , t, f ,). -itisli Km
p;,,.. ,
Tlll, M1,x, 1;.,,j,,n ( ,.:Un the quality
lm., ,..ni tjn(, Mexico.
tjn,,run, fnuu recent developments , ,,.
. lr 1 1 1 i r-
expel linenlei s
.lescclldent-.l First ill the TcXIIII
ic v olut ion and then iu 'Mi and '47 tlo
wiaili of the dingoes wa.- written in
lie plains and niouulnins
"this strike was a crime little less,
perhaps mutt, terrible than nnird.-i.
Viewed from the standpoint of the na
tion, no worse calamity could befall us,
not even a German defeat. But we
should not be led too far on the path of
"It should bo remembered that those
men had been for twenty months work
ing at full pitch dav in and dav out
Long hours and overtime have been
the rule and not the exception. Body
and brain alike have been fatigued.
"Weariness due to physical strain,
temper due to the gt'iiyness and monot
ony: of their lives made them fit sub
jects for the promptings of revolt. At
all the works there has boon the natural
friction due to stricter discipline and
more rigid forms of organization.
"Between the managerial department
of the works and the military and naval
officials there has been further fric
tion, and this has reacted on the men
" Reallv a revolution has boon taking
place in this industrv, andthe man
agent as well as the authorities have
failed to recognize it. Old established
industrial conditions have in many
cases been uprooted and abolished.
"The term "dilution ot labor' moans
little to the lavmun; to the engineer it
means the slinging to tho winds of
half that he' has spent his life in guard
ing from the attacks of the employer,
The iinpetitude and incapacity dia
nlnvod iu adiiisting affairs for the
skilled men under the new conditions
of einplovinoiit have boon lamentaDie.
"There has been a practical refusal
to carry the wages ot the skilled men
no to the rnies tnur ie new cuiioiuonn
; . 1:.
would justify; while compared with
them the unskilled have been paiJ un
justifiably high wages.
"Besides these, things, tho unfound
ed charges of drunkenness and slack
ness preferred by the Liquor out no
Board, and the continual misrepresenta
tions of the men's case by a section of
the press, have driven thousands of
,mn.l workmen to bitterness and
"On top of all this, the managers of
tho works, the military nnd naval au
thorities, tho responsible trade union
officials, have all ceased to be forbear
ing and tolerant. TVir tempers are so
ragged that they tire continually on the
verge of hysteria. They .'are becoming
almost incapable of calm and reasoned
Tillett 's prescription to remedy the
present discontent on the Clyde is:
cut down ruthlessly overtime and .Sun
day labor; adjust wages according to
skill and ability quit nagging the men.
"This discontent is not chronic," lie
declares. "It is merely the result of
blundering administration and unfair
adjustment for which all parties art
to 'illume the workers equally with the
em plovers.
"To raise the cry of pro-Germanism
is as crazy as it is false."
of our turbulent, neighbor. It is said
tlia.1- the Mexicans hung every Amer
ican they captured armed with a Mis
sissippi Yager, an arm of deadly ac
curacy, and at that time the best mili
tary rifle in tho world. Their .reason
was that the possessor of one of those
amis was probably the slayer of n
good many of their countrymen. Hauser
Brothers have one of these guns ill
their collection, an old musket with a
brass patchbox iu the stock. It would
be an interesting narntor if it could
speak, doubtless. .
About this time came the Colt revol
ver, an arm that cause, 1 some unknown
genius to say that, "God made some
men big, and some men little. But
Colonel Cull made all men equal." The
I American lias excelled all other na
tions in the use f the revolver, and
the exploit of Walker's men in N'icar
augua in capturing a battery of artil
lery with their ( olt revolvers only, is
without equal in military annuls,
The emigration to the Pacific coast
brought tiie American ritle into play,
I both against the game and the Indians.
the. .Missouri River to the Willamette
was SO.MK hero, all right.
The civil War brought the, oiiestion
j of accurate fire liefoie the public once
more. There were certain corps on
..flllOtll Sides tllllt WOI'C Slirll CMIIlisilC
'""'(.snieii mat they wer ver
I charged, nliei trenched, bv the
enemy. I recall the Pennsvlvania
Buektnils, so called from the fact that
(heir badge was the tail of a bock l
pinned to their nips, as one of these
It is not generally known that the
term " Sharpshooter, " ,,riginn ted dor-
rilles, and came to be, called "Tier
jdan's Sharpshooters, " and tho
persists today.
( A number of the guerilla bodies of
j the Southern army became very expert
I in the use of the revolver, doing nfoM
of their fighting with this weapon.
.Voluble were th nminiuls of Mosbv
and 'uaiitri'll. A very common prac
lice for these rough rulers was to go!
lop at full sj .I iu a circle around a
1 1 eo. an. I euiptv their revolvers into
the trunk without missing a single
The day of the repeater dawned dur -
ing the war, and Henry and Spencer
repealers proved their worth in the!
hands of tlioii-iiiids of marksmen. The
weapon that could be fired sevi
Homer McKoy once wrote a prayer, and among other things he said:
"Teach me that sixty minutes makes one hour, sixteen ounces one poto'd
'and one hundred cents one dollar.
"Help me to live so that I can lie down at night with a clear conscience,
without a gun under my pillow, und undaunted by the faces of those to whom,
1 have brought pain.
"Grant, I beseech Thee, that I may earn my meal ticket on the square,
and in doing thereof that I may not stick the gaff whore it does not belong.
"Deafen me to the jingle of tainted money and the rustle of unholy
skirts. "Blind me to the faults of the other fellow, but reveal mo to mine own.
"Guide ine so that each night when I look across the dinner table at my
wife, who has been n blessing to me, I will have nothing to conceal.
"Keep ine young enough to laugh with my children and to lose nivself in
their play.
"And then, when conies the smell of flowers and the trend of soft steps,
and the crushing of the hearse's wheels in the gravel out in front of niv place,
make the ceremony short and the epitaph simple:
"Hero lies n man." Toledo Rotariaii.
sixteen times without reloading was an
invaluable possession to the soldier.
The Spanish-American war proedto
the world that Yankees still could
shoot, and the action of a certain ex
president in shooTTug a fleeing Span
iard in tho back occasioned great coin-i
inent. and siilmiariue tleots, nnd the destroy-
Xovv, in this day of turmoil over the er Whipple were to sail at 3 p. m. for
water, we as a nation have almost for-! Mexican waters. Both ships have filled
gotten the use of the rifle, humiliating! their bunkers to capacity and taken on
as the fact, may be. And to remedy , tons of fresh vegetables, meat and olh
that. fault the ' Salem Kifle Club has : er stores.
been organized under the- uuspicos ofl Mail to all vessels in southern wutrs
the Spanish War Veterans. ,wero taken on the Milwaukee.
Krag rifles are issued by tho gov-1 T,u; destroyer Stewart is expected
eminent, and a certain amount of am- 'le,, u ''ay or two. Orders sending
munition for the same is given ,.,eh I l'''rr s,,th to join the fleet ore expected,
year. Medals for good scores are also:, Tlu' 011,n Dakota steamed yesterday
awarded to successful shooters. Anns ! 1 r"m Ronnertnu for San Francisco and
and ammunition can be purchased l,v 1 ss" N""- The Maryland is to follow
the iiollvi.liinl if ho so i.iefei s ..1 !, ' a f t er a short interval.
nominal cost.
.Membership' in a rifle club demands
no military training or service, nnd no
ones religious convictions are in clan
gor. The members do not even have
to shoot unless it is convenient, but
we do not expect much lliiuntliiitii.il to
be discarded because no one wants to
shoot it.
There nre about ouo hundred and
five members at the present time, and
it is expected that this number will be
increased as our intentions become bet
tor known.
I may say here that oiir executive
officer," Alva '. Mitchel, shot, five
shots in n two inch circle at n dis
tance of two linn. lied yards recently;
this is probably the world's record
for a. military rii'le. The new members
will be instructed by Mr. Mitchel and
we look for a number of record break
ing scores on our range this summer.
The father of our Country was
taught to ride, to shoot, and to speak
the truth. And if we follow his ex
ample I think we nre as a nation doing
pretty well. Don 't you.
Associated Advertising Clubs
Meet In Convention
Philadelphia. June 21. With a
lainor that should have disturbed the
tactitiirn composure or Billy t en u s
statute topping City Hall, the van
guard of ov er KI,I)0U delegates who w ill
ittend the convention of the Associat
ed Advertising clubs of the world hit
Philadelphia today.
As each delegation rolled into the
City of Brotherly Love it was met at
the railroad station by special commit
tees and luass bunds and escorted with
loud acclaim to its hotel. Before
night tall it is expected il.iioi) of the
"liveliest and pepperiesl " ad-nien of
the country will be In complete pos
session of the city.
Delegates from eveiy slate iu the
union and every larg and small city
of the eouiitiy will tall, advertising to
day, while awaiting the formal open
ing of the six day couv eni ion tomor
row, when religious services will be
held in over a scon, ot' churches to be
Billowed by a great. Inspiration ser
vice at the Metropolitan opera house,
Tne scene of the world's great
"business gabfest" will lie two of the
country's foreuiost educational insti
tutions. The dig general meetings of
the convention vvill be held iu the
( 'oiniiioreinl Museum, itself a store
house of knowledge, while the twenty
two depart mental gatherings and enn
t'erenees. of which there will be about
thirty, will lie In-1 I in the various
buildings of the I'niveisilv uf I
sylv ania.
The entertainment pingiam for the
delegates is toe lllie-t elitboiate ever 111'
iniige.l here. Nothing in the way ol
expense was spared.
The women visitors, niiniliering
about J.doil. me provided I'm- as well
as the men. The Poor Ki.hai.l club,
host, will endeavor to scud the visit
ors away from the city with the a
vowed intention of returning vvlienevi'i
the opportunity presents itself.
Two ot the gieate-t attractions of
the week will be a spectacular pageant
Monday night and another ncld on the
Schuylkill river Thursday inglit. In
addition there will be military and
naval niaiieitv ors a t Fianklin field and
League Island navy yni.l, sight seeing
tours and excursions lo every place
of historic interest, of which Philadel
phia abound-.
K. I. Cliarleswoith, road siipeivisor
ill district No. .r 1-2. has completed
mil. I work in his district for this year.
Six hundred loads of lock was used in
improving the si retell from the Sam
Brown pi to a point just above Bon
nie Skuife's place, a distance ot' I , ! H 1
feet. At cither end of this iniOove
incut a liberal supply of No. 3 rock was
olaeed to orotect the main macadaui.
TH. only accident happening was when
B rock 'flew from a blast, traveled a
long distance nnd struck It. G, M user on
the leg, hnuu I six feet and spent its
to force on u milk jar. While
What the Navy Is
Doing To Assist
"sin Diego, Cul., June 23 The cruiser
Milwaukee,, flagship of the destroyer
A Standing Rumor.
Washington, June 25. The navy de
partment today took cognizance of h
report that Japanese warships are in
west Mexican waters, when Secret my
Daniels instructed Admiral Wiuslow on
the San Diego at La Paz, Lower Cali
fornia, to investigate.
In making the announcement of this
move, Daniels snul:
".Such rumors have been current t
numerous times and have always prov.d
Sails for Tanipico.
Norfolk, Vti.. June 23. With a do.
laehiiient of const artillery from Fort.
Monroe on board, tho U.S. transport
Sumner sailed from Newport News to
day for Tanipico. Oil the return trip
the sliio wilt i.nrpi' .I,..,.;..,. n
who have fled to' the const to esiuue.
Carranza soldiers and will land then,
at Galveston. The transport Meade rod
liufort are also being made ready -m
"I have lna jored iu dairying lore
and am going home to continue the
dairy business on our farm at Pleas
ant Hill, l.nne county," said I!. La'id
of the Itllii class at O. A,
Mr. Laird has strong faith in 'ie
possibilities of the dairy industry in
the Willamette valley It is conduct
ed ns n part of the general farm. eg
pluu carried on on tl illlil acre famdy
farm near Pleasant Hill By taking
advantage of his college, training Mr.
Laird hopes to be instrumental iu 'Ic
velopiug a great dairy herd and a
still more profitable dairy industry on
the faun.
The dairy herd at present consists
of Guernseys and Jerseys. Mr. l.a-rd
is very favorable to the Guernsey ns :i
type of dairy cow suited to conditions
In the Willamette valley. He describe
Guernseys as gentle, hardy and of s'e
sufficient to be worth u little more
than .lersevs when sold after tceii
milk career is ended,
fie considers that ho is fortunate in
having this opportunity to pursue his
chosen work under condition so tv
oralde, ami returns to his home an en
thusiastic dairvmaii.
were broken Mr. Mosor realized that
something had' hit him. sjlveiton Ap
peal. Discover TODAY wUt
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